The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER THURSDAY JANUARY 19 1956 RUTH WEBER IS All Outdoors Bids for Plain Dealer Medal as ield of 12 Winds Up Competition This Weekend Swiss Turners Determined to Avenge Loss to Soviets Ruth Weber EX AIDE TO COACH RIVALS came were Sutherland Named Mentor Pipe at Washington State I BEND CUT j1 Babe Minshall Pushes Measure to Ease Passport Logjam reshman Cage Race Results! Today's Entries and Selections A Hi 114 Thlno oUy lift IBM tun? If would go up from what 760 400 740 reports Tip Up located entirely Houghton Lake plenty of warm 580 660 caught a big mess some pickerel at declared himself the pressure he Emery of the Klares 3 60 620 280 380 6 60 3 60 3 80 360 240 300 300 650 540 450 490 3 00 condi of the week in the Michi 4 30 4 80 1020 650 3 30 Swiss unde ios 116 108 offered by the fivc and hat natural their citizen the the and get 160 300 2 60 4 40 1370 750 630 380 3 20 440 690 820 240 260 2 80 YOU 4 90 480 2 90 News 109 Um 2314: 600 Cavoli Restaurants Stars and Sylvia Wene former national" singles cham pion will appear at a polio bene fit next Saturday at Lake Shore Lanes in Ashtabula The Council composed of representatives of the CBA CWBA and the BPA meet tomorrow at 6 pm in the Man ger Hotel the man he succeeds Alton Kircher Sutherland 42 an old blocking back at the University of Southern California went to Washington last March as an aide to Johnny Chprhprp and was sacked amid a Perry Wins Events Bob Perry of Shaker Hejghts High won the 200 yard freestyle and 120 yard individual medley to spark the Red Raiders to a 44 33 swimming triumph over Cleveland Heights yesterday at the pool Newton Baker Junior High 29 West High 27 30 of VELDE RUN WASHINGTON Jan 18 Rep Harold Velde (R Ill) a former chairman of the House Committee on Un American Ac tivities says he will not seek re election in November edged 1200 We Welcome Cfiarge Accounts enn Mermen Lose to Kent State Avictory in the final event the 400 yard freestyle relay gave Kent State a 47 35 swim 560 1000 710 Action ror Open Every Mon Tues i Sat Till 9 fur: Deep caught about 400 perch and 20 fair sized pickerel near Rattlesnake Island one day this past week Tiedeman saved only the larger perch Jumbo lake perch were running about one out of eight in the perch catch Leonard Hengenius and his wife Carol of 4921 Norma Drive South Euclid caught 30 fair sized perch in three fishing at Sonny Lammers on Sandusky Bay ish hit from 8:30 to 11:30 am then slacked off for the day Jim and Lad Kimi and ank Simecek of Mount Pleasant Rod and Gun Club of perch and Put In Bay Newburgh Team Hits City High 450 470 1210 (a)Some 1 Aviva By PHIL GOULD1NG Plain Dealer Bureau WASHINGTON Jan irst moves to break the US passport logjam which plagues overseas business and pleasure travelers were made in the CHARTER ISSUE BACKEBBYCL 22346 LAKE SHORE BLVD NEXT TO TASTY SHOP RESTAURANT fur: Rare JD Gal 105 Overwhelming Majority for Amendment Irish olksongs Delight Throng A concert of Irish folksongs in Lakewood Civic Auditorium last night netted more than $500 for the benefit of the Mount Augustine Training Center of the Sisters of Charity of St Augustine The Irish estival Singers on their second American tour delighted an audience of 1100 in a concert sponsored by the West Side Irish American Club whose chairman rancis Michael Sloan estimated the net pro ceeds Crowd pleasers in a program dominated by Gaelic airs were "Three Lovely sung by Sylvia O'Brien Claire Kelle her and Kitty Corcoran and "co*ckels and by the male choir The training center will sup ply nurses for St Vincent Char ity St and St Hospitals The sisters also oper ate Parmadale St Edward Home and De Paul Infant Home REAPPOINTED well known IBM CORP PR 1 6050 2045 EUCLID AYE CLEVELAND 15 0 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES World's Leading Producer of Electronic Accounting and Computing Machines The Quarter Century Ten Club will hold a busi ness meeting and elect officers tomorrow at 5004 Stor er Avenue at 8:15 Walter past president CBA is now managing West Park Recreation 2 so 2 TO 200 trk The Cleveland ederation of Labor last night by an over whelming majority endorsed the charter amendment de signed to raise some 3 million dollars The amendment is up for a vote at a special election eb 7 Delegates were urged to get the members of their locals to regis ter if they were not already registered "We would like to have them registered not only so they can support the said President Thomas McDonald also for later in the Approval of the amendment by the delegates came after a question from the floor as to whether labor hired by the city would share in the proceeds by getting substantial raises "If we demanded that money go just for wages citizens might vote it down the employes would explained William ine gan the executive secretary have never turned down a inegan went on we have always benefited by thertj We have had no raises in two years down there (mean ing city employes) because there has been no inegan was appointed as the representative on the citizens advisory committee seek ing passage of the amendment A proposed 17 increase in Blue Cross insurance rates led to bitter debate that ended with the body approving earlier ac tion by the execu tive board and trustees who Sun day said Blue Cross needed a raise fur: 110 Vl May 1 io Bam 116 105 AD DIRECTOR TO TALK A joint meeting of the Pur chasing Agents Association and Sales Executives Club will be held tonight in Hotel Cleveland Principal speaker will be Gene lack of New York sales coun sel and director of advertising for Sunshine Biscuits Inc He will discuss "The Time Is Now" House today by Rep William Minshall The Cleveland Republican in troduced legislation extending to t'jree years the period for which a passport is valid Under existing law it is issued for a maximum of two years and may be renewed for another two rances Knight director of the passport office estimated that the proposal would cut her record workload by about one third Minshall has two major ob jqptives: Elimination of the multiweek waiting period citi zens now must endure and re duction of the divi sions operations cost Longer Term Opposed His preference was for a more drastic a bill extending passport validity to five years and renewal time an additional five The State Department however informed him that it would fight such a measure and there appeared to be no chance of it passing Chief objection state officials to five proposal was ized citizens lose ship if they spend three years in their native countries away from the United States or five years in any foreign nation Nearly one million passports have been issued in the last two fiscal years Eighty seven per cent were renewals Minshall pointed out that this Has neces sitated supplemental appropria tions for the office thousands of houra of overtime for employes and long delays for jitizens awaiting action Cites Peak Day In one peak day last June Mrs Knight's staff wrote 3100 passports checked 4000 and dis patched 3500 During the last fiscal year it processed an aver age of one every 15 seconds of every working day By cutting down he tremendous number of renewals Minshall's legislation would alleviate this situation Minshall noted that travelers did not mind a delay when they planned ocean crossings by ship long in advance but that Europe was now less than a day away by aircraft The long processing time he said now made a dif ference Minshall's interest in what he termed an situation was sparked by Plain Dealer columnists William McDer mott and Philip Porter and by the realization that residents of his district required congres sional assitancc in obtaining prompt passport service to which they were constitutionally en titled DIGEST AID SONGBIRDS THROUGH WINTER The BPA singles tournament ends this weekend with the lead ing five men and ladies at each site advancing to the rolloffs to be announced later Cfeve Telco Tools and Maibach urnitures are slated to battle it out for the state five man match game crown soon on a hofrie and home basis PD Pin Leaders Bill Plautz Jacobs A League 289 Art Mcarlin 20 Grand Home League WOMEN 245 Sophie Cetinsky Twenty Grand Kegler Singles avorable ice fishing tions will make this one busiest angling ends for many Ohioans Lake Erie district and gan Hundreds of ice fishing shan ties will dot the ice of Sandusky Bay and around the Lake Erie Islands as record crowds take advantage of the thickening ice and improved fishing Many Buckeye residents will also head up into Michigan to take part in the sixth annual Tip Up Town ice fishing festival on Houghton Lake The Houghton celebration starts tomorrow and winds up Sunday This is a community roundup which aims at having the most fun out of ice fishing Don Boyer general chairman of the committee will be on the ice of There will be fishing shanties for those who want to fish The rest of the three day program is arranged for informal family fun Ralph Dietrick reported his air ferry services from Sandusky and Gypsum to the islands car ried more than 500 ice fisher men last weekend Un their re turn from a fishing around Put in Bay many fishermen car ried up to 45 pounds of fish Ossie Tiedeman and his sors Ronnie of 14305 Sylvia Avenue College Swimming Kent State 47 enn 35 Oberlin 45 Case Tech 38 Ih ANNIVERSARY SALE Nationally amous Makes of troduced and special singing duet performed Sounds Like Alps or a few moments the audi torium sounded like the Swiss Alps as the clear voices of Rita Roschacher and Ernst Lecmann showed the same precision with yodels as the Olympic team did with its gymnastic feats The entire company here from Switzerland Also on the program William Knobel Swiss consular agent here and Werner Hirs Swiss counsul for a four state area based in Cincinnati The gymnasts included teach ers federal employes two auto mechanics a technician a paint er a bookbinder and an office worker The coach is 43 Team members range from 24 to Among them are a pair brothers from Zurich Suits Topcoats SAVE 20 30 40 Sale Begins Today Jan 19 1956 560 Suits in sizes 36 to 46 Regular Shorts and Longs Big Reductions on ell National Brands of Haberdashery Sportswear and Shoes NBA Results Rochester' 108 New York 103 Bnston 95 ort Wayne 90 Minneapolis 105 Philadelphia 94 390 250 360 Mos Take Trophy Honors Babe TAMPA la Jan 18 The Ladies Professional Golf Associa tion announced today the establish ment of an annual trophy for tour nament play in honor of Zaharias S30 580 Lynn 3 60 3 no a an Consolidate jjern RIPLEY Warran Ripley Cleveland sportsman and mem ber of the Cleveland Police De public relations divi sion has been reappointed to tjie Ohij Wildlife Council by Gov rank Laucshe for an eight year term Ripley was appointed to the qouncil last year to finish the unexpired term of Beet ham Cleveland industrialist who bad served the old wildlife com mission and the council for over 14 years before his retirement He has been president for sev eral years of the South Cuya hoga Sportsmen's Club and is a member of many other sports men's and conservation groups "Amazed" st "We did not specify how mucli of a raise Blue Cross should have" said inegan The body was told by McDon ald that if hospital workers were paid what they should be nospitai rates a third or a they are now inegan at said was being applied on be half of the employes of the Hertner Electric Co where 140 workers struck Aug 1 The strike was called by the Independent Electrical Workers a union ousted by the CIO on the allegation of left wing tendencies "A Baptist preacher called on me just the other day to have the truck drivers pulled out at Hertner" inegan went on He did not identify the preacher Hertner is continuing opera tions despite the strike CIUC Picks Merger Unit The Cleveland Industrial Un ion Council last night named a seven man committee to meet with a similar committee from the Cleveland ederation of La bor to work out details for merger of their organization Placed on the committee with Louis Eiben council president and Patrick O'Malley regional director of the United Automo bile Workers and Ohler United Steelworkers' district di rector were four other top offi cers of former CIO unions In the area Others on the CIUC committee are Morris Riger Textile Workers regional di rector Tony Sapienza Brewery Workers Gene Wysocki urni ture Workers and lorence Graham Communications Work ers A motion calling for the ad dition of Dietrich Council executive secretary to the com mittee was defeated on Diet own request Delegates approved a recom mendation by Dietrich and Wil liam Lightner Council rep resentative on the board of the Cleveland Hospital Service As sociation that they hold off tak ing any stand on the proposal for a rate increase un til a study is made Houghton Lake Weekend Ice ishing estival Draws Many Ohio Anglers Spectators 7 wo Michigan leers Suspended ANN ARBOR Mich Jan 18 (2P) Two University of Michigan hockey players Mike Buchanan and Wally Maxwell have bten temporarily suspended from competition pending an investi gation of alleged abuse of their amateur standing Michigan Coach Vic Heyliger said today Buchanan and Max well both Canadians have been charged with working out for three days each with profession al hockey teams while still high school students in Canada He said the charges state that Buchanan and Maxwell accepted expense money during the peri od Eastern Hockey Johnstown 9 Washington 8 By ED CHAY Ruth Weber who in five short years has realized ma jor success on the bowling lanes is in a good position to win her first city match game championship a cherished goal of every bowlerette in the district fifth in the field of 12 and with a closing surge this weekend at Playhouse Square Bowling Center she could rocket to the top Thus far Miss Weber has sur prfsed herself "I never thought I would get this she con fessed last night This is Miss fifth try at the title and Plain Dealer diamond medal and the first oc casion she has qualified for the title round Hard work has been responsible for her success Sho bowls in two of Cleve land'! top leagues the Ladies News Classic at Linsz Superior and the Major League at Play Mor Lanes In the former cir cuit her 187 average leads Miss Weber has a high back swing in her delivery which gives her ball a lot of sweeping action This campaign is by far her best in every respect Last season she won the CWBA singles championship beating Mrs Stephanie Balogh in a playoff She also helped the Urban Realty team capture the city crown and two seasons ago she teamed with Mrs Tess Johns current defending match game champion to take the city doubles title Probably her biggest thrillwas performing with the Cole urniture team which won the championship in 1952 Her alltime high game is 285 1 and 685 is her best series The last two sessions of the series finals are carded in the morning action starting at 11 and the windup Sunday at 9:30 Pairings for both days will be announced to morrow Some of the Soviet most dedicated opponents dis played their muscle last night in Masonic Auditorium Though they are from a neu tral nation Switzerland the 11 men who make up the Swiss Turners have their own reasons for special preparedness Until the 1952 Olympics in Helsinki inland the gymnastic team had been Tested for some 35 years At Helsinki they were out by six points out of by a Russian team They are determined to regain the cham pionship this year in Melbourne Australia Displays Coordination Proceeds of their 21 city tour of the United States will help pay their way to the Olympic matches Half the proceeds will go to the United States teams Sponsored here by the Swiss Gymnastic Society of Cleveland the team gave a demonstration of physical coordination ranging from progressive pyramids on the parallel bars to a comic se quence on a high bar Horizontal bars ahd a piece of gymnastic equipment called the side horse aso were used in sev eral evrciscs Between acts guests were in 380 3 60 380 Neighborhood 2 40 360 1 1) on Marline's bv Lou Gale TECHNICIANS ELECTRONIC or ELECTRO MECHANICAL To Learn Maintenance Of IBM's LARGE SCALE DIGITAL COMPUTERS AND ELECTRIC ACCOUNTING MACHINES ftaeepttonal opportumtle available for Electrical Engineer Tech BAcal School graduates with Electronic MUltan Training or equivalent experience company with 41 yean steady stable employment and unlimited opportunity for advancement Your future will be what you make IL Ltben i employee benefit ull salary with expense allowance while receiving specialised factory training if you are between 21 and 30Mwitb Electronic or Electro Mechanical badigrouxxd eon tael BOTTOM I MESH' HARDWARE cloth Screen) OR BASKET or most birds suet is a BASIC HEAT PROVIDING OOD DURING COLD WEATHER A BAS KET MADE ROM A SQUARE SCREEN AND NAILED TO A t'X 12' BOARD CAN BE HUNG IN A TREE OR WIRED S' ABOVE GROUND TO AN OLD PiPE DRIV EN IN EARTH (PREVENTS THET SUET BV CATS SQUIRRELS) Less desirable but simple is merely wiring a chunk of SUET TO A LIMB OR HANGING rr WITH WIRE IN A TREE Once begun dont quit feeding BIROS RELY UPON IT UNTIL SPRING 380 320 a 60 Delight Mint Branch 5 20 460 Blue Blches Amateur Cage MUNY Royals 43 Blossom Boystown Lithuanian A 34 St Agne 26 ruriit oi tut jum House 34 Tubeform 32 Cohrm 31 Lakeview Terrace 35 Comets 29 Celtics 26 Olmsted alU 24 MidJets 32 Trojans 28 SENIOR Avon Rar 44 Pnvals 49 Ed Stlnn Chevrolet 53 Cleveland Sllents 44 Cotton Club 41 Cory Cardinals 30 Independents 50 US Marines 4 0 CYO Immaculate Heart of Mary 46 St Wende Un 40 INDUSTRIAL A White Motors 55 Schrader Co 43 Warner Swasey 44 East Ohio Gas 38 CYO GIRLS St Cyril 17 St Boniface 12 18 St James 15 St Christopher 26 St Raphael 14 St Charles 40 St Christopher 4 NACA Panthers 39 Instruments 30 Supersonic 44 Rockets 17 Jets 31 The Herd 29 SEAA UAW AL 35 Maple Heights 26 Laurentlan AC 4s St Stanislaus 34 Mayflower Bar 35 Arrow Realty 34 LAKEWOOD Meats 67 Tais Gourmet Shot 44 Westlake Spartans 46 Royal Town Royals 26 Ten Pin Bar 46 ederal Reserve Bank 38 CYO St Anthony Home 31 St rancis De Sales 25 St Vincent De Paul 56 St James 19 St Ignatius 23 St Patrick 21 CYO St Vincent De Paul A 64 St Mary 15 St Tlmotny 29 Holy amily A 16 Immaculate Heart of Mary 53 Holy amily 29 St Lawrence 41 St Ana 30 Midwest Homes 31 Warsaw Sausage 27 95 Cafe 41 37 Parkwood 46 Epstein Construction 42 4 ALCOA Browns 40 Tigers 37 Indians 31 Yankees 28 Sales 37 Maintenance 29 Ccke 37 Cuyahoea 28 DEMOLAY Parbrock 40 Lakewood 30 Denbrook 30 27 Brecksville 39 Krenkel 23 Selynma Jets 49 Saints 0 Bedford 34 Cleveland 6 Willoughby 41 Heights 32 PULLMAN Wash Jan 18 Jim Sutherland who was bounced out as an assistant football coach at Washington during a player re volt came up on the rebound today with the head coaching job at ming triumph over enn College i Washington State College yesterday at enn WSC picked up the deposed back Andy Kleinschmitz de field coach of its cross state feated Mid American rival and signed him to a three Conference champion rank An jyear contract at a reported salary derson in the one meter dive of $12000 a year $500 less than Tvilixvoa UAC9 Licet VVlLlcn berg today at enn 300 YARD MEDLEY 1 Kent (Thompson Rlejler Hai 3:274 220 YARD 1 PaMOh (): A (K) 50 YARD 1 Anderaon (K): 2 Mayle (K) 3 Smeailte (j 262s Mhedrow 115 lrtt 114 In Deep 109 latrock 113 Willy NUly 115 1 Cocoa Al 112 Galiklit 114 Red Sultan 110 ighting Wise 117 Post Paid 113 Dram Paises 110 Main Speaker 115 Good Cheer 110 Bon Zevial 112 Mucho rio 115 Deep Wonder 116 $1600 cl maiden 2yr 2 fur: Blue William 115 Scapa Bid 118 Iona Joe 118 Purple Lady 115 tOranie Bloom 113 rank Code 115 Burr 118 Eileen oray 115 Deep Ravine 115 Boy 115 Melton 116 Danger Cue 118 Breezy Night 118 Ayrtt 118 Indian 113 Diamond Joy 115 Choppy 118 lashy Rag 110 $2000 Opt 4yr Up 6 fur: Nother Speech 115 Ormazd 108 Tumbling After 110 falRIr Liri 119 iGrand Tempo 107 Mischief Miss 109Hatfield 116 Restraint 110 ()B1 Heart 114 Duity Blue 106 Slater Bigger 110 UiPadd'Jck and Grtis4n entry $2500 1H 3yr 8 fun: Le Chill 112 Judge Ray 120 aAndrolt 102 Pit Away 112 Colonel 112 Make Perfect 112 Royal Honor 112 $2500 all 4 yn up 6 fur: Make Ready 113 My Prefemce 116 Mon haro 1 IT ast Charger ill reneh Bley 113 laiKInr Shannon 1)7 Andrew 119 Bobbeiie 108 (ajTexu Bulldog 115 laiWilaon entry $3200 4 yr UP 1A mfOmyboy 112 Mill Neck 113 Bookworm 112 Hotel Man 112 ran Jr 113 Captain Bud 112 Diamond Ned 117 Red Ace 117 $1800 4yr up 1A John Jr 117 Cherished 109 'Twerp 4 4 113 109 Our Beauty 117 Boonce Back Dark Theat 119 Swet Infinity Barbareba 114 Top Guy 113 5 t7 f3 pound a a Weather clear track fast Hialeah Entries maiaen ayr 9 iur: Hltltlucky 117 Coba 117 Supper Money 120 Some Ctanlr 120 Rhoden 120 Gorilla 117 Sun Night 115 Raical You 120 Polished Brain 120 Scotch Roval 120 ab Pride 120 our In Peck 120 Beau Jer 120 Tee rank 115 Gpttemnow 120 Presented 120 Imaieoflre 130 Howi About 117 8ECOND 1500 el 4yr up AllrEd 118 Tlo TttO 118 AMhMnre 113 Malabar 12 3 Haaly Boy 118 Hiya Saltor llh Bd Pat 113 Try On 118 Platter nuts 113 Celtic Spirit 113 Halt Donny 118 Growler amous Corner 113Big Mister Illi Palwlre 118 Tacaro 133 TIHRD iaSOO cl 3 yr 6 fur: An kylia 116 Changed Hands 116 Dandy 106 Atesa 114 Helen's Mont lit Runny'! Bit 111 Hotspur 114 omelet Boutfle 111 Cloi Dane HL Glad Valley 116 ftMtmert tan 106 Brother Beam Race By the Associated Pjtm HIALEAH Presented Rascal You Beau Jer Aiie Ed Assistance Tacaro Brother Beans Omelet Souffle Hot spur Grafton Street Viscount Mode! Jeep Noorsasa Deep Breath Rice Bird Mambo Dancer Beau ond Crack Down Sometime Thing Queen Hopeful Bleu Pat PRESIDENT RYAN At Sunrise Pasha Saied Blue Law Adrastus Doe Run AIR GROUNDS 1 ine ettle Jet Air Market Tip 2 Subjective Sulmari Elihth Venture 3 Broken Shedrow WlUy Nlily ighting Wise 4 Ionia Joe Purple Lady Burr 5 Big Heart Sir Lari Hatfield 6 Colonel Pit Away Judge Ray 7 Andrew Mon Pharo My Preference 8 RED ACE Diamond Ned ran Jr 9 John Jr Bounce Back Barbareb in (oua race) cuiuier rop Scarlet Jr SANTA ANITA zfrnnnel Marran PUanr Snn Wicked Wars Molka May La Viscalna Sonoma alls Pine Street Stepin Past AUGHILL Document The Chaplain Sweet Suxle Mephistopheles Queen Teresa Shea Quick Candy Dish Mrs Muriel Geitlculator Howdy Man Wine Bolt Michaels Ansel Pay Section Brooklyn Bum 114 Noble Mateador 114 On TneiocM in war acto iio aaz $4500 el 3 yr 6 Turee Jane 105 Hi And air 111 Vintage 110 Viscount 118 Model 114 Bit Mama 113 Olympia 1H fZrsrtnn CtrM 11 a th nr BaUyhooiey 114 Yankee Buckle 109 Re turned Ring Alter ro 114 Some Crown 108 Most Ardent 105 Easy Sweep 109 $9000 all 3 yr 6 fur: Rice Bird 109 Nooruga 124 Old Roman 109 laiPrlnceM Turla 110 Admiral John 109 Radio Rome 109 (aiDamarts 110 Deep Breath 109 Peter Parent 109 Nizami Blue 109 (a)Caiumet arm entry $5000 ail 3yr 7 fur: Crak Down 109 Topeka 109 JcMift Chic 109 Lead Seoul 109 Beau ond 124 Shag Win 109 Cedrus 109 Pete's olly 118 Heli copter 109 Malnpolnt 104 Greek Spy 113 Aliay 112 Mambo Dancer 115 Jones 115 $7500 all 4 yr Up filllee and mares 6 fur: Amoret 109 Delta 109 Bless Pat 109 Lasde Lea 112 Tout A 109 Miss Crow 109 Up Betimes 1U SAicnixee aoniume aninz Penny ortune 109 Precious Lady Sen a 109 Queen Hopeful 124 Esca 109 Godchild 109 Geometric 109 $4000 vr Pi faiMls Stymie 114 (a)Watch Air Lit tie Boo 113 Rlcoree 103 CodomoPaint Sated 111 Harry Kttiman SraalfUnt Rvbh 11 lliAft'a firm Overland 113 Greek Sword 108 At Sun rise 119 un ancy 105 lust Bill 113 Super Lady 111 Midway Rambler 107 (aiBellew Levy entry $3500 cl 4 yr U0 1A Chlval 113 Adrastu 121 Mister Dover 113 a)Irih Bea 118 Kokey 118 Blue Boy lift ine Buff 113 Blue Law 124 Share Abbey 118 Pogo 113 Welcome Guest 118 Doe Run 10 Helix 118 Shivers 118 Cloudy Day 118 Routh Conquest 118 (ajpotato Chip arm rmnips enirv Weather clear track ft Santa Anita Entries $4000 mdn 3 yr 3 Pn SnA 11 Vlhfr lift Current 118 Alcodon 118 Daddy Sol 118 Niloc 118 Velvet Sunaet lift Last Row 118 Bright Able 118 Pleasure's boh lie Al rzn iwck zn ri Genonel 118 Sliver Dust 118 Vlcen Mutiny lift Swirling Abbey Shoplacerwin 118 SECOND 34 000 3 yr 7Wicked Ways La vtscalna Open Mind 105 Ann Patch 110 Gal 110 'Ocean Life 108 Molka 113 Thunder Gal 110 Deana Kay Siar Pac 110 'Urgency 105 HO Dear Lady 110 Polly Cracker Lamar Cup 110 Qranma Manila 14 500 cl 4 yr up 1 mtKelly's Way 100 Marsco's Beat 112 Stepln Past 114 Solid lame HO Minx icf Harmony Bell 115 Salute Me 109 Sonoma all 107 'High Notion 13 Brewing Bebe 114 Pine Street 114 $5000 all 3 yr 6 fur: Pat's Rock 114 SOcop 3 D'Abcmon 114 Spinney 114 Mafostoutl lift Like Magic lift Said 113 Aurhlli lift Th Chaplain 118 Blaring Comet 109 leet ather 118 Big Uncle 118 Triple Jav 113 Document 118 Prince Of Grelne 118 $4500 cl 4 yr up about 6 fur: Leona Welch 109 'Heel Play 107 Snubbed 113 irst Trust 111 Sweet Susie 107 Pretideo 107 Dark Coco 132 Merryman 114 Smoke Ring 113 Queen Teresa 107 Gallant le 109 Beau Joyau 109 Bronze Age 107 01181 Date JO'J Mephlstophelee 116 lyfoata 107 $5000 ell 3 yr 6 fur: ftifthra Quirk 118 Chalk Vp 106 Cindy Dlh 111 IbiMra Muriel 118 falYutU 11ft Devil 106 Starlit? Abbey lift IbiRittksn 111 ie)La PaHMenne 118 Noors Queen 111 laiThreewilt tramM entry: tbiMolkr Trained entry (c)Mlllertck Trained entry $7600 all 4 yr un 6 fur: Blue Trumpeter ltd Rnuxh Cut 114 Hodv Man 111 Spa it an Jett 119 Ges ticulator 117 ull Time 114 oxy Red 111 On light 110 Gladtador 111 Cor riral 11 111 Wine Bolt 113 Dnn McCoy 14 ncnnr tsooo ort 4 yr up Neer Shore 113 AngrfelOft Covert Hl Dignitary in Brooklyn Hum 120 ay Section 115 Weather dear track fast 5 pounds a a 7 80 440 Zin Atal Ilian um Tenacious Ace East of Sue (fBoos Cash Silver Sea Ironhearted (f)Highway 2 fur GREY JET Duhon (b)DECK Guajardo UKEI aitr mauuriM Miss Boo Boo Golden Topaz Lafemme Duntreath Gift rbiDepth Gaines Aspasla (Diuame ana mxi muj 6 fun 115 ky rainbow Coffman d60 PREEN Lejeune leet Aillne Noble Whilly Lucky To Liberty Top Dutcch Gal 6 fun 1:1454: (diUJUUB BELLE Heckmann 340 380 (dh)DELlVERY LAD Armstrong 440 00 A KE rLolr Kind Moud ancy Bull WUI See la Gal Tick Best Story idhlDead heat for win 6 fur LAMING BLUE Heckmann 1100 500 DARK BUSTER Nelson 460 WDawney elda Rushing Tide Mountain rx Olia iioiiy Aina 6 fur A ASTOUNDING MUuea 1160 5 30 bcjOPal Nelson 4 30 isoTRDPE Armstrong Want a Bit Duntraath Mlu 1'4 l57 RED WAGON Madden OflO AITHUL RING Bopara LITTLE DON Nelwn The Minor Honey'a Reward Slo Moe Itlleld Hialeah Rejulh WMdhwre'i's Si io SYLVIA'S HOPE Bouimetl 1140 Malvale RPW Song Star Studded Yourgal Manmoco Bold inesse Salient Bill Wiggle 8111! Doll Juniper Lovely Hiiuy SECOND 1 A me RESIGNED airbanks 25 So 1130 BRAVELY WAVING Atkinson 780 Crystal Magic' Raise the Roof Swamp Theater est de Pa Ultimatum Iwar Amaze Big Billie Golf Gal DAILY Lady Joy and Resigned lu at pain third tor 1:11: NIVRAG Brook 710 GELIO Guerin GREY ALCON Hartaek ivneroerK anu vva bcivneu ouuu 200 YARD INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY 1 Riegler iKi: 2 Berndt 3 Landgrabe player revolt in November ''one meti4 1 Kieinachmita Some 33 players had protested 3 t'nrnnT'rr nnocnrnir rrinu Mik When the storm was ever Cher berg was still the head coach and Sutherland was fired He said at the time he felt he was made a and that there was "poor on the squad before he ever arrived rank Sospirato bowled his second 300 game in three weeks and his Newburgh urniture quintet established a new sea son city record by smashing a gigantic 3504 series in the George London Traveling League last night at Boulevard Recreation a 42 ear old kegler who is averaging a lofty 213 in the loop hammered a 782 series He opened with 265 added 217 and then rolled 12 in a row It was the second perfect game of his career both rolled at Boulevard His first was shot on alley No 3 and 4 the hottest slides in town and last came on No 1 and 2 Since he won a Plain Dealer prize with his first 300 he is ineligible again this season The Newburghs blasted games of 1168 1160 1176 to blank Twenty Grand Lanes In addi tion to 782 Danny Toronski shot 771 on 279 266 226 and Rolli Cresante came in with 246 257 Bill Plautz who hamrriered a 300 last Monday in the A League at Jacobs to snare the lead in the division of the contest paced thp Twenty Grand entry with 237 229 Ernie Kovach led A A A Ebonites with 205 243 It was the fourth sanctioned 300 rolled at Boulevard this season three in open play Mrs Sophie Cetinsky dis placed Aria Wyant as leader in the division shooting a 245 game in the Kegler Singles League at Twenty Grand She tallied 663 fo rthree games and 852 for four rolling 245 182 136 189 on a 193 average Mrs Stephanie Balogh who shot a whooping 901 last week fired 891 with games of 228 226 222 214 300 GAME HELPS PIN TITLE THREAT y04 MARK air Grounds Results IRST 1 it 1:5054: MISS NINABorgemenke 640 340 COLONEL SUN Heckmann 5 00 xrlazn Junior ifDukie Boy (f)Sammy Boy Atalaya Seven Times Colonial Belle Gypsy cruei SECOND 6 iur 1:18: uioer nrn aa aa 0 1 Rft CHANNEL GUIDE Wallace 2900 10 20 LITTLE VAN Heckmann ighting Andy (f'Asha Syrian raluxe Swiss Sis Dorothea if)My eraid Judith Ann Prairie Pearl DAILY DOUUBLES Mlsa Nina (DMiss Dip paid $204 00 6 fur 1:15: GOLD LASH Bright 1840 BULL HIEROCLES Miguex GIDDY GHAYCE Heckmann High Lama Dee Dee Dee 340 340 a Tir TrnMrt Treat Great Blase Bucball Collins Mr rtawiey 6 fur 1:10: NANTALLAH Brooks 370 LUCKY ITEEN Guerin TV Inrtriftn rH1 nHe Cnnr irt OnK Bry Sunnydene Commargo Tactical Hello Rita 6 fur TRE'lTONIAN Moreno 670 3 80 310 IND Guerin 500 440 PRINCE NOOR Adams 4O (a)Danger Quest The Posse Careless Mix Closed Door Salmon Peter (a)Bicarb Coburn's Wish ull lliht Mohammedan (a)Schenck Bleber entry 1 1:46: TNNISHOWEN Adams 11 0 746 520 RUNNING WOL 10 30 740 2 Anderson (K) 3 Bingham (Ki 645 Cherberg'S ivviAKD i naas 2 King (K) 3 Smeallle (l 1:003 200 YARD 1 Schultz: 2 Winter (K) 3 Thomason K) 2:405 440 YARD 1 Warned () 2 Tmel (K: 3 King 5:55 200 YARD 1 Land grabe 2 Bordenkircher (K) 3 Ker ner (K 3:023 400 YARD REESTYLE 1 Kent tate (Haas Riegler Anderson Mayle) BLACK EMPEROR Brooks 14 60 Roman Battle Sagacity Sherpawn Irish Ccbbler Bob Austin Point of Order Macbii Santa Lucia 6 fur 1:09: GLAMOUR Atkinson 1000 280 (aiDARK CHARGER DesplrttO 260 230 MYRTLE Hartack 830 Busher's Gal Miss Atlas Bonanza Miss Gay Life Pink Tea Miss Julie (a)Toumure Golden Bay Louise Bril Levee Lady Paradise (aiKellogg Branham entry 1 1 UP Adams 1020 ALTRUISTIC Smith mm mrTv Laourche ugitive Lord Jeff Bonnie ete Irishforluek Hug UP Mitlpo Lethnot Easy Mae IH 1:52: JOHN Ussery 1100 500 370 ROMANIUM Atkinson 380 310 OUROYAL Brooks 550 Calgary Turgueneff falAgreed Shining Star (b)Chateau 'alHritop Springlike fbiBruce Dover Doll (aPennyvtnla arm Rlvera entry (biWoodriew arm Roa set entry ield Santa Anita Results 3 fur :33: GREEN ROMAINE Longden 740 WENNYLIN Arcaro BLUE DECADE Wettrope Slrn Paul' War Chooee Up Smart Asa whip (i Tune Speedy Bond (a)Cural Darlln laiBloss tralned entry 7 fur 125: MAROONED Gibb 17 60 800 SICKLES REWARD Tanlguchl 1630 LYING ATLAS York The Swede Ton' Pie aKH Jackson Kool Kid Endonner Run vvvc nr vsuue jkrrKita THIRD 7 fur 1:24: MINUTE MINDER Longden 1050 LYING VENTURE York MORNING WATCH Entrusted Nooriand Cover Down lent Maid air Heir Thunder Boy ASVA firn: mrat 1 2:28: ALACORTE Tanlgueht 1070 490 TEE MAN Valenzuela 410 CLASSOWA Longden She's A Bang Bemmore Cornu lorence House Two Second Bull Clear Out Donnacona Pursuit ITH 6 fur 1:11: HANS SACK Longden 720 390 RIGHT DOWN Tanlguchl 480 WAITING GAME Roland Nabesna Tex Author Kingly Pancho's Cover Hobcaw Sage Wirt Line 1:38: WEEK END Arcaro 1370 LEURLEA Uwli AuntiA nrLL nnoemaKcr rosty Dawn Clpria Carry The Jovie Tobyanne 7 fur I 33: COUNT CHIC Boland 2860 10 80 JOHNNIE MIKE Arcaro 860 PLACER Pulido 4 ftO latLucky (a)Moblle Terran Blan Hoit Blue Ralah Nearly Will of Allah More Glory Gorrloncillo Third Brother E1GHTH 1A 1:4 5: RESH MEADOW Gibb 5020 3150 1030 AND Q'S Tanlguehl 680 3 60 HALCRIN Weltrope 420 Matinee Idol OM Mill rappe Dark Khal Golbwood Trip Blowdown On Train Right Bright air Grounds Entries 1700 cl 4 yr up mi Sandras Baby 107 War Tycoon 113 Golden King 113 ine ettle 115 Prince Rival 115 Cracklre 115 tPhll Qusgllno 105 Hasty Girl 110 105 Bag gage Riy 115 Thy Delight 107 Market Tip 115 Jet Air 119 Tomebamba liftLone llot 112 Bright Answer 113 Eocene 1)0 Gwen acsimile 116 $1600 el 4yr up 6 fur: Subjective 121 Sulmabl 115 Eighth Ven ture 110 Taftla 113 Steersman 115 Landmark Blues 114 Twenty ive 119 Volt jr 113 Pine Bough 107 rare Takr 113 Hustle Cal 116 ine eathers 108 Brilliant Paul 115 Bygone Dsn 115Casey's Hope no Air Courier 115 Date line 110 Knotty Paul 110 $1700 c' 4 yr up 6 furtJump Tuns 116 Bet Happy 115 Broken Plain Dealer Staff Photo A Comedy Routine in false whiskers and red and white costumes highlighted the appearance of' the Swiss Turners Switzerland's Olympics gymnastic team here last night fur 120 270 300 350 Line 800 260 Girl Em and 3K? if a Izre 1 I ni fevWaM fl (50 STORE OR MEN I a.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.