The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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18 SPORTS THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASS TUESDAY MAY 4 1948 SPORTS 5HOE5 Mitsomi mitK or yraw raeitw to hk SMART MEN KNOW THE SECRET BEING 1236 MAIN ST Successful men in all walks of life wear TORS" These amazing Height Increasing shoes look and feel like any other fine shoe yet instantly make you almost 2 inches TALLER So step up to all the things you want try on a pair of "ELEVATORS" "Tht Start of omozs SHOES Tht Oripaal and Gttivine ilEVATORS A i Bt I fl 1 1 1 1LLL 4 18 Sandlot Circuits Are Plenty of Enthusiasm as Daily News Leagues Are Organized Organized at irst Meeting Six Leagues in Each of 10 12 12 14 and 14 16 Classes Are Ready for Start of Play irst Week in June Chicopee Teams Meet Tonight Perhaps the greatest organization meeting in Daily News sandlot baseball history was held last night at The Daily News offices when no less than 18 leagues were organized six each in the 10 12 12 14 and 14 16 divisions This however is only the start of organization week Other leagues will be formed tonight at a meeting to be held at Chicopee tomorrow night the Palmer teams will meet Thursday night the Thompsonville boys will meet next Monday the Holyoke managers will have their sessions and next Tuesday the Westfield clubs are to meet to make their plans 18 Lea cues In AU It was encouraging io the Tourna ment Directors to see so many adults at last session The young sters who play in the sandlot leagues during the summer months need all the help they can cet from the adults and the men who give of their time to help the boys are helpful not only to the youngsters but to the city as well There is no healthier spot than on the baseball diamond during the sum mer months Clean outdoor sport Plenty of exercise the keen spirit of competition and the early learning to take defeat as well as victory in stride all oes with sandlot baseball JIM KONSTANTY HURLS SYRACUSE TO TIE OR TOP ormer Local Hurler Allows but Three Hits to Toronto 11 A SflMt' JflK JMBHL flw3i rt fls a '''flL I I''HIIO 7 fllHHflbMre 'k s' Tdlllw i SIR rBSHi akv 5 'w (Dally News StafC Photo) This photo shows only a portion of the group of youngsters and adults who attended last night's Daily News sandlot baseball league meetings Most of the managers pictured above have teams entered in the 10 12 division The meeting was a most enthusiastic one and all of the managers and coaches present expressed the feeling at a high pitch with all of the teams ready to swing into action the first week in June when the sandlot leagues officially swing into action Other league meetings are slated for this week in Chicopee Palmer and Thompsonville A total of 18 leagues were organized last night six in each of the 10 12 12 14 and 14 16 divisions P' 1 I I bSbv bBEIJx L'if IBB a It is hoped that the Sandlot Direc tors will find the same enthusiasm among the youngsters and adults alike in the other cities and towns as was evidenced at Inst night's opening session The six 10 12 leagues organized last night were the Mutt Watters Tom McCarthy West Side Midget Ed Cunningham Joe Collins and John Sullivan circuits In the 12 14 class the six circuits which will he In operation this sum mer are the Liberty Heights Junior Tom Murphy orest Park Junior Dorey Miller Ludlow Orchard Junior and West Side Junior The 11 18 leagues organized were the Billy Southworth Itabbit Maran ville Hill Senior Orchard Ludlow Senior Joe McCarthy and Leo Dur ocher leagues A few of the managers did not turn in their players lists last night but those who failed to do so must send in the complete list at once so that the lists may be typewritten Each manager will receive a complete list of players for each other team in his league as well as a complete schedule for the season Meetings for the remainder of this week and for Monday and Tuesday or next week all start at 7 and the managers are asked to have their complete lists ready to turn in at these sessions Tomorrow night is Palmer Thursday is for the Thompsonville entries next Monday for Holyoke and next Tuesday for Westfield i Complete lisf of Teams Hero js how the different leagues will line up for the start of the big event the first week of June: Jit 12 ItlVlsiOV Mutt Watters League ruth Eliza beth Cubs ruth Elizabeth Braves Blunt Park Cubs Holy amily Aces Nathan Bill Cubs and Puth Elizabeth Aces Tom McCarthy League Ludlow Bluebirds Ludlow Lion Jrs Cub Scout Pack 40 Orchard Buick Aces Ludlow Atomics and Wilbraham In dians West Side Midget Nine Arawam Rangers St Thomas Nims and Sacred Hearts of eeding Hills Ed Cunningham Mercury Midgets Syracuse took advantage of a Mon treal layoff and moved into a pace setting tie with the Royals at the top of the International League standings The Chiefs hunched a pair of tal lies in the bottom half of the eighth inning to down Toronto 2 1 Jim Konstanty was the winning hurler for Syracuse setting the Leafs down with three hits The Syracuse victory coupled with a Montreal Jersey City postponement enabled the Chiefs tn move into a tie for first place wiih Royals Both teams have won eight while dropping only three No games are scheduled in league today Konstanty is a former Springfield (ELY hurler Dodgers Midget Rifles Lady of Hope Red Sox Jrs and Calhoun Cubs Joe Cubs Longmea dow Rifles Mt Carmel CYO Holy Name Midgets orest Park Tigers and enamore Braves John argoes Clayton Bulldogs Babe Ruths Brightwood Wildcats West St Braves and North End Red Sox 12 11 DIVISION West Side Junior Agawam A Acker's Cycles Agawam Junhighs West Side Aminoches Agawam Wild cats and Sacred Hearts of eeding Hills Ludlow Orchard unior Wilbra ham Mohawk Jrs Indian Orchard Eagles Aces Ludlow Ori oles Tornadoes Ludlow All Stars Dorey Miller Emily Bill Aces rench Club Aces Brightwood Orioles and Calhoun orest Park Junior ruth Elizabeth Park Junior Aces orest Park and Mt Car mel CYO Tom Murphy Tine Point Redskins Adams Jr Panthers Blunt Park rangers and Hill Raiders Tim Reagan Legion Tost 430 Ar mory Tigers Lady of Hope and East Springfield Rifles lfi DIVISION I co Durocher Acawam Braves Sacred Hearts of eeding Hills and West Side Rangers (One more West Side entry needed) Joe McCarthy Spa Na than Bills Mt Carmel CYO orest Park Aces Longmeadow Orioles and East Longmeadow Elms Orchard Ludlow Senior Wil braham Orioles Whipowills Wilbra ham Mohawks Jutetowners and Lud low Jayvees Billy Southworth Troop 51 All Stars Springfield Unknown irechiefs and Wilburs Rabbit Maranville Lady of Hope Calhoun Cardinals Sacred Heart Car dinals Brightwoods North End Tigers and Eastwoods Bob Peterson Clunkers Blunt Park Bears Adams Aces and Elks What was known as the Liberty Heights Junior is now the Tim Regan league named after old est and most enthusiastic baseball fan The Hill Senior is now the Bob Peterson named after the manager of the Springfield Cubs INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Sjracuse 2 Toronto 1 Montreal at Jersey City rain (Only games scheduled) Pct Montreal 8 3 727 Syracuse 8 3 727 Jersey City 7 5 M3 Newark 5 5 500 Baltimore 4 5 141 Buffalo 4 7 361 Toronto 3 6 333 Rochester 3 8 273 WESTERN MASS TRACK MEET ON SLATE OR 30TH Blunt Park to Be Scene of At tractive Program of Events The Massachusetts Track and ield Association will sponssor its annual track meet at Blunt Park on the afternoon of the 30th it was an nounced last night by Walter Childs AAU commissioner in this area The meet will take place at Blunt Park On the program will be the 100 yard dash the 220 the 440 and the SSO along with the one mile run five rnile run and a one mile relay There will also be the running high Jump and running broad jump The events are open to all high school college YMCA and amateur athletes Entries are now being accepted by Walter Childs Box 14S4 this city Track interest appears to be on an upward trend in Western Massachu setts and it is of com mittee to make this meet the best ever Early entries xvill be ap preciated LAST IGHTS Newark Buxton lit London England knocked out Jim niy Collins lloju Baltimore Nd (1) Sydney Australia Tommy lls! Sydney knocked out BobbsMaloney 15ftM Pittsburgh (3) Don Williams 113 Worces ter stopped Al I a Barha 147 Jett York (5) Iowistnn Jean Richards 127Montreal outpointed Paul 127 Lonell (10) Mw Waxen Irish Jimmy Rooney 125 Bridgeport Conu out pointed Johnny Y1 olgast 127 Phila delphia (8) Yew Buddy Garcia outpointed Chester Rico 139 New York (10) New York (Eastern Parkway) rankie Abrams 117 Detroit drew with rhil Burton IIP: St LouLMo (8) Holyoke Hank Barrow 151 Pana ma t'anal Zone outpointed Charlie Early 148 Boston (10) Providence reddy Rutso 136 Rahway outpointed Jackie Webber 136 Providence (10) Pittsburgh Lee Sala 160 Do nora a outpointed Sonny Horne 164 Niles 0 (10) Chicago Talmadge Bussey 135 De troit outpointed Willie Cheatuni 136 Newark (10) Omaha Neb Corky Gonzalez 122 Denier outpointed Joe Amaya 121 Corpus Christi Tex (8) Wiw dent ld fokind and mafkad kcks warking up Intfwd kava wifk wkiek and MmpbHly pulvcriiM a pH4 ks ONt OIRATIOM 7 fa 1 incka daap vH up and wartf in grata waadt mwun fraak aarafM tail bwurlng kiggtr baffar artpo up na Maattary raady fa planfl tha Gravely way aatft na murk latt In labor In wifk vt ef addraw and gladly and fall woan plow if for you A AV 1 Local Cubs Sharpen Batting Eyes for Opener omorrow Manager Bob Peterson Sends Boys Through Long Drill At Pynchon Park Which Is Nearing Completion all River Here riday Night for Local Opener S0L1NGER TOP ROOKIE OAL HOCKEY SEASON By GEORGE KELLEHER The Springfield Cubs had their first look at Pynchon Park this morning when Manager Bob Peterson had them out at the park for their first workout of the season on Springfield soil The park A at the present time but in a few days the layout will be entirely different for most of the work has been completed and the next few days will make all the difference in the world as far as appearances of Pynchon Park goes But Manager Peterson thinking about the park this morning He sent his players through a long batting drill the boys getting in their final licks before opening the New England League campaign tomorrow night against the Slaters at Pawtucket Will Have Bleachers Jack Sheehan president of the local club as well as head of the Chicago Cub farm system is working hand in hand with George Nosker the busi ness manager of the Springfield club in getting West St lot into shape for the opener here on riday night of this week when all River comes to town Seven of the eight light towers al ready are set and eighth and final will probably be all erected to day Sheehan expects to le able to turn on the lights riday night but there is still much concern about the corrugated steel fence which will surround the park in back There will be a hurricane fence at the front of the park and that part is easy but the corrugated steel has been held up en route and expected here today One other detail which will be lack ing for the early games at least are bleachers Jack Sheehan was em phatic yesterday in saying that the Cubs want and will hate bleachers in stalled at Park Despite ef forts for the past few months it has been impossible to purchase or borrow bleachers so the New England Base ball League season here in Springfield will start without bleachers As soon as they are available they will be in stalled MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS LEADING BATSMEN National League ab re Pittsburgh 12 45 11) 29 111 Edwards I'rooltlyn 8 26 6 11 123 Westlake Pittsburgh 1 1 37 7 15 105 Reese Brooklyn 8 28 10 2 100 Holmes Boston 8 28 6 1 1 393 American Txagiie Boinlreau Cleveland 8 33 6 16 185 Zartlla St Ixmls 9 31 I 15 111 Nia'irns New York 9 21 I 10 117 Stevens St Ixniis 9 31 4 11 112 nillingpr St I onia 9 37 9 15 405 Home Buna Sauer Beds 8 Krltner 5 Cnnper Giants I Williams Red Sox 4 Vieo Tigers I Runs Ratted In Cooper Giants 15 Sauer Reds 15 Williams Red Sox 14 Pirates 14 Cardinal 14 Lynn will pay their first visits of the season to Springfield Manager Peterson since arriving in Springfield from the training camp at ayetteville has learned that the other New England League clubs will have plenty of talent available but he feels that the Cubs will hold their own all the way probably will not decide on his starting pitcher for the opener at Pawtucket until game lime Here On riday The Cubs stay over in Pawtucket for another game on Thursday night and will return to Springfield immedi ately after that game for the opener here on riday The Cubs arc at home again on Saturday night but then hit the road again for Sunday and Monday games at Manchester II and Tuesday and Wednesday at Lynn The Cubs ill be at home from the 13th through Sun day the 16th when Manchester and Because of the late completion of Pynchon Park there has been no ad vance sale of tickets but the enthusi asm has been running high the past few weeks Should anything interfere with a riday opening here then it is quite likely that an afternoon game will be played against all River Sheehan says that with good weath er the next few days that Pynchon Park will open on a schedule with every convenience for the fans After this morning's workout the Cub players took a few hours to be come acquainted with Springfield To morrow morning they will travel to Pawtucket by bus hoping to make the 19 IS start a successful one GO XGAfEZ OVER AMAYA Omaha Neb May 4 Corky Gon zalez 122 Denver won an eight round decision over Joe Amaya 124 Corpus Christi Tex here last nlgnt Manager of the Springfield Cubs Cleveland Left Winger Edges leming Mackell of Pittsburgh New Y'ork May 4 Bobby Solinger youthful 175 pound left wingman who was one of the big reasons for the Cleveland triumphant sweep through the American Hockey League playoffs this spring today was named the outstanding rookie for the 1947 48 season Trophy and $300 Solinger was the first choice of five of the 11 coaches who did the voting He will be the first AHL player to receive the Dudley Garrett Memorial award named for the prom ising Providence Reds player who was killed in action while serving in the Canadian navy in World War II The trophy carries with it a $300 prize from the league The selection was made on a point basis with each coach voting for three players on a three two and one point scale Solinger edged out leming Mackell of the Pittsburgh Hornets getting 20 points to Mackell's 19 Ken New Haven Ramblers new comer was third with 14 Mackell and Davies each attracted three first place ballots Coaches were not per mitted to vote for their own men Solinger a native of Star City Saskatchewan scored 40 goals an un precedented total for a first year player as Cleveland drove to the cir cuit's western division championship during the regualr He contin ued his brilliant scoring tactics in Calder Cup playoffs getting seven goals and six assists to share playoff honors with teammate reddy Thurier AMHERST NETMEN TO ACE MAROON SQUAD Amherst May 4 The Amherst Col lege netmen meet their fourth op ponent tomorrow when they travel to Springfield to take on Springfield Col lege The Jcffmen will be playing their second game of the week having met Dartmouth on Monday Springfield will have the services of its captain and number one plvj er Crocker who figured in last victory over Amherst The Jeffs will have a tough match with this Springfield squad which has ha no setbacks so far this spring Dick Den Uyl has shQwn his ability to Jeff Coach rank Gillespie in practice and he will probably see action on the Springfield courts in either ths singles or doubles The Amherst lineun: 7 Bill Graham 2 Dave Rees 3 Chuck Keevil 4 Dave Solliday 5 Raul doSerio 6 Dick Steketee Dick Den Uyl k' 'e '7' sy jx Vj "S'Av'X 5 77 wlC7 a 7 'V? '7' 'S A 14 jflflUflP 7 RflflflBKfl z' 4 BOB PETERSON young manager of the Springfield Cubs who open their New England League baseball season at Pawtucket tomorrow night is shown here in pitching action Along with his managerial talents Peterson has skill as a hurler The Cubs have their home opener against all River slated for Pynchon Park riday night Peterson is due Io start as a bench pilot but he can take a mound turn or perform in the outfield if necessary JO JEAGUA Pesultsstandinbi AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results Philadelphia at Washington rain Others nofsehedulerl STANDINGS Games Today Detroit st Boston PC GH Cleveland fi 2 750 Philadelphia 7 5 5k3 1 St Louis I 758 New York 5 515 1 Detroit 6 7 162 2 Boston 5 8 475 2 Washington 7 7 417 3 Chicago 3 7 300 4 St Louis at New York Chicago at Washington (A) Cleveland at Philadelphia NATIONAL LEAGUE Results New York 5 Cincinnati 0 (N) Others not scheduled STANDINGS AV PC GB Piffshnrgh A 4 667 New York 9 5 643 Brooklyn 7 6 538 I'j St Louis 6 5 515 1 Cincinnati 6 9 400 3J Boston 6 A 429 3 Philadelphia ft 8 429 3 Chicago 5 8 885 8 Games Today Boston at (N) Brooklyn at St Ionls (N) Philadelphia at Chicago Others not scheduled Star Quiz Show Holds Some Big Questions Every Major League Club Seeking Answers as East West Warfare Begins Can Indians and Pirates Keep Up Pace? New York May 4 own big quiz show f*ckshape today as major league teams squared off in East West warfare for first time with plenty of ticklish questions to he answered Every club has contributions for the question box irst off folks want to know when will last champs the Yankees and Dodgers settle down to winning stride? Yankee Manager Bucky Harris wants to Jcnow if he will get any dependable pitching except from Allie Reynolds a thrcc game winner and only man on the staff to pitch a complete game Barris also wonders if Relief Ace Joe Page can keep up his incredible pace Page showed both weariness and temperament when he threw home run balls to Red Sox Sluggers Ted Williams and Vern Stephens then followed with a bean ball at Bobby Doerr in In AWAY It was a score walk to Bill it and has will get They have in the ma Jo6 McCar from Dave AM to A to SOUTH AJ LANTIG LEAGUE Greenville 19 Savannah Macon 5 Columbia 3 rM Cubs at a seven hit Two pitching job Koslo limited in a 5 to 0 Koslo who had only one against the Reds and five RED SOX ENGAGE TIGERS BRAVES ACING PIRATES Philadelphia at Washington game was rained out and no major league games ere son winners through yet and liis only DON'T SCRATCH YOUR HAIR victory defeats broke his jinx by outpitching Johnny vandermeer lees until the fifth when the Giants got three runs en singles by Jack Lohrke Whitey Locknian and Bobby Thomson and a Rigney Ths Cardinals topped St Louis 3 to 1 on pitching job by Jim Hearn runs In the seventh on singles by Del Rice Hearn and Red Schoen dicnst along with an error by Bill Nicholson gave Cards their mar gin The night other scheduled Suite 811 Stat Bldg 95 STATE ST Tel 6 5646 OICES COAST COAST Problem With Brooklyn manager Leo Duro cher's big problem is keeping his young kids happy 'There is definite dissession and there couldn't help but be a little with every position on the club except catcher and shortstop open When anyone breaks into the lineup he makes a terrific try to outdo his predvessor 'The result is too much pressing inconsistent erratic play Definitely not championship baseball Next big question is whether those early season surprise outfits Cieve keep up keep that A nd Boston Teams Get Their Tests Against Western Combines JOHN WARNER AND ASSOCIATES 11 your scalp i laden with dandruff may itch constantly and you mlaht scratch out a deal of hair every day Or if your hair Is dull drab or dingy these conditions may be caused by improper scalp hygiene You ahould consult us No case is ever accepted for trdcrl ment unless we feel confident that yo i will be satisfied with the resulfa ob tained There Is no charge or obligation for a private scalp examination and con sultation ees for treatment are ate and are payable as treatments are taken not in advance There ate separate departments for men women Boston May Manager Steve Detroit Tigers began a thrre game aeries against the Red Sox at enway Park this afternoon Red Snv winners of their recent ei with the New York Yankees wets looking forward eagerly to their first test against a western club The Ti gers are the Hub following two sucr esaive victorh a over the Cleve land Indians current leaders in tls American League 1 or PHitnll It was Manager Joe plan to send cither Dave erries Mel Parnell to the mound against Tigers this afternoon erris is in search of his first triumph of the season while Parnell has a recent shutout of the Washington Senators behind him Manager O'Neill of De troit was due to use young Art Hout teman as his pitcher today Although the Tigers hav jet to win a game on their home lot the team has done all right In road gimes and one of their recent victories was a shellacking of acc Bob eller With the Red Sox apparently rounding into form after dusting oft the Yankees two out of three principal interest in the Boston Amer ican League camp centered about trade talk whit was being hotly de nied ly McCarthy and general man ager Joe Cronin Reports that third baseman Johnny Peskj might be swapped for a ran able pitcher were termed fan'tstie ridiculous pure rumor nonsense and a few other things by McCarthy Cronin said it was atrang vnxone would expect a team to get rid of a player who has been top man hits Jn every league in which ever played Some observer said his consterna tion equaled that which ha displajed on other occasions when asked if Rudy Y'ork would be sold or if Mc Carthy would hired as manager In Pittsburgh the Braves nomin ated southpaw Warren Spihn for mound duty against the high riding Pirates in tonight's arc licht contest It will be a revamped Boston line up for this one Jim Russel and Geoff Heath who in preseaon specu lation were expected to put punch Ln the Braves' outfield will be benched for poor hitting Earl Torgeson will be sidelines with a sore wrist QICt HOURS Mee Wed ri 11 Seh land and Pittsburgh can their pace Will the Indians ting the home run punch netted 15 in eight games? Pirate manager Bill Meyer still great pitching out of his oldsters when the double headers pile up? At Philadelphia fans wonder will Connie fine young pitching staff keep carrying the load for a team that has averaged but four runs per game? If so count the in as a first division outfit Will the Red Sox other than Ted Williams start hitting? the lowest team average jors 219 Moreover boss thj' has gotten no help erriss Ellis Kinder and Tex llugh who were supposed to be big Hughson reportedly is Kinder thrown a ball erriss was knocked out start Giants Pitching Surprise The Browns above their level third place are wondering how long they can get 100 hitting out of Al Zarilla Bob Dillinger and Chuck Stevens or without it Manager Zack Taylor much else but ambition and hustle from kids gen erally not of major league caliber problems are a minor league infield except for George Kell at third and disappointing pitching from Hal Newhouser and Art Houtte man both expected to be big winners Washington has had good work from rookies Gil Coan and Al Kozar the team goes wild in the base paths and Sid Hudson's comeback is helping an already good pitching staff But there much else for manager Joey Kuhel to get excited about The White they just don figure Jn the National Manager Mel Ott has mason to wonder if he will keep getting tha good pitching that has com a does never could so unexpectedly because if he with the Giant hitting that lets up the Polo Grounders waltz in to pennant Cardinals Manager Billy Southworth of Bos ton is out tn answer one burning question when will the out field begin to hit? He benched Jim Russell and Jeff Heath for Danny Litwhiler and Mike McCormick who will join the 393 clubber Tommy Holmes the top batter The rest of the club looks olid perhaps brilliant with excellent pitching spearhead ing it Johnny Sain and Warren Spahn again look like 20 same win ners and Bill and Charley Barrett also have shown up well With the Cardinals it Is a question of when will somebodj' besides Stan Musial start hitting He i the onlj regular above 300 The Reds Phils and Cubs all getting good perform ances from rookies in kej positions lack solidity but should be trouble makers in a red hot race got another superlative laz night when Dave the Reds to four singles triumph at Cincinnati previous star Lefty Dave Koslo I of the Giants who won bls second same of the reason and broke a Jinx topping the Beds 5 to 0 on four singles for his first victory over them since the 1916 Gzjw' BLENDED WHISKEY Proof Gtiio Neutral Spirit kThrGiboo DiKilliBg ComptnNevYoik KYS I Tuts Thurs IlB.

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.