Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), April 25, 1857, p. 1 (2024)

s txm sb puatui stringt booh musk shrajitia kur works jonathan hahiim mnit fe jionlc prctukkt i her rvudail ftllurm l siiktsrii wuuhal oonnr pniiljinil ibe india old bm 8tli fimtrs lik mli- at fur 8l ruist ol- mt llilt ur ci julvinin kkttr 3 it i li aid nsrij timi remiimriure fii k ca l0 34 liv hr w i e genera coram honij sttttl f and wi1kk1y advertiser i volume iii a bblfreixijice is thb tr tbeoad t0 illdepexhice chatham canada west saturday aprill 25 185t t v0ne dollar and a hattj lw 1 1nvariably in ad vanys w il prospectus rnia provincial freeman nf aad weekly adrertuer lury as gary pudooqlass i p8badd twirrtinoojfrminwillbedcvotedtoanti- lslrf smion temiierance and general 1 jrvte t iu pe h column lo ibe view tsisi altfcrent polllical opinions reserving i g at a independent journal rf i ex- rson on all questions or proiecs aftecl ng hiawple in a political way and reserving alo is flfhlio express emphat le condemnation n all rifett kfis for their object n a great o isifs aeree hesubvetsionorthe principle fthbrrih constitution or of british rule in in rrojrttrcet natcmmitied to the views of any religious exclusively it will carefu ly observe the rlstsfevery sect at the same lime that a reser- ttan shal i be mde in favor or an existing dif- rtnee af pinion as lo ihe views or actions ol at scots respectively as an advertising medium as a vehicle of in- iintatian on agiiculireand as an enemy it jte ia any and every conceivable form and a isutbrtgdj morals il shall be made worth- f lh pttronag eef til public whetlur for iihlartalo receive attention mjktulor on b-isine- ms be addressed niwiia i d sho chatham c w- the proyijioial freeman rattd weekly advertiser v i rubii5iin bt saturday m0r5iho at thk nprur optrk pavvr xing v wst ojpiule the mirkel y ctutuall c t trsms hb dollar and a half intartaslt ik autarck ratbs or atvratislno a 3 e 4 10 i i lx la ten lines fiisi insrriion gteh sabseuent inneiliuu ter ten lines first invrtion ptr lint 0 kach subsequent insertion pr line 0 aifscotint allowid when advertisjiniuia f eanlintle i vr three month p merchants and others contracting for sce can advrtise ou alvaitageous terms iiy all aavcnisincnis witlioul instruction as imierigth ofiaer ii lis iusried until forbid sl ciargejaciiiliiisly iraimtikto office kinf slrert hsl opposite ihe market chatham c w the pllopillefors r rat p ro vl c i al ere em a x uutrm ihnir ffrlcnlsj u1 th public inn l1iiir inii tupplim with nil lilt krfjiittlfi tor in t icutin 01 tjtrry low ri nt ion of kctodiss pamphlets mtl nates ini9 cmmilans rvnkkal ietieus iabki3 invitation ca 11113 stetmtloat lltlls taobnillh concrkt tlllls marmo ailts law iilaxus btaxn ntl13 hank tllkiaiks snns pttomiissuky notks moittctoks mkliltlai3 e set ice satm7ilrislin ol iki tkrpkkss puinrinu in hit bst nd hiidsiiiibsi style wild sccurarjr auii deaptr ti prihtino in colohs and urozkt j law rrs3pejtlvu newspapers husscri bers who co nil gi e express notice it thss eantrary are considered as wishing it coh- tiaue iheir subscriptions it subscribers order the discontinuance 01 aeir papers the publishers may continue la sent lhem till all arrears- arc paid up 7 if subscribers neglect or refuse to take thei kpera from the office to which ihey are dirceteu y areheld responsible till they have scttlec aieir bills and ordered ihir papers to be disoon- linued if subscribers remove to other places without imfonning the publishers and the paper is sect lai the ibrmer direction they are held responsible george kerr wholesale and retail bakss ib heavy andshelf hardware cutlery fe f uoest november 33 1s55 30ly andrew henderson auctioneer and commission merchant no 32 yokos stnkst tososto references thomas clarkson esq president of the board of trade john robertson esquire messrs a ogilvie co messrs howard filch mesartvlt crawford ct co uiiarlesxexcher bookseller asd stationer tt kismryongevb tobonto british and american works iinporled and for sale ai ihe smallest possible advance uion the wholesale prices oh arltss march house sign anil ornameitlal painter graiiur otazier and paper ranker vaitver oilubil and class stainur no a kio stkit wrr mixed paints 1utiy enamelled and plain win- dew glass audlouking glass for sale at the lowest cash prices toronto luili anril ism 4 punctual v i tl j rblio wiy lit op pnilloklpbla ffuikhnablcboot and shoe jlfalcer no 63 king sthket wkst ml work warranted tube dune in a nupltjor style repairing a imturns and drspauk r un aiistoiiiicnl priiicipksj tratltn marrh llt ism x l kakuah co mrosrsks ass vsolxials dsalsks is groceries wines lvptors ns 15 dundas street london c w acxaaita it p dt adam crooks burristers-tu- law attorneys and solicitors wkllim1tok 81ltkbt toronto ulies- obtor 1dlu01n t n jp risola j9tntwrr pitbiilshers booksellers no t park bow ojtposiu astor house new york and 107 otneses strcst avibsira n v ch uillbrwm ortone mulligan democracy and christisjiity upon bcr lips nlnagith theblaclemahs cradle and awli babtei newborn iittbe market place for money this is harsh language but just such as tliey merit at the hands of every colored man- the devil will never get his own till he gets that wicked and guilty hn- tinn 1 1 i th diit s illisccllantotts brjcrttstmcnts no 40 jrferson avenue mr john willi a ms lias just fitted upliis splendid dining saloon where nil kinds of choice eutnbles cm be had at any hour superior drinks always onhand friends givcaciillandjullsiilis faction will be given irohnwilhtma detroit jan lolli 1857 -v3n2l-iy- adams houset ts now open nt no 38 jefferson avenue fur the nccimmbijiurbn uf col ored visiiora to this city cw ellis c a dams will do nil in tlieir powr lo make boarders comforta ble nnd give general sntisfactin cellis detroit inn 10th 1857 y3n21ly notice th e members of jones sax horn band are prepared to play for con- ce i balls celebrati fairs c on reasonable terms for information apply to f jones leader chatham dec 26th 1856 v3nl9 jj o c t r ij wl at makes a man a b jones batalkr ih groceries ami jrodccry ware no 31j dundas stuket ltiniidn c w jfire- cavlky camjsuon barristers c x chokcii srttkkt ueii tiur lo ilia court ilutiae tlltokto w1iium iaviby mattliriw jucttjks cameron vaxkouounet sc brother barristers attorneys 5- q olllkch strjlktj ortr thuy bank ancy twodjnrsoiiiir ol dt amlrfwslliiiicli ttiltom ii business directory stonettjusibnjlal uklrn in i iron nails tinware carpenters tools tbhljrsflnns bellows anvllsi pitlut- oh turpentine ud colors next door to d r van allens kinci atrkhr chatham c w chatham june uui ls5t 6in nut numfroii yearn noi lengthened hfr not pretty children and a wilt nut pirn tind clinirn and fancy rings nor any inch like trumpery things not pipe ciynror bolllcd wine not coats nut boots nor yela hat a dandy vol or rim cravnu not huu mts land or gulden ore nut all the worlds wealth laid in store nut mr rev sir nor squire with lilies that the memory tire nur ancestry traced b ck to will who went with normandy tu kill not latin greek nor hebrew lore nur thousand volumes rumbled uer not judges robe nor mayors niace not crowns that deck the royal race these all united never can avail tu mnkt a single man a truthful soui a loving mind full ol utjciiuii for its kind k spirit in in eitct and free that il- vrr bay beniia the knee tiirtt wiit iiur bear a feathers weight th slaver- chaia for btnal or great thht truly n aks from god within and ntvcr makes a league with bin that snaps the tetter dcpotff nuke and luvet the truth for iw own sake tharworrthiiwgodaiidhimajune and bouk no where butai his throne that trembles at no tyrants nud a sou i 1m t 1vais no one but god and thukcan sinile atcurse or urn 1libl the uul that makci a uiau mrs s vvilkins no 168 pine 6tiiekt phil vuklpuia nvtenbcr ibm 10 kf21w 1ev3ffr3mi im ttjk commercial buildings south side of dundas street opposite the marketj and lately erected by messrs mmre if ralph in view of the encroachments of slavery upon this continent the lawless and reckless spirit that it begets in the minds of all who are brought in contact with it and especially her majestys colored subjects to resist lo the last every innovation upon the conser vative pinciples of british liberty and bri tish rule in these provinces colored men should become as thorough- jyjiritisbastheycan we are opposedto all separate organizations whether civil po- litrcaf oreccte5ia5tlcsttuftt can have no other tflec tt hanl ira tofcrcatin a l u d cnlion fostering if not creating a spirit of caste here such as colored men are compel led to suffer in the unitedstates separate colored schools and churches are nuisances that should be abated as soon as possiable they are dark and hateful relics of yankee ncgropkbia contrary to that healthy social and political equality recog nized by the fundamental principles of bri tish common law and slould never be per mitted to take root upon britishsoil we know this is unpopular but we have counted the cost and since we have passed the jivpjcon we intend to-carry- the war- on in- riglitgood- earnestunlileveryl inieuft gent independent thinking colored men shall fully unde and con lhauhese things are not necessary here we have said this much in all deference to the opinions ol others for ourselves we would rather be right than popular confident as we are that time will fully vindicate the correctness of the posi tion we have assumed h p d aril rather than of good jjaoy of onr col ored people arepersoni of proptrtyand not- having the privilege of appointing there own agents their substance may be placed at the mercy of dishonest and of designing partiesr tlieir previously sointfj privileges are yet further limited and they are scarcely of independence of action in the smallest af fairs of business a consequence of such stringent enactments is the expatriating of a large number of colored persons mechan ics etc whorit the town can ill afford to lose they have determined upon chartering a vessel in the spring and emigrating- ih a body byond the confines of the unired states tampico being their destination we hope tbeywill bedissaded from carryinginto cf- feet a plan that wil eiile tbern front the local- ity where with scarcely an exceplion they j i though a question as to their constitunality can scarcely be raised we think although we have lieaid such such course suggested by several we can hold out a wellgrounded hope that the next assembly will so modify existing statutes as to render the position of the free colored people morebearable tjk jeaaworooa pakia wmtfa aatt thus litadi a flatning column ir r the decision of the sotheflvik court is the moral assassina tion of a mce ad cannot be obeyed we will sec if ever ih this city they try dmnhf th ift n an0o irishmen and 15000 qerrasns jjd french here most of them having been conscripts who suind ready to follow the newaj 3 marsjiiil cnpl ryndersand thereare2t- 000 of us americans who wilt look on nnd follow judge belts whenever capt rynders is resisted in serviliu a v sjifct cess or n process of the surketrjocodttot llw united sinlcstoiirriwr important move tue dred scott cask from the venango star a large and enthusiastic meeting of the democracy of this county was held at riceville on monday march 30th for the purpose of endorsing the recent decision of the supreme court in the jred scott case col kamer of irwin township presided several eloquent speeches were delivered by judge cooley dr weymar and mr t h parsons the following resolutions wcis offered hy jas f wool aud unani moiivy adopted resolvd that the democratic party lias always sustained the constitution of the united slates as interpreted by the fed eral judiciary hisolved that our confidence in the learn ing integrity and pntiotism of the su preme court of the united states is firm unshaken aodunbounded their re cent decison of thu dred scott case is en titled tolhe approbationand support ofjll who uphold the union and the constitution irvil thn lli rlaclr rjpuhlicnn chatham clothing hall au grocery establishment juti street ciiatii1m c w r8tplembergth 1b55 20t- clolbes made repaired cleaned dili w l humburt ilirould respeclfully announce to ihecili- w sens of windier and surrounding coun- try that he is prepared in make repair or clean clothinb at the shortest notice aad in the mot salufactory manuer having ssad ample experience in his line ol business in he cities of charleston scand boston mass he flatten himself that by diligence and itrict attention to basinets be will be able to please windsor c v scpi d 1851 35 npiie subscriber would inform ms old and numcious customers and friends that he has again idrjpjuaojoii h3oulaa3ssjjjb willi a large slid rtiltr new sick n dry goom groceries he lhnnk them for past favors and hopes to receive of them and the public at inrge a liberal sha of p the subsctnfer isdetermincd to sell as low as possible a b jones london jan 7 i85ti 36 new cabinet shop on colb0rne street adjoining charteris d baxters saw mill all kinds of furniture such as bed steads tables cupboards stands c ix can be had on the most reasonable terms charles ii ramsey chatham c v feb i ith lfxlti 40- 1 y the dlties of colored men in canada what ate the dutirs of colored men in these provinces who hare been forced here from american despotism ami oppression we shad answer this question ns frankly and at the same time as sincere as we think importance demands well then wc live in a overnient ihnt knows no casle in its political organization all men stand upon the broad platlorm of equality before ihe laws and are alike cured for by her majestys gov ernment it is as true now us il was when curran spoke those immortal words no mailer what complexion incomputable wish liberty anil j nil tan or an fncau suit niavltavc burnt upon him thr mnwnt h srts ms foot liritish sod nv is free he is protected in the enjoyment of t hat liberty the strong ami of the government is thrown around the week nnd leivnccliss this is monarchical enliud lroni hi pleaeingpiclureke turn lo ibcuiiliait hr republican goveiiiicnl of i lie ilntcd -uir- llial -s-i-lf- at eliops kin- and what arc its rcccitl decisions upon questions involving the liberty of her entire colored population why that none but while men were intended to be recognized as citizens iu the politcal structure of the government that negroes constitute the exceptions that they have no rights under her laws are aliens and outcasts upon her shores its a politcal maxim that we owe allegiance toa government just in proportion to the amount of protection given ifrijlits are the basis of loyalty and obedience to governments then the path of duty is plain we owe every thing tothe country of sur adoption aud nothing to thai miserable con temptible despotism the government of the inited statis who with the cant of liberty party by its malignant abuse of the vener able members of the court has shown that its real aim and object is to subvert and destroy the very foundations of this glorious republic col holland offered the following reso lution resolved that the state legislature be requested to inquire into the expediency of liquidating the debt of ihe state by the sale of all persons of color now residing in pen nsylvania col ii in supporting this resolution said that allough ihis proposition might at first seem to be a startling one yet a little reflec tion would convince every thinking man that tin plnn wasuotonly perfectly in accordance with ihe decision of the u s supreme court but was also perfectly feasible he spoke at considerable length developing the de tails of the proposed plan his remarks were listened to with profound attention and at their cnnilumon the meeting adjourned- uulil 1 lie 27th instant when final action will he taken on the resolutio w abstain for tin- present iroin any remarks on this new move ou the political chessboard rxciipt for hatbimonial happiness preserve the privacies of your house marriage state heart from father mother sister brother aunt and all the world you 1 two with goda help build your own quiet worldf every third or fourth tdie i whotn you- drawinwrit withyonwill fornm party stand between you two thut should never be promise this lo each other ronew the vow at each tamptntion you will find your nccuunt in it your souls will ijrew nsit were together and at lust they will be corneas one ah if many a young pmr had at their wedding day known thi se cret how many marriages were happier than alas ihey ore have mercy os the chilurkn the independent in an article on the physical de generacy of ihe american people sponks as follows the childs will governs to much if ihey do not chooso to go to bed they tit upi they choose certain articles of food they must have tliem pnrenls forgcttlhj thnt in slincl ia no safe guide i 1a child whateve- il m ty be in an animal sj we nee the n in this delicate organization keeping lute hours when they should go to bed with the birds nud eating hot bread pudding and cuke and drinking tea and coffee to the jnfi- nilc detriment of nerves and stomach the injury thus early done can never be repair ed as n machine constructed at first can never be made to run faultlessly this is the secret parents should know that instinct is no safe guide to n child par ticularly when the child is surrounded on nil sides with piisoned delicacies to aska child nt a modern table what it will havo nnd give it what it asks for merclybccause it nsks for it it is a very common practice but it is as cruelasit iscommon have mercy on the childron drath or anobrssou thr travellrr thejenve oudet of stockholm of march 2 tayt we htvo just received the news of the detth o the celebrated swedish traveller mr anderson he some time ten set out on his third jnurney into the interior ofafri ca to make znnieal researhes and after having axploreh the bonks of the tiofhe tnd of lake nfimi h undertook in eompsnv with an englishman mr green an excursion in in easterly direction tnd succeeded in reschinir a country into which no other euro pean over penetrated there he mat a youn elephant and went jn pursuit ot it just as lie wns n tse point of overtaking it s very lartjo elephant joined it two natives fired on the lntter nnd wounded it on which the nnimsl attacked mr anderson and killed him hy trampling him under foot mr anderssnn wns buried on the spot on which he was kil led his numerous and valuable collections hnve been doposilcdnt thocsnsulnto nfswo- den nnd norway nt the cape of good hope mr andprsson wat the author of th cnp livniing hook of trrvels entitled lnke ngaini orrxnlrnrinniinsntithernafrtct from which we hsve given our readers copious ex tracts afinalirir the decision nlhi dred ustbeu4t nstitminn nf- bssrrty ts concerned the sit has gone forth the- constitution has been construed and con- rcss must reform aboliiionisnt must now uiimusk and wage its warfare openly antl above board against the government per te or bow to its behests and puss off the stage richm va enquirer the differencebetween a obimtstst nnd an engine driver is that one minds the train and the other trains the mind 2v0iicuttural if t tubgarden culture of peas one of the first seeds pnt into thegronnd by all good gardnerajs the pet- some even anticipate the spring nnd put it in trie ear ly crop in the fall before thefrostsnutvit up the seed is not injured by the frost nnd any open fipell in winter be improved to- plant this crop il starts at a low tempe rature and it is not uncommon tone a row of garden peas passing thrjugh the mow of murch unless actually frmenthej dn not appear to he injured by the anew at ihov are the earliest annuals that come ta llietabtei so they ure among the most whow some and warmly welcomed of all the fr- ducis of iho garden tnero are several hundreds upon the listt among the early variety thut we know to be good are jlw extra early may enrlyjune early kent washington charlton emperor anil priuce albert the dan orourke sent out from the patent qfiee j an early ani exoellent pua but nil cannot get tire teed of it ibis season aboulu week- lalorthan llreseislho chnropion of englandj which we prefer to any other we have ever grown early or late the vines aro a tittle taller and the pods much heavier and full of a very rich delicious pea the peas shri vel as they dry the marrowfat are a lit tle later still aad of these there are of nu merous varieties all excellent for early varieties we belect the south m side of a wall or tha southern or tfuttrn slope where they will have tha full bauet otthe still and be winds we sow them in double drills tilk worthless necroes lif iniiseqiicnreof the rccnnl stringent en acliints in llnids tniicliing llieir interest 1uihiliii trade with them and nppointing nurdinns iver them n lare nnmber of the free colored population of pensacola median irs e have determined upon chartering a vessel in the spring and emigrating in a bo dy beyond the confines of ttie united states tampico being their immediate destination alarmed at this movent the west florida tines published iu peusacolamakes the bl owing earnest rcmonstranee wcregret that the assembly should have marred the general propriety and wisdom of its legislation at the late session by the pas sage of the act unnecessarily oppressive in its provisions particularly in as regards the colored of this community who have ev er been among the most sober industrious and law ubidlng of our citizens the workings of the act must present a strong balance of barbarous tkaatstkkt or a slavr a mno named vincent rossnn savs the west tonnftsseo argus has reenntly tieen run out of thnt town for appearing to claim a runaway slave woman who was induced to leave his service bv ihe most barbarous treatment we ever hoard of the argus says we nre informed ihnt ha pushed her out into the weather during tha coldest of inst winter birefooted and poorly clad until her finger and toes were badly fronted he tlten took his knifo ard cut them off aid threw them into the fire poured hot water j- and threw hot embers on her heat and abused her in every way which- the devil himself could have invented and nhn isonly platen or twelve yenrs old at length slin could hear it no longer and ran awnv ic was tiikcn up and hrmight to town for im prisonment in a horrible condition cpveiel wilh sores and nearly dead about six inches apart in thu drill- wesow wilh a brushseed sowerinnkidg very rapid work for convenience in pickingv arid- for cleanliness brush are desirable but are mh generally used by market gardeners at ihey increase the labor and expense we usually trencbilbu laud where vm plant peas working in large quantities of alabla- manure or compost it it one if the lime ulanlsund is much benesited by application of lime to the soil amer acrricalirisl i calendar of gardeanujo operations april 11v j a bruce oaiiunkk ash sbenlltab kino srusitt tviir ruaoirj this is certainly the most important month in the year for garderriiij operations iho soil should be well manurdd and dug or plowed then linrowej or raked to pulver ize ho soil nnd rank it suitable for stedinj or pluming p it is a iiinlter of the utmost importance to the cultivator to hnve good sound seed for waniot wiiichmiiity ure disapointfldinr their principal crops when too hue to tow again irisiilso irmaterial considenttlon to have the besl variety both ofscedund plants of their respective kinds asparagus planta tions may now be made and the following sorts of vegetable seeds sown vix beets carrots eurly cnbbnge for summer use cel ery cress cucumoers and melons in frames for early planting leek lettuce onion pars ley parsnip radish salsafy spitiage lurpip sc irzuncrii mustard also plant peas and english beans poialoas and artichokes top nnd potato oniuus tuwmds iho end of the month cucum- burs un i melons may ba removed trora lha frames lo the open ground cover with band and httend lo them according to ih changes of the weather weed hotbedt and give them air by raising thu lights in tiiny ill s tu harden the plants and pre vent ilivui being dra n up and becoming wcikimd in very warm sail it will bu iilccsury toshnje the lights nt middny s iurniii and etenmg ill it t h


Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), April 25, 1857, p. 1 (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.