The Sentinel from Carlisle, Pennsylvania (2024)


Carpenter Will Released. Entered at the Carlisle rout Office, as second class mail matter. CIRCULATION TODAY Carlisle postofiice will not he changed as the authorities have determined to make a new lease of five years for the present room. We are informed that this decision has been arrived at in view of an agreement to put the room in thorough repair and make the improvements and changes demanded by the rural route division and by the increased general business of the office. The location Is a good one and generally satisfactory.

There are no Ready-to-Wear Clothes Like the Sfein-Bloch Smart Clothes The Directors of the Lindner base The Circulation of the Evening ball association met last evening at the Sentinel Today is OVER 2900 COPIES. Pennsylvania House. It was decided to drop a pitcher from the ranks and Mr. Carpenter was given his five days notice to leave. Second Baseman WEDNESDAY, MAY 18,1904.

Clemens was given a similar notice Offers were made to two new men for HOUSE BURNED, empty house in Cleversburg, Au second base, one of whom was Arthur Eugene Hanks, of Camden, who owned by Samuel Russell, was burned P1TXD B. THOMPPON. Editor and Prop. 6S1KLIS H. KUTZ.

City Editor. played on last year's team. Hanks down on Thursday, supposed to be of CC1XLXS K. AXBEKT. BuslneM Manager employment would be conditional Incendiary origin.

The house was covered by Insurance that is if he makes good, he will be re tained, otherwise, not. "Lines are out," said a direct.r to a CANDIDATE FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY Wear as good clothes as you can afford. It ra)'s to. Fays in self-satiif actio i and in the impression of prosperity it gives for the world smiles on the prosperous man. This doen't mean to pay too much for your clothing, cr that a high-priced necessity means sood clothes.

There's a middle ground. The sensible manjwho knows good clothing pajs no more thai he needs to, and this without abating a jot cf stle and fit and satisfaction. It was to meet the views of these men that the Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes were evolved, and now the man of tailor-made habits and the man who won't pay custom tailor's charges both keen critics of styles have found that the Thk withdrawal of Mr. Mercer as i candidate for judge narrows the con Sentinel man, '-for several other Roscoe M. Wright, graduate DickiB test in the democratic party to two players.

We want the patrons of the son school of Jaw, 1903, has been nonil game to understand that no stone will candidates J. V. Wetzel, Esq and nated for District Attorney on the be left unturned to give Carlisle a good republican ticket in Skamania county fast team, but players cannot be A. G. Miller, Esq.

It Is likely to be fought out on these linen as the pri State of Washington. Mrs. Wrieh TTTsTEifrj, I mm secured in a minute." I was formerly Miss Katherine Spotts maries are now but two weeks ofl and Until Heagraves' hand heals, Dunn of Carlisle. will catch. there seems to be no movement to wards any other man.

George Bridges and family, of this There is no truth whatever in the Tvf A ITS' report that JJell would be released place and his brother, Robert, of New York, visited their sister. Mrs. Flora He will be retained. This action will The State Democratic Executive omm B. Witherspoon, of Shippensburg committee met in Harrisburg venter meet with the approval of the fans, who believe that George can deliver over Sabbath.

Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes r- the goods. For the present no other ENTERTAINMENT AT METZGER. terday, heard both sides of the factional context, decided that neither was changes will be A full and interesting program has regularly organized, and decided fur Prove been prepared for the entertainment Every player was paid ofl Monday. On account of rain the Chambers- are as correct as the high-priced custom-made suits, but at a third to a half less in price, it. You are the judge.

ther to appoint a county chairman for at Metzger, on Saturday evenlDg burg game for today was cancelled. Come ready for a good laugh. Dauphin. The team appeared to take on new life In the last seven innings of yesterday's THE DEATH RECORD. game and if such playing continues, baseball in Carlisle will be the great Open Evenings KLINELINE Kronenberg's success anticipated.

John W. Klmeline, died at the home of his son-in-law. It. M. Zearlnsr.

4-1S The sensational conference of the Franklin-Huntingdon district met In Harrbburg Tuesday and deadlocked. The Huntingdon people claim the nomination and declare they will stick to Welch through thick and thin. Stewart holds the Franklin men abso BOILING SPRINGS CLOTHING, RAIN COATS, HATS, FURNISHINGS North Hanover street at 2.30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. He was a life Roiling Springs, May 17. Mr.

and Mrs. Theodore Paul and long resident of Middletown and an active business man being head of the BOATING ON THF CPEhK. granddaughter, of Pniladtlphia, were Central Pattern works at that place, he was also an old soldier of company lutely aid there is no prospect of settlement. Carson Eckert has his fleet of boats on the Conodoguinet creek. The boats have ail been put iu first class con Everyone applauds Gov.

O'Dells dition. Rates reasonable. Go out and 127th legiment Pa. Volunteers, and a member of the Knights of Pythias. About two years ago he sustained a ttrokeof which rendered him helpless and was the cause of his enjoy a boat ride.

"mlmod determination to save Niagara from and 10c Store guests at the Hotel Monn today. Mr. Paul is a sou of John Paul, formerly of Churchtown. George Bert, of Carlisle, a well-known fisherman, was a visitor heie today. Mr.

and Mrs. John Williard attended the funeral of Daniel Lawson, a former neighbor, at Zion church today. It is said that the Valley Traction NIP IT IN THE BUD. further spoliation for commercial pur poses. It is to be hoped that any fur death.

His remains will be taken to Flrnt Apprarnnoe of Dnndruff a Fere. ther attempt to commercialize Niagara Middletowu, Friday morning where funeral services will be held and interment rnnorr of I oture Baldneaa. That euch In th will be frustrated. "THE MAGNET," N. Hanover Street.

tina ycnii tun- clusivel; proven by scientific research Trot. Unna. the nntoA The friends of Mr. Miller and Mr company will likely select Island Grove as a picnic resort. In that event Wetzel should have a tquare stand-up sprclnlirt.

declares that dandruff Is the burrwed-up cuticle of the scalp, caused by parasites destrnvlm fight for the nomination, and when about a mile of additional track would have to be built which would run along Front street, up the bank of the race Personal and Social the hair bulb. The hair becomes lifeless nr.d. in time, falls out. This can be and across the breast of the dam of the Yellow Rreeches creek and into Newtiro's TTernteMa Vl1t the selection is made by the party Jet all abide by it and be loyal to the ticket. That 1b what is meant by the expression "subject to democratic who uniiui uu the grove.

imjj iu ua natural softness and abundancy. Herplolde la nnw naA i j- Mrs. George Burns, well known in rules." this community, is in very poor health satisfied that it Is the most wonderful hair preparation on the market to-day. Sold hv lns.llno. a jt Terry County Democrat! MR.

S1AMM WEDDED. betroit. Mich. Why should anybody find fault It was announced iu a Harrisburg We have a thousand things you need every day and our Highest Price is lOcts. Watch Our Window.

MOORE DONOHUE. paper last evening that A. Carson with or blame Mr. Bryan for opposing the nomination at St. Louis of any Sold B.

I EMK1CK. Btamm. of Harrisburg, who associated with Congressman Olmsted woulc marry Mrs. Bullock, of Me candidate who failed to support him when he was a candidate? It is the right and privilege of any man to Not A Sick Day Since. 'I was taken severely sick witn Kid charicsburg, at New York last night ney trouble.

I tried all sorts of medi oppose the nomination of a candidate CARD OF THANKS but it Is his duty to submit to the will lhe undersigned desires to than of the majority and support the nomi the many friends and relatives for the kindness and sympathy extended see, after a nomination has been fairly Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandt have returned from a brief visit among friends in Harrh-barg Patriot.

J. Y. Stock, wife and daughter of this placement Sunday in Harrisburg. Mrs. A.

N. Stecker and Mrs. H. G. Hack nan are visiting friends In Hum-melstown.

A. D. Seebold, a prominent lumber merchant of Miilersburg.andiMrs. Seebold were guests of their nephew, Dr. J.

E. Seebold, yesterday. John Weller, of Newville, was in Carlisle on business today. Hon. Henry Houc Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction, who is touring Europe, will arriye in Loudon next Monday.

Miss Marie Worthiugton, formerly of this place, who is a traiDed nurse, is now in Switzerland. GeDrge Hofier is reported on the sick list. CAN'T USE GIG T0 CATCH FISH. Commissioner of Fisheries W. E.

Meehan has made the announcement. In view of a contrary impression which appeared to prevail among some anglers, that it is illegal to use a gig or spear to catch fish. Such violation of the law, thecommissiouer'says, would subject the guilty persou to a fine of COMBINATION SALE. during the hour of sickness and death of my wife, Mrs. Sarah M.Thorpe.

made. Now is the time for Mr. Bryan to make his light and he should do it now before the convention. If he lose cines, none of which relieved me. One day I saw au ad.

of your Electric Bitters and determined to tryithat. After taking a few doses I felt relieved, and soon thereafter was entirely cured, and have not seen a6ick day since. Neighbors of mine have been cured of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney troubles and General Debility." This is what B. F. Bass, of.Fremont, N.

C. writes. Only 50c, at W. F. Horn drug Saturday, May 21, 1904, at 1 P.

M. C. D. Bixler. auctioneer, will sell on Respectfully W.

Thorpe. the above date, at the U. W. Hotel. Alt.

THE MARKETS. Live Slock and Produce. Philadelphia, May 11. BEEF, CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Steers, best 5Ja5 Do.

choice 5 a5 Do. good 4a4 Do. medium 4a4 Do. common 4ja4 the battle and still keeps up the conflict he will then place himself in the SOCIAL. Holly Springs, a large lot of personal property, consisting of horses, 20 cows 20 head of hogs, buggies, wagons, har MisvHatlie Kouk, South Hanover entertained the St.

Paul Lutheran ness, whips, and a large lot of articles too numerous to mention. gist. iasi u'gru. mere was no pro came position as those who deserted their party in 1890 and 1900; but until he has done this, public censure of him be suspended. He is now only gram.

The Boiling Springs Ice company guarantees to furnish their customers HOLLY INN IMPROVED. following out a law of nature defend ing himself. with ice during the entire season. ISmlmod M. J.Gouse has just finished re pa per ing Holly Inn.

He also did some ex tra fine relief Work. The hotel has Even if we do not have a mosquito been greatly improved. Bulls 3 a4J FAT COWS 8Ja3J THIN COWS-lja-' MILCH VEAL CALVES Easier; extra choice, 6Ja6J; medium to good, 5JaH; common, 44'ao. SHEEP AND LAMBS QUOTATIONS. Wethers, extra Do.

choice 4a5 Do. good 4a4j Do. medium 3ja4 Lambs choice 6Ja6J Wm. N. Hall Electrician ordinance there will be nothing to prevent a voluntary campaign against $25.

FUNERAL OF VINCENT SMTIH. Rev. Mr. Coverdale, officiated at the we breedirg places. All pools of Dr.

B. C. PRISSMAN, OH! FUDGE. We are very thankful to good look 161 N. Bedford St.

Both Phones funeral of Vincent Smith this afte noon. ing young ladies for a treat to fudge. water should be removed or kept constantly supplied with fresh water. All low places which do not drain when it rains should be graded so that they Electrical Supplies lmlmd Dr. of tod Optics.

Satisfaction Guaranteed forSYrs. QIasses Correctly and Properly BIG HORSE SALE. 100 copies sheet music at 10c, 3 copies Do. medium 6 Culls 4ial Eppley Derr will sell a carload of for 2oc at Minium's. Fitted to the Eyes, and not the nne Kentucky horses haviug lots of drain and dry easily.

Even old crocks HOGS QUOTATIONS. Notice to the Public. speed Tuesday at the Thudium House All kinds as to size and a7 I have engaged Prof. Samuel, the W. F.

Horn. at 1 p. m. and cans left standing in the back yards become prolific breeders. All i i i i eye speciaiist, to be with me, com DRESSED STOCK does not hesitate to recommend Kodol mencing, Alonday, May 9, 1904, until Saturday evening, May 14, for the Eyes to the Glasses.

PRESBYOPIA 0T lonft-8i(fbtednes Incident to old age. HYPERMETR0P1A, sightedness. MYOPIA, "ear or short-sigh tednes. ASTIQA ATISM, irregular-refractlon corner of the lens.tO bucu euouiu ve removea, ana prem Steers 8 Cows .5 a 7 Dyspepsia Cur to their friends and A supply of Victor records Just re- eived at Minium's Music House, customers, indigestion causes more ill health than anything else. It de Sheep ioalOJ Lambs 13 Veal calves 8 alO ranges the stomach, ana brings on all PTRABISMUS, or squinting.

manner of disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Hogs 7i A Runaway Bicycle. Terminating with an ukIv cut on the DIPLOPIA, ubie sight Cure digests what you eat, cures indi ises kept clean and dry. Necessary sinks should be treated each week to a tmalJdoseof coal oil. If all join in tuch a campaign a good deal may be accomplished.

Household Goods. Anna C. Frey. will sell near Caprivi, on Saturday, May 28, 1904, at 1 p. m.

lot of household and kitchen furni-ure. i eg of J. B. Orner. Franklin Grove 1)1 SHOTOBIA, aversion to light Persons suffering from acT of tha a dots purpose of instructing me in his new method to make examination of the eye for the defects of vision.

The Prof, has a new way for finding errors of sight without applying atropine to the eye, which in many instances has produced disease and blindness. By this method this is avoided. I invite my patrons, to call and see what this great optical expert can do for them. Examination and consultation free. 7m6td A.

Gehring. Jewelrr It developed a stubborn ulcer unvield. gestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders. Kodol is not only a perfect troubles can be relieved bT DroDerlT adi n- ing to doctors and remedies for four COW SALE. Walter A.

Weibly. will sell at th lensess which I can furnish at Terj low years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Ralve pneeu cured. It's just as rood for nil ma digestant but a tissue building tonic as well. Renewed health, perfect strength and Increased vitality follow its use.

Pennsylvania house on Saturday May 21, at 10 a. m. 20 head of fresh and close springers cows. This is a fine Ir.t byes examined Free. 7 work Is best advertisem*nt.

Open evenings until 9 o'clock. Scalds. Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c. at F.

Horn's Drug Store. of cows. Sale rain or shine. mlStd Office 38 N. Hanover Carlisle.

The Sentinel from Carlisle, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.