Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

THE MARION DAILY CHRONICLE, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 27, 1892. WITH A CRASH Two Sections of a Train Come Together. A Dozen People Killed and Probably Fifty Injured. Harrisburg the Scene of the Catastrophe. Telegraph Operator Alleged to Hare Been Responsible for the Accident in Haring Given the Wrong road Men Claim a Blinding Storm Prevented the Danger Being Seen.

Partial List of the Killed and Injured HARRISBURG, June most fearful wreck which has ever occurred The cars were piled in confusion over the he tracks and forty feet high. The Westinghouse private car, which was attached to the first section, was upturned and totally demolished. One of the cars took fire and those them still alire were panic-stricken. alarm of fire was sounded and in moments the whole department responded and the flames were, quenched. A deluging rain was pouring down, causing those who were injured to suffer intense pain.

The eugine of the second section telescoped several of the cars first section. Many passengers in the day coaches first section were half asleep, and awakened by the horrible crashing grinding of timters, the breaking and the hissing of steam, while others never knew the fate that overthem. It was stated at the city hospital Saturday morning that, with probably one tiro who exceptions. occupy cots the at that eighteen institution passenwould surrire. For squares the cries of the wounded could be beard, and the scene presented a A heartrending one.

One young woman, elegantly attired, and probably eighteen years of age, was pinned down the track by the track of one of resting on her body. Her head been severed from her body. It was over An hour lefore the body could remored. She had on her person a gold watch and considerable money. The mangled bodies were in several instances unrecognizable.

One car hail to be jacked up to recover body of a wowan whose heal crushed to shapeless mass. A crowd soon gathered and an ambulance carried the wounded to the hospital. They numbered fifty-men, women and children. Several persons who are injured left the wreck and various houses in the vicinity and it impossible to ascertain the names of who are missing. Pitcairn, of the Pennsylvania railroad, the train, but escaped uninjured.

The hospital was a mass of maimed Saturday morning. The city physicians were called out to assist in caring the injured. Several Hungarians who lire in vicinity of the accident were tansy Ting the dead, but were arrested locked up. The only one hurt in the Westinghouse car was the colored waiter named George Woodyear, is now at hospital suffering from a cut on head. Each section of the train was made of seven coaches.

The city is. filled with wounded, twelve have already died and several more are lying between life and death. Many persons who were cut about hands, head, legs, and other parts their body went to hotels and various houses, where they receive medical sistance. It is impossible to obtain complete list of all those injured. number left on the morning trains their homes.

What Caused It? The operator at Steelton is alleged have been respousible for the accident in having giving Engineer Kelly wrong signal. The sharp curve at street also made the disaster more ious. It is the impression among men that Engineer Kelly was prevented from seeing the danger signal, the operator at the Lock street claims was shown, in addition to swinging a red lantern from the the Teranda of the tower, because of blinding rainstorm. A remarkable feature of the wreck that not a trainhand was seriously The brakeman of the first went back one hundred yards to' the looked-for second section. had returned to his train when the section came thundering around curve.

Engincer Kelly and his remained ponta and were hurt. They, with Baggage Aitken, of the second section, were first to get out of the wreck. In less than an hour after the occurred one thousand people and Harrisburg Middletown wrecking crew, the latter to the number of one hundred, were on the scene, and 7 o'clock in the morning the wreckage was all cleared away. The wrecked cars and the second tion locomotive were taken to the risburg shops for repairs. The railway officials were seemingly paralyzed by the extent of the which is by far the worst.

the road known in many years, Killed. F. M. Whitlock, Cleveland. Rev.

De Costa Pomerene, phia. Mra, U'riah Neebuer. Norristown. Richard Adans, Harrisburg. Robert S.

Raymond, Columbus. John Black. Altooua. C. E.

Lee. Allegheny City. Unknown woman alout twenty-five years old. Daniel Mason. Hagerstown.

Md. 1 Jared. Percy M. Laudia, Philadelphia, bruised on leg and lack. Carrie Golden, Philadelphia, about head.

Thomas W. Farthing, Buffalo, cut. F. 0. 0.

Ehle. Enfalo, cut on Maggie Smith, Safe Harbor, jured in back: Professor G. L. Smith, Baltimore, juries not known. W.

G. Parsons, Lancaster, not known. Mary Anderson, Jersey City injuries not known. Miss Alma Carstetter, Ickesburg, hurt about head and feet. W.

J. East wick, East Liberty, juries not known. W. R. Fluck, Palmyra, injuries known.

in this city occurred Saturday morning. The first section of the western express which is due here soon after midnight, flagged below the city because "it was very late. The second section came thundering along at the rate of forty-fire miles an hour, and dashed into the first section, killing twwire and injuring some fifty. The engine plowed half through the Westingbouse private car, which is very heavy and strongly built. It in turn telescoped two of the other cars which were filled with passengers.

The baggage and express car of the second section was completely demolished, having been crushed through by the tender of Engine No. 13 of the second section. Granger, Port cat Fred Goldsboro, Brooklyn, injuries B. Sensebaugh, Diattoon, hart about head and legs. John J.

Cone, Jersey City, hands cat. Abraham Smith, Harrisburg, slightly cut. James Timmons, Horri-burg, slightly cat. Uriah toer, Norristown, slightly cut. Baggage Master Altken, hurt.

John Jacols, brakeman, bat about the body. Gourge Wodyear, colored porter, cat about head and body, CAMPAIGN OPENED. The Democratic Candidate for Tice Free- ident Begius Active Work. CHICAGO, June 27. -General Adlai E.

Stevenson, candidate for rice president of the United States, opened the campaign in parlor of the Paliner House Friday. A great many visitors callel, among them General Bragg, of Wisconsin. To a Unitel Press representative General Stevenson said: "I beliere we can carry Illinois for the Democratic ticket this fall. I don't say so because I am on the ticket. With Cleveland and Gray or Cleveland and Boies we could do it.

The people are ready for a change and they want to a return to a government by the people--the old Jeffersonian Democracy." Will the campaign open early?" theoretically the campaign is already opened; but practically, I don't think it will begin before September." General Stevenson was in receipt of Fo many congratulatory telegrams that be found it impossible to reply to all of them. He accordingly expressed a defire that the feeling should be taken as his reply to all his well-wishers. wish to express my thanks to all these kindly greetings and I express them through the press because it would be impossible from physical standpoint to acknowledge every one personally." Police Oncer Killed. BUTTE, June 27. -Police Officer Jordan was shot and instantly killed on his beat in the outskirts of the town a 3:30 o'clock Frilay morning.

Six shots were fired. four evidently at the officer and two by him. Two shots struck him, one pa netrating the heart. It is supposed the officer was arresting two burglars. The murderers escaped.

A reward has been ordered by the city. The Man is Dead Now. of NEW YORK, June 27. -A Valparaiso of special to The Herald says Senor Don Manuel Antonia Matta, died Friday apoplexy while on his way to his home. of Senor Matta was the minister of foreign affairs at the time of the attack on the Failors of the Baltimore while.

in that port, and to him was attributed the temporate language used in the circular relating to the affair, Eaten by Hogs June 27. -Clark Stewart, ninety-two rears old, was torn by hogs at his home, two miles north of Troy. His shoolder was torn off, his face mntilated and arm stripped of the flesh. He is the oldest settler in this county living. When aid reached him the were still crunching his bones.

He the small chances of recovery. Was a Morphine Fiend. had be BOSTON, June 27. -The body of young man who committed suicide Green's hardware store Friday has been identified as that of Charles Rotch, aged twenty-three, of St. John, N.

for months past had been a patient at the Washingtonian home, where. was was trying to cure himself of the morI phine habit. city Cholera in Russia. ST. PETERSBURO, June 27.

-Cholera has broken out in the governments went Astrakhan and Bakn. In the dirtier is- quarters of Astrakhan several deaths all have occurred already, and scores down with the disease. In the rural tricts there hare been but few deaths, although the cholera is spreading edly. Eight Years for Incest. BUFORD, June William Bery, the man charged with incest with for daughter Mary, was indictel by a the cial grand jury at Hillsboro, taken and rob- by Judge Nuby to eight years in court.

pleaded guilty and was sentenced penitentiary. Bery is fifty-seven old, and served three years in the Fuuds. the his VANCEBURO, June 27. -Will Fitch, a prominent yonng attorney up this city, and well known in this part the state as a criminal lawyer of and small caliber, disbarred in Lewis circuit court Friday for propriating funds intrusted in his the by eastern capitalists. of Requested to Postpone Ily Visit.

as- ST. PETERSBURG, Jane 27. -The of Bukhara has received an intimation A that while cholera is raging in his fur ity it would be well for him to defer intended visit to the czar. The has, therefore, abandoned the visit to the present. the A LYNCHING BEE.

Dock The Citizens of Independence, serranging for One. railroad CINCINNATI, June -The village Independence, the county seat of which tun county, is terribly excited towers an awful crime, that. of a father him inally assaulting Iris own daughter. George Strickrod, a former resident Covington, is the unnatural father, is Emma, his eleven-year-old daughter, burt. the victim.

The awfal deed WAS who mitted Friday. Strickrod made signal his escape, and nearly every resident just the village aurl: farmers for second around are scouring the surrounding the country for him. fireman an- Canada's Industrial Census. Master OTTAWA, June census the just issued gives the number of trial establishments in Canada at crash an increase of 51 per cent. in ten the capital invested $333,000,000, an of 114 per number of over 367.465, an increase of 44 per by wages paid an increase and valre of products (4A), an increase of $105,000,000.

secHar- Bank of Ireland's Menace. LONDON, Jane 27. -The price of of the Bank of Ireland is daily disaster ander the scare of the supposed had of borne rule in Ireland. A month the stuck was quoted at 325. the quotation was 311.

There are holders who offer to sell but the Philadel- are Girl Blinded by Lightning. HAMMOND, June fearful storm that prevailed here ning struck the residence of S. C. tearing out one end of the prostrating his nineteen-year-old ter and rendering her blind for life. Accidently Shot His Brother.

MARTIN BURO, W. June Albert Clifford, a son of the cut of shot The by Press, WBA accidentally nine-year-old brother head playing with loaded revolver. fall entered the left ventricle. head. in- Fatal Fall.

FOSTORIA, June in- era, rig builder, fell from the top derrick at Van Buren, and was injuries bruised, besides having a leg broken two places. He can not recover. Heights, Bleycle Record Broken. LONDON, June bicycle race was won easily by in- man by twelve yards in 20m. and not beating the Irish champion other notable riders.

CAUSES SURPRISE To the Thousands Who Tisit the World's Fair Site. The Splendor and Magnitude of the Preparations not only do from 5,000 to 12,000 people a day, at 8 cost of twenty-five cents apiece, inspect them, but the great majority of travelers who pass through Chicago devote day or more to the game purpose. Hundreds of distinguished foreigners and thousands of prominent men from the various states of the Union have availed themselves of this privilege, and it is not exaggeration to say that all, without exception, have been most agreeably surprised at the splendor and magnitmle of what they witnessed, and have departed very enthusiastic over the prospects of the fair. Several hundred the returning delegates of the late Republican naconvention, at of Minneapolis Jackson park inspected while in Chicago. Nearly all of the delegates to the Democratic convention at Chicago did the salue.

The exposition authorities have committees to show visitorg about and explain details to them. Turkey's Exhibit. Those who have been charged with the preparation of the Turkish exhibit are making very extensive preparations to have it of superior merit and interest. They will charter a large ship to transport the exhibit. They will bring over 400 native Turks arrayed in their national costumes.

They will reproduce at Chicago 8 street in Constantinople with all its peculiar crookedness and narrowness and its interesting bazars and restaurants. The bazars will be filled with salable articles of Turkish manufacture. The expedition to Chicago will start from Constantinople and will call at all Turkish ports for reinforcements and articles to be placed on exhibition. Adrianapolis and Philoppolis have caught fever and will do quite as much as the capital to make the Turkish exhibit a success. The exhibit will include a reproduction in miniature of the Mosque of St.

Sophia. This has never been reproduced in any Christian country, and for its reproduction at Chicago special permission of the sultan had to be obtained. France. Three world's fair commissioners from France are now in Chicago, to erect and decorate the building which will bo the headquarters of France at the fair, and to complete arrangements for installing the French exhibit. They are Baron de Vialar, M.

Rene Dubuisson and M. Henri Motte. They say that Franco will have an exhibit unrivaled by that of any other nation and that will eclipse any'thing of the kind ever previously undertaken by the French government. They have asked for 200,000 square feet additional space. The French building is to be one -the finest of forcign structures and decorated most artistically under direction of D.

Motte, who is a celebrated painter and decorator. The First Exhibit. The first exhibit to be taken into tho world's fair was received at the custom house Friday. It consisted of thirteen enormous logs containing 1,534,000 feet of lumber. They came from Canada, having been chopped from the great northern pines of that country.

The Indtan Exhibit. The Indian exhibit at the world's fair will include representatives of every tribe from the extreme north to Terra For Exposition Which WIll by Far Eclipse Any Ever Held in This or Any Other Country--Thousands Now Visit the Groands Dally and Pay a Quarter Admission, Too. CHICAGO, June world's fair grounds and buildings, now near completion, are 60 renowned 88 9 most beautiful and interesting spectacle that del Fuego. All t'p with Talton Mall. BRISTOL, June much excitement in Virginia over refusal of the court of appeals to grant Talton Hall, -the noted outlaw, a new trial.

He was convicted at Wise Court House, several months ago the murder of Policeman Ililton, Norton, and sentenced be hanged June 27. Unless news executive clemency comes before that times he will bo executed. Everybody in section sanctions action of the supreme court. Many people openly declare that if the law fails to take its course Judge Lynch will step in. Mormon Bishop Killed by Indians.

FLAGSTAFF, A. June Smith, a Mormon bishop, has been killed near Tuba City by Havajo Indians. had many quarrels recently relative his right. to pasture his sheep on Indians' range and it was one of these resulted in his death. Deceased was prominent during Brigam Young's regime at Salt Lake City.

Flopped to Cleveland. NEW YORK, June special The World from Greencastle, that Delano E. Williamson, a life Republican and once attorney general Indiana, has declared for Cleveland. says war taxation should be done away with. and will take the stump for Clicago nominee.

1 The Boy Fell Dead. SPENCER, June 27. Albert Toby, a boy, escaped from the reform school at Plainfield and was discovered at Gosport Friday. Officors attempted to arrest him, but he eluded their grasp and ran. Spirited pursuit was given, and lad becoming overheated dead.

Indiana to the Front Once More. PORTLAND. June curiosity is on exhibition in Dr. Mackey's office. It is a chicken with two perfectly formed bodics, four wings, four legs, but one head.

The fowl is being served on on in alcohol. Artist Oliver Dead. BOSTON, June Clark Oliver, the marine painter, died at Amosbury Friday, aged sixty-three. Some of works are widely known, particularly "Kearsarge," copies of which have made in steel. CAPSIZED IN A SQUALL.

Rescued After an Hour -One Lady Dies from Injuries. NEW YORK, June -The sloop yacht James Carroll, of Keyport, N. owned by T. L. Seabrooke, witn a party of guests on was caught in a squall on Thursday night, in the lower bay, and WAS capsized.

Aboard the yacht, besides the owner, were A. Morris, of Keyport: Mrs. Bella Holmes and Miss Ellen Rue, both of lightstown, New The two women were imprisoned in the cabin while the two men were thrown into the bay. The men reached the overturned boat and with great difficulty succeeded in getting the women out of the cabin. The party clung to the capsized boat for nearly an hour, when they were rescued by boatman from South Beach.

Mrs. Holmes, who. W88 severely injured by being dashed against the capsized boat by the waves, died Friday afternoon. She Was fifty years of age. Hotel Burned.

SAN FRANCISCO, June -The Commercial hotel, at Bangor, was burned late Friday evening. It is six guests were burned to death and that many were injured. NEWS IN BRIEF. A Condensation of Interesting Items on Warranted One Year. 4" 11 HEAVY iBand Ring made in LaA dies' Misses' and Baby sizes.

Each Ring is stamped W. L. Co. and warranted one year. Don't The Great Bargain House of Marion.

For Style, Durability and Comfort WEAR Schwartz's Foot Form Shoes $2, $3. $4 AND $5. A CALL AND SEE THEM, NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Blue Front Shoe Store Price, 25 Cents. fail to buy one.

For sale only at For Harwood's Bazaar, Wigger Block. FRANK SCHWARTZ. THE APOTHESIS OF FLIM FLAM. When a merchant tells you he is Giving Away Goods Yoa can count to a moral certainty on the statement being false, must I be some profit, or merchants can't lire. But HEAVY'S STOCK MUST GO And therefore he offers everything smallest possible margin consistent with Honesty and Fair Dealing.

4 Heavy Smith. EAST SIDE. LADIES this is Leap Year, and you can POP THE QUESTION, now as to. who can fit and suit you best with a pair of fine shoes or low cuts. We can FIT.I, THE BILT.

and please you with a fine and medium grade line of l'ootwear. A BUTTERWORTH Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail. DR. J. S.

McCLAIN, DENTIST. All Operations in Performed in the Most Scientific Manner. 4 0. 20. years experience.

14 years in Marion Block. Gold Crowns, Logan Crown, Gold, Alluminium, Vulcanite, and all other kinds of plates made in the most artistic manner. Nothing left undone that tends to the utility of our work and comfort of our patrons. Office--West side square, Marion Block: LAUGHRIDGE GAS FITTERS AND DEALERS IN Pumps and Gas Fixtures. 180 Fifth-St.

All kinds of job work given prompt and caretul attention. Fatimates OD all new work. First cless work guarteol. Reasonable prices. Re.



attention given to Discascs of Special Women and Obstetrics, Chronic and Private diseases. night or Consultation day, Office free. and residence No. Calls answered 503 N. Washington treet, North MaTelephone 100.

tf rion. First board at Hightower's taurant Wigger. block, A at 38.50° per 11 1 a all in An few Rome, Watertown' a vedensburg Railroad. For the season of 1892, the first through sleeping car for P'ortland, leave Chicago, via the Michigan Central railroad, daily, except Friday, commencing June 4th, at 9:20 p. after June 12th at 10:10 p.

Detroit, 9:50 a. leave Niagara Falls, (New York Central depot) June 5th, and daily except Saturday at 8:21 p. Buffalo 9:15 p. Rochester. 11:05 p.

Syracuse, 1:12 a. arrive Norwood (breakfast). 6:20 a. Fabyans, 4:25 p. P'ortland, 8 p.

making connections for all points in the Adirondacks. White mountaines, Green mountains, and all along the sea-coast of Maine. West bound, the first through sleeping car will leave P'ortland, Tuesday, June 7th, and daily, except Sunday, at 3:43 a. Fabyaus, 12:35 D. Norwood, 11:30 p.

arrive Syracuse, 3:45 a. Rochester, 5:55 a. m.i Buffalo, 7:45 a. Niagara Falls, 8:44 a.m.r Detroit; 8:35 p. and Chicago, 7:55 a.

via the Michigan Central railroad. The cars in this line between Chicago P'ortland are among the best the Wagner service have staterooms, smoking room, and a good buffet, furnishing first-class service. NIAGARA FALLS AND CLAYTON SLEEPING CARS. The first through sleeping car will leave Niagara Falls daily, commencing Sunday, June 12th, at p. p.

Rochester, 11:05 p. Syracuse, 1:15 a. arrive nt Clayton at 5:45 a. connecting with steamer for Alexandria Bay daily, and for Montreal Gaily except Monday until July 1st, and after July 1st connects, with Montreal steamer every day. West bound, the, first through sleeping car will leave Clayton at 19:01 a.

Tuesday, June 14th, arriving at Syracuse at 3:45 a. Rochester, 5:53 a. Buffalo, 7:43 Niagara Falls, 8:44 m. On Sunday nights this train leaves Clayton at 10 p. The Niagara Falls and Clayton line runs daily in each direction, from June 12th to the middle of September, and makes connections at Buffalo and Suspension Bridge with all trains to and from the west, and at Clayton with steamers for all points of the Thousand Islands, Montreal, Quebec and the River Saguenay.

Both of the above trains will be run until June 26th "special" over the WV. 0. R. letween Syracuse and Clayton, and Syracuse and Norwood, in each direction, and will not appear on regular time-table until time-table No. 5 takes effect June 26th.

Agents are requested to advise passengers of this, and do the best they can to secure business for the line. Please acknowledge receipt. Very truly, THEO. BUTTERFIELD. j14 Gen.

Pass. Agent. Tour to Alaska. Personally conducted excursion leaves Chicago, July 20, reaches Chicago returning Aug. 24.

Going route via Kansas City, Denver, Salt Lake City and P'ortland; returning via Vancouver, Winnipeg and St. Paul. Stop over of one or more days at principal points of interest. Tickets, $350, which includes Pullman berths, dining car meals, hotel bills, carriage rides, steamer berths and every necessary expense. The party is limited to fifty people.

Descriptive circulars furnished and reserrations made on application to co*kE ALEXANDER. D. I. Mo. Pac.

7 Jackson Place, Indianapolis. campaign caps for sale at Barney Prins. j1Gdtf To Cincinnati and Return for Half Fare via Pennsylvania Lines. On June 25th and 29th tickets at: one fare for round Cincinnati will be sold from principal ticket stations on the Pennsylvania lines, account the National Prohibition Convention. Tickets will be good returning until July 6th, inclusive.d&wdt Harrison campaign caps for sale at Barney I'rins.

j16dtf Labor Union Notice. Labor Union, No. 154, Journeymen Tailors' Union of America, wish to make known through the columns of the Chronicle who of the merchant tailors of this city employ Union workmen. The following are the names: HUTCHINSON Co. WICHMAN KALUSCH, vi FRANK G.

SAYLOR. m23d2m Irish 1 ca Is pleasant to the taste and reliable in its actions. It is made of pure herbs and has nO equal for constipation, Try it. Price 35 cents. For sale by headache, liver and kidney disease.

Riggs P'logsterth. m30d2tew Harrison campaign caps for sale at Barney Pring. j16dtf A fine and complete stock of double and single harness in gold, silver, nickle, brass and rubber mountings at J. H. Wigger's.

Harrison campaign caps for sale at Barney Prins. Have you tried Riggs Plogsterth's Ice Soda? Big storin in Chicago de Thursday Tarious did great damage. Two more cases of smallpox have appeared in Chicago. Cleveland will be officiully notifled of his nomination July 11. Crops in northern Illinois bare suffered greatly from storins.

Ex-Senator Ingalls, of Kansas, will shortly sail for Europe. The King and Queen of Italy have left Berlin for Rome via Dresden. Mra. Delia Parnell, mother of the late Irish patriot, has returued to America. A dozen houses were blown down and a number of people injured at Harvey, Ills.

General John been placed on the retired list, a forty -nine Fears' service. It is stated the authority of a cabinet officer that Depew has declined the portfollo of state. Grover Cleveland says he is perfectly satisHed with his colleague on the national Democratic ticket. Prince and Princess Bismarck were tertained at a luncheon Friday afternoon by Count Holstein, of Munich. Several small boys hare been arrested in Cleveland for starting a number of fires "just to see the fun." They confessed.

Brooklyn celebrated the seventy ninth anniversary of Beecher's birth by unveiling a bronze statue of him iu city hall park. John Vallely, a Chicago board of trade in the employe of A. H. White Company, hus skipped. He is short $10,000.

Colonel Charles M. McGee and Major Fink have been appointed receivers Henry, Fast Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad. The Cleveland street car strike is still on. Rioting has been resorted to. The company has employed Pinkerton men to guard their interests.

Dr. Anducza Palacio, ex-dictator of Venezuela and now an exile from his native land, arrived at Martinique Friday on his way to Europe. King Sima, the negro murderer. ofF Fdward Brandon, a planter, whom he robled for money to pay his mistress' fine, was hanged at Waco, Tex. Mrs.

Martha White, of the state of Washington, will shortly receive a gold medal from congress for having rescued three men from drowning. The upper portion of the Illinois Central bridge crossing the Galena river at Galena, was swept away Thursday night. The Green street bridge was swept away completely. Advices from Matanzas by steamer report that 180 lives were lost by a storm. One-fourth of the sugar stored in the warehouses was damaged.

Great damage Wag done to H. E. Taubeneck, chairman of the national executive committee of the party, is of the opinion that Judge Gresham will be the People's party nonince for president. Elgin Meyers, queen's counsel and county crown attorney, at Toronto, has been dismissed from office by the premier of Ontario for publicly championing annexation to the United States. The suffering on account.

of the drouth in the states of Durango and Conhnila, Mexico, still continues. The general gOVerument has now taken a band in tho direction of alleviating the distress. The Fox and Ottawa rivers, in Illinois, got on a rampage, owing to a storm and heavy rains, and did great damage. At Dayton a big dam, which supplied water for a number of mills, was washed out. "The situation between the employes of Carnegie, PLipps Company and the firm, at Homestead, has assumed serious phase.

There is but little prospect of a settlement and a strike is imminent. At Williamsport, Mrs. Nora M. Shetter, a pretty young married woman, was knocked down by, three negroes who carried her to a lonely spot and repeatedly assaulted her. Several inen were arrested, but none identified.

Joseph Taylor, of Saltilloville, while drunk billed his sister and wounded his mother so that she will be a cripple for life. Taylor objected to a young man with whom his sister kept company and forbade her to see him again. There are threats lynching. George Carpenter, who was convicted assault and attempted robbery in the house of John E. Scarles, of the Sugar Refining company, New York, was sentenced to years at Sing Sing for attempted robbery and ten years for assault and shooting Mr.

Searles aud his son-In-law, Mr. Tuttle. Milo. Vacuresco, formerly the finance the Crown Prince of Roumania, is sending to the Princess Marie, of Edinburgh, finance of the prince, the love letters which she received from a Prince Ferdinand. The English court is quite excited over scandal, and the matter is considered to without precedent.

Willie ho*rr, hoy, an employe of seventeen Biggs' jewelry store on Smithfield street, Pittsburg, was arrested for stealing diamonds and jewelry ing valued at $10,000. The boy has been systematically robbing his employer for months the and when arrested had nearly $4,000 worth of diamonds on his person, was Mrs. Bate, the wife of a respectablo young farmer, living near Shelbyville, in Bedford county, was outraged and murdered Friday, and there is no clew to the the perpetrator of the horrible double crime. There is great excitement in and him around Shelbyville, and there is no doubt as to the fate of the fiend if he is discovered. The civil authorities of Sheridan county, have made a demand on the military authorities for the soldiers of the Ninth: cavalry who attacked the town of Saggs Thursday and killed A citizen.

General Brooke, of the department of the Platte, has refused to turn the prisoner over to the Sheridan sheriff until -he can hear he from Washington. The sensational. Capton murder case terminated Thursday morning at Des Moines, in sentencing the slayer of Mabel Swartz to fifteen years in the penitentiary. The announcement of the verdict created a scene in' court. The prisoner's wife and mother fell in a swoon and had to receive or medical attendance.

The prisoner himself wept and shook with agony. Big Tom Clark, the New guitar in the is York mulatto, who sang and played the free-and-easy dance halls along the Bowery, was buried Friday, but there were at the house and on the way to the scraps cemetery. There were four widows, three white and one colored, to all of whom he was legally, married, and with whom he maintained harem on Doyor street. Senor Don Manuel Antonia Matta died at Valparaiso Thursday of apoplexy. It was decided to give him a public funeral.

Senor Matta was the minister of forvign affairs at the time of the attack on the sailors of the United States warship Baltimore, and to the intemperate language used by him in a circular relating to the affair, addressed to the Chilian represent.atives abroad, was largely due a the strained between Chili and the United relations States. Henry M. Stanley, who is to contest a Lambath in the Unionist interest, made failure in his first stump speech. Mrs. Stanley followed and made aL great success, capturing everybody.

A nolle was entered at Chicago Friday In the only remaining indictment against George J. Gibson, ex-secretary of the whisky trust. The district attorney stated in explanation that there was not cient evidence upon which to ask a conviction. The charge against Gibson was attempting to blow up with dynamite the of Shufeldt distillery, which Was ontsire the trust. In Time.

Sho--Mr. Nicofello Mr. George George, I- He--Say no more. I can only be a brother to you. She- But I haven'tHe--No, but I know what you.

were going to say. They all begin that way. -Life. What' Safety Matches Are Made of. The essential ingredient in "safety matches" is chlorata.

of potash mixed with other combustible substances.New York Journal. For the Reception AND Treatment -OFPATIENTS. Monroe's Improred Cold Cure Co. 19 Monroe's King of Metals Cure for the Liquor, Opium, Morphine and Tobacco Habits. ESTABLISHED AT YORK INN.

7 Opened April 6, 1892. Permanent alone, $25 per week. Board from $6 to Cures of Physical Wrecks 'in from Three to Four weeks. Charges for Business treatment, office over 14 and 10 West Third Street, per week at hotels. wtf ger Block, Marion, Indiana.

Summer Dress Goods. 3 We anticipated a Hot Summer and bought the margost stock of Iot Weather DRESS GOODS ever brought ty Marion. We want to sell them; and to move them quickly we have Cut the Price. Elegant lines of Fancy Lawns, Challics, Crepons, Fine Ginghams, at prices that will: astonish you. To see them is to buy them.

SHOE DEPARTMENT--We have a Bargain in Ladies' Shoos, Custom Made, worth $3,25. Our Price, $2.00. Full lino of Ladies' Slippers, 75c. 1- and on up. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT--Is full of Bargains.

We can save you. from 50 cents to $2.00 on your Summer Hat. Don't fail to see them. LEE HALL, Marion Block. FANCY GROCERIES FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, AT Arnold's Grocery, 511 South Washington St.

del his speinto the years the army. of to L. of no the misapcare Khan vicinhis khan for Ar- of Kenover crim- of and is comgood of miles bulletin years; increase employes of stock dropping coming ago Saturday many buyers a Allen, building, daugh- publisher while The of a fearfully in five-mile and WILEY STOUT, Abstractors -AND Real Estate Agents. BEST BARGAINS IN LOTS IN THE CITY. Office in Court House Basem*nt: ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS.

A Secretary of State Must Re Appointed by July 4. WASHINGTON, June 27. -In the guessthat has been going on about the organization. of the national committee vacant secretaryship seems to a a have been lost sight of for a few days. a It said a few days ago upon the authority of Senator Hisco*ck that Mr.

-Chauncey Depew would not accept portfolio, although it was well known that the president had made a tender of it. It was given out Friday on the authority of a cabinet officer that Mr. Depew had formally notfied the president that he could not accept the position. Under the law the cabinet, position must be filled by July 3, the president is anxions to make his selection and havo it over with, for thero are other important appointments awaiting his action. But us anxious as he may be, is not inclined to act hastily.

However, it is learned, upon authority that can not very be disputed, that President Harrison has about made up his mind to make a provisional appointment for the remainder of Mr. Blaine's term, and he is wavering between John W. Foster and Colonel John Hay. Whether Mr. Foster would accept not is a question.

Upon him has devolved much of the work in connection with the Behring sea controversy, which soon to be submitted to arbitration. General Foster has made that matter special study, is preparing the case the part the United States, and may be that he can not without jeopardizing the cause of the country at this time abandon the case, great- as would be the honor attached to the office socretary of state. However, it is likely that beforo this time next week the pointment will have been How Printed Silks Aro Made. Printed silk is made in much the same fashion as calico. When tho figuro is white upon a dark ground the silk is bleached, then run between rollers that print the ground, leaving the figures blank.

Colored figures on white or light grounds simply reverse the process. Complex patterns employing many colors have a separato roller and printing each tint. -Chicago Tribune. The empress of Russia is to give father, King Christian of Denmark, pure white Arabian horses at his coming golden wedding. It is impossible for" everybody nave a bath room of his and yet a necessity.

For that reason on you ohould frequent bath is not only luxury try E. A. Poor's. new rooms en north side of the equare unddr Oak 26dtf. Mrs.

Charles Lenfestey and George Young will receive applications for relief and donations at the denco of Mrs. Lenfestey at 715 Adams street for the curront month. Trunks and Valises. 1 Fb The finest line of trunks and valises in the state at J. H.

Wigger's. Try Riggs Plogsterth's Ice Oream Soda. It is fine. KIRK'S DUSKY DIAMOND TAR SOAR Healthful, -Agreeable, Cleansing, Curea Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, A Ramoves and Prevents Dandruff. AMERICAN FAMILY SOAR Bast for General Household Us Pennsylvania Lines.

i Reduction an Rates via America Standard Railway. Excursion tickets will be sold fro principal ticket stations on the Per sylvania Lines west of Pittsburgh follows: To New York City, July 5th to account International Christian deavor fare for row trip; tickets good returning until Ju 15th, or by arrangement with the mittee, the return limit to be extend to August 15th. To Washington, in Septembe account National Encampment, A. at low round trip rates. 3 Detailed information can be tained upon application to any tick agent of the P'ennsylvania Lines, or addressing F.

Van Busen, Chief Asl ant General Passenger Agept, Pit burg, Pa. Marion Stone Quarries. We are prepared to furnish the quality of lime stone, any place in city or on che cars, the low price, for street work, dwellings, tories or bridge work. Before buy! see the undersigned for prices, etc. D.

R. MCKINAR Irish tea is a pleasant and ing drink. Taken at night" it comes constipation, liver and troubles. It invigorates the mind body and produces a renewed semi vigor and health. "Irish tea that it is claimed to do.

W. W. Indianapolia, For sale by Riggs Plogsterth Harrison campaign cape for Barney Prins. 3..

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.