The First Archbishop - Chapter 15 - Aktrain - Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 (2024)

Chapter Text

Miklotov McMahon
Tired old man
One day after the discovery of the last candidate

The throne room of the Lugunica Kingdom was surprisingly empty. The nobility of the capital often visited this place to establish connections or discuss political issues. However, after the death of the last member of the royal family, this hall opened its doors less and less.

The only people who continued to meet regularly in this place were the members of the Council of Wise Men. After the death of the entire ruling dynasty, which had ruled Lugunica for many centuries, they became one of the last pillars of the kingdom. If not for their wise leadership, Lugunica would have plunged back into civil war.

And at the moment there were two representatives of this very Council in the throne room. Even if the youngest of them was considered in some way a purely nominal member of the Council, but in modern times it was an insignificant trifle.

— Let me thank you again for your timely arrival. I am sorry to have to take you away from your business, but the current situation requires our immediate attention...

Miklotov McMahon turned to the youngest among the Council. She sat in her own seat, which was to the right of Miklotov himself. His voice and facial expression gave him away as more of a good-natured grandfather than a longtime politician.

— I understand. If we don't do something about it, it will put us in a very vulnerable position.... — in a very young-sounding but at the same time very serious voice answered the little girl sitting next to Miklotov. It was Aurora Iscariot von Antares, the current Archduch*ess. Albeit that her title was also partially nominal.

Miklotov smiled tiredly at the young noblewoman, who looked no less tired than himself. One could see noticeable bags under their eyes, showing the results of many sleepless nights. And so while Miklotov was already accustomed to such an appearance, it was unusual for the Archduch*ess. She was in such a hurry that she had forgotten to use the necessary cosmetics to hide the effects of sleep deprivation and stress. Even her skin looked noticeably paler and sickly without her standard cosmetic procedures.

Miklotov mentally rebuked himself once again. If he had a choice, there was no way he would have taken on so many responsibilities for such a young girl. Especially when life was already unfair to her.

— So... The rest of the Council should be arriving shortly. Perhaps you'd like a cup of tea before they arrive?

— Thank you for your concern, but I'll pass. We can spend this time doing something more useful than drinking tea. — the old man's kind offer was rebuffed with a rather cold refusal.

Miklotov looked sadly into Aurora's dead eyes. Normally he wouldn't have shown such emotions so openly, but since there was no one here but them anyway, and Aurora herself was deprived of the ability to see, a little emotional weakness could be forgiven.

The young Archduch*ess' eyes seemed all too familiar to him. He had met a child with very similar eyes before. Yes, that child's scarlet eyes were capable of seeing, but the emptiness in them was incredibly similar. Sometimes Miklotov thought that if he had shown a modicum of care or concern then, that tragedy would not have happened. And now it seemed to him that he was making the same mistake again..... He was once again faced with a choice between the well-being and happiness of one child who didn't deserve such a harsh trial from fate, and the lives of all the people of the kingdom who didn't deserve to die because of one old man's ill-considered decision.....

Miklotov sighs quietly once again, cursing his old age. He really is getting too soft for such cruel things as politics...

— This is indeed true, but is it impossible to combine the pleasant with the useful? Serious matters should be dealt with on a cool head, and we are far from calm right now. Let's relax first and then continue our discussion, shall we? — Miklotov smiled good-naturedly, though he realized the uselessness of this action in front of the unseeing girl. He also placed his old hand on her head and began to slowly stroke Aurora like a caring grandfather.

Aurora at first visibly flinched at such a gesture from the old man, but then she relaxed and even blushed a little from embarrassment.

— O-Okay... Maybe a little tea wouldn't hurt...

Miklotov nodded his head contentedly and left the throne room for a while to make them both a cup of tea. He could have had the servants do it, but his own brew was much tastier in his opinion.


After a while, all the members of the Council of Wise Men finally arrived. Some of them cast disapproving glances at Aurora, as they were still not used to her being among them.

— I am pleased that you have responded so quickly to our emergency meeting. Now we can focus on today's main topic. Russell Fellow, treasurer of the trade guild, was murdered last night. He is also known among us as the leader of the Six Tongues organization.

After Miklotov's words, the faces of all the Council members became even more tense than they had originally been. They knew perfectly well the reason they had been summoned, but they still hoped it was some kind of mistake or trivial misinformation. But since Miklotov himself confirmed the news, their hopes were instantly dashed.

— And how many people already know about it...? — hesitantly asked one of the council members..

— Only you, me and a few members of the organization who discovered the corpse. I ordered them to keep the fact of Russell's death in the strictest secrecy. — replied Miklotov.

— What does it matter how many people now know about it! We can not hide it for long! To hell with the trade guild, but what are we going to do with the Six Tongues!!!! Most of them were loyal to Russell, not us! So if they all find out about this, it'll be a disaster!!!! — shouted a panicked old man with very thick and imposing blue eyebrows.

— If you yell like that, everyone will find out about it much faster than originally thought. — Aurora replied wryly, fixing the white flower in her hair.

— You little...!

— Enough!!! Bordeaux, you really need to keep your cool! If we give in to panic, it won't make the situation any better! And you, Archduch*ess, must stop your provocations! This is not the time or place for your arguments!

Bordeaux and Aurora immediately fell silent upon hearing Miklotov's reprimands. Technically, there was no leader among the members of the Council of Wise Men, but Miklotov was so respected among them that he was actually the unofficial representative of the entire Council. So his opinion was listened to by a great many, even despite internal disagreements.

— Still, Bordeaux's words make sense. Once this becomes known not only to the members of the organization but also to the trade guild, they will demand blood. If we don't find the culprit, there will be trouble....

— Exactly! We must find the culprit as soon as possible and bring him to justice! Otherwise our competence will be questioned, as will our credibility.

— And how do you propose to do that?!? Russell wasn't killed by some street urchin. This was clearly a professional job! The killer can't be stupid enough to stay within our reach.

— Exactly! We'd better find the customer than the killer! We need to compile a list of those who had motives for Russell's assassination attempt and then find the culprit!

— That's absurd! First of all, the list of suspects would be too long. Secondly, it could very well be a spy from another country. You're suggesting we charge them without proper evidence?!? They'll tear us apart for that!

— I agree! The murder happened just yesterday, so our culprit can't be far away! If we put enough effort into looking for him, we'll catch him for sure!

— Naive! If even Russell couldn't detect the assassination attempt on himself, how can we count on our own success!? He was one of our best scouts and spies and our competence in such matters is no match for him! It's better to accuse one of our prisoners now, and we'll find the real killer later!

— Are you kidding me!? What will we do if our deception is exposed!? It would be much better if we...!

Miklotov sighed quietly, running a hand through his long beard. He could already feel another migraine approaching, which was unlikely to go away anytime soon. Inwardly, he prayed to Dragon and Od Laguna that the royal selection would begin as soon as possible and that the most worthy of the candidates would win. Then he could finally retire and forget politics like a nightmare.


Eternal poker face
4 hours after the discovery of the last candidate

There was a peaceful silence in the market area of the royal capital. And this is not surprising, because the sun has long disappeared behind the horizon, which means all decent citizens are sleeping in their homes with their families.

However, not everyone was as conscientious at this time of day. A certain dark figure was briskly jumping along the roofs of houses, without making a sound.

This figure was a young-looking elf named Electra. She was dressed in a rather strict-looking uniform, which gave the impression that this girl was an officer of some kind of army. Her blonde hair fluttered freely in the wind as she jumped from one rooftop to another. The elf's face was the standard of the word "neutral", but inside everything was completely different.

She was upset. Very, very upset. And there were several reasons for that. First of all, she had to run away shamefully. Yes, if she hadn't, she would have gone to jail. However, that didn't make the situation much better. Secondly, she had failed the mission. Not that it bothered her much, but failure was failure. An embarrassing failure at that. And thirdly, she knew perfectly well whose fault it was that it had ended up like this...

As if on cue, one of Electra's pockets began to glow faintly. Stopping her jumping and pulling out the source of the glow, she sighed quietly.

— As they say, remember the sh*t...

Reluctantly, she opened her mirror. This was a special metia that made it possible to communicate with people at a distance. Normally it would not work at such a great distance from the intended location of the caller, but these particular mirrors were much better than their counterparts. Although they still had one drawback. They transmitted only sound, since the image transmission function was lost.

Heh~ hey~! Veri-chan is so glad you're okay~! You haven’t called your daddy for so long that he’s starting to worry about you~ And why does Very-chan have the feeling that you recently insulted him~? — an extremely sweet voice came from the mirror. Despite declaring his concern, his cheerful manner of speech made it difficult to take his words seriously.

— Stop your clownery. You knew very well that the Sword Saint would get in my way. Why didn't you say so? — in fact, for Electra it was a meaningless question. He did it either for fun or just to annoy her. This was not the first and far from the last time he does this...

What a horror~! You're not hurt~!? If this nasty knight hurt you, then come to your daddy as quickly as possible so that he can take care of yo-

— Shut up. I asked you a specific question and without an answer you can’t count on my assistance.

Why do you always blame Veri-chan~!? Who would have thought that Reinhard would be there at that very moment~!?

— You, for example.

These are all details~ And yes, you don’t have to worry about the insignia~ That bitch won’t be able to win anyway, so there’s nothing to worry about~ Better tell me, did that prostitute take with her one boy who looks like an idiot~?

Electra was surprised for a couple of moments, not expecting such words addressed to that not-pureblood. She doesn't really care, but it was quite unusual for him to express himself like that.

— A very specific description that you fit perfectly... There was one boy with black hair whose foot I cut off, but it was not she who took him, but the Sword Saint along with the thief and the giant.

Hihi~ Great~ In that case, we can finally move on to... Wait... Who-who took hi-?

Electra did not listen to her “daddy” and simply closed the mirror. She wasn't going to make it any easier for him by telling him the full story. Although, it was more of a slap in the face than a real dirty trick. He will soon figure out everything himself, and perhaps he already knows everything. One way or another, Electra was not going to waste even more of her nerves talking to him. Especially when another annoying person has returned...

— You're very brave to speak so openly with the Archbishop~ I don't know whether to be jealous or not? — a voluptuous and somewhat sultry voice sounded behind Electra's back.

— There's nothing to envy. Listening to him talk endlessly is worse than any torture. Listening to that boring asshole rant about his rights is preferable to being around my Archbishop. — the elfess turned to face the woman who no longer wore her hooded cloak.

— It seems to me that you are exaggerating. At least your Archbishop doesn't turn you into a pile of meat or a swarm of insects for disrespect or failure...

Electra simply shrugged in response. She was well aware Archbishop of Lust atrocities, but she still considered her far preferable company to her "daddy".

— Whatever. Was the mission a success?

— You're not one to talk, are you? You don't have to worry, I've done my best~ Though it's a shame I was forbidden to open his gut.... His insides would surely be beautiful~ — the woman licked her lips seductively, and her cheeks flushed slightly with excitement.

Electra outwardly did not show any reaction to such behavior from the Bowel Huntess, but in her thoughts she cringed in disgust. She couldn't understand how this lunatic could enjoy another's innards so much. Electra wasn't an angel herself and she was well aware of that, but compared to Elsa Granhirt her soul was white as snow. At least in her opinion.

— Good. In that case, we have nothing more to do here. Follow me, sex bomb.

— Sex bomb...? — Elsa tilted her head questioningly. The meaning of the phrase seemed to be clear, but such an appeal still sounded quite... exotic.

— That’s what my Archbishop calls you. You don’t have to ask, I don’t know why too. — having said this, Electra jumped from the roof of the house and disappeared into the darkness.

Elsa stood motionless for a couple more seconds before giggling quietly and following the elf. The two killers will never be caught that night.


Asshole with a salary up to his knees
Bottom of the Sacred Well

— Hihi~ Great~ In that case, we can finally move on to... Wait... Who-who took him~?

The Archbishop's words were never heard, as the other party decided to cut the connection. Oh well, no great loss.

— Eh~ And when is she going to run out of that transitional age~? She's making her daddy depressed and his heart is breaking with sadness~! Young people have no respect for their elders~! — as Veritas spoke, he stuffed another mana crystal into his mouth, which he began to chew with a loud crunch.

— And yet, this was still a problem~ What went wrong~? If Reinhard took the Fool to his place, it would significantly change the course he had already set out on long ago~ But why did it happen in the first place~? The whor* refused to take him~? Did Felt-chan insist on it~? Or did Reinhard not fully trust him and that's why he decided to take care of him on his own~? Or maybe all of the above~? Heehee~.

Whatever the reason or twist of fate behind it, it had to be dealt with. If he didn't, all the years of planning would go to hell. That was why this task had to be taken seriously. So, Veritas decided to make the only right decision possible in this situation.

— Whatever~!

Instantly and as if out of nowhere, a very comfortable-looking futon materialized in front of Veritas. Veritas pushed himself out of his wheelchair with his hands and plopped down on his stomach on the comfortable futon. Now a huge television screen appeared in front of him, on which was the LG logo. There was also a PS4 gaming console under the TV.

— Hehehehe~ I’ll beat you this time~! Orphan Kos will soon be reunited with his mommy, hehehehe~ — the screen turned on by itself, and a controller for the console appeared in Veritas’ hands.

Mou... Pandora will probably be upset if you start messing around again... You also promised her to meet Capella soon... — a pulsating glow appeared under the white medical robe of the Archbishop of Pride. This glow, like the voice itself, came from a crystal hidden behind Veritas' clothes.

— But Veri-chan doesn’t mess around~ He sends letters to the little Goat~? Sends~ He oversees the cult's finances~? He's oversees~ So she shouldn't have any complaints against Veri-chan~

You know very well that Capella will never come to you voluntarily... You treated her very badly, and now she is offended by you!

— That’s the whole point~! Very-chan sends her letters, she ignores them, Pandora is happy and Very-chan is happy~! It's called a mutually beneficial agreement~

A quiet sigh was heard from the crystal before a new person materialized in the room.

It was a blue-eyed blonde girl, with a rather fancy black outfit. The top of the dress was covered in a bunch of bows, much like her hair. Despite her young appearance, the girl was surprisingly tall for her supposed age. She was slightly taller than even the Archbishop himself, who looked a bit older than her. This girl's head was adorned with a rather cute black hat. Her eyes were full of innocence and compassion, which was striking considering the place and organization she belonged to.

— Veri-chan, you're already in a strained relationship with Pandora! If she finds out about your inaction, there will be no avoiding conflict between the two of you! — the girl's sweet voice was filled with worry and anxiety.

— Yan-chan is overdramatizing~ Veri-chan and Pandora-chan have a beautiful relationship~! Do you have so little faith in Veri-chan~? It's been so long since we've known each other~! It'll be fine~

— That's exactly why I'm worried! I know you, so I realize how much nonsense and trouble you can get into!

— Hey~! Your words make it seem like Veri-chan is some kind of rascal~ Veri-chan just says what he thinks and does what he thinks is right~.

— That's the reason why you're on an international wanted list...

— Well, the right thing is worth fighting for, regardless of the methods and casualties~ It's not Veri-chan's fault that the rest thinks it's world terrorism, lol~

The face of the girl, also now known as Yan-chan, became 10 times sadder. Tears were already starting to flow from her eyes, and her lips were trembling slightly.

— Okay, okay~! Veri-chan will write little goat another letter~.... Go get some paper and pen in the meantime~ I'll have to write to Pandora-chan as well~.

All sadness immediately disappeared from Yan-chan's face. She, satisfied with Veritas' decision, happily ran out of the room. Meanwhile, Archbishop Pride's eye began to twitch slightly as he realized that he had been led... again..... But he would not give up next time! And this time he would actually do so, rather than bowing down to foul play like the previous 7416516468175915016519052502751562459285327529519742 number of times!

— Hm~ Hm~ So, the Fool has started his journey after all~... And Veri-chan will have to get involved in all of this~! Everyone's so mean to Veri-chan~! Picking on the weakest, whimper~ whimper~ — Veritas began to fake a whimper, but his face still had the carefree smile that had been on the Archbishop's face for most of his life.

— And after all, Veri-chan would have to ACTUALLY solve the problem with the Fool and Reinhardt~... If they didn't socialize on their first day, it'll complicate things too much~ But that's okay~ Veri-chan will make it all better~!

Veritas rolled over onto his back. He stared at the ceiling thoughtfully, speeding up his thought processes to process his plans. As he did so, a bowl appeared in his hands, fully stuffed with all sorts of sweets. Ranging from chocolate chip cookies to gummy bears. Also among the usual goodies were a few top quality mana crystals.

— Well, it will be a matter of time~! I hope you don't let me down, Nii-san~! Veri-chan will be cheering you up with treats in the meantime~! Hehehehe-gha-hehe-ghe-hahaha~!
— Eh... How boring everything is......


Disney Princess
5 days after the last candidate is discovered

The golden-haired beauty with an extremely tense face and an angry gaze looked at the open book. Her emotional reaction to the soulless object was so strong that it seemed as if this book was personally responsible for all the misfortunes in her life.

— And then they traveled on... through the sand dunes in search of the coveted acom-.... acam-..... acamaod-! Agh! Stupid book! Why the f*ck is it written like someone's been drinking for three weeks?! — Felt slammed her fists on the table so hard that the candle illuminating her text immediately went out.

— Are you serious? It says “accommodations.” Is it so hard to memorize the spelling of a few elementary words? — Aurora stood behind Felt, criticizing her in a stern voice.

— Huh!? “Elementary!? I know perfectly well that such words and writing style are not "elementary"! Stop fooling me already!

— If you were more attentive in all my previous lessons, you would have read it and understood it.

— Oh, so now it's my fault!?

— Your complaining only proves my point. If you can't handle it, then... — taking the book from the table, Aurora walked over to the right shelf to put that book back and choose a new one.

Felt, meanwhile, crossed her arms in front of her chest and let out a couple angry grunts. It was one of the main reasons she hated nobles. They were born with a silver spoon in their mouth, yet they wonder why the rest live so poorly. They never lifted a finger for the sake of their comfortable life, but they are happy to call those people who were not so lucky to be born losers and parasites. And that bitch Archduch*ess was one of the prime examples. She expected things from Felt that she in no way knew or could know. And when she made mistakes, she was immediately reprimanded with: “Are you serious?", "Are you doing this on purpose?", "Is it really that hard?”. If Felt had a choice, she would have fled this estate long ago. But she couldn't. After all, by the damn rules of this stupid royal selection process, she had to show up at the announcement of the start of the competition for the throne. And if she didn't want to make a lot of enemies among the nobility, she should learn to send them away as politely as possible. Once Felt did that, then she would immediately return to the slums with old Rom. Maybe they'll even take that guy.

— Since you couldn't even handle this collection of children's stories, I'll try to find something easier. Though it would seem...

After those extremely condescending words, Felt couldn't take it anymore. She abruptly stood up from the table and walked over to Aurora with a look full of rage.

— Listen, you arrogant c*nt... I'm going to play your own game with you. Why can't you teach some street rat normal literacy? How hard can it be? You're so smart, so you can probably find a better way to teach me!

— If you continue to talk to me like that, then....

— ARGH! Shut the hell up! All I hear from you is reproaches and reprimands! How hard is it to praise me once in a while?!? I agreed to all this nonsense because of you, and now you're treating me like a spoiled princess! I'm sick of it! Can a single good word come out of your rotten mouth, eh!? — Felt was breathing heavily after her angry shout. She looked down at Aurora, not taking her eyes off of her.

Aurora's face did not change in any way after Felt's outburst. She covered her eyes for a few seconds before sighing quietly and sitting down at the table. She took the cup of tea in her hand and took a small sip.

— Okay... Since you dislike my lessons so much, I won't keep you here any longer. You can leave the manor, no one will stop you.

— You are...! Wait... Are you serious!? — Felt received an affirmative nod from Aurora. — FINALLY! This hell is finally going to end! As soon as I take off this damned dress and put on my old clothes, I'll run straight to old man Rom and-!

— Hmm? What are you talking about? I told you I won't keep you here anymore.

The joy on Felt's face was immediately replaced by quiet rage. She didn't like that clarification at all. And even more disliked the tone with which this aristocrat said it.

— What do you mean by that...?

— Eh... Do you even have to explain it? You see, your so-called 'grandfather', has a very interesting story.... Let's just say he was very popular in his time. He was especially popular with the jailers and the Supreme Court. They wanted to get to know him so badly, but it was like he fell through the ground back then... — Aurora chuckled softly, as if amused by some joke.

— You... YOU f*ckING BITCH! You want to use old man Rom as a hostage!!!? Is that why you decided to take him with me?!? - Felt's face was completely red with anger. The only thing that prevented her from beating the extremely satisfied face of the insolent noblewoman was the highly undesirable consequences of such an aggressive act.

— Me? How could you even think of such a thing? You're the one who asked us to take him and heal him, right? I was just showing a gesture of goodwill, so I decided not to inform your grandfather's fans of his whereabouts. But since my goodwill isn't much use to you, my honorable silence probably isn't either.... — Aurora was smirking openly now, amused by the thief's hopeless plight.

Felt, on the other hand, continued to stare at Aurora with quiet fury. Her fists clenched so tightly that droplets of blood began to drip from her palms. If she clenched her jaw any tighter, her teeth would surely break. She'd never felt the urge to kill like this before. Threats to her family were the sort of thing that Felt could in no way bitch about or forgive. However, if she didn't want to put that very family in danger, then she must endure it.. As much as she wanted to find a knife and plunge it into Aurora's thin neck, she MUST endure....

— Tsk. — Felt began to walk out of the room, cluck at her in the aftermath. For some reason that really annoyed that bitch.


Wanting to find someone to vent her accumulated anger and stress on, Felt decided to look for the friendliest person in the manor. It would be on this very day that she would meet the already recovered black-haired young man in the dining hall.


This section will be a summary of my OCs that I have added to the story. It will likely not be the only sheet.

Natsuki Nozomi

Likes: Herself, brother, cute things, animals, loafing.

Dislikes: Herself, mirrors, helplessness, people, tight spaces, rooms that are too dark, her memory, being tsked at.

Fears: Disappointing her brother, becoming despised or hated by her brother, becoming completely helpless.

Short Description — Nozomi is the youngest of Natsuki's twins. She has been inextricably attached to her brother since birth. She would always start crying and throwing tantrums as soon as she lost sight of him. She was much nicer to her brother in kindergarten, but after entering school, her attitude towards him changed a bit. Teachers in kindergarten and later teachers in school often complained about her rather aggressive behavior towards other children and adults, but the twins' parents rarely paid attention to it. Perhaps this was due to the disappointing medical prognoses for Nozomi. Nozomi Knows No Evil.


Perfect Memory — Nozomi has always possessed an excellent memory. She even remembers the time when she was in her mother's womb. Her memory is perfect in all aspects, be it visual, auditory, tactile, or gustatory. If she does forget something for some reason (such as a head injury), her memory is sure to come back sooner or later. This feature of Nozomi is both her most important advantage and at the same time her most important disadvantage.

Pride's Authority:

1. Vision of Pride — ???
2. Superiority of Pride — ????
3. Innocent Monster (Perfect Pure Self) — ?????

Authority of Gluttony — Same as Lye (Gourmet), Roy (Bizarre Eating), and Louise (Satiation).



Likes: Sister, Mistress, his axe, being a good child.

Dislikes: When sister is angry or sad, when Mistress is angry or sad, being a bad child, being hungry.

Fears: Becoming a bad child, ?????

Brief Description — Hansel and Gretel were twins, born as a result of rape. Their mother looked at them with fear and disgust, and their father ???. They had to rely on each other from birth to trivialize their survival and not go insane. Hansel barely remembers his parents, but that doesn't really bother him. One day the twins are found by the Witch Hunters and have to undergo special training to be able to resist the witches. Hansel was very successful in this, being particularly good with one-handed weapons. Most of the time the younger twin is calm and quiet, but sometimes he has fits that make even his older sister afraid of him.


Unusual Longevity and Physiology — Hansel's body and mind are frozen at the age of 14 for some reason. His body also has far more amazing abilities than the average Od Laguna resident.

Witch Hunting Skills — In the past, Hansel went through extremely harsh training that was necessary to be able to stand up to monsters called witches.

Endless Hunger — Hansel accidentally looked into both eyes of the witch of Gluttony, causing him to be cursed to experience monstrous hunger. This only stops if he is near a carrier of the Gluttony gene.


Likes: Her brother, her mistress, receiving compliments on herself, humiliating other people.

Dislikes: Being useless, her looks, being dependent on her brother.

Fears: Her brother, ?????

Brief Description — Hansel and Gretel were twins, born as a result of rape. Their mother looked upon them with fear and disgust, and their father, ???. They had to rely on each other from birth to trivialize their survival and not go insane. As a child, Gretel was extremely fearful and weak-willed, for which she received constant punishments and insults from ???. She was also afraid of her brother, but later learned to communicate with him “in her own way”. During her training with the witch hunters, Gretel especially excelled in her skills with throwing weapons. Most of the time she acts arrogant and insulting, but if Gretel is met with too much pressure or stress, she will revert back to her whiny and pathetic self.


Unusual Longevity and Physiology — Gretel's body and mind are frozen at the age of 14 for some reason. Her body also has far more amazing abilities than the average Od Laguna resident.

Witch Hunting Skills — In the past, Gretel went through extremely harsh training that was necessary to be able to stand up to monsters called witches.

Endless Hunger — Gretel accidentally looked into both eyes of the witch of Gluttony, causing her to be cursed to experience monstrous hunger. It only stops if she is near a carrier of the Gluttony gene.

Aurora Iscariot von Antares


Likes: ???, cute things, animals, black humor, reading erotic literature.

Dislikes: Incompetence, demihumans, being judged by her age, being tsk-tsked at.

Fears: ????

Brief Description — Aurora was born into a dynasty that ruled over vast domains in the west and south of Lugunica. These territories were once common places of exile for refugees and all those who could not find a new home after the Great Calamity. Aurora's ancestors were able to turn those lands into a prosperous barony that eventually grew into a duchy and then the first Archduchy. The Iscariots even managed to become the right-hand man of the last Lion King and were granted a lifetime membership on the Council of Wise Men, a position that has been honored for generations. Aurora is very proud of her dynasty, so she tries her best to keep their legacy alive and not let all their labors fall to dust. Aurora see no Evil.


Magic — Aurora has an affinity for all elements of magic, but her magical abilities themselves are rather mediocre.

Swordsmanship — Despite her blindness, Aurora has an amazing level of sword skills.




Likes: Battles, order, strength, insulting her “father”

Dislikes: Losing control, her “father”, boring battles.

Fears: ????

Brief Description — Electra was born as a result of a Pride experiment. She didn't know her real parents, nor was she particularly interested in them. She is now 129 years old, which is still quite young for a creature of elven descent. She has a very strange relationship with the Archbishop of Pride, whom she calls “daddy” or “father”. That said, she is very unflattering to him and not infrequently dreams of annoying him.

Abilities — ????



Likes: Veritas, ???

Dislikes: When Veritas hurts himself and others.

Fears: Losing Veritas, losing ???, vehicles, losing her personality completely.

Brief Description — Janus, or Yan-chan, is a spirit contracted to the Archbishop of Pride. Janus is not her original name, but for some reason she is called by that name. Yan-chan is despised by the other spirits for helping the Archbishop of Sin, but that doesn't really bother her. For some reason, she can safely be in the presence of Pride and even more so at the bottom of the Sacred Well. She has a kind and compassionate nature, which makes her decision to cooperate with one of the Archbishops all the more bizarre. (When translating the word “Janus,” the meaning of the abbreviation address for Yan-chan was lost. Therefore, do not be surprised that when referring to Yan-chan, the first letter is Y)


Miasma Resistance — It's unknown why, but Yan-chan is able to withstand massive amounts of miasmas. Sometimes it seems as if she doesn't notice them at all.



Likes: Himself, loafing, himself, cute things, animals, himself, cultists, himself, Pandora, possibly himself, Yang-chan, most likely himself, ?????

Dislikes: Working, being tsked at.

Fears: Work.

Brief Description — Veritas is the Archbishop of the sin of Pride and one of the oldest members of the Witch Cult. He is also, in fact, the leader of the cult along with Pandora. Veritas is a complete hedonist and a compulsive liar. Claims to love everyone and everything in this world, but given the nature of his personality, this claim is highly questionable, as is everything else he says. Has a bad reputation among his fellow Archbishops, especially Lust. Only the Gluttony sinlings treat him with kindness. Veritas has his own group of cultists, which he calls the Inquisitors. Most of the funding the cult receives comes from Pride. He is considered the weakest not only among the Archbishops, but also among the rank and file of the cult in terms of physical ability. Even if his lower body wasn't paralyzed, Veritas would still lose any physical fight. Pride can be considered both the safest and most dangerous Archbishop to socialize with. He is also the author and publisher of over 90% of erotic literature worldwide. Veritas Hears No Evil.

Pride Authority:

1. Vision of Pride — ???
2. Superiority of Pride — ???
3. Innocent Monster (Perfect Pure Self) — ???

Authority of Gluttony (Feast) — Same as Lye (Gourmet), Roy (Bizzar Eating), and Louis (Satiation).

And Hamal gets nothing since he's a jerk.

The First Archbishop - Chapter 15 - Aktrain - Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.