Echoes of the Past - atsaturnday - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: February 11th, 2005

Chapter Text

The morning sun filtered through the tall windows of the Auror Office, casting a warm glow over the desks and shelves laden with magical artifacts.

Harry Potter sat at his desk, his gaze fixed on a stack of parchment in front of him. The room buzzed with the quiet hum of wizards and witches going about their duties, but Harry's thoughts were elsewhere.

It had been seven years since the wizarding war had ended, yet the echoes of that time still reverberated in Harry's mind. As an Auror, he had dedicated himself to upholding the peace and ensuring that the darkness of the past never resurfaced.

But despite his outward composure, there were moments when the weight of those years felt almost tangible.

Harry had parted ways with Ginny Weasley, their paths diverging as they pursued their own aspirations. They remained friends, but the absence of their romantic bond left a quiet ache in Harry's heart, a reminder of the sacrifices and choices that had shaped their lives.

Across the office, Ron Weasley worked with him side by side, their camaraderie as strong as ever. Hermione, now married to Ron, was expecting their first child—a fact that brought both joy and a twinge of nostalgia to Harry. He couldn't help but think back to their Hogwarts days, when the future seemed both limitless and uncertain.

Ron sat at his desk, munching on a sandwich with a puzzled expression.

Harry glanced over, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Trouble with your sandwich, Ron? Planning to start a rebellion against questionable lunch options?"

Ron looked up, a playful glint in his eyes. "Nah, just trying to figure out if this sandwich is cursed or if it's just my cooking skills that are questionable."

Harry chuckled dryly. "I'd say it's definitely cursed. It's managed to defy the laws of taste."

Ron mock-glared at him. "You're a real charmer, Harry. Remind me never to invite you to dinner."

Harry shrugged, still grinning. "Hey, I'm just looking out for your well-being. Wouldn't want you turning into a pumpkin from cursed food."

Ron chuckled at Harry's comment, then leaned back in his chair with a contented sigh. "Speaking of dinner, Hermione's been experimenting with some new recipes lately. Can't wait to get home and see what culinary adventures await."

Harry's smile faltered slightly at the mention of Hermione and their unborn daughter. He quickly masked his emotions with a forced grin, not wanting to dampen Ron's excitement. It wasn't anger or resentment that flickered in his eyes but rather a subtle pang of longing and nostalgia for the family he once dreamed of having.

"That sounds fantastic, Ron," Harry replied, his tone upbeat but his smile not quite reaching his eyes. "I'm sure Hermione's cooking will be as magical as ever."

Ron nodded enthusiastically, oblivious to Harry's inner turmoil. "Absolutely! And little Rosie will be thrilled. She's been kicking up a storm lately."

Harry managed a tight-lipped smile, the mention of their unborn daughter tugging at his heartstrings. He missed the idea of becoming a father, of experiencing the joys and challenges of parenthood.

But he pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the present moment and the camaraderie he shared with Ron.

As Harry glanced out the window, the familiar sights of Diagon Alley greeted him. The bustling street, filled with magical shops and bustling crowds, was a stark contrast to the solemnity of his thoughts.

With a sigh, Harry returned his attention to the paperwork on his desk.

As the morning progressed, a soft knock echoed through the Auror Office. Harry looked up from his paperwork, momentarily distracted from his thoughts.

The door swung open to reveal Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Minister for Magic, standing in the doorway.

"Harry, may I have a word with you in my office?" Kingsley's deep voice carried a note of seriousness, tempered by a hint of warmth.

Harry nodded, setting aside his quill. "Of course, Minister. I'll be right there."

He rose from his desk and followed Kingsley out of the bustling office, their footsteps echoing in the corridor.

The Minister's office was spacious yet cozy, adorned with magical artifacts and portraits of past leaders.

“Sit down, Harry," Kingsley said, his tone grave yet composed. "I have a mission for you, one that requires your expertise and discretion."

Harry nodded, taking a seat and giving Kingsley his full attention.

"We've received reports of strange occurrences in a remote area near the Scottish Highlands," Kingsley began, his gaze steady. "There's talk of an artifact known as the Whispering Vault. It's said to hold immense power and knowledge, but its exact nature and origins remain shrouded in mystery."

Harry's interest piqued at the mention of such a legendary artifact. He had encountered his fair share of powerful magical objects during his time as an Auror.

"What kind of occurrences?" Harry asked, leaning forward.

"People have reported hearing whispers in the night, voices that seem to come from nowhere," Kingsley explained. "There have also been sightings of strange magical phenomena, like lights and shadows dancing in the darkness.”

Harry absorbed the information, his mind already racing with possibilities. "Do we have any leads on where this Whispering Vault might be located?" he inquired.

Kingsley nodded. "We've narrowed it down to a secluded area in the Highlands, near an old abandoned castle. It's rumored that the vault is hidden deep within the castle's ruins."

In Kingsley's office, the gravity of the mission hung heavy in the air as he spoke to Harry about the Whispering Vault and the challenges it presented.

"Harry," Kingsley began, his voice measured yet urgent, "the Whispering Vault is not to be underestimated. Its mysteries run deep, and we must approach it with caution and expertise."

Harry nodded, fully aware of the risks involved. "What do you suggest, Minister?"

"We need a Potions Master," Kingsley stated firmly. "Someone who can navigate the alchemical intricacies we may encounter within the vault."

Harry considered this carefully. "Do you have anyone in mind?"

"I have someone in mind," Kingsley continued, choosing his words with care. "He's a Potions Master of exceptional skill and knowledge."

Harry's eyebrows raised in surprise. Kingsley's choice was unexpected, and he couldn't help but wonder who the Minister had in mind.

"Who is it?" Harry asked, curiosity piqued.

Kingsley hesitated for a moment before replying, "Draco Malfoy."

The name hung in the air, carrying with it a weight of history and complexity. Harry's mind flashed back to their shared past, to the animosity and rivalry that had defined their Hogwarts years.

"Draco Malfoy?" Harry repeated, his voice tinged with skepticism.

Kingsley nodded, his expression unreadable. "I understand the history between you two, Harry. But Draco has proven himself to be a skilled Potions Master and a knowledgeable expert in ancient magical artifacts. His contributions to our intelligence efforts have been invaluable."

Harry's thoughts churned with conflicting emotions. The idea of working alongside Draco Malfoy, their past animosities set aside for a common goal, was both surprising and unsettling.

Harry's mind drifted back to the tumultuous days of 1998, just after the Wizarding War had ended. He vividly remembered standing in the courtroom, his words a plea for understanding and justice for Draco Malfoy.

"I know it's a lot to consider," Kingsley acknowledged, his tone gentle. "But in matters like these, expertise and knowledge outweigh personal history. Mr. Malfoy is willing to assist, and I believe his skills are essential to the success of this mission."

Harry's jaw tensed slightly, his reluctance evident in the furrow of his brow. "I understand the need for expertise, Minister," he replied, his voice tinged with stubbornness.

"But working with Malfoy..." He trailed off, the memories of their past interactions casting a shadow over his thoughts.

Kingsley nodded, sensing Harry's hesitation. "I understand your concerns, Harry. But people change, circ*mstances evolve. Malfoy has proven himself in recent years, and his contributions cannot be ignored."

Harry's gaze shifted to the window, his thoughts drifting to the complexities of their shared history. "I just…”

I don't expect you to forget the past," Kingsley said, his voice reassuring. "But for the sake of this mission, we must focus on the present and the skills that Malfoy brings to the table."

Harry took a moment to digest Kingsley's words. Despite his reservations, he couldn't deny the logic in the Minister's argument. The Whispering Vault held too many unknowns, and having someone like Draco Malfoy on their team could make all the difference.

Harry took a deep breath, his internal struggle evident in the lines of his face.

"Alright," he said finally, a sense of resignation mingling with determination. "If Malfoy is willing to help, then I'll accept his expertise."

Kingsley nodded, a faint hint of approval in his eyes. "I'll make the arrangements for Mr. Malfoy to join us. Let's focus on the mission ahead and put aside any past grievances for the sake of our objectives."

Harry sat at the bar, his usual spot since the war ended, nursing a pint of Wizard's Brew. It wasn't just the taste of the beer that drew him here almost every night; it was the fleeting sense of escape, the temporary reprieve from the weight of his past and the expectations of being the Chosen One.

Ginny's words echoed in his mind, her voice tinged with disappointment as she accused him of drinking too much. She couldn't understand that for Harry, this pub was more than just a place to drown his sorrows—, a place where he could forget, if only for a moment, the burdens that weighed on his shoulders.

He took a gulp of his beer, the familiar bitterness mingling with the bittersweet memories of his failed relationship with Ginny. One of the reasons they had broken up was her inability to understand his need for these moments of respite.

The bartender, a middle-aged wizard with a kind demeanor, approached him. He recognized Harry as a regular, someone who frequented the pub almost every night.

"Evening, Harry. How's life treating you?" the bartender asked, his tone friendly.

Harry glanced up, his expression guarded but not unfriendly. "Oh, you know, same old same old," he replied with a nonchalant shrug.

The bartender nodded knowingly, pouring another pint of Wizard's Brew for Harry. "Busy days, I'm sure. But you always seem to find time for a bit of relaxation here."

Harry managed a small smile, the gesture tinged with weariness. "It's my little escape from reality, I suppose."

As he set down his glass, he felt a gaze on him and turned to see a handsome brunette man watching him with a curious yet appraising look.

Harry's eyebrows raised in surprise, his thoughts momentarily distracted from his introspection.

The man smiled, a hint of amusem*nt dancing in his eyes as he raised his own glass in a silent toast. Harry returned the gesture with a small nod and smile, intrigued by the invitation in the man's gaze.

Yeah, that was the second reason. The Boy-Who-Lived was gay.

The handsome brunette man approached Harry with a confident stride, his smile still lingering with amusem*nt.

"Mind if I join you?" the man asked, his voice smooth and inviting.

Harry shrugged nonchalantly. "Be my guest. Just a warning, though—I'm not one for deep conversations."

The man chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusem*nt and a hint of intrigue. "No worries. I'm just here for a good time."

It was a familiar routine for Harry, one he had repeated almost every night since the war ended. He sought solace in these fleeting moments of passion, a temporary escape from the complexities of emotions and relationships.

As they left the pub together, Harry's thoughts were focused solely on the pleasure that awaited.

"You're quite the charmer," the man remarked, his tone playful as they walked side by side.

Harry grinned, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Just trying to keep up with the reputation of the Boy-Who-Lived, you know."

The man laughed, the sound rich and inviting. "Ah, so that's your secret. I always wondered how you managed to survive all those adventures."

Harry chuckled, enjoying the easy camaraderie between them. "Survival instinct, I suppose. But enough about me. What about you?"

The man shrugged casually. "Oh, nothing as exciting as yours, I'm sure. Just a regular bloke looking for a bit of fun."

Harry nodded, the unspoken understanding between them clear. "Fun is definitely on the agenda tonight."

As they reached a secluded alleyway, the man turned to Harry with a playful smirk. "Shall we?"

Harry's grin widened as he followed the man into the shadows, the thrill of the unknown adding to the excitement coursing through his veins.

It was a side of him that few saw, the side that craved connection without strings attached, the side that reveled in the freedom of living for the now without worrying about tomorrow.

Draco Malfoy stood at the window of his study, gazing out at the sprawling grounds of Malfoy Manor. The moon cast a soft glow over the gardens, painting everything in a silvery hue. It was a quiet night, one that mirrored the turmoil and contemplation in Draco's heart.

Since the war ended, Draco had embarked on a journey of self-discovery and redemption. He had tried to reform himself, to erase the mistakes of his past that haunted him like shadows in the night.

One of those mistakes had been a brief, ill-fated marriage to Astoria, a result of a drunken night that led to her pregnancy.

However, Astoria's death in childbirth had shattered Draco's world. But when he held Scorpius for the first time, a tiny bundle of life in his arms, the responsibility of raising his son weighed heavily on Draco's shoulders, yet it was also a beacon of hope in the darkness of his guilt and regrets.

Scorpius, now six years old, was Draco's reason for trying to be better, to be the father his son deserved. Despite his efforts, the guilt of past mistakes lingered like a shadow over his every step.

The door creaked softly as he pushed it open, revealing Scorpius's peaceful form curled up in bed, surrounded by stuffed animals and magical trinkets.

Draco sat on the edge of the bed, brushing a strand of hair away from Scorpius's forehead. The boy stirred, blinking sleepily up at his father.

"Papa?" Scorpius mumbled, his voice heavy with drowsiness.

"Shh, it's alright, Scorp," Draco whispered, his voice gentle. "I just wanted to tell you a bedtime story."

Scorpius's eyes lit up with excitement, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "A story? About what?"

Draco knew he couldn't erase the past or undo the mistakes he had made, but he was determined to be the best father he could be for his son. Like the one he never had.

"Once upon a time, in a faraway land," Draco began, his voice gentle yet filled with a hint of wonder, "there lived a young wizard named Orion. He had a heart as brave as a lion and a spirit as free as the wind."

Scorpius's eyes sparkled with excitement, hanging on every word as Draco wove a tale of daring quests, magical creatures, and lessons of courage and kindness.

"And so, Orion learned that true bravery comes from standing up for what is right, even when it's difficult," Draco concluded, his voice softening as he tucked Scorpius in.

Scorpius snuggled closer, a sleepy smile on his face. "Thank you, Papa. I love your stories."

Draco's heart swelled with love and gratitude as he leaned down to press a kiss to Scorpius's forehead. "I love you, Scorpius. Sleep well, my brave little wizard."

As Draco quietly left Scorpius's room, a sense of bittersweetness settled over him. Despite the love he felt for his son and his efforts to be a better father, there was always a part of him that felt empty—a void that no amount of storytelling or fatherly devotion could fill.

Chapter 2: February 12th, 2005


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry groaned as he woke up, the throbbing in his head a familiar reminder of the previous night's indulgence in alcohol.

Blinking against the harsh light filtering through the curtains, he turned to his side and saw the shirtless brunette man tangled in the sheets next to him.

Sighing softly, Harry carefully extricated himself from the sheets, trying not to disturb the sleeping man.

He knew the routine all too well—wake up, dress quietly, and slip away without a word.

It was how he had been living for months, seeking solace in fleeting connections that promised temporary escape from his life.

Entering his apartment, Harry felt a sense of relief wash over him. The quietude of his surroundings offered a stark contrast to the vibrant chaos of the night before.

He headed straight for the shower, letting the warm water cascade over him, washing away the remnants of alcohol and the lingering echoes of his temporary escapade.

As he stood under the soothing spray, Harry's thoughts drifted to the day ahead. Work awaited him, a sanctuary of structure and purpose amidst the turbulence of his personal life.

Drying off and getting dressed in his usual attire—a crisp shirt, trousers, and a touch of charm that masked the inner turmoil—Harry prepared himself for the day.

The mirror reflected a facade of confidence, a mask he wore effortlessly, concealing the complexities and vulnerabilities that lay beneath.

With a final glance at his reflection, Harry grabbed his briefcase and headed out the door, ready to face the challenges of the day with a practiced ease.

"Long night again, Harry?" Ron's voice carried a mix of concern and playful teasing as he greeted his friend at the office.

Harry managed a tired smile, the bags under his eyes betraying the late hours and restless nights.

"You could say so," he replied with a shrug, sinking into his chair with a weariness that he couldn't quite shake off.

Ron eyed him for a moment, his expression shifting from amusem*nt to genuine concern. "Mate, you look like you could use some rest. Everything okay?"

Harry waved off Ron's concern with a dismissive gesture. "Just a bit tired, that's all. You know how it is."

But Ron wasn't convinced, his intuition honed from years of friendship with Harry. "It's not just tiredness, Harry. You've been pushing yourself too hard lately. Maybe it's time to take a breather, yeah?"

Harry nodded, a flicker of gratitude in his eyes. "I'll consider it, Ron. Thanks."

The day at the office was in full swing when Kingsley's silver Patronus glided into the room, its form shimmering with urgency.

Harry's attention snapped to the ethereal messenger, his brow furrowing as he recognized the distinct shape.

"Harry, Kingsley wants to meet with you," Ron exclaimed, his eyes widening in curiosity as he set down his coffee cup with a clatter.

Harry nodded, his mind already racing with thoughts of what new task awaited him. "Yeah, it's about a new case."

"A new case? What's it about?" Ron leaned forward, his curiosity piqued.

Harry hesitated for a moment, considering how to broach the subject. "I'm supposed to work with Draco Malfoy on this one."

Ron nearly choked on his coffee, sputtering in disbelief. "Malfoy? You mean the bloke who made our lives miserable at Hogwarts?"

Harry chuckled dryly, knowing all too well the history they shared with Draco. "Yeah, that Malfoy."

Ron shook his head incredulously. "Mate, how are you going to manage to work together without ripping each other's throats out? You two were always at it back in Hogwarts."

"I know," Harry admitted, a hint of uncertainty in his tone. "But it's a professional assignment, Ron. We'll have to put our past behind us and focus on the task at hand."

Ron raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Easier said than done, Harry. You know how stubborn Malfoy can be."

"I do," Harry agreed, his expression thoughtful.

"And we know how stubborn you can be," Ron added with a teasing grin, earning a playful glare from Harry.

"Alright, enough of that," Harry said, trying to steer the conversation back to the task at hand. "The point is, Kingsley wants us to work together on this, and we don't have much choice in the matter."

Ron nodded, his expression serious. "I get it, mate. Just be careful, yeah? We don't need any explosions in the middle of a mission."

Harry grinned, though there was a hint of reluctance in his demeanor. "I'll do my best, Ron. Thanks for the vote of confidence."

Harry walked down the familiar corridors of the Ministry of Magic, his footsteps echoing in the quietness of the early morning.

He reached Kingsley Shacklebolt's office and paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before he knocked on the door.

"Come in," Kingsley's deep voice resonated from within.

Harry entered, finding Kingsley seated behind his desk, a stack of parchment spread out before him.

The Head of the Auror Department looked up with a warm smile. "Ah, Harry, right on time. Please, have a seat."

Harry nodded, taking a seat across from Kingsley. "Morning, Kingsley."

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and Kingsley gestured for Harry to stay seated as he went to answer it. Draco Malfoy entered the office, his demeanor composed yet guarded.

"Good morning, Malfoy," Kingsley greeted him warmly. "Thank you for coming."

Draco inclined his head slightly, his eyes briefly meeting Harry's before flickering back to Kingsley. "Good morning, Minister. Potter," he greeted in a tone that was polite yet distant.

"Malfoy," Harry acknowledged with a nod, keeping his tone neutral.

The tension in the room was palpable, the unspoken history between Harry and Draco hanging like a heavy cloud.

As the pleasantries settled into an uncomfortable silence, Kingsley took charge, his voice cutting through the tension.

"I've called you both here for a reason," he began, his gaze shifting between Harry and Draco.

Harry could sense Draco's guarded posture, the way his eyes darted between Kingsley and himself, betraying a hint of wariness. Despite the years that had passed since their Hogwarts days, the animosity and mistrust lingered, woven into the fabric of their interactions.

"We have a new case," Kingsley continued, his tone serious. "One that requires both your expertise."

Harry glanced at Draco, noting the rigid set of his shoulders and the controlled mask he wore. It was clear that neither of them was entirely comfortable with the situation, but professionalism demanded they set aside personal history for the task at hand.

Draco, ever the master of composure, nodded subtly, a silent acknowledgment of the assignment. "Of course, Minister. I'm here to assist in any way I can," he replied, his voice cool and detached.

Harry nodded as well, his expression neutral despite the whirlwind of emotions churning inside him.

"I'm ready to work on the case, Kingsley," he affirmed, his voice steady.

Kingsley nodded in approval, his gaze shifting between them. "Good. I trust you both to handle this with the utmost professionalism."

“Of course, Minister.” Draco replied courtly.

Kingsley leaned forward, his gaze shifting between Harry and Draco, as he began to explain the intricacies of their new assignment regarding the Whispering Vault.

"Draco, we'll need your expertise as a Potions Master," Kingsley began, his tone measured. "The Whispering Vault is rumored to contain ancient magical artifacts with potent properties. We believe your knowledge of potions and alchemy will be crucial in identifying and neutralizing any potential dangers."

Draco nodded, his expression focused as he absorbed the information. "Understood, Minister. I'll start by analyzing the historical records and compiling a list of possible potions or countermeasures we might need."

Kingsley then turned to Harry, his gaze firm. "Harry, as an Auror, your role will be to investigate any potential security breaches or threats surrounding the Whispering Vault. We need to ensure that no unauthorized individuals gain access to its contents."

Harry nodded, his Auror instincts kicking in. "I'll coordinate with the security teams, conduct surveillance, and gather any intelligence related to the Vault."

The gravity of their task hung in the air, the weight of their responsibilities settling over them. This wasn't just another case—it was a long-term assignment that would require dedication and precision.

"As you both know," Kingsley continued, "the Whispering Vault is highly confidential. Only a select few are aware of its existence. Secrecy is paramount."

Draco and Harry exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them.

"We'll be working closely together on this," Kingsley emphasized, his tone firm. "I expect regular updates and collaboration between your departments."

As the meeting reached its critical juncture, Kingsley's voice took on a somber tone. "Gentlemen, I must emphasize the importance of discretion in this matter. The Whispering Vault's contents are not to be taken lightly. We cannot afford any breaches in security or leaks of information."

Draco nodded in agreement, his demeanor remaining composed as he absorbed Kingsley's words. "I understand the gravity of the situation, Minister. Rest assured, I'll ensure utmost confidentiality in my role."

Harry, however, bristled at the implication. "We've handled sensitive cases before, Kingsley. You know we're capable of keeping secrets."

Draco shot Harry a subtle glance, a silent warning to maintain professionalism. "Potter, there's no need to get defensive. We all have our parts to play."

But Harry's temper flared, memories of past conflicts bubbling to the surface. "Don't patronize me, Malfoy. I know my responsibilities."

Draco's composure faltered slightly, his patience wearing thin. "And I know mine. Let's focus on the task at hand, shall we?"

Kingsley intervened before their exchange could escalate further. "Gentlemen, let's not dwell on old animosities. The Whispering Vault requires our full attention and cooperation. We're counting on both of you to set aside personal differences for the greater good."

Harry took a deep breath, reigning in his emotions. "You're right, Kingsley. We'll handle it."

Draco nodded in agreement, though a trace of tension lingered between them.

“Get on with it then.” Kinsley said as he dismissed them from his office.

As Harry and Draco exited, an awkward silence settled between them, heavy with unspoken tension and unresolved history.

The atmosphere was charged, each step echoing the underlying unease that lingered between them.

"So, Malfoy," Harry started, his voice tinged with forced casualness. "How've you been?"

Draco's scoff was almost imperceptible, but it didn't escape Harry's notice. The dismissal in that sound stirred a familiar frustration in Harry, a reminder of the years of animosity they had shared.

Draco turned to face Harry, his expression guarded. "Surviving, Potter. Much like yourself, I presume."

The jab hit its mark, Harry's temper flaring despite his attempts to remain composed. "Right. Because surviving is all we've ever done, isn't it?"

The sarcasm in Harry's voice was palpable, a reflection of the simmering resentment that had never quite faded between them.

Draco's eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of defiance in his gaze.

"Don't pretend like you care, Potter," Draco retorted, his tone sharp. "We both know where we stand."

Harry bristled at the implication. "Fine then, Malfoy. Let's keep it strictly professional, shall we?"

The tension hung in the air like a thick fog, the weight of their shared history pressing down on them. Each word exchanged felt like a battlefield, the remnants of old wounds reopening with every barb.

Draco's mask of indifference slipped for a moment, a flash of vulnerability crossing his features before he masked it once more. "Agreed, Potter. Professionalism it is."

The library's grandeur seemed to amplify the tension between Harry and Draco, their footsteps echoing softly against the polished floors as they made their way to the section dedicated to ancient magical artifacts.

As they reached the shelves lined with dusty tomes and scrolls, Harry's gaze flickered towards Draco, noting the subtle changes in his appearance since their Hogwarts days.

Draco stood tall and poised, his refined features accentuated by the tailored suit and vest he wore. Despite the years that had passed, there was an undeniable allure about him, a sense of maturity that added to his charm.

Harry would almost dare to say he was handsome.

"Alright, let's get to reading," Harry announced, his voice breaking the tense silence as he reached for a particularly old volume.

The pages were yellowed with age, filled with intricate illustrations and cryptic writings that hinted at the secrets of the Whispering Vault.

Draco mirrored Harry's movements, selecting another tome nearby. His expression was focused, the mask of indifference firmly in place once more.

As they delved into the archives, the words on the parchment painted a vivid picture of this legendary repository.

"Centuries ago, a secretive order of wizards known as the Whisperers created the Vault," Harry read aloud, his voice filled with a mixture of fascination and apprehension. "Their most prized possessions—artifacts imbued with potent magic capable of altering reality itself."

Draco leaned in closer, his eyes scanning the text with a keen interest. "Bound with powerful enchantments and intricate wards," he murmured, his mind already spinning with thoughts of magical protections and hidden dangers.

The description of the Whisperers' devotion to forbidden knowledge struck a chord with both men, each understanding the allure of such pursuits while also recognizing the inherent risks involved.

"People have reported hearing whispers in the night," Harry continued, his tone taking on a solemn note. "Voices that seem to come from nowhere."

Draco nodded, his expression thoughtful. "And sightings of strange magical phenomena," he added, recalling stories of lights and shadows dancing in the darkness.

Harry's brow furrowed in contemplation as he voiced his perplexity. "Kingsley said the whispers were heard near the highlands, but it doesn't make sense. Why would the Whisperers be so obvious about the location of the Vault?"

Draco leaned closer, his eyes alight with intrigue. "Unless it's a deliberate distraction. The Whisperers were masters of deception and misdirection. They might have intended to lead potential seekers astray."

Harry's expression brightened with the possibility. "A decoy to protect the true location of the Vault. Clever."

As Harry and Draco delved deeper into the lore surrounding the Whispering Vault, the library's atmosphere seemed to shift, the air thickening with a palpable sense of foreboding.

The Vault's reputation for driving those who sought its secrets to madness added an ominous tone to their already daunting task.

Draco's voice broke the heavy silence. "The accounts of madness and obsession surrounding the Whispering Vault are chilling. It's as if the Vault itself is a living entity, tempting and tormenting those who dare to uncover its mysteries."

Harry nodded, his eyes scanning a particularly ancient scroll detailing the tragic fates of past explorers. "The stories speak of wizards driven to madness by the whispers, consumed by their relentless pursuit of forbidden knowledge."

The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows across the library, enhancing the sense of unease that hung in the air.

Harry's gaze met Draco's, both men sharing a silent acknowledgment of the risks they faced.

"It's like a siren's call," Draco murmured, his voice hushed. "Drawing in those who seek power and enlightenment, only to ensnare them in a web of madness and despair."

Hours slipped by unnoticed as they combed through ancient texts and historical accounts, piecing together clues and theories.

Harry, engrossed in a particularly cryptic passage, broke the silence. "This section hints at protective wards surrounding the Vault. Intricate enchantments designed to deter intruders."

Draco, leaning over another ancient tome, raised an eyebrow. "Fascinating. But I believe this passage suggests a hidden entrance, bypassing the wards entirely."

The underlying tension colored their dialogue, a silent battle of intellect and ego.

Harry countered, his tone edged with challenge. "A hidden entrance would imply a flaw in the Vault's defenses. Unlikely, considering the Whisperers' reputation for thoroughness."

Draco's lips curved into a sardonic smile. "Or perhaps it's a deliberate misdirection, designed to lure in overconfident seekers."

“Unlikely.” Harry retorted.

Draco's sardonic smile widened, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Ah, Potter, always the skeptic. But where's the thrill in assuming everything is flawless?"

Harry's frustration simmered beneath the surface, his jaw clenching slightly. "It's not about thrill, Malfoy. It's about approaching this with caution and logic."

Draco's tone turned taunting. "Caution and logic, the hallmarks of a Gryffindor's approach. How predictable."

Harry bristled, his patience wearing thin. "Predictable maybe, but effective. Unlike reckless bravado and baseless theories."

Draco leaned back, a smirk playing on his lips. "You Gryffindors always favor the direct approach. Sometimes subtlety can be more fruitful."

Harry shot back, his tone sharp. "Subtlety, Malfoy? That's rich coming from someone who never hesitates to flaunt his accomplishments."

Draco's smirk faltered, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Flaunt? I merely acknowledge my achievements, unlike some who seem intent on dwelling in the past."

Harry's jaw clenched, his voice tinged with frustration. "Dwelling in the past? Perhaps if certain people took responsibility for their actions—"

Their words hung in the air, charged with the weight of old resentments and unspoken grievances. The atmosphere grew tense, a palpable shift as they delved into sensitive territory.

Draco's cool facade cracked, a flash of anger crossing his features. "Responsibility? You, of all people, preach about responsibility after what you did after the war?"

Harry's eyes sparked with defiance. "I did what I had to do to save lives—"

Draco cut him off, his tone sharp and accusatory. "At the expense of others, as usual. Always the hero, Potter, never mind the collateral damage."

Harry's fists clenched at his sides, the sting of Draco's words hitting a nerve. "Collateral damage? You have no idea—"

Their heated exchange escalated, each word a barb aimed at the other's perceived faults and failures. Years of animosity and unresolved issues bubbled to the surface, fueling their confrontation with a raw intensity.

Draco's voice lowered, a dangerous edge seeping into his words. "You think you know everything, don't you? But you have no clue what it's like to live with the consequences of your actions."

Harry's gaze hardened, his tone equally sharp. "And you think you're the only one with regrets? You're not the only one who's suffered, Malfoy."

Their argument reached a crescendo, emotions raw and unfiltered. The library around them seemed to shrink, their voices echoing off the walls in a clash of wills and wounded pride.

As their tempers flared, a realization dawned on them both—the past was a burden they carried together, woven into the fabric of their shared history, impossible to escape or forget.

Draco, sensing the escalating tension, decided to defuse the situation. "Alright, Potter. I believe we've exhausted this line of inquiry for now. I have other matters to attend to."

Harry, though still bristling with unresolved emotions, nodded in reluctant agreement. "Fine. We'll pick this up tomorrow."

Draco gave a curt nod, his expression guarded. "Good. Until then."

Their parting was terse, the underlying tension leaving an invisible divide between them as Draco turned to leave the library.

Harry remained seated, his mind buzzing with the remnants of their confrontation.

As Draco's figure disappeared from view, Harry let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

Their interactions always seemed to end in conflict, dredging up memories and emotions he preferred to keep buried.


Let me know what you think so far!

Chapter 3: February 13th, 2005

Chapter Text

Harry woke to the familiar throb in his temples, a testament to the night's indulgence. A stranger lay beside him, their presence a silent reminder of his recurring pattern.

The routine that followed was almost mechanical. He dressed quietly, the fabric of his clothes feeling heavier than usual.

After getting ready, Harry left his apartment, stepping out into the morning with a sense of déjà vu.

Another day, another encounter, all blending into a blur of fleeting connections and fleeting escapes.

Harry entered the library, the cool silence a stark contrast to the chaos of his thoughts. Draco Malfoy was already there, a book in hand, his expression unreadable.

"You look like sh*t, Potter," Draco remarked, his tone carrying a hint of amusem*nt.

"Morning to you too, Malfoy," Harry replied dryly.

“And you’re late.” The library seemed to hold its breath as Draco's remark hung in the air.

Harry glanced at his watch, noting the mere two-minute difference between his arrival and their agreed-upon meeting time.

"By two minutes," Harry retorted, his tone edged with irritation. "Hardly cause for alarm."

"Still, late," Draco insisted, a hint of smugness in his tone.

Harry rolled his eyes, a mixture of exasperation and amusem*nt flickering across his features. "You're insufferable, Malfoy."

Draco merely shrugged, his expression cool and composed.

"I prefer punctual," he replied casually, returning his attention to the book in his hands.

"Well, did you manage to find anything new in this oh so long two minutes I was late?" Harry quipped, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Draco's glare intensified, his icy gaze meeting Harry's with a silent challenge.

"No," he replied curtly, his patience wearing thin.

Harry raised an eyebrow, unfazed by Draco's demeanor. "Well then, I guess we're both off to a great start," he remarked dryly, a small smirk playing on his lips.

Harry took a seat opposite Draco, his eyes scanning the pages of the book in front of him. As the minutes passed, a nervous tick emerged, his fingers drumming a soft rhythm on the wooden surface of the desk.

"Will you stop that, Potter?" Draco's voice cut through the quiet of the library, his irritation evident.

Harry looked up, momentarily taken aback.

"Stop what?" he asked innocently, his fingers still tapping unconsciously.

"Your incessant tapping, it's driving me mad," Draco snapped, his composure slipping slightly.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realize," Harry replied, his tone apologetic.

"Didn't realize? You've done it since we were eleven years old. How could you not?" Draco's frustration was palpable.

"I don't know," Harry admitted with a shrug, his fingers finally stilling. "Force of habit, I guess."

Draco huffed in response, returning to his reading with a pointed silence.

Harry's brows furrowed as he studied the intricate runes in an old book. "Huh," he muttered under his breath, his curiosity piqued.

Draco glanced over from his own reading, his interest sparked by Harry's reaction.

"Look at this," Harry said, pointing to the page with the runes.

Draco leaned closer, examining the ancient symbols with a critical eye. "Runes, ancient ones at that. What could they mean?" he mused aloud.

"I don't know," Harry admitted with a shrug. "I was bollocks at runes."

Draco scoffed, a hint of amusem*nt in his tone. "It's a miracle you managed to graduate," he remarked dryly.

Harry rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "Anyway, they must have something to do with the Whisperers; their symbols are right there. I can ask Hermione," he suggested, his interest piqued by the ancient runes.

Draco raised an eyebrow, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Granger. Did she and Weasel ever manage to get together?"

Harry nodded, a small smile quirking his lips. "They did. Married, expecting," he replied, his tone tinged with a hint of nostalgia.

Draco's expression softened for a moment, a flicker of something akin to wistfulness crossing his features.

"Good for them," he commented quietly before returning his focus to the runes in the book.

Harry studied Draco for a moment before asking, "What about you? Did you ever get married?"

Draco huffed softly, a mixture of annoyance and resignation in his tone. "I thought you weren't interested in my life," he retorted, his eyes still fixed on the ancient text.

"I'm not," Harry replied casually, "I just need to kill time."

Draco's shoulders tensed imperceptibly before he replied, his voice carrying a weight of memories.

"I did get married, if you must know. It didn't last long. Astoria passed away," he revealed, his tone devoid of its usual edge.

Harry's expression shifted to one of awkward sympathy. "Oh, sorry. I didn't know," he offered sincerely, his curiosity momentarily overridden by empathy.

Draco kept his eyes on the book, his emotions hidden behind a mask of unreadable composure.

"What about you and Weaslette? Figured you'd be married by now," he deflected, subtly shifting the focus away from his own past.

"Ah, Ginny and I parted ways a while back," Harry explained. "After the war, people expected us to be together, and for a time, we were. But you know how it goes; time changes people, and we weren't the same as we once were."

Draco nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Understandable," he acknowledged, a flicker of empathy in his gaze.

Harry shrugged, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Besides, I'm gay. So there wasn't much she could do about that," he admitted, the words slipping out before he could stop them.

Draco's eyes widened comically for a split second, a mixture of surprise and amusem*nt crossing his features.

He quickly composed himself, masking his initial reaction with a casual nod.

"Well, that would certainly put a damper on things," he remarked lightly, trying to keep the tone light despite the unexpected revelation.

Harry chuckled, the tension easing slightly as they navigated this unexpected territory.

"Yeah, it did add a bit of a complication," he admitted, his tone casual yet tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

As Harry and Draco pored over the ancient tome, the library's quiet ambiance seemed to echo the weight of their discovery. The passage they stumbled upon painted a grim picture of the Whisperers' guardianship of the Vault, their sacrifices shrouded in mystery and tragedy.

Draco's sharp intake of breath broke the silence, his eyes narrowing as he absorbed the haunting details.

"This is... unsettling," he murmured, his usually composed demeanor betraying a hint of unease.

Harry nodded grimly, his gaze fixed on the faded text. "It's like they knew the risks but were driven by something greater," he observed, a sense of respect mingling with his apprehension.

The words on the page spoke of ancient curses, relentless guardians, and a darkness that consumed those who dared to trespass. "The Vault's protectors paid a heavy price," Draco remarked, his voice subdued.

A sense of urgency crept into their conversation as they discussed the implications of what they had uncovered.

"We'll need to proceed with caution," Harry stated, his tone firm but tinged with caution.

Draco, ever the skeptic, raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Caution is wise, Potter, but let's not allow fear to cloud our judgment."

Harry's response was swift, his tone edged with frustration. "Fear? I'm talking about prudence, Malfoy. You might do well to learn the difference."

Draco's lips quirked into a smirk, his gray eyes glinting with a hint of challenge. "Prudence, coming from the Gryffindor who charges headfirst into every situation."

Harry shot back, “Must you always be so annoying?”

Draco's eyebrow arched in response to Harry's comment. "Must you always be so easily irritated, Potter?"

Harry rolled his eyes, a hint of exasperation creeping into his voice. "It's not irritability; it's called having a healthy skepticism."

Draco scoffed. "Healthy skepticism or irrational paranoia?"

Harry shot back, his tone tinged with annoyance. "Call it what you want, but it's kept me alive this long."

Draco, glancing at his watch with a sense of urgency, interrupted their exchange. "I have to go now," he announced, a hint of impatience coloring his words.

Harry's confusion turned to frustration.

"Where to?" he demanded, his voice edged with irritation.

Draco's reply was curt and dismissive. "None of your business, Potter," he retorted coolly, already gathering his belongings.

The tension between them crackled in the air, Harry's jaw tensing as he watched Draco prepare to leave without offering any further explanation.

Harry's frustration bubbled up, his retort swift. "Some of us work in the real world, Malfoy, not just when it suits our fancy."

Draco raised an eyebrow, his tone cool. "I've worked my hours. Now it's time for me to leave."

Harry couldn't resist the jab. "Oh, so the Malfoy prince can't work overtime or he'll get tired?" His sarcasm was palpable, a mix of annoyance and amusem*nt at Draco's sudden departure.

Draco's retort was sharp, his voice laced with thinly veiled disdain. "You don't know anything about my responsibilities. And don't be so ridiculous. You don't need to work. I'm sure my cousin's inheritance and your parents' wealth let you be as comfortable as possible without lifting a finger."

Harry's jaw tensed, a flicker of anger crossing his features. "You think everything's handed to me on a silver platter, Malfoy? You have no idea what it's like to live under constant scrutiny, to carry the weight of expectations and the ghosts of the past."

Draco's gaze softened slightly, a rare moment of understanding crossing his usually composed demeanor.

"Perhaps not," he conceded, the edge in his voice softening. "But we all have our burdens to bear, Potter."

The tension between them lingered, unresolved issues and old resentments simmering beneath the surface.

Harry's frustration mingled with a hint of resignation as Draco made his way out of the library, leaving Harry to wrestle with his conflicting emotions and the weight of their shared history.

Draco stood outside the kindergarten wizarding school, a faint smile tugging at his lips as he waited for Scorpius to emerge. The sun cast a warm glow over the cobblestone path, and the air was filled with the cheerful chatter of young witches and wizards.

"Papa! Papa!" A small voice called out, and Draco's heart swelled with pride and warmth as he saw Scorpius bounding toward him, his school bag bouncing on his back.

"Scorpius!" Draco crouched down, opening his arms wide as his son rushed into them, wrapping him in a tight hug. "How was your day?"

"It was brilliant, Papa! We learned about spells and potions, and I made a new friend named Marcus," Scorpius exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Draco ruffled Scorpius's hair affectionately. "That's wonderful, my boy. I'm glad you had a good day."

Scorpius beamed up at Draco. "Can we go to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, Papa? Please?"

Draco chuckled softly. "Of course, Scorpius.”

As they walked hand in hand towards Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, Scorpius's excitement bubbled over into more questions. "Papa, have you saved people at work yet? Like in the stories you tell me?"

Draco chuckled softly, a mixture of amusem*nt and fondness in his eyes. "Not yet, Scorpius. But I'm always ready to help if anyone needs it"

Scorpius nodded, absorbing Draco's words with wide-eyed curiosity. "I want to be like you when I grow up, Papa. A brave wizard who helps others."

Draco's heart swelled with warmth at Scorpius's words. He squeezed his son's hand gently. "You'll be a fantastic wizard, Scorpius. Just remember, being brave also means being kind and doing what's right, even when it's hard."

As Draco and Scorpius made their way towards Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, the pleasant chatter of their outing was interrupted by a sudden commotion.

A passerby recognized Draco from his past as a Death Eater and began muttering disparaging remarks, casting accusing glances in their direction. “How dare you walk about like nothing? after what you and your family did."

Draco's protective instincts kicked in immediately, his grip tightening on Scorpius's hand. He shielded his son subtly, positioning himself between Scorpius and the stranger, a silent barrier of protection.

"Scorpius, stay close to me," Draco murmured, his voice calm but firm. He kept his gaze forward, ignoring the hostile stares around them as they continued walking.

The stranger persisted, his voice growing louder with each step. "You Death Eaters have no right to walk freely among decent people!"

Draco's jaw tensed, but he maintained his composure for Scorpius's sake. "We're just going about our day," he replied evenly, refusing to engage in confrontation.

Scorpius glanced up at Draco, sensing the tension but trusting his father to handle the situation.

"Papa, why is that man saying mean things?" he whispered, his innocent eyes filled with confusion.

The tension in the air was palpable, but Draco remained composed, his focus solely on ensuring Scorpius's safety as he continued to walk away, leaving the man yelling far back.

Scorpius glanced up at Draco, sensing the shift in atmosphere but trusting his father's ability to handle the situation.

Draco knelt down briefly, meeting Scorpius's concerned gaze with a reassuring smile.

"Some people may not understand our past or our choices, Scorpius," he explained softly. "But we know who we are, and that's what matters."

Scorpius nodded, his eyes reflecting a mixture of confusion and determination. He squeezed Draco's hand, silently conveying his trust and admiration for his father's strength.

Draco stood up, his posture conveying a sense of resilience but also weighed down by a subtle veil of guilt. The accusing remarks had not just targeted him; they had inadvertently marked Scorpius, casting shadows of judgment and prejudice over his young life.

Harry ascended the front steps of Ron and Hermione's home, the weekend air tingling with the promise of relaxation.

He reached into his jacket, retrieving a flask containing a familiar, comforting warmth. With a swift sip, he steeled himself for the impending lunch gathering.

Then, he knocked on the door, anticipating the warmth and laughter that always welcomed him inside.

Hermione swung the door open, her smile radiant and her pregnant belly proudly on display.

"Harry!" she greeted warmly, her eyes sparkling with joy at the sight of her old friend.

"Hey, Hermione," Harry replied, returning her smile with genuine happiness. He couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the imminent arrival of Hermione and Ron's baby.

Stepping inside, Harry was enveloped in the cozy atmosphere of their home. The smell of something delicious wafted from the kitchen, and the sound of laughter echoed from the living room.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked, his gaze shifting to Hermione's baby bump. "You look amazing."

Hermione chuckled, a hint of exhaustion mingling with her excitement. "I'm feeling pretty good, all things considered. Just a bit tired these days."

"Well, you're glowing," Harry remarked with a grin, following Hermione further into the house.

Ron appeared from the living room, a wide grin spreading across his face as he saw Harry. "Harry, mate! Good to see you," he exclaimed, clapping Harry on the shoulder in a friendly greeting.

"Ron," Harry replied warmly, returning the gesture with a pat on Ron's back.

The three of them settled in the cozy living room, chatting and catching up as they waited for lunch to be served.

Hermione greeted Harry warmly as he entered, her curiosity evident in her expression. "How's everything been going, Harry?"

Harry returned her smile. "Good, good," he replied, taking a seat.

Ron, who was bustling around the kitchen, chimed in, "Guess what, Hermione? Harry here is working on a new top-secret case with none other than Draco Malfoy."

Hermione's surprise was palpable. "Really? That's quite unexpected. How's that going, Harry?"

Harry nodded, "Yes, Kingsley assigned us to a new case involving ancient magical artifacts. It's... interesting, to say the least."

Ron interjected with a chuckle, "Interesting is one way to put it. Harry here thinks Malfoy has mellowed down a bit, but I'm not so sure."

Harry shrugged, acknowledging Ron's skepticism. "He's annoying and insufferable, but not as much as he used to be. We're managing to work together without tearing each other apart, surprisingly."

Hermione raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "I never thought I'd see the day when you two would be on the same side, let alone working together. I hope it's going well, despite the challenges."

Harry nodded in agreement. "It has its moments, but we're making progress. Kingsley seems to think Malfoy's expertise is crucial for this case."

Hermione then shifted the conversation, “And how’s everything else? Life?”

Harry chuckled dryly. "That is my life, Hermione."

There was a brief moment of awkward silence before Hermione's expression softened with sympathy. "Harry, I'm worried about you."

Harry shrugged, trying to downplay her concern. "What's to worry about, Hermione?"

“Ron tells me you’re always tired, Harry. And honestly, he doesn't seem to have much of a life outside of work." Hermione replied as Ron sat down next to her.

Harry let out a sigh, feeling a bit exposed. "Gee, Hermione, thanks."

Hermione's gaze remained fixed on Harry, her concern evident. "I'm serious, Harry. You don't look good. Are you getting enough rest? Taking care of yourself?"

Harry hesitated before nodding slightly. "I'm fine, Hermione. Just a bit busy with work, that's all."

Ron interjected again, "Busy? More like buried. I bet you don't even remember the last time you had a proper day off."

The tension in the room escalated as Hermione and Ron exchanged worried glances, hesitant to broach a sensitive topic with Harry.

Harry, noticing their unease, pressed for an explanation. "What is it?" he asked, his tone tinged with annoyance.

Ron shifted uncomfortably in his seat, exchanging a hesitant look with Hermione.

"Hermione, maybe we shouldn't—" he started, but Harry cut in firmly, "Shouldn't what?"

Harry's irritation grew, sensing the gravity of the unspoken conversation. "What are you two dancing around? Spit it out," he demanded, his frustration evident.

Hermione took a deep breath, her expression serious. "Harry, we're worried about your drinking."

"My what?" Harry feigned ignorance, but Hermione saw through it.

"Don't play stupid, Harry. It doesn't suit you," she said gently but firmly.

Ron added, "You have a problem, mate."

Harry's denial was swift. "What? I don't have a problem."

Ron's tone turned more direct. "You don't think I can smell you oozing booze every morning? Now?"

Harry shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his denial palpable. "I don't know what you're talking about," he insisted, his voice defensive.

Hermione sighed, her concern deepening. "Harry, we know how hard everything has been for you. But you have us. You can talk to us about anything."

Ron nodded in agreement. "Yeah, mate. You're not alone in this."

Harry's gaze flickered between Hermione and Ron, a mix of frustration and vulnerability in his eyes. "I appreciate your concern, really, but there's nothing to talk about. I'm handling things just fine."

Hermione leaned forward, her expression gentle yet firm. "Harry, we're not accusing you of anything. We're just worried about you. You've been through a lot, and we're here to support you."

Harry's jaw tensed, his walls of denial cracking under their persistent concern. "I said I'm fine," he repeated, his tone more strained this time.

Hermione's voice softened as she touched on a sensitive topic. "Harry, you've always been good at pushing through challenges, but sometimes that means you never really process what you're feeling. It's like you've been carrying this weight since Hogwarts, and it's followed you into adulthood."

Harry's expression hardened slightly, a defensive shield rising. "I coped just fine," he replied tersely, his tone defensive.

Hermione gently persisted, "But coping isn't just about surviving, Harry. It's about facing what's inside and finding ways to heal."

Ron nodded in agreement. "Yeah, mate. Bottling it up only works for so long. Eventually, it catches up with you."

“I said I’m fine!” Harry's frustration simmered beneath the surface, his emotions a mix of denial and anger.

"Drop it, okay?" he snapped, his tone cutting.

The awkward silence that followed was broken by the sound of the oven dinging.

Hermione stood up, trying to diffuse the atmosphere. "The food is ready. Let's all take a seat," she suggested, heading towards the kitchen.

As she paused at the kitchen door, Hermione glanced back at Harry. "That is if you're still staying, Harry," she added gently.

Harry remained silent for a moment, his thoughts swirling in turmoil. Finally, he sighed and nodded.

"Yes, of course," he replied, his voice softer but still filled with a sense of unease.

The atmosphere at the table remained tense, with Harry lost in his thoughts.

He felt a deep sense of loneliness and uncertainty, unsure of how to confront his inner struggles, especially when his job seemed to be the only thing holding him together.

Chapter 4: February 16th, 2005

Chapter Text

On Monday morning, Draco and Harry found themselves back at work, their interactions still tinged with a hint of standoffishness. As they entered Kingsley's office, the air between them felt charged with unspoken tension.

Kingsley greeted them with a nod, his expression unreadable. "Good morning, gentlemen. I trust you're ready to delve deeper into the Whispering Vault case."

Draco nodded curtly, his posture rigid. "Of course, Minister."

Harry's response was equally clipped. "Ready as ever."

Kingsley observed their demeanor but didn't comment, instead gesturing for them to take a seat. "We've made some progress over the weekend. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the latest findings."

Draco and Harry exchanged a brief glance, each waiting for the other to speak first, a silent standoff in itself.

Finally, Draco cleared his throat and began discussing their discoveries from the previous week, his tone professional but distant.

Harry listened intently, his own thoughts swirling as he tried to maintain focus on the case.

As Draco outlined their progress, Harry interjected with questions and suggestions, his tone still carrying a touch of skepticism. "Have we considered the possibility of a decoy Vault? Something to divert attention while the real Vault remains hidden?"

Draco raised an eyebrow at the interruption, but acknowledging the point. "It's a valid concern. We should investigate further into any historical records or rumors that might indicate such decoys."

Kingsley nodded in agreement. "That's a good angle to pursue. Malfoy, Potter, I need you to coordinate closely on this."

"Understood, Minister," Draco replied, a touch of determination in his voice.

Once back in the library, Draco glanced up from his work, a faint hint of curiosity in his eyes. "So, Potter, how was your weekend?" he inquired casually.

Harry, with a hint of sarcasm, retorted, "I thought we didn't care about each other's lives."

"We don't," Draco affirmed, his tone dry and matter-of-fact, but there was a flicker of something else in his expression, perhaps a hint of underlying interest.

Harry observed Draco for a moment, his gaze lingering as if trying to decipher something beneath the surface.

"I didn't do much, just had lunch with Ron and Hermione," he replied casually, almost as if testing the waters of their conversation.

Draco raised an eyebrow, a flicker of curiosity crossing his features. "How are they doing?"

Harry shrugged nonchalantly. "About as well as can be expected, considering."

The exchange was brief, lacking the usual tension that colored their interactions. It was a small step towards a more civil rapport, albeit a cautious one.

“How was yours?’ Harry asked.

Draco's response was curt. "Fine, thanks for asking."

Harry raised an eyebrow, a hint of sarcasm in his tone. “That’s all I get?”

“That’s all you get, Potter,” Draco replied with a hint of finality, signaling the end of their exchange.

Harry rolled his eyes, a flicker of amusem*nt in his eyes. "I expected a bit more detail from you, Malfoy. After all, you always did love to talk about yourself."

Draco's lips quirked into a sardonic smile. "Some things never change, Potter. I prefer actions to words."

Harry leaned back, crossing his arms. "Actions, huh? I'll believe it when I see it."

Draco's voice cut through the quiet of the library, his tone tinged with a mix of excitement and caution. "Potter, look at this. It's about the whispers surrounding an evil wizard from centuries past, once a Whisperer turned rogue."

Harry leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "An evil wizard? What did he want with the Vault?"

Draco's eyes narrowed as he scanned the text. "It says here that he sought to unlock the Vault's secrets for his own nefarious purposes. Typical."

Harry smirked, a hint of amusem*nt in his voice. "Sounds like something straight out of one of those old tales."

Draco scoffed lightly. "Don't underestimate the power of history, Potter. Sometimes, the past holds more truth than fiction."

Draco leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "You see, Potter, history provides us with a roadmap. It allows us to anticipate patterns, understand motives, and ultimately, make better decisions."

Harry, ever the pragmatist, countered, "But Draco, we're dealing with real-time threats here. We need actionable intelligence, not theoretical musings about ancient wizards."

Draco raised an eyebrow, his demeanor calm but firm. "Ah, but therein lies the beauty of history. It gives us context, a lens through which we can interpret the present."

Harry sighed, sensing that this debate was far from over. "I get what you're saying, but we can't afford to get lost in the past. We need concrete leads, not historical conjectures."

Their differing viewpoints sparked a lively debate, with Draco citing historical precedents to support his arguments while Harry pressed for practical strategies rooted in the present.

The library echoed with their back-and-forth banter, each trying to sway the other to their perspective.

"You're getting lost in the details, Malfoy," Harry remarked, a note of impatience creeping into his voice.

Draco shot back, his tone sharp. "And you're ignoring crucial context, Potter. We can't afford to overlook any lead, no matter how obscure."

The tension between Harry and Draco simmered, their contrasting approaches to the investigation sparking a heated exchange.

Harry's frustration was palpable as he retorted, "We need actionable leads, not a history lesson. We don't have time to chase ghosts from centuries ago."

Draco's eyes narrowed, his voice tinged with annoyance. "Ghosts from centuries ago may hold the key to understanding our present challenges. You can't dismiss valuable insights just because they don't fit your immediate expectations."

Harry's patience wore thin as he countered, "Valuable insights? What we need are concrete leads, not theories from ancient texts."

Draco's tone turned sharp, his frustration evident. "You're so focused on the now that you're blind to the bigger picture. Sometimes, Potter, you have to look beyond what's right in front of you."

Harry's eyes narrowed, his voice tinged with irritation. "And sometimes, Malfoy, you have to come down from your ivory tower and see the reality we're dealing with."

Draco closed his book with a decisive thud. "I need to leave," he stated firmly, his expression betraying a mix of frustration and resignation.

Draco's abrupt announcement left Harry irritated and curious, his gaze lingering on the fleeting man.

"Where is it you run off to every day?" Harry muttered under his breath, his annoyance evident.

"I told you, Potter, it's none of your business," Draco's voice echoed in his mind, their recent argument still fresh in his memory.

Harry squinted his eyes, a mix of frustration and intrigue swirling within him. He couldn't shake the feeling that Draco was hiding something, and Harry's Gryffindor curiosity was itching to uncover it.

“I'll see you tomorrow," he called out to Harry before retreating.

After a few moments of deliberation, Harry followed Draco discreetly. He navigated the familiar alleys with a sense of purpose, his instincts driving him forward.

When Draco approached the school area, Harry's intrigue intensified.

"Where is he going?" he whispered to himself, his eyes fixed on Draco's figure as he entered the kindergarten section.

He hesitated for a moment, unsure of what he might discover, but his Gryffindor curiosity pushed him forward. Keeping a safe distance, Harry stealthily followed Draco into the kindergarten.

Inside, Draco greeted Scorpius with a warm smile, his demeanor transforming from the reserved Potions Master to a caring father.

"Papa!" Scorpius exclaimed, rushing into Draco's arms.

Harry observed the scene from a distance, a mix of astonishment and understanding washing over him.

Seeing Draco's genuine affection for his son humanized him in Harry's eyes, breaking through the barriers of their past animosities.

Draco knelt down to Scorpius's level, engaging in animated conversation about his day at the kindergarten.

The love and warmth between father and son were evident, painting a different picture of Draco than Harry had seen before.

Feeling a pang of guilt for intruding on this intimate moment, Harry debated whether to reveal himself or slip away unnoticed.

But as he watched Draco and Scorpius interact, a newfound respect for Draco's complexities and struggles settled within him.

Just as he decided to slip away unnoticed, Scorpius's innocent voice cut through the air. "Papa, there's a man watching us."

Harry froze, cursing inwardly. “f*ck.”

Before he could react, Draco had him by the collar in a swift, startling motion.

Anger flashed in Draco's eyes, quickly followed by confusion as he realized the person he had caught was Harry Potter. The anger returned, sharp and accusatory.

"What the hell, Potter? You followed me?" Draco's voice was tight with frustration and a hint of betrayal.

Harry cleared his throat, trying to maintain composure despite the awkwardness of the situation. "Uh, hi, Malfoy. Sorry about this. I didn't mean to intrude. I was just... curious."

Draco's grip on Harry's collar loosened slightly as he studied Harry's expression, his features a mix of surprise and sheepishness.

Scorpius, sensing the tension, looked between his father and Harry with wide eyes, unsure of what was happening but picking up on the sudden change in atmosphere.

Draco's initial anger softened into a more measured gaze. "Curious? About what, precisely?"

Harry hesitated, feeling the weight of the moment. "About... you, I suppose. I mean, I saw you leave in a hurry, and I couldn't help wondering where you were going every day."

Draco's expression tightened, his irritation evident. "And I told you it was none of your business, Potter."

Harry nodded, his tone conciliatory. "Right, I get that. Sorry for prying. I didn’t know you had a son.”

Draco released his grip on Harry's collar completely, stepping back with a nod. "Just don't make a habit of following me, Potter. It's not appreciated."

Scorpius's voice cut through the tension. "You're Harry Potter?"

Harry turned to look at him, finding the sight of the young Malfoy quite endearing with his icy blonde hair and green eyes. "Uh, yeah. I'm Harry."

Scorpius's eyes widened with excitement, his childlike enthusiasm palpable. "My papa has told me all about you!"

Harry narrowed his eyes slightly, surprised. "He has?"

He noticed Draco's subtle blush and couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity.

"Yes! He has told me all about what you did in Hogwarts," Scorpius continued eagerly, oblivious to the tension between his father and Harry.

Draco's grip on Scorpius's shoulder tightened slightly. "I have not," he insisted, a hint of embarrassment coloring his tone.

Scorpius looked up at his father with wide eyes. "Yes, you have, Papa. You told me about Harry Potter and the adventures at Hogwarts."

Harry smiled warmly at Scorpius and reached over to ruffle his hair gently. "You're the cutest kid I've ever seen, Scorpius."

Scorpius, his curiosity piqued by Harry's mention of being an Auror, launched into a series of innocent questions. "What's it like being an Auror? Do you catch dark wizards? Have you ever fought dragons?"

Harry chuckled at Scorpius's enthusiasm. "Being an Auror is exciting. We do catch dark wizards sometimes, but no dragons yet, thankfully."

Scorpius's eyes widened with wonder. "Wow, that sounds so cool! Papa, did you ever fight dragons when you were at Hogwarts?"

Draco glanced at Harry, a small smile playing on his lips despite his initial irritation. "No, Scorpius, I didn't fight dragons. That's not something taught at Hogwarts."

Scorpius turned back to Harry, undeterred. "What's the most exciting thing you've done as an Auror?"

Harry considered for a moment before answering, "Probably apprehending a group of rogue Dark Wizards who were up to no good. It was a tough case, but we managed to bring them to justice."

Scorpius nodded eagerly, hanging on to every word.

Harry's interaction with Scorpius subtly eased the tension between him and Draco, creating a bridge through the innocent curiosity of a child.

As Draco glanced at the time, he sighed softly. "Scorpius, we need to leave now."

Scorpius pouted, clearly disappointed. "But Papa, I want to keep talking to Harry. He's so cool!"

Draco smiled forcefully and indulgently at his son's enthusiasm. "I know, Scorpius, but we have other things to do today."

Harry, sensing Scorpius's reluctance to leave, crouched down to his level. "We can talk more another time, Scorpius. Maybe your dad will let me visit sometime."

Scorpius's face lit up at the idea. "Really? That would be awesome!"

Draco nodded, a hint of amusem*nt in his eyes. "We'll see, Scorpius. Say goodbye to Potter now."

Scorpius hugged Harry tightly, his excitement still palpable. "Goodbye, Harry! I hope we can talk again soon!"

Harry ruffled Scorpius's hair affectionately. "Goodbye, Scorpius. Take care, okay?"

As Draco and Scorpius headed off, Harry watched them go with a small smile.

Draco sat comfortably in his living room, engaged in lively conversation with Pansy and Blaise. The atmosphere was relaxed, filled with nostalgic reminiscence and shared laughter as they caught up on each other's lives.

"So, how's life been treating you, Draco?" Pansy inquired, her eyes sparkling with genuine interest.

Draco leaned back in his chair, a faint smile on his lips. "Busy as always, but things are progressing. And you two? How's married life treating you?"

Blaise chuckled, exchanging a knowing look with Pansy. "Married life has its moments, but we're managing. The twins keep us on our toes."

Pansy nodded in agreement. "They're a handful, but we wouldn't have it any other way."

Scorpius entered the room with Cygnus and Lyra, the four-year-old twins bringing a burst of energy and excitement with them.

Draco's expression softened as he greeted them with a warm smile.

"Hey there, little ones," Draco said, his voice affectionate. "Did you have fun playing?"

Cygnus, with his mischievous grin, nodded enthusiastically. "We played hide and seek! Lyra hid really well!"

Lyra, giggling, added, "I found you, Cyg!"

Draco chuckled, ruffling Cygnus's hair gently. "You're getting better at it, Cyg. And you too, Lyra, good job."

Scorpius, seeing his friends, beamed with delight. "Can I play with them tomorrow again, Papa?"

Draco nodded, glancing at Pansy and Blaise. "Of course, as long as it's okay with Aunt Pansy and Uncle Blaise."

Pansy smiled warmly. "Of course, you’re always welcome to join in the fun."

“Guess what Aunt Pansy?” Scorpius said excitedly as he turned to her, “I met Harry Potter!”

Pansy raised her eyebrows, her interest piqued. She glanced at Draco, who cleared his throat and leaned back, a subtle sign of caution.

"Did you now?" Pansy echoed, her tone holding a mix of curiosity and amusem*nt.

Scorpius nodded eagerly, his eyes shining with excitement. "Yes, Aunt Pansy! Harry Potter was at my school today. He's really nice, and he knows a lot of cool things about magic!"

Draco interjected, trying to steer the conversation away from Harry Potter. "Scorpius had a good day at school, didn't you? You and your friends played a lot."

But Scorpius, undeterred, continued sharing his encounter with Harry Potter, oblivious to his father's attempt to change the subject. "He said I was the cutest kid he's ever seen!"

Pansy couldn't help but smile at Scorpius's enthusiasm. "Well, that's quite the compliment, Scorpius. Harry Potter must have made quite an impression on you."

Draco shifted uncomfortably, hoping the conversation wouldn't delve deeper into his past interactions with Harry Potter.

“Why don’t you go along and play, we will be gone in a bit.” Draco nodded as Scorpius and the other children left the room to continue their play.

Blaise turned to Draco, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Harry Potter, eh?" Blaise raised an eyebrow. "That's an interesting turn of events. What kind of case are you two working on?"

Draco shrugged, trying to downplay the situation. "It's just a Ministry assignment. Nothing more."

Pansy chimed in, her tone amused. "Who would've thought Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, of all people, would end up working together?"

Draco gave a noncommittal nod, not wanting to dwell on the topic. "Indeed, strange times we're living in."

Blaise interjected with a sly grin, "Well, you were always obsessed with each other."

Draco's eyes widened in scandalized denial. "We were not!"

Blaise chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "Oh, come on, Draco. We all saw the way you two used to glare at each other back in Hogwarts. It was practically a love story in the making."

Draco scoffed, aghast at the suggestion. "A love story? Absolutely not! It was pure animosity, nothing more."

Pansy grinned mischievously. "Sure, sure, Draco. Whatever you say. But now you're working together, it's like fate has a sense of humor."

Blaise joined in, teasingly. "Maybe this case will finally bring you two together in ways you never expected."

Draco rolled his eyes, feeling the weight of their teasing. "Please, let's focus on the actual work at hand. There's enough to deal with without adding imaginary love stories to the mix."

Pansy and Blaise shared a knowing look, their playful banter winding down as they shifted back to more serious topics, leaving Draco to ponder the unexpected twists of fate that had brought him back into Harry Potter's orbit.

Chapter 5: February 20th, 2005

Chapter Text

As Harry and Draco sat in their usual spots in the library, engrossed in their respective tasks, Kingsley approached them with a sense of urgency in his stride.

"Harry, Draco," Kingsley began, his voice carrying a weight of importance. "We've found something significant regarding the runes you discovered in that ancient book."

Harry and Draco exchanged glances, their interest piqued.

"What did you find?" Harry asked, leaning forward.

Kingsley nodded, his expression serious. "The runes led our researchers to a hidden chamber deep within the Ministry. Inside, they uncovered ancient scrolls that shed light on the origins of the Whispering Vault."

Draco's eyes widened with intrigue.

"What do the scrolls reveal?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued by the prospect of unlocking more secrets about the mysterious Vault.

Kingsley adjusted his glasses, his demeanor grave yet excited. "The scrolls detail the history of the Whispering Vault, dating back centuries. They speak of its creation by an ancient wizard, its purpose, and the powerful enchantments guarding its secrets."

Harry leaned in closer, absorbing every word. "What about the evil wizard mentioned in the book? Does it mention anything about him?"

Kingsley nodded. "Yes, the scrolls mention a rogue Whisperer who attempted to unlock the Vault's secrets for his own dark purposes. It seems he was driven by a thirst for power and knowledge, much like what we're facing now."

Draco furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "So, what's our next step?"

"We need to decipher these scrolls carefully," Kingsley explained. "They might hold clues to neutralizing any potential threats from within the Vault. I need both of you to focus on this task and report any findings immediately."

Harry and Draco nodded in unison, a sense of determination and purpose settling over them.

"We'll get right on it," Harry affirmed, exchanging a glance with Draco.

After a few hours, Harry let out a frustrated sigh, his head dropping onto the desk with a thud.

"What's got your knickers in a twist, Potter?" Draco remarked dryly, glancing over at him.

"I hate this. I hate having to be locked up reading," Harry muttered, his tone tinged with annoyance.

Draco raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusem*nt in his voice. "Ah yes, I forgot you enjoyed going out and smashing and destroying things."

Harry shot him a wry look. "I didn't say that, but sitting here deciphering ancient texts isn't exactly my idea of fun."

Draco smirked, leaning back in his chair. "Well, we can't all have thrilling Auror adventures every day."

Harry rolled his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips despite his frustration. "Just because I'm good at it doesn't mean I enjoy it."

Draco chuckled softly. "Fair enough. But sometimes, patience and diligence are necessary, even if they're not as exciting."

Harry nodded reluctantly, conceding the point. "I know, I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it, though."

Draco nodded in agreement, returning to his own reading with a faint smile.

Harry continued complaining about the intricate runes.

"I mean, what even is this?" He lifted the scroll and turned it upside down and sideways, squinting as he tried to make sense of the cryptic symbols.

Draco glanced over, amusem*nt dancing in his eyes. "Potter, I highly doubt turning it upside down will magically translate the runes for you."

Harry shot him a playful glare. "You never know until you try."

Draco chuckled, shaking his head. "I prefer a more conventional approach to deciphering ancient texts."

Harry quipped, "Well, if conventional doesn't work, maybe unconventional will," as he adjusted the scroll once more, still groaning in frustration.

Draco sighed, "Merlin, Potter, you're worse than Scorpius," before walking over to assist him.

Leaning in close, he traced the runes with his finger, explaining their significance in a patient tone.

"These symbols here," he began, pointing to a cluster near the top of the scroll, "are indicative of protective wards, often used to safeguard hidden chambers or artifacts of importance."

Harry's gaze lingered on Draco's hand, his mind briefly distracted from the task at hand by the proximity.

"These," Draco explained, his tone growing more animated, "are associated with unlocking mechanisms. They suggest a series of magical triggers that, when activated in a specific sequence, reveal hidden entrances or compartments."

After a moment of silence, Harry cleared his throat “Um, right. Thanks.”

Draco withdrew his hand, a faint smirk playing on his lips at Harry's distraction.

"Anytime, Potter," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of amusem*nt.

As Draco returned to his seat, Harry's gaze lingered on him, a swirl of complex thoughts cascading through his mind like a tumultuous storm.

He couldn't shake the familiarity of Draco's gestures, the way he tugged at his collar in a manner reminiscent of their Hogwarts days.

It was a small detail, but one that spoke volumes to Harry's trained instincts as an Auror.

But a memory surged vividly in Harry's mind—the Great Hall, a mix of fear and confusion as Katie Bell collapsed, poisoned by a cursed necklace meant for Dumbledore.

Draco, with that telltale nervous habit, adjusting his collar subtly but noticeably. It was a snapshot of a darker time, a time when Draco Malfoy embodied everything Harry stood against.

Or so he thought.

But here, in the Ministry library, Draco was a different man. A man of knowledge, expertise, and surprising patience in explaining ancient runes.

Harry couldn't deny the depth of Draco's understanding or the glimpses of a person beneath the façade of pureblood arrogance.

Was Draco really changing, or was it just a façade? Harry wrestled with these thoughts, torn between the memories of their tumultuous past and the glimpses of a potential ally in their present circ*mstances.

He couldn't dismiss the possibility that Draco might be playing a long game, manipulating situations for his benefit.

After all, trust was a luxury Harry couldn't afford, especially with someone like Draco Malfoy.

Draco's voice cut through Harry's contemplation, pulling him back from his thoughts. "Something on your mind, Potter?"

Harry blinked, realizing he had been staring. "Oh, yeah. Just lost in thought, I guess."

Draco's squinted eyes hinted at curiosity, but he dismissed it with a sigh. "I hate to ask, but Scorpius has really been insisting on that visit you promised."

Harry nodded, a small smile softening his features. "Of course, I promised him. No problem at all."

Draco's surprise was evident in his raised eyebrows. "Really? You're okay with spending time with a six-year-old?"

Harry chuckled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Why not? Scorpius seems like a good kid. Plus, I'm sure we can find something fun to do."

Draco's expression softened lightly, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, Potter. Scorpius will be thrilled."

Harry shrugged nonchalantly. "It's no big deal. Just let me know when, and we'll make it happen."

Draco nodded, a genuine smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I'll do that. Thanks again."

And the day came soon enough, Harry strolled towards the park, the sun casting a warm glow over the surroundings. As he approached, he spotted a very excited Scorpius darting toward him, his youthful exuberance evident in every step.

Behind Scorpius, Draco followed, a faint scolding tone in his voice as he reminded his son to behave properly in front of Harry.

"Scorpius, slow down. Remember what we talked about," Draco called out, his gaze flickering between his son and Harry.

Scorpius skidded to a stop in front of Harry, his eyes shining with excitement. "Harry! You're really here!"

Harry crouched down to be at eye level with Scorpius, a warm smile on his face. "Hey there, Scorpius. I promised I'd come, didn't I?"

Scorpius nodded eagerly, unable to contain his enthusiasm. "You did! Dad said we could play together."

Draco approached, a mixture of apprehension and gratitude in his expression. "Thank you for coming, Potter. Scorpius has been looking forward to this."

Scorpius, holding Harry's hand, began to excitedly ramble about all the things they could do together in the park.

Draco, approaching with a mixture of apprehension and gratitude in his expression, interjected gently, "Scorpius, breathe. It's not polite to ramble like that."

Scorpius paused, looking slightly sheepish as he nodded in acknowledgment. "Sorry, Papa."

Harry gave Scorpius a reassuring squeeze on the hand. "It's okay, Scorpius. We have all day to explore and play."

As they strolled through the park, Draco couldn't help but comment on Harry's casual attire. "Potter, did you forget to dress appropriately for an outing with my son?"

Harry glanced down at his jeans and t-shirt, feigning offense. "And here I thought this was the latest fashion trend. My apologies, Malfoy, I'll make sure to wear my finest robes next time."

Draco rolled his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "Please spare us all from that fashion disaster."

Harry chuckled, enjoying their banter. "Oh, come on, Malfoy. You know you secretly admire my sense of style."

Draco raised an eyebrow, amusem*nt dancing in his eyes. "Secretly? Hardly. It's more of a guilty pleasure to witness such fashion faux pas."

Scorpius, caught in the middle of their banter, laughed along with them, enjoying the playful exchange between his father and Harry.

As they neared Diagon Alley, Scorpius spotted Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and tugged at Harry's hand excitedly. "Papa, can we go to the joke shop?"

Draco grunted disapprovingly. "I despise that shop."

"Really now?" Harry's eyes twinkled with amusem*nt as he looked at Scorpius. "Seems like your dad has a hidden fondness for jokes and pranks."

Scorpius grinned mischievously, sensing an opportunity. "Please, Papa! It'll be fun!"

Draco sighed, realizing he was outnumbered. "Fine, but no buying anything too outrageous, Scorpius."

Scorpius beamed, dragging Harry towards the joke shop as Draco followed, a mix of reluctance and amusem*nt on his face.

As Scorpius darted off to explore the shelves, Draco's voice carried across the shop.

"Keep where I can see you, Scorpius!" he called out, a note of sternness in his tone.

Harry chuckled at Draco's parental concern, turning to see George Weasley approaching with a wide grin. "Harry, my man! It's been so long!"

“Hi, George.” Harry replied with a smile as he hugged him.

Draco stiffened slightly, his expression wary as he greeted George with a curt nod. "Hello."

George's smile faltered slightly at Draco's curt greeting but quickly recovered. "Malfoy, curious seeing you with Harry."

Draco maintained his composure, offering a polite but guarded response. "Likewise."

Harry chuckled at George's comment. "Yeah, we got stuck together because of work. Turns out he's not as annoying."

Draco raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusem*nt in his eyes. "Aw, Potter, are you growing fond of me?"

Harry grinned playfully. "I said 'as annoying,' Malfoy. Key word: 'as.' You're still a prat."

Their banter eased the tension in the air, and George joined in with a laugh, enjoying the familiar camaraderie despite the unexpected company.

George said, "Well, feel free to look around and tell me if you like anything."

He leaned towards Harry, adding in a conspiratorial tone, "Anything for our sponsor."

With a wink, he left them to explore the shop.

"What was that about?" Draco asked, noting the wink.

Harry shrugged, a bit surprised. "Ah, not much. I gave them a bit of money to start the shop back in Hogwarts."

"Really?" Draco's curiosity was piqued.

"Don't sound so surprised," Harry remarked, trying to downplay it. "I didn't want the money either way."

"Why not?" Draco inquired further.

"It was the prize for the Triwizard Tournament," Harry explained, his expression growing grim as memories of the tournament flooded back.

Draco noticed the subtle shift in Harry's demeanor when he mentioned the Triwizard Tournament prize, so he changed the subject.

"I see Scorpius has found something," he remarked, gesturing towards his son who was examining a display of magical prank items.

Harry's expression softened as he watched Scorpius marvel at the magical toys. "He seems to be enjoying himself."

Draco nodded, a hint of pride in his voice. "He's a curious one, always eager to explore and learn."

As they observed Scorpius, Harry couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for his own childhood curiosity.

Harry, watching Scorpius play with fascination, asked. "Don't you ever miss it? Being a kid?"

Draco's gaze softened, a hint of wistfulness crossing his features.

"Sometimes," he admitted quietly. "But growing up comes with its own adventures and challenges."

Harry nodded, understanding the sentiment. "Yeah, it does. But there's something about that innocence and wonder that's hard to let go of."

Harry sighed, a shadow passing over his features. "Not that there was ever any innocence for me anyway."

Draco observed Harry quietly for a moment before turning his attention to Scorpius, who tugged at Harry's sleeve with wide eyes.

"Harry, can we play Exploding Snap?" Scorpius asked eagerly.

Harry managed a smile for Scorpius. "Of course, Scorpius. Let's go." He then turned to Draco. "You're welcome to join us if you'd like."

Draco hesitated, his expression softening. "I suppose a game wouldn't hurt."

Harry and Scorpius dove into the game of Exploding Snap with gusto, laughter filling the air as they eagerly matched cards and tried to outwit each other.

Harry's competitive spirit emerged, and he found himself almost childlike in his enthusiasm, forgetting for a moment the weight of adulthood and responsibilities.

Harry grinned as he laid down a card, "Watch out, Scorpius, here comes the explosion!"

Scorpius giggled, placing his card carefully, "Not so fast, Harry! I'm going to beat you this time."

"You wish!" Harry retorted playfully, eyes twinkling with excitement.

Draco, leaning in to watch the game, couldn't help but chuckle. "Seems like you're having quite the duel there."

"We are!" Scorpius exclaimed, eyes sparkling with mischief.

Harry chuckled, enjoying the lively atmosphere, "It's been ages since I played this. Thanks for suggesting it, Scorpius."

Scorpius beamed, "Anytime, Harry! This is the best game ever!"

Draco smiled, a rare warmth in his eyes as he observed the playful interaction.

He watched with a mix of amazement and a touch of longing, seeing Harry's carefree side emerge in the midst of their playful banter.

It was a rare sight, one that reminded Draco of simpler times and the joy of just being in the moment.

Chapter 6: February 23rd, 2005

Chapter Text

The atmosphere around Harry and Draco was tense as they stood near the place where the whispers had been heard. The air seemed charged with an unspoken anticipation, each of them on high alert as they scanned their surroundings.

Harry glanced at Draco, noting the lines of concentration etched on his face. "Anything?"

Draco shook his head, eyes narrowing as he listened intently. "Nothing yet."

The silence stretched, broken only by the faint rustle of leaves in the wind. The weight of their mission hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the stakes involved.

Suddenly, a faint murmur reached their ears, barely audible but unmistakably there. Harry's hand instinctively went to his wand, his senses on full alert.

Draco's eyes widened slightly as he turned towards the source of the sound. "There. Did you hear that?"

Harry nodded, adrenaline coursing through him. "Let's go."

As they progressed deeper into the area, the air seemed to thicken with an ominous aura, a palpable sense of malevolence lingering in the ancient magic that surrounded them.

Draco's keen understanding of dark magic became increasingly crucial in navigating and deciphering the sinister forces at play.

Draco, his expression taut with concentration, began to identify the traces of the malevolent wizard's magic intertwined with the Vault's essence.

"This is potent dark magic," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Harry, ever protective and alert, tightened his grip on his wand. "Can we neutralize it?"

Draco nodded, his eyes glinting with determination. "We have to find the source first."

Their footsteps echoed in the eerie silence as they followed the trail of dark energy. Shadows danced around them, whispering ancient secrets and foreboding warnings.

As they approached a particularly ominous chamber, the dark magic surged, a tangible force that threatened to overwhelm them.

Harry's instincts kicked in, his aura pulsating with protective energy.

"Stay close," he warned Draco, his voice firm.

Draco nodded, his own wand at the ready.

As Harry and Draco entered the chamber, their eyes were immediately drawn to the intricately carved symbols adorning the walls. Each symbol seemed to tell a story, a narrative of ancient rituals and arcane knowledge.

Draco approached one particularly elaborate symbol, his fingers tracing its contours with a mix of reverence and curiosity.

"This symbol," he began, his voice hushed with awe, "depicts a ritual of binding, used to seal away powerful entities."

Harry, intrigued, studied the symbol closely. "Could this be related to the Whispering Vault?" he speculated.

Draco nodded thoughtfully. "It's possible. The ritual is designed to contain and conceal, much like the purpose of the Vault."

As they examined the chamber further, they discovered a hidden compartment behind a false wall. Inside, nestled among ancient artifacts, was a small, intricately carved key.

"This must be the key to unlocking the Whispering Vault," Harry exclaimed, a mix of excitement and determination in his voice.

Draco examined the key closely, noting its unique design and magical properties.

"It seems we've stumbled upon a crucial clue," he remarked, a hint of satisfaction in his tone. "This key may hold the answers we seek."

Suddenly, the chamber rumbled and trembled, ancient magic surged to life, manifesting in a swirling vortex of dark energy.

Harry and Draco braced themselves, their instincts sharpening as they prepared for the unknown threat.

Amagical entity materialized as a twisted amalgamation of shadow and light, its form shifting and pulsating with raw power.

The magical entity unleashed a barrage of dark spells, but Harry deftly countered each one with skillful precision. Bolts of lightning crackled from his wand, striking the entity with ferocious intensity.

Draco, sensing the urgency of the situation, moved swiftly to support Harry's offensive. He cast strategic defensive spells, creating shimmering barriers that intercepted the entity's attacks, buying them precious moments to regroup amidst the chaos.

"Hold steady, Potter!" Draco's voice cut through the tumult, his eyes focused on maintaining their defensive stance. "We need to find its weakness."

Harry nodded, his concentration unbroken as he continued to fend off the entity's relentless assault.

"I'm trying, but it's resilient," he replied, his voice strained with effort.

The chamber reverberated with the clash of magic, each spell adding to the cacophony of the battle. Spells ricocheted off the walls, creating dazzling displays of light and shadow that danced in a chaotic symphony.

As the battle wore on, Harry and Draco began to feel the strain. The entity's dark magic was potent, and despite their skill and determination, they couldn't evade every attack unscathed.

Harry winced as a dark bolt grazed his arm, leaving a searing trail of pain in its wake.

"We can't keep this up for long," Draco shouted over the din, his expression taut with concentration. "We need to find a way to weaken it!"

Harry gritted his teeth, his focus unwavering despite the mounting challenge. "Keep the defenses up, Malfoy. I'll try to find an opening."

As the battle raged on, Harry scanned the chamber, searching for any clue or weakness in the entity's magic.

His mind raced, analyzing the patterns of its attacks and the intricacies of its dark spells.

Draco maintained their defensive barriers with precision, his wand movements swift and controlled.

Sweat beaded on his forehead, a testament to the intense concentration required to hold off the relentless assault.

A sudden realization struck Harry. "The symbols on the walls!”

Draco's eyes widened in understanding as he glanced at the ancient runes and symbols adorning the chamber's walls.

"You're right," he exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency. "They must be tied to the entity's power."

With renewed determination, Harry and Draco coordinated their efforts.

Draco adjusted their defensive barriers to cover specific areas of the chamber, while Harry focused on deciphering the meaning behind the symbols.

As Harry delved deeper into the magical script, a pattern emerged. The symbols seemed to resonate with the entity's magic, acting as conduits for its power.

"We need to disrupt the symbols!" Harry shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos of the battle.

Draco nodded, his eyes alight with determination. "I'll reinforce the defenses. You focus on disrupting the magic."

With synchronized precision, Harry directed his spells towards the symbols, aiming to disrupt their magical resonance.

Each successful strike caused the chamber to tremble, weakening the entity's hold and slowing its attacks.

The entity, sensing its weakening grip, unleashed a final surge of dark energy. Harry and Draco braced themselves, pouring all their magical prowess into the defense and offense.

With a final, decisive strike, Harry shattered the last remaining symbol, severing the entity's connection to the chamber's magic.

The entity let out a deafening roar before dissipating into nothingness, leaving behind a sense of eerie calm in its wake.

Breathing heavily, Harry and Draco lowered their wands, the tension of the battle slowly ebbing away.

They exchanged a look of mutual exhaustion and triumph, their teamwork proving crucial in overcoming the malevolent force.

“f*ck, I need a drink after that.” Harry exhaled as he sat on the ground to catch his breath. "Care to join me?"

Draco thought for a moment, his expression reflecting both exhaustion and relief. "I guess one drink won't hurt. Scorpius is staying at Pansy's tonight."

"Let's go," Harry said, pushing himself up and leading the way to his usual haunt.

Once they arrived, it was quite noticeable by the way the bartenders knew him by name and greeted him warmly, that Harry was a regular at that place.

Draco observed the friendly reception Harry received. "Quite popular, aren't you?"

"I come here once in a while," Harry replied with a shrug.

"It seems like more," Draco remarked, his tone tinged with curiosity.

The bartender, a familiar face to Harry, asked, "The usual, Harry?"

Harry nodded. "Yes, please."

“I’ll have the same.” Draco added as the bartender left to get their drinks.

As the bartender served Draco his drink, Harry glanced at Draco with a playful smirk. "So, how 's life?"

Draco took a sip, raising an eyebrow. "Merlin, I didn't realize when I accepted the invitation I subjected myself to conversation with you."

Harry chuckled. "You're lucky I'm not interrogating you about your latest potion experiments or Scorpius's bedtime stories."

Draco's lips quirked in a half-smile. "Fair point. Let's stick to harmless topics then, shall we?"

Harry nodded, leaning back. "So, how's Scorpius doing? Still mastering his spells?"

Draco's expression softened at the mention of his son. "He's getting better, although he still manages to surprise me with his creativity."

Harry took a sip of his drink, studying Draco thoughtfully. "You know, it's still surprising to see you as a father."

Draco's demeanor shifted slightly, a hint of defensiveness creeping into his expression. "And why is that surprising?"

Harry quickly clarified, "Not in a bad way, just... Well, I guess I never pictured you as the fatherly type back in Hogwarts."

Draco's defensive stance relaxed a bit, "I suppose none of us saw many things coming back then."

"That's true," Harry agreed, "life has a way of surprising us."

Draco nodded, his tone softening. "Scorpius changed everything for me. It's like... I see the world differently now."

Harry nodded in understanding. "I can imagine. Parenthood has a way of reshaping priorities."

"Yeah, it does," Draco replied, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "Sometimes I wonder what I would've been like without him."

Harry leaned in, his tone sincere. "You're doing a great job, Draco. Scorpius is lucky to have you."

Draco's expression softened, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, Potter.”

The conversation shifted, drifting into more personal territories as Draco turned the question back to Harry. "What about you, do you want kids?"

Harry's response was thoughtful, his gaze distant for a moment as he considered. "I don't know, never really thought about it. I'm not sure how I would be at it, though. I never really had parents of my own."

Draco nodded in understanding. "Well, mine weren't the picture of perfection either, but somehow I'm managing."

There was a brief silence, the weight of their shared experiences hanging in the air.

Then Harry spoke up again, a note of curiosity in his voice. "Hey, Malfoy?"

Draco's attention turned back to Harry. "Yes, Potter?"

Harry hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Can I ask you something?"

Draco nodded, giving him permission to proceed. "Go ahead."

Harry's question carried a weight of history and emotion. "Everything you did, back then... was it because of him? Your father?"

Draco's expression shifted subtly at Harry's question, a flicker of discomfort crossing his features before he regained his composure.

He took a moment to choose his words carefully, his gaze distant as if revisiting memories long buried.

"You mean, all the things I did during our Hogwarts years?" Draco asked, his voice quieter than usual.

Harry nodded, his curiosity mixed with a touch of empathy. "Yeah. Was it because of your father?"

Draco's eyes met Harry's, a myriad of emotions playing in their depths. "Partly. My father had... expectations. He wanted me to uphold our family's traditions, to follow his path. But it wasn't just him."

Harry waited, sensing there was more to Draco's answer.

"It was also the fear," Draco continued, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "The fear of failure, of disappointing those I cared about. I thought I had to prove something, prove that I was worthy."

Harry listened attentively, recognizing the weight of Draco's words. "And now?"

Draco sighed, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "Now, I realize that the choices I made were not just because of my father or fear. They were mine. I can't blame anyone else for them."

Harry nodded, understanding dawning in his eyes.

"I spoke in your defense," Harry said softly, almost to himself, as the memories flooded back. "I stood there and argued that you were innocent, that you shouldn't be sent to Azkaban."

Draco listened quietly, his expression thoughtful as he waited for Harry to continue.

Harry met Draco's gaze, a solemn look in his eyes.

"I guess I just wanted the world to stop dividing itself," he confessed, his tone tinged with a hint of sadness.

Draco's features tightened slightly as Harry spoke, a mix of surprise and understanding flickering in his eyes.

"I always wondered why you had done that," Draco admitted, his voice softening. "Especially after how dreadful I had been to you."

"I don't know why I did it," Harry confessed, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "At the time, I couldn't explain it. I just knew that you were caught in the crossfire, manipulated and coerced into actions you didn't fully understand."

"Partly, but I was also to blame," Draco admitted, his voice carrying a weight of responsibility.

"You were seventeen," Harry countered softly.

"So were you," Draco replied, a hint of ruefulness in his tone.

Harry nodded, acknowledging the truth in Draco's words. "Sometimes, it's hard to separate ourselves from the circ*mstances that shaped us back then."

"But I've seen glimpses of who you've become," Harry continued, his tone thoughtful. "Your contributions, your expertise... they're undeniable. But there's still a part of me that can't fully trust."

Draco nodded, acknowledging Harry's words with a mix of understanding and reflection. "I've come to terms with my past, Potter. I know I can't undo what happened or the choices I made. But I've tried to become someone I can be proud of, someone Scorpius can look up to."

Harry's gaze softened, a hint of admiration in his eyes. "You've come a long way, Malfoy. It's not easy, facing your past and striving to be better."

"But sometimes I do fear I scarred him when he wasn't even born," Draco confessed, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "I want him to have a better life, one free from the burdens I carried."

“And you are.” Harry replied.

Draco looked up, meeting Harry's gaze with a mixture of gratitude and understanding.

"Thank you," he murmured, the weight of Harry's acknowledgment easing some of his self-imposed burdens.

Harry nodded, a shared sense of empathy bridging the gap between them.

"You know, I know what it's like—the expectations, the burdens," he admitted, his voice tinged with a depth of experience that spoke volumes.

Harry took another big gulp, the amber liquid swirling in his glass as he contemplated the weight of his words. "Sometimes I feel like I had a purpose. And I completed my purpose... at seventeen. And now, I don't have one anymore."

Draco regarded him thoughtfully, his gaze steady and understanding. "Don't be ridiculous, Potter. You couldn't have completed your life's purpose at seventeen."

Harry's shoulders sagged, a weariness creeping into his expression.

"Sometimes it feels like it," he confessed, the vulnerability in his voice echoing the unspoken doubts that lingered in his mind.

Draco leaned in, his tone earnest. "Life is full of phases, Potter. Just because one chapter ends doesn't mean your story is over.”

A moment of silence passed between them, the weight of their thoughts hanging in the air.

Harry's expression softened, a hint of understanding dawning in his eyes. "We're more alike than we think sometimes."

"Maybe," Draco acknowledged, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Another moment of silence stretched between them, comfortable in its contemplative quiet.

Draco broke the silence with a touch of humor. "But thank Merlin I am far from your taste in fashion. There, we are different."

Harry chuckled, the tension of their conversation momentarily lifted. "Definitely. I don't think I could pull off your style, Malfoy."

Draco smirked playfully. "Somehow, Potter, I don't think you'd want to try."

The next morning, Harry walked into the library, greeted by the sight of Draco with a cold rag on his face.

He couldn't help but grin. "Morning."

"Merlin, Potter," Draco groaned, his voice muffled by the rag. "Remind me never to drink with you again. You have the tolerance of a mountain troll."

Harry chuckled lightly. "Yeah, I guess I can handle my alcohol better than you."

Draco gave him a mock glare, the corners of his lips twitching despite the discomfort. "Don't get too co*cky. It was that Firewhisky of yours that did me in."

Harry sat down across from him, still grinning. "Well, next time, we'll stick to something milder."

Draco leaned back in his chair, the cold rag now discarded as he rubbed his temples. "Lesson learned indeed. Remind me to stick to my usual drink next time."

Harry nodded, sympathy flickering in his eyes. "You okay though?"

Draco waved a hand dismissively. "Just a bit of a headache. Nothing I haven't dealt with before."

Their banter continued as they settled into their respective books, the morning sunlight filtering through the library's windows casting a peaceful glow over the scene.

Harry couldn't help but appreciate these moments of camaraderie with Draco, a far cry from their Hogwarts days.

Harry glanced up from his book, a curious expression on his face. "How's Scorpius doing? Didn't you mention he was staying at Pansy's last night?"

Draco grimaced slightly, his headache still lingering. "He's fine, probably having a blast with Pansy's daughter. Meanwhile, I'm here nursing a hangover and trying to read."

Harry chuckled sympathetically. "Must be tough, dealing with a child and a hangover at the same time."

Draco gave a wry smile. "You have no idea. Probably plotting mischief with his friends as we speak."

Harry grinned, imagining Scorpius causing minor chaos with his friends. "Sounds like he takes after you in more ways than one."

Draco raised an eyebrow, a faint smile quirking his lips. "Let's hope he doesn't inherit all my traits."

“I dunno, wouldn’t be the worst thing.” Harry's light-hearted comment caused a faint blush to tint his cheeks.

Draco couldn't help but notice the subtle change in Harry's demeanor, a warmth in his eyes that spoke of unspoken thoughts.

"Was that a compliment, Potter?" Draco teased, raising an eyebrow.

Harry rolled his eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Oh, bugger off. Hardly."

Harry tried to divert the moment with a playful smirk that matched Draco's wry humor. "Well, at least you have an excuse for any unusual behavior today. Can't blame it all on the hangover, though."

Draco raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "Oh, I'm sure I could come up with a few creative excuses if needed. Blame it on the hangover, blame it on the weather..."

Harry chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "Blame it on the library's enchantments, perhaps. They always seem to have a mind of their own."

Draco leaned back as well, the tension from his headache easing slightly. "Speaking of enchantments, do you remember that time in our fifth year when the library books kept rearranging themselves? It drove Granger mad trying to keep up with her research."

Harry laughed, the memory sparking a playful gleam in his eyes. "Oh yes, I remember that. We ended up spending more time chasing after books than actually studying."

Draco smirked, nodding in agreement. "It's a wonder we passed our exams with all the chaos."

"True," Harry agreed with a chuckle. "But I suppose surviving Hogwarts was a kind of education in itself."

Draco leaned forward, a nostalgic glint in his eyes. "Despite all the chaos and near misses, there were some moments that were... memorable."

Harry's smile softened, his gaze distant as if lost in thought. "Yeah, there were."

Draco hesitated, then ventured, "Do you ever miss those days?"

Harry's expression turned thoughtful. "Sometimes. Not the danger, of course, but the camaraderie, the sense of purpose... It was different."

Draco nodded, a hint of wistfulness in his tone. "We were all just figuring things out back then. Now... Well, life's a bit more complicated."

Harry's smile was tinged with a touch of sadness. "It is. But I suppose that's just part of growing up."

Draco leaned back again, a faint smile on his lips. "Indeed it is, Potter. Though I must admit, there are days when I wouldn't mind a bit of Hogwarts-style chaos."

Harry chuckled. "Careful what you wish for, Malfoy. You never know when magic might decide to intervene."

As they were lost in their banter about Hogwarts, a note suddenly appeared in front of them, startling both Harry and Draco.

Draco instinctively reached for it, but Harry's hand shot out, stopping him.

"Wait," Harry cautioned, his instincts as an Auror kicking in. He approached the note cautiously, scanning it for any signs of danger or dark magic.

After a thorough check that deemed it safe, Harry nodded to Draco, indicating that he could pick it up.

Draco retrieved the note, his curiosity piqued as he carefully unfolded it. The paper was pristine, its contents written in elegant script that hinted at a clandestine sender.

Harry leaned in, their shoulders almost touching, as they read the cryptic message together.

"Be warned, seekers of the Whispering Vault. The shadows are watching, and the secrets you seek are not yours to uncover. Turn back now, lest you invite peril upon yourselves and those you hold dear. The Vault's whispers are not meant for mortal ears."

Harry's brow furrowed as he read the ominous warning, his mind racing to decipher its hidden meaning.

Draco, too, sensed the gravity of the situation as he studied the message with a growing sense of unease.

Harry murmured, his voice tinged with concern. "Someone knows what we're up to."

Draco nodded, his expression hardened by the realization of potential danger. "It seems we've attracted unwanted attention."

The message hinted at dire consequences if they persisted in their pursuit of the Vault's secrets, painting a picture of an adversary with sinister motives lurking in the shadows.

It left them with more questions than answers, adding a layer of mystery and urgency to their investigation.

“We need to tell Kinglsey.” Harry's mind raced, trying to piece together who could be behind the warning and what they stood to lose if they continued.

"We can't ignore this," Draco said, breaking the silence. "But we also can't rush into danger blindly."

As they made plans to inform Kingsley, a sense of urgency fueled their actions. The warning had injected a new level of danger into their investigation, reminding them that they were not alone in their pursuit of the Whispering Vault's secrets.

"We can't afford to underestimate whoever sent this," Draco remarked, his eyes narrowing with determination. "They know more than we anticipated."

Harry's jaw clenched, his determination matching Draco's. "We'll tread carefully, but we won't back down. This Vault holds answers, and we're going to find them."

With a shared sense of purpose, they set out to meet with Kingsley, their minds buzzing with theories and possibilities.

The cryptic note had set them on a path filled with uncertainty, but they were determined to uncover the truth, no matter the risks.

Chapter 7: March 2nd, 2005

Chapter Text

Scorpius, at six years old, bounded around the opulent halls of Malfoy Manor, his excitement palpable in every step. "Papa, is Harry really coming today? I can't wait to show him my new drawing of a dragon!"

Draco watched his son with a fond smile, a rare warmth softening his usually composed features. "Yes, Scorpius, Potter will be here soon. I'm sure he'll love your drawing."

Scorpius beamed, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I've also prepared a surprise game for us to play! It's going to be so much fun!"

Draco chuckled, amused by Scorpius' enthusiasm. "I'm looking forward to it, Scorpius. Just remember to be polite, alright?"

Scorpius nodded eagerly. "I will, Papa! I can't wait for Harry to arrive!"

Harry's knock echoed through the grand halls of Malfoy Manor, signaling his arrival. Scorpius, who had been waiting by the door with barely contained excitement, rushed to open it.

"Harry! You're here!" Scorpius exclaimed, his eyes wide with joy as he greeted his favorite visitor.

Harry smiled warmly at Scorpius, crouching down to his level. "Hey there, Scorpius."

Scorpius jumped vigorously, barely able to contain his enthusiasm. "I drew a dragon for you, and I have a game we can play!"

Draco approached them, a welcoming smile on his face. "Welcome, Potter. Scorpius has been looking forward to your visit all day."

Harry chuckled, looking around as he stood up. "Your house is impressive, Scorpius. It's huge!"

Draco grinned, a hint of pride in his voice. "Yes, it's been in the family for generations. Plenty of space for Scorpius to explore and cause mischief."

Scorpius nodded eagerly. "I found a secret passage last week!"

Harry raised an eyebrow in amusem*nt. "Really? You'll have to show me later. I love secret passages."

Draco chuckled. "Just like the old Hogwarts days, eh, Potter? Always finding trouble."

Harry laughed. "Trouble finds me, Malfoy. I just go along for the ride."

As they settled into conversation, Draco poured tea for Harry, a gesture of hospitality that didn't go unnoticed by Harry.

"Thank you," Harry said, accepting the tea with a nod of appreciation. "It's been a while since I've had a proper cup of tea."

Scorpius, unable to contain his excitement, tugged at Harry's sleeve. "Can we play Quidditch later? I want to see you fly!"

Harry smiled, ruffling Scorpius's hair gently. "We'll see, Scorpius. I'll need to borrow a broomstick if we're going to fly."

Draco chuckled. "I have a few spare brooms in the shed. We can certainly arrange a friendly match."

Harry glanced at Draco, a playful glint in his eyes. "Friendly, unless you plan on breaking out the old Slytherin tactics."

Draco raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. "I'll have you know, Potter, that Slytherins play fair... most of the time."

Scorpius, with innocent curiosity sparkling in his eyes, piped up, "Were you and Papa friends in Hogwarts?"

Harry glanced at Draco, a soft smile playing on his lips. "We weren't exactly friends, Scorpius. More like... acquaintances."

Draco nodded in agreement. "That's right. We were in different houses and had different circles of friends."

Scorpius looked a bit puzzled. "But you're friends now, right?"

Harry and Draco exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them.

"Yes, Scorpius," Harry replied, his tone gentle. "We're friends now."

Draco's grin widened as he teased, "Are we? I don't think so."

Harry chuckled, playing along. "Hey now, you don't want to upset your son."

Scorpius, sensing the playful banter, giggled and interjected, "You're both friends because you both like spending time together!"

Draco and Harry shared a knowing look, both appreciating Scorpius's innocent perspective on their relationship.

“What house were you in at Hogwarts, Harry?” Scorpius asked.

Harry grinned proudly, “Gryffindor, the lion house.”

Scorpius's eyes widened with a mixture of awe and recognition. "Papa! Just like Orion!"

Draco's expression shifted, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features.

"Like who?" Harry inquired, intrigued by Scorpius's excitement.

"Orion!" Scorpius exclaimed, his voice filled with admiration. "He's the hero Papa tells me bedtime stories about!"

"Really?" Harry remarked, a faint smile tugging at his lips.

Scorpius nodded vigorously, his enthusiasm pouring out. "He had a heart as brave as a lion and a spirit as free as the wind. Orion learned that true bravery comes from standing up for what is right, even when it's difficult."

Draco glanced at Harry awkwardly, sensing the parallels between the hero Orion and Harry himself.

"What else does Orion do?" Harry asked, curious about Scorpius's tales.

Scorpius's eyes sparkled with excitement as he spoke of Orion's adventures. "He once battled a troll in a bathroom! And he has flown on a hippogriff!"

Harry couldn't help but grin at Scorpius's enthusiasm. The tales sounded eerily familiar, echoing his own experiences at Hogwarts.

Draco, however, looked slightly flustered, his cheeks tinted with a blush.

"What else does Orion do, Scorpius?" Harry encouraged, curious about the parallels between the hero and himself.

Scorpius beamed proudly, relishing in sharing Orion's heroic feats. "He's also faced dragons and outsmarted dark wizards! Orion is brave and smart, just like you, Harry."

Draco interjected with a gentle slap on Scorpius's arm. "Alright, that's enough now. Let's not tire Potter with too many stories."

"But, Papa, I wanna tell Harry!" Scorpius protested, his eyes wide with excitement.

Draco smiled indulgently. "Tell you what, son. I'll take you for ice cream if you stop right now."

"Yes!" Scorpius exclaimed, agreeing eagerly to the deal.

“All right, go get your coat.” Draco nodded his child and both adults watched as the blonde boy took off running.

Harry grinned mischievously. "Seems like children are easy to persuade."

Draco smiled softly, still avoiding direct eye contact. "Suppose so."

Harry leaned in a bit, a playful glint in his eyes. "So, Orion, huh?"

"What about him, Potter?" Draco replied casually, though a hint of strain laced his tone.

"Sounds an awful lot like someone I know," Harry teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Really? I don't know who that could be," Draco retorted with a feigned innocence.

Harry leaned back, a smirk playing on his lips. "Don't you?"

Draco shook his head, a hint of amusem*nt in his eyes. "Oh, I'm sure I have no idea who you're talking about, Potter."

Harry raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening. "Of course not, Malfoy. Just a coincidence, I suppose."

As Scorpius returned, bubbling with excitement about the promised ice cream, Harry, Draco, and Scorpius made their way to Florian's Ice Parlor.

The quaint shop was known for its delicious flavors and cozy atmosphere, perfect for a family outing.

Inside Florian's, the scent of freshly made waffle cones mingled with the sweetness of various ice cream flavors.

The trio found a comfortable booth near the window, and Scorpius eagerly perused the colorful menu.

Scorpius's eyes widened as he scanned the options. "Can I get two scoops, Papa? Maybe chocolate and strawberry?"

Draco smiled indulgently. "Of course, Scorpius. And what about you, Potter?"

Harry leaned back, glancing at the menu. "I'll have a scoop of mint chocolate chip, please."

Draco scoffed, a playful glint in his eyes. "Mint chocolate chip? Really, Potter? Isn't that the worst flavor?"

Harry raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. "Excuse you, it's a classic!"

Scorpius giggled, enjoying the banter between them. "Papa, what's your favorite?"

Draco leaned back with a smirk. "Vanilla, simple and elegant."

Harry teased, "Ah, the most basic flavor."

Draco shrugged casually. "Basic but timeless, unlike some other choices."

Harry laughed, shaking his head. "Fair enough, I suppose."

As they waited for their treats, the conversation flowed effortlessly.

"So, Scorpius," Harry began, a playful twinkle in his eyes, "are you excited for your upcoming potions lesson?"

Scorpius nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! Papa says I'm getting better at brewing. Maybe one day I'll be as good as you, Harry!"

Draco chuckled. "Perhaps even better, my boy. You have a keen mind and a steady hand."

Their ice cream arrived, drawing delighted exclamations from Scorpius.

As they savored their treats, the conversation drifted to lighter topics—favorite Quidditch teams, magical creatures, and plans for the upcoming weekend.

As they strolled through the park, Scorpius chasing butterflies with gleeful abandon, Harry found a moment to ask Draco a question that had been on his mind for some time.

"Hey, sorry if I'm intruding, but does Scorpius ever miss his mother?" Harry's voice carried a soft concern, knowing the complexity of Scorpius growing up without Astoria.

Draco's gaze softened as he watched Scorpius dart after a particularly colorful butterfly. "He asks about her sometimes, mostly out of curiosity. But he never knew her.”

Harry nodded, understanding the weight of that statement.

Their conversation shifted, Harry's curiosity prompting another question. "Why never get married again, Draco?”

Draco sighed, a mix of emotions crossing his face. "It's complicated, Harry. Astoria and I... our marriage wasn't based on love. It was a drunken mistake, a night that changed everything. After she passed, I realized that I couldn't recreate something that wasn't there in the first place."

Harry's surprise was evident. "I had no idea."

Draco glanced at Scorpius, who was now trying to catch a butterfly in mid-air. "Scorpius is my priority. I want him to grow up knowing love and stability, even if it's just from me."

Draco grinned, “Besides, I’m also gay.”

Harry turned to look at him and gaped, but before he could say anything, Scorpius ran back to them, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Look, Papa! I almost caught one!"

Draco ruffled Scorpius's hair affectionately. "You're getting closer every time."

They reached a bench, and Scorpius plopped down with his ice cream, talking animatedly about the butterflies. Harry and Draco listened, enjoying the simple joy in Scorpius's innocent excitement.

After a while, Harry glanced at Draco. "You've come a long way, you know. From the person we knew in school."

Draco nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Life has a way of changing us, for better or worse."

As Draco, Harry, and Scorpius enjoyed their time in the park, a harsh voice cut through the peaceful atmosphere. "Well, well, if it isn't Draco Malfoy, the Death Eater himself!"

Draco stiffened at the familiar, disdainful tone.

Harry's expression darkened, his protective instincts flaring up instantly.

"Leave him alone," Harry warned, his voice low but firm.

The man, a former acquaintance from Draco's darker past, sneered. "What's the hero of Hogwarts doing with the likes of you, Malfoy?"

Scorpius, sensing the tension, moved closer to Draco, his eyes wide with confusion and worry.

Draco placed a reassuring hand on his son's shoulder before addressing the man. "We don't want any trouble."

The man chuckled mockingly. "Trouble? I'm just reminding everyone of who you really are, Malfoy. You can't erase your past."

Harry stepped forward, his eyes flashing with anger. "Enough. Draco has changed. We all have our pasts, but that doesn't define us."

Draco's gaze softened as he looked at Harry, a mix of surprise and gratitude in his eyes. Harry had called him Draco, a simple yet meaningful acknowledgment of their evolving relationship.

It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes about the trust and understanding that had grown between them.

The man's taunting demeanor shifted to aggression as he took a step closer to Draco. "You're still the same coward who couldn't stand up for anything!"

Before he could say more, Harry intervened, his voice sharp with authority. "Back off. This is not the place or time for this."

The man hesitated, glancing around at the attention they were drawing. With a final sneer, he muttered a curse under his breath before stalking off, leaving an uneasy tension in his wake.

Draco let out a tense breath, his hand still resting protectively on Scorpius's shoulder.

Harry's gaze softened as he turned to Draco. "Are you okay?"

Draco nodded, his expression grateful for Harry's support. "Thanks, Potter."

Scorpius looked up at his father with concern. "Who was that, Papa?"

Draco offered a reassuring smile. "Just someone from a long time ago, Scorpius. Let's focus on enjoying our time together, okay?"

“But he said mean things about you.” Scorpius pouted, his eyes glistening with tears.

Harry's words carried a weight of sincerity, his eyes meeting Scorpius's with a gentle understanding. "Your father is an amazing person, Scorpius. Those people have nothing else to live for but to dwell in the past. But Draco? He has you. You're what drives him every day to be better."

Scorpius looked up at Harry, his young face filled with a mix of confusion and admiration. "Really, Harry?"

Harry nodded, a warm smile on his lips. "Really. Your dad is one of the bravest people I know."

Draco watched the exchange, touched by Harry's words and the bond forming between him and Scorpius.

"Thank you…" Draco murmured, his voice carrying a quiet gratitude.”Harry.”

Draco couldn't help but feel a sense of awe towards Harry Potter, not just as the hero of the wizarding world but as a person who saw beyond labels and past mistakes.

It was a moment that marked a shift in their relationship, a deeper understanding and respect blossoming between Harry and Draco.

The next day found Harry and Draco in the familiar surroundings of their office, the air tinged with a playful energy as they bantered back and forth in the library section.

Harry grinned mischievously as he leaned against a bookshelf, a teasing glint in his eyes. "So, Malfoy, what's the plan for today? Any heroic deeds on the agenda?"

Draco rolled his eyes playfully, pretending to be exasperated. "Oh, you know, just the usual. Saving the wizarding world before lunchtime."

Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "Always aiming high, aren't you? But seriously, any progress on our case?"

Draco's expression turned thoughtful as he reached for a pile of documents. "We're getting there. I've been digging through some old records, and there might be a lead we can follow."

Harry raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A lead, you say? Looks like I'm not the only one with heroic tendencies around here."

Draco smirked, flipping through the documents with practiced ease. "Don't get too excited, Potter. It's just a hunch for now."

"You know," Harry remarked, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he scanned the bookshelves, "I think this library has a secret agenda to keep us here forever."

Draco chuckled, flipping through a tome with casual interest. "Well, if that's the case, I hope it has a good collection of snacks hidden somewhere."

Harry grinned, leaning back in his chair. "Ah, the eternal quest for the hidden library snack stash. The true challenge of any serious researcher."

Draco raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge in his gaze. "Are you calling me a serious researcher now?"

Harry laughed, a lightness in his tone. "Oh, absolutely not. I'm just saying we both have priorities, and snacks are definitely high on the list."

Harry quipped, flipping through a book with a playful smirk, "if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to distract me."

Draco raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusem*nt in his voice. "Distract you? Why, Potter, I wouldn't dream of such a thing. Unless, of course, you find my company too distracting."

Harry chuckled, the tension between them palpable yet unspoken. "Oh, it's definitely distracting, but not in the way you think."

Draco's lips twitched into a smirk. "Oh? Pray tell, how so?"

"It's the way you look when you're trying to pretend you're not interested in what I’m saying," Harry teased, glancing up from the book to meet Draco's gaze.

Draco smirked. "And what makes you think I'm pretending?"

Harry grinned at Draco's retort, a spark of amusem*nt in his eyes. "Because if you were truly disinterested, you wouldn't be responding with such witty comebacks."

Draco's smirk softened into a faint smile, his gaze meeting Harry's with a playful glint. "Touché, Potter. Maybe I find your banter somewhat entertaining."

As they continued to jest and tease each other about the quirks of library life, neither acknowledged the subtle flirtation that danced between them.

It was a silent agreement to keep things light, to enjoy the playful banter without reading too much into it.

After all, in the world of Harry and Draco, where potions and spells were more straightforward than matters of the heart, a bit of playful banter was just another day in the office.

As Harry and Draco delved into the intricate runes, their focus narrowed to the ancient script before them.

Draco's sharp eyes scanned the symbols, his fingers tracing the curves and lines with a precision born of years of studying magical artifacts.

“Aha!” He exclaimed, “It’s here.”

Harry leaned in, his curiosity piqued by the cryptic markings.

"What do you make of this?" Harry asked, his tone tinged with a mix of curiosity and concern as he observed Draco's intense concentration.

Draco's brows furrowed slightly as he deciphered the runes. "It seems to be a ritual of some sort, but the purpose is unclear. These symbols here suggest a summoning, but the specifics are elusive."

Harry leaned closer, studying the runes intently. "Could it be a summoning ritual for a dark entity?"

Draco nodded, his expression serious. "Possibly. But we need more context to understand its full implications."

They continued their meticulous examination, each rune revealing a layer of complexity and potential danger.

Harry's mind raced with the possibilities, his Auror instincts alert to the potential threat hidden within the ancient script.

After hours of intense focus and collaboration, Draco suddenly paused, his eyes widening as realization dawned. "Wait, these symbols... They're linked to a powerful dark artifact rumored to have been destroyed centuries ago."

Harry's breath caught at the revelation. "Are you saying this ritual could bring back that artifact?"

Draco nodded grimly. "And with it, the chaos and devastation it wrought."

Their discovery hung heavy in the air, the weight of their findings settling upon them. Harry glanced at Draco, a silent acknowledgment passing between them of the gravity of their task.

"We need to inform Kingsley immediately," Harry said, his voice steady despite the urgency in his words.

Draco nodded in agreement, his eyes still fixed on the runes before them. "We can't let this ritual proceed. The consequences would be catastrophic."

With a shared determination, Harry and Draco gathered their notes and rushed to Kingsley's office, prepared to confront the looming threat that their discovery had unveiled.

Chapter 8: March 7th, 2005

Chapter Text

The days following their discovery of the dangerous ritual were filled with heightened tension and a sense of urgency for Harry and Draco.

They spent long hours poring over ancient texts, consulting with experts, and devising strategies to counteract the potential threat.

Their collaboration had deepened, their shared goal of preventing disaster driving them to work tirelessly.

In their shared office, the atmosphere crackled with focused energy.

Harry was engrossed in deciphering a particularly cryptic passage, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Draco, seated across from him, was deep in thought, flipping through pages of reference materials to cross-reference their findings.

"You know," Harry began, breaking the silence that had settled between them, "I never expected us to work together like this."

Draco glanced up, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Nor did I, Potter. But circ*mstances have a way of bringing unlikely allies together."

Their eyes met, a mutual understanding passing between them. Despite their past animosities and differences, they had found common ground in their mission to protect the wizarding world.

"We make a good team," Harry remarked, a note of appreciation in his voice.

Draco nodded in agreement. "Indeed. It's... refreshing, in a way."

As they continued their work, the hours slipped by unnoticed, their focus unwavering as they delved deeper into their research.

The night was draped in a veil of silence as Harry and Draco worked late in their secluded office at the Ministry. The dim glow of their enchanted lamps cast long shadows across the room, adding an air of mystery to the scene.

As they delved deeper into their research, a sudden noise from the hallway jolted them both.

Harry's instincts kicked in immediately, his Auror training on high alert.

Draco, sensing the tension in the air, glanced at Harry with a mix of concern and readiness.

"Did you hear that?" Harry whispered, his hand instinctively reaching for his wand.

Draco nodded, his senses sharp as he strained to listen for any further disturbances. Another faint sound, like a muffled footstep, confirmed their suspicions.

Without a word, Harry gestured for Draco to stay put as he crept towards the door, his steps silent and deliberate. Every sense was heightened, every muscle tense with anticipation.

As Harry cautiously opened the door to peer into the dark hallway, a figure darted past, moving swiftly and silently.

Harry's Auror instincts took over as he gave chase, his heart pounding with adrenaline.

Draco, not one to stay behind, followed Harry's lead, his wand at the ready. The corridor was eerily quiet, the intruder seemingly vanished into thin air.

But Harry's sharp eyes caught a glimmer of movement near the department where they kept artifacts related to the Whispering Vault.

Without hesitation, he sprinted towards the area, Draco close on his heels.

The scene that greeted them was one of chaos and danger. Masked figures, cloaked in shadows, were attempting to bypass the security charms protecting the artifacts.

“It 's Potter!” One of them yelled.

And in an instant, spells flew in all directions as Harry and Draco engaged the intruders, their movements fluid and calculated.

Harry's protective instincts kicked into overdrive as he shielded Draco from a curse aimed his way. The momentary distraction allowed one of the intruders to slip past their defenses and grab a valuable artifact.

Draco, showing surprising agility, lunged forward and disarmed the thief with a well-aimed spell. The artifact clattered to the ground, unharmed but dangerously close to being stolen.

Amidst the chaos, Harry caught sight of one of the intruders making a move towards Draco. Without hesitation, he surged forward, deflecting a curse meant for Draco with a shield charm.

The force of the spell sent Harry stumbling backward, but he recovered quickly, his determination driving him to continue the fight.

Draco, recognizing the danger, reciprocated by providing cover fire, casting spells that disrupted the intruders' attempts to flee with the artifacts.

As the intruders realized they were facing formidable opposition, they began to retreat, but not without a final desperate move.

One of them threw a spell that destabilized a nearby chandelier, aiming to create a distraction and cover their escape.

"Watch out!" Harry's voice rang out, instinctively pushing Draco out of harm's way.

They tumbled to the ground, Harry shielding Draco with his body as the chandelier crashed down with a deafening roar.

The dust settled, revealing the aftermath of the impromptu battle. Harry's heart raced, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he realized how close they had come to disaster.

He lifted his head, meeting Draco's gaze as they lay entangled on the floor, the tension between them almost palpable.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still.

Their eyes met, the unspoken attraction crackled between them like static electricity. It was a fleeting yet undeniable spark, one that left them both slightly breathless and off-balance.

Harry cleared his throat, breaking the momentary silence. "We should... we should check the artifacts. Make sure nothing's been damaged."

Draco nodded, his expression unreadable as he followed Harry's lead.

Harry slowly pushed himself up, offering Draco a hand to help him stand. Their eyes met once more, lingering on the unspoken words.

They busied themselves with assessing the artifacts, their movements precise but their minds distracted by the lingering tension.

As they worked, the tension between them remained palpable, hovering like a charged current in the air.

Harry couldn't help but steal glances at Draco, his mind replaying the moment when he had shielded him from harm.

It was a reflex, an instinct born from years of training and a newfound sense of protectiveness towards Draco.

Draco, too, seemed affected by the intensity of their shared experience. His usual composed demeanor was subtly disrupted, hints of vulnerability and gratitude flickering in his eyes as he glanced back at Harry.

Suddenly, Kingsley's voice broke the lingering tension, his authoritative presence commanding attention as he surveyed the aftermath of the intrusion. “What in Merlin’s name happened here?”

Harry and Draco exchanged a quick glance before Harry stepped forward to address their superior.

"We had a break-in, Kingsley," Harry explained, his tone steady despite the residual adrenaline from the confrontation. "Intruders attempted to steal artifacts related to our investigation into the Whispering Vault. We managed to thwart their efforts and secure the items."

Kingsley's gaze shifted from Harry to Draco, his expression unreadable. "Is everything accounted for? Were there any casualties?"

Draco stepped in, his demeanor composed yet attentive. "Everything appears to be intact, Minister. We acted swiftly and efficiently."

Kingsley nodded, his eyes narrowing slightly as he took in the scene. "I'll have the Auror Office conduct a thorough investigation. In the meantime, Potter, Malfoy, I expect a detailed report on my desk by tomorrow morning."

"Of course, Minister," Harry replied, a sense of determination in his voice. "We'll have it for you as soon as possible."

You may leave for now. Rest is important after such an incident," Kingsley added, dismissing them with a nod.

As they began to walk away, Harry noticed a smudge of dirt on Draco's vest.

"Um, you have a bit of dirt there," Harry pointed out, his tone casual yet oddly observant.

"Dirt, Potter? Is that your concern now?" Draco retorted lightly, though a hint of curiosity danced in his eyes.

Harry chuckled, feeling a slight flush creeping up his neck. "It's just... you're never dirty. Always so impeccably clean."

Without thinking much, Harry stepped closer, reaching out to brush off the dirt from Draco's vest.

The air around them seemed to crackle with unspoken tension as Harry's hand hesitated near Draco's vest, fingers hovering just above the smudge of dirt.

Draco's gaze remained fixed on Harry, his expression unreadable yet tinged with a hint of something deeper.

Harry's breath caught in his throat, the proximity between them suddenly feeling charged with an electricity he couldn't quite explain.

He cleared his throat, trying to brush off the awkwardness. "I just meant, you know, it's unusual to see you with dirt on your clothes."

Draco's eyes flickered with a fleeting emotion, his voice softer than usual. "I suppose it happens sometimes, even to me."

Harry's fingertips brushed against the fabric, carefully removing the dirt with a gentle touch. The simple gesture felt oddly intimate, a fleeting moment of closeness amidst the chaos of their day, and it sent a subtle tremor through Harry, a feeling he couldn't ignore.

For a heartbeat, time seemed to slow as they shared a silent understanding, an unspoken connection that spoke volumes in that simple act of removing dirt from Draco's clothes.

But just as quickly, Draco cleared his throat, the spell broken, and they both retreated into an awkward silence.

Harry's voice broke the silence that had settled between them. "Um, I should go."

Draco nodded, a faint hint of regret flashing in his eyes. "Right, of course."

They stood there for a moment, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air.

"Thanks for... well, you know," Draco said, gesturing vaguely to the now-clean vest.

Harry managed a small smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Anytime, Malfoy."

The next day, Harry found himself at Hermione and Ron's for lunch, seeking a moment of respite from the events at the Ministry. Hermione greeted him with a warm smile, ushering him inside their cozy home.

"Harry, it's wonderful to see you," Hermione said, giving him a hug.

"Hey mate, how's everything at work?" Ron asked, pouring him a glass of water.

Harry shrugged, a hint of exhaustion in his eyes. "Busy as usual. We had a break-in yesterday, and things got a bit chaotic."

Hermione's expression turned concerned. "Are you alright? What happened?"

Harry recounted the events briefly, leaving out the more intense moments with Draco. He didn't want to dwell on the unresolved tension between them, especially not with Ron and Hermione.

"It sounds intense," Ron commented, frowning. "You need to take care of yourself, Harry. You can't be running into danger all the time."

Harry chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, I should probably start carrying a 'Danger: Keep Away' sign around with me."

Hermione raised an eyebrow playfully. "I don't think that would deter trouble, Harry."

Ron nodded, a grin tugging at his lips. "Knowing you, Harry, you'd probably attract danger even with the sign."

Harry grinned back, enjoying the banter. "I guess I just have that kind of luck."

They shared a few more jokes and stories, the atmosphere easing into a comfortable camaraderie that Harry cherished.

“How’s it going with Malfoy, Harry?” Hermione asked, changing topics.

"Um, it's going alright. He's... alright." Harry replied, his cheeks flushing slightly.

Hermione's keen eyes caught Harry's slight blush, and she exchanged a knowing glance with Ron before turning her attention back to Harry. "Just okay? You've been working closely with him on a challenging case. How's that going, really?"

Harry shifted uncomfortably, sensing Hermione's unspoken understanding. "It's... it's fine, Hermione. We're getting the job done, that's what matters."

Ron leaned forward, his expression curious. "You two aren't at each other's throats, are you? I mean, after all those years at Hogwarts..."

Harry shook his head quickly. "No, no, it's not like that. We're professionals, and we're working well together, surprisingly."

Hermione raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Surprisingly?"

Harry shrugged, trying to downplay his feelings. "I mean, given our history, I didn't expect it to be smooth sailing. But Draco's... he's okay. Professional, focused."

Ron leaned back, looking thoughtful. "Well, as long as you're not tearing each other's hair out, it's a step in the right direction."

Harry nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips.

Hermione studied her friend's expression, detecting an undercurrent of something more than just professional interaction.

Harry's attempt to downplay his feelings only fueled her curiosity further.

She exchanged a meaningful glance with Ron, silently communicating her thoughts.

Hermione leaned forward, her voice gentle yet probing. "Harry, we've known you for a long time. We can tell when something's up with you."

Harry glanced between his two friends, feeling a mixture of gratitude and apprehension. He knew Hermione wouldn't let this go easily.

Harry's cheeks flushed slightly, a mix of embarrassment and reluctance evident in his expression. "It's really nothing, Hermione. Just the usual challenges of working closely with someone from... from our past."

Ron chimed in with a teasing grin. "Come on, mate. You can't fool Hermione. She's got the intuition of a seasoned Auror."

Harry sighed, realizing he couldn't brush them off easily. "Okay, fine. There's... there's some tension, I guess. Not the bad kind, just... something."

Ron raised an eyebrow. "Tension? With Malfoy? Like, are we talking 'trying to hex each other' tension or something else?"

Harry shook his head. "No, nothing like that. It's just... hard to explain."

Hermione gave him a knowing look. "Is it the case? Or something else?"

Harry hesitated, then decided to confide in them. "It's more than the case. There's this... thing between us. Not like before, but not exactly normal either."

Ron grinned cheekily. "Oh, we've entered the realm of 'it's complicated,' have we?"

Hermione's expression turned thoughtful as she asked, "Harry, do you think you might have feelings for Malfoy?"

Harry furrowed his brow, unsure of how to articulate his emotions. "I... I don't know, Hermione. Maybe?"

Their eyes widened in surprise, the silence stretching for a moment before Ron exclaimed, "I knew it! Pay up, Hermione, you owe me a sickle."

Hermione chuckled. "I should have known you'd figure it out, Ron."

Harry's eyebrows shot up, a hint of outrage in his voice. "Wait, you had a bet? On what, exactly?"

Ron grinned triumphantly. "It's all in the subtle hints and glances, Hermione. Plus, Harry's not exactly subtle when it comes to... well, anything."

Harry rolled his eyes playfully. "Thanks for the vote of confidence, Ron."

Hermione sighed apologetically. "I'm sorry, Harry, but honestly, it's so obvious."

Ron added with a knowing nod, "Yes, even back when we were at Hogwarts."

Harry protested, "What? No. We hated each other then."

Ron posed a question, "Did you? Or were they just confused feelings?"

"Ron, he tried to kill me. And I him," Harry retorted incredulously.

Ron nodded, conceding the point in a comical manner. "Okay, maybe they were difficult feelings, but he was always on your mind, wasn't he?"

Harry paused, memories flashing back to his time at Hogwarts, moments of tension and unexpected thoughts of Draco that had puzzled him then.

He couldn't deny Ron's observation, even if it stirred up a mix of emotions he wasn't ready to confront.

"But he's... Malfoy," Harry said, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Hermione shrugged, her expression gentle yet probing. "So?"

Harry sighed, trying to put his thoughts into words. "It's all so complicated, Hermione. But when I'm with him, with his son, it's almost like I don't care about anything else. Like everything else just fades away."

In the background, Ron's voice chimed in with surprise. "Wait, Malfoy has a son?"

Hermione nodded, her gaze fixed on Harry. "Harry, in the last few weeks, I've seen you so much happier than I have in the last few years. You deserve to explore it. To explore whatever's giving you happiness."

Harry met her eyes, a mix of emotions swirling within him.

Harry grunted, frustration evident in his voice. "I don't even know if he would like me like that."

Hermione placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "Harry, you won't know until you talk to him. And from what you've said, there's definitely a connection there. It's worth exploring."

Ron, still processing the revelation about Malfoy's son, interjected, "Hold on. How did Malfoy end up with a kid?"

Hermione gave Ron a brief look of exasperation before returning her attention to Harry. "Don't let doubts hold you back, Harry. You've faced much tougher challenges than this."

Harry's voice was filled with apprehension. "I can't talk to him about this. It'll ruin things."

Harry sighed, torn between his desire to explore this newfound connection and his fear of potential repercussions. "I'll think about it, Hermione. Thanks."

Ron nudged Harry playfully. "Come on, mate. What's the worst that could happen?"

Harry managed a small smile, appreciating their support. "Knowing my luck, it's probably best not to answer that."

Ron's eyes widened comically. "Wait, do you think Malfoy was your gay awakening back at Hogwarts?"

He said it with a teasing grin, clearly trying to lighten the mood with a bit of humor.

Chapter 9: March 11th, 2005


tw: implied sexual abuse.

Chapter Text

As Harry sat across from Draco in the library, their usual spot for reading and research, his gaze wandered over Draco's features.

He couldn't help but notice things about him that he had never paid much attention to before.

The way Draco's eyes flickered with concentration as he scanned through a potion's manual, the subtle quirk of his lips when he found something intriguing, and the way his fingers traced patterns on the parchment as he took notes—all of it seemed to draw Harry's attention like never before.

There was an undeniable allure to Draco, something magnetic that Harry found both perplexing and enticing.

He admired Draco's sharp intellect, the way he could delve into complex magical theories with ease. There was a certain elegance in Draco's movements, a grace that hinted at years of refined upbringing and training.

But amidst these observations, Harry's mind was engaged in a fierce debate.

On one side, there was the undeniable attraction he felt towards Draco, a pull that seemed to grow stronger with each passing day.

On the other side, there were the complexities and challenges that would come with exploring these feelings.

The history between them, the lingering animosities from their school days, and the potential for misunderstandings and heartache—all of it weighed heavily on Harry's mind.

But maybe all of these challenges were not so big of a deal as he found himself momentarily lost in the allure of Draco's jawline.

The way it was perfectly defined, the curve of it catching the light just so—it was distracting in the most captivating way.

He couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to caress it, to lean in and press a kiss against it.

The sudden intensity of his thoughts startled Harry, causing him to stop mid-thought.

He gulped, feeling a heat rise to his cheeks as he cleared his throat and hastily returned his focus to the book in front of him.

Draco couldn't help but notice Harry stealing glances at him, a fact that amused him to no end. He maintained an air of nonchalance, casually observing Harry while pretending to focus on his own reading.

"Such a man-child," Draco thought with a smirk, amused by Harry's subtle but not-so-subtle distractions.

Despite his internal mockery, Draco couldn't deny that Potter had transformed over the years. The way his dark skin contrasted with his striking green eyes was captivating.

Draco found himself admiring how Harry's shirt hugged his frame, the fabric tugging slightly at the hem of his sleeves because of his well-defined arms.

It was an observation made purely out of aesthetics, yet it carried a weight of acknowledgment—Potter had indeed gotten fit.

But even as Draco appreciated these physical changes, a part of him scoffed at the notion.

"It's Potter, stupid idiotic Gryffindor Potter," he muttered inwardly, a mix of exasperation and begrudging respect coloring his thoughts.

Draco's thoughts drifted to a more introspective realm as he watched Harry from across the table. He realized that they were no longer defined solely by their Hogwarts houses.

They were two men, individuals who had navigated their own paths through life and somehow found themselves crossing paths again.

Reflecting on their interactions, Draco couldn't help but recall how Harry had been with Scorpius, how he had shown genuine care and protection towards them both.

It stirred something within Draco, a recognition of shared experiences and a newfound appreciation for Harry's character beyond their past animosities.

Their contemplative moment was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of Kingsley, whose presence in the library drew their attention away from their thoughts.

Harry and Draco exchanged a brief glance, a silent acknowledgment of the interruption.

Kingsley greeted them with a warm smile, his deep voice cutting through the quiet atmosphere of the library. "Good afternoon, gentlemen. I hope I'm not disturbing anything important."

Harry quickly closed his book, a habitual gesture when faced with authority figures. "Not at all, Kingsley. What brings you here?"

Kingsley took a seat opposite them, his expression turning more serious. "I have some concerning news. We suspect that an ex-Auror, someone who's gone rogue, might be behind the resurgence of Dark artifacts. The evidence is pointing in that direction, and we need your help to confirm and apprehend this individual."

Harry leaned forward, his curiosity piqued by the gravity of Kingsley's words. "An ex-Auror? That's quite troubling. Do we have any leads on their whereabouts or motives?"

Kingsley nodded, his demeanor focused. "We have a few leads, but nothing concrete yet. Your task will be to investigate further, gather intel, and if possible, confront this individual.

As Kingsley's words sank in, Harry's mind connected the dots. "Wait, you think this ex-Auror might be connected to the Whispering Vault?"

Kingsley's expression confirmed Harry's suspicion. "It's a strong possibility. The nature of the artifacts we've seen hints at a deeper understanding of dark magic, the kind that would be necessary to unlock the secrets of the Whispering Vault."

Draco's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "If that's the case, then this ex-Auror is playing a dangerous game. The Whispering Vault is no ordinary repository of dark magic; it's rumored to hold ancient and powerful secrets."

Kingsley nodded gravely. "Exactly. We can't afford to underestimate the potential threat posed by someone with access to the Vault's knowledge and resources."

Harry's thoughts raced with the implications. "So, our task is not just about tracking down Dark artifacts but also uncovering the link to the Whispering Vault and stopping whoever is behind it."

Draco's voice was firm. “Getting in without the right knowledge or precautions could be deadly."

Kingsley agreed, his tone serious. "I trust your abilities, but I also urge caution. This is a delicate matter with far-reaching consequences."

It wasn't just another case; it was a glimpse into a darker and more perilous side of the magical world.

Draco sat in the cozy parlor of his manor, a steaming cup of tea cradled between his hands. Across from him were Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini, both looking as composed and refined as ever.

Pansy took a delicate sip of her tea before setting the cup down with a satisfied sigh. "Darling, your house elves really do make the best tea."

Draco smiled faintly, acknowledging the compliment. "Thank you, Pansy. I'll pass on your praise to them."

Blaise leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "So, Draco, how are things at the Ministry? Any interesting cases lately?"

Draco's expression shifted to one of mild intrigue. "Oh, you know, the usual. Nothing I can discuss, unfortunately."

"Ah, your secret case with Potter. How's it going working with him?" Blaise's question cut through the air, his tone laced with curiosity.

Draco shifted in his seat, a subtle sign of discomfort that both Pansy and Blaise picked up on immediately.

"Fine," he replied tersely, hoping to deflect any further inquiries about his collaboration with Harry.

But Pansy, ever perceptive and never one to let things slide, leaned forward with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Draco?"

"What, Pansy?" Draco replied, his tone a mix of resignation and defensiveness.

"I see you, you look different," she teased, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Do you have the hots for Potter?"

Draco's eyes widened momentarily, caught off guard by Pansy's directness.

He cleared his throat, attempting to regain his composure. "That's ridiculous, Pansy. Potter and I are colleagues, nothing more."

Blaise chuckled, sensing the tension in the air but also enjoying the banter. "Come on, Draco. We know you better than that. There's something different about you when you talk about him."

Draco's cheeks tinged with a faint blush, a rare display of vulnerability. "It's just work, nothing personal."

Pansy raised an eyebrow, her tone teasing. "I don't believe you for a second! You like him."

Blaise joined in, adding fuel to the playful interrogation. "Admit it, Draco. You've been smitten with him for a while now."

Draco let out an exasperated sigh, feeling outnumbered by his friends' insistence. "You two are insane. It's not like that at all."

Pansy leaned closer, her expression filled with mock seriousness. "Draco, darling, we've seen the way you look at him. It's written all over your face."

Blaise nodded in agreement. "You can't deny the chemistry, Draco. It's palpable."

Draco, feeling increasingly cornered by his friends' teasing, continued to deny any romantic interest in Harry Potter.

"It's not like that at all," he insisted, his tone a mix of defensiveness and exasperation. "We work together, and that's it. There's nothing more to it."

Pansy and Blaise exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging Draco's reluctance to admit his feelings.

Pansy, always one to push the boundaries, leaned in with a playful smile. "Come on, Draco. What's the harm in admitting it? We won't judge."

Draco sighed, feeling a sense of resignation creeping in. "Fine, let's entertain the idea for a moment. So what if I like Potter? It's never going to happen."

Blaise raised an eyebrow, curious about Draco's sudden shift in attitude. "Why do you say that? You never know what the future holds."

Draco shook his head, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "It's complicated, Blaise. You know how things were between us in the past. Some things just aren't meant to be."

Pansy placed a comforting hand on Draco's arm, her expression understanding. "We understand, Draco. But don't close yourself off completely."

Draco's gaze flickered between Pansy and Blaise, his thoughts a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He took a deep breath, trying to collect himself amidst the weight of his unspoken feelings.

"It's not just about the past," he admitted, his voice softer than usual. "It's about... everything. The complications, the risks..."

Blaise leaned forward, his expression sympathetic. "Draco, we understand your concerns. But sometimes, taking a chance is worth it."

Pansy nodded in agreement. "You've grown and changed, Draco. Don't let fear hold you back from potential happiness."

Draco sighed, feeling the weight of their words settling in. "I know, but..."

He paused, his thoughts turning to Scorpius, his son whom he cherished above all else. "I have Scorpius to think about. He's my priority."

Pansy raised an eyebrow, her tone teasing. "Ah, don't you think he'll be thrilled when he hears his dad is dating Orion the Almighty?"

Draco's eyes widened in realization, a mix of surprise and embarrassment crossing his features.

Pansy rolled her eyes, “Draco, Scorpius is a blabbermouth. And it's so obvious 'Orion' is Potter."

Blaise chuckled, seeing the humor in the situation. "Your son knows you better than you think, Draco. He probably already has suspicions."

Draco shook his head, a fond smile tugging at his lips. "Well, I'll have to have a talk with him about discretion."

Pansy grinned mischievously. "Or you could just see where things go with Potter and let Scorpius figure it out on his own."

Draco's expression softened, a hint of hope flickering in his eyes. "Maybe... just maybe."

The dimly lit ambiance of the bar provided a familiar comfort to Harry as he sat at his usual spot, a half-empty glass of Firewhisky in front of him.

The events of the day replayed in his mind like a broken record, each sip of the amber liquid offering a temporary escape from the whirlwind of emotions.

Harry's thoughts drifted back to Draco, a name that had haunted him more than he cared to admit.

Despite their tumultuous past and the scars it left behind, Harry couldn't deny the lingering feelings of guilt and longing that stirred within him.

The guilt stemmed from memories of their time at Hogwarts, where animosity and misunderstandings had fueled their rivalry.

Harry couldn't help but wonder if things could have been different, if he had been more understanding, less quick to judge.

As he took another sip of Firewhisky, the burn down his throat mirrored the ache in his chest. It was a familiar sensation, one that he had tried to bury beneath layers of duty and responsibility.

But tonight, as the alcohol dulled his senses and loosened his inhibitions, Harry couldn't escape the truth.

His heart had never fully let go of Draco, despite the years that had passed and the distance that had grown between them.

And not in the way he thought.

The bar's chatter and clinking glasses faded into the background as Harry confronted his own feelings, the weight of them heavy on his shoulders.

He wondered if Draco ever thought of him, if their paths would ever cross again in a way that didn't involve old wounds and unresolved tension.

Harry sat in silence, his thoughts swirling like the whisky in his glass. The weight of his own self-doubt pressed heavily upon him.

"Draco could never love him," he thought bitterly. "Why would he? Harry Potter was nothing but a name, a memory of past glory and mistakes."

As he stared into the amber depths of his drink, Harry couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness that settled like a heavy cloak around his shoulders.

The faces of his friends, the memories of battles won and lost, all seemed distant and fleeting compared to the ache in his heart.

Lost in his thoughts, Harry realized that maybe, just maybe, it was time to confront the past and acknowledge the longing in his heart.

But for now, he took another drink, letting the warmth of the Firewhisky soothe his restless soul.

As he sat there, contemplating his next move, Harry's gaze wandered across the dimly lit bar. In the distance, he spotted a blonde man sitting alone, a gentle smile playing on his lips.

For a fleeting moment, Harry's heart skipped a beat, a flicker of recognition sparking in his mind.

But as the alcohol dulled his senses and clouded his judgment, Harry quickly realized just how drunk he was.

It wasn’t Draco.

The thought of approaching the stranger, of delving into unknown territory when his mind was muddled with whisky, filled him with a sense of unease.

With a sigh, Harry shook his head, dismissing the idea as quickly as it had come.

"Not tonight," he muttered to himself, the words slurring slightly. "I'm not up for this tonight."

Harry's mind swirled with a mix of emotions and alcohol-induced haze as the blonde man approached him. In that blur of moments tainted by whisky, all Harry remembered was the sudden closeness, the warmth of the other man's body against his own, and the taste of alcohol on his lips.

Before he could fully register what was happening, they were kissing against a nearby wall, the world spinning around them in a blurry mess.

Harry's thoughts were a jumbled mix of confusion, desire, and the lingering ache of unresolved feelings.

As the kiss deepened, Harry felt a surge of conflicting emotions. Part of him wanted to pull away, to regain control of his senses and thoughts.

But another part of him, fueled by longing and the alcohol coursing through his veins, yearned for the fleeting connection, the temporary escape from his own turmoil.

It felt like a blur, the transition from the bar to the man's apartment.

He stumbled along, barely aware of how they got there, his mind a chaotic mess of confusion and disorientation.

As they entered the apartment, the man's actions became more urgent, tugging at Harry's clothes with a sense of eagerness that clashed with Harry's own inner turmoil.

Harry's thoughts raced, a voice in the back of his mind screaming that this wasn't right, that he wasn't in control of his actions or desires.

But the alcohol had stripped away his inhibitions, leaving him vulnerable and susceptible to the whirlwind of emotions and sensations.

He could barely stand, his body swaying unsteadily as he tried to make sense of the situation.

As the man continued to press closer, Harry's internal battle raged on, torn between the desire to numb his pain and the realization that he was on the verge of making a mistake he would regret.

The situation escalated quickly, the man's actions turning rough and forceful.

Harry's initial discomfort grew into fear and a sense of helplessness as he realized he couldn't get away.

His attempts to protest were met with dismissive responses, the man becoming even more aggressive.

"No, stop," Harry pleaded, his voice shaking with a mix of fear and frustration. "I don't like this."

But his words fell on deaf ears as the man continued with increasing roughness, ignoring Harry's protests and boundaries.

The sense of violation and powerlessness overwhelmed Harry, his mind racing with panic and a desperate need to escape the situation.

In a burst of adrenaline-fueled desperation, Harry pushed against the man, trying to create enough distance to send a Patronus charm.

With trembling hands, Harry cast the spell, the silvery figure of a stag bursting from his wand, racing through the air with a message for Draco: "Help."

But before he could fully grasp the relief of reaching out for help, the man retaliated, pushing Harry back with force.

The impact sent Harry stumbling, his head colliding with the desk with a sickening thud.

Pain shot through Harry's skull, the combination of alcohol, dizziness, and the blow to his head disorienting him further.

His vision swam, the room spinning in a disorienting whirl, as he struggled to stay conscious and coherent.

The sense of powerlessness and vulnerability was overwhelming, a stark reminder of the danger he found himself in.

With his last ounce of strength, Harry tried to call out for help again, his voice trembling and weak. But the darkness threatened to consume him, his consciousness slipping away as the world faded into a haze of pain and fear.

Draco sat in his dimly lit living room, a book lying forgotten in his lap as he stared into the flickering flames of the fireplace.

Sleep had eluded him, his thoughts consumed by worries and memories that refused to fade.

When the silvery stag Patronus burst into the room, Draco's heart skipped a beat, a surge of adrenaline jolting him awake.


It was from Harry.

Instantly alert, Draco sprang to his feet, the book slipping to the floor with a soft thud.

What could Potter want at three in the morning?

The question raced through Draco's mind as he hurriedly grabbed his wand and Disapparated, apparating to the location indicated by the Patronus.

As he materialized outside a familiar building, Draco's heart pounded with a mix of worry and determination.

Draco's footsteps echoed through the empty corridors of the building as he ran, his mind racing with a mixture of fear and confusion.

He didn't care about anything else at that moment; all that mattered was reaching Harry and ensuring his safety.

As he burst through the door, Draco's breath caught in his throat at the sight before him.

A man loomed over Harry, who lay barely conscious on the ground, a painful expression etched on his face.

Anger surged through Draco like a blazing fire, his eyes narrowing as he took in the scene before him.

Without hesitation, Draco raised his wand, his voice cutting through the tense air with authority.

"Stupefy!" The spell flew from his wand, stunning the man and sending his wand clattering to the floor.

The man staggered back, momentarily stunned by the sudden turn of events.

Draco wasted no time, swiftly moving to stand between Harry and the assailant, his wand steady and his gaze fierce.

"Get away from him," Draco commanded, his voice low and dangerous.

The man, realizing he was outnumbered and outmatched, stumbled to his feet and fled, leaving Draco and Harry alone in the aftermath of the confrontation.

With a mix of relief and concern, Draco knelt beside Harry, his hands gentle as he checked for any injuries.

"Potter, can you hear me?" he murmured, his voice soft yet urgent.

He knew they needed to get Harry to safety and get him the help he needed.

Draco's worry deepened as Harry only mumbled in response, his concern growing with each passing moment.

"Don't worry," Draco reassured him, his tone firm yet comforting. "I'm getting you out of here."

With a determined expression, Draco carefully lifted Harry into his arms, cradling him gently as he stood up. Harry's weight felt heavy against him, a stark reminder of the seriousness of the situation.

As Draco carried Harry out of the building, his mind raced with thoughts of what had happened and what needed to be done next.

Once outside, Draco Apparated them to his house, a secluded and secure place where he could tend to Harry without further interruptions.

Upon arrival, Draco gently laid Harry down on a comfortable sofa, his movements careful as he assessed Harry's condition.

The worry etched on his face softened momentarily as he focused on ensuring Harry was comfortable and safe.

Draco hurried to fetch a blanket, covering Harry with care to keep him warm.

He then retrieved a vial of potion from his cabinet, a healing potion that would help alleviate any pain and aid in Harry's recovery.

Sitting beside Harry, Draco gently lifted his head and administered the potion, his touch gentle yet purposeful.

"You'll be alright, Harry," Draco murmured, his voice filled with reassurance. "Just rest now. I'll take care of everything."

As Harry continued to drift in and out of consciousness, the lingering effects of the alcohol combined with the ordeal left him in a haze.

He mumbled incoherently at times, his words slurred and disjointed as he struggled to fully regain his bearings.

Draco observed Harry's condition with concern, recognizing the signs of intoxication and the toll it had taken on Harry's body and mind.

He gently placed a hand on Harry's shoulder, offering silent support and understanding as Harry's consciousness fluctuated.

"It's alright," Draco murmured, his voice soothing as he tried to calm Harry's restless state. "Just rest. I'm here."

Harry's words slurred as he began to mumble, his voice heavy with melancholy.

"Got my whole life ahead of me, I'm only 24," he murmured, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

Draco placed a comforting hand on Harry's knee, offering a silent gesture of support.

"You have so much ahead of you," Draco said sincerely, hoping to ease Harry's doubts.

But Harry's thoughts seemed to spiral deeper into introspection and regret.

"But I fear that they already got all the best parts of me," he confessed, his voice filled with regret and sadness.

Draco's heart ached at the vulnerability in Harry's words, his own eyes misting with unshed tears.

Harry's tone shifted, his voice tinged with apology and longing for the past.

"And I'm sorry that I couldn't always be their teenage hero," he murmured, his words a confession of past mistakes and regrets.

Draco reached out, his hand squeezing Harry's gently. "You don't have to be anyone's hero, Harry," Draco said sincerely, his voice filled with compassion.

Harry's voice wavered as he continued, his words a plea for reassurance and validation. “They all say that it gets better the more you grow, but what if I don’t?”

Harry's gaze locked onto Draco's, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears as he struggled to find the words to express his inner turmoil.

"Draco?" his voice cracked, a plea for understanding and comfort.

Draco's heart clenched at the sight of Harry's vulnerability, his own eyes reflecting a mix of concern and compassion.

"Harry," he said softly, his voice filled with empathy.

And then Harry's tears broke free, cascading down his cheeks as he poured out his heart.

"What was I made for?" he sobbed, his words raw with emotion. "Cause I, I... I don't know how to feel. But I wanna try, I just don’t know how."

Draco reached out, wrapping Harry in a comforting embrace as his own emotions threatened to overwhelm him.

He held Harry close, offering silent support and a safe space for him to let out his pain.

Harry's sobs continued, his words choked with sadness and longing.

"When did it end? All the enjoyment," he whispered, his voice filled with longing for a happiness that seemed elusive. "I think I forgot how to be happy."

Draco held Harry tighter, his own tears mingling with Harry's as they shared a moment of shared pain and longing.

"You're not alone, Harry," Draco whispered, his voice a gentle reassurance in the midst of Harry's storm of emotions.

Chapter 10: March 12th, 2005

Chapter Text

The next morning, as Harry slowly regained consciousness, he found himself in an unfamiliar yet comforting environment. His head throbbed with pain, and his thoughts felt muddled and disjointed.

He blinked several times, trying to focus his vision as he became more aware of his surroundings.

"Harry?" Draco's voice broke through the haze, his concern evident as he watched Harry's gradual return to awareness. "How are you feeling?"

Harry managed a weak nod, his throat dry as he tried to speak.

"Head hurts," he mumbled, his words slurred from the lingering effects of the ordeal and the healing potion Draco had administered.

Draco's expression softened with understanding as he reached for a glass of water, offering it to Harry.

"Here, drink this slowly," he instructed, helping Harry sit up slightly.

Harry complied, taking small sips of water to soothe his parched throat. The cool liquid provided some relief, clearing his mind a bit as he focused on the present moment.

"Thank you," Harry murmured, his gratitude evident in his gaze as he looked at Draco.

Draco nodded, a reassuring smile on his lips. "You're welcome."

The tension that had gripped Draco's shoulders began to dissipate slightly as he saw Harry's condition improving, albeit slowly.

Once Harry had drunk enough water to feel a bit more refreshed, Draco helped him sit up further, propping pillows behind him for support.

"Take it easy, Potter," Draco advised gently, his tone conveying a sense of care and concern. "You've been through it."

Harry nodded weakly, the events of the previous night starting to come back to him in flashes.

He winced as a sharp pang of pain shot through his head, a reminder of the physical toll of the ordeal.

Draco noticed Harry's discomfort and fetched a small vial of pain-relieving potion from a nearby shelf.

"This should help with the headache," Draco explained as he handed the vial to Harry.

Harry accepted the potion with a grateful nod and swallowed it, feeling the immediate effects as the throbbing in his head began to subside.

He closed his eyes briefly, taking a moment to collect himself and gather his thoughts.

Draco watched Harry closely, concern etched into his features as he gauged Harry's reaction.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Draco asked gently, his tone filled with understanding.

Harry sighed, his eyes still closed as if trying to shut out the memories of the previous night.

"It's nothing," he murmured, the words lacking conviction.

"No, Potter, it's not nothing," Draco countered softly but firmly.

Harry hesitated, his thoughts swirling in a tumultuous sea of emotions. He appreciated Draco's concern but felt hesitant to burden him with the details.

"It was just a bad night," Harry finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I shouldn't have let it get to me like this."

Draco shook his head, rejecting Harry's self-blame. "You're allowed to feel, Potter. You're human, not a machine.”

“And what that man did it wasn’t nothing.” Draco added with anger tinging his voice.

"Harry, call me Harry, please," Harry said softly and Draco's gaze softened.

"It wasn't nothing, Harry," Draco replied gently, finally using Harry's first name as requested, a subtle yet meaningful acknowledgment of their growing closeness.

Harry appreciated Draco's validation, a sense of relief washing over him as he realized he didn't have to carry the weight of the night's events alone.

"Thanks, Draco," he said again, the use of Draco's name a sign of the growing trust between them.

As their conversation lingered in the air, the unspoken tension between them seemed to grow, weaving a delicate web of attraction and understanding.

Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in Draco's presence, a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time.

Draco's eyes held a mixture of concern and something more, a silent invitation for Harry to share whatever weighed on his mind.

The vulnerability in Harry's voice, the way he looked to Draco for reassurance, spoke volumes about the depth of their connection.

"I appreciate you being here," Harry said, his gaze meeting Draco's with a newfound sincerity. "It's been a while since I've felt... understood."

Draco's expression softened further, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

"We all need someone to lean on," he replied, his voice carrying a warmth that resonated within Harry.

Draco's words lingered in the air, carrying an unspoken weight that both of them could feel.

Harry took a moment, considering the depth of what Draco had just said. He felt a surge of emotion, a mix of gratitude and something more profound stirring within him.

"You've been that someone for me," Harry admitted, his voice quiet but earnest. "More than I realized."

As Harry's words hung in the air, Draco felt a surge of warmth spread through him. It was a vulnerable moment, a shared understanding that went beyond mere words.

"You've been that for me too," Draco replied softly, his eyes meeting Harry's with a sincerity that spoke volumes. "I never expected... this."

The air between them seemed to crackle with unspoken emotions as they held each other's gaze.

Harry felt a rush of conflicting feelings - anticipation, uncertainty, and a growing desire to bridge the gap between them.

Draco, too, was caught in the intensity of the moment, his heart pounding with a mixture of longing and apprehension.

After a prolonged silence that spoke volumes, Draco took a deep breath, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "Harry, there's something I've been wanting to say..."

Draco's voice trailed off, his eyes searching Harry's for any sign of understanding or hesitation.

Harry, sensing the gravity of the moment, leaned in slightly, silently urging Draco to continue.

"I've been wanting to say that... I care about you," Draco confessed, his words coming out in a rush, as if he had been holding them back for too long. "More than I care to admit."

Harry's heart skipped a beat at Draco's admission. The sincerity in Draco's voice and the vulnerability in his gaze stirred something deep within Harry, a longing he had tried to ignore for far too long.

"I care about you too, Draco," Harry responded, his own voice filled with emotion.

Their unspoken feelings hung in the air, creating an electric tension that neither could ignore.

It was a pivotal moment, a crossing of boundaries that had been meticulously maintained for years.

Draco reached out tentatively, his hand finding Harry's and intertwining their fingers.

The simple act of touch sent a jolt of warmth through both of them, a silent confirmation of the connection they shared.

"This is... complicated," Draco murmured, his thumb gently stroking Harry's hand. "But…"

Harry nodded, understanding what Draco implied by just a few words, his gaze locked with his.

"I know," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Driven by a surge of emotions and a desire to bridge the gap between them, Harry leaned in to kiss Draco, his heart racing with anticipation.

Draco closed his eyes, succumbing to the magnetic pull of their connection.

But as their lips were about to meet, Draco hesitated, a sigh escaping his lips as he stepped back.

"No, I'm sorry. I can't," Draco murmured, his voice tinged with regret.

Confusion clouded Harry's features as he searched Draco's eyes for an explanation.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

Draco took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before speaking.

"It's just... us. Our history, the complications... everything," he confessed, his words heavy with the weight of their shared past.

Understanding dawned on Harry's face as he processed Draco's words.

Their years of animosity, the wounds left unhealed, and the complexities of their intertwined lives at Hogwarts — it was a tangled web of emotions that couldn't be brushed aside with a simple kiss.

Draco shook his head, his gaze meeting Harry's with a mixture of sadness and determination.

"We can't rush into this," he reiterated, his voice steady but tinged with uncertainty. "Not after everything."

Harry's heart raced as he poured out his feelings to Draco, his voice trembling with raw emotion.

"Draco ... I'm a mess most of the time," he admitted, his gaze earnest. "I overthink everything, but you, you always help me breathe again. When I look at you, it's like everything else fades away.”

Draco had stopped breathing as he heard the green-eyed man declare himself, Harry continued. “You like the parts of me that I struggle with, the ones no one else sees. With you, I find hope again."

He paused, his eyes locking onto Draco's, feeling the intensity of their connection.

"I don't know why I get so nervous when I look into your eyes," Harry confessed softly. "Butterflies don't even begin to describe what I feel for you.” he chuckled.

Harry stood up, battling with the pounding in his head and walked a few steps towards Draco. “This... this is more than I've ever felt before. You're everything I've ever wanted, everything I didn't dare to think I’d find."

Draco stopped, his eyes glistening with unshed emotion, caught in the depth of Harry's words.

"Give me a chance. Please. Just one. And if I blow it, you can go back to hating me," Harry pleaded, his voice filled with vulnerability.

Draco paused for a moment, his gaze searching Harry's face before a soft smile curved his lips.

"Idiotic Gryffindor," he murmured affectionately, the corners of his eyes crinkling with fondness.

And without another word, Draco rushed forward, closing the distance between them in a passionate kiss.

Draco's hands cradled Harry's face tenderly, his thumb brushing against Harry's cheek as if to assure him of the reality of this moment.

Harry responded eagerly, his arms wrapping around Draco's waist, pulling him closer as if to merge their worlds into one.

The soft warmth of Draco's lips against his own sent a thrill down Harry's spine, a sensation he hadn't felt in a long time.

In that intimate moment, Harry felt a rush of warmth and happiness, knowing that he was exactly where he belonged—with Draco.

The soft glow of the fire cast a warm ambiance around them as they sat intertwined on the couch. Draco sat behind Harry, his arms wrapped protectively around him, creating a cocoon of safety and comfort.

Harry leaned back into Draco's embrace, resting his head on Draco's chest, feeling the steady rhythm of Draco's heartbeat beneath his ear.

Their fingers entwined, playing a gentle game of touch and exploration, as if trying to map out the contours of each other's souls through their hands.

The silence between them was serene, filled with unspoken words and the quiet understanding that comes with newfound intimacy.

Draco's touch was tender yet possessive, a silent declaration of his willingness to protect and cherish Harry.

Harry, in turn, felt a sense of peace wash over him, a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time.

Draco's voice, though gentle, carried a weight of concern as he broached the topic. "Harry, yesterday... you said some things."

Harry tensed, his fingers involuntarily tightening around Draco's hand.

"I don't remember," he replied softly, his gaze dropping to their intertwined hands.

Draco's thumb brushed soothingly over Harry's knuckles. "You said you forgot how to be happy.”

Harry tensed even more, a wave of discomfort washing over him.

"I was drunk," he blurted out, as if the explanation could erase the vulnerability of his words.

Draco sat up, prompting Harry to do the same.

"Harry, talk to me," Draco urged, his eyes searching Harry's for any sign of understanding.

Harry felt defensive, a wall rising between them as he avoided Draco's gaze.

"I don't want to talk about it," he replied tersely, his voice edged with frustration.

Draco remained calm, his concern unwavering.

"Potter, please, don’t be stubborn," he implored softly, his hand reaching out to gently touch Harry's shoulder. "I want to understand. I want to help."

Harry hesitated, the conflict evident in his expression.

"It's... it's just stuff from the past," he muttered, his words guarded. "Things I thought I'd moved past but... they keep coming back."

Harry met Draco's gaze, the unspoken promise of support and understanding melting away some of his reservations.

"I don't want to drag you into my mess," he confessed, his voice tinged with regret.

Draco shook his head, a reassuring smirk on his lips. "It's not a mess, Potter. It's life.”

A sense of relief washed over Harry, mingled with gratitude for Draco's understanding. He leaned in, planting a gentle peck on Draco's lips.

Then, a sigh escaped him. "I'm sorry you had to find me like that."

Draco's gaze hardened at the memory of the man assaulting Harry.

"That bastard," he muttered, his protective instincts flaring. "I'm just glad I got to you in time."

Harry gulped at the memory, his expression darkening. "Yeah, I had never gotten to that point before."

Draco's concern deepened.

"Do you do this often?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry.

Harry tensed, a hint of guilt flashing in his eyes.

"No, not really," he lied, the words feeling heavy on his tongue.

Sensing Draco’s questioning eye, Harry stood up.

"Anyway, we should see how Scorpius is doing," he suggested, trying to steer the conversation away from the painful topic. "I miss that little bugger."

But the sudden movement made him sway. Draco reacted swiftly, reaching out to steady him.

"Easy, Potter," Draco said, his tone gentle yet firm as he supported Harry.

Draco guided Harry to the sofa, ensuring he was seated comfortably before sitting down beside him.

There was a silent understanding between them, a shared acknowledgment of Harry's vulnerability and Draco's support.

"I’ll call Scorpius," Draco reassured Harry, his hand resting lightly on Harry's shoulder. "He'll be thrilled to see you."

Harry nodded, the warmth of Draco's touch and words offering a sense of reassurance.

"Yeah, he always manages to brighten the day," Harry replied with a small smile.

Draco nodded in agreement, a faint smile gracing his lips.

"He's quite the charmer," he remarked, his gaze softening as he thought of his son.

Draco left to fetch Scorpius, the six-year-old appearing moments later with an excited gleam in his eyes. He rushed towards Harry, wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug.

Harry winced slightly, the sudden movement causing a twinge of pain.

"Hey there, Scorpius," Harry greeted him warmly despite the discomfort. "You've grown since I last saw you!"

Scorpius beamed, his enthusiasm undeterred.

"I missed you, Harry!" he exclaimed, holding onto Harry with all the enthusiasm of a child reunited with a friend.

Draco, noticing Harry's reaction, gently reminded Scorpius, "Be careful, Scorpius. Harry's not feeling his best."

Scorpius nodded, understanding dawning in his young eyes.

"Sorry, Harry," he said sheepishly, releasing his hold but still beaming with joy.

"It's okay, Scorpius," Harry assured him with a smile. "I'm just happy to see you too."

Draco watched the interaction with a soft smile, grateful for the bond between his son and Harry.

Scorpius, ever thoughtful, noticed Harry's discomfort and suggested, "Do you want me to get a book? When I'm feeling sick, Daddy reads to me, and it helps."

Harry's heart warmed at Scorpius' kindness. "That sounds lovely, Scorpius. I'd love to hear a story."

Scorpius dashed off to find a book, returning with one of his favorites. He climbed onto the sofa next to Harry, snuggling close as Draco settled in nearby.

"Which story do you want to hear, Harry?" Scorpius asked eagerly, flipping through the pages.

Harry glanced at Draco, a soft smile playing on his lips.

"Surprise me," he replied, settling in for a comforting moment of storytelling with his newfound family.

Chapter 11: March 14th, 2005

Chapter Text

A couple of days later, in the quiet ambiance of the library, Harry and Draco found themselves immersed in their work, or at least attempting to be.

Harry's occasional glances in Draco's direction didn't escape Draco's notice.

"Would you stop that?" Draco muttered, his eyes still fixed on his book.

"Stop what?" Harry innocently replied, though a mischievous grin played on his lips.

"Looking like... that," Draco gestured vaguely, trying to suppress a smile. "While I'm trying to work."

"Do you find me distracting, Mr. Malfoy?" Harry teased, leaning back in his chair.

Draco rolled his eyes, but a faint blush tinted his cheeks. "I find your antics distracting, Potter. Not you."

Harry chuckled, enjoying the playful banter. "Well, I'll try to behave... for now."

Draco shook his head, a fond smile betraying his feigned annoyance. "I'll believe that when I see it."

Harry turned back to reading, but soon grinned mischievously as he felt Draco's lingering gaze.

"Now, who's distracting whom?" he quipped, raising an eyebrow playfully.

Draco's lips twitched in amusem*nt.

"Oh, bullocks," he muttered under his breath, trying to focus on his own reading.

With a flick of his wand, Harry subtly charmed Draco's chair to move closer to his own.

"There," Harry announced triumphantly, leaning over to place a quick kiss on Draco's cheek. "Now we won't get distracted."

Draco blinked in surprise at the sudden proximity but couldn't hide a small smile.

Harry's hand moved to rest casually on his thigh.

"Right, because that isn't distracting at all," Draco remarked, a hint of amusem*nt in his voice.

Harry chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Oh, I'm just getting started with distractions, Malfoy," he teased, his fingers tracing light patterns on Draco's thigh.

Draco raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "Is that so? Should I be worried about your next move?"

Harry's grin widened as he leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Only if you're not ready for a little adventure in the library."

Draco's breath caught for a moment, his gaze meeting Harry's with a mix of amusem*nt and anticipation. "I suppose a little adventure wouldn't hurt, as long as it doesn't involve getting caught by Kingsley."

Harry chuckled, his hand squeezing Draco's thigh gently. "Don't worry, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve to keep us out of trouble."

Draco, unable to resist the magnetic pull any longer, reached out and grabbed Harry by the collar, pulling him in for a passionate kiss.

Their lips met in a heated embrace, the intensity of their connection palpable in the air.

Harry responded eagerly, his hands finding their way to Draco's waist, pulling him closer as they lost themselves in the moment.

But Kinglsey's unexpected entrance brought an abrupt end to their intimate moment, leaving Harry and Draco momentarily flustered as they tried to regain their composure.

They quickly moved apart, their faces betraying a mix of embarrassment and surprise.

Kinglsey cleared his throat, his expression giving away that he had noticed the tension in the air.

"Gentlemen, we have a lead," he announced, his tone businesslike but with a hint of amusem*nt. "We're leaving now to scout the possible location of the true vault. Gather your things."

Harry and Draco nodded, their cheeks still tinged with a faint blush.

"Yes, of course, sir," Harry replied, his voice slightly strained.

"We leave in 20 minutes," Kingsley added before turning to leave.

However, before he exited the room completely, he couldn't resist a teasing remark. "And gentlemen, keep it in your pants."

Harry's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red, and he glanced over to see Ron grinning and giving him a thumbs up from behind before they left.

A few moments of awkward silence lingered until Harry's laughter bubbled up, infectious and easing the tension.

Draco rested his head on Harry's shoulder, his own embarrassment palpable despite his attempt to conceal it.

"I can't believe we just got caught at work," Draco muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

Harry's playful grin emerged. "Well, as Kingsley said, it's hard to keep it in my pants around you."

"Shush, Potter," Draco playfully swatted Harry. "No more of this at work. Completely professional."

"Oh, yes, right, Mr. Malfoy." Harry declared with mock seriousness.

Draco rolled his eyes and shook his head as he stood up to collect his things. "You're an idiot, Potter."

Harry grinned back, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Hey, you knew what you were getting into."

Draco's lips quirked into a smirk. "Did I now? I don’t believe this was in the Golden Boy Packet.”

As they gathered their things, Draco's playful banter continued.

"I suppose I'll have to amend the job description," he remarked, a hint of amusem*nt in his tone.

Harry chuckled, enjoying the light-hearted exchange despite the lingering embarrassment. "I'm sure there's a section in there for 'managing Draco Malfoy's charm.'"

Draco smirked, a playful glint in his eyes. "Oh, I'm sure that's listed under 'impossible tasks.'"

Their banter eased the tension from the earlier encounter, creating a comfortable atmosphere between them as they prepared to leave for their assignment.

As they walked out together, Ron caught up to them, still wearing a grin. "Well, well, what have we here? The dynamic duo causing a stir?"

Draco and Harry exchanged a glance, their cheeks slightly flushed from the earlier encounter. They both feigned innocence, though there was a shared understanding in their eyes.

"I always knew you had it in you, my boy!" Ron added with a wink, clearly enjoying the opportunity to tease his friend.

Ron's expression turned mock-serious as he addressed Draco directly, "But Malfoy, if you hurt him in any way, I will find you."

"Ron!" Harry protested, his cheeks reddening further at Ron's protective statement. "I think I can handle myself, mate."

Draco raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusem*nt in his eyes. "Don't worry, Weasley. I have no intention of causing harm to Harry."

Ron chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Harry," he repeated, emphasizing the name. "It's still weird hearing you say his name without disdain, Malfoy. Much less his first name!"

Draco smirked, glancing at Harry with a playful glint in his eye. "Times change, Weasley. People change."

Harry couldn't help but laugh at the situation, the lighthearted banter making him feel more at ease. "Yeah, Ron, it's a brave new world. Even Draco Malfoy can evolve."

Ron grinned, clapping Harry on the shoulder. "Well, if anyone could manage to bring out the best in him, it’d be you, Harry. Just...keep an eye on him."

Draco rolled his eyes dramatically. "Oh, please. I'm practically a saint now."

Harry snorted, nudging Draco playfully. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Malfoy."

"Anyway," Harry said, eager to steer the conversation back to their mission. "Do you know where we're headed exactly?"

Ron nodded, his demeanor shifting to a more serious tone. "Yeah, Kingsley briefed us. We're heading to an abandoned manor in Wiltshire. It's been unoccupied for years, but there have been recent signs of activity. Magical signatures, disturbances—stuff like that."

Harry and Draco exchanged a knowing glance. They were the only ones fully aware of the mission's specifics, a burden they shared silently.

"Kingsley didn't give us all the details," Ron continued, glancing between Harry and Draco. "He just said it's something big and that we needed to be prepared for anything."

Draco took a deep breath, his expression turning serious. "There's a reason for that. Potter and I have reason to believe this manor is connected to the true vault we've been hunting for. The other place was just a decoy."

Ron looked surprised. "The one everyone thought was a myth?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah. We've been tracking down clues for weeks now, and everything points to this location. It's why Kingsley wanted to keep the details on a need-to-know basis."

Ron whistled softly, clearly impressed. "No wonder he looked so grim. If the vault's as dangerous as the legends say..."

"It is," Draco interjected, his tone firm. "And it's not just the vault. There are powerful dark artifacts inside. If they fall into the wrong hands..."

Harry placed a reassuring hand on Draco's shoulder, sensing his tension. "We won't let that happen."

Ron squared his shoulders, determination in his eyes. "Alright then, let's get moving. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can make sure those artifacts stay out of the wrong hands."

They gathered their gear, making sure they had everything they needed. Harry could feel the weight of the mission pressing down on him, but he also felt a surge of resolve.

As they made their way to the designated meeting point, Harry couldn't help but glance at Draco, who was scanning their surroundings with a keen eye.

Ron broke the silence as they walked. "You know, it still amazes me how much things have changed. Who would've thought we'd all be working together like this?"

Draco smirked. "Life has a way of surprising you, Weasley. You just have to be ready for anything."

They arrived at the rendezvous point where Kingsley and the other Aurors were waiting.

Kingsley nodded at them, his expression grave. "Glad to see you're all here. This mission is crucial. Stay sharp and stick together."

The team made their way through the dense forest surrounding the manor, the air thick with tension and anticipation.

The trees loomed tall and silent, casting long shadows across the path. Every step seemed to echo in the quiet, adding to the sense of foreboding.

As they approached the edge of the forest, the manor came into view. It was an imposing structure, its stone walls weathered by time.

Ivy clung to its sides, and many of the windows were broken or boarded up. The place exuded an aura of neglect and decay, but there was something undeniably sinister about it as well.

Kingsley raised a hand, signaling the group to stop. "Alright, we're here. Stay alert. We don't know what we're walking into."

The Aurors fanned out, each taking a position around the manor. Harry, Draco, and Ron stood together near the front entrance, wands at the ready.

Harry's heart was pounding in his chest, a mixture of adrenaline and anxiety coursing through him.

Draco glanced at Harry, his expression serious. "Ready, Potter?"

Harry nodded. "Ready."

Kingsley motioned for them to proceed. Harry and Draco took the lead, pushing open the creaking front door and stepping into the dimly lit foyer.

Dust motes danced in the air, and the smell of mildew was overpowering. The atmosphere was oppressive, as if the manor itself was watching their every move.

They moved cautiously through the main hall, their wands casting beams of light that cut through the darkness.

Every creak of the floorboards and whisper of the wind made them jumpy, but they pressed on, determined to find the vault.

Ron whispered, "This place gives me the creeps. Are you sure about this?"

Harry nodded, his voice low. "We have to be. If the vault is here, we can't let anyone else get to it."

They reached a set of grand stairs leading down to the basem*nt. Harry could feel a strange energy emanating from below, and he knew they were on the right track.

They descended the stairs slowly, each step echoing ominously.

At the bottom, they found a heavy wooden door, partially ajar. Harry pushed it open, revealing a large chamber filled with old furniture and cobwebs.

In the center of the room was a stone pedestal, and atop it, a shimmering, translucent barrier that seemed to pulse with a faint light.

Draco stepped forward, his eyes narrowing as he examined the barrier. "This must be it. The entrance to the vault."

Harry joined him, feeling the strange energy more intensely now. "How do we get through?"

Draco pulled out the small, ancient-looking key from his pocket. "This key should deactivate the barrier."

He inserted the key into a small slot on the pedestal and turned it. The barrier flickered and then dissolved, revealing a heavy iron door behind it.

Harry and Draco exchanged a glance, their hearts pounding with excitement and trepidation.

They pushed open the iron door, revealing a narrow passageway lined with torches that lit up as they approached.

The passage led to another chamber, this one filled with shelves upon shelves of ancient artifacts, each one glowing with a faint, otherworldly light.

"We found it," Harry whispered, awe in his voice.

Draco nodded, equally mesmerized. "The Whispering Vault."

They moved cautiously, their eyes scanning the myriad of artifacts. Each item seemed to whisper secrets of a bygone era, their glows ranging from soft blue hues to vibrant golds and reds.

There were ancient scrolls, intricately carved statues, jeweled chalices, and mysterious, rune-covered objects whose purposes were long forgotten.

Draco picked up an ornate dagger, its blade shimmering with an inner light.

"This place is incredible," he murmured, examining the intricate designs etched into the metal.

Harry nodded, but something was nagging at him. He felt an odd sense of incompleteness, as if the room itself was trying to tell him something was wrong.

He continued to scan the shelves, his eyes narrowing as he looked for anything out of place.

Then he saw it. Or rather, he didn't see it.

"Draco," he called, his voice tense. "Something's missing."

Draco put the dagger back and hurried over to Harry, following his gaze.

An empty space on one of the central shelves caught his eye. Dust outlines marked the spot where an object had clearly been removed recently.

"Oh no," Draco breathed, realization dawning on him. "The Orb of Shadows."

Harry's heart sank. The Orb of Shadows was a powerful dark artifact, rumored to have the ability to amplify and control dark magic. In the wrong hands, it could wreak unimaginable havoc.

"We need to find it," Harry said urgently. "Before whoever took it can use it."

Draco nodded, his expression grim. "Let's get back to Kingsley and the others. We need to alert them immediately."

They turned to leave, their minds racing with the implications of the missing artifact.

As they retraced their steps through the passageway, the torches extinguished themselves behind them, plunging the vault back into darkness, as if sealing away the secrets it still held.

Emerging into the main hall, they found Kingsley and the Aurors waiting, having secured the perimeter.

"Kingsley," Harry called out, his voice echoing slightly in the grand hall. "We have a problem."

Kingsley turned, his brow furrowing in concern. "What is it?"

Draco stepped forward and whispered so only Kinglsey could hear. "The Orb of Shadows. It's missing."

Kingsley's eyes widened momentarily before he composed himself, nodding curtly.

"Understood," he whispered back. "Let's handle this discreetly. We can't afford to cause a panic."

Harry and Draco exchanged a tense glance, knowing the gravity of the situation.

Kingsley turned to address the Aurors with practiced calmness.

"Everyone, listen up," he said, his tone authoritative yet measured. "We'll be conducting a thorough search of the area to ensure nothing has been disturbed. Split into teams and start from the entrance, working your way inward. Report anything unusual immediately."

The Aurors nodded, moving quickly to follow Kingsley's orders. As they dispersed, Kingsley motioned for Harry and Draco to follow him into a more secluded corner of the vault.

"We need to find that orb before anyone realizes it's gone," Kingsley said, his voice low but firm. "You two have the most experience with this artifact. Where do you think it could be?"

Harry ran a hand through his hair, thinking quickly. "If someone took it, they had to have known exactly what they were looking for. They couldn't have gone far without triggering some sort of alarm or ward."

Draco nodded in agreement. "The orb has a unique magical signature. We should be able to track it if we can get close enough."

Kingsley looked between them, his expression resolute. "Then let's not waste any more time. Start your search in the eastern wing. I'll handle the west. Keep in constant communication and be discreet."

With a nod, Harry and Draco set off towards the eastern wing, their senses on high alert. The corridors were dimly lit, the flickering torches casting eerie shadows on the ancient stone walls.

They moved quickly but cautiously, their wands at the ready.

The dim light of the flickering torches cast eerie shadows on the ancient stone walls, heightening their senses.

"Of all the things to go missing, it had to be the Orb of Shadows," Draco muttered, glancing sideways at Harry.

"Yeah, because a mundane paperweight would have been too easy," Harry replied with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood.

Draco rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a small smile. "Honestly, Potter, your ability to find humor in dire situations never ceases to amaze me."

"Hey, someone has to keep the spirits up," Harry said, nudging Draco playfully with his shoulder.

Draco shook his head, the hint of a chuckle escaping his lips. "You're insufferable, you know that?"

"And you love it," Harry shot back, his grin widening.

"Debatable," Draco replied, though the twinkle in his eyes betrayed his amusem*nt. "Focus, Potter. We have an orb to find."

They continued down the corridor, the sense of dark energy growing stronger. Harry paused, feeling the faint pulse of the orb's unique magical signature.

They continued down the corridor, the sense of dark energy growing stronger. Harry paused, feeling the faint pulse of the orb's unique magical signature.

"Do you feel that?" Harry asked, closing his eyes momentarily to concentrate on the sensation.

Draco nodded, his expression serious. "It's getting stronger. We're on the right track."

They followed the trail, winding through narrow passageways and hidden alcoves. The further they went, the stronger the sensation became, guiding them towards a heavily fortified door at the end of a secluded hallway.

"This has to be it," Harry murmured, exchanging a determined glance with Draco. "Be ready for anything."

Draco's grip tightened on his wand as he nodded. "Always am."

Harry placed his hand on the ancient wood of the door, feeling the thrumming magic beneath his fingertips.

"On three," he whispered. "One, two, three."

Together, they pushed the door open, revealing a small, dimly lit chamber. At the center of the room stood a pedestal, empty but for a faint, lingering shadow of dark energy.

The air was thick with the scent of old magic and dust.

"We're close," Draco said, scanning the room. "The orb was here, but it's been moved."

Harry's eyes narrowed as he noticed a trail of disturbed dust leading towards a hidden passage behind a tapestry.

"There," he said, pointing. "Someone tried to cover their tracks."

They moved quickly, pushing the tapestry aside to reveal the passage. As they descended, the dark energy grew stronger, guiding them deeper into the hidden recesses of the vault. The narrow corridor opened into a larger chamber, this one filled with ancient relics and glowing runes.

"Let's hope we're not too late," Harry muttered, his grip on his wand tightening.

Draco's eyes flickered with determination. "We won't be. Not if we stay focused."

They ventured further into the chamber, the air growing colder and the shadows stretching and twisting around them.

Harry felt a chill run down his spine, but he pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand.

Reaching the heart of the chamber, they found another pedestal. But like the first, it was empty, save for the residual dark energy.

"Dammit," Harry cursed under his breath. "We're too late."

Draco's jaw clenched. "Someone is always one step ahead of us."

Harry scanned the room, his frustration mounting. "Whoever it is, they know what they're doing. They knew exactly how to avoid detection and where to go."

"We need to regroup," Draco said, his voice steady despite the tension. "We can't let this trail go cold."

Harry nodded, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "You're right. Let's get back to Kingsley and figure out our next move."

As they retraced their steps, Harry couldn't shake the feeling of dread settling in his gut. The Orb of Shadows was out there, and whoever had taken it clearly had a plan. They had to stop them before it was too late.

Back in the main hall, Kingsley was directing the Aurors, his expression one of calm authority. He looked up as Harry and Draco approached, his eyes questioning.

"We followed the trail, but it was a dead end," Harry reported, frustration evident in his tone. "The orb was moved, and we lost the trail."

Kingsley frowned, but his voice remained steady. "We'll figure this out. Let's regroup and analyze what we know. There must be some clue we've overlooked."

As they gathered the Aurors and began discussing their next steps, Harry felt a renewed sense of determination. They might have missed the orb this time, but they wouldn't give up.

Draco stood by his side, his presence a reassuring constant. "We'll get it, Potter."

Harry nodded, grateful for the support. "Yeah, we will. And when we do, we'll make sure they regret ever taking it."

Chapter 12: March 18th, 2005

Chapter Text

Harry stood nervously in front of Draco's door, clutching a bouquet of flowers tightly in his hands. The flowers, a colorful mix of posies, were slightly wilted from his death grip, but he didn't notice.

His heart was racing, and he shifted from foot to foot, glancing around the street to make sure no one was watching him.

Taking a deep breath, Harry tried to strike a casual pose, leaning against the doorframe with the flowers held out in front of him.

He caught sight of his reflection in the glass of the window and cringed.

"Merlin, I look ridiculous," he muttered to himself.

Standing up straight, he attempted to compose himself, smoothing down his hair with one hand and adjusting his glasses with the other.

He realized his jeans were a bit wrinkled and tugged at the fabric, trying to make them look presentable.

"Okay, Harry, you can do this," he whispered, giving himself a pep talk. "Just knock on the door, give him the flowers, and ask him out. Simple."

He took another deep breath and raised his hand to knock, but froze mid-motion. His mind was racing with a thousand different scenarios, most of them ending in disaster.

What if Draco laughed at him? What if he said no? What if—

The door suddenly opened, and Draco stood there, looking slightly amused. "Potter? What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Malfoy," Harry said, offering a lopsided grin. "I, uh, brought you these."

He held out the flowers, feeling a bit self-conscious but masking it with a playful smirk.

Draco's eyes flicked to the posies, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Posies, Potter? I didn't take you for the flower-giving type."

Harry shrugged, leaning a bit closer. "Well, I like to keep you on your toes. Plus, I thought they might brighten your day."

Draco chuckled, taking the bouquet. "Consider me intrigued. What’s the occasion?"

Harry's confidence grew, bolstered by Draco's response. "I was hoping you'd go out with me. On a date."

Draco leaned against the doorframe, the smile on his lips growing. "You, asking me out? I must say, I'm flattered."

Harry's grin widened. "Is that a yes, then?"

Draco pretended to consider it, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "How could I possibly turn down the famous Harry Potter?"

Harry's heart skipped a beat, but he kept his tone light. "Great. How about dinner? My treat."

Draco nodded, his eyes sparkling with amusem*nt. "Dinner sounds lovely. But first, let's get these flowers in some water before they wilt completely."

Harry laughed, the tension in his shoulders easing. "Lead the way."

Draco stepped aside, allowing Harry to enter his elegantly decorated home.

"Thank you," Draco replied, taking the flowers from Harry's hands. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll just put these in some water."

Harry nodded, wandering over to the piano and running his fingers lightly over the keys.

He glanced up at a collection of framed photos on the wall, catching glimpses of Draco and Scorpius at various stages of their lives.

Draco returned with a crystal vase, now holding the posies.

"Do you play?" he asked, nodding towards the piano.

"A bit," Harry admitted, turning to face Draco. "I learned some basics, but I'm not exactly a virtuoso."

Draco smirked. "I wouldn't have guessed. You'll have to play something for me sometime."

"Maybe on our second date," Harry said with a wink.

Draco chuckled, setting the vase on a nearby table. "Confident, aren't we? Already planning the second date."

Harry shrugged, his grin widening. "When it comes to you, Malfoy, I like to be prepared."

Draco walked over, standing close enough that Harry could smell the faint scent of his cologne. "I must admit, Potter, I didn't expect you to be so... persistent."

"Persistent?" Harry echoed, his voice dropping to a playful murmur. "I prefer the term 'determined.'"

Draco's eyes sparkled with amusem*nt. "Determined, then. Just make sure you bring that determination to our dinner date. I have high expectations."

Harry's heart raced, but he maintained his playful demeanor. "I wouldn't dream of disappointing you."

Harry closed the distance between them with deliberate steps, his eyes locked onto Draco's. He reached out, gently taking Draco's chin between his fingers, and leaned in.

Draco's breath hitched, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he met Harry's gaze with a mix of anticipation and excitement.

Their lips met in a soft, lingering kiss that quickly deepened as Draco responded, his hand finding its way to Harry's waist.

The familiarity of their kisses, having shared this intimacy before, made it even more electrifying.

Harry's other hand slid up to cradle Draco's face, his thumb brushing lightly over his cheek.

Draco's fingers curled into the fabric of Harry's shirt, pulling him closer. The kiss was both a promise and a declaration, each movement filled with the desire they had been carefully navigating.

When they finally broke apart, both were slightly breathless, their foreheads resting against each other.

"That's one way to meet expectations," Draco murmured, his voice tinged with amusem*nt and affection.

Harry chuckled softly, his thumb continuing to caress Draco's cheek. "I told you, I'm determined."

Draco smiled, his eyes softening. "I like this side of you, Potter."

"Good," Harry whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to Draco's forehead. "Because it's all for you."

Draco's smile widened, and he leaned into Harry's touch. "Now, how about that dinner?"

Harry nodded, reluctantly stepping back but keeping his hand entwined with Draco's.

"You won't regret it," Harry said, his voice full of confidence. He gently tugged Draco towards the door, their hands still linked. "Shall we?"

Draco nodded, a content smile playing on his lips as they stepped out into the cool evening air. "Lead the way, Potter. I'm all yours for the night."

Harry and Draco walked through the quiet streets of London, the city lights casting a warm glow on the pavement. Their fingers remained intertwined, a tangible connection that made Harry's heart race with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

As they approached the restaurant, Draco glanced around appreciatively.

"You picked a good spot," he remarked, noticing the cozy, intimate ambiance of the place.

Harry grinned, pleased with Draco's reaction. "I thought you might like it. It's got great reviews, and I wanted tonight to be special."

Draco smirked, casting a teasing glance at Harry. "Trying to impress me, Potter?"

"Is it working?" Harry shot back, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

The waiter greeted them at the entrance and led them to a secluded table by the window.

Harry pulled out Draco's chair with an exaggerated flourish. "Your seat, Mr. Malfoy."

Draco chuckled as he took his seat. "Chivalrous and charming. What did I do to deserve this?"

Harry took his own seat, still grinning. "You let me take you out on a date. That's deserving enough."

As they settled in and looked over the menu, Draco couldn't help but keep the playful banter going. "So, how many restaurants did you have to research before deciding on this one?"

Harry shrugged, feigning nonchalance. "Oh, only about twenty. I wanted to make sure it was perfect."

Draco laughed, shaking his head. "You really are a dork, aren't you?"

"Well, I did have to win over the famously hard-to-impress Draco Malfoy," Harry replied, a twinkle in his eye.

Draco leaned forward, a smirk playing on his lips. "And here I thought the Boy Who Lived would be good at handling pressure."

Harry matched his gaze, a playful challenge in his expression. "Oh, I thrive under pressure. Just wait and see."

The waiter returned to take their orders, and as they handed over their menus, Draco leaned back in his chair. "I have to admit, Potter, this is quite the change from our usual missions."

"Yeah, it's nice not to be dealing with dark artifacts or dueling rogue wizards for a change," Harry agreed, his tone light.

Draco's eyes sparkled with amusem*nt. "And yet, here we are, still managing to find some excitement."

Harry laughed, shaking his head. "It's never a dull moment with us, is it?"

"Never," Draco agreed, a warm smile on his face. "And that's just how I like it."

As they waited for their orders, the soft glow of candlelight and the distant hum of the restaurant created a relaxed atmosphere.

Harry leaned back in his chair, eyes fixed on Draco with a soft smile.

"You know, I never imagined us here like this," Harry admitted, his voice sincere. "But I'm glad we are."

Draco arched an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "Dinner or the company?"

"Both," Harry replied without missing a beat. "Though I have to say, the company is definitely the highlight."

Draco pretended to ponder that for a moment. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Potter."

Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm not just flattering. This is genuinely nice. After everything we've been through, it feels... good."

Draco's expression softened, his gaze turning thoughtful. "I suppose it does."

"Enemies to allies, and now to... this," Harry said, gesturing between them. "Quite the journey."

"Indeed," Draco agreed, his smile genuine. "And who would've thought? The Chosen One and the former Death Eater, sharing a romantic dinner."

Harry's grin widened. "Sounds like the plot of a cheesy romance novel."

Draco laughed, the sound warm and genuine. "Oh, I can see it now. 'Forbidden Love in the Wizarding World.'"

"Hey, there's nothing forbidden about it," Harry said, leaning in with a smirk. "We're just two people enjoying each other's company."

Draco's laughter faltered, his shoulders tensing slightly. The flicker of unease in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by Harry, who immediately leaned in, his expression softening with concern.

"Draco, what's wrong?" Harry asked gently, reaching across the table to cover Draco's hand with his own.

Draco withdrew his hand, straightening in his seat. "It's nothing, Potter. Just old ghosts."

Harry frowned, not entirely convinced. "You can talk to me, you know."

Sensing Draco’s reluctance, Harry’s expression hardened slightly, his defenses rising. "Does it bother you? That people still see you as a Death Eater?"

Draco's eyes flickered with a mixture of annoyance and resignation. "Not so much, but what will people think when they see their golden boy with a Death Eater?"

Harry tensed, a flash of anger crossing his face. "I give a damn what they think."

Draco's eyes widened slightly at Harry's sudden intensity. "Harry, it's not that simple. Your reputation—"

"Screw my reputation," Harry interrupted, his voice firm but quiet enough to avoid attracting attention from other diners. "I care about you. And if people can't see past their own prejudices, then that's their problem, not ours."

Harry took a sip of his drink, “I had to fight for my childhood; they don't get to take my adulthood too."

Draco looked at him for a moment, observing the fleeting expression of defeat on Harry's face. It was a look Draco had seen before, one that spoke volumes of battles fought and scars hidden.

"You did have quite a childhood, didn't you?" he remarked softly.

Harry chuckled darkly. "You could say that."

Draco leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "You lived with Muggles during the holidays, didn't you?"

"I did," Harry replied, his tone growing more guarded.

Draco didn't miss a beat. "And?"

Harry hesitated, his eyes flicking away for a moment. "They weren't that bad. I didn't talk to them much. Kept to myself."

Draco's gaze sharpened, seeing right through Harry's feeble attempt to downplay his past.

"Potter, you're lying," he said bluntly, his voice gentle but firm.

Harry's shoulders tensed, his fingers tightening around his glass. "Draco, it doesn't matter now. It's all in the past."

"It matters to me," Draco insisted. "If we're going to be together, I want to understand what you've been through. All of it."

Harry sighed, the weight of years of silence pressing down on him.

"Fine," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "They were awful. Treated me like dirt. Locked me in a cupboard, made me do all the chores... they never cared about me."

Draco's eyes widened, his expression a mix of disbelief and anger.

"What?" he asked, his voice almost a whisper. "They locked you in a cupboard?"

Harry nodded, the painful memories surfacing despite his efforts to keep them buried. "Under the stairs. It was my room until I got my Hogwarts letter. They moved me to Dudley's second bedroom then, but things didn't really change."

"Why?" Draco pressed, needing to understand the full scope of Harry's suffering. "Why did they treat you like that?"

Harry took a deep breath, the story he rarely spoke of now finding its way out. "My aunt, Petunia... she hated my mother. Petunia was jealous, felt left out. When my parents were killed, Dumbledore left me with them because of the blood protection. She was the only family I had left. But to her, I was just a reminder of everything she hated about magic. So, she took it out on me."

Draco's jaw clenched, anger flaring up in his eyes. "That's... that's horrible, Harry. You were a child."

Harry shrugged, trying to downplay the pain that still lingered. "I learned to deal with it. Focused on Hogwarts, my friends, anything but them. But yeah, it wasn't easy."

Draco's expression softened, and he hesitated before speaking again. "And Hogwarts? It couldn't have been easy there either, with everything you were dealing with."

Harry sighed, a distant look in his eyes as he remembered his school years. "Hogwarts was a refuge, but it had its own challenges. Being 'The Boy Who Lived' meant everyone had expectations. Some looked up to me, others hated me for it. I never really fit in, not entirely."

Draco nodded, understanding more than he ever had before. "I suppose I didn't make things any easier."

Harry shook his head, a small smile tugging at his lips. "We were kids, Draco. We didn't know any better. Besides, I had my friends—Ron and Hermione were always there for me. But still, every year there was something. The Philosopher's Stone, the Chamber of Secrets, the Triwizard Tournament... it was like there was always a target on my back."

Draco's eyes held a mixture of regret and sympathy. "And you handled it all. Somehow."

Harry chuckled softly, though there was no humor in his voice. "Barely. There were times I felt completely lost. Like I was drowning and I couldn't see the shore. I had to grow up fast, learn to fight, to lead. It was a lot for a kid."

Draco's brow furrowed slightly as he leaned in, his voice softer. "Did you always know you had to kill Voldemort?"

Harry hesitated, the memories flooding back. "Not always. In the beginning, I just knew he was a threat, and I wanted to stop him. It wasn't until much later, when Dumbledore started sharing more with me, that I realized it was up to me to finish him. That I had to be the one to do it."

Draco nodded slowly, absorbing Harry's words. "That must have been a heavy burden to carry."

"It was," Harry admitted, his voice low. Dumbledore tried to prepare me, but it wasn't until the end that I fully understood what it meant."

Draco's eyes darkened with a mix of empathy and frustration. "And you thought that once he was gone, your purpose was fulfilled."

Harry nodded, his gaze distant. "Yeah. I thought I could finally have a normal life. But it wasn't that simple. There were so many pieces to pick up, so many people who needed help. And I... I didn't know how to move on."

Draco reached out, placing his hand over Harry's. "You did more than anyone could have expected, Potter. And you still are."

Harry couldn't help but inject a bit of humor, a defense mechanism he often relied on in serious moments.

"I guess one would draw the line at dying," he quipped, attempting to lighten the mood.

Draco's brow furrowed in confusion.

"What are you on about, Potter?" he asked, genuinely puzzled by Harry's comment.

Harry hesitated, realizing he had touched on a topic he hadn't fully shared with Draco.

"Um, nothing," he replied quickly, trying to brush off his own words.

Draco's mind raced, piecing together fragments of past conversations and events. Then, like a sudden revelation, his eyes widened in shock.

"Wait, that was real? You actually died and came back? How?" he blurted out, disbelief and curiosity mingling in his voice.

Harry chuckled lightly, a wry smile playing on his lips as he scratched his neck. "Oh, didn't I mention it? Yeah, I had a little chat with death during the Battle of Hogwarts. Lovely fellow, really."

Draco blinked, clearly taken aback. "You're joking, right?"

Harry's smile faltered, and he looked down, his tone more serious. "No, not joking. It was... a strange experience. I faced Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, and … well, died."

Draco leaned in, his concern piqued. "What?"

Harry took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I knew I had to let him kill me because a part of his soul was inside me. Dumbledore had explained it all to me."

Draco stared at Harry, his disbelief evident. "So, you just walked in there, knowing you were going to die?"

Harry nodded, his expression somber. "It was the only way to destroy that part of him. He hit me with the Killing Curse, and everything went dark. The next thing I knew, I was in this strange, in-between place. Dumbledore was there, and he told me I had a choice: to move on or go back and finish it."

Draco's grip on Harry's hand tightened, his voice low and intense. "And you chose to come back."

"Of course," Harry replied, his eyes meeting Draco's. "I couldn't leave everyone to face Voldemort alone. I came back, and because Voldemort had used my blood to regenerate, my mother's protection kept me alive. I had to finish what I started."

Draco shook his head, struggling to process the magnitude of what Harry had gone through. "You faced death and came back. All to save us."

Harry shrugged, trying to downplay the enormity of his actions. "It wasn't just me. Everyone fought, everyone sacrificed. I just did what I had to do."

Draco's eyes softened, filled with a mix of admiration and sorrow. "You always put everyone else first. Even at the cost of your own life."

Harry looked down, his voice quiet. "It's what I was meant to do.”

Silence settled between them, heavy with unspoken understanding.

Draco finally spoke, his tone softer than usual. "I'm glad you came back."

A small smile tugged at Harry's lips. "Me too.”

Draco's expression softened, a hint of guilt still lingering but overshadowed by determination. "I'll never let anyone hurt you like that again. Not if I can help it."

Harry smiled, a genuine warmth spreading through him. He didn’t have any words, but his actions spoke louder as he raised Draco’s hand to his lips and placed a tender kiss.

Draco relaxed, the tension easing from his shoulders. "Alright, enough of that. Let's focus on dinner."

"Agreed," Harry said, his grin widening. "So, back to our cheesy romance novel. 'Forbidden Love in the Wizarding World.'"

Draco chuckled, the sound more natural this time. "I can't believe we're discussing this."

"Hey, it's got potential," Harry said, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Especially the happy ending."

Draco rolled his eyes, but his smirk remained. "Only if I get to write it."

Harry raised his glass in a toast. "Deal. To our best-seller and its happy ending."

Draco clinked his glass against Harry's. "To us."

Harry took a sip of his drink, watching Draco thoughtfully. "Have you ever thought about telling Scorpius?"

Harry nodded, his gaze steady.

Draco ran a hand through his hair, a mixture of emotions flickering in his eyes. "Scorpius would be thrilled, he admires you. He sees you as a hero."

Harry smiled, warmth filling his eyes. "He's a remarkable kid. Which is why I can see why you'd want to wait, see where this goes before we introduce such a big change."

Draco nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Exactly. I want to be sure before I excite his imagination with... complicated matters."

Harry reached across the table, squeezing Draco's hand in silent understanding. "You’ll know when the time is right.”

Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they enjoyed their meal, the playful banter interspersed with moments of genuine connection.

“Were you excited when you found out you were going to be a father?” Harry asked, taking a bite out of his meal.

Draco's smile softened into a wistful expression as he recalled the memory. "I remember that time well. I was scared sh*tless."

Harry leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "What happened?"

"After my trial, I was a mess," Draco began, his tone reflective. "I got drunk with my best friends, trying to drown out everything that had happened. That's when I ended up with Astoria."

"And then she got pregnant," Draco continued, his voice tinged with a mix of emotions. "We had to get married, pureblood tradition and all, so Scorpius wouldn't have to be born out of wedlock."

"That must have been overwhelming," Harry remarked, his empathy evident.

"It was," Draco admitted. "Especially because I had realized by then that I was gay. The weight of expectations and secrets was suffocating."

Draco sighed, his gaze distant. "After Astoria died, it was a difficult time. Losing her, raising Scorpius on my own... It wasn't easy."

Harry's expression softened with empathy. "I can't imagine how difficult that must have been."

Draco nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Scorpius... he was the light in all of it. The moment I held him for the first time, everything else faded into insignificance. He was my reason to keep going, to be better."

Draco looked up, meeting Harry's eyes. "He reminds me of Astoria every day, in the best possible way."

"Did you love her?" Harry asked gently.

Draco sighed, his gaze distant. "I cared for her, but it wasn't love, not like that.”

The weight of their shared losses hung in the air, a silent understanding passing between Harry and Draco. They both knew the pain of losing loved ones, of facing the harsh realities of war and its aftermath.

Harry broke the silence, his voice soft with empathy. "It's never easy, losing people."

Draco nodded slowly, his fork tracing patterns on his plate. "No, it's not."

Harry, sensing the heaviness of the moment, decided to shift the conversation to a lighter topic. "So, have you tried the dessert here? I've heard their chocolate soufflé is to die for."

Draco looked up, grateful for the change in subject. "I haven't, actually. But I'm willing to risk it if you recommend it."

Harry chuckled, the tension easing between them. "Consider it my dessert expertise speaking. We'll have to share one."

Draco smiled, a genuine warmth returning to his eyes. "Sounds like a plan."

By the time dessert arrived, they were both relaxed, their initial nerves long forgotten.

Harry took a bite of the dessert, savoring the rich chocolate flavor. "I've loved chocolate since I was a kid. It's always been my weakness."

Draco raised an eyebrow, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Ah, so you were one of those kids sneaking chocolate bars after dinner?"

Harry grinned, playing along. "Maybe I was. But it's a habit I never grew out of."

Draco chuckled, the playful banter lifting the mood even more. "Well, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with a sweet tooth around here."

Harry leaned in, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Oh, you have no idea. I can never resist a good dessert."

Draco pretended to gasp dramatically. "Scandalous! A grown wizard indulging in desserts."

Harry laughed, the sound light and carefree. "Life's too short not to enjoy the little pleasures, don't you think?"

Draco's smile widened, a genuine warmth in his gaze as he looked at Harry. "Absolutely.”

Harry's eyes sparkled with nostalgia. "You know, I remember trying chocolate for the first time on the train to Hogwarts. It was a Chocolate Frog, and I thought it was the most magical thing ever."

Draco chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes as he teased Harry. "Ah, the famous Chocolate Frog initiation. I suppose that's where it all began, your lifelong love affair with chocolate."

Harry grinned, playing along. "Absolutely. It was love at first hop, you could say."

As Harry spoke, Draco's gaze drifted to the side of Harry's mouth, where a smudge of chocolate had escaped unnoticed.

A mischievous smile tugged at Draco's lips as he leaned in closer, his voice low and playful. "Such a child, Potter. Come here?"

Confused but intrigued, Harry leaned in slightly. "What?"

Before Harry could react, Draco gently took his chin, his touch surprisingly tender, and leaned in to kiss away the smudge of chocolate at the edge of Harry's mouth.

The moment lingered, the touch of Draco's lips against Harry's skin sending a shiver down his spine.

Harry's heart raced as he met Draco's eyes, seeing a depth of connection and desire mirrored in them.

Draco pulled back slightly, a smirk playing on his lips. "There. No more chocolate smudges."

Harry's breath caught in his throat, his mind racing with a mix of surprise and excitement.

"Thanks," he managed to say, his voice slightly husky.

Draco's gaze softened, his fingers lingering on Harry's chin for a moment longer than necessary.

"You're welcome," he murmured, his voice low and intimate.

Draco's gaze held Harry's, a silent invitation lingering between them.

Just then, the waiter arrived with their check, interrupting the charged moment. Harry and Draco shifted slightly, the intimate closeness easing as they focused on the waiter's presence.

Draco cleared his throat, a slight flush coloring his cheeks as he glanced away momentarily before meeting Harry's gaze again. "So, um, where were we?"

Harry chuckled, the sound breaking the momentary tension that had lingered after the interruption.

"No idea," he echoed with a playful smile.

Their conversation drifted back to more casual topics, the interruption from the waiter serving as a humorous interlude in their evening.

As they prepared to leave, Harry took one last sip of his drink, his eyes never leaving Draco's. "So, what's next for us? More dates? Maybe a quiet night in, just the two of us?"

Draco pretended to think about it, a smirk playing on his lips. "Well, if you continue to impress me, Potter, I might just consider it."

Harry laughed, shaking his head. "I'll take that as a challenge."

"Good," Draco said, his tone softening. "Because I'm not ready for this to end."

"Neither am I," Harry replied, reaching across the table to take Draco's hand.

As Harry and Draco left the restaurant, their hands still intertwined, they stepped out into the cool night air, the city bustling around them with a lively energy.

The glow of streetlights and the distant sound of traffic created a serene backdrop for their conversation.

Draco couldn't help but glance up at the starry sky above.

"Did you know," Draco began, a thoughtful look in his eyes, "that Castor and Pollux are twin stars, but they're not identical? Castor is actually a sextuple star system, while Pollux is a single giant star."

Harry tilted his head, a curious smile playing on his lips. "I didn't. Pureblood knowledge comes in handy, doesn't it?"

Draco grinned, a playful glint in his eyes. "Indeed, it does.”

Harry smiled as he turned to look at the stars. "I didn't realize they were so different."

Draco nodded. "And yet they're still part of the same constellation, representing the duality and unity of opposites."

Harry's gaze softened with understanding. "Just like how you and I, different in many ways, complement each other."

Draco, smiled softly, squeezed Harry's hand affectionately. "Yes, two halves of a greater whole."

As Harry gazed up at the stars, Draco couldn't help but be captivated by the soft glow of the moonlight on Harry's features.

Draco's smile widened as he admired Harry's peaceful expression, illuminated by the moonlight. He couldn't help but be drawn to Harry's green eyes, reflecting the shimmering sky above like two emerald stars.

As Harry turned to catch Draco staring, his cheeks flushed slightly.

"What? Do I still have something on my face?" he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

Draco chuckled softly, his gaze lingering on Harry's lips.

"Maybe a bit of starlight," he replied, his voice low and teasing.

Without another word, Draco closed the distance between them, his hand gently cradling Harry's cheek as their lips met in a passionate kiss.

Harry responded eagerly, his grip on Draco's waist tightening as he deepened the kiss, lost in the heat of the moment.

Draco's fingers threaded through Harry's hair, tugging gently, a silent invitation for more closeness and intimacy.

As they finally broke apart, their breaths mingling in the cool night air, Draco's eyes sparkled with a mixture of desire and adoration.

Harry's smile was filled with warmth as he leaned his forehead against Draco's, their hearts beating in unison under the starlit sky.

“You're going to be the death of me, Draco Malfoy.” Harry said.

"Maybe it's worth the risk," Draco replied, his voice laced with affection and a hint of mischief.

Harry chuckled softly, and reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair from Draco's face. "With you, I think anything is worth it."

As Harry arrived home after his date with Draco, a giddy smile lit up his features. The evening had been filled with laughter, shared stories, and a deepening connection that left him feeling elated.

Thoughts of Draco lingered in his mind, the warmth of their kiss still tingling on his lips.

However, as he reached for the doorknob, something caught his eye on the floor. A folded piece of parchment lay there, seemingly left for him.

Curiosity mingled with apprehension as Harry picked it up and unfolded it. His smile faded as he read the ominous words scrawled on the note:

"Be warned, Harry Potter, seeker of the Whispering Vault. The shadows are watching, and the secrets you seek are not yours to uncover. Turn back now, lest you invite peril upon yourselves and those you hold dear."

Frowning, Harry pocketed the note, his mind racing with questions and a growing sense of unease.

A wave of concern washed over Harry.

Who could be behind this? And how did they know so much about his life?

Echoes of the Past - atsaturnday - Harry Potter (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.