Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (2024)

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Roasted Red Pepper Hummus – A delicious homemade recipe that has half the fat of regular hummus! Plus, it tastes better than any other hummus at the store.

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (1)

Snacking is the Reason for the Season

Healthy snacking is always a difficult thing to do when you are craving those convenient yet bad-for-you prepackaged snacks. You can also only eat so many tuna packets, and cottage cheese (for the protein) before you are doomed to revolt!

In effort to keep two fingers clenched tightly on the wagon (with the rest of me dragging behind, no doubt) I’ve tried to come up with some healthy snack options that include protein.

Today we are serving up an inexpensive and fantastic alternative to cottage cheese.

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (2)

Hummus Benefits

According to Healthline, there are 8 scientifically proven nutritional benefits of hummus…

  1. Hummus is full of plant-based protein and nutrients.
  2. Its rich ingredients fights inflammation.
  3. The fiber content is high which boosts your digestive health, as well as provides healing nutrients to the gut.
  4. Hummus helps to control your blood sugar levels, because its glycemic index is very low.
  5. It is full of ingredients that are heart-healthy and can help reduce the risk of heart diseases.
  6. Hummus can potentially lead to weight loss and promote a healthy body weight.
  7. Hummus is naturally gluten-free, nut-free, and dairy-free.
  8. Lastly, it is super simple to add into to your diet!
Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (3)

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

This delicious recipe includes:

  • Garbanzo Beans
  • Plain Greek Yogurt (instead of higher fat tahini paste)
  • Olive Oil
  • Garlic Cloves
  • Cumin
  • Roasted Red Peppers from a jar, (or homemade)
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Vegetables or Pita Chips
Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (4)

How to Make This Delicious Hummus

It is very easy to make:

  1. Simply pulse your garbanzo beans, greek yogurt, olive oil, cumin, and garlic in a food processor until smooth.
  2. Whether you are using homemade roasted red peppers or store-bought, make sure they are drained. Then add them to the pulsated mixture along with the salt, ground pepper, and cayenne pepper. Continue to pulse all the ingredients until you get to the desired consistency for your hummus. You can choose to leave it chunky or puree it until very smooth.
  3. This will make about three cups of hummus. I like to serve it with asparagus spears, cucumbers, celery, and carrots.

Grab those fresh-cut veggies and a bowl of this tasty homemade hummus. Give it a try; you’ll be so glad you did!

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (5)

Get The Full (Printable) Recipe Below For How To Make Homemade Roasted Red Pepper Hummus.

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (6)

Frequently Asked Questions


Yes. This is a healthy snack that will fill you up so you are satisfied longer throughout the day. It also has lots of fiber, protein, vitamins, and good fats.


Yes, this hummus can stay in your refrigerator for up to 14 days. I do not suggest freezing the hummus.


Yes. Between the garbanzo beans, plain greek yogurt, roasted red peppers and all the seasonings, this recipe is gluten-free and low fat as well!


To stay on the healthier side, I would stick with your favorite fresh cut vegetables. For example celery, cucumbers, snap peas, or carrot sticks. However, you could also enjoy this hummus with some pita bread, crackers, or chips of your choice.


Hummus in general is not keto-friendly. Garbanzo/chickpea beans are avoided on a ketogenic diet because they are higher in carbs than other beans. I have found a great recipe that you can use for Keto-Friendly Hummus.

Our recipe is also not fully vegan due to the greek yogurt. In order to make it vegan, use a low-fat almond yogurt or cashew yogurt.

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (7)

If you liked this recipe, make sure to check out some similar recipes below!

  • Crisp Rosemary Hummus
  • Thai Coconut Curry Hummus
  • Cranberry Jalapeno Cream Cheese Dip
  • 22 Drool-Worthy Pulse Recipes

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. ~ A Nepali Proverb

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (8)

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Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

Prep Time: 5 minutes minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes minutes

A delicious Roasted Red Pepper Hummus recipe that's half the fat of regular hummus! A healthy snack that is gluten free, vegan friendly, and pack with protein.

Servings: 12


US CustomaryMetric


  • In a food processor add beans, yogurt, olive oil, cumin, and garlic. Pulse until smooth.

  • Add the drained peppers, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper, and a dash or two of cayenne pepper. Pulse again until peppers are at the desired consistency.

  • I like to serve this with asparagus spears, cucumbers, celery and carrots. Makes about 3 cups.


If making roasted red peppers at home, a drained 12-ounce jar equals about 1 extra-large roasted red pepper.

For Chipotle-Lime Hummus, remove the red peppers and one garlic clove, then add 1/8 cup lime juice, one chopped chipotle pepper, and 3 tablespoons chopped cilantro!


Serving: 1serving, Calories: 22kcal, Carbohydrates: 2g, Protein: 1g, Fat: 1g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Cholesterol: 1mg, Sodium: 392mg, Potassium: 56mg, Fiber: 1g, Sugar: 1g, Vitamin A: 199IU, Vitamin C: 13mg, Calcium: 22mg, Iron: 1mg

Course: Appetizer, Dip

Cuisine: American, Middle Eastern

Author: Sommer Collier

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Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (2024)
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