P S atd»D°^ t brt^lilS › lccn › sn84024738 › ... · «a ever so.d, at - [PDF Document] (2024)

P S atd»D°^ t brt^lilS › lccn › sn84024738 › ...· «a ever so.d, at - [PDF Document] (1)


Vc»wrd«*» ,0 our « ,urPril " ? ' we recpi*® d? vfhern mail* vis Norfolk. They brought on-, wafhincton paper* of the 'Joth,#nd Balti-

of the 19th and 20th, and letters with post

""irk ofthoje days from both place*. We sup-rt

. tbi?mail was put on board the Bay boat\nnspoli« ; for, according to the Norfolk

the Baltimore boat* had been unableike their way to that city in consequence

\u25a0 pn-e. We suppose we Khali receive ati-

. r mail by the same route this morning.\<.^ierday,»eannounced that Mr. Sharpe,. » ,-ienntendant ot Transportation on the

p imiend.Frederickaburg and Potomac road,' 'id leave m thecars with the view of pro-

fl)r conveying the mail* which have ac-- r.da'ed here for several day*, overland to

V> 3Mvngton. The car* returned yesterday?

, i, at an early hour, and we learn thata«r > succeeded in making the necessary ar-

? n,<-nt, and that all the letter mails were

"on from Fredericksburg in two four horse? .'Oiis. To-day he hopes to get forward all(r.-hack mails.

We slso learn thai Mr. Edwin Robinson,v -,s in Washington, yesterday morningparted off ,hf mails or l^e South fr° m l*mt

c by the overland route. These we sup-j, #t- we shall receive to-night.

Tl.e extraordinary difficulties in the way of

I c transportation of the mail, require extra-

irj;r.arvefToii*; and we are sure the officers of('?a Richmond Fredericksburg Company?jo ail that can be done to triumph over

? which the severe winior has(i.rn»n in their way.

n.UK HKI'SHES AJiO COMBS, of everyvariety; Lubin's Extracts; Colognes, Beet's

y ( . « Powders, of all kinds; Hair Oils; HairV a'- Tooth Powder*; Shaving Creams andI«cv Soup.'; H«ir Djes, and a general assort-. m ;'.r ancy articles and fashionable Perfumery,

o be bad at, -j4 PICOT'S Drugstore.

Fa'dle* lAMt.nhltt SCARFf*.?We1j . s\f instore a very nice assortmentof Ladiest. -i nn re Scarfs, which we are desirous of sellingcr. »p also a lew of those nice Opera Hoods,v v ?:iilortat!e for the present season, at

CHAS. HARTWELL CO'S.,OppositeSwanTavern.

SI'BSt'HIBKK, havinggft"J hand a splendid assortment of Ca-xSjJjsnieUa, Japonica, and other green-house

Plant*,is prepared to furnish Boquets andc,* i ~wers on moderate terms.reorders received at the store of R M. Zt.M-

Main street. JAMES CiUEST.Bo'lvwood Nursery, head ot Main street,

ja ?lit*

J~TFt I>SIKAM'K-H>K WiliTE PEK-L ?ONs AND SLAVES?AiI persons wishingt) ,vai. themselves of the benefits of Life lusu-n: ? ::her in regard to their own lives or the

m of tbeirs'aveg, can do s j on the most reason-s' ?» .hi.J satisfactory terms, in the National>,ifety Life Insurance ( ompaii), of 62V.'siL.t street, Philadelphia. Capital $350,000.w:ta pr payable yearly. Pamphlets arid cir-C"hrs r itaining fall particulars, will be furnished( those ietirin j lurther information upont. j? - ct. Office of the Agency in Richmond isin Lille's Row, 14th street, next to Toier <fc Cook'sc?ce. C. R BKICKEN. M. D.,

\u25a0. !:i?Agent and Medical Examiner.C'i'tu K OF t.KOt EKIJfcS tOii *A

The subscribers otl'er for sale, for cash, theirB"xk i f Groe-lies. Jtc , saved from the fire on the\u25a1..-at ot the 13thJanuary. The stock is large, andc -.uprises a go«'d assortment, and will be disposedo: u reasonable terms. Thestock can be seen att.. j -tore house of Mr. John Wotnble, on Franklint :. '.v:.; re we can at all times be found.


IOST, a la:..e CAWhu BREASI PIN enfier on-> <: -ace or 4 h streets Th«" fiuder will be re-

\u25a0* irjf-i by reporting to this office. ja 23?2tOISK KEEPER WANTEii a i«ayqualified to take chaiee of the interests of aPr;- uefioaidiu.' HoUiemay hear of a good situ-

st' :i by applying at this office. References re-a -""d. ja 23?3tl^il>^t)LL'TlON.? i'ae ce paitnersnip here--L' toiure ex.sting between the undersicned, un-o-' tirm of WEBB, BACON &. CO., is thisda; dissolved by mutual consent. Eithtr partythe name of the tirmin liquidation.

LEWIS WEBB,JOHN L BACON,H E. C. BAtfKERVILL.ii.chmnnd, January 1. 1^52

I M)-PAK'r.Miltf»ll I P.?LfcVMa VVKrtK,having Hi6ociated with bim his son, LEWIS

N WEBB, will continue the business at the olds' > i. Nc t»8, Main street, under the tirm ofLEWISVVE3B i. .SON. LEWIS WEBB,

LEWIS N. WEBB.Richmond, January 1, 1?52-/ 'O-PA UTN E Its ii 1 i'.?The subscribers"

lave l inn d a partnership under the firm ands j eot BACON ii. BAtiKEK\"ILI . and have ta-ken ta : store on the corner of 13th and Garyst-''eu,_ i.early opposite the Columbian Hotel,'* -ere th jy wil, continue thebusiness of (irortrsa-ii tieotral Commission Merchants.

JOHN L. BACON,H. E. C. BASKERVILL.Richmond, Jan. 1, 1852. ja I?2aw4w*

\V' >TE it iV'i ItuHl-s (IK'S RIP O-»» PHAGES, OR SUPER. ESSENTIAL SHA-v!N'(: SOAP.?Tnie eminently uselul discovery isa cimbinnfion c;t pur«* vegetable substances, andr i: i -r» tt-. process ot shaving easy?P lucinc i siri.ng and consistent lather, whichfusses*- the peculiar nature of not dryiqgon thetace, and is (qaally effcetual in sea, hard or softw.ter. ,i supply rrcc-ived and for sale at

? fiINTER'S. 1 i 7 Main street.S r' AItTICI.ES.?Hot Water

and Covers for buckwheat eakes, oys-'tei »tew .k and vegetab e dishes, Oyster Boil-' lis. Fenders, of every description,Brass and Broased Fire Sets, Plate Warm-ers !'\u25a0. tc? for sa.e ul GINTER'S,

A - 137 Main street| MtEVl' HAKIJAI.N.'S in Cassimeres, Keo-",-ky Jean--. Satmr-tts, Tweed Caseimere,? ? i- iauni s, Blankets &c .

ABRAHAM LEVY, Jr.,201 Broa 1 street.

1 *I.KI«Hj;t vi.S piilt FellTcT AltT,», .^7^'~Go<iey'a Ladya* Book, Ladies' Ka-a--: a j also, Lrndon lunch, Plough,

"JUi a - 1 v.. No 7; supplies of Harper's Mma-ite,- aid Book for January; also, Spirit of? *\u25a0 r ; ;iu:'s Home Gazette, Gleason's I've-

" \u25a0 n c ; also, the Star SpangledBan--ur 24u» January, justreceived byR. D SANXAY,

- Bookseller and Stationerjj'!'*" ?A treat variety ot Gold Pens,

' ? r - 'he fiost celebrated manufactories, forby GEO. M. WEST & BRO.ja '.'1

J? u, v >IA1)K ri,(»Tlll\G AT COnT.I'a-t :*r ~? of Overcoats, Business Coats,

\u25a0 ?, v \u25a0?s?-, it., ! 0 be disposed of atcost,uniil theTjt'- '' h 1 NEMAN'S, No. 9,- Main street. Thosef,) i urchase wis} plense call and judge,ni. : fU WVL 88 ' am determined to close "uty .. intergoods at cost, aid no mistake. Comeu: :' H,ill >ou will find the cheapest cloth-«a ever so.d, at <jb Main street._j» L.HYNEMAN.\\ l T VVANTEII.-A Wet Nurse.

? . '\u25a0 t come well recommended,can tiud a, ?tl'PXi*. ."PP-'eati n be made immediately atiln.vLLft BATES', e irner of sth and ClayV'. ,r- JAMKS C. STOCKING'S, oppo-

'-i-tun Hole!. For such an one, a liberalt^Z±.2LE :i; 1-. ja 22?1 w

T,!!i ! H. WALTJIALL &. CO.isthisved by mutual consent The name-e to',; used onlyin liquidation


* V* 18** WM. I» L ftlBjQW<;KJ.ATINE?72P«ck«^' \u25a0 't.'i'ectiona accompanjicg each jiacsage,

t,,\ T'.'ity ar.d rbeapnets.it is superior to any' «: <h. :u-<\u25a0 ' 1 the kind inuse for makingpureY''«..ne J. iiy m a minutes. *

Ac -? ADIK &. GRAV.


CONGRESSIONAL.Washingtoh, Jan. 23.

In SfcKATK, the dav was occupied ia privatebills.

The House was engaged in diacuasing theMexican indemnity bill.

From Vie Platnt? Discoveries ofSilver.St. Louis, Jnn.23.

Later accounts from the Plains confirm thestatement of the murder of Brnnt and family.Extensive discoveries ofsilver have been madenear Taos.

NEW ORLEANS MARKET.Nkw Orleans, Jan. 22.

The money market is very stringent andtheie ha>e been several heavy failures withinthe last few days.

BALTIMORE MARKET.Baltimore, Jan. 23.

There have been no sales ofFlour to-day.Grain steady.

NEW YORK MARKET.New York, Jan.23.

Flour firm?Southern brands $4,75?Southern White Wheat 70 cents.

ANTHRACITE COAL.-I have now in\u25a0£*. yard, and will keep regularly supplied, withthe very best quality of lump and broken, andscreatied red and white ash Anthracite COAL,which 1 will deliver inany part of the city at $."> 50per load. Orders left with John A Lancaster «tSon, at the American Hotel, or sent through thepost office, will be promptlyattruded to.

JOHN W. WRIGHT, Dock Wharf,ja 13?2m

I.ACKSMITHS' T O itL, Mousehole,Foster's and Wilkinson's Anvjln; Wright's solid

box and Wilkinson's Vices; D. Berrian's warrantedBeliows; Piatt's and Mitchell's Stocks and Dies;Butcher's and Ibbotson's Rasps and Files; ForgedHorse Shoes; Griffin's Horse Nails; Cast, Shear andGerman Steel; Cart Boxes for wood andiron axles,for sale by VAN-LEW & TAYLOR.LEMONS, Cheap Molasses, Candles, Raisins,

Loaf and Crushed Sugars, Fine and (to hamSalt, Cotton Yarns, for sale ny

ja 23 DAVENPORT, AI.LKN <t CO.BEANS.?A lot ol olu aim hijh

X flavored Beans, on hand and for sale low brja 23 O. A. STRKCKER.

NOW IS VOt'R Tl9lK.?Persons wishingto supply themselves with a good article of

Clothing,at avery low price, now is the time.?Our stock of Clothing is large and desirable, andwe will sell any article in our line very cheap, torcash. Call in at No. 11*2 Main street,


PRODUCE ANDGeneral Commission Merchants,

No. 63 a. Gay street, nearthe head of Smith's Dock,BALTIMORE.


117"ANTED TO HIKE, a Cook, Washerandf* Ironer, for the present year. Apply to the

subscriber, at his house, on Leigh street, or his of-fice, No. 85 Main street.ja22?ts ANDREW JOHNSTON.

OVtK COATS.? Ihe have oohand a larger stock of OVER COATS than

u-ual for this season, and wishing to sell them, willoffer them at greatly reduced prices. Members ofthe Legislature, a id others wishine tosupply themselves, now have an opportunityofdoingso, muchto their advantage.

S. MERCHANT Sc. WEISIGER.No 112 Main street.

Also onhand, a largestock black and fancy Silkand Satin VESTS. ja 10

OF COFFEE; Preston's and Mer-J rill's Yeist Powders ; Kitchen's Cocoa; Naples

Shaving Cream; Jules Hauel's Hair Tonic; Farrel's Arabian Linimefit, for sale by

ja 21 E. J. PICOT.

BL,AMi.?». ?Kills of Lading, Cnecas, Dratis,Negotiable Notes, Negro Bonds, Bills of Sale,

&c., &c., constantly for sale byia 21 GEORGE M. WEST & BRO.

\l/AiutANitlJ TALLY-HO RAZORS?Another?V supplyof the above Razors on hand, e?ery

one was ranted to shave with ease and comfort?p.'ice 23 cents, for saie byR M ZIMMERMAN,

jal9 Corner Main and 12thstreets.

m»AF STONE (;R!I)I)1.KS FOR BA-EING buckwheat cakes without grease, forsale at GINTER'S, 137 Main street

ja 21

LOOKING GLASSES.?A goodassortmentof Toilet Glasses and Hanging Cilasses, for

sale at [ja 22] GINTER'S, 137 Main street.

(IUEEj-K. Java Coffee, Raisins, Mi'chel's Patent1 French Candles, Tanners' Oil, Safety Fuse, for

sale byja 22 DAVENPORT, ALLEN Sl CO

/;/1 n PAIR COUNTRY-KNIT SOCKS,sale cheap atCHAS. HARTWELL & CO.'S,ja 22 Opposite Swan Tavern.

Another view ok Richmond,taken from Gambole's Hill. Pri;e only Sl; for

sale byja 20 J. W. RANDOLPH.

Bacon, bacon.- la hhas primenew Joles,Baltimore cured; 15 do do breast pieees, do

do; 30 ao do do do; 50,000 lbs Hog round,city cured, in store and for sale by


services to such as may prefer the above namedpractice. Office on Fran4clm between 13thand Htbstreets. oc 31?d3m

HAEON'S LIQUID HAIR DYE.?Asupply just received, tor sale by

PURCELL, LADD & CO., Druggists,ja 20 92 Main street, corner 14th.

G1 ItOL'ND COFFEE.?Receiving a fresh sup-I" ply of newlyground, perschr. Haxall

HULST &. KING,dec 13 Old Market.

DOl :P DIGESTERS.?Three sizes, anarticleij that no family should be without, for sale byR. M. ZIMMERMAN,

ja 17 Corner Main and 12th streets.

I> OI»GKRS» RAZOR STUA>S.?Suye-lior Razor ."-traps, manufactured by Joseph

Rodgers &. Son. the celebrated cutlers, for sale byPURCELL, LADO & CO., Drusgists,

ja 16 Main street, corner 14t'nr

(1LOCKS. CLOCKS.?Papier Mache, Rose-\u25a0J wood, Mahogany, Mantel and Marine or Chro-

nometer, 8 day an) 30 hour Clocks. A large as-sortment from the best manufacturers, for sale by

R M. ZIMMERMAN.ia 16 Corner Main and 12thstreets.

WINTER BLEACHED LAMP OIL,ofsuperior quality, warranted not to chill orgum the wick?only 80 cents per gallon; for ea'eby E. J PICOT,

ja 16 Corner opposite the Old Market.THRESH CAMPHINE AND FLUID, of1 the be.-t quality,constantly on hand, and freshsupplies received weekly; for sale by

jjalG E. J. PICOT, Drusaist.

A CARD.?The subscriber beg« leave toinformthe public that he has opeced the store No.

171, Main street, opposite the Exchange Bark, asa Bread and Tea Cake Bakery, and respect-fully solicits their patronage.

From a long experience in every department ofthe business, and ever careful to produce nothingbut what is made from the best materials, hedoubts riot, hy paying a visit at his store, tbey willbe pleased with the varietyand qua ity of Cake dis-played.

As regards his Bread, hewould simplystut»\ thatIt has ever be"ti his greatest aim to manufacture itin the very !>est manner, and without extractingfrom it those nutritive qualities, which is but toooften done.ry U.,2.LS and Twist furnished to dinnerpar-ties ar the shortest notice.

RICHARD ADAMN B ?Hot Rolls every morning, and Hot

Buns »i d Tea Hisccit every evening au 6?ts

( « 000 CIGARS.?-Havana and Principe Ci-gars, of extra fine quality; among them sooia

really supertine I jr sale byPUR'.'ELL, I.ADD M CO., Dru£.i»»a,

ja fij 'JJ Main street, corner Lith.


Last night of the engagement oi Ml** CHAR-LOTTK CDfIHMAN:

Oa Thin Evenlaa, January 24th,Will be performed the popular musical play of? ? Jt filllT MANNKKINfI,Meg Merrile* Miss Cuahman.Julia Mannering... Mr*. Potter.La Man01a,by...... ..M ile Ctocca and Mr Careae.To conclude with the musical extravaganza of ther-i a uhAPV OF THB LIONS.Claude Meddlenot.?..???? Mr, Burke.fy Prlees of Admission?Boxes 50 cents: Par-queue50 centa; Centre Gallery 25centa; ColoredUallery 2j cents; Eastern Gallery, for white per-sons, '.'o cents j,

GRAND STATE BALL! SS7TMILITARY AND CIVIC!At the Richmond Theatre. Mela?it a sufficient number of subscri-b-ra can be obtained by the tenth or Februarynext, at FIV E DOLLARB each, the approachingAnniversary of the Birth of that illustrious son oTVirginia, George Washington,will be celobratedby a Grand State Ball to be given at the RichmondTheatre, on Monday Evening, February 23d, in astyle of grandeur and elegance never before wit-nessed in the State.<? The buildingto bo superbly decorated, the sce-nery taken out, the Parquette floored over, andthe whole converted into a magnificentBall Roomcapable of accommodating two thousand persons'and the citizens of the entire State are cordiallyinvited to co-operate in making the occasion wor-thy of the Old Dominion.[ySubscription list* now open at the Box Of.fiee of the« Theatre, the American and Exchange

Hotels. WILLIAM L. MAULE,Jan24?tf Leasee.GRAND CONCERT IN RICHMOND.public are respectfully informed that

CATHARINE HAVES will give her firstandonly Grand Concert in Richmond,atthe Umver-salist Church, onTHIS EVENING, January 24th,1852.


Scenaand Aria. "Vienilamis vendetta," (Lucietia Borgia,) Donizetti?Herr Mengia.

Cavatina, '? Ah, mon fi!s" (Le Prophete) Meyer-beer?Miss Catharine Hayes.

Solo onthe Violin?Herr GriebelAri* Burls, "IIBivacci,'' Battista?HerrMengis.Song, ?' Happy Birdling," (Wallace,) with tlule

obligato accompaniment, by Mr. Kyle?Miss Cathaiine Hayes.

part it.Duette, " Quanto Ainore." (L'EKsir d'Amore,)Donizetti. Miss Catharine Hayes and Herr Men

gis.Solo on the Flute. (G. Loder)?Mr. Kyle.Aria Hurts, " Miei Raiapoli," (Cenerentola,"

Ro >ini?Herr Meneis."Auld Kobin Gray"?a Scotch Ballad?Miss

Cstharine Hayes.Swiss Song, ''The Happy Switzer," (Mengis.)

Hcrr Mengis/'\u25a0 The Last Rose of Summer"?an Irish ballad?

Miss Catharine Hayes.Conductor?Mr. Lavenu.Prices of tickets, S3, $2 and $1. They may be

procured on Wednesday morning, at the MusicStore of P. H. Taylor, Main street, opposite theBanks.

Books containing the words and translations ofthe airs and songs, may be procured at the door.Price 15 cents.

Doors open at 6} ?Concert to commence at 8o'clock.

The I'iano used onthis occasion is the propertyof P. H. Taylor. ja2?4t


The great american diorama,representing the funeral of Mr. Calhoun in

Charleston, S. C., will close on Saturday nightnext. This Diorama is entirely new in its con-struction, has never before been exhibited in thiscity, and contains the largest collection of movingfigures ever seen at any Diorama.

The great procession contains bver FourThousand Figures, comprising the Militarycompanies, Societies, Fire Department, Masons,Odd Fellows, Re-jhabites, Sons of Temperance,Sailors, &c., all moving their limbs in walking be-fore the audience.

Commence at a quarter past 7 o'clock precisely.Admission 25 cents; children under 10 years, halfprice. ja 7?ts

\J IRGINI A MAN L' *AC'TIIRES.?Thepublic is informed that the undersigned have

no connexion with any commission house in thiscity for the sa e of Iron aud Steel, manufacturedat their works.

Blacksmiths and artificers using Bar, BandHoop, Horse ShoeorNutlron, may rely upon pro-curing, at our works, articles in tbeirline of thebest quality and at satisfactory rates.

Wrought work of every description?includingSpikes, Bolts, Plates, Nuts, Washers, &c &c., fur-nished at short notice and at the lowest prices.



INDIAN PANACEA,Aiciciy discovered, by Dr. Minnock.mixture most effectually cures the aboveX complaints, and has been used by severalper-sons in this city with unrivalled success.

The remedy is now prepared and tor sale by K.M. Yarrington, Agent, over J. B.Stegal's Store, No.38 Main street, where many valuable certificatesmay be seen of its wonderful efficacy.The Agent would refer to the following namedpersons, who have used the remedy, and can tes-

tify to itsgreat utility in the above complaints.Mrs. Hutcherson, Miss Lacy, Mrs. Kertiy, MrBennett, Mr. Sharp, Mrs. Duff, Mr. Lynn, Sirs.

Stocking, Mrs. Shields, Mrs DurfeyR. M. YARRINGTON,

Sole Agent lor the United States.ja10?d3m*

THE SI BSC'RI BEttS have associatedthemselves under the firm of JOHN H. EUS-TACE &l SON, for the purpose of transacting ageneral Commission ami Forwarding Bu-siness. Will devote thk\r attention to the sale ofall kinds of produce,and trust that the r undividedefforts will enable tbem to effect satisfactory salesof all articles entrusted t® their management; andhope, bystrict attention to business, to merit thepatronage of their manyfriends through the State

JOHN H. EUSTACE,ja 6?2aw3w* JOHN H EUSTACE, Jr.WfcP. WHITE AND OKAH ISlTlvMi I!SC? GLOVES ?Men's and Women's Paris Kid do;Lined Berlin and Cashmere do; for sale low, bythesubscribers.

THOS. &. CHARLES ELLIS & CO ,j* 12? 3w No. 106 Main street.

t'KAI,, COAl,.?l am now offering> lor sale 10,000 bushels of average COAL, at

a price below iast week's sales?say S3 for twenty-five bushels, deliverable it any reasonable distancefrom the yard, which is at the coiner of Csry and9th streets. WM. C. BRAZEAL.

ja 20?e5t*ENUINE FOR SALE.?The .-ulȣ9 scriber has for sale nfirst rate pix horse pow r

STEAM ENGINE, which he will sell at half itsvalue, having no usefor the same.

THOS. SUTER,ji 10?ts Corner of Cary and S'xth Street*.

|VEURO lIIRJNU.?The subscribers againl" offer their services to their friends and thepublic to hire out their Negroes for the ensuingyear. They will use their best endeavors to getgocd homes and «ood prices. Persons having ne-groes to hire out, should send them in to us by thelirst day of January, so that we may be able to getthem good homes. N. B. dt C. B. HILL,

Corner of Franklin and Wall streets,de 2?dactlF

\VOOi) ! WOOD!!?The subscriber has ta-»* ken a yard at the Richmond .and DanvilleRailroad Depot, where he has now'on hand, andwill b» constantly receiving, a large quantity of

Oak and Pine WOOD, of the very best quality.Persons leaving orders at Mr. L. P. Ellis' Grocery,on Broad street, Shockoe Hill, or at the Depot, willbe turnisnt-d immediately.

ji2o-3n THOMAS FOSTER.jV OTICft.? !n« creditors o< nuirkiu Ji Whit-1. v lock are noritiej that the deed ot trust tramR. & W to tli*u id»rsigiied, will remain open forsignntu-vsat the Clerk's office of the County Court

<>l Henrico tid the 7th February next. Creditorswho may desire to participate in thf benefits ofsaid deed, and required t > i-ign the same before thedaynamed ab «r«, and thereby, by its provisions,release JR. 4; W.

ja iff? IQt A. L ROYSTER, TruMee.jL'REE .HASOMtV.? Wo have a new Ui>ok,F ii;usnat;ng some oi the benefits which may be

derived by a connection with this Order. It iscalled ' Amy Lawrence," <>r the Free Mason'sDaughter. The scene is laid in Manchester, En-gland,and it is on« of the most interestingroman-ces ever written. Pric 50 cent*.

ja£3 GEO. M. WEST it BRO.

LOTTERIES.GREGORY* MA L' ItY,m J. w. Htirr m C*«,9Uaa>

Mrs.No. 1, City Hotel.Drawn Mot Kentucky Lottery, No 10, Ju.St:66 23 67 43 36 41 IS 65 t 19 46 17.A Grand Scheme for To-Day.?Kentucky

State Lottery, Clue B.CAPITAL *61,5001

1 prinof. #95,0001 do 13,0001 do 10.0001 do 7,450

15 do 2,000CF 100 do 1,500 »

t»- 100 do 1,00075 Nambers, 12 Drawn. Ticket* $20. Share*In proportion. Ja 24MANAGER'S OFFICE,F. MORRIS A CO.

For Thin Dny-Capitals:$40,000,12,497, 6,000,4,000,100 of 1,000,100 ofsoo, Ac. 78 No*., 12draws.Ticket* $10.

Alto, the Dollar Lottery?Capital* : $3899, Ac.Drawn No* Carroll County, Cla** 8:8 17 56 59 33 9 51 70 44 11 32 52 12.C. W. PURCELL.

LAMBERT'S office,14th Street, nnder Exchange Hotel.Drawn No* Kentucky, Extra, 19, Jan 22:5 72 36 13 51*73 63 31 53 70 77 1 42 55Drawn No* ofKentucky, Claas No 18, Jan 22:68 25 67 45 36 41 12 65 1 15 46 17.Ticket 25 45 68, aprizeof $1000, sold and paidb3L «. ~

LAMBERT.To*Dny?Splendid Lottery?The KentuckyState Lottery, Class B ?Capitals: #61,500, 25,000,15,000, 10,500, 7,450, 15 of 2,000, 100 of 1,500, 100of 1,000, beingthe lowest three number prizes.?75 No*., 12 drawn. Tickets $20. Shares in propor*tion.Also a One Dollar Lottery. ja 24


Drawn No* of Kentucky, No. 18, January22*68 25 67 45 36 41 12 65 1 15 46 17,Half Nos. 17 41 65, a pnze of $100, sold andpai.i by STRATTON.CtForTo-day?Kentucky, Ex., No. 21. Capital:$4,672. Tickets $1.

Also. Kentucky, No B ? Capital: $61,500. Tick-ets $20.j»23 STRATTON.STATHAM'S LOTTERY OFFICE,

WALL STREET, UNDER CITV HOTEL,(Chalk's old stand.)Drawn Nos Patapsco, No 45, Jan 23-51 26 35 58 3 75 67 9 6 64 45 28.For To-Day, Jnn'y 24.?Gd. Consolidated,

Class s?Capitals: $40,000, 12,497, 6000, 4000,100 of 1,000, 100 of 500 . 75 numbers, 12 drawn.Tickets 810.

Also, Small Fry. Tickets SI.ja 24 W. H. STATHAM.UOLU MINK ON PEARL sTKKtSI,

LUCK'S OFFICE.Implement*Furnished at the Alias,Drawn Nos of Patapsco, 45, January 22:

51 26 31 58 3 75 67 9 6 61 45 28Drawn Nos of Carroll County, Cla*s 8:8 17 56 59 33 9 51 70 44 11 3-J 52 12.For This Day, January 24.?Grand Conso-

lidated of Maryland, Class s.?Capitals: $40,000,12.497 60, 6,000, 4000, <fcc. 78 numbers, 12 drawn.Tickets $10.

Also, a Small Lottery of $3,899 50. Tickets $1.ja24


Baitunorefor Richmond on SATURDAYAFTER-NOON next, 24th inst, if tlieice willpermit. Thosedesiring to order goods by her will have time to doso by Telegraph.

ja 23?2t LUDLAM & WATSON.*gJK3TO| ESTRAV.?Came to my house, in

t&iiisOy the Bowling Green, Henrico, about theJft Ist of November last, a WHITE

-f?Li^""®®s HEIFER. The owner will come for-ward, prove property, pay charges, and take heraway.

ja 7?law3w E. W. WADE.rvanjut, carriage mancfacto.<3£S2SsC.RY. ?The undersigned having associ-

ated memselves as pariners. under the firm andstyle of GEORGE F. SMITH &. BROTHER, forthe purpose of conducting the Conch MakingBusiness, ask the public to extend to them aportion of their patronage. i"hey have taken theold stand on 3road street, near the Shockoe HillMarket Home,so long occupied by Mr. Ira Tiche-nor, and arc prepared to make to order all descrip-tions of Whides.

Repniring executed with promptness in thebest manner,and upon reasonable terms.


J LADIES, DO VOL HEARTHAT??SOO Pairs more ofbeautiful Gaiters at $1,50; '.50 Pairs of neataud good Chamber Slippers at 50 cents ;

Buskins. Jeuny Linds, aud Fine Slippers at $1,00 ;Misses', Youths', Child retis'and Servants' Shoes:Youths' Patent Lea. Gaiters and Dancing Pumps,and a grest variety of seasonable and fashionablegoods, at the large,pleasant and chr-ap store of

WHITE & PAGE,ja 17 73 Main street.

FOR BREMEN.?The ship GOETHE,-Jfi iufeCapt. J. H. Ho.>iann, is now at City Point,reauy to receive cargo, and will meit with dis-patch. For freight or passage, apply to

ja 12?12t SCriAER, KOHLER & CO.-fpM- FOK UfAKLtMU.*, ». t.-mc

SeVtSI .superior fine last sailing schooner USTALAtiO, Capt. Perry, havingthe greater part of hercargo engaged, and going on board, will sail withall possible dispatch. Forbalance of freight, 300bbla , apply to Captain on board, or to

ROBERT RANKIN,ja 8 Corner 22nd and Water streets.

FOR HALIFAX. N. M The brigS.'ifr.MANILLAhaving the greater portion of hercargo onboard, will sail with quick dispatch. Forbalance of freight, of 250 barrels flour or boxes to-bacco, apply to

ja 20 WILLIAMS 6c BRO.

MNO. t>3, MAIN STREET The abovevery detirable store is for rent, (next door to

Alexander Nott 4. Co.'s.) at present occupied byGeorge J. Si;muer as a Furniture Wareroom. Pos-session given on Ist April. The present tenantwould yield it sooner, if desired Apply to



tirick tenement ou Jackson street, now in the occapaney ot the subscriber. It has five rooms, andhas recen'ly undergone a thorough and completerepair. Terms accommodating. Apply to Mr. W.GODDIN, or the subscriber.

ja 15? I0t» JAMES VEALF..MULES, HORDES AM) \VA-S<?y\ GoNS.?Several fine work Horses, one

fine Mule, and three stout Wagons and H»n essfor sale. Enquire at this office. ja 16 ts

11' It FKiUHKI) AND PLAIN MLli*.CHAS. HARTWELL 6c CO have in store

a very handsome and rich aasoitmentof plain andfigured Silks, which will be sold very cheap. Wesolicit a call from ali in want of such, assutingthem bargains at

CHAS. HARTWELL & CO.'S,ja 19 Opposite Swan Tavern.

IHAV E in store an assortment of Pieserves,some extra put up Limes, Pine Apples, Pears,

Peaches, &c.; also, brandy Fruits, viz: Cberrisit.Pears, Apricots,Apples, 4c ? all of which 1 wouldrecommend to the atiention of house-keepers andothers. ANTONIO PIZZINI,

ja 15 No. 42, Main street, under CityHotel.ON HAND the largestand most varied assort-

ment of Toys and Fancy Articles ever of-fered. ANTONIO PIZZINI.ja 15 No 42 Main street, under Citv Hotel.

ROIUNWON'ft Vißtil.MA fRACTUK,and other rare and valuable Law Rooks, for

sals by GEORGE M. WEST & BKO.ja 21

BINOIMJ.? We are prepared to execute orders for Hook Bind.ng at short notice, and

equal, as recards style ana price, to other estab-lishments, North or South.


PAPEU. ?A large stock ol Letter and Cap Pa-pers, just received; also, Musio, Drawing,

Tissue, and Tracing Paper, Bristol Boards, &c ,<fcc., for s tie in any quantities, by

la 21 GEO. M WEST St BROTHER.OAI'OM dk BABH.KtIViLLU arereceivingLf und i tfer forsale:


ja 13


WILL be aoM on THURSDAY, the 99th inst.P at 10 o'clock, at the I*. reidawTof ilSaunders, dee d, on CyyrrM Alley, bmt Mayowhole ofMr». Eliza Ssunders' House-hold Fnrnltare, with the exception of rffow arti-cle*, constating of the usual variety. Terms at

J* ** W. GODDIN.I ;OMBU8810NltB»8 OALI OF RIAL?w», ESX«IEJ*« THE C,IY 0F RICHMONDAND COUNTY OP HENRICO.?By virtue of adecree of the Circuit Court of Chancery, madeon the 15th day of January, 1853, in the caae ofTurpin and other* against Fravser and other*, I(hall,a*special commissioner therein named, pro-ceed to sell, on MONDAY, the 16th d»y of Februa-ry, 1852, at 3i o'clock in the evening,(if fair, other-wise, the next fair day,) on the premise*, threeLOTS, Nc*. 53,54 and 61, In the cityof Richmondfronting 30 feet each on 15th atreet, between'Franklin and Broad atreet*, in rear of Dickinson ABrother'* auction houae, and running backfeet to an alley.

On THURSDAY, the 12th day of February, 1852,at 12 o'clock, M., iffair, otherwise enthe next fairday, I shall proceed to sell, under the aaid decree,onthe premises, the PLANTATIONmentioned inthe said decree, called Bove Hill, in the countyof Henrico. And at the same time and place, twoother |tract* or parcel* ol LAND lying near the\u25a0a me.

Terms of Sals?For the Lot* in Richmond,one-third cash, and the remainder in two equal in-stalments at 4 and 8 months, the purchaser execu-tiugnegotiable notes, bearing interest from day of

\u25a0ale, with approved endorsers, and the title with-held until further order of the court. For theLand in the county a credit of6, 9 and 12 monthswill be given,the purchaser executing negotiablenotes, with approved endorsera, carrying interestfrom day of sale, and the title withheld until fur-ther order of the court.

JESSE F. KEESEE, Commissioner,ja23?2awtd

BY JAMES M. t'AVLOK.rpRUSTEE'S HALK OF A HOUSE and1. LOT ON CLAY STREET-Atthe request ofthe beneficiary in a deed of truat executed by M. G.Gentry, and duly recorded in Henrico CountyCourt, to securea certain debt therein mentioned, 1shall, on THURSDAY, the sth day of February,commencingat 4| o'clock in the afternoon, uponthe premises, sell the property described in saiddeed, being a lot of ground situated on Clay streetnear its Western termination, fronting 30 feet onClay street, and runningback 150 feet 6 inches toan alley 15 feet wide, on which said lot standa aframe house, recently built, containing about 6rooms, with all necessary outhouses, and at pre-sent occupied by M. G. Gentry.The title is believed to be unquestionable: butacting as trustee, I shall convey with the usualwarranty.

The terms,which will be in accordance with thedeed,will be made known on the day of sale.ja2o JAMES M. TAYLOR, Trustee.COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF HOUSE AND

LOT ON MAIN STREET.-In pursuance of adecree of the Circuit Court of Chancery for Hen-rico county, made on the 26th day of June, 1851,and of an order made therein, on the 3d day otJanuary, 1852,1 shall, as the Commiisioner there-by appointed, otter for sale, at public auction, onthe piemises, on FRIDAY", the 3Gth day of thepresentmonth, (January) at 4 o'clock, P. M , if fair,and if not, on the next fair day, the LOT OFGROUND, with the TENEMENT and OTHERIMPROVEMENTSthereon, on the South aide ofMain street, between 17th and 18th street?, in thecity of Richmond, which was formerly owned andoccupied by Joseph Goode, deceased,"and is nowoccupied by J. B. Stegal; being the same propertywhich was conveyed by Snell and wife toJoseph and Abner Goode, bydeed of the 13th aayol February, 1840, and of record iu the \u25a0 ffice ofthe Hustings Court of that city, and is boundedas follows: Beginningat the West corner of thestore on said lot, and running and bindingon Mainstreet Eastwardly, 20 feet more or less, until ir.strikes the property which the said Joseph Goodeconveyedby deed madein March, 1847, to WilliamSlater; thence runningSouthwardly along the saidSlater's line to an alleyin rear of said line, 135 teetmore or less; thense Westwardly along said alley36 feet, until it strikes the S. W. corner of the lotformerly'owned by Bat. Slade; thence along saidlot 135 feet to the place of beginning.

Theab:ive property will be sold subject to theright ol dower ot Mrs. Eudora Virginia Goode, thewidow of Joseph Goode.

Terms of Sale?i cash, and balance in 3 equalinstalments at6, 12, and J8 months, with interestadded, secured bynegotiablenotes,and title retaineduntil a conveyance is directed by the Court.


JAMES M. TAYLOR,ja9?eo6tdtds Auctioneer.



FROM MANCHESTER, FOR SALE AT AUC-TION ?Will be sold on FRIDAY AFTERNOON,the 30th January, 1852, upon the prem'ses, com-mencing at 11 o'clock, if fair, if not the next fairday, the handsome FARMSowned by Mr. WilliamEvans, situated at the forks of the road leading tothe Chesterfield Coal Mines and the HuguenotSprings, one containing 53 acres, the other tenacres, together with all the buildingsthereon, con-sistingin the first named placeof a dwellingand allothernecessary outbuildiDgs, includingawell ofex-cellent water; and onthe or nerplace,also one dwell-ing, iucluding all the farming implements; also,about fifty barrels Corn, Oats. Clover, Hay, &c;jone Mule, one Horse, one Colt, two Cows, oneHeifer, one Cart, one Barouche. There has beenseeded upon the Farms fifteen bushels wheat, putin with guano. The owner having concluded toremove to Richmond, will sell without limit orreserve. Possession given about the first of Marchnext. Terms?for the Land, one-third cash, bal-ance at one and two years, for bonds secured bya trust deed. For the personal estate all sumsunder $20 cash, over that amount four monthscredit, lor approved endorsed negotiable paper,

ja 19 W. GODDIN, Auct.


SALE AT AUCTION.?WiII be sold, on MONDAYAFTERNOON, the 2d day of February. 1852, uponthepremises, commencing at 4 o'clock, 80 feetofground on the West line of Sixth street, adjoiningthe residence of Mr. Robert A. Payne, runningback 130feet Also, about 70 feet of g'round front-ing on the North line of Clay street, between Fifthand Sixth streets, runningback about 50 teet.

Terms?J cash, balance at 4 aud 8 months, fornegotiable notes, interest added, secured by a trustdeed, or title retained. W. GODDIN,

ja 17 Auct.


RICHMOND?Will be sold on WEDNESDAY,the28th January, 1852, upon tne premises, commen-cing at I o'clocic, it fair, if not tae next fair day,the valuable Farm (owned by Messrs. J. G. and HC. Cabell.) situated in the county ot Henries, oathe Plank Road, containing 100 acres, togetherwith all the buildingsthereon, consisting of a dwel-ling (suitab'e for a small family,) excellentkitchen,barn, &c The place is in a high state of improve-ment, and is well enclosed. The owners not beingable to devote their lime to the management of theFarm, have determined to dispose of it by auction.The neighborhood is equal to sny in the county ?

The plank road running in Iront of the Fsim, en-ables any one to ride to the city In hail hour, uponthe most delightful road in the county

TfcßMS.?One third cash; balance at 1 and 2years for bonds or notes bearing interest, securedby a trust deed.

ja ir, W. GODDIN. Auctr.BY ALEX. NOTT & CO.

SALE OF A BRhWEK* IN Till? CITY OFRICHMOND.?By virtueof a deed of trust, ex-

ecuted to me byMessrs. Schwabe & Co., and dulyrecorded in the office of the Clerk of the HastingsCourt of the city of Richmond, 1 shall offer forsale, privately, the BREWERY at Bacon QuarterBranch, witn all the fixtures thereto belongingAny person wishing to engage in the said business,will find the terms of sale very accommodating.Should the property not be disposed of on or be-fore tue 24th of this month, at private sale, it willbe offered to I lie highest bidder at public suctionon that day at 12 o'clock, M. The establishmentis stld to be in very complete order.

P. B.?The proprietorof the above premises will,if desired, sell the same to any one who may pur-chase the above Brewery and lxtures

T. P. AUGUST,ja9?3tawtd* Trust*

Sale conducted byJa 29 ALEX. NOTT k. CO., Aucts.

rpHOMFSOKIAN BOTANIC MIDI*1 CINK, of all kinds, for sale atBENNETT * BEEK'B Dew house,

ja 31 IS3 Main street*



». rmoj. brt^lilSrill pie?e bing tbem early. )*tf ft

ofSteama A Brummel, for two Iraadrti »--* nn_dollari, agaiiutMid J. B Ltpacomb.Ja82?3t BEVERLYRIMR. H. C. C \u25a0


V oirou. Dee. 8,1861.Mews. Mortimer & Mowbray?Hampton's Vets,table Tincture is certainly working minculou* re>suits here, in the way of cures, but there seems to b«a diffidence on the part of those cured to gtre a certi-ficate, which, in justice to the afflicted, should notexist. 1 could mention a dozen case* of importncar? l»een successful, in curing tLeworstkind of diseases,but it appears to cure diem so easily,and its effects areso magical, they donot appear toteable to realize it, though they are perfectly satisfiedthey are cured.I will mention two case* which here lately comaunder my notice. A lady who had been toher bed for between oneand two years, and onwhoathe doctors had been attendingduringthat time wife*out any success, was induced to trythe Tincture, asdafter taking one bottle she was enabled to sit epinher bed ; and after taking the second bottle she waeenabled to be up stirring about her htrnsr a »n««she had not done for two years, as I was informedb«her husband, who called onme, in perfect ecstacy ?\u25a0*and said he had atlast foundthe much neededpanacea.I think he will furnish you with a certificate of thestrongest character.

Another gentlemaninformed me that he had aver*valuable negro woman so far gone bydisease that hewould hare taken twenty-five dollars for her, but tbafirst bottle was so effective that he felt confident of *perfect cure. Yours, respectfully,

John R. Hathaway.A MONUMENT

From wboie base to the top stand out inrelief the names of our own citizens who kmbeen restored to health by Hampton's VegetableTincture, a medicine that cures mc/rethaa nlnetaeaout of erery twenty who try it.

We have certificates from Hob. Henry Clay,and R. M Johnson?one from Captain Caoot,brotherto the eminent Physician to the President cithe French Republic, who was cured of aRhemtism of 7 years standing?also, one from RobertGault, Rheumatism 7 years. Mr. Oldham, Balk.Custom House, dreadful case of Dyspepsia, satfrom hundreds of others. All must tkersnever has been such a mass of testimony gives tmfavor of any other medicine, which is so pleasantand taken in such small quantitiea.Greater Weight of Testimoay cannot heGiven.Mr. J. B. BOUSU:?Sir, While lam in general op

posed to Patent Medicines, candor compelsmo tostate, that 1 have great confidence in the virtuesofHampton'sVegetable Tiartare. For sever-al months past 1 have used it in my iamily, and indyspepsia, loss of appetite, dizziness and generaldebility,with entire success. So far as my expo,rience extends therefore, I take pleasure in recom-mending it to the afflicted as a safe and cfflriwilremedy. lam respectfully yonrs,


Portsmouth, Va., Aug-18,1851.Bnch a Mass ofHome TestimonysmMCarry Coaviction to every Dlind.?Balti-

more, Sept' lHth. 1851.?Messrs. Mortimer ahbMowbray.?Gentlemen: The cure oi Mr. RobertGault,by the use of three bottles of Hampton's Ve-getable Tincture, as per his cetilicato, is, I thiak,almost unprecedented. His case of extremelyex-cruciating suffering, from Chronic inflamatoryRheumatism, came immediately under my owaobservation, through the last i"ur year*, which Iconsidered entirely hopeless. Through my eam»est persuasion he was induced to tryyourinvalaa*ble Tincture. I was prompted to remark at thatime, that ifmedicine would cureMr. Gault, it cer-tainly would "remove mountains." The knowl-edge of this miraculous cure compels me to con-sider it a duty 1 owe to the afflicted (and partieslarlyto those with complaints like his,) to makegenerally known the healing powers of this tralywonderful medicine. Yours, most respectfully,James P Merritt, 187 Baltimore street.Were there ever so many cures?wonderful curesmade by any other medicine. All we ask of thaafflicted is that they try Hampton'a VegetableTincture, the great purifier of the Blood and ear*for all Chronic Diseases, as Dyspepsia, Rheuma-tism, Scrofula, and all complaints otCthe Stomach,Bowels, &c.

Pamphlets, with a history'of the l£fdicine, withcertificates of many wonderful cures, may be todat the stores, havingthe Tincturefor sale, gratis.

You owe it to yourself to call and get apamphlet,asit may be the means of curing you. For satebyO. A. 3TRECKER, Main street, Richmond ; G. B.JONES, &. CO., Petersburg, Va.; MORTIMER *MOWBRAY, Baltimore. no 18?3 mNAYLOtt'S OillN IBUtiKS wili carry

yon from almost any part of the city in whichyou may reside, to the Daguerrean Gallery ofMINNIS <fc WATSON, for t>i cents, and Miania& Wataon will take your Daguerreotype in tbevery best style of the art for the very moderatesum oftl 50, and from that up to gl3, according'to size of picture, and style of case, frame, locket,&c.,iu which you may Imve it placed. They aresure to render you eatiafaction, as th» ynever allowyou to take a likeness from ttheir Gallery unlesayou are perfectly pleased with the same. An equi-valent for the amountreceived is their motto. He-member, their Galleries may be found at 3!>J Mainstreet, Kichmond, and Sycamore street, Peters-burg Va. Ja 81

At asi> below cost to closbCOPARTNERSHIP.?All in want of unusual

bargains in almost every description of Dryliood*, would find it to their advantageto matean early call, as the business must be closed insfew weeks.

We invite particular attention to our asaoiDMatof printed Jaconets, fancy Berages, Lawns, Mum-lins, light Ginghams, Silks, Ribbons, and manyother styles Fancy Goods, most of which weanasellingfor one-hall their usual value.

WARREN, FARISS & BROWN,ja 19?ts No 141 Eagle Square.

OVKHI'WATs, HLANhfcTls, Ac.?Lon -

don Dutfil Overcoatsfor drivers; Twilled, Duf-lil and Bed Blankets;Flannels; Plaid and Plain Lin-seys; for sale at low price#, by the subscribers.

THOMAS & CHARLES ELLIS * CO,ja 12?3w 106 Main street.

MHS. MEBANB haring associated with her-self Miss BOIHVELL, (* lady of high quali-

fications and experience as a teacher,) for the pur-pose of conducting a Seminary for primary in-struction, and for completing the education ofyoung ladies, will commence at their rooms, oathe brow of Church Hill, on 33rd street, betweenBroad and Mar«ball streets, Monday nest, V6thjust. They bespeak the patronaget'f an intelligentcommunity,and will so endeavor to educate *tfceminds aud hearts of those entrusted to their care,as to prepare thein to act well their part la life,and to ensure entire satisfaction of their patroaa.Every branch of an English education will bethoroughly taught; also, French and Music on thePiano by an experienced teacher. Drawing, Peaciftand Crayon, and Embroidery. It ia expected tartthe Rev. Mr. Dunning will lecture on iaterestingsubjects, (historical and biblical,) connected witi*hia present tour throughEurope and Palestine-,

Tjchms moderate! and made known oa appac*-U °Esr The School will be of the highest aaoral

9 "4t '


Scrofu a,Dyspepsia, CbrOnie Li»er Dueaaea??BChronic I)i*e#«-» of tb« Stomach and Boweta-aUkind* of Cut*B«oui Diteaaea aud Drop»t«. ,

JOHN H. BEAYRES, Columbian H«*L4*l7?iw Ricbtno»d, Va.gy* Sole aynt for tha United Bta>ea.


CUANTg, Ljnchbur*.T».-Thr>r Hxitteoa o»Main itreet ii at the old »tand w *m<t A FIWW»Toeir location on the canal i« the MW Bi*prmbuildingat the packet laodinj, w»d i»me4*Mriy

S33£!tt|S<2 few fcr tt*r Ca-»M--B«W* tke »d*»nUf* ofboth the e«n*l "* ***

?trret. Mo dmytf* *h«rg«a. UHr»lwill b* »»de on ill wbete# is keed wed§wd Sw-ede. By modern# efaargee m 4 tawwMW* e**e»-l!uT'°.mrr°Tu; afe&aWmPfrMu'TMpMIUUiIJ lUliviiWWwJ«ao33uw«w

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

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Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.