History for Main/BadassAdorable - TV Tropes (2024)


* The banana in this [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTiXZYQNYec Wrigley Gum commercial]]. Forget JamesBond, this cute little fruit should be the next 007!
* The little girl from this [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUrftf3ndAw Haribo advert]]. I'd have given up as soon as the door opened.

[[folder:Anime and Manga]]
* ''DeadmanWonderland'': Shiro is all happy giggles and singing...Then something pisses her off and she dropkicks giant robots and blows up buildings. And worst of all, she'll eat all your snacks.
** [[TheHero Ganta]] is a little fourteen year old boy with big grey eyes and [[http://i15.mangareader.net/deadman-wonderland/15/deadman-wonderland-796076.jpg is just really damn adorable]]- and to top it off, he's a huge [[TheWoobie woobie]], especially in the first episode. Now watch what happens when the Red Man is mentioned.
* ''AskDrRin'': Meirin Kanzaki.
* ''Manga/FairyTail'': has several adorable badasses on its roster, including Levy, Wendy, Lucy, Cana, Mirajane, and Erza.
** Erza's adorable moments are few and far between, given that she's TheBigGuy of the group, but when she has them they are priceless.
** Natsu. Admit it.
** Happy, Charle, and especially Pantherlily.
** Angel and Meredy as evil variants.
** [[spoiler:Zeref]]
** Mavis, [[spoiler:the first Guild Master of Fairy Tail]], who manages to be [[BadassAdorable kind, cute, mysterious and hilarious]] at the same time, and [[LittleMissBadass badass]] enough to master and cast one of the most powerful protection spells in the Fairy Tail universe, [[SphereOfPower Fairy Sphere]], [[spoiler:''from beyond the grave''.]] On top of that she created and can probably cast [[LightEmUp Fairy Glitter]] and Fairy Law.
*** Mavis only proves herself more of a Badass when she provides Team Fairy Tail with a strategy so she could lead them to victory, and she developed said strategy by memorizing and analyzing their opponents the entire Grand Magic Tournament. According to Makarov, her nickname was "Fairy Technician Mavis" because she was able to compile many victories through strategizing. Damn.
* ''SoltyRei'': Solty Revant. Cute, shy, plucky, considerate, compassionate... and a RobotGirl who will quickly make with the ass-handing to ANYONE who threatens her adoptive family.
* [[NinjaMaid Sayoko Shinozaki]] from ''Anime/CodeGeass'', anyone?
** She's not that adorable, though. [[tykebomb Anya]], on the other hand...
* Daisuke from ''DNAngel''. And Satoshi to a lesser extent.
* ''Manga/CardcaptorSakura'':
** Sakura Kinomoto, especially after [[spoiler:she becomes master of the Clow Cards, effectively making her the most powerful being on the planet]], while still remaining a [[PingPongNaivete blissfully naive]] CheerfulChild of the highest order.
** Mei-ling, for [[BadassNormal more human reasons]].
* Miharu from ''NabariNoOu''. Shijima, at times, as well.
* ''Manga/FullmetalAlchemist'':
** May Chang, complete with pink dress, adorable pet panda, and prodigy level alkahestry skills.
** Also, Alphonse. Some would also say Edward. Just don't call him cute...or [[BerserkButton short.]]
** Major Alex Armstrong! The childish sincerity of [[GentleGiant this big teddy-bear]] really makes you wanna give him a big hug. Unless you're Ed, in which case you're getting glomped and begging him to "Stop rubbing your chest on me!"
* Pretty much the entire main cast of ''GunslingerGirl''
* Yoshika Miyafuji in ''StrikeWitches'' also qualify. She is the little sister of the team, but is also the most powerful one. Specially after [[spoiler: she regains her magic in TheMovie]]
* [[CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass Ginji]] from ''GetBackers'' is [[DoggedNiceGuy extremely nice]] [[LoveFreak to ]] ''[[LoveFreak everyone ]]'', and [[TheMessiah steadfastly believes in giving people second chances.]] Pretty much all the 'good' guys/girls in the series like him (or at least don't dislike him), and he has a huge number of devotees who think the world of him. But heaven help you if you manage to awaken the guy's SuperPoweredEvilSide...
** And [[GenkiGirl Natsumi]] in the anime. Anyone who's been unfortunate enough to believe that they can beat her at ping-pong will surely agree.
* Saeba Ryo, the LovableSexManiac ManChild hero of ''Manga/CityHunter''. AkiraKamiya is sure good at playing [[FistOfTheNorthStar sensitive and kind hearted badasses]], isn't he?
* Shiro Kabuto from ''Anime/MazingerZ'' and ''GreatMazinger''. He is the cute, ten-years-old AnnoyingYoungerSibling of the main character. And he is also pretty {{Badass}} when he wants, beating bullies bigger than him or adult men, or even piloting the Hover Pilder (the flying device was necessary docking on the head of Mazinger-Z to start the HumongousMecha).
** Goro Makiba from ''Anime/UFORoboGrendizer'' also counts like a cute child capable of awesome feats. At least his incarnation of the original manga. In one arc [[spoiler:Barados kidnapped several hostages and [[GundamJack hijacked]] Great Mazinger, and then tied his prisoners to the HumongousMecha to prevent Duke from fighting. Goro managed to get rid from the ropes tying him and then released Kouji.]]
* ''PeacemakerKurogane'':
** While he's pretty cute and tough to begin with, it's only through CharacterDevelopment that Tetsunosuke becomes that much more {{Badass}}.
** Also, Okita Souji. He's constantly smiling, loves candy, plays with the neighborhood kids, has a cute little piglet as a pet that he fawns over, is pretty much a male HouseWife to Hijikata, and is well-known for being the most terrifying swordsman in all of Japan.
** Nagakura Shinpachi, especially with ArtEvolution gradually making him look more and more like a kid-edition {{Bishonen}}. Despite appearances, he is a very competent swordsman and commander, and still inspires the urge to cuddle him even while splattered with blood.
* The eponymous character of ''RurouniKenshin''. It's the "oro?" The fact that he is the first genuinely sensitive, kind-hearted and ''nice'' anime bloke since [[DragonballZ Goku]] and [[FistOfTheNorthStar Kenshiro]], rather than just another emotionally repressed and cynical {{Jerkass}} NinetiesAntiHero. And then you have pretty much half the cast with [[LittleMissBadass Kaoru, Misao,]] Yahiko and [[StepfordSmiler Soujiro]] all invoking various flavors of this trope.
* ''Anime/NeonGenesisEvangelion'':
** Shinji Ikari in the original series and other [[AlternateContinuity alternate continuities]].
** People saying that Shinji is not {{badass}} enough in the original series should one day just try holding red-hot pieces of metal for half a minute (never mind fighting someone in the process). Yes, his hands weren't damaged directly, but he ''felt'' all the damage to Eva-01 as if his own body was harmed.
** And later he leaped into a freaking volcano and dived in the magma to save Asuka. Even if he was inside his HumongousMecha and it [[HandWave hand waved]] like his A T Field protecting him, both Unit-02 and Asuka had needed wearing a special suit to not dying, so he was feeling the heat of the magma, and for all what he knew, he could die by attempting rescuing her.
** Rebuild 2.0 - "GIVE REI BACK!" Commence [[spoiler:reactivating 01 on willpower/rage alone, [[RocketPunch rocket punching]] Zeruel (or as close an Eva can get to one), [[AlwaysSaveTheGirl saving Rei]] and almost ending the world. There just may be some ''[[Anime/MazingerZ Kabuto]]'' genes in him.]]
* Since we're talking about [[StudioGainax Gainax]], let's not forget about [[DieBuster Nono]]. Arguably, the cutest [[spoiler: robot]] you'll ever meet, is in fact [[spoiler: the seventh Buster Machine and a PersonOfMassDestruction capable of controlling the Buster Corps, slicing one of Saturn's moons in half and kicking the sh*t out of an EldritchAbomination the size of a planet.]] And all of this while being ditzy and having [[TengenToppaGurrenLagann Nia's]] voice.
* ''Manga/HayateTheCombatButler'':
** Hayate
** Isumi, especially thanks to her BigDamnHeroes moment and her [[spoiler:great big dragon]]. Hinagiku also qualifies as she can be VERY moe sometimes and is very {{badass}} all the time.
* A lot of ''Anime/{{Pokemon}}'' owned by characters in the anime fall under this. IE: [[KidAppealCharacter Pikachu]], Bulbasaur, Charmander, Piplup, Teddiursa, Raichu and [[RidiculouslyCuteCritter Clefairy]] are just a handful of examples.
** One of the most prime examples is the 1st gen Pokemon, Mew, which is ''ungodly'' adorable and is always shown to be very playful and childlike, not to mention is literally described as being the 'Psychic Kitten' Pokemon. One could hardly take it seriously until you realize that it's capable of using ''every single non-legendary specific move in the entire series''.
** In addition to actual [[{{Mons}} monsters]], some of the human characters also qualify. [[TheMessiah Ash Ketchum]] has the appearance and mannerisms of a brash, classically adorable little boy. He's also one of few humans to physically put himself on the line for Pokémon in the series, jumps around like a Mankey to rescue said Pokémon, and is even capable of [[spoiler:using Aura]]. Did I mention that he risks or [[TheMessiah even knowingly sacrifices himself for Pokémon]] regularly? [[CuteBruiser Maylene]], Whitney, and [[{{Shorttank}} Misty]] may also qualify; [[CuteBruiser Maylene]] is basically described this way by other characters.
** This {{trope}} also holds true for [[TheProtagonist the human protagonists]] of the ''Manga/PokemonSpecial'' manga, as nearly everyone fights alongside their Pokémon. Special mention goes to Sapphire, who at the mere age of 10 is already capable of fighting Pokémon on her own, and is apparently strong enough to rip apart fountains and sprint while carrying a fully-grown man.
** Hareta from ''PokemonDiamondAndPearlAdventure'' is rather young but can go against Pokemon, can lift things far heavier than him (including a ''Rhyperior''), and has a common battle strategy which can be summed up as "I fight alongside my Pokemon no matter how tough the opponent".
* [[FriendlyNeighborhoodVampire Moka Akashiya]] (her friendly side) from ''RosarioToVampire'' can count as this. Also [[HornyDevil Kurumu Kurono]], [[CuteWitch Yukari Sendou]], [[AnIcePerson Mizore Shirayuki]] and [[HotWitch Ruby Toujyou]] can count as well. They all are capable enough to kill humans, but they're also so damn cute.
** And Inner Moka is quite {{Badass}} and has her {{Moe}} moments.
** Kokoa Shuzen can count too, but at a [[JerkAss much lesser extent]].
** And then there's Akuha Shuzen, who is of the PsychopathicManchild verity.
** Not to mention Tsukune who is quite the sweet {{Adorkable}} NiceGuy and a {{Bishonen}} (season II of the manga due to ArtEvolution) and becomes incredibly {{Badass}}.
* ''Anime/DigimonAdventure'' has Gatomon, who is a little cat [[{{Mons}} mon]]... who happens to be able to take down six Champion/Adult Digimon without breaking a sweat. Technically, she was a Champion level too... but she still qualifies. In fact every Rookie Digimon counts.
* Kawazoe Tamaki of ''BambooBlade.'' Aww, ImTakingHerHomeWithMe!
* Golden Darkness/Konjiki no Yami from ''ToLoveRu''.
* Eve from ''Manga/BlackCat'' (The character who inspired Kawazoe's design and powers in ''BambooBlade'').
* ''KatekyoHitmanReborn''.
** Tsuna.
** Reborn himself. He's a ''baby''.
** Yamamoto. He's an insanely NiceGuy that smiles a lot but [[BadassNormal put a sword in his hand]] and [[BewareTheNiceOnes get him mad enough]]...
* Weed from ''GingaDensetsuWeed''.
** Also Gin from ''GingaNagareboshiGin''.
* Almost ''every'' MagicalGirl (other than specific [[{{Deconstruction}} deconstructions]] [[SailorNothing of the genre]]) and their [[DarkMagicalGirl counterparts]]. ''MagicalGirlLyricalNanoha'' is possibly the most exemplary.
** [[MagicalGirlLyricalNanoha Nanoha]] makes friends by [[DefeatMeansFriendship beating the tar out of them]].
** In the end though, it's probably ''Vita'' who's the best example of this trope. So {{moe}} and yet so manly.
** And Caro. She's very young and cute, although she doesn't seem all that impressive at first, being mostly limited to [[WhiteMage support spells]], but then her home gets attacked, and ''holy sh*t, that little girl just [[SummonMagic summoned]] [[{{Kaiju}} Godzilla]]!''
** Despite being a {{Deconstruction}}, ''Anime/PuellaMagiMadokaMagica'''s girls are very much this. Even Homura had an {{Adorkable}} phase before [[TookALevelInBadass taking several levels in badass]] during the course of her [[spoiler:GroundhogDayLoop]].
* Yuki Nagato, from ''[[LightNovel/HaruhiSuzumiya The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]]'' is TheStoic dialed UpToEleven, which makes her smiles extremely cute when they appear.
* ''Anime/{{Noir}}'' has Kirika-chan, who elevates the trope to {{Badass}} {{Woobie}}. The fact that she is so [[{{Moe}} cuddly and huggable]] really helps.
** There's also the flashback where she [[spoiler:commits her first assassination around the age of ''five'']]! Certain death has never been so cute.
* ''Literature/KaraNoKyoukai'': Shiki Ryougi. Mixed with a healthy amount of {{Fanservice}}, as expected of [[{{Nasuverse}} Nasu]], whenever she gets all [[{{Tsundere}} dere-dere]] toward Mikiya, she's extremely huggable and borders on {{Moe}}. That's, of course, when she isn't slicing up ghosts, zombies, magicians and stuff.
** Also in the same series, we have Azaka Kokuto, [[ChickMagnet Mik]][[NiceGuy iya's]] younger sister who can set things on fire and kick [[spoiler:giant flower demon thing]] on the head, and finally overpower aforementioned Shiki. She does that while being extremely {{Moe}}.
* Also, from the [[BeeTrain same people]] who brought you Kirika, we have {{Madlax}} who is just as adorable and huggable, with the sexiness turned up to eleven.
* The eponymous ''ShakuganNoShana''.
** Even more so in the {{omake}}s. Shana-tan, the heroine's [[SuperDeformed chibified]] alter-ego, doesn't lose any of Shana's strength due to the reduction in size, and even uses her signature attack in [[FunSize this form]].
** And her [[{{Expy}} expies]]; even the [[BadassNormal non-magical ones]] pack a serious punch. The [[LightNovel/{{Toradora}} palmtop tiger]] is '''not''' to be messed with.
** And after he [[TookALevelInBadass gets his act together]], Yuuji.
* Subverted a bit with the main character of ''[[DotHackSign .hack//SIGN]]''. He's acting all tough and capable of holding things on his own [[spoiler:in the game world, where in the real world [[WholesomeCrossdresser she]]'s in a coma, and [[AbusiveParents her dad]] [[OffingTheOffspring tries to pull the plug on her]].]]
* The main cast of ''Manga/MagicKnightRayearth'' are cute girls who are gutsy and powerful. Hikaru is definitely this.
* Son Gohan from ''DragonBallZ'' can ''[[CurbStompBattle trash]]'' world destroying super-powered psychopaths.
** Same thing goes to young Trunks and Son Goten during the Buu saga. Especially when they fuse.
** And Son Goku, even in his adult self, is an endearingly innocent and kindhearted boy... who has saved the world so many times that he has "lost count" (to be fair, he ''did'' have [[IdiotHero trouble counting past eleven]] due to brain damage suffered as a baby).
** It's been noted on the Characters/DragonBall page that BadassAdorable must be InTheBlood: not only Goku and his sons, but his wife Chi-Chi, daughter-in-law Videl and granddaughter Pan are all {{Tsundere}} [[CuteBruiser Cute Bruisers]], too.
* Negi Springfield from ''MahouSenseiNegima'', especially in the later chapters of the manga.
** Kotaro Inugami counts too. Heck, most of the characters fall into this trope.
** ''[[spoiler:Even the current BigBad.]]''
** Also [[RobotGirl Chachamaru]], and [[spoiler: especially her artifact, a KillSat capable of taking out an EldritchAbomination...and looks [[http://www.mangafox.com/manga/mahou_sensei_negima/v31/c281/15.html like this]].]]
** How can you not mention [[ShrinkingViolet Miyazaki Nodoka]]? She interrupts a fight between Negi and the BigBad just to gather intelligence and mind-reads and taunts the BiggerBad. And afterwards goes back to being her humble {{Moe}} self.
** Though she would threaten to kill you for calling her that Evangeline could count as well, as she's a 700 year old evil vampire mage... in a body not older than 10, though [[NobleDemon she's not as evil as she insists she is]]. [[OneManArmy Definitely]] [[PersonOfMassDestruction badass]], and has her adorable moments.
* Spirit from ''Manga/SoulEater''. A rare PapaWolf example.
** Maka could be considered as a subversion of this trope. She doesn't display many {{moe}} tendencies, but she ''can'' qualify as [[CuteBruiser being cute]], and DEFINITELY qualifies as BadAss.
** Thunder and Fire, by far the youngest Weapons (five? If that?) but [[ShockAndAwe very]] [[PlayingWithFire effective]] when they and their HotBlooded meister Kirikou fight.
* They turn up in the [[KeyVisualArts Key]][[KyotoAnimation Ani]] adaptations, of all places.
** [[EmotionlessGirl Mai Kawasumi]] from ''{{Kanon}}'': even if the demons she fights every night are [[spoiler:emanations of her own powers resulting from her reluctance to embrace them]], you have to admit she's pretty [[ActionGirl handy with a sword]].
** Tomoyo Sakagami from ''VisualNovel/{{Clannad}}''. Just ask the local biker gangs. Or [[ButtMonkey Sunohara]]. From the same series, Kyou Fujibayashi also qualifies as this.
* Yamamaya, the cute little ''iriomote'' cat from ''Manga/AzumangaDaioh''. [[spoiler:His reappearance]] is both a CrowningMomentOfAwesome and a CrowningMomentOfHeartwarming.
** Hey, [[ShrinkingViolet Sakaki]] counts! Some of the amazing stuff she pulls off would not be out of place in any action series.
* Hungary from ''Manga/AxisPowersHetalia''. Ex-CuteBruiser {{Bokukko}}. Gentle {{meido}} and ParentalSubstitute to North Italy. Diehard YaoiFangirl. VERY capable and fearless ViolentlyProtectiveGirlfriend.
** Strips!Finland and Anime!China also count.
** [[TheDitz Ame]][[LoveFreak rica]] had SuperStrength even when he was a kid, though he seems to use it more for throwing buffalo/dragging vehicles around/ripping windows off their sills than beating people up. Still badass and adorable.
** The young Italy once took down Turkey. It was a onetime thing but it proved he can be {{badass}} when he wants to be.
** Russia is pretty {{badass}} and scary and has tons of fangirls in RealLife that think he's the most adorable thing ever.
** [[http://community.livejournal.com/hetalia/9831725.html#cutid1 Sealand has officially reached Badass Adorable status in the 2010 Christmas Special.]]
** Let's just admit it: ''everyone'' in APH is both [[MoeMoe adorable]] and [[WorldOfBadass badass]].
* Allen from ''DGrayMan'': exceedingly adorable. But, since he's a {{shonen}} protagonist, he's also made of BadAss. Anyone who can shout the name of his Innocence ([[spoiler:Crown Clown]]) without looking like a total idiot automatically qualifies.
** As [[CreepyChild creepy]] as she is, Road also counts.
** And Lenalee.
* Tony Tony Chopper of ''Manga/OnePiece.'' An adorable little reindeer kid, who nonetheless can turn into a muscular fighter and be quite {{badass}} when the situation requires it. And that's not even going into his monstrous DeadlyUpgrade.
** Luffy and Nami also qualify: they're usually cute, but [[BerserkButton God help you if you f*ck with them, their crew, or their friends.]].
* ''Manga/{{Bleach}}'' has [[spoiler:Nel Tu, at least in her adult form. She manages to take down an opponent stronger than Grimmjow, or at least had him one strike from death before her power gave out and she reverted to her child form.]] Also doubles as a CrouchingMoronHiddenBadAss.
** Also, Rukia. [[PintsizedPowerhouse Short]], flat chested and skinny, with pixieish features and big eyes even by anime standards, loves bunnies, can't draw but insists on doing so anyway, has a DarkAndTroubledPast, and kicks ass. Well, most of the time.
** Ururu Tsumugiya, a cute young girl who assists Urahara. She appears meek, but can pack a super-power punch. Ururu is short, shy, clumsy at times, and sad-eyed... and can kick an Arrancar's ass with ease. And that's before she pulls out the rocket launcher.
** Retsu Unohana. She's the extremely gentle, ladylike, and motherly captain of the 4th Squad. Despite her calm and motherly outlook, Unohana happens to be one of the oldest Captains in the Gotei 13 and has been around presumably since the beginning of the formation of the Gotei 13, and has led her squad ever since. Not only that, she hides an extremely scary BattleAura that makes even the most {{Badass}} Shinigami go weak in the knees when imagining her wrath. This is even more evident whenever other squads start bullying her squad, whereas a slight glare is enough to send the bullies pissing their pants.
** Hardly your usual example, but [[TeamDad Ukitake]] is [[NiceGuy rather]] [[BunnyEarsLawyer sweet]] and like Unohana is one of the [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority older captains]]. When he teams up with Kyoraku to fight Starrk that mild-mannered niceness suddenly looks a lot less harmless; "Did that guy just fire a cero?"
** Also, Hiyori. She appears as a tomboyish, cute little girl, with a rather violent temper, and she isn't afraid to make this violent temper known to her enemies.
** And her companion Mashiro, a GeniusDitz who dresses up as a Kamen Rider {{fangirl}} and can kick just as much as the original does. She literally does kick ass, "RIDER KICK!"
** Yachiru. She's small, cute, gives nicknames to everyone, and rides around on the shoulder of everyone's favourite {{badass}}, "Kenny." She's also the lieutenant of the combat based squad 11 for good reason, and the only reason she never gets to show off is because she likes letting Kenpachi enjoy his fights. In fact, it's been hinted that she's actually stronger than him. Also, she has pink hair.
** One of the very rare villainous examples is Bambietta Basterbine, a membress of the [[spoiler: Vandereich]]. Because a [[LongHairIsFeminine long-haired]] girl with a CommissarCap and a heart-shaped belt-brooch can't just be on the villains's side, can she? '''[[OhCrap Oh sh*t--]]''', [[DarkActionGirl How many enemies]] [[BloodKnight did she]] [[CurbStompBattle take down at once?!]] [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking And did she just call]] [[spoiler: Komamura]] [[IShallTauntYou "a doggie dog]]?!
* [[MichikoToHatchin Hatchin]] is a pretty good example. While she can often be overshadowed by Michiko in terms of badassness, Hatchin is nothing to sneeze at.
* Nearly everybody from the female cast of ''NagasareteAirantou''. Especially [[{{Miko}} Machi]].
* [[LegendOfTheGalacticHeroes Julian Mintz]]: starts the series as a little-boy {{Bishonen}}, end it as a [[WhiteHairedPrettyBoy blond haired pretty boy]]. You would never suspect the things he can do [[AxCrazy with an axe]], ESPECIALLY if you push his berserk button (like [[spoiler:killing seven guys passing by in fourteen seconds]], scary...)
* ''Anime/YuGiOhGX'':
** Marufuji Shou. Short, cute, adorable beyond words. Juudai's the hero, but Shou is ''badass''. And he does it all wearing glasses, too.
** While we're on the subject, how about [[Anime/YuGiOh Yugi Mutou]] himself? Not only is he short and incredibly adorable, he's [[WebVideo/YuGiOhTheAbridgedSeries super special awesome]] enough at Duel Monsters to [[spoiler:defeat his super sexy ancient Egyptian alter ego]]. To top it off, he's voiced by [[DanGreen DAN GREEN]].
* Tachikomas in ''Anime/GhostInTheShellStandAloneComplex''. It's pretty impressive to make a spider tank adorable.
* ''KenichiTheMightiestDisciple''.
** Thanks to Nijima's persistent rumor-mongering, [[ShroudedInMyth most of the school is thoroughly convinced that Kenichi's some sort of human vortex of destruction and badassery]]. [[CharlesAtlasSuperpower While he can live up to quite a few of the claims]] (except for the one about him [[OneHitKO OHKO]]-ing a bear. [[EverythingsWorseWithBears The Godless Killing Machines are still very excellent at f*cking his sh*t up]]), people that meet him are surprised to find that he's usually more like [[http://www.mangafox.com/manga/history_s_strongest_disciple_kenichi/v03/c019/22.html this]].
** Then there's Chikage Kushinada, age 10 and [[WeakButSkilled fully capable of standing alongside the teenage fighters]]. Her nature as a CreepyChild makes the occasional slips into "Child Mode" as her [[CharacterDevelopment character develops]] all the cuter.
* Ciel from ''Manga/BlackButler''. Like a regular [[TheChessmaster chess master]] he uses this to his advantage. He could get away with murder with a face like that. And he does. Repeatedly.
** Finny looks sweet and innocent, even when tearing trees up by their roots and hurling hunks of stone.
** Also Mey-Rin. An {{Adorkable}} {{Meganekko}} [[spoiler: who can snipe you from miles away when [[TheGlassesComeOff her glasses come off]] ]]
** As of chapter 57, it seems [[DamselinDistress Elizabeth]] is one too. [[spoiler:She desperately wanted for her [[ChildhoodMarriagePromise fiancé]] Ciel to not see her "uncute" side, so she [[DeliberatelyDistressedDamsel deliberately hid]] her [[LittleMissBadass badass]] side. Right up until when Ciel despite his best efforts ends up injured and unable to save her [[DistressedDude in danger himself]], then Elizabeth leaps into the air and [[WaifFu takes down the zombies]] with [[DualWielding swords in both hands]] while tearfully declaring that she'll protect him. She fights, still in her adorable dress with a cute but deadly expression across her face.]]
* Mariko from ''ElfenLied''. She pulls off both terrifying and adorable.
** And Lucy? Her Nyu persona is the epitome of cuteness but she can also be adorable herself, for a murderous {{Yandere}}.
* [[http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/238/767631-rena_large.jpg Rena]] from ''HigurashiNoNakuKoroNi''. She's the Cute [[SeriesMascot Mascot]] and can be either downright [[MoodSwinger scary]] in [[ImTakingHerHomeWithMe more]] [[GirlWithPsychoWeapon ways]] than one, or a [[ObfuscatingStupidity very smart]] ally.
** Shion also counts. She's adorable for a seventeen year old, and can be pretty awesome([[KnightTemplarBigSister and]] [[{{Yandere}} scary]]). [[spoiler:Rika also counts when she becomes a {{determinator}}.]]
** The adorable [[TheWoobie Woobie-riffic]] Satoko. While she may not seem {{badass}} at first there's no denying the awesomeness in her finally calling her abusive uncle out and yelling at him to "GET OUT!" despite being beaten while doing so. And in Meakashi-hen, she absolutely ''refuses'' to cry as [[spoiler:Shion]] tortures her to death, claiming that she's realized how much of a burden she was on Satoshi and not wanting to be TheLoad anymore.
** Keiichi. He's a Hot Blooded {{Bishonen}} who can be adorable and hilarious at times and at various points demonstrates epic displays of [[{{Badass}} GAR-ness]].
* Hunny-sempai from ''OuranHighSchoolHostClub'': while adorable, small, blonde, and cake loving, Hunny-sempai is also an expert martial artist and was able to single handedly take out 7 professionally trained and armed men in 15 seconds flat without so much as breaking a sweat. To top it all off, he scolds the by wagging his finger at them and saying that "hurting my friends is a no-no".
** He also beat the crap out of 2 platoons of green berets after one of them woke him up from a nap. Hunny-sempai is not a morning person...
** Also, after beating the crap out of his dad (who was supposedly the strongest martial artist of their family), the Japanese Secretary of Defense, who was the referee, begged Hunny-sempai not to fight in public ever again, lest other countries think Japan was training a WMD...
* ''MiraiNikki'''s Gasai Yuno. Beautiful, adorably {{Moe}}, [[{{Yandere}} extremely in love]] with Yukiteru, [[DarkActionGirl is incredibly skilled in combat]], knows her way [[KnifeNut around a knife]], and is a terrifying [[AxCrazy psychopath]].
** Also Yukiteru. Following his [[TookALevelInBadass taking a level in badass]].
** Akise Aru. Much like Yukiteru he's very cute. He's also undeniably {{badass}}. There's no doubt about his badass status when in chapter 51 [[spoiler: despite having just been stabbed by Yuno and sliced across the throat, Akise Aru gets back up out of sheer determination and texts an important message to Yukiteru even though Yuno ends up cutting off his head completely]]. Badass to the end.
* Sweet, innocent, adorable little Astro of ''Manga/AstroBoy'' fame is one of the cutest things on the planet - and equipped with mountain-levelling strength ''before'' you get into his absurd amount of onboard weaponry. Actually, Astro might be said to have ''created'' this trope.
** In the [[WesternAnimation/AstroBoy 2009 film]], he [[spoiler:defeats a colosseum's worth of robots made to kill other robots and is merely out of breath]]; in the final showdown, he [[spoiler:''flips Peacekeeper over his head'' after it's absorbed the military and half of Metro City, and is then able to slow the city's fall after the generators blow out]].
* Guchuko from ''{{Potemayo}}''. Looks like a plushie, has the personality of a stray cat, carries a scythe, and can shoot laser beams at anyone who annoys her.
** To be clear, the lasers are shot from what appear to be ''[[HairDecorations living hair ornaments]].''
* ''{{Utawarerumono}}'''s Aruru takes out a small group of soldiers using a tiger! (Granted, the tiger isn't part of her physically, but it might as well be) Did I mention that she is cute enough [[spoiler:''that the BigBad (at least, part of him) brings her back to life twice!]]
* [[TrueNeutral Kino]] from ''KinoNoTabi''. Seriously, just [[http://i47.tinypic.com/2dc8gv5.jpg look at that adorable face!]] But if you endanger her life, [[CombatPragmatist she will shoot you through the head at point-blank range]] or [[BewareTheNiceOnes drive a knife right through your heart]]...[[ItGetsEasier without ]] ''[[TheStoic any ]]'' [[TheStoic hesitation.]]
* As a [[ShrinkingViolet timid]], doe-eyed [[TheMessiah messiah]], ''LightNovel/{{Baccano}}'''s Jacuzzi is about as {{Moe}} as you can possibly make a man without [[{{Shotacon}} without turning him into Shotabait]]. He's ''also'' prone to crazy feats of [[{{Badass}} badassery]] like taking out eighteen mafia-owned speakeasies in a single night or going one-on-one with a crazy, flamethrower-wielding cult leader.
* When his [[TagalongKid young age and relative immaturity don't put him at a disadvantage]], Jinpei "The Swallow" from ''Anime/ScienceNinjaTeamGatchaman'' can pack just as big a punch as his older teammates.
* Five year-old Ryouta Ninomiya, from ''LittleHouseWithAnOrangeRoof'' when he challenges a train otaku to a trivia contest to make him apologize to his step-sister. A CrowningMomentOfAwesome for Ryota, as he actually ''wins'' the contest, and all the while you can't help but find [[http://www.mangafox.com/manga/orange_yane_no_chiisana_ie/v07/c055/19.html his determined face]] adorable.
* Gon from ''HunterXHunter''. Also Killua.
** To clarify: Gon is very much a {{Bishonen}} FriendToAllLivingThings CheerfulChild. His first shown action is ripping a fish that's about five times his mass out of the water by main force and then carrying it back to town over his head. At a dead run. Some time later, he proceeds to ''break'' the ''arm'' of a superhuman assassin... by grabbing his wrist. With one hand. Why only one hand? It was courtesy of his ''other'' hand being inoperative because Gon got his arm broken the day before after an absolutely brutal {{Determinator}} sequence where it was shown why twelve-year-old boys rarely win fights with top-flight adult ninja.
** Killua, on the other hand... is also a kid-{{Bishonen}}. In his case, though, he knows it, and has more-or-less weaponized it... so that he can get closer to his targets, as he's been trained as one of the world's deadliest assassins pretty much since he could walk. And given that this is a world where TrainingFromHell and {{Charles Atlas Superpower}}s actually ''work''... yeah.
* Seras Victoria from ''Manga/{{Hellsing}}''. She's very much a {{Moe}} [[TheWoobie Woobie]], but swings around a ''massive'' {{BFG}}, and [[spoiler:after she drinks Bernadotte's blood she becomes the second strongest vampire]]. Her absolutely ''epic'' [[CurbStompBattle Curb Stomp]]ing of Zorin Blitz, shortly after Zorin {{Mind Rape}}d and mutilated her, and killed Bernadotte deserves mention.
* Chrono from ''ChronoCrusade'' appears to be a sweet, polite 12-year-old boy. He's [[SleepModeSize actually]] a decades-old demon with enough power to level a city if he wants to.
** [[BadassNormal Rosette]] [[GenkiGirl too.]] A 16-year-old HotBlooded PluckyGirl who won't stop until she finds her brother. [[spoiler: Despite [[YourDaysAreNumbered what life she has yet.]]]]
* Nina Liebert from ''Anime/{{Monster}}'' is a deconstruction. She's a beautiful and kind-hearted [[TheWoobie Woobie]] who undergoes a BreakTheCutie process repeatedly and yet she goes from being an ever-so-wholesome law student to a worldly, hooker-impersonating, gangster-frightening gunslinger in about one volume, and mostly through her own efforts. However, despite having the skills and the adorable looks, we see that the poor woman has borne a MASSIVE TraumaCongaLine ever since she was a little girl, so her mental fortitude simply can't keep up and at some point [[spoiler: she has to be talked out of committing suicide when she realizes how utterly horrible her life has truly been.]] Just being Badass And Adorable will NOT cut it.
* The eponymous ''SailorMoon''. And Chibi-Usa. And Ami. And Chibi Chibi. In fact, most of the girls in the series count.
* Teito Klein from ''ZeroSevenGhost''.
* Yuki Sohma of ''FruitsBasket''. Incredibly {{Bishonen}}, polite and a real sweetheart, turns into an adorable rat when hugged by the opposite sex, and he's also capable of beating the crap out of his cousin Kyou whenever they have one of their duels.
** Let's not forget Kagura Sohma. She's adorably {{Moe}} and is incredibly capable of beating the crap out of Kyou. [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N68TUoVftBw Check it out here]].
** Kyou himself probably qualifies, especially early in the series before all the boys have a rather impressive growth spurt. TroubledButCute, turns into a cute cat when hugged by the opposite sex... and despite being the [[ButtMonkey family punching bag]], Kyou is a formidable martial artist in his own right, and has done enough damage to Shigure's house to prove it. His first entrance consists of smashing his way down through a roof to challenge Yuki to a fight.
* Tabitha from ''LightNovel/ZeroNoTsukaima''. She is a powerful wind mage, can be adorably {{Moe}}, and is very much a [[TheWoobie Woobie]]. Louise too.
* Minoru of ''Manga/KarateShoukoushiKohinataMinoru'' is an adorable pretty boy who is a fast runner (from being on the gymnastics team) and becomes very skilled at karate.
* Yuuri and Wolfram from ''LightNovel/KyoKaraMaoh''.
* Celty of ''{{Durarara}}''. A SinisterScythe-wielding HeadlessHorseman of a BadassBiker... who wears adorable [[color:pink:pink]] pajamas, likes to talk online, and is afraid of space aliens. Her helmet also has kitty-cat ears on it!
** Also, Mikado, the shy, gentle OrdinaryHighSchoolStudent who's new to the city. He also [[spoiler: has managed to more or less weaponize Anonymous by being the leader of a massive organized gang called the Dollars that he directs via cellphone texts and chatrooms]].
* Alice of ''PandoraHearts''. She appears as an adorable hot-headed little girl. She is actually the infamous B-Rabbit (Bloodstained Black Rabbit), the strongest chain in the Abyss.
** Oz is also this, when [[spoiler:using Alice's power on his own, even when still under seal.]] [[spoiler:Then, it turns out that HE is B-Rabbit in Jack's body and his powers bound to Alice's soul.]]
** [[TokenMiniMoe Lily]] is one of the Baskervilles. She looks right about ten.
* L from ''Manga/DeathNote''. He's a BadassBookworm and the greatest detective in the ''Manga/DeathNote'' world. He also has a large amount of {{fangirl}}s who all agree that he's rather adorable, and he has bizarre child-like mannerisms.
** Apparently [[AntiHero L]] was meant to be anti-MrFanservice, or at least much uglier than Light. GenericCuteness or no, they failed miserably.
** For the guys, there's Misa Amane. She's a tiny, blonde, cheery, squeaky-voiced GeniusDitz who looks 16 (and is actually 19), but is easily one of the craziest characters ([[JerkAssWoobie yet also pitiable]]) in the series, and kills innocent people without remorse... in the name of [[{{Yandere}} the man she loves]]. While wearing PerkyGoth or ElegantGothicLolita attires and acting like a DumbBlonde.
** Also, Near. More maternal members of the audience may want to hug him even as he manipulates everyone around him.
** [[CuteAndPsycho Light Yagami]] himself has his moments of badass adorable, especially when he's younger. In some of the artwork, he looks like a Disney character while [[NightmareFuel contemplating murder]]. Special mention, however, goes to [[spoiler: the time when he loses his memory and reverts to his original good personality; some of those scenes portray him as absolutely huggable.]]
** Teru Mikami deserves mention, as a child. Going up against vicious bullies despite getting beaten up again and again, all in the defense of a fellow classmate? Badass.
* Momo from ''PeachGirl''. She's pretty and has huge eyes. Really, she's a really sweet girl so long as you don't rouse her temper. If you do happen to piss her off...you may very well get a foot to the face, a headbutt, or a [[GroinAttack knee to the groin]] for your trouble. Her crowning moment came when she single-handedly beat up a huge guy who was [[AttemptedRape trying to rape]] Sae. Other than that she's just a misunderstood girl trying to find true love.
* [[{{Tsundere}} Akane]] of ''[[RanmaOneHalf Ranma 1/2]]''. Some would say [[GenderBender girl]] [[JerkwithaHeartofGold Ranma]] fits here too.
** [[JerkwithaHeartofGold Ranma's]] real form is a bit too much of the independent loner to really qualify, much like Shampoo's implied willingness to rip off somebody's head and spit down their neck if ticked off disqualifies her, despite both of them being quite attractive and very much BadAss. Ryoga Hibiki might fit as a male example, though, given his [[JerkassWoobie readily pitiable]] nature, good looks, romantic notions, [[BalefulPolymorph turning into a cute little piggy]], and the fact he can [[SuperStrength break steel bars like dried spaghetti]] and [[NighInvulnerable take a sledgehammer to the head and not feel it]].
* ''LightNovel/FullMetalPanic'':
** Kaname
** Tessa as well. She's freaking made of {{moe}}, but she's managed to outwit and pwn [[AxCrazy GAURON]], of all people!
** Sousuke, in his Bonta-kun mecha.
* Hansel and Gretel from ''BlackLagoon'' manage to fulfill the almost impossible task of mixing BadassAdorable with CreepyTwins and AxCrazy. They use their cuteness to throw people off guard before attacking.
* Angel of ''Anime/AngelBeats''. Also Shiina.
* ''{{Kaiji}}'' grows from a shrimp into a [[{{Badass}} pretty competent fighter]] who acknowledges his weaknesses. Some will argue that the whole point of this series is to see Kaiji lose tremendously, get back up in an inspiring and heart-winning manner...then lose even more tremendously. In the end, you just want to give him a hug or buy him some drinks after all that's happened to him [[spoiler: (losing scads of money, betrayal and bullying, maiming, losing his comrades, being forced into slave labor, being harassed by a girl he doesn't like...the list goes on).]] Many, fangirls and fanboys alike, will argue that Kaiji is indeed "moe", or [=moeGAR=].
* Kagura of ''Manga/{{Gintama}}''. Her quirky, childish tendencies are all so endearing, but she can hold her own against an entire army if need be.
* Ultimo from ''KarakuridoujiUltimo''. Rune as well.
** That is, before Rune becomes an AxCrazy, Depravedhom*osexual that went to TheDarkSide...
** There's also [[BandageBabe Mizho]], [[CreepyChild Hana]], [[DudeLooksLikeALady Service]], [[CheerfulChild Sophia]], and [[CuteBruiser Oume Hibari.]] An adult example would be [[EvilTeacher Miyoshi Sumako]].
* Simon of ''TengenToppaGurrenLagann'', who takes the level of cuteness possible for a BadassAdorable to rather impressive heights. He's basically an endearing and initially-timid cutie who also happens to be one of the strongest, if not the strongest, Spiral warrior in the cosmos (his BigBrotherMentor Kamina initially exceeded him merely due to his charisma and courage). Later in life, after progressing to {{Bishonen}} he manages to [[spoiler: summon a mecha the size of a galaxy and save the sentient races of the universe from extinction at the hands of a sociopathic despot]]. Even then, he still retains his optimistic and endearing personality. Manly{{moe}}, literally, doesn't begin to cover it.
** There's also [[spoiler:post-TimeSkip Nia.]]
** TeamPet Boota also grows into this a bit later on.
* The MainCharacter from ''KimbaTheWhiteLion'' is also a tough fighter complete with an [[TheBeastMaster army of beasts ready to defend his jungle]].
* The titular ''{{Naruto}}'' according to his fangirls.
** [[PluckyGirl Hinata]] as well.
* Clan Clang in ''MacrossFrontier'': [[{{Moe}} Adorable]] when micronized, BadAss when macronized.
* Moogle Kupo in ''Anime/FinalFantasyUnlimited''.
** Poor cute Kumo may be adorable, but he kicks so much ass that he [[spoiler:can break into [[LaResistance the Comodeen]]'s ElaborateUndergroundBase using only a twig he picked up from outside and his breath of Mist.]]
* Any of the Frogs on ''KeroroGunsou'', but Tamama especially. He prides himself on appearing cute and innocent, when he's got the power to level buildings if he so wishes.
* {{Gon}} from the manga of same name, [[NamesTheSame not the character already listed above]].
* ''LightNovel/KyoKaraMaoh'' has [[ThePollyanna Shi]][[IdiotHero buya]] [[StupidGood Yuu]][[LoveFreak ri]], who sometimes becomes a PersonOfMassDestruction if his loved ones or [[RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething country]] are threatened.
* Packy & Botasky of ''Catsh*tOne''. These are bunnies... ''that are in the special forces'', and they do kick ass and take names.
* The titular ''SteelAngelKurumi''. Not to mention Saki and Karinka.
* Ricotta and Genoise from ''DogDays''.
* Mio from ''{{Nichijou}}''; when she's pissed bad things happen.
* Aoi Futaba from ''LightNovel/AsobiNiIkuYo''.
* Shion from ''{{No6}}'', the {{Adorkable}} NiceGuy {{Bishonen}} with big eyes and a huge heart. However, [[BewareTheNiceOnes get him pissed off enough]], usually by messing with Nezumi, and [[{{Yandere}} take cover]].
* Sodom and Yuki from ''UragiriWaBokuNoNamaeWosh*tteiru''.
* [[LittleMissBadass Veronica]] from FrankenFran.
* [[CreepyChild The Child]] from ''{{Berserk}}''. It's largely speculated that the once [[TheGrotesque misshapen fetus]] [[spoiler: that was Guts and Casca's tainted child caused by Griffith's [[RapeAsDrama very heinous act]] during the Eclipse]] has been reborn into the very cute and silent little boy that Casca found on the beach. And if the implications '''are''' correct, the little boy is still doing what he was doing when he was not-so-cute: warding off evil spirits that try to harm Casca. But the true badass part comes when [[spoiler: Guts is overpowered by [[EnemyWithin the Beast]], who constantly tries to goad him into killing Casca and all of his friends so he can get back to hunting Griffith. But whenever the Child is nearby, the Beast is always thwarted when the the boy manifests as a body of light within Guts' psyche and brings him back to the light by reminding him [[ThePowerOfLove of his love]] [[MoralityChain for Casca]].]].
** Guts was pretty cute as a ChildSoldier himself, and he could hold his own ground on the battlefield.
* [[spoiler: Momoka Oginome]] in ''Anime/MawaruPenguindrum''. A young girl no older than 10 who is capable of [[spoiler: rewriting reality via writing spells in her Destiny Diary [[CastFromHitPoints at great risk to herself]]]], and who had done a LOT to save two other children who ''badly'' needed her help.
* No mention of ''{{Unico}}'' yet? An adorable baby unicorn who has the power to bring happiness to whoever he befriends but is still able to fight against enemies and is capable of growing to a giant adult sized winged unicorn as necessary? For shame! Bonus points since, like Astro Boy and Kimba, he was created by Osamu Tezuka.
* {{Kirby}}, of course, in the anime Hoshi no Kaabii.
** And Knuckle Joe.
** Fumu, too. She's the cute little Cappy girl who cares for Kirby and usually tries to end conflicts without employing violence. But in the second Dedede Elementary School episode, she [[TookALevelInBadass takes a level in badass]] and singlehandedly beats up large armed thugs ''without even touching them''.
** Silica, from the Sacred Sword Galaxia episode, fits this trope too.
* From ''TenchiMuyo'', we have Sasami. Adorable, pre-teen princess, darn good cook, most down-to-earth member of the entire cast that wasn't actually born on said planet. And depending on the series: has a hairband that turns into a staff for serious WaifFu action, can use [[BarrierWarrior Juraian magic]] on par with anyone else, can summon a ''mini-mecha'' battle suit, oh and she just happens to be [[spoiler:the incarnation/host of one of the three [[RealityWarper 8th-dimensional goddesses]] that pretty much created the universe as we know it, as little more than a science experiment]].
* In ''Manga/TheWorldGodOnlyKnows'' Haqua goes from [[http://www.mangafox.com/manga/the_world_god_only_knows/v18/c176/12.html a menacing badass]] to [[http://www.mangafox.com/manga/the_world_god_only_knows/v18/c176/13.html an apologetic, adorable girl]] in a single page. Her [[{{Tsundere}} dere]] is showing.
* It's quite hard to remember that Akira from ''AiOreLoveMe'' is a badass when he's so small and cute EvenTheGuysWantHim.
* The casts of ''Franchise/BlackRockShooter'' are so adorable in a way that ElegantGothicLolita are darkly adorable, but with added {{Badass}}ery. Especially the eponymous character, who has StoicWoobie charm on her.
* The titular ''RevolutionaryGirlUtena'' and though she may not seem like it at first, [[spoiler: Anthy]].
* ''TrinityBlood'' gives us [[KingIncognito Seth]]. Looks to all the world like a cute teenage girl. If you [[HeroicRROD somehow]] manage to hurt [[PersonOfMassDestruction her big brother]], [[MakeMeWannaShout kiss your ass goodbye.]]
* The Anarchy and Demon sisters in ''Anime/PantyAndStockingWithGarterbelt'', especially [[ElegantGothicLolita Stocking]].
* ''NogizakaHarukaNoHimitsu'': Nogizaka Haruka rarely shows the badass part of the trope but the first time Ayase Yuto saw her doing it was enough to make him understand he must never make her angry. And that's because her anger was directed at a boy trying to take her from him.
** Some of her maids might count as well.
** And her mother.
* Polly from ''Anime/SamuraiPizzaCats''.
* Naoya from ''Lotte no Omocha''. He's shown to be able to effortlessly throw Sigurd -- a WarriorPrince with a lifetime of military training -- aside using the momentum of [[UseYourHead his flying headbutt]], implying skill in either Aikido or Judo. This is further justified by a photo of him that Lotte happened upon in his album, of him in a ''gi'' (Japanese Martial Arts Uniform) with a green belt, but four steps away from a '''black''' belt, as a child.
* Gerda, from the animated adaptation of ''Literature/TheSnowQueen''. She is a 11-years old Danish GenkiGirl that can take on boys much bigger than her (she apologizes, though), she is the one that persuades the others to go to a forest nobody went before and, when her best friend is taken by The Snow Queen, she goes in a journey to find him, alone, and the stunts she can pull in the journey, few people can.
* [[CuteBruiser Mizuki Himeji]] from ''[[LightNovel/BakaToTestToShoukanjuu Baka and Test]]''. She is one of the [[{{Moe}} cutest]] and [[NiceGirl most kindhearted]] characters of the main cast. However, she's also very intelligent [[AlmightyJanitor despite being pigeonholed into Class F]] AND very competent. TO demostrate this, the first episode involves her regenerating her summoner avatar by taking a sh*tload of tests and then immediately rushing to save [[ClassRepresentative Yuuji Sakamoto]] when he got cornered by Class E and [[BigDamnHeroes wiped the entire class E out]].
** [[IdiotHero Akihisa Yoshii]] can quality, providing if he [[TooDumbToLive doesn't keep up with completely stupid to live moments]]
* There's usually one in every incarnation of the ''PrettyCure'' series: Hikari/Shiny Luminous of ''FutariWaPrettyCureMaxHeart'', Urara/Cure Lemonade of ''YesPrettyCure5'', Tsubomi/Cure Blossom of ''HeartcatchPrettyCure'', Ako/Cure Muse of ''SuitePrettyCure'' and Yayoi/Cure Peace of ''SmilePrettyCure''.
** Hell, every Pretty Cure counts as this! These girls hand out beatdowns(sometimes even ''literal'' heart-beatdowns) like they're freaking candy and look insanely cute doing so.
* Niko from ''LightNovel/AccelWorld'', an insanely cute little kid who loves videogames and making cookies, who turns out to be [[spoiler: the Red King's successor]], is really [[{{fiery red head}} hotblooded]], [[{{Little miss snarker}} sarcastic]], manipulative, and border line psychotic, who has control over a giant battle fortress that she wears as armor, making her capable of taking out entire armies of burst linkers ''without moving a single inch''. And God forbid if you mess with ''anyone'' in her legion...
* Musubi from ''{{Sekirei}}'' is gorgeous, [[GenkiGirl energenic]], almost always smiling, hops in place with glee at the thought of meeting a strong opponent, and can punch through buildings like they're made of paper.
* [[WhiteHairedPrettyGirl Sen Yarizui]], aka [[NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast the Ice Witch]], from Ben-To is easily one of the best fighters in the series.
* In The {{Doraemon}}s Special series, all of the robot cats can count. Especially Wangdora and Dora-the-Kid.
* While the "badass" part is something in the own heads, Rikka and Sanae from ''LightNovel/ChuunibyouDemoKoiGash*tai'' could still count, as they both fit firmly into the "adorable" part.
* The [[Mahjong]] anime ''{{Saki}}'' has three examples. Saki herself easily qualifies giving her [[ShrinkingViolet shy and quiet personality]] as well as her [[TheWoobie woobie]] status. Koromo also definitely qualifies given her small and cute appearance. Nodoka could also qualify as well. All three of them are adorable and all three are plenty badass.

[[folder:Comic books]]
* ''SamAndMax'', especially Max. Max varies from being cute to psychotic at the drop of a hat. Sam is more reserved but can be aggressive if the time is right. And both can (and will) shoot people if they mess with them.
* Molly Hayes from ''Comicbook/{{Runaways}}''. A cute hat, a '''giant's''' strength. A group of Marvel staff ("The Secret Cabal") couldn't put her on their list of "Top Ten Teen Heroes" because she technically isn't a teenager yet, but they stuck her on the list anyway. The picture they put on the list for her CrowningMomentOfAwesome: Gut-punching ''the Punisher.'' She's eleven years old, goes by the moniker "Princess Powerful," thinks it's important that every burglar wear stockings during a crime (even if they do give her "waffle-face") and she's ''punching the Punisher.'' Yes, '''that''' Punisher. Molly, we are each and every one of us awesomed by you .
** It's worth noting that Molly felt terrible about the incident with [[BadassNormal the Punisher]] afterwards, since she had assumed the the Punisher had actual powers and could take the hit.This of course, only makes it more adorable.
** Molly did the exact same thing to Wolverine, only hard enough to send him flying about fifty yards.
* SquirrelGirl. Absurdly cute with the power to talk to squirrels... and has beaten the likes of Dr. Doom and Thanos.
* Piffany of ''Webcomic/{{Nodwick}}''. Cleric of fluffy sweetness who draws duckies and bunnies when the GambitPileup she's been diagramming gets too complicated, yet greater demons are TERRIFIED of her.
* Gully from ''BattleChasers''. Not yet nine and half, blonde, green eyed, utterly cute - and wields the Gloves of Aramas which give the wielder the strength of a thousand men. With them, she pwns a pack of werewolves (inadvertently beating one of them to death) and stops a demon at least ten times her size in its tracks long enough for her companion war golem to destroy the containment bracelet, sending it back to Hell permanently.
* The MouseGuard.
* Julie-Su from ''ComicBook/SonicTheHedgehog''. A fearless and cunning cyborg experienced in hand-to-hand combat and capable of [[WaifFu knocking down crocodiles twice her size]]. In addition to that, she’s one of the few good guys in the series who has no qualms about carrying a laser and using it. [[http://archiesonic.wikia.com/wiki/File:Juliesusecondthoughts.jpg She’s also absolutely adorable.]]
** Bunnie Rabbot/D'Coolette (basically a cute little rabbit with the addition cyborg limbs and super strength) may also apply.
* Lord Noriyuki in ''ComicBook/UsagiYojimbo''. He rarely has to fight personally (his soldiers do it for him, plus he's about 10-11 years old), but he's good at throwing knives.
* Galacta, the daughter of Galactus. An adorable {{Meganekko}} young woman who goes by "Galli" who happens to be the daughter of one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe -- and she is almost as powerful as him.
* PowerPack, especially the modern mangaesque version, has Energizer, a 6 girl who is the team's firepower and cute as a button.
* Miho from ''SinCity''. She's very small and cute but will decapitate you at the drop of a hat.
* [[{{Shazam}} Captain Marvel]] from DC Comics arguably counts. As someone who is really just an adorable kid (between 12 and 16 years old depending on the writer), and the epitome of 'nice guy' in the DCU (even moreso than Superman), he often comes off as a very sweet, kind hero who is easily flustered when women show interest in him or when he does things like befriending sick children at a hospital in Power of Hope. Despite that, he will take on any opposition, up to and including DC's version of Satan and TheSpectre (aka the Wrath of God), to save innocent lives. One story actually involved him getting an ancient possessive spirit to leave a woman, which he did simply by ''glaring'' at the spirit and telling it "Get out of her. NOW." Said spirit promptly did.
** For further proof of both sides of this trope, check out the Justice scene between the Big Red Cheese and the Big Blue Boy Scout in BigDamnHeroes.
* Bigby Wolf from ''Comicbook/{{Fables}}'' gets turned into a little girl during ''The Great Fables Crossover'' by [[spoiler: [[RealityWarper Kevin Thorn]]]]. Gary the Pathetic Fallacy would not shut up about how cute Bigby was. This royally pissed off Bigby, who sulked for a couple of issues before sneaking up on a group of enemies that had his friends pinned down and [[BewareTheCuteOnes slaughtering them literally bare-handed]]. This has the side-effect of breaking the spell on him and restoring him to his normal self.
* ''MiniMarvels'' turns ''the entire MarvelUniverse'' into this.
* Wolverine's daughter/clone {{X-23}}.
* Comicbook/{{Loki}} when he was reincarnated as [[FanNickname Kid!Loki]]. Preteen God of Mischief willing to take on TheDreaded Serpent to save his [[BigBrotherWorship older brother]] and the world too? ''Without'' the magical prowess and memories of his former self? Winning the hearts of Fangirls and the acclaim of Fanboys? Currently the star of one of Marvel's top books in under six issues? The kid does good work.
* ''{{Tintin}}''. A [[VagueAge youthful]], well-coiffed, baby-faced reporter who doesn't drink, talks to his pet dog, and upholds himself and the world to high moral standards. If you try to violate said standards in front of him, ''he will punch you through a wall.''

[[folder:Fan Fic]]
* If UglyCute counts, then Tug of ''Fanfic/CalvinAndHobbesTheSeries'' is this, given his extreme agility. To wit:
--> Tug hit the wall straight on, somehow rebounded into a tuck roll, let his back right paw touched the ground for one-eighth of a second, launched twenty feet from that one push, and managed to hit Hobbes at roughly seven thousand miles per hour.

[[folder:Film -- Live Action]]
* Gizmo in ''Gremlins2TheNewBatch'' becomes this after he grows too tired of the gremlins' abuse and decides to TakeALevelInBadass and start acting like Franchise/{{Rambo}}... that is, if Rambo was an adorable furry... thing.
* Already mentioned in the literature section, but (because it bears repeating) [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BT9KDJ9OJM Reepicheep]] from the ''TheChroniclesOfNarnia'' films. Modeled after ErrolFlynn and voiced by EddieIzzard, Reepicheep goes mouse-to-man several times... and wins! Even though he is as cute as Lucy says (he prefers "courageous, courteous, or chivalrous"), he's a force to be reckoned with. He even tried to take on an army of Telmarines by himself!
* In battle, Quorra of ''Film/TronLegacy'' knows how to kick ass with her kickboxing and dogfighting abilities. When she's not fighting however, she's naive and has a childlike-innocent view of the world.
* Chewbacca the GentleGiant from ''Franchise/StarWars''.
** The Ewoks as well.
** Ahem. Yoda?
** Anakin Skywalker in ''Film/ThePhantomMenace''. Born of the Immaculate Conception, incredibly sensitive to the Force, a mechanical genius on his spare time and one of the best podracer pilots in the galaxy, not to mention his instant mastery when it comes to pilot a Naboo royal starfighter, destroying the Trade Federation's mothership thus putting an end to the conflict on Naboo in the process. And he was only 9 years old.
** R2-D2.
* Leeloo from ''Film/TheFifthElement'': cute, innocent and perfectly capable of breaking every bone in your body without breaking a sweat.
* Steve Rogers of ''CaptainAmericaTheFirstAvenger'' is a sweet-tempered, well-mannered and kind-hearted boy-next-door who just ''happens'' to possess a body rebuilt to human perfection.
* MonicaKeena has played this character from time to time, like when she [[Film/FreddyVsJason decapitated Freddy Krueger with a machete]]. Ditto MaggieGyllenhaal, like when she [[Film/TheDarkKnight kneed The Joker in the balls]]. Oh, also, EllenPage, who totally pwned [[Film/XMen The Juggernaut]], [[MemeticMutation bitch]]!
* Hit-Girl, from the film and comic [[Film/KickAss Kick-Ass]], played by ChloeMoretz.
* Zen of ''Film/{{Chocolate}}''. Autistic WaifFu in action.
* Emily in ''TheFinal''.
* Kyle Reese (via AntonYelchin) in ''[[Film/{{Terminator}} Terminator: Salvation]]''. {{Moe}} with a shotgun. Also, his companion, [[LittleMissBadass Star]]: tiny, traumatized girl who knows how to crush a T-600 on Kyle's command? Nice.
* The [[KillerRabbit rabbit of Caerbannog]] from ''Film/MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail''.
-->'''Tim''': [[CassandraTruth That rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! He's a killer!]]
-->'''Robin''': [[TemptingFate What's he do, nibble your bum?]]
* Alisa Selezneva from ''GuestFromTheFuture'', played by NataliaGuseva.
* Maruti from ''TheReturnOfHanuman'' is adorable yet badass. [[BulletTime Once he avoided bullets Neo-style]]. You could see his badassery [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiICKd_1qxA here]].
* EmilyBrowning's character, Baby Doll, in ''SuckerPunch''.
* As is SaoirseRonan as the title character in ''{{Hanna}}'', although the apparent lack of eyebrows add a touch of UncannyValley...
* NoomiRapace as Lisbeth Salander in the ''MillenniumTrilogy''. [[NoHoldsBarredBeatdown Bikers, beware!]]
* In ''Film/JurassicPark'', the villain encounters some cute little dinosaurs, which turn out to be [[spoiler: the fearsome creatures mentioned at the start of the movie as some of the most vicious monsters in the park, but until then, never seen. After exhibiting some cute behaviour, acting like goofy, curious dogs, one refuses to fetch a stick, suddenly bursts out a spiked neck ruff and spits noxious poison into our villain's face. His buddies arrive and they gleefully finish him off.]]
* From ''MasterAndCommander'', [[PluckyMiddie Midshipman Blakeney.]] He's this utterly adorable curly-haired twelve-year-old, who... [[HandicappedBadass gets his right arm amputated]] ''but doesn't let it slow him down,'' becomes something of a "fighting naturalist," and leads a group of men more than twice his age into battle, thus helping secure a decisive victory over the ''HMS Surprise'''s archenemy, the ''Acheron.'' His inspiration is Lord Nelson, also missing an arm.
* Cynthia Rothrock in any one of her movies.

[[folder:Film -- Animated]]
* The eponymous character of ''WesternAnimation/{{Coraline}}''. A look that invokes BigBrotherInstinct? Check. Underfed? Check. Having more balls than most healthy adult males? Um... check.
* Emily from ''WesternAnimation/CorpseBride'' is pretty cute for an animated corpse and proves just how badass she is during the finale in the church against Barkis Bittern.
* Denzel from ''Anime/FinalFantasyVIIAdventChildren''. Case in point - "Son of a bitch!!!"
* Toothless from ''WesternAnimation/HowToTrainYourDragon'', capable of going from {{Badass}} to Adorable in the blink of an eye.
** It's all in the eyes. When he's happy to see you and wants to play, his pupils are HUGE, making him look adorable. [[BewareTheNiceOnes If he doesn't like you or if you present a danger to him or his rider, those pupils will narrow to vertical slits and will make you instantly regret becoming the target of his wrath.]]
* ''WesternAnimation/TheIncredibles'' has both [[FragileSpeedster Dash]] and [[GooGooGodlike Jack-Jack]], the Parrs' young boys, but [[{{Adorkable}} Violet]] also qualifies.
* Even though he's a ''50-foot-something robot'', the Giant from ''TheIronGiant'' is an endearing GentleGiant, with a childlike naivety about the world he's come to. [[RedEyesTakeWarning Just don't point]] [[WoobieDestroyerOfWorlds a weapon at him...]]
* ''WesternAnimation/KungFuPanda'' has at least a few of these. First there's the main protagonist, Po, who has badass kung-fu skills by the end of the first film. The adorable is, of course, the fact that he's a [[PandaingtotheAudience chubby Panda]]. There's also Master Shifu, who is a small red panda, but he can kick just about anyone's ass.
** Believe it or not, Viper is [[http://bit.ly/Io56dJ pretty cute]] too. Plus, she's voiced by Creator/LucyLiu.
* The titular ''Disney/{{Mulan}}''.
* Likewise, from Corpse Bride's spiritual ancestor, Jack Skellington and Sally from ''WesternAnimation/TheNightmareBeforeChristmas''. The former is one of the most adorable skeletons ever. He also is the scariest guy in town, and if you try to turn his friends into snake-and-spider stew, ''he will f*ck you up''. The latter is [[TheHeart a complete sweetheart]] and also had the guts to go into [[BigBad Oogie Boogie's]] lair by herself to save Santa.
* Then there is ''OliverAndCompany'', where Oliver himself is adorable, and is somewhat {{badass}} during his [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome CMOA]]s.
* In the ''WesternAnimation/{{Shrek}}'' movies Puss-in-Boots takes serious advantage of this, weaponizing PuppyDogEyes to catch opponents off guard.
** Also, Fiona.
** The spinoff ''WesternAnimation/puss*nBoots'' introduces another BadassAdorable cat character by the name of Kitty Softpaws, who is skilled and tough on a level fit to rival Puss himself.
* Rapunzel of ''Disney/{{Tangled}}''.
* Morph on ''Disney/TreasurePlanet''. Seems like a cute, little blob reminiscent of Ditto, right? Not only is he capable of transforming into any given person or object (still remains the same size when in normal form), but can utter very [[DeadpanSnarker snarky]] phrases like a parrot, and, when against AxCrazy Scroop, is able to put up a decent fight for several minutes. BadassAdorable, indeed.
* EVE from ''WesternAnimation/{{WALL-E}}''.
* Merida from ''Film/{{Brave}}''; capable of hitting multiple bulls-eyes ''on horseback'', and matching with her warrior king father in swordplay.
* ''WreckItRalph'': Three out of four main characters. (The fourth, Calhoun, is a regular {{Badass}}.)

* Lucy and Alexa from ''[[Literature/{{Dragons}} The Last Dragon Chronicles]]''. Bonus points for Lucy's LittleMissBadass and LittleMissSnarker and to Alexa's [[spoiler:GooGooGodlike]] tendencies.
* Huang Rong, from LegendOfTheCondorHeroes
* [[CloudCuckoolander Luna Lovegood]] in Literature/HarryPotter.
** Dobby. [[spoiler:He's saved [[TheHero Harry]]'s sorry ass quite a few times, disarmed/attacked several wizards, and says the most awesome line an elf could ever say: "Dobby has no master!!!" He even died like a {{Badass}}! Hit by a knife thrown by a crazy chick you just dropped a Chandelier on while apperating three other people out of the domain of Voldemort.]] though arguably, not EXACTLY adorable.
* Praise be to [[YoungWizards Ponch]], the [[spoiler:Dog Who Is God! The Wolf of Darkness clashed with the Hound of Starlight, and the Hound threw his old Enemy to the floor of Heaven.]]
* ''TheChroniclesOfNarnia'':
** Reepicheep: A cute two-and-a-half foot talking mouse with honor, dignity, and the ability to successfully take on an armed opponent twice his size. One of the few characters from Narnia aside from Aslan who shows up in ''three'' books; at one point, he even sails over the edge of the world.
** Lucy: The entire Telmarine army skidded to a stop in mid-retreat, scared stiff of one small adorable girl smiling sweetly at them from across the bridge (their only escape route) while brandishing a dagger. And that's before [[BigDamnHeroes Aslan]] stepped up beside her.
* The Archive from ''Literature/TheDresdenFiles'' is a prepubescent girl who shows her Badassitude when she's attacked by Red Court vampires while she's moderating a duel. [[spoiler:She grabs a piece of anti-life being used and, with sheer force of will, thrusts it into the vamps heads and torsos, vaporizing them]]. In a later book she's attacked by a dozen fallen angels in an area cut off from magic. Using the little magic she could store in her tiny body she starts taking them down, two at a time, even while Harry carries her away. She even makes a point of trash talking the angels, although she's not that good at it. [[spoiler:She's only captured because the demons take advantage of her low body weight and gas the whole area.]] She's also very fond of [[CutenessProximity cats]] and renders official documents in crayon.
** Mouse is pretty awesomely adorable, too. Sure, he's a dog that's [[BigFriendlyDog around four foot tall at the shoulder]], but he plays the goofy GentleGiant act up so well you forget about that and just want to snuggle with his big fuzzy self. Then he [[PowerGlows starts glowing]] and ''makes an eldritch horror run away in terror'' after ripping the back of its foot off. He also garners more respect from a powerful [[FairFolk Sidhe]] noble than his "master" does.
** The series' ''original'' BadassAdorable, Karrin Murphy. Blond, five foot nothing, with a cute little button nose, and she's proven so ''incredibly'' badass so very many times that she'd need her own subpage to list all the examples.
* {{Temeraire}}, although unusually for the trope, the badass is the most immediately obvious (he is a ''dragon'', after all), and the adorable comes out in his interactions with the other characters, particularly with Laurence.
* ''{{Redwall}}'''s cute fluffy animal KidHero characters. D'awww, fwuffy ickle mousey. Who just happens to be wielding a BFS.[[hottip:* :Big for a mousey, anyway. From our perspective, it'd be about the size of a kitchen knife at best.]]
* Mr. Nutt, from ''Discworld/UnseenAcademicals''. TheWoobie, UglyCute, NoSocialSkills, uses hilarious SesquipedalianLoquaciousness ("We must be bursting with machismo!"), starts out as an ExtremeDoormat, and could snap a person's neck with his bare hands. He never actually does anything of the sort, and one gets the impression he probably never would, but just threatening it is enough.
** Tiffany Aching, aged 9, invaded the kingdom of the borderline-EldritchAbomination [[FairFolk Elf Queen]] armed only with a [[FryingPanOfDoom frying pan]] and a gang of ViolentGlaswegian {{Smurfs}} in ''Discworld/TheWeeFreeMen''.
** Otto von Chriek from ''Discworld/TheTruth'' is this crossed with TheWoobie -- he's a reformed vampire who prances around in his neat suit and his thick Uberwäld accent, taking photographs and accidentally turning himself into dust every five minutes. But when his friend William gets in trouble, Otto casually beats up a team of muscled goons and scares the living bejeebers out of their boss, all while sporting a longsword in his chest and ''still'' maintaining his adorable FunnyForeigner front.
* The three Baudelaire siblings from ''ASeriesOfUnfortunateEvents'' but especially Sunny, who's a baby.
* [[TheLordOfTheRings Hobbits]]. For creatures the size of human children, they prove to be surprisingly adept at arse-kicking.
* {{Madeline}}.
* ''Literature/{{Coraline}}''.
* Literature/PippiLongstocking is a cute, quirky eleven-year-old... with incredible super-strength. Given that she lives in an otherwise mostly mundane world, we never really get to see just where the limits to her strength is, but she is perfectly capable of overpowering stampeding bulls, angry tigers and fierce sharks without the slightest difficulty.
* Alisa in the ''AliceGirlFromTheFuture'' series.
* Charlie [=McGee=], the eponymous ''{{Firestarter}}''; a cute little red-haired girl who even gets called "button" more than once, theoretically capable of ''cracking the Earth in two'' when she comes into her full power. Certainly already capable of vaporising a man with very little effort.
* In ''ThePaleKing'', Leonard Stecyk is an [[CheerfulChild excruciatingly upbeat]],kind, and [[ChildProdigy hard-working]] bully magnet. He's also the only one who [[spoiler: rushes in to save his wood shop teacher from dying of shock and blood loss after an accident with a machine. His little apron keeps his clothes from getting drenched in blood, and he makes a perfectly-tied tourniquet on the fly.]]
* And let's not forget 12-year-old, ponytailed Kate Wetherall from ''TheMysteriousBenedictSociety'' who carries around a bright red bucket full of weapons, crawls through air vents, and can kick a Ten Man's ass any day of the week.
** To some extent, Constance Contraire also fits this trope. Yes, she's not quite adorable, and certainly doesn't have the cheeriest disposition, but she can kick some serious butt hair-pulling and leg-biting.
* The treecats in David Weber's ''HonorHarrington'' series are cute, cuddly, and great with children. They also can read minds and will turn into steel-clawed, near-unstoppable killing machines when they detect someone planning to harm their human friends.

[[folder:Live Action TV]]
* [[SummerGlau River Tam]] of ''Series/{{Firefly}}'' owes her popularity to this trope.
* Speaking of SummerGlau, Cameron from ''TheSarahConnorChronicles'' also fits this role nicely. Summer is just the perfect combination of {{Badass}} and {{Moe}}.
-->'''Cameron''': ''(lifting a young boy off of the ground)'' If you call your mother, the man will use her to get to you. He will kill her, then he will kill ''you''.\\
'''Sarah''': ''(sternly)'' Cameron.\\
'''Cameron''': ...[[CrowningMomentOfFunny Would you like a bedtime story?]]
* Willow, Buffy, Anya, and many of the Chosen; it seems like ''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'' was made for this trope.
** When Buffy got her hair cut, Willow describes it as adorable.
* Carter, GeniusDitz of ''HogansHeroes'', is usually innocent, oblivious and acts far below his years. He's also a complete fanatic about his bombs and has probably directly killed more people than anyone else in the group.
* Tamara Adama from ''{{Caprica}}'' appears to be shaping up into one of these - rather quickly as well. Might also be a LittleMissBadass.
* Hiro from ''{{Heroes}}'' definitely qualifies.
** And so do Claire and Elle
* Samantha Carter from ''Series/StargateSG1''. A huggable, kissable, lovable ColonelBadass.
** Heck, Daniel can qualify too once he [[TookALevelInBadass takes his level in badass]]. Sweet and attractive, [[TheWoobie suffers adorably]], and has been known to kick more than a little ass.
** Vala Mal Doran wears her hair in pigtails, she's been seen by anyone passing by the SGC halls in a bathrobe with curlers in, she eats... enthusiastically, she's jumped on Teal'c and hugged him (she only doesn't do that to Carter, it seems, because Carter's not 6'3 and built like Teal'c. Sure, a tall and strong woman - there's a essay on that somewhere, about fanfic writers and their notions of male-female relationships - but maybe not that prepared for a full Vala hug). Anyway, yeah, she can kick your butt shooting cans while Mitchell complains about Kansas cell reception, she was convincing (if merciful) when she pretended to be a Kull warrior, and she doesn't let torture or being burned alive distract her from pulling her weight. Amnesiac and hunted by people who want to mind-frell her, she survives very well and full-memory Cam comes out worse than she does.
* Djaq from ''Series/RobinHood'': tiny, adorable, PuppyDogEyes...and will rip your arms off if you get her angry.
* Jamie from ''TheThickOfIt''. With his [[TheNapoleon short stature]], curly hair, boyish smile and gigantic blue eyes he doesn't look like the sort of man who threatens to push iPods up his enemies' penises:
--> Ollie Reeder: "When I met you this morning I thought you were the ''nice'' Scot"
* Castiel from ''Series/{{Supernatural}}'', who combines an unearthly and no-nonsense badassery with huge blue eyes, a slender frame and a nerdy trenchcoat, not to mention an escalating [[TheWoobie Woobieness]] and humanization as season 5 went on.
** Sammy also qualifies, with his PuppyDogEyes and genuine compassion. Just [[BewareTheNiceOnes don't piss him off]].
* [[BunnyEarsLawyer Bunny Ears Forensic Technician]] Abby Sciuto from ''Series/{{NCIS}}'' typically bounces between HotScientist and {{Moe}}. Until you threaten her or someone she cares about; at which point, she'll thorougly kick your ass, and be totally adorable while doing it.
** And kill you without leaving '''a single shred of forensic evidence!!'''
** Zach, the son of a man who is kidnapped because of his knowledge. He has an incredibly good memory, and when the men that kidnapped his father try to kidnap him, [[GroinAttack Zach punches him in the 'nads]]. Abby nicknames him "Mini-Gibbs".
* ''TheVampireDiaries'' has Anna. Cute, bookish and a badass vampire.
* In the 2009 remake of ''TheDayOfTheTriffids'' the main character is fired upon when entering a town. After putting his hands up he realises he's been captured by Susan and Imogen -- two cute little girls in CoolShades, [[CoolHat helmets]] and packing [[MoreDakka automatic weapons]].
* [[KamenRiderDenO Hana]] after getting aged down from a time travel occurence is a cute little kid who, if you're not doing anything to tick her off, is pretty sweet. However, this little girl has been known to wield a bazooka, [[SuperStrength have enough strength to manhandle the series kaijin with her bare fists]], and thoroughly trashed a bunch of Yakuza thugs singlehandedly, and some of them may have been [[KamenRiderKiva Fangire]].
* [[Series/{{Glee}} Becky Jackson]] wants chocolate, or she will cut you. Don't mess with her. She's the only person in the school [[CrazyAwesome Sue Sylvester]] considers worthy of [[TheDragon Dragon]] status.
* ''Series/{{Sherlock}}'' gives us Dr. John Watson. He's played by MartinFreeman, wears cuddly jumpers, types with one finger from each hand, and spends most of the series being the most caring friend in the world. He's also an ex-soldier, [[spoiler: shot a bad guy in the shoulder in one building....from the other building]], has stared down the most dangerous man in England, [[spoiler: Mycroft Holmes]], and was prepared to do a TakingYouWithMe to the most psychotic one [[spoiler: Jim Moriarty]]. He also punched a police chief, breaking his nose and earning himself an arrest, because the guy called his best friend a "weirdo".
* The ''HoratioHornblower'' mini-series has Archie Kennedy, sweet, enthusiastic, and really likes fighting the French! The first hint of this comes in "The Duel/The Even Chance" after boarding a French ship and running up to Horatio afterward to babble about how he "killed two! Well, one, certainly." It's not always obvious in the first and third instalments due to the [[TheWoobie suffering he endures throughout]], but by the second series, he's no less adorable but exponentially more badass. This includes helping Horatio blow up forts and shooting an enemy soldier off a tower from about a hundred yards away.
** Pulled off by actor JamieBamber again on LawAndOrderUK, where his character's (Matt Devlin) stunning good looks and charming demeanor tended to make witnesses easily trust him and suspects underestimate him, leaving them thrown for a loop when his badass side comes out.
* Sam from ''ICarly''. Or Shelby Marx.
* Annie on ''Series/{{Community}}'' when she is playing paintball or needs to chloroform a man twice her size. ''Twice.''
** Or cross-examining a yam-killer.
* Spencer Reid from ''Series/CriminalMinds''. FBI profilers can rarely be described as "adorable," but Reid can rarely be described as anything else... except when he's shooting [=UnSubs=] in the head or slipping messages to his teammates while being tortured. And then he reverts right back to [[SleepCute napping all curled up like a kitten]], [[HollywoodNerd going on rants about Doctor Who]] or [[GeniusSweetTooth having some form of sugar]].
* The eponymous ''Series/{{Merlin}}'' is a sweet, {{Adorkable}} boy with large blue eyes and adorably large ears. He can also blast you six ways to Sunday with his awesome magical powers, especially if you [[BerserkButton threaten anyone he cares about]]!
* Lexie "Lexipedia" Grey on GreysAnatomy. Is one of the smartest, most promising surgical residents at Seattle Grace due in part to her photographic memory. As Derek puts it "She has a photographic memory, we're all out of our league".
* Rory Williams from ''Series/DoctorWho'' basically has two settings: {{Adorkable}} ([[Recap/DoctorWhoS31E06TheVampiresOfVenice eg. fighting vampires with a broom]]) and {{Badass}} ([[Recap/DoctorWhoS32E7AGoodManGoesToWar eg. facing down an entire Cyberlegion]]), and frequently overlaps the two ([[Recap/DoctorWhoS32E10TheGirlWhoWaited eg. smashing a killer robot over the head with the Mona Lisa]]).
** Zoe and Jo Grant. The former being a perky little human calculator, whose hobbies include wrestling comic book heroes come to life and making giant computers destroy themselves with the power of confusion. The latter being cute, clumsy and pretty much TheDitz. And yet she's the only companion to have ever resisted the Master's hypnotising, as well as helping Three escape from whatever prison cell or bondage trap he'd got himself in that week.

[[folder:Professional Wrestling]]
* ReyMysterioJr. A tiny little guy with big PuppyDogEyes who would look like a kid playing superhero in his backyard, almost across the border into {{Moe}}...except he's held as many or more titles than any giant in the ring twice his size and can usually be found, especially recently, whomping the hell out of those same giants.
* NXT contestant [[ChickBusters AJ]]. She looks a little like a [[http://www.wrestlingrevealed.com/images/wrestlers/aj-lee.jpg squirrel]]. Very petite, very energetic, absolutely adorable, and probably the most talented woman on the NXT roster.
* DanielBryan. Especially in his current persona, he looks absolutely adorable when talking to people backstage (most notably the Bella Twins of late) and then turns into a figurative wrestling giant when he gets in the ring.

[[folder:Tabletop Games]]
* Many Scrappy Kids in ''Tabletop/FengShui'' definitely qualify as this.
* In the German game ''PlueschPowerUndPlunder'' (about [[LivingToy living]] [[EverythingsBetterWithPlushies plushies]]), every PlayerCharacter and many [=NPCs=] are this, essentially. And is there a better example?
* [[UglyCute For a given value of cute]], kobold player characters may qualify in DungeonsAndDragons.
* Lini the iconic ''TabletopGame/{{Pathfinder}}'' druid, to an extent. She's a tiny, quirky, big-eyed gnome woman who travels the world with a giant fluffy kitty (okay, a snow leopard) bigger than she is.

[[folder:Video Games]]
* {{Kirby}}, the little [[color:pink:pink]] puffball of kickass.
** And [[spoiler:Meta Knight, when you break his mask]]. In fact, most characters in this series fit this {{trope}}.
** Why is Kirby so {{badass}}? Let me count the ways:
*** He destroyed a [[spoiler: gigantic bleeding eyeball]] ''twice.''
*** He beat a witch that turns into a gigantic 8-eyed paint monster just so he could get his arms and legs back.
*** He tore through armies of monsters and an [[SealedEvilInACan unsealed]] lord of the underworld just because someone stole his cake.
*** He fell for a trap made by some jester guy, and then proceeded to destroy both him and a planet-sized clockwork god.
*** He killed a zombie version of said jester after beating up every single monster he fought before.
*** He's defeated [[MonsterOfTheWeek God knows how many]] monsters every single day.
*** Two Words: [[StuffBlowingUp Crash Ability.]]
*** He defeats enemies by ''[[ExtremeOmnivore eating them]]'' and taking their powers.
*** After being split into ten different Kirbies and losing his abilities, he manages to destroy ''another'' BigBad before recombining himself.
*** He fell for another trap made by another jester, then joined forces with a dragon for a dogfight with the jester's starship, then killed the jester, THEN killed its possessed corpse.
* Roll from ''MegaManPoweredUp'' and especially VideoGame/TatsunokoVsCapcom. Even though she's normally one of the sweeter characters, she is more than capable of taking out not only Dr. Wily's army of Robot Masters (Dr. Light's brainwashed Robot Masters, that is), but also the Lord of Darkness himself, [[spoiler: Yami]], WITH A BROOMSTICK OF ALL THINGS!
** Rockman himself is absolutely adorable. And he's saved the world eleven times.
** Taken UpToEleven in the three-episode OVA, which is made of this trope. Adorable chibi robots, Roll looks so cute in that kimono... [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome Did Proto Man just hack a missile while it was in flight?!]]
* Most of the Frost family of ''VideoGame/{{Persona}}'' and ''Franchise/ShinMegamiTensei'' counts. [[SuperpoweredEvilSide Black Frost]] in [[ShinMegamiTenseiNocturne Nocturne]], to [[TheAce Batman fan Frost Ace]] and [[ClothesMakeTheSuperman the adorably-armored Demonee-Ho]] in ''[[VideoGame/ShinMegamiTenseiStrangeJourney Strange Journey]]'', or [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking King Frost]], with the ''possible'' exception of series regular Jack Frost, who begins as a MascotMook and can {{Badass}} his way into becoming any of the prior examples.
** Alice counts, too. Cutest girl ever seen in the games. Extremely lethal sorceress to boot.
** The [[HelloInsertNameHere Protagonist]] of ''VideoGame/DevilSurvivor'' is a seventeen-year-old who borders sometimes into childishly adorable. He's either TheMessiah, an EvilOverlord overseeing Humanity's RageAgainstTheHeavens, or the world's savior.
** "Evil" Overlord is a bit fuzzy, his reasons are morally sound, the only reason it remotely comes close to fuzzy is because of [[{{God}} who he's taking down]]. Either way he's a savior, its just which method he chooses.
* [[AmazonianBeauty Chun Li]] from ''StreetFighter''. She may be the "strongest woman in the world", but when she wins a match she jumps up and down girlishly and shouts "yatta!"
** Sakura fits as well with various stereotypical 'schoolgirl' entries, fighting in a sailor suit and having a huge crush on Ryu that she seldom bothers to hide.
** Makoto is the [[MoeMoe cutest]] karate girl ever! [[{{Ninja}} Ibuki]] and her cute [[AnimeHair hairstyle]] is also heart-wrenchingly cute as well!
** Whenever Elena isn't busy battling in the arena, she's even busier making and hanging out with friends.
* Meracle Chamlotte from ''VideoGame/StarOceanTheLastHope'' doesn't seem all that badass at first glance, being a {{Stripperific}} MoeMoe {{Catgirl}}, but once you max out her Critical skill and get her some decent equipment her multi-hit killer moves become absurdly deadly; she can clear the field with a single [[DeathofaThousandCuts Claws of Fury]] that scores something on the order of a dozen consecutive critical hits.
* ''VideoGame/{{Bomberman}}'' with his cute face and outfit, and oh did I mention BOMBS.
* Micah, the main character from RuneFactory3, is a [[HalfHumanHybrid half-human, half-monster hybrid]], and has the ability to transform between a human and monster form. Of course, his monster form is that of an adorable, fluffy sheep-like creature called a Wooly, and looks like [[http://dsmedia.ign.com/ds/image/article/100/1001217/rune-factory-3-a-fantasy-harvest-moon-20090706100540754_640w.jpg this.]] The "badass" part comes in when he defeats countless giant monsters in that form with his bear paws.
* The {{anime}} fanmade versions of the commandos from ''CommandAndConquer Red Alert 3'', lovely.
* [[KidAppealCharacter Tails]] from ''SonicTheHedgehog'' fits this to a T. Young two-tailed fox who likes to invent things and go on adventures with his bestest buddy [[TheMcCoy Sonic]].
--> '''Tails''': ... Sonic...\\
'''Eggman''': Huh?\\
'''Tails''': Sonic has asked me -- for the first time -- to do something for him. I won't let him down; I won't give up!
** In ''SonicUnleashed'', [[spoiler:''Chip'']] ultimately proves to be one of these. Because what could be more {{badass}} than [[spoiler:turning a bunch of temples into a mecha around yourself]]?
** [[BewareTheNiceOnes Amy]] [[DropTheHammer Rose]], at least when not leaning too much into {{Yandere}} territory.
** What about [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_spo0AXB2EY Cream and Cheese]]?
** Speaking of [[{{Moe}} Cream the Rabbit]] and [[{{Sidekick}} Cheese the Chao]], in SonicX, [[spoiler: she manages to defeat and destroy Emerl, while her friends weren't able to do so]].
** Sonic himself, especially his Genesis incarnation. VideoGame/SonicGenerations just bumps it UpToEleven.
** Argument could be made for most of the cast, including [[http://media.sonicscanf.org/gallery/shadow-the-hedgehog-5/sonic-battle.png Shadow]]. The resident badass AntiHero is three feet tall and fluffy.
* The entire point of ''KoihimeMusou'', but especially Kan'u. Even more so in the first game.
* Child Link and both Toon [[HeroicMime Links]] from the ''Zelda'' franchise. Even adult Link tends to get a "d'aww" out of fans when he gets his cute on.
** {{Lampshaded}} by {{LetsPlay/Chuggaaconroy}} in his LetsPlay of ''VideoGame/TheLegendOfZeldaTheWindWaker''. "Cuteness never looked so badass."
** And argueably Zelda herself, especially in ''VideoGame/TheLegendOfZeldaSpiritTracks'' where she can take over a giant walking suit of armor while still retaining a cute/innocent personalty.
** ''VideoGame/TheLegendOfZeldaTwilightPrincess'': Midna as well, at least in her "imp" form.
* [[VideoGame/MarioAndLuigiPartnersInTime Baby Mario and Baby Luigi]].
** Grown-up Luigi is more badass than you'd think. And many fangirls consider him adorable.
** Also, the various assistants from ''VideoGame/PaperMario'' - Bombette, Goombario, Bow and, of course, Watt.
* [[SuperMarioBrothers Yoshi]]. The adorable dinosaur that can swallow anything whole, turn said anything into eggs, and THEN use them as ammo. He took on a super-sized Bowser Junior while at the exact same time keeping a baby on his back and running an obstacle course, all the while trying to keep the baby from being kidnapped!
** Heck, Mario himself qualifies.
* Every character in ''Videogame/{{Inazuma Eleven}}'', some of whom can and have stop flaming soccer balls with their ''bare hands and/or legs'' and have preformed [[{{Finishingmove}} kickass shots]] after [[{{Tookalevelinbadass}} major level grinding]]. Oh, and they're all in junior high, with most of the main cast putting regular {{Shota}}s to shame.
** And they're successors in ''GO!'', who can summon Kenshin; giant avatars capable of wiping the soccer field with you in one fell swoop.
* And lets not forget most of the cast of the ''Videogame/{{Danball Senki}}'' series, which was produced by the same company. Little kids controlling tiny robots that can be armed to the teeth with any and ''every'' weapon known to man, including {{BFS}}s, {{BFG}}s, spears, rifles, bladed knuckles, bombs, and CHAINSAWS to preform badass finishers that, in reality, would turn your living room into the embodiment of a war-zone. make of that as you will.
** said robots have also been used in the game's anime to preform ''and'' prevent [[spoiler: Kidnappings, (attempted)Assassinations, Professional hacking jobs, robberies, and a world wide terrorist plot]]. Again, make of it as you will
* The four main protagonists of ''VideoGame/EarthBound''.
** Pippi of ''[[VideoGame/{{Mother 1}} EarthBound Zero]]'' in particular is based off of the above-mentioned Pippi Longstocking, right down to the name.
** Everyone from ''VideoGame/{{Mother 3}}'' belongs here.
* Peter the Phoenix from ''ShiningForce 2''.
* Starfy and Starly from the ''[[TheLegendaryStarfy Starfy]]'' series. This should require no explanation.
* Taokaka from ''BlazBlue'' may not look adorable, and she can be pretty deadly in combat, but just the way she talks and acts in her story mode in a game full of psychos, monsters, and jaded veterans, is just too damn cute.
** How has Noel Vermillion not been mentioned?
** And then there's Carl Clover. The CheerfulChild who has the game's only ''[[GameBreaker infinite combo]]''.
** Also, Makoto Nanaya. A squirrel girl ([[IThoughtItMeant No,]] [[SquirrelGirl not THAT one]]), with cute ears and a big bushy tail. However, messing around with her is a bad idea. [[MusclesAreMeaningless She's a small girl who can punch people]] [[BlownAcrossTheRoom and send them flying]].
* Felicia from the ''VideoGame/{{Darkstalkers}}'' series, acts more catlike than human and is just too damn cute.
* ''VideoGame/{{Xenogears}}'' has Chu-Chu. Adorable? Check? Badass enough to [[spoiler:transform into a gear-sized pink.... thing...... who fights to]] support the man she loves? Double check.
* ''VideoGame/{{Xenosaga}}'' gives us Momo, specially in the second game onwards. Junior also counts.
* ''VideoGame/{{Xenoblade}}'' keeps the tradition going with Riki. One of the battle quotes of this {{Adorkable}} "fur ball" is "Riki can win by himself!". And he's not all talk. Far from it!
** [[TheHero Shulk]], [[TheChick Fiora]] and Melia also count. Man, this is a [[WorldOfBadass World Of Badass Adorable]].
* ''LittleBigPlanet's'' Sackboy. Powers of a god. Time manipulation, matter control, creation and destruction, and immortality (If you're playing the level editor). And as Yahtzee put it, he "looks like the result of a sinister experiment to concentrate cuteness to a weaponised level for use against angry girlfriends".
* ''VideoGame/{{Okami}}'': Never has [[AGodIsYou divinity]] been so... so... fluffy. Unless you're a goblin (or some other disposable monstrosity), you can ignore Amaterasu's '''other''' [[BigBadassWolf defining characteristic]]. Seriously, she won't even mind if you walk right up to pet her; Kushinada does this ''every'' time she sees Ammy. It helps that [[InvisibleToNormals half the cast thinks she's just an ordinary dog]] [[DudeWheresMyRespect even after she saves them]], calling her Fluffy, Poochie, Fido, Wolfy, Furball, Snowy, Mutt, ''Powderpuff''...
** And if you thought Amaterasu couldn't get any more adorable, the GaidenGame ''VideoGame/{{Okamiden}}'' one-ups the original by making the player character (named ''Chibi''terasu) [[http://www.destructoid.com/okamiden-s-little-wolf-puppy-is-the-cutest-thing-ever-147254.phtml a tiny puppy dog instead]]. For an added bonus ([[RidiculouslyCuteCritter if one was necessary]]), he spends most of the game carrying around kids on his back, most of whom are at least ''some'' degree of BadassAdorable in and of themselves. And, like his mother, Chibi [[DudeWheresMyRespect can't catch a break in the name department]], being variously referred to as Mutt, Pooch, [[TotallyRadical Dude]], and Squiddy.
** Made even more adorable in ''[[MarvelVSCapcom Marvel VS Capcom 3]]'', in which Ammy is a playable character.
* ''VideoGame/{{Touhou}}''. Quite a ''lot'' of the Girls of Gensokyo are [[{{Moe}} really, really cute]], and they all either have [[SuperPowerLottery crazy powers]] or plenty of [[BulletHell danmaku]] with which to protect themselves.
** Perhaps the best example here: [[OurVampiresAreDifferent Flandre Scarlet]]. A CheerfulChild, who loves her sister so much that she really ''doesn't mind'' having been locked in the basem*nt for the past 495 years. And she canonically has the [[PersonOfMassDestruction power to destroy]] [[InformedAbility absolutely anything]] at all. That's on top of enough firepower to [[DoesNotKnowHisOwnStrength utterly annihilate]] most humans she tries to play with. And you would never know it by [[http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll293/Lyco_7/akibakko-119366801257386.jpg looking at her]].
* The ''{{Disgaea}}'' games:
** Princess Sapphire Rhodonite is a relatively straight example, as most fans find her [[AxCrazy psychotic outbursts]] amidst the {{Cloudcuckoolander}} demeanor make her even ''more'' adorable... in a [[{{Yandere}} deranged and troubling sort of way]].
** Kurtis seems to get this a lot since he reincarnated as a Prinny. Nevermind the fact that he still has the same deep voice and [[BadAss his]] [[HotBlooded character]] is still as it always was.
** Plenair.
** Raspberyl, a FunSize [[TokenMiniMoe loli]], number one delinquent, and self-proclaimed badass who shows it with her magical prowess.
** Laharl, the cutest little Overlord ever.
** Desco, a living weapon of mass destruction and {{Moe}} little sister of sorts who aspires to be a FinalBoss someday.
** LoveFreak Flonne. Cutest archangel ever.
* ''SoulNomadAndTheWorldEaters'' packs a few, being one of Nippin Ichi's more serious titles. You have Danette, cute, ditzy and slightly amnesiac who tears through enemies with knives and regularily makes remarks about snapping peoples' necks (and actually does so to one of your allies). Trish, a refined merchant's daughter, always positive and cheerful, who leads a mercenary company. And then there are the angels. Cute little baby-like guys... ''armed with guns''.
* SquareEnix loves this trope. You've got [[VideoGame/FinalFantasyVI Moogles]], [[VideoGame/FinalFantasyIX Black Mages]], [[VideoGame/FinalFantasyXI Tarutaru]], and even [[VideoGame/DragonQuestHeroesRocketSlime Slimes with battle tanks]]. The [[KillerRabbit Tonberrys]] are adorable, but extremely dangerous if one underestimates them.
** There is a young, lovely, cute, spunnky, aloof, innocent, friendly, childish GenkiGirl in almost every ''Franchise/FinalFantasy'' game: '''Rydia''', '''Krile''', '''Relm''', '''Yuffie''', '''Selphie''', '''Eiko''', '''Rikku''', '''Penelo''', '''Vanille'''. And all of them cover the {{Badass}} part of the trope. They are capable to decimate anything, be it with bombs, BlackMagic, SummonMagic or just oversized weapons that they shouldn't be able to carry.
** Selphie is willing to blow up a whole missile base, and that's just one of her moments. Not to mention she possesses the strongest Limit Break ''in the entire game'', called [[ExactlyWhatit*aysOnTheTin The End]], which will ''wish the enemy into the flower fields'' in a one-hit KO. Worst of it all? ''It works on the final boss.''
** One of Vanille's "battle sayings" is "I'm not all flowers and sunshine!" In a sickeningly cute, sweet, sing-song voice. You could hear the jaws hit the floor when it was learned that [[MoeMoe cute and cheery]] she had a summon that was a ''[[SmallGirlBigGun walking war machine]]''. Not to mention that she's [[spoiler:the harbinger of the apocalypse. {{Badass}} indeed]].
** '''Vivi''' from ''VideoGame/FinalFantasyIX''. I mean, come on. The little cutie is the [[TheWoobie freakin' Woobie]], but if he gets angry and/or determined, he will own you.
** Also '''Tifa''' from ''VideoGame/FinalFantasyVII''. Although less adorable than sexy, Tifa is a sweet and wholesome girl ([[{{Stripperific}} although she doesn't dress like one]]) who can dish out one of the biggest damage in the game, [[BarefistedMonk with her bare hands!]]
** Then there's '''Rinoa''', who is cute but also a Sorceress, wield a large chakram that is shot from her wrist!
** '''Terra'''! MysteriousWaif of [[HalfHumanHybrid exotic ancestry]]? Check. PersonOfMassDestruction? Check. MamaBear? Oh so very, very check. (There is [[GodModeSue actually more]], but you get the idea). And in case you don't, Dissidia Final Fantasy sets Terra up as the girl who snuggles moogles, then frightens Kefka into shutting up.
*** And Gau. The cute, adorable little feral boy who was RaisedByWolves manages to wear out Sabin, the game's leading badass who can ''suplex a train'', calling it a ''dance''. In battle, Gau is a DiscOneNuke and a Disc Two [[StoneWall Tank]], who is capable scratching like a cat ForMassiveDamage.
** HalfIdenticalTwins '''Palom''' and '''Porom''' are BadassAdorable ''twins''.
* Aaaaaaaaaaaaand now we have ''VideoGame/TheatrhythmFinalFantasy'', turning the WorldOfBadass seen in ''VideoGame/DissidiaFinalFantasy'' into a World Of Badass Adorable.
* Sora, Roxas, Ven and Xion from ''KingdomHearts''. Still, the absolute best example is none other than '''[[KingdomHearts Mickey Mouse]]''', who they managed to turn into freaking ''[[StarWars Yoda]]'', of all things.
** His Badass quotient has only increased over the games. In ''Chain Of Memories'', he's a support character that appears to cast spells. By ''II'', he's playable whenever Sora is defeated, but can't actually finish off bosses. When ''358/2 Days'' made him playable, he was on about the same level as the other playable characters. By ''Dream Drop Distance'' [[spoiler: he's capable of [[TimeStandsStill pulling a ZA WARUDO]] on every member of the new Organization XIII (including the Big Bads from ''I'' and ''II'') in time. The only person capable of resisting is the incarnation of Xehanort with power over time itself.]] All this from a former steamboat captain.
* Aside from ''Final Fantasy'', ''VideoGame/TheWorldEndsWithYou'' gives us Mr. Mew. An adorable little cat plush that could rip your eyes out.
** Leah and Marcy from ''VideoGame/ChronoCross''.
* ''SuperRobotWars'' gives us several examples. There's Latooni, TheWoobie who is also arguably the best pilot in the OriginalGeneration games; Mai Kobayashi, {{Tykebomb}}, one-time end-game boss, and adorable in the extreme; Ibis Douglas, the luckless but tenacious flat chested girl; and even the villain of the second OriginalGeneration game Einst Alfimi, ridiculously {{moe}} and ridiculously broken once you manage to recruit her.
* ''Franchise/TalesSeries'' Examples:
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfSymphonia'' -- Collette Brunel, Presea Combatir, and Genis Sage
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfSymphoniaDawnOfTheNewWorld'' -- Marta Lualdi
** Also Emil. You just wanna hug him... then [[GetAHoldOfYourselfMan smack him in the face and tell him to get a hold of himself]].
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfRebirth'' -- Surprise, surprise... [[PantheraAwesome Eugene Gallardo]]. Though not in the main game, but is described in ''[[TalesOfTheWorld Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology]]'' as "big, fluffy, cute, huggable" by [[VideoGame/TalesOfTheAbyss Tear]]. Mao could qualify, as well.
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfVesperia'' -- Karol Capel and Estelle, who is surprisingly effective at battle given her gentle nature. Patty as well, in the PS3 version.
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfGraces'' -- Sophie. Just see it for yourself if you don't [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0RT_Sg7K2E believe]] [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJGify05etQ&feature=related it]].
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfPhantasia'' -- Arche Klaine and Suzu Fujibayashi
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfTheAbyss'' -- Anise Tatlin
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfEternia'' -- Meredy, one of the cutest video game characters ever but also capable of wiping out the enemy with her summons.
** VideoGame/TalesOfInnocence -- Ruca Milda
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfXillia'' -- Elise Lutus. Quite possibly the most adorable out of all the examples.
* May from ''VideoGame/GuiltyGear''. Bridget may also qualify [[WholesomeCrossdresser if you're into that sort of thing]].
* Quite a few characters from ''VideoGame/FireEmblem'' can turn out this way.
** [[VideoGame/FireEmblemTheSacredStones Amelia]] can take this to an absurd degree if you make her into a General. Basically, she remains an adorable teenage girl in all of the cutscenes, but on the battlefield she's seven feet tall, covered from head to toe in plate mail, and wields weapons that make Cloud's Buster Sword look like a toothpick. Combine this with positively absurd stat-growth and you have what is basically a walking wall of certain death. An adorable, shy wall of certain death. Ross is a HotBlooded boy who idolizes his RetiredBadass dad but is quite the sweetheart to others, and Ewan is a cheery prankster with a talent for magic. Raise them well and promote the first one into either a [[BoisterousBruiser Berserker or a Warrior]], while making the other [[BlackMagic a Summoner or a Druid]]. The ''three'' trainees absolutely {{Moe}} killing machines - and double if you [[RelationshipValues get any of the boys to A Support level with Amelia.]]
** Also Lilina from ''[[FireEmblemSwordOfSeals Sword Of Seals]]'' and Nino of ''[[FireEmblemBlazingSword Blazing Sword]]''.
** Yuria Bahara from ''[[FireEmblemGenealogyOfHolyWar Genealogy of the Holy War]]'' is a PrincessClassic with a high amount of {{Moe}} ([[http://i43.tinypic.com/1zwn1qq.jpg See her here.]]), [[TheWoobie who's very shy and somewhat depressing (she's usually depicted as crying. A lot.)]] Mind you, she's a GlassCannon stat wise, and would be that way but usually she's got one of two weapons, one is her trademark "Resire" which makes her practically invincible, the other is a stacked GameBreaker- as she is already, her [[InfinityPlusOneSword Infinity Plus 20]] Tome, Naga, which, increases her stats by 20 (ignoring the {{Cap}}s, oh and that tome? It fires a Dragon at her hapless foes.
** And there's plenty more in the [[VideoGame/FireEmblemTellius Tellius canon]]: Queen Elincia, Mia, Mist, Sanaki, Ilyana, Rolf, Marcia, Nephenee, Astrid... Take your pick!
** Most of the female manaketes throughout the series (Tiki, Fa, Myrrh, and Nono, to be specific) definitely qualify.
** FireEmblemAwakening takes this trope to new levels with [[spoiler:Lucina]]. In the battlefield she's arguably the most badass female character in the entire game, only contested by Female My Unit, and easily enters the Top 5 of the entire series (And that's saying A LOT!). But during her support conversations and quite some cut scences, you just want to hug her dearly just out of sheer cuteness!
* You can make one in ''{{Spore}}'' if you're clever enough.
* Gnomes in ''VideoGame/WorldOfWarcraft'', especially the females. That three foot tall gnome with bright pink buns tanking a massive boss four times her size is adorable.
** Four times? Meet [[http://www.wowhead.com/npc=22898 Supremus]], the Largest boss currently in the game. A Gnome can tank that-- it's about 10 to 15 times the size of a Night Elf (a rather tall character).
* ''NinjabreadMan'' -- A cute, little cookie that so happens to know self defense. Too bad the game blows.
* Koromaru from ''VideoGame/{{Persona 3}}''. His victory pose is to cutely scratch himself! Ken Amada, as a ten-year-old cute little boy, might also count. The alternative female protagonist of the PSP version definitely does.
* Choko from ''VideoGame/ArcTheLad'': at first she's a [[OneManArmy One Lolita Army]], then, she gets an upgrade and becomes a [[PersonOfMassDestruction Waif of Mass Destruction]].
* ''GhostTrick'' has Missile, a yappy little Pomeranian who is adorable even by Pomeranian standards. After he dies [[spoiler: for the second time, he gains ghost trick powers. His reach is far longer than Sissel's and he has the ability to swap objects of different sizes, even huge stone statues.]]
** [[spoiler: And in an alternate timeline he waited ''[[TheSlowPath ten years]]'' for the events of that night to play out again, so this time he could convince Sissel to help Lynne.]]
** [[spoiler:Sissel]] is also this, considering he's [[spoiler:actually a little black cat]]. At the end, he's a [[spoiler:little black ''[[EverythingsCuterWithKittens kitten]]'']]. Awwww.
* A few characters from ''VideoGame/CaveStory''. King is a Mimiga (a rabbit-man) who takes out [[RecurringBoss Balrog]] with a single swordstroke. Then there's Quote and Curly who... well, just look at [[http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/cavestory-storminghell.gif this in-game art]], depicting them in the act of [[BrutalBonusLevel storming]] [[PlanetHeck Hell]].
* ''ArTonelico'' has Cocona Bartel in the second game. She's about ten years old or so, four-foot-nothing, wears her long hair in pigtails with two absurdly large hair ornaments, and is the main character's adopted little sister. She is a very cheery girl who is always willing to help her big brother and often pouts in the cutest way whenever he's late. Turns out that she accompanies her "big brother" on his knight missions, and fights by taking her hair ornaments off and using them as a sort of transforming baton weapon. Despite her size, she keeps up with the adult frontline fighters, including her older brother. And the kicker? She is a Reyvateil, a species that is usually kept in the back lines far away from the physical fighting.
** Also thanks to her BFS in her LimitBreak.
* The campers of ''VideoGame/{{Psychonauts}}'' are all pre-teen psychics in-training. Most notable is Raz, who not only learns several potent psychic techniques but is also a skilled acrobat due to his life as a [[{{Roma}} Gypsy]] CircusBrat.
* [[HotScientist Liara]] and [[WrenchWench Tali]] from ''MassEffect''. Liara is a socially awkward archaeologist that has never been in a relationship before, and can scatter enemy troopers like papers in a hurricane and crush tanks like tin cans. Tali is NaiveNewcomer that, similarly to Liara, has never been in a relationship, but can shut down your shields, make your weapons explode, and poison your nervous system with a few taps on her omni-tool.
** [[spoiler:Legion]], among other [[BadassAutomaton badass]] [[ColdSniper desig]][[FriendlySniper nations]], also qualifies as Badass {{Adorkable}}.
** The ''Retaliation'' DLC for ''VideoGame/MassEffect3'' allows you to play as a volus in multiplayer.
* RatchetAndClank from the series of the same name. A cute little fuzzy alien with big round eyes, an incredibly expressive face, and enough weaponry to take down a dozen intergalactic armies..... literally, and his cute little robot friend, a secret agent who can grow into a Godzilla sized living weapon and control time. Saving all of time and space while looking incredibly cute.
* As stated, a good number of ''Franchise/{{Pokemon}}'' and even their trainers.
** But no mention of Mew? The progenitor of all other Pokémon? I mean, it only does EVERYTHING.
** All "cute legendaries" (Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, Shaymin, Victini) qualify. Notably Jirachi has a [[FacelessEye creepy eye]], Celebi can TimeTravel, and Shaymin transforms into a more badass form.
** Which is arguably even cuter than its Land Forme.
** The protagonists and their rivals are almost always this, except for a few side game ones who are older.
** Dragonite. [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qe9O90cD80 IT FLIES! IT SHOOTS HYPER BEAMS! AND ITS f*ckING ADORABLE <3!!!]]
** Iris is one. Drayden's assistant in ''Black'', Gym's Leader in ''White' and [[spoiler:[[TookALevelInBadass Champion]] in the sequels. She also pretends to do a roar at the beginning of battle... and then she sends out a Hydreigon]].
* {{Opoona}}, Copoona, and Poleena all look like Playskool figurines. All of them fight the forces that corrupt half an entire planet.
** This is pretty much their [[PlanetOfHats species hat]] in fact, to the point that their planet's constitution reads more like a warrior code.
* Princess, the protagonist of ''MagicalPopN''.
* Prince Cornelius and Mercedes from ''VideoGame/OdinSphere''.
* Leanne from ''VideoGame/ResonanceOfFate'', even in-Universe. Several [=NPCs=] ''gush'' about how adorable she is, and as for being a badass... well, she can gun down a tank or two.
* Villainous example: [[spoiler:Dark Emperor Griffon]] from ''VideoGame/DarkCloud 2'' is [[spoiler:a child-sized [[PettingZooPeople anthropomorphic bunny rabbit]] from the Moon with adorable eyes and ears and who only got into this mess [[StartOfDarkness because he loved flowers so much]].]] He is also able to kick your ass 10 times over even ''without'' the power of the [[MacGuffin Atlamillia]].
** The heroes of the game, Max and Monica. Max is a cheerful young inventor who can make almost anything and his inventions never fail. He's also capable of piloting a Ridepod (robot) that can be armed with weapons ranging from [[PowerFist iron fists]] to [[MoreDakka machine guns]] and [[MacrossMissileMassacre portable missile platforms]]. Monica is a [[RoseHairedGirl pink-haired]] MagicKnight from the future who's not only capable of holding her own in a fight, she's also a [[RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething princess leading a resistance movement against the forces of Griffon]].
* Patapon and Zigoton warriors in ''VideoGame/{{Patapon}}''. Music enhances that.
* ''VideoGame/SengokuBasara'''s resident {{Moe}}-fanbait is Sanada Yukimura -- [[WideEyedIdealist wide-eyed]], [[SkilledButNaive naive]], [[UndyingLoyalty intensely loyal]], [[{{keigo}} incredibly polite]]...and [[ChasteHero completely oblivious to all things sexual]]. He's also the most stupidly HotBlooded ScreamingWarrior in the series and looks like a fluffy puppy.
* Rebecca Chambers, from the ''Franchise/ResidentEvil'' series. Originally just a pixie-esque medic, we later learn that she fought her way through a night of Lovecraftian horrors before Chris Redfield ever saw his first zombie. Also, in her cameo in the "Mercenaries Reunion" mode in ''VideoGame/ResidentEvil5,'' she sets people on fire.
* ''VideoGame/{{Tekken}}:'' Asuka Kazama
** On that same note, Ling Xiaoyu.
* Dog from ''VideoGame/DragonAge'': he is a BigFriendlyDog... and also a Mabari: a breed of dogs who are basically part of [[TheKingdom Ferelden's]] elite troops and are used among other things to stop charging knights. While traveling with the Warden, Dog will jump headfirst intp the fray, tear his ennemies to pieces, then will come back, covered in blood, wagging his short tail and looking at his master with puppy eyes waiting for him or her to scratch Dog behind the ears
** And in ''Videogame/DragonAgeII'' there is Merrill. She's a thin, naive, innocent, sweet-natured, easily distracted, practicing blood mage and Demon Summoner who becomes a MotorMouth when nervous. She also has only offensive magic and vicious combat buffs, not even the slightest healing spell, and fearsome drive to revive the glory of Arlathan for which she is willing to sacrifice her life. Absolutely ''{{Adorkable}}'' and she can a-splode you from half a mile away with her mind.
* The Pet Dragon from ''KingsBounty: Armored Princess''. Basically, a winged technicolored [[LiloAndStitch Stitch]], who likes to play with a little snail and dance around his pot tree ([[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSBQReA4tn0 check him out]]). Oh, look, he's summoning fountains of lava to engulf the enemies in searing agony, conjures lightning balls and finishes the surviviors off with a somersault kick. Awww!
* EccoTheDolphin, of course, being both a [[CaptainObvious dolphin]] and the protagonist of an adventure game series, would obviously qualify as this, but it tends towards FridgeBrilliance when you consider that the label BadassAdorable arguably applies to real-life dolphins as well. Then again, real dolphins tend towards [[KillerRabbit a more sinister variety of badass adorable]].
* Sunny from ''[[VideoGame/MetalGearSolid Metal Gear Solid 4]]''. Seven years old, cute as a button, and able to take down an AI that has effectively taken over the world.
** Otacon, too, for that matter. Combine his male-{{Meganekko}}-osity, shyness, niceness, and nerdiness with his genius hacker-dom, the fact that he's the creator of freakin' Metal Gear Rex, and his HeroicSacrifice tendencies, and you get one true BadassAdorable.
* Dr. Fetus fom ''[[VideoGame/MeatBoy Super Meat Boy]]''. He may be pretty ugly and be disgusting in some ways, like when you really acknowledge that he's a fetus, but that little fetus body is just adorable!
** Really, almost the entire cast qualifies. Yes, even [[BadassInDistress Bandage Girl.]]
* ''VideoGame/GoldenSun'' games adore this trope, and usually at least one playable member is a young, adorable teenager with SquishyWizard and/or GlassCannon tendencies at the ''least''.
** Sveta in ''[[VideoGame/GoldenSunDarkDawn Dark Dawn]]'' is a champion of this trope, a ridiculously {{Moe}} [[MemeticMutation kitty-dog]]... deer... [[PettingZooPeople furry person]], who is the series' first warrior-type [[BlowYouAway Wind]] [[ShockAndAwe Adept]] and the series' first true ActionGirl (most have been [[BlackMagicianGirl primarily casters]]). And this is before you [[AwesomeButImpractical sack all her Djinn]] to [[OurWerewolvesAreDifferent turn her into a giant anthropomorphic wolf]] who ''[[AwesomeYetPractical backhands bosses across the room]]''.
** And let's not forget that thirty years before being a snarky pirate in Dark Dawn, Eoleo was a [[{{Adorkable}} dorky toddler]] with BlindingBangs who could wrap his [[NeverMessWithGranny great-grandma]] [[CutenessProximity around his little finger]] and ''[[GooGooGodlike blew up Alhafra's prison with his mind]]'' to rescue his daddy. D'awwwwww!
* Little Nana of ''VideoGame/VanguardBandits'' who's around twelve, has her hair up in pig-tails and is always followed by her [[EverythingsBetterWithPlatypi platypus pal Kyu-Kyu]], is fully capable of being a terror on the battlefield with her personal [[AMechByAnyOtherName ATAC]] even when under-leveled.
* ''VideoGame/{{Klonoa}}'', anybody? He's an adorable cat-like creature with big long ears. He could also throw you across the screen.
* T3-M4 from ''VideoGame/KnightsOfTheOldRepublic'' and its sequel. Particularly [[TookALevelInBadass takes a level in badass]] in the sequel, where at one point he casually shuts down [[AxCrazy HK-47]] when he starts getting too snoopy.
** Not to mention single-handedly demolishing ''three'' HK-50 droids at once on Nar Shaddaa. In one-on-one combat.
** T3's SpiritualSuccessor in ''The Old Republic'', T7-01, definitely counts. A cute little astromech droid [[ReallySevenHundredYearsOld who hasn't had a memory wipe for at least two centuries]], considers himself the true hero of the story (partially justifiable, considering that [[TheGump he had front row seats to the start of the last war]]) and is the first astromech droid who had his language translated - and he is speaking in equations! That is the first companion character a Jedi Knight gets. [[BewareTheNiceOnes He is a tank]].
* Veronica from ''VideoGame/FalloutNewVegas''. She's a sarcastic StraightGay Brotherhood Scribe, with a compulsion against showing her hair. She's also [[MegatonPunch very good with a Power Fist]]. Being voiced by FeliciaDay might also have something to do with this.
** Also, ED-E the SuperPrototype Eyebot, a floating little robot that plays a catchy little tune when flying into combat armed with a laser and a perk that practically gives you max Perception.
* Dewy from ''DewysAdventure''.
* {{Lego Adaptation Game}}s are known to do this: first we have ''LegoStarWars'', that allows the player to re-live ''all'' the series' AwesomeMoments while playing as Lego minifigures. Then came ''LegoBatman'', that is just this side of ''BatmanArkhamAsylum'' in terms of sheer badassness. And now we got ''LegoHarryPotter'' and ''LegoPiratesOfTheCaribbean''... you name it, really.
* ''Every'' single playable character of the ''{{Neptunia}}'' games can be considered as one.
* Milly from ''BatenKaitos Origins''. She's the sheltered daughter of an Alfard nobleman, and she has ''butterfly wings''. She also dual-wields clubs and can kick you across the room.
** Sagi probably counts as well.
* Despite being an online golf game Kooh from ''{{Pangya}}''. The 11 year old TokenMiniMoe is also a pirate captain who hauls around a cannon and rides a giant bomb.
* [[AdorableEvilMinions Turrets]] from the ''VideoGame/{{Portal}}'' games. They will shoot the crap out of anything they target, but the things they say are incredibly adorable.
* In ''StarWarsTheOldRepublic'' one of the Bounty Hunter's companions is Blizz. He's a Jawa, ya know those cute robed little guys with glowy yellow eyes? He's a tank. He also ''[[PintSizedPowerhouse wields a rocket launcher]]''.
* From ''EternalSonata'':
** The twins, March and Salsa. A pair of a adorable 8-year-old girls, one sweet and polite, the other something of a hothead. They wield twin chakrams, have access to powerful moves, and... are those ''sharp teeth'' and miniature ''skulls'' on those necklaces? On the other hand, their headgear is reminiscent of bunnies.
** Beat, an 8-year-old boy who is sort of like a younger brother to Allegretto. He wields a repeating rifle with precision.
** Polka, a sweet young teen with [[IllGirl an unspecified illness]]. Her [[ParasolOfPain parasol is a powerful weapon]], and she has some good magic in her arsenal.
* If you are going to call Mazzy, the halfling pseudo-paladin from ''BaldursGate II'' this, you're well advised to do it somewhere where she can't hear you.
-->'''Mazzy:''' ''I won't seem so cute when I break your legs!''
* One of the default animals in ''VideoGame/TokyoJungle'' is a feral Pomeranian dog... who is still able to bring down gazelles with a well-timed Clean Kill.

[[folder:Visual Novels]]
* The KeyVisualArts games have a few in starring roles (see the entry for details).
* Pearl Fey from ''PhoenixWright'' is a powerful candidate, since she's saved the day quite a few times by channeling Mia. She even slapped Franziska Von Karma!
** For someone who is ostensibly the series' main DistressedDamsel, Maya certainly makes herself useful under the direst situations.
** An evil example of this trope would be [[spoiler:Dahlia Hawthorne]]. Not everyone has the guts to [[spoiler:jump from a bridge into a river known for its deadly speed just to steal a jewel.]]
** Arguably, Ambassador Colias Palaeno from ''Investigations'', who manages to really grow on a lot of players, and who [[spoiler:shows up with a small army near the end and pressures the BigBad into staying put with thinly veiled threats. And he ''keeps smiling while doing it''.]]
* Arcueid from ''VisualNovel/{{Tsukihime}}'' is more well known for being a bit [[CloudCuckoolander adorably ditzy]] than being [[SweaterGirl sexy.]] Also known more for her [[PersonOfMassDestruction outrageously broken strength]].
** The {{Nasuverse}} is peppered with this trope, come to think of it. The ''FateStayNight'' girls all have their moments, and some would even regard [[KnifeNut Shiki]] as one.
** Ilya is probably the most prominent there. Of course, she also happens to be a complete (but intensely sympathetic) psychopath loli who [[NotAllowedToGrowUp isn't as young as she looks]].

* The TropeNamer is Green Mega Man (The Mega-speaking, mega-hyperactive, mega-side kick from ''WesternAnimation/{{Captain N|The Gamemaster}}''), from ''CaptainSNES''. Even the Cynical, rude, and foul-mouthed bastard that is Alex Williams, thinks Green Mega is Adorably Badass.
* Ruby Gem, the little toddler vampire girl from ''{{Monsterful}}''.
** Even more Badass when she transforms into a VSV (Vampiric Spartan Viking).
* Calvin/Freckle from ''LackadaisyCats''.
* Grace from ''Webcomic/ElGoonishShive''.
* ''SuperStupor'', a side project from the creator of ''SomethingPositive'' breaks down the trope as a basic fact of {{superhero}} / {{supervillain}} life [[http://www.superstupor.com/sust04092008.shtml and its result on those too stupid to recognize it.]]
* Arcturus Winrock from ''SuicideForHire'', if you think a chain-smoker who dresses like a punk and kills people for money can be cute.
* ''Webcomic/TowerOfGod'': Anak, who is a LittleMissBadass that can be pretty adorable once you get to know her, and Mule Love, a PintsizedPowerhouse who everyone agrees is cute, small and freakishly strong.
* Several of the younger characters in ''{{Drowtales}}'' are like this due to the way drow age making them look like young children even when in their 20s, but Ariel is probably the best example, since she looks about 8 and has already kicked the asses of several people who've gone after her. Generally speaking even cute little kids in ''Drowtales'' can kick loads of ass since they live in a CrapsackWorld and pretty much ''have'' to in order to stay alive.
* Most of the cast of ''Webcomic/{{Digger}}'' is this. Digger herself, Ed, Shadowchild, Murai...
* Little Rorschach in a ''Gunshow'' [[http://gunshowcomic.com/d/20090312.html story arc]].
* Bridget the Zombie from ''FarOutThere''. Especially in [[http://faroutthere.smackjeeves.com/comics/1072504/page-256-pwnage/ this comic]].
* ''LastRes0rt'' has Jigsaw Forte, [[FurryComic among others.]]
* Tycho's niece Anne, or "Annarchy" in ''PennyArcade'', tearing up zombies with a [[Franchise/StarTrek bat'leth]]. Her alter-ego "Anne-Claire" in ''PennyArcadeAdventures'' sports a KillSat attack.
* ''Webcomic/SluggyFreelance'' has had a few including Princess-Princess who is really Secret Angel Princess-Princess. Especially when she figures out how stupid that sounds out loud. Secret Cranky Office Temp could also qualify. Aylee in a couple of her forms was adorable and could either swallow you whole or burn you to a crisp. Obviously Oasis, the ultimate cutie when she's not taking out entire armies single handed. Being bat-sh*t insane can have her going from one to the other in nanoseconds. And then there is Bun Bun; a cute little mini-lop with floppy ears, aww. That is until you look deep into those big dark eyes and see how much you are going to suffer if you don't get out of his face right now, toots.
* ''SugarBits''. Bleedman is possibly the only person in the world who can make a cookie badass. And this is without mentioning Bo, the ridiculously adorable and tiny sheep... who will do [[http://sugar.snafu-comics.com/index.php?comic_id=102 this]] if you screw with her friends.
* The Racconans from ''TalesOfTheQuestor'' are an entire nation of tiny Raccoon-like humanoids... ...Nearly all of which can unleash powerful magics in self-defence, have perfected magical engineering to the point they're nearly an industrial power in an age of knights and castles, and most Racconan communities have huge militias. Add to that an attitude of [[CombatPragmatist combat pragmatism]] and an insidious cunning, and you have a nation of 2 foot tall critters that has thus far squashed every invasion thus attempted on it's territory. The Racconans could teach the Ewoks a few lessons.
* ''BittersweetCandyBowl'', Lucy can kick a whole lot more ass than is apparent.
* In the same vein as ''Videogame/{{Earthbound}}'', the kids from ''Webcomic/{{Homestuck}}'', even the UglyCute Trolls. Yes, those ''are'' thirteen-year-old tykes, casually manipulating time, space and ''the universe itself'', fighting hordes that make the [[ZergRush Zerg]] look conservative and blowing up stars.(Special mention goes to [[LittleMissSnarker Rose]] and [[CatGirl Nepeta]].)
** Taken up to eleven with Jade's [[spoiler: God Tier form, which gave her her pet dog's RealityWarper powers - and dog ears.]]
* ''Webcomic/RoninGalaxy'': Cecil gives his opponent a cheesy little v-sign before [[http://www.roningalaxy.com/comics/chapter-1/page-23/ dispatching]] of him. [[http://www.roningalaxy.com/comics/chapter-1/page-40/ Twice.]]
* Generally speaking, ''Webcomic/GunnerkriggCourt'''s Reynardine is either a BigBadassWolf or a not-so-nice (or cute) stuffed animal. However, look at the fourth panel of [[http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/archive_page.php?comicID=847 this comic]] and tell me that ancient, powerful, [[DemonicPossession body-snatching]] demon isn't one of the cutest things you've ever seen.
* Several characters in ''Webcomic/KevinAndKell'' qualify, but the undisputed champion is Coney Dewclaw, a three-year-old diaper-wearing bunny rabbit. She's also half-wolf (on her mother's side), and effortlessly devours slavering carnivores five times her size in a single panel.
* TheOswaldChronicles's eponymous Oswald, a mouse with pince-nez glasses, a bow-tie and a vest. Also, enough magical mojo to go toe to toe with the greatest sorcerer alive.
* The animal forms of ''ButImACatPerson'''s shapeshifting Beings include an adorable puppy and a fluffy pink rabbit. Some of their human appearances [[http://erinptah.com/catperson/chapter-three-page-two/ are pretty cute too]].
* Morty of ''Suppression'' is described as a walking sphere of primal, powerful magic energy. He has (in teaming up with Kirk) devastated demons much larger than him and taken out an entire row of houses after turning into a BFG. And he is absolutely adorable.
* While the titular character of ''CharbyTheVampirate'' is stuck looking like an cute if sharp toothed kid, he took out a ship full of pirates on his ninth birthday, and has only gotten cooler since then.
* Jack Hawkin from ZokushoComics is a foot shorter than anyone else on his team and considerably younger. He is obviously extremely pleased by a simple compliment on his chess playing abilities. Just a few pages later he's calling down lightning to fry the enemies he isn't just setting on fire.
* Platypus from ''{{Vinigortonio}}'' may look like an ordinary platypus but can actually hold his own in a fight and even infiltrate the police department without being noticed.
* Madeline in ''RustyAndCo''
* Nin Wah, the red panda from ''Webcomic/CommanderKitty''. At one point, she manages to [[http://www.commanderkitty.com/2011/02/06/and-shes-all-out-of-bubblegum/ fight off]] an [[http://www.commanderkitty.com/2011/05/15/saved-by-the-bell/ entire army]] of mashed up goons three times her size.
* Peaches (FriendToAllLivingThings Oni) and Cherry (magic-using CuteBruiser) from ''DragonMango''.

[[folder:Web Original]]
* feralAncient, oceanRising, flintlockEnthusiast, familyFun [[LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters for starters]] from ''FanFic/AdultStuck''. Given most of the cast starts out at 11, this is probably to be expected.
* Flippy from ''HappyTreeFriends''.
* Kid [=LeBron=] from ''WebAnimation/TheLebrons''.
* In the ''WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic'' fangame ''[[http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/579165 Super Filly Adventure]]'', this is what becomes of the main character Jade in the warrior ending. [[spoiler:Essentially, [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome she SOLO PWNS A DRAGON!]] With a MAGIC SPEAR.]].
* Let's take ''WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic'', give it a grimdark spin, and make it into a PlayByPost forum. [[EquestriaChronicles This is what you get.]]
* Yuki from ''FanFic/TheReturn'' loves pink, glitter, colouring books, looks about 13-14ish, and she will f*ck you up.
* Jade Sinclair (Generator) of the ''Liteature/WhateleyUniverse''. Cute as a button, looks like she's only eleven... and has scared the holy <censored> out of violent villains like Bloodwolf and Killstench. Bloodwolf controls a werewolf spirit and likes hurting people. He got stapled to a tree with railroad spikes. Do not make Generator mad at you. And then there's the Syndicate hardsite she destroyed... after being tortured nearly to death, stabbed through the heart, then [[spoiler:gives herself CPR and plays dead until her regen kicks in, then she goes about killing half the base herself with jagged metal objects and raising her victims as "zombies". It starts to cross the line into GrotesqueCute, really.]]

[[folder:Western Animation]]
* While it's probably due to the art style, a large number of characters in ''WesternAnimation/AdventureTime'' would certainly qualify. Special credit goes to [[KidHero Finn]], who is adorable, and powerful enough to power a machine that can flip the Earth.
* Nibbler from ''WesternAnimation/{{Futurama}}'' probably falls under this category. There's practically a whole episode devoted to how adorable the crew find him (much to Bender's chagrin), and in as the series progresses, it is revealed that [[spoiler:the Nibblonian race was already 17 years old at the time of the big bang, and are charged with protecting the Earth from the evil Brainspawn]] and also that Nibbler himself had a fairly big part to play in [[spoiler:getting Fry cryogenically frozen for 1000 years in the first place]].
** As an ancient, super-intelligent beings, the Nibblonians resent being regarded as adorable. Nibbler, himself gets fed up with it in season six:
-->'''Leela''': If you want to be treated like a fellow crew member, fine, but no more purse rides, and no more dressing you up in your cute little sailor suit.
-->'''Nibbler''': I keep telling you, that's my ''real'' naval uniform.
** Later, when the crew has dressed a cat in that same sailor suit
-->'''Nibbler''': (Sighs) My best friend died in that uniform.
* All of the members of ''WesternAnimation/ChipNDaleRescueRangers'' except for [[TheBigGuy Monty]] have their moments, but none more consistently than the fly Zipper, who almost never shows any fear when something thousands of times his size threatens his friends. Which happens pretty much every episode.
* During an episode of ''JusticeLeagueUnlimited'', "Kids Stuff", {{Superman}}, GreenLantern, WonderWoman and {{Batman}} all get changed to kids for reasons [[ItMakesSenseInContext too complicated to explain here]]. {{Batman}} in particular is pretty damn adorable.
* Tommy Pickles from ''WesternAnimation/{{Rugrats}}''. He's constantly standing up to [[SpoiledBrat Angelica]] and is the bravest baby in the show.
** [[CowardlyLion Chuckie's]] very adorable with his messy [[color:red:red]] hair, freckles, and glasses, and despite his shy nature he's had his share of {{Badass}} moments as well. Like when he summons the courage to stop the wedding in the second movie. And he successfully (if a bit haphazardly) pilots Robo-Reptar with the help of the other babies. What follows is a great and crazy climax which culminates in his final fight with Jean-Claude (who is piloting Robo-Snail), and he beats him. Meek little Chuckie, who was still suffering from his mother's death, beats a fully grown man in a giant robotic snail, and makes it in time to halt the wedding.
* Pulgita from ''WesternAnimation/{{Mucha Lucha}}''. She saves her brother The Flea from The Masked Toilet And She can beat everyone who came across her.
* Steve from ''WesternAnimation/AmericanDad!'' is normally calm and adorkable, but has a short temper and has beat people much tougher than him on several occasions.
** Also Reginald Koala.
* Ling-Ling from ''WesternAnimation/DrawnTogether''.
* An evil version is Professor Princess from ''WesternAnimation/TransformersAnimated'', a tech genius on a quest to rid the world of violent {{toys}} by blowing them up with her toy-themed weaponry. Her mount is a flying robot horse named Powdered Sugar.
** Also she has a doctorate. Professor Penny Princess is her ''real name''.
** Sari rolls with the Autobots and was actually a useful human sidekick (though she probably considered them ''her'' sidekicks). Highlights include saving Bumblebee and Prowl from space barnacle infestation and tormenting the Constructicons when they crashed the Autobots' hideout until they left. Goes double after "Transwarped."
* ''WesternAnimation/AvatarTheLastAirbender'' has five:
** [[AffirmativeActionGirl Toph]] is the [[CheerfulChild cutest little girl in the world]]. Never satisfied by melting hearts, she also decided to become the strongest Earthbender in the world, so she could ''rip them out''. Example--[[AffirmativeActionGirl Toph]], little blind girl who weighs all of a pound, can [[CuteBruiser crush a steel sword in her hands like it's a Coca-Cola can.]] Effectively, what would happen if a Skipper doll became a LightningBruiser.
** [[ActionGirl Ty Lee]] is an [[MsFanservice insanely hot]], [[PerkyFemaleMinion cheerful and bubbly]], well-endowed teen babe who uses her enormous...''strength'' (What? What did you expect?) to beat grown men to death with her bare hands. She easily downs powerful benders, even though she has no such power, and does it while filling out a shirt like no sanely-drawn woman should.
** [[TheHero Aang]] himself, though. Sweet and innocent, with eyes some {{anime}} characters would kill for, refuses to eat meat or kill even the most evil...and he can go [[BewareTheNiceOnes Avatar State]] on you if you [[BerserkButton hurt one of his]] [[TrueCompanions friends]].
** Kyoshi Warrior Suki definitely counts. Already a BadassNormal amongst a world of supermen, she can outmatch anyone at armed combat with her fans, all the while having irresistible PuppyDogEyes and the cutest pout/sassy smile ever ever.
** And Appa! Aang's loyal aero-bovine companion, who looks like a ten-ton stuffed toy and gets some awesome BigDamnHeroes moments.
* ''WesternAnimation/TheLegendOfKorra'' has Korra's EstablishingCharacterMoment take place with a DynamicEntry, where she [[DishingOutDirt Earthbends]] a wall [[ThereWasADoor across the room]], [[NoIndoorVoice loudly and proudly]] proclaims herself the Avatar''[[hottip:*:[[MemeticMutation And that you gotta DEAL with it!]]'', and demonstrates by bending three elements at once. ''[[PintsizedPowerhouse She's four.]]''
** ''Legend of Korra'' also gives us Aang's three [[BlowYouAway airbending]] grandchildren, who are quite capable of taking on [[spoiler: an ''equalist invasion'' of Air Temple Island.]]
** Korra's pet polar bear-dog Naga is quite probably the most badass mothaf*cka in the franchise. Bitch-slaps the Lieutenant in mid-air off a cliff, rips open steel prison cells, and knocks down gigantic platinum mechs like dominoes. She's ''usually'' quite a friendly and affectionate mutt...
* ''WesternAnimation/ThePowerpuffGirls'' -- Described on their own page as "Cute {{Flying Brick}}s".
** Specifically [[TheKirk Bubbles]] who is far and away the most adorable of all of them. Only one time does she ever truly get angry. After [[TookALevelInBadass taking a level in badass]] she becomes more than a match for both sisters, easily beating them up by herself.
* Dot Warner from ''WesternAnimation/{{Animaniacs}}''.
* ''ShirtTales'', by 80's Saturday morning standards at any rate.
* Ding-A-Ling Wolf from ''HokeyWolf'' cartoons. In one episode, he witnessed a robot trying to strangle Hokey and what did he do? He grabbed a massive stick and beat the living crap out of the robot. Keep in mind this is an adorable wolf cub with PuppyDogEyes and an innocent personality.
* Lexington from ''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'': He's tiny by gargoyle standards (and none too big by human standards) and has flying-squirrel-like patagia for wings, owlish eyes, and a reedy tenor voice. He's also [[TheSmartGuy the team]] [[{{Adorkable}} nerd]]. That said: he's still a gargoyle warrior. ''Don't piss him off''.
* There was a ''WesternAnimation/TomAndJerry'' cartoon where Jerry got a bulldog about his size. Tom made the mistake of picking up said dog, tossing it up and down like a ball and giving an "Ah, how cute!" chuckle.
* Dexter from ''WesternAnimation/DextersLaboratory'' is about a foot tall, {{adorkable}} and knows martial arts.
* Peter Puppy from ''WesternAnimation/EarthwormJim''. That is all.
* Timmy Turner from ''WesternAnimation/TheFairlyOddParents'' has confronted bullies, aliens, and [[spoiler:the Darkness]] ever since his Fairies showed up.
** Poof, at times, especially in episodes with his [[EvilCounterpart Anti-Fairy counterpart]], [[EnfanteTerrible Foop]].
* [[OppositeSexClone Danielle]] from ''DannyPhantom'', who looks like an adorable little tomboy and is constantly in danger due to her [[UnstableGeneticCode unstable form]], proves even if she doesn't possess as much power as Danny himself, she can still dish out the damage when needed. Not many people can go and one up [[BigBad Vlad Plasmius]] after all (though it may be justified as Vlad potentially may have trained her).
** And depending on who you ask, Danny himself.
* Meap from ''WesternAnimation/PhineasAndFerb''. He's an intergalactic cop who roams the universe busting people who do stuff they're not supposed to do. Did I mention he's two feet tall, doe-eyed, pink, and without his translator all he can say is "Meap!"?
--> '''Mitch''': [[LampshadeHanging Okay, okay, I surrender! You can stop behaving in a way counter-intuitive to how you superficially appear!]]
** Perry the Platypus counts as well. As his theme song states, he's a ''semi-aquatic egg-laying mammal'' '''''of action'''''.
** She doesn't kick much butt, but Isabella has proven herself to be quite the ActionGirl at times.
*** In "Meapless in Seattle", she actually ''uses her cuteness as a weapon'' to beat Mitch.
** The Fireside Girls as a whole. One of their achievement patches is ''wrestling an alligator.''
** ...which is nothing compared to one of their others, which was ''moving a mountain with their bare hands.'' And this was played for laughs!
** Arguably, Phineas and Ferb. If they wanted, they could probably invent a KillSat or HumongousMecha in their free time.
*** Could? How about did. They built fifty foot tree house robots to have a rock'em sock'em robot battle with their teenage sister. They [[spoiler: used the cumulative might of their inventions to stop an invasion of killbots from another dimension!]]
*** Also built a space laser when the got the blueprints mixed up for their giant sundae maker. They just left the giant laser unattached before launching it into orbit.
*** "Escape from Phineas Tower" pretty much cements them as this. They're in situations even ''Perry'' hasn't been in, and don't even break a sweat dealing with them.
* June from ''KaBlam'' appears as a cute tomboyish little girl, yet get her mad and take cover.
** This might also relate to Loopy, though her temper isn't as firey.
** Jetcat is also very much this trope.
* Jenny from ''WesternAnimation/MyLifeAsATeenageRobot''.
** And the tiny windup robot Killgore, too. No one takes him seriously due to his size, but he not only manages to capture TheHero but also manages to rebuild a gigantic, world-destroying machine by himself.
* Raven, Starfire, Jinx, and Terra from ''WesternAnimation/TeenTitans''.
** Melvin, and to a lesser extent Teether and Timmy.
* Occasionally, Mort from ''ThePenguinsOfMadagascar.'' Mort is usually rather cute and pathetic, but he has been known to beat Skipper at arm-wrestling, uproot whole trees and smash things with them, and beat up gorillas (though the last one was a result of one of Kowalski's experiments accidentally making him extremely large and muscular). Private may also qualify. Despite being very "cute and cuddly" he's been shown to be an excellent fighter, able to fend of Skipper's attacks while training blindfolded in one episode. And all without breaking a sweat.
* Any of the kids from ''WesternAnimation/CodenameKidsNextDoor'' count. Especially Numbuh 3/Kuki who is absolutely friggin adorable most of the time and is the team's sweet [[TheDitz ditzy]] GenkiGirl, but when she does get angry, epic asskicking usually ensues.
--->'''Mr. Boss''': Quick! RUN LIKE LITTLE GIRLS!
** Sonia also counts. Normally she's a sweet, shy little girl who looks like she doesn't belong in a organization that fights evil adults. Then, you threaten to places her somewhere dark...and then you can only watch in horror as she beats you within an inch of your life.
--->'''Sonia''': (smiles sweetly) What? I don't like the dark!
* Snap from ''ChalkZone''. He appears as a cute little chalk drawing with huge eyes and a big heart, but can get very aggressive if you harm one of his friends.
** Rudy can also be one to an extent. I mean, he's got the magic chalk! Which can do anything!
* The eponymous ''WesternAnimation/KimPossible'', Rufus and even Ron, though he falls more into the adorkable category.
* Sam, Clover, and Alex from ''WesternAnimation/TotallySpies.''
* Maggie on ''WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons''.
** [[spoiler:She shot Mr. Burns. Also, when the whole town failed to confront the mobsters who were threatening to murder Homer Simpson, Maggie shot all of them from her bedroom when they arrived at the house. Homer didn't see her do it, but when he heard those gunshots and saw those mobsters fall to the ground, he said "I must have a guardian angel with a rifle." The irony is, this approach might have put her into some sort of EnfanteTerrible AntiHero category if not for how obvious it was that [[PayEvilUntoEvil her targets deserved it]].]]
* BugsBunny. Seriously, how many bunny rabbits do you know who can stare down the barrel of a shotgun and casually ask "What's up, Doc?"
--> '''[[WaynesWorld Garth]]''': Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when [[AttractiveBentGender he put on a dress and played girl bunny]]?
--> '''Wayne''': No.
--> [cracks up laughing]
--> '''Wayne''': No!
--> '''Garth''': Neither did I. I was just asking.
* Arguably one of the best aspects of ''[[Disney/{{Bambi}} Bambi II]]'' is evolving Disney's icon of cutesiness into a resourceful guardian for his herd, taking out an entire pack of hunting dogs by himself (par one which is desposed of by the equally adorable Thumper and Flower).
* Kit Cloudkicker of ''WesternAnimation/TaleSpin'', master of SkySurfing and HyperCompetentSidekick to Baloo. Molly to a lesser extent may also apply.
* [[GentleGiant Eduardo]] from ''WesternAnimation/FostersHomeForImaginaryFriends''. He's a cute purple friendly monster, but hurt someone he likes...
** [[{{Moe}} Mac]] is also ''very'' badass adorable. He can easily take you on if you harm his friends, and is probably one of the cutest ones in the entire show.
* Heloise from ''[[WesternAnimation/JimmyTwoShoes Jimmy Two-Shoes]]'' is an AxCrazy EnfantTerrible who beats and murders anyone who sets off her HairTriggerTemper...but she just looks so darn {{moe}} while doing it.
* A lot of the G1 ''MyLittlePony'' gang was this. Especially certain Ponies like Firefly, Gusty, and Galaxy.
* ''WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic'' has loads of this to go around, what with how cute, tiny, multi-coloured ponies are living in a world full of monsters. It applies to practically all the main characters.
** Fluttershy is normally a quiet, timid pegasus who is a FriendToAllLivingThings, but '''DO NOT''' hurt or otherwise threaten her friends. Accomplishments include wrestling a bear, staring down a co*ckatrice, taming Cerberus, and glaring down a dragon fifty times her size.
** Also of note, Rainbow Dash for [[LeeroyJenkins rushing in at every possible threat]], plus being the only pony who can break the sound barrier. Worth noting that she ''kicked'' the above-mentioned dragon.
** Twilight Sparkle is the pony equivalent of [[XMen Jean Grey]], down to the huge power and even more powerful mentor.
** Rarity, the most [[TheFashionista prim and proper]] of the [[IncrediblyLamePun Mane]] [[FanNickname Cast]], has one reaction to a manticore charging at her: ''kick it in the face''. Her manipulative cunning is also not to be underestimated.
** Applejack lacks the special powers of her pegasus and unicorn friends, [[BadassNormal but]] she can be relied on to handle a dangerous situation at least as well as any of the others. Her daily routine is kicking apple trees to dislodge the fruit.
** [[LifeOfTheparty Pinkie Pie]] is usually a comic relief character who bounces along, but in the big fight scene at the end of season 2, she started to harness her [[CloudCuckoolander weirdness]] (and Party Cannon) towards being CrazyAwesome.
** ''The Great and Powerful'' Trixie -- [[LordOfTheRings Saruman]] as a pony! A subversion in that her magic is almost entirely looks; the only thing she seems to be good at is putting on a show and telling tall tales.
** Princess Luna is utterly {{Adorkable}}... [[PhysicalGod while accidentally stomping the ground hard enough to crack it and manipulating the weather with a thought to emphasize what she is saying.]]
* This is more or less MickeyMouse's main characterization; he's cheerful and upbeat, but he always manages to save the day in the end. In particular, he [[TookALevelInBadAss takes a level in badass]] in ''KingdomHearts'' and ''EpicMickey''.
** And in the [[MickeyMouseComicUniverse comics]] too—since the very start (in 1930). Watch him fight crooks, pirates, etc. with pistols, lead pipes (!) or just his fists; he might be a nice guy, but he's no sucker.
** His half-brother, OswaldTheLuckyRabbit, ain't such a pushover himself. Notwithstanding his role in ''EpicMickey'', stunts pulled in Oswald's shorts included beating up a [[EverythingsWorseWithBears huge bear]] and [[FurIsClothing relieving it of its fur coat]] and grabbing a gun and pumping a live lion full of lead.
* Wasp from ''WesternAnimation/AvengersEarthsMightiestHeroes''. She's an adorable, spunky {{Moe}}/ActionGirl who isn't afraid to fly right up to ultra-powerful [[BigBad Big Bads]] and blast them in the face while [[DeadpanSnarker smack-talking]] them.
* The main six kids in ''WesternAnimation/{{Recess}}'', and they all [[TookALevelInBadass take a level in badass]] in ''RecessSchoolsOut''. Spinelli is one of the most triumphant examples in the series, as she's a small, adorable nine-year-old girl with her hair in GirlishPigtails, yet she's the toughest kid in school.
** T.J. Detweiler. Short, chubby, wide-eyed, sweet, and adorable. He's also the leader of the gang, who's responsible for all of their awesome moments.
** Then you have NaiveNewcomer Gus Griswald, who arguably, is one of the cutest kids among the main six, being the {{Adorkable}} [[TheMessiah sweetheart]] of the gang. He can be a bit of a fraidy cat at times, though when he stands up for what he believes in, he's extremely badass.
** Outside the main six, you've got Miss Grotke, the kids' fourth grade teacher who is absolutely ''adorable''...and a martial arts expert.
* The Trollz in ''{{Trollz}}'', particularly Amethyst, Topaz, and Sapphire.
* Colleen from ''WesternAnimation/RoadRovers''. She has no actual superpowers. You know those big concrete blocks that they have in parking lots to keep people from driving onto walkways or into the side of the building? She broke one of those like it was nothing, after a monster threw it at her. You know those 2 big, rabid-looking cano-mutants that used to act as Parvo's main goons? They run off in terror when she reminds them of the first time they met (she beat them up on top of a train). She also routinely beats the crap out of the doberman who has super strength and extra-sharp unbreakable claws. She also beat up a pack of werewolves, because they drooled on her and ruined her hairdo.
** She also turned into a [[BigBadassWolf large werewolf]] capable of piloting a helicopter.
* From ''WesternAnimation/TitanMaximum'', we have Clare the dealiest assassin in the solar system. She looks seven (Gibbs assures Jodi she's really 24) and acts the same with a love of all things cute, especially bugs and frogs. [[AxCrazy Unless she's killing someone.]]
* Quailman, a.k.a. ''WesternAnimation/{{Doug}}'', who's Badass {{Adorkable}}.
** Heck, outside his Quailman fantasies, Doug certainly qualifies when he causes a CMOA
* Rocko from ''WesternAnimation/RockosModernLife'' can be a real asskicker when he gets mad.
* Peng the snow leopard cub from ''WesternAnimation/KungFuPanda: Legends Of Awesomeness''.
* ''[[WesternAnimation/{{Thundercats 2011}} [=ThunderCats (2011)=]]]'' has a few
** The CuteKitten TricksterTwins the Thunderkittens can outwit giant trolls by dosing themselves with a fruit that induces CaffeineBulletTime and leading them straight into carefully laid tripwire.
** The [[{{Lilliputians}} Lilliputian]] PlantPerson Emrick is a swordsman who counts a bird many times his size as his lifelong nemesis. The bird is as tall as a human, while Emrick would fit in one's hand.
** The Drifter is an ever-smiling RascallyRabbit who manages to dance circles around highly-skilled (and highly agitated) swordsmen, all without much in the way of weapons himself.
* All main 6 kids in the Adventures Of Blinky Bill become this after the Extraordinary Excursion in seasion 2. How they survived all that despite being kids. Just so badass.
* In ''WesternAnimation/{{Metalocalypse}}'', Toki Wartooth is a rather dark take on this, overlapping with CuteAndPsycho. He's a [[MrFanservice handsome]] young [[FunnyForeigner Norwegian]] with an [[{{Moe}} adorably]] [[ManChild childlike]] personality and interests and a very {{Woobie}}ish backstory, who also plays guitar for the most brutal death metal band on the planet. He's also capable of [[BewareTheNiceOnes seriously messing up]] someone who wears past his usual cheerful demeanor.
* Dipper Pines from ''WesternAnimation/GravityFalls''. Just [[BerserkButton don't say that to his face]]. His sister Mabel counts as well.
* Butters Stotch from ''WesternAnimation/SouthPark''. Often overlaps with BadassUnintentional, as so many of his actions are done with the most innocent and childlike of intentions.
* Ch'p from ''GreenLanternTheAnimatedSeries''. He may look like just a cute little squirrel, but he was able to kick Hal Jordan's butt without giving Hal a single chance to fight back.

[[folder:Real Life]]
* Far, ''far'' too many individual examples to list, but chances are that a good percentage of mammalian, reptilian, and avian predators (in their infancy, at least) are strong candidates. Realize that, cuteness aside, any animal that hasn't lived a completely domesticated life has to survive in nature, fighting for food (not to mention having to kill it), protecting its young, and every once in a while, beating the hell out of something thath wants to eat ''it''.
** ''{{Website/Cracked}}'' presents [[http://www.cracked.com/article_15853_6-cutest-animals-that-can-still-destroy-you.html the six cutest animals that can (and will) destroy you.]]
* Cats, at least [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cats_in_ancient_Egypt according to ancient Egypt]]
** Ancient Egypt nothing, cats ARE badass adorable. Humans just notice the adorable part more often than the badass part.
** Some articles have described cats as not being truly domesticated. This makes sense. If your cat leaves home, he or she has a great chance of being able to survive in the wild hunting things like a furry little Rambo. Your chihuahua, not so much.
*** Cats are domesticated, but not nearly on the same level of dogs. This is because, unlike with dogs and livestock animals, humans never actually made an active effort to domesticate cats. When agriculture was developed, humans were able to store food for long periods of times. This attracted rodents like mice and rats. The cats learned that where there were humans, there were mice, so cats came by to eat and only tolerated the humans. Humans only tolerated the cats because cats killed rodents that otherwise would've wiped out the food supply.
** Speaking of ''Cracked'' articles, there's also their article about [[http://www.cracked.com/article_18963_6-cats-more-badass-than-you-and-most-superheroes.html six cats more badass than you and most superheroes.]]
** Also, the page quotation refers to sand cats, a particular variety of small cats found in the desert, and one that looks much like domestic cats. [[http://lh6.ggpht.com/-CpxM2n4MBPs/S1aK698IclI/AAAAAAAADU4/fsGTa_6ZKL0/P1010225.JPG Just look at them!]] How could that not give off both a "badass" vibe and an "adorable" vibe at the same time?
** There is a Eurasian species of "small" wildcat known as the [[ExactlyWhatit*aysOnTheTin fishing cat]]. This famous news article about a Russian family who owns one as a pet shouldn't leave any question as to why it qualifies as Badass Adorable: [[http://englishrussia.com/index.php/2009/07/05/russian-pet/ WARNING: Some images might upset you. Others you will want to hug.]]
** There's a [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sAF8gMN9c0 youtube video]] of a cat playing with a kid when suddenly an alligator shows up... and the cat scares him off. What does the gator do? ''He comes back with a buddy.'' What does the cat do? ''He swipes at both of them.''
** [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNeaZz9Vt6Q This kitten.]]
** Domesticated cats kill more types of animals than any other cat species, even the biggest ones like lions and tigers. Domestic cats are very good at killing ''scorpions'', to the point that, in places where scorpions are common, cats are kept around to kill them.
* Alexis Goggins. A seven-year-old girl who saved her mother's life from a gunman by jumping in front of her--[[http://www.cracked.com/article_16497_p2.html she took six bullets, and lived!]]
* A lot of recent boot camp graduates can qualify as this. A lot of them are only 17, 18, or 19 years old at the time, so they can look just as adorable as any other young adult. And they fight wars.
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QCFd-Iks5g Zhenya Tabakov.]]
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_bear Water Bears]]. Cute little kinda-arthropods-but-not-really that can survive anything from freezing solid to nuclear explosions to '''[[http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14690-water-bears-are-first-animal-to-survive-space-vacuum.html the vacuum of space]]'''.
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meerkat Meerkats]]: When they band together, they can scare off the biggest and most dangerous predators.
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bumblebee Bumblebees]]. A lot of people erroneously believe them to be stingless, but the truth is they're just more easy going then their more dangerous cousins. But piss them off, and they are just as capable of f*cking you up as any other species of bee.
** Honeybees have barbed stingers that cause the stinger and several organs to be torn out when the bee stings, killing the bee. However, bumblebees, like wasps, have smooth stingers and can sting you as many times as they like.
* ZoeBell. Described in the script for ''[[{{Grindhouse}} Death Proof]]'' as "cute as a bug's ear [[UsefulNotes/NewZealand Kiwi]] stuntwoman". Has doubled for such actresses as UmaThurman in ''KillBill'' and LucyLawless on ''XenaWarriorPrincess''. In ''Death Proof'', she rides the hood of a speeding car, and roundhouses Stuntman Mike in the face, knocking him on his ass.
* [[http://www.graciekyra.com Kyra Gracie]] anyone? Cute as a button, could take anyone of us in a grappling contest and walk away still looking perfect.
* Dogs. They are adorable with their big eyes, ears, droopy/smiling faces and wagging tails aren't they? Well, some have been bred for herding livestock, hunting, rodent control, guarding, helping fishermen with nets, and pulling loads, in addition to their roles as companions. They can also serve as service dogs such as guide dogs, utility dogs, assistance dogs, hearing dogs, rescue dogs, and psychological therapy dogs provide assistance to individuals with physical or mental disabilities. Not to mention there are some pretty capable police dogs out there who sniff for bombs/drugs, chase after suspects, and can sniff out decomposing corpses.
** They are the descendants of [[BigBadassWolf wolves]], who are known to have incredibly powerful, bone-crushing jaws, ridiculous amounts of stamina, and hearing and sense of smell beyond human comprehension, and enough intelligence to work together and use surprisingly complex strategies to take down prey several times more powerful than themselves. Almost all dogs have at least some of these traits left over. Suffice it to say that most domestic dogs, including the smaller ones, (barring such intense human manipulation as is seen in the chihuahua) are almost as tough as their wolf ancestors- and a few are even tougher.
** See also [[http://www.cracked.com/article_16471_wolves-in-sheeps-clothing-badass-roots-5-sissy-dogs.html these]] [[http://www.cracked.com/article/133_7-dogs-that-accomplished-more-than-we-ever-will/ articles]] from ''{{Website/Cracked}}''.
* [[HelloProject Ishikawa Rika]] once broke 12 concrete tiles with one blow from her bare hands, sure it turned out they were especially designed to break, but when Takahashi Ai tried to do the same thing on another show she failed miserably until she resorted to stamping on the stack instead.
* Hummingbirds. Tiny little balls of feathers and hyperactivity that live off sugar water and look like digital camera ads. They're also [[AttackAttackAttack stupidly aggressive]], and will chase birds ten times their size out of their territory. There's a reason why the Aztecs believed hummingbirds to be ''the reincarnations of their own warriors.''
* Chimpanzees and other apes can be pretty cute at times. They are also possess bone-crushing strength and incredible ferocity when threatened.
* [[http://hoydenabouttown.com/20090307.4010/otterday-and-open-thread-24/ Otters will f*ck you up.]]
* Skunks are quite adorable if left alone. However, they tend to walk around rather boldly and have been known to stand up to bears and mountain lions, normally ending by sending the predator running with a face full of musk, and if they're smart they don't come back. If their spray fails, they can resort to tooth and claw fighting, and can seriously mess you up. And mother skunks are [[MamaBear quite protective of their children]], making them even more BadAss.
* Soldiers in TheVietnamWar were warned about young girls selling items such as cold sodas in the street, who wore concealed explosives that they would detonate once enough U.S. soldiers got within range.
** Not to mention the [[HoneyTrap real purpose of most of the prostitutes.]]
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFWeldHtJgI Squirrels.]]
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoYpJqFNj40 This swordswoman]]. Calm, collected, precise... and she jumps for joy when she masters a sword stroke.
** There's also [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=OKMRcLyBlmg this little girl]] who looks pretty skilled despite the sword looking almost as big as she is.
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lycaon_pictus Painted wolves]] actually base their pack hierarchies around submission, resulting in puppy-like antics from just about the entire pack. What makes them noteworthy separate from other canines? ''90%'' of their hunts end in kills - even lions only manage a measly 30%.
* Cheerleaders[[hottip:*:except for the AlphaBitch variety]]. Seriously. Studies have found that [[http://www.columbiamissourian.com/stories/2008/09/19/sports-injury-research-cheerleading-riskier-football/ cheerleading can be more dangerous than even American football.]] Little to no padding, intense gymnastics, and intense competition cause there to be a higher risk for catastrophic damage than many sports. Plus they have to look good doing it.
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyqG1rI5l70 Grasshopper mice.]]
* [[http://scienceblogs.com/notrocketscience/upload/2009/09/hungry_great_tit*_hunt_for_hibernating_bats/Leopard-gecko.jpg Leopard geckos]], more well-known for their easygoing nature as a pet, have a secret talent: they can kill scorpions larger than themselves.
* [[http://troglopundit.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/gina-carano-pics-004.jpg Gina Carano]]. Cute, beautiful, seems to be on the verge of a giggle most of the time, and is a professional kick-boxer and mixed martial artist.
* Mongooses have this reputation for their odd ability to defend themselves against venomous elapid snakes, mainly cobras. However, this seems to be semi-based on ReptilesAreAbhorrent attitudes, so it's a bit of a good-bad reputation.
* [[http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/02/in-the-web-of-the-velvet-worm/ Velvet worms.]] Probably another UglyCute example, but they're soft and squishy things that crawl slowly over the forest floor on stubby legs. And are predators. That can kill prey the size of tarantulas. (They do it by spraying a [[CrazyAwesome sticky slime that quickly hardens into a net]] to trap their prey. And then they close in and eat the helpless prey alive.)
* Tasmanian devils. They're pudgy, fuzzy little black critters with a perma-scowl who are infamous for their frenzied screeching and the sheer ferocity that they display when eating, not to mention having the strongest proportional bite of any living mammal.
* Bears in general, [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob_oD1IsYbE but especially polar bears.]]
* Smaller birds of prey, like falcons and small hawks. The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest living thing, and dive-bombs aerial prey, killing them in mid-air.
* Sea turtles are often thought of as the [[RidiculouslyCuteCritter adorable]], harmless IronWoobie of the ocean that perseveres against all odds. They're also known for being immune to the ''Box Jellyfish'', the most '''venomous creature in the world''', which they regularly ''eat''.
* Badgers in general. They have cute little stripey-faces, stocky bodies, and also have razor-sharp claws and teeth which they can use to defend themselves (Though, normally, they will just try to burrow away. Those claws are mainly for digging, after all). Special mention goes to the Honey Badger, which has become a MemeticBadass due to its fearless nature.
* AudieMurphy: Just click through and look at the cute, apparently-teenaged boy wearing what appears to be his dad's, granddad's and uncle's medals, and then scroll down to learn that he earned them all himself, and the crazy things he did in the process.
* The [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cessna_A-37_Dragonfly Cessna A-37 Dragonfly]], probably the [[PintsizedPowerhouse smallest]], [[http://www.airplane-pictures.net/images/uploaded-images/2008-3/18/12002.jpg cutest combat jet ever]]. It is still popular in the air forces of several Central and South American countries.
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyqYN9YRhUg This little girl]] who defends herself against an attacker in an elevator. She starts whooping him before the guy even touches her! And at the end, ''he's'' running away from ''her''!
* A lot of smaller predatory dinosaurs sometimes get this portrayal, particularly ''Velociraptor'' and its relatives, in light of the overwhelming evidence that they had feathers.
* [[NepaliWithNastyKnives Nepali]] at least according to the national stereotype. No need to expound on that!
** [[KukrisAreKool Their knives sure ain't adorable]]

\n[[foldercontrol]]\n\n[[folder:Advertisem*nt]]\n* The banana in this [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTiXZYQNYec Wrigley Gum commercial]]. Forget JamesBond, this cute little fruit should be the next 007!

The little girl from this [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUrftf3ndAw Haribo advert]]. I'd have given up as soon as the door opened.

[[folder:Anime and Manga]]

* ''DeadmanWonderland'': Shiro is all happy giggles and singing...Then something pisses her off and she dropkicks giant robots and blows up buildings. And worst of all, she'll eat all your snacks.
** [[TheHero Ganta]] is a little fourteen year old boy with big grey eyes and [[http://i15.mangareader.net/deadman-wonderland/15/deadman-wonderland-796076.jpg is just really damn adorable]]- and to top it off, he's a huge [[TheWoobie woobie]], especially in the first episode. Now watch what happens when the Red Man is mentioned.
* ''AskDrRin'': Meirin Kanzaki.
* ''Manga/FairyTail'': has several adorable badasses on its roster, including Levy, Wendy, Lucy, Cana, Mirajane, and Erza.
** Erza's adorable moments are few and far between, given that she's TheBigGuy of the group, but when she has them they are priceless.
** Natsu. Admit it.
** Happy, Charle, and especially Pantherlily.
** Angel and Meredy as evil variants.
** [[spoiler:Zeref]]
** Mavis, [[spoiler:the first Guild Master of Fairy Tail]], who manages to be [[BadassAdorable kind, cute, mysterious and hilarious]] at the same time, and [[LittleMissBadass badass]] enough to master and cast one of the most powerful protection spells in the Fairy Tail universe, [[SphereOfPower Fairy Sphere]], [[spoiler:''from beyond the grave''.]] On top of that she created and can probably cast [[LightEmUp Fairy Glitter]] and Fairy Law.
*** Mavis only proves herself more of a Badass when she provides Team Fairy Tail with a strategy so she could lead them to victory, and she developed said strategy by memorizing and analyzing their opponents the entire Grand Magic Tournament. According to Makarov, her nickname was "Fairy Technician Mavis" because she was able to compile many victories through strategizing. Damn.
* ''SoltyRei'': Solty Revant. Cute, shy, plucky, considerate, compassionate... and a RobotGirl who will quickly make with the ass-handing to ANYONE who threatens her adoptive family.
* [[NinjaMaid Sayoko Shinozaki]] from ''Anime/CodeGeass'', anyone?
** She's not that adorable, though. [[tykebomb Anya]], on the other hand...
* Daisuke from ''DNAngel''. And Satoshi to a lesser extent.
* ''Manga/CardcaptorSakura'':
** Sakura Kinomoto, especially after [[spoiler:she becomes master of the Clow Cards, effectively making her the most powerful being on the planet]], while still remaining a [[PingPongNaivete blissfully naive]] CheerfulChild of the highest order.
** Mei-ling, for [[BadassNormal more human reasons]].
* Miharu from ''NabariNoOu''. Shijima, at times, as well.
* ''Manga/FullmetalAlchemist'':
** May Chang, complete with pink dress, adorable pet panda, and prodigy level alkahestry skills.
** Also, Alphonse. Some would also say Edward. Just don't call him cute...or [[BerserkButton short.]]
** Major Alex Armstrong! The childish sincerity of [[GentleGiant this big teddy-bear]] really makes you wanna give him a big hug. Unless you're Ed, in which case you're getting glomped and begging him to "Stop rubbing your chest on me!"
* Pretty much the entire main cast of ''GunslingerGirl''
* Yoshika Miyafuji in ''StrikeWitches'' also qualify. She is the little sister of the team, but is also the most powerful one. Specially after [[spoiler: she regains her magic in TheMovie]]
* [[CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass Ginji]] from ''GetBackers'' is [[DoggedNiceGuy extremely nice]] [[LoveFreak to ]] ''[[LoveFreak everyone ]]'', and [[TheMessiah steadfastly believes in giving people second chances.]] Pretty much all the 'good' guys/girls in the series like him (or at least don't dislike him), and he has a huge number of devotees who think the world of him. But heaven help you if you manage to awaken the guy's SuperPoweredEvilSide...
** And [[GenkiGirl Natsumi]] in the anime. Anyone who's been unfortunate enough to believe that they can beat her at ping-pong will surely agree.

Saeba Ryo, the LovableSexManiac ManChild hero of ''Manga/CityHunter''. AkiraKamiya is sure good at playing [[FistOfTheNorthStar sensitive and kind hearted badasses]], isn't he?
* Shiro Kabuto from ''Anime/MazingerZ'' and ''GreatMazinger''. He is the cute, ten-years-old AnnoyingYoungerSibling of the main character. And he is also pretty {{Badass}} when he wants, beating bullies bigger than him or adult men, or even piloting the Hover Pilder (the flying device was necessary docking on the head of Mazinger-Z to start the HumongousMecha).
** Goro Makiba from ''Anime/UFORoboGrendizer'' also counts like a cute child capable of awesome feats. At least his incarnation of the original manga. In one arc [[spoiler:Barados kidnapped several hostages and [[GundamJack hijacked]] Great Mazinger, and then tied his prisoners to the HumongousMecha to prevent Duke from fighting. Goro managed to get rid from the ropes tying him and then released Kouji.]]
* ''PeacemakerKurogane'':
** While he's pretty cute and tough to begin with, it's only through CharacterDevelopment that Tetsunosuke becomes that much more {{Badass}}.
** Also, Okita Souji. He's constantly smiling, loves candy, plays with the neighborhood kids, has a cute little piglet as a pet that he fawns over, is pretty much a male HouseWife to Hijikata, and is well-known for being the most terrifying swordsman in all of Japan.
** Nagakura Shinpachi, especially with ArtEvolution gradually making him look more and more like a kid-edition {{Bishonen}}. Despite appearances, he is a very competent swordsman and commander, and still inspires the urge to cuddle him even while splattered with blood.
* The eponymous character of ''RurouniKenshin''. It's the "oro?" The fact that he is the first genuinely sensitive, kind-hearted and ''nice'' anime bloke since [[DragonballZ Goku]] and [[FistOfTheNorthStar Kenshiro]], rather than just another emotionally repressed and cynical {{Jerkass}} NinetiesAntiHero. And then you have pretty much half the cast with [[LittleMissBadass Kaoru, Misao,]] Yahiko and [[StepfordSmiler Soujiro]] all invoking various flavors of this trope.
* ''Anime/NeonGenesisEvangelion'':
** Shinji Ikari in the original series and other [[AlternateContinuity alternate continuities]].
** People saying that Shinji is not {{badass}} enough in the original series should one day just try holding red-hot pieces of metal for half a minute (never mind fighting someone in the process). Yes, his hands weren't damaged directly, but he ''felt'' all the damage to Eva-01 as if his own body was harmed.
** And later he leaped into a freaking volcano and dived in the magma to save Asuka. Even if he was inside his HumongousMecha and it [[HandWave hand waved]] like his A T Field protecting him, both Unit-02 and Asuka had needed wearing a special suit to not dying, so he was feeling the heat of the magma, and for all what he knew, he could die by attempting rescuing her.
** Rebuild 2.0 - "GIVE REI BACK!" Commence [[spoiler:reactivating 01 on willpower/rage alone, [[RocketPunch rocket punching]] Zeruel (or as close an Eva can get to one), [[AlwaysSaveTheGirl saving Rei]] and almost ending the world. There just may be some ''[[Anime/MazingerZ Kabuto]]'' genes in him.]]
* Since we're talking about [[StudioGainax Gainax]], let's not forget about [[DieBuster Nono]]. Arguably, the cutest [[spoiler: robot]] you'll ever meet, is in fact [[spoiler: the seventh Buster Machine and a PersonOfMassDestruction capable of controlling the Buster Corps, slicing one of Saturn's moons in half and kicking the sh*t out of an EldritchAbomination the size of a planet.]] And all of this while being ditzy and having [[TengenToppaGurrenLagann Nia's]] voice.
* ''Manga/HayateTheCombatButler'':
** Hayate
** Isumi, especially thanks to her BigDamnHeroes moment and her [[spoiler:great big dragon]]. Hinagiku also qualifies as she can be VERY moe sometimes and is very {{badass}} all the time.
* A lot of ''Anime/{{Pokemon}}'' owned by characters in the anime fall under this. IE: [[KidAppealCharacter Pikachu]], Bulbasaur, Charmander, Piplup, Teddiursa, Raichu and [[RidiculouslyCuteCritter Clefairy]] are just a handful of examples.
** One of the most prime examples is the 1st gen Pokemon, Mew, which is ''ungodly'' adorable and is always shown to be very playful and childlike, not to mention is literally described as being the 'Psychic Kitten' Pokemon. One could hardly take it seriously until you realize that it's capable of using ''every single non-legendary specific move in the entire series''.
** In addition to actual [[{{Mons}} monsters]], some of the human characters also qualify. [[TheMessiah Ash Ketchum]] has the appearance and mannerisms of a brash, classically adorable little boy. He's also one of few humans to physically put himself on the line for Pokémon in the series, jumps around like a Mankey to rescue said Pokémon, and is even capable of [[spoiler:using Aura]]. Did I mention that he risks or [[TheMessiah even knowingly sacrifices himself for Pokémon]] regularly? [[CuteBruiser Maylene]], Whitney, and [[{{Shorttank}} Misty]] may also qualify; [[CuteBruiser Maylene]] is basically described this way by other characters.
** This {{trope}} also holds true for [[TheProtagonist the human protagonists]] of the ''Manga/PokemonSpecial'' manga, as nearly everyone fights alongside their Pokémon. Special mention goes to Sapphire, who at the mere age of 10 is already capable of fighting Pokémon on her own, and is apparently strong enough to rip apart fountains and sprint while carrying a fully-grown man.
** Hareta from ''PokemonDiamondAndPearlAdventure'' is rather young but can go against Pokemon, can lift things far heavier than him (including a ''Rhyperior''), and has a common battle strategy which can be summed up as "I fight alongside my Pokemon no matter how tough the opponent".
* [[FriendlyNeighborhoodVampire Moka Akashiya]] (her friendly side) from ''RosarioToVampire'' can count as this. Also [[HornyDevil Kurumu Kurono]], [[CuteWitch Yukari Sendou]], [[AnIcePerson Mizore Shirayuki]] and [[HotWitch Ruby Toujyou]] can count as well. They all are capable enough to kill humans, but they're also so damn cute.
** And Inner Moka is quite {{Badass}} and has her {{Moe}} moments.
** Kokoa Shuzen can count too, but at a [[JerkAss much lesser extent]].
** And then there's Akuha Shuzen, who is of the PsychopathicManchild verity.
** Not to mention Tsukune who is quite the sweet {{Adorkable}} NiceGuy and a {{Bishonen}} (season II of the manga due to ArtEvolution) and becomes incredibly {{Badass}}.
* ''Anime/DigimonAdventure'' has Gatomon, who is a little cat [[{{Mons}} mon]]... who happens to be able to take down six Champion/Adult Digimon without breaking a sweat. Technically, she was a Champion level too... but she still qualifies. In fact every Rookie Digimon counts.
* Kawazoe Tamaki of ''BambooBlade.'' Aww, ImTakingHerHomeWithMe!
* Golden Darkness/Konjiki no Yami from ''ToLoveRu''.
* Eve from ''Manga/BlackCat'' (The character who inspired Kawazoe's design and powers in ''BambooBlade'').
* ''KatekyoHitmanReborn''.
** Tsuna.
** Reborn himself. He's a ''baby''.
** Yamamoto. He's an insanely NiceGuy that smiles a lot but [[BadassNormal put a sword in his hand]] and [[BewareTheNiceOnes get him mad enough]]...
* Weed from ''GingaDensetsuWeed''.
** Also Gin from ''GingaNagareboshiGin''.
* Almost ''every'' MagicalGirl (other than specific [[{{Deconstruction}} deconstructions]] [[SailorNothing of the genre]]) and their [[DarkMagicalGirl counterparts]]. ''MagicalGirlLyricalNanoha'' is possibly the most exemplary.
** [[MagicalGirlLyricalNanoha Nanoha]] makes friends by [[DefeatMeansFriendship beating the tar out of them]].
** In the end though, it's probably ''Vita'' who's the best example of this trope. So {{moe}} and yet so manly.
** And Caro. She's very young and cute, although she doesn't seem all that impressive at first, being mostly limited to [[WhiteMage support spells]], but then her home gets attacked, and ''holy sh*t, that little girl just [[SummonMagic summoned]] [[{{Kaiju}} Godzilla]]!''
** Despite being a {{Deconstruction}}, ''Anime/PuellaMagiMadokaMagica'''s girls are very much this. Even Homura had an {{Adorkable}} phase before [[TookALevelInBadass taking several levels in badass]] during the course of her [[spoiler:GroundhogDayLoop]].
* Yuki Nagato, from ''[[LightNovel/HaruhiSuzumiya The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]]'' is TheStoic dialed UpToEleven, which makes her smiles extremely cute when they appear.
* ''Anime/{{Noir}}'' has Kirika-chan, who elevates the trope to {{Badass}} {{Woobie}}. The fact that she is so [[{{Moe}} cuddly and huggable]] really helps.
** There's also the flashback where she [[spoiler:commits her first assassination around the age of ''five'']]! Certain death has never been so cute.
* ''Literature/KaraNoKyoukai'': Shiki Ryougi. Mixed with a healthy amount of {{Fanservice}}, as expected of [[{{Nasuverse}} Nasu]], whenever she gets all [[{{Tsundere}} dere-dere]] toward Mikiya, she's extremely huggable and borders on {{Moe}}. That's, of course, when she isn't slicing up ghosts, zombies, magicians and stuff.
** Also in the same series, we have Azaka Kokuto, [[ChickMagnet Mik]][[NiceGuy iya's]] younger sister who can set things on fire and kick [[spoiler:giant flower demon thing]] on the head, and finally overpower aforementioned Shiki. She does that while being extremely {{Moe}}.
* Also, from the [[BeeTrain same people]] who brought you Kirika, we have {{Madlax}} who is just as adorable and huggable, with the sexiness turned up to eleven.
* The eponymous ''ShakuganNoShana''.
** Even more so in the {{omake}}s. Shana-tan, the heroine's [[SuperDeformed chibified]] alter-ego, doesn't lose any of Shana's strength due to the reduction in size, and even uses her signature attack in [[FunSize this form]].
** And her [[{{Expy}} expies]]; even the [[BadassNormal non-magical ones]] pack a serious punch. The [[LightNovel/{{Toradora}} palmtop tiger]] is '''not''' to be messed with.
** And after he [[TookALevelInBadass gets his act together]], Yuuji.
* Subverted a bit with the main character of ''[[DotHackSign .hack//SIGN]]''. He's acting all tough and capable of holding things on his own [[spoiler:in the game world, where in the real world [[WholesomeCrossdresser she]]'s in a coma, and [[AbusiveParents her dad]] [[OffingTheOffspring tries to pull the plug on her]].]]
* The main cast of ''Manga/MagicKnightRayearth'' are cute girls who are gutsy and powerful. Hikaru is definitely this.
* Son Gohan from ''DragonBallZ'' can ''[[CurbStompBattle trash]]'' world destroying super-powered psychopaths.
** Same thing goes to young Trunks and Son Goten during the Buu saga. Especially when they fuse.
** And Son Goku, even in his adult self, is an endearingly innocent and kindhearted boy... who has saved the world so many times that he has "lost count" (to be fair, he ''did'' have [[IdiotHero trouble counting past eleven]] due to brain damage suffered as a baby).
** It's been noted on the Characters/DragonBall page that BadassAdorable must be InTheBlood: not only Goku and his sons, but his wife Chi-Chi, daughter-in-law Videl and granddaughter Pan are all {{Tsundere}} [[CuteBruiser Cute Bruisers]], too.
* Negi Springfield from ''MahouSenseiNegima'', especially in the later chapters of the manga.
** Kotaro Inugami counts too. Heck, most of the characters fall into this trope.
** ''[[spoiler:Even the current BigBad.]]''
** Also [[RobotGirl Chachamaru]], and [[spoiler: especially her artifact, a KillSat capable of taking out an EldritchAbomination...and looks [[http://www.mangafox.com/manga/mahou_sensei_negima/v31/c281/15.html like this]].]]
** How can you not mention [[ShrinkingViolet Miyazaki Nodoka]]? She interrupts a fight between Negi and the BigBad just to gather intelligence and mind-reads and taunts the BiggerBad. And afterwards goes back to being her humble {{Moe}} self.
** Though she would threaten to kill you for calling her that Evangeline could count as well, as she's a 700 year old evil vampire mage... in a body not older than 10, though [[NobleDemon she's not as evil as she insists she is]]. [[OneManArmy Definitely]] [[PersonOfMassDestruction badass]], and has her adorable moments.
* Spirit from ''Manga/SoulEater''. A rare PapaWolf example.
** Maka could be considered as a subversion of this trope. She doesn't display many {{moe}} tendencies, but she ''can'' qualify as [[CuteBruiser being cute]], and DEFINITELY qualifies as BadAss.
** Thunder and Fire, by far the youngest Weapons (five? If that?) but [[ShockAndAwe very]] [[PlayingWithFire effective]] when they and their HotBlooded meister Kirikou fight.
* They turn up in the [[KeyVisualArts Key]][[KyotoAnimation Ani]] adaptations, of all places.
** [[EmotionlessGirl Mai Kawasumi]] from ''{{Kanon}}'': even if the demons she fights every night are [[spoiler:emanations of her own powers resulting from her reluctance to embrace them]], you have to admit she's pretty [[ActionGirl handy with a sword]].
** Tomoyo Sakagami from ''VisualNovel/{{Clannad}}''. Just ask the local biker gangs. Or [[ButtMonkey Sunohara]]. From the same series, Kyou Fujibayashi also qualifies as this.
* Yamamaya, the cute little ''iriomote'' cat from ''Manga/AzumangaDaioh''. [[spoiler:His reappearance]] is both a CrowningMomentOfAwesome and a CrowningMomentOfHeartwarming.
** Hey, [[ShrinkingViolet Sakaki]] counts! Some of the amazing stuff she pulls off would not be out of place in any action series.
* Hungary from ''Manga/AxisPowersHetalia''. Ex-CuteBruiser {{Bokukko}}. Gentle {{meido}} and ParentalSubstitute to North Italy. Diehard YaoiFangirl. VERY capable and fearless ViolentlyProtectiveGirlfriend.
** Strips!Finland and Anime!China also count.
** [[TheDitz Ame]][[LoveFreak rica]] had SuperStrength even when he was a kid, though he seems to use it more for throwing buffalo/dragging vehicles around/ripping windows off their sills than beating people up. Still badass and adorable.
** The young Italy once took down Turkey. It was a onetime thing but it proved he can be {{badass}} when he wants to be.
** Russia is pretty {{badass}} and scary and has tons of fangirls in RealLife that think he's the most adorable thing ever.
** [[http://community.livejournal.com/hetalia/9831725.html#cutid1 Sealand has officially reached Badass Adorable status in the 2010 Christmas Special.]]
** Let's just admit it: ''everyone'' in APH is both [[MoeMoe adorable]] and [[WorldOfBadass badass]].
* Allen from ''DGrayMan'': exceedingly adorable. But, since he's a {{shonen}} protagonist, he's also made of BadAss. Anyone who can shout the name of his Innocence ([[spoiler:Crown Clown]]) without looking like a total idiot automatically qualifies.
** As [[CreepyChild creepy]] as she is, Road also counts.
** And Lenalee.
* Tony Tony Chopper of ''Manga/OnePiece.'' An adorable little reindeer kid, who nonetheless can turn into a muscular fighter and be quite {{badass}} when the situation requires it. And that's not even going into his monstrous DeadlyUpgrade.
** Luffy and Nami also qualify: they're usually cute, but [[BerserkButton God help you if you f*ck with them, their crew, or their friends.]].
* ''Manga/{{Bleach}}'' has [[spoiler:Nel Tu, at least in her adult form. She manages to take down an opponent stronger than Grimmjow, or at least had him one strike from death before her power gave out and she reverted to her child form.]] Also doubles as a CrouchingMoronHiddenBadAss.
** Also, Rukia. [[PintsizedPowerhouse Short]], flat chested and skinny, with pixieish features and big eyes even by anime standards, loves bunnies, can't draw but insists on doing so anyway, has a DarkAndTroubledPast, and kicks ass. Well, most of the time.
** Ururu Tsumugiya, a cute young girl who assists Urahara. She appears meek, but can pack a super-power punch. Ururu is short, shy, clumsy at times, and sad-eyed... and can kick an Arrancar's ass with ease. And that's before she pulls out the rocket launcher.
** Retsu Unohana. She's the extremely gentle, ladylike, and motherly captain of the 4th Squad. Despite her calm and motherly outlook, Unohana happens to be one of the oldest Captains in the Gotei 13 and has been around presumably since the beginning of the formation of the Gotei 13, and has led her squad ever since. Not only that, she hides an extremely scary BattleAura that makes even the most {{Badass}} Shinigami go weak in the knees when imagining her wrath. This is even more evident whenever other squads start bullying her squad, whereas a slight glare is enough to send the bullies pissing their pants.
** Hardly your usual example, but [[TeamDad Ukitake]] is [[NiceGuy rather]] [[BunnyEarsLawyer sweet]] and like Unohana is one of the [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority older captains]]. When he teams up with Kyoraku to fight Starrk that mild-mannered niceness suddenly looks a lot less harmless; "Did that guy just fire a cero?"
** Also, Hiyori. She appears as a tomboyish, cute little girl, with a rather violent temper, and she isn't afraid to make this violent temper known to her enemies.
** And her companion Mashiro, a GeniusDitz who dresses up as a Kamen Rider {{fangirl}} and can kick just as much as the original does. She literally does kick ass, "RIDER KICK!"
** Yachiru. She's small, cute, gives nicknames to everyone, and rides around on the shoulder of everyone's favourite {{badass}}, "Kenny." She's also the lieutenant of the combat based squad 11 for good reason, and the only reason she never gets to show off is because she likes letting Kenpachi enjoy his fights. In fact, it's been hinted that she's actually stronger than him. Also, she has pink hair.
** One of the very rare villainous examples is Bambietta Basterbine, a membress of the [[spoiler: Vandereich]]. Because a [[LongHairIsFeminine long-haired]] girl with a CommissarCap and a heart-shaped belt-brooch can't just be on the villains's side, can she? '''[[OhCrap Oh sh*t--]]''', [[DarkActionGirl How many enemies]] [[BloodKnight did she]] [[CurbStompBattle take down at once?!]] [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking And did she just call]] [[spoiler: Komamura]] [[IShallTauntYou "a doggie dog]]?!
* [[MichikoToHatchin Hatchin]] is a pretty good example. While she can often be overshadowed by Michiko in terms of badassness, Hatchin is nothing to sneeze at.
* Nearly everybody from the female cast of ''NagasareteAirantou''. Especially [[{{Miko}} Machi]].
* [[LegendOfTheGalacticHeroes Julian Mintz]]: starts the series as a little-boy {{Bishonen}}, end it as a [[WhiteHairedPrettyBoy blond haired pretty boy]]. You would never suspect the things he can do [[AxCrazy with an axe]], ESPECIALLY if you push his berserk button (like [[spoiler:killing seven guys passing by in fourteen seconds]], scary...)
* ''Anime/YuGiOhGX'':
** Marufuji Shou. Short, cute, adorable beyond words. Juudai's the hero, but Shou is ''badass''. And he does it all wearing glasses, too.
** While we're on the subject, how about [[Anime/YuGiOh Yugi Mutou]] himself? Not only is he short and incredibly adorable, he's [[WebVideo/YuGiOhTheAbridgedSeries super special awesome]] enough at Duel Monsters to [[spoiler:defeat his super sexy ancient Egyptian alter ego]]. To top it off, he's voiced by [[DanGreen DAN GREEN]].
* Tachikomas in ''Anime/GhostInTheShellStandAloneComplex''. It's pretty impressive to make a spider tank adorable.
* ''KenichiTheMightiestDisciple''.
** Thanks to Nijima's persistent rumor-mongering, [[ShroudedInMyth most of the school is thoroughly convinced that Kenichi's some sort of human vortex of destruction and badassery]]. [[CharlesAtlasSuperpower While he can live up to quite a few of the claims]] (except for the one about him [[OneHitKO OHKO]]-ing a bear. [[EverythingsWorseWithBears The Godless Killing Machines are still very excellent at f*cking his sh*t up]]), people that meet him are surprised to find that he's usually more like [[http://www.mangafox.com/manga/history_s_strongest_disciple_kenichi/v03/c019/22.html this]].
** Then there's Chikage Kushinada, age 10 and [[WeakButSkilled fully capable of standing alongside the teenage fighters]]. Her nature as a CreepyChild makes the occasional slips into "Child Mode" as her [[CharacterDevelopment character develops]] all the cuter.
* Ciel from ''Manga/BlackButler''. Like a regular [[TheChessmaster chess master]] he uses this to his advantage. He could get away with murder with a face like that. And he does. Repeatedly.
** Finny looks sweet and innocent, even when tearing trees up by their roots and hurling hunks of stone.
** Also Mey-Rin. An {{Adorkable}} {{Meganekko}} [[spoiler: who can snipe you from miles away when [[TheGlassesComeOff her glasses come off]] ]]
** As of chapter 57, it seems [[DamselinDistress Elizabeth]] is one too. [[spoiler:She desperately wanted for her [[ChildhoodMarriagePromise fiancé]] Ciel to not see her "uncute" side, so she [[DeliberatelyDistressedDamsel deliberately hid]] her [[LittleMissBadass badass]] side. Right up until when Ciel despite his best efforts ends up injured and unable to save her [[DistressedDude in danger himself]], then Elizabeth leaps into the air and [[WaifFu takes down the zombies]] with [[DualWielding swords in both hands]] while tearfully declaring that she'll protect him. She fights, still in her adorable dress with a cute but deadly expression across her face.]]
* Mariko from ''ElfenLied''. She pulls off both terrifying and adorable.
** And Lucy? Her Nyu persona is the epitome of cuteness but she can also be adorable herself, for a murderous {{Yandere}}.
* [[http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/238/767631-rena_large.jpg Rena]] from ''HigurashiNoNakuKoroNi''. She's the Cute [[SeriesMascot Mascot]] and can be either downright [[MoodSwinger scary]] in [[ImTakingHerHomeWithMe more]] [[GirlWithPsychoWeapon ways]] than one, or a [[ObfuscatingStupidity very smart]] ally.
** Shion also counts. She's adorable for a seventeen year old, and can be pretty awesome([[KnightTemplarBigSister and]] [[{{Yandere}} scary]]). [[spoiler:Rika also counts when she becomes a {{determinator}}.]]
** The adorable [[TheWoobie Woobie-riffic]] Satoko. While she may not seem {{badass}} at first there's no denying the awesomeness in her finally calling her abusive uncle out and yelling at him to "GET OUT!" despite being beaten while doing so. And in Meakashi-hen, she absolutely ''refuses'' to cry as [[spoiler:Shion]] tortures her to death, claiming that she's realized how much of a burden she was on Satoshi and not wanting to be TheLoad anymore.
** Keiichi. He's a Hot Blooded {{Bishonen}} who can be adorable and hilarious at times and at various points demonstrates epic displays of [[{{Badass}} GAR-ness]].
* Hunny-sempai from ''OuranHighSchoolHostClub'': while adorable, small, blonde, and cake loving, Hunny-sempai is also an expert martial artist and was able to single handedly take out 7 professionally trained and armed men in 15 seconds flat without so much as breaking a sweat. To top it all off, he scolds the by wagging his finger at them and saying that "hurting my friends is a no-no".
** He also beat the crap out of 2 platoons of green berets after one of them woke him up from a nap. Hunny-sempai is not a morning person...
** Also, after beating the crap out of his dad (who was supposedly the strongest martial artist of their family), the Japanese Secretary of Defense, who was the referee, begged Hunny-sempai not to fight in public ever again, lest other countries think Japan was training a WMD...
* ''MiraiNikki'''s Gasai Yuno. Beautiful, adorably {{Moe}}, [[{{Yandere}} extremely in love]] with Yukiteru, [[DarkActionGirl is incredibly skilled in combat]], knows her way [[KnifeNut around a knife]], and is a terrifying [[AxCrazy psychopath]].
** Also Yukiteru. Following his [[TookALevelInBadass taking a level in badass]].
** Akise Aru. Much like Yukiteru he's very cute. He's also undeniably {{badass}}. There's no doubt about his badass status when in chapter 51 [[spoiler: despite having just been stabbed by Yuno and sliced across the throat, Akise Aru gets back up out of sheer determination and texts an important message to Yukiteru even though Yuno ends up cutting off his head completely]]. Badass to the end.
* Sweet, innocent, adorable little Astro of ''Manga/AstroBoy'' fame is one of the cutest things on the planet - and equipped with mountain-levelling strength ''before'' you get into his absurd amount of onboard weaponry. Actually, Astro might be said to have ''created'' this trope.
** In the [[WesternAnimation/AstroBoy 2009 film]], he [[spoiler:defeats a colosseum's worth of robots made to kill other robots and is merely out of breath]]; in the final showdown, he [[spoiler:''flips Peacekeeper over his head'' after it's absorbed the military and half of Metro City, and is then able to slow the city's fall after the generators blow out]].
* Guchuko from ''{{Potemayo}}''. Looks like a plushie, has the personality of a stray cat, carries a scythe, and can shoot laser beams at anyone who annoys her.
** To be clear, the lasers are shot from what appear to be ''[[HairDecorations living hair ornaments]].''
* ''{{Utawarerumono}}'''s Aruru takes out a small group of soldiers using a tiger! (Granted, the tiger isn't part of her physically, but it might as well be) Did I mention that she is cute enough [[spoiler:''that the BigBad (at least, part of him) brings her back to life twice!]]
* [[TrueNeutral Kino]] from ''KinoNoTabi''. Seriously, just [[http://i47.tinypic.com/2dc8gv5.jpg look at that adorable face!]] But if you endanger her life, [[CombatPragmatist she will shoot you through the head at point-blank range]] or [[BewareTheNiceOnes drive a knife right through your heart]]...[[ItGetsEasier without ]] ''[[TheStoic any ]]'' [[TheStoic hesitation.]]
* As a [[ShrinkingViolet timid]], doe-eyed [[TheMessiah messiah]], ''LightNovel/{{Baccano}}'''s Jacuzzi is about as {{Moe}} as you can possibly make a man without [[{{Shotacon}} without turning him into Shotabait]]. He's ''also'' prone to crazy feats of [[{{Badass}} badassery]] like taking out eighteen mafia-owned speakeasies in a single night or going one-on-one with a crazy, flamethrower-wielding cult leader.
* When his [[TagalongKid young age and relative immaturity don't put him at a disadvantage]], Jinpei "The Swallow" from ''Anime/ScienceNinjaTeamGatchaman'' can pack just as big a punch as his older teammates.
* Five year-old Ryouta Ninomiya, from ''LittleHouseWithAnOrangeRoof'' when he challenges a train otaku to a trivia contest to make him apologize to his step-sister. A CrowningMomentOfAwesome for Ryota, as he actually ''wins'' the contest, and all the while you can't help but find [[http://www.mangafox.com/manga/orange_yane_no_chiisana_ie/v07/c055/19.html his determined face]] adorable.
* Gon from ''HunterXHunter''. Also Killua.
** To clarify: Gon is very much a {{Bishonen}} FriendToAllLivingThings CheerfulChild. His first shown action is ripping a fish that's about five times his mass out of the water by main force and then carrying it back to town over his head. At a dead run. Some time later, he proceeds to ''break'' the ''arm'' of a superhuman assassin... by grabbing his wrist. With one hand. Why only one hand? It was courtesy of his ''other'' hand being inoperative because Gon got his arm broken the day before after an absolutely brutal {{Determinator}} sequence where it was shown why twelve-year-old boys rarely win fights with top-flight adult ninja.
** Killua, on the other hand... is also a kid-{{Bishonen}}. In his case, though, he knows it, and has more-or-less weaponized it... so that he can get closer to his targets, as he's been trained as one of the world's deadliest assassins pretty much since he could walk. And given that this is a world where TrainingFromHell and {{Charles Atlas Superpower}}s actually ''work''... yeah.
* Seras Victoria from ''Manga/{{Hellsing}}''. She's very much a {{Moe}} [[TheWoobie Woobie]], but swings around a ''massive'' {{BFG}}, and [[spoiler:after she drinks Bernadotte's blood she becomes the second strongest vampire]]. Her absolutely ''epic'' [[CurbStompBattle Curb Stomp]]ing of Zorin Blitz, shortly after Zorin {{Mind Rape}}d and mutilated her, and killed Bernadotte deserves mention.
* Chrono from ''ChronoCrusade'' appears to be a sweet, polite 12-year-old boy. He's [[SleepModeSize actually]] a decades-old demon with enough power to level a city if he wants to.
** [[BadassNormal Rosette]] [[GenkiGirl too.]] A 16-year-old HotBlooded PluckyGirl who won't stop until she finds her brother. [[spoiler: Despite [[YourDaysAreNumbered what life she has yet.]]]]
* Nina Liebert from ''Anime/{{Monster}}'' is a deconstruction. She's a beautiful and kind-hearted [[TheWoobie Woobie]] who undergoes a BreakTheCutie process repeatedly and yet she goes from being an ever-so-wholesome law student to a worldly, hooker-impersonating, gangster-frightening gunslinger in about one volume, and mostly through her own efforts. However, despite having the skills and the adorable looks, we see that the poor woman has borne a MASSIVE TraumaCongaLine ever since she was a little girl, so her mental fortitude simply can't keep up and at some point [[spoiler: she has to be talked out of committing suicide when she realizes how utterly horrible her life has truly been.]] Just being Badass And Adorable will NOT cut it.
* The eponymous ''SailorMoon''. And Chibi-Usa. And Ami. And Chibi Chibi. In fact, most of the girls in the series count.
* Teito Klein from ''ZeroSevenGhost''.
* Yuki Sohma of ''FruitsBasket''. Incredibly {{Bishonen}}, polite and a real sweetheart, turns into an adorable rat when hugged by the opposite sex, and he's also capable of beating the crap out of his cousin Kyou whenever they have one of their duels.
** Let's not forget Kagura Sohma. She's adorably {{Moe}} and is incredibly capable of beating the crap out of Kyou. [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N68TUoVftBw Check it out here]].
** Kyou himself probably qualifies, especially early in the series before all the boys have a rather impressive growth spurt. TroubledButCute, turns into a cute cat when hugged by the opposite sex... and despite being the [[ButtMonkey family punching bag]], Kyou is a formidable martial artist in his own right, and has done enough damage to Shigure's house to prove it. His first entrance consists of smashing his way down through a roof to challenge Yuki to a fight.
* Tabitha from ''LightNovel/ZeroNoTsukaima''. She is a powerful wind mage, can be adorably {{Moe}}, and is very much a [[TheWoobie Woobie]]. Louise too.
* Minoru of ''Manga/KarateShoukoushiKohinataMinoru'' is an adorable pretty boy who is a fast runner (from being on the gymnastics team) and becomes very skilled at karate.
* Yuuri and Wolfram from ''LightNovel/KyoKaraMaoh''.
* Celty of ''{{Durarara}}''. A SinisterScythe-wielding HeadlessHorseman of a BadassBiker... who wears adorable [[color:pink:pink]] pajamas, likes to talk online, and is afraid of space aliens. Her helmet also has kitty-cat ears on it!
** Also, Mikado, the shy, gentle OrdinaryHighSchoolStudent who's new to the city. He also [[spoiler: has managed to more or less weaponize Anonymous by being the leader of a massive organized gang called the Dollars that he directs via cellphone texts and chatrooms]].
* Alice of ''PandoraHearts''. She appears as an adorable hot-headed little girl. She is actually the infamous B-Rabbit (Bloodstained Black Rabbit), the strongest chain in the Abyss.
** Oz is also this, when [[spoiler:using Alice's power on his own, even when still under seal.]] [[spoiler:Then, it turns out that HE is B-Rabbit in Jack's body and his powers bound to Alice's soul.]]
** [[TokenMiniMoe Lily]] is one of the Baskervilles. She looks right about ten.
* L from ''Manga/DeathNote''. He's a BadassBookworm and the greatest detective in the ''Manga/DeathNote'' world. He also has a large amount of {{fangirl}}s who all agree that he's rather adorable, and he has bizarre child-like mannerisms.
** Apparently [[AntiHero L]] was meant to be anti-MrFanservice, or at least much uglier than Light. GenericCuteness or no, they failed miserably.
** For the guys, there's Misa Amane. She's a tiny, blonde, cheery, squeaky-voiced GeniusDitz who looks 16 (and is actually 19), but is easily one of the craziest characters ([[JerkAssWoobie yet also pitiable]]) in the series, and kills innocent people without remorse... in the name of [[{{Yandere}} the man she loves]]. While wearing PerkyGoth or ElegantGothicLolita attires and acting like a DumbBlonde.
** Also, Near. More maternal members of the audience may want to hug him even as he manipulates everyone around him.
** [[CuteAndPsycho Light Yagami]] himself has his moments of badass adorable, especially when he's younger. In some of the artwork, he looks like a Disney character while [[NightmareFuel contemplating murder]]. Special mention, however, goes to [[spoiler: the time when he loses his memory and reverts to his original good personality; some of those scenes portray him as absolutely huggable.]]
** Teru Mikami deserves mention, as a child. Going up against vicious bullies despite getting beaten up again and again, all in the defense of a fellow classmate? Badass.
* Momo from ''PeachGirl''. She's pretty and has huge eyes. Really, she's a really sweet girl so long as you don't rouse her temper. If you do happen to piss her off...you may very well get a foot to the face, a headbutt, or a [[GroinAttack knee to the groin]] for your trouble. Her crowning moment came when she single-handedly beat up a huge guy who was [[AttemptedRape trying to rape]] Sae. Other than that she's just a misunderstood girl trying to find true love.
* [[{{Tsundere}} Akane]] of ''[[RanmaOneHalf Ranma 1/2]]''. Some would say [[GenderBender girl]] [[JerkwithaHeartofGold Ranma]] fits here too.
** [[JerkwithaHeartofGold Ranma's]] real form is a bit too much of the independent loner to really qualify, much like Shampoo's implied willingness to rip off somebody's head and spit down their neck if ticked off disqualifies her, despite both of them being quite attractive and very much BadAss. Ryoga Hibiki might fit as a male example, though, given his [[JerkassWoobie readily pitiable]] nature, good looks, romantic notions, [[BalefulPolymorph turning into a cute little piggy]], and the fact he can [[SuperStrength break steel bars like dried spaghetti]] and [[NighInvulnerable take a sledgehammer to the head and not feel it]].
* ''LightNovel/FullMetalPanic'':
** Kaname
** Tessa as well. She's freaking made of {{moe}}, but she's managed to outwit and pwn [[AxCrazy GAURON]], of all people!
** Sousuke, in his Bonta-kun mecha.
* Hansel and Gretel from ''BlackLagoon'' manage to fulfill the almost impossible task of mixing BadassAdorable with CreepyTwins and AxCrazy. They use their cuteness to throw people off guard before attacking.
* Angel of ''Anime/AngelBeats''. Also Shiina.
* ''{{Kaiji}}'' grows from a shrimp into a [[{{Badass}} pretty competent fighter]] who acknowledges his weaknesses. Some will argue that the whole point of this series is to see Kaiji lose tremendously, get back up in an inspiring and heart-winning manner...then lose even more tremendously. In the end, you just want to give him a hug or buy him some drinks after all that's happened to him [[spoiler: (losing scads of money, betrayal and bullying, maiming, losing his comrades, being forced into slave labor, being harassed by a girl he doesn't like...the list goes on).]] Many, fangirls and fanboys alike, will argue that Kaiji is indeed "moe", or [=moeGAR=].
* Kagura of ''Manga/{{Gintama}}''. Her quirky, childish tendencies are all so endearing, but she can hold her own against an entire army if need be.
* Ultimo from ''KarakuridoujiUltimo''. Rune as well.
** That is, before Rune becomes an AxCrazy, Depravedhom*osexual that went to TheDarkSide...
** There's also [[BandageBabe Mizho]], [[CreepyChild Hana]], [[DudeLooksLikeALady Service]], [[CheerfulChild Sophia]], and [[CuteBruiser Oume Hibari.]] An adult example would be [[EvilTeacher Miyoshi Sumako]].
* Simon of ''TengenToppaGurrenLagann'', who takes the level of cuteness possible for a BadassAdorable to rather impressive heights. He's basically an endearing and initially-timid cutie who also happens to be one of the strongest, if not the strongest, Spiral warrior in the cosmos (his BigBrotherMentor Kamina initially exceeded him merely due to his charisma and courage). Later in life, after progressing to {{Bishonen}} he manages to [[spoiler: summon a mecha the size of a galaxy and save the sentient races of the universe from extinction at the hands of a sociopathic despot]]. Even then, he still retains his optimistic and endearing personality. Manly{{moe}}, literally, doesn't begin to cover it.
** There's also [[spoiler:post-TimeSkip Nia.]]
** TeamPet Boota also grows into this a bit later on.
* The MainCharacter from ''KimbaTheWhiteLion'' is also a tough fighter complete with an [[TheBeastMaster army of beasts ready to defend his jungle]].
* The titular ''{{Naruto}}'' according to his fangirls.
** [[PluckyGirl Hinata]] as well.
* Clan Clang in ''MacrossFrontier'': [[{{Moe}} Adorable]] when micronized, BadAss when macronized.
* Moogle Kupo in ''Anime/FinalFantasyUnlimited''.
** Poor cute Kumo may be adorable, but he kicks so much ass that he [[spoiler:can break into [[LaResistance the Comodeen]]'s ElaborateUndergroundBase using only a twig he picked up from outside and his breath of Mist.]]
* Any of the Frogs on ''KeroroGunsou'', but Tamama especially. He prides himself on appearing cute and innocent, when he's got the power to level buildings if he so wishes.
* {{Gon}} from the manga of same name, [[NamesTheSame not the character already listed above]].
* ''LightNovel/KyoKaraMaoh'' has [[ThePollyanna Shi]][[IdiotHero buya]] [[StupidGood Yuu]][[LoveFreak ri]], who sometimes becomes a PersonOfMassDestruction if his loved ones or [[RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething country]] are threatened.
* Packy & Botasky of ''Catsh*tOne''. These are bunnies... ''that are in the special forces'', and they do kick ass and take names.
* The titular ''SteelAngelKurumi''. Not to mention Saki and Karinka.
* Ricotta and Genoise from ''DogDays''.
* Mio from ''{{Nichijou}}''; when she's pissed bad things happen.
* Aoi Futaba from ''LightNovel/AsobiNiIkuYo''.
* Shion from ''{{No6}}'', the {{Adorkable}} NiceGuy {{Bishonen}} with big eyes and a huge heart. However, [[BewareTheNiceOnes get him pissed off enough]], usually by messing with Nezumi, and [[{{Yandere}} take cover]].
* Sodom and Yuki from ''UragiriWaBokuNoNamaeWosh*tteiru''.
* [[LittleMissBadass Veronica]] from FrankenFran.
* [[CreepyChild The Child]] from ''{{Berserk}}''. It's largely speculated that the once [[TheGrotesque misshapen fetus]] [[spoiler: that was Guts and Casca's tainted child caused by Griffith's [[RapeAsDrama very heinous act]] during the Eclipse]] has been reborn into the very cute and silent little boy that Casca found on the beach. And if the implications '''are''' correct, the little boy is still doing what he was doing when he was not-so-cute: warding off evil spirits that try to harm Casca. But the true badass part comes when [[spoiler: Guts is overpowered by [[EnemyWithin the Beast]], who constantly tries to goad him into killing Casca and all of his friends so he can get back to hunting Griffith. But whenever the Child is nearby, the Beast is always thwarted when the the boy manifests as a body of light within Guts' psyche and brings him back to the light by reminding him [[ThePowerOfLove of his love]] [[MoralityChain for Casca]].]].
** Guts was pretty cute as a ChildSoldier himself, and he could hold his own ground on the battlefield.
* [[spoiler: Momoka Oginome]] in ''Anime/MawaruPenguindrum''. A young girl no older than 10 who is capable of [[spoiler: rewriting reality via writing spells in her Destiny Diary [[CastFromHitPoints at great risk to herself]]]], and who had done a LOT to save two other children who ''badly'' needed her help.
* No mention of ''{{Unico}}'' yet? An adorable baby unicorn who has the power to bring happiness to whoever he befriends but is still able to fight against enemies and is capable of growing to a giant adult sized winged unicorn as necessary? For shame! Bonus points since, like Astro Boy and Kimba, he was created by Osamu Tezuka.
* {{Kirby}}, of course, in the anime Hoshi no Kaabii.
** And Knuckle Joe.
** Fumu, too. She's the cute little Cappy girl who cares for Kirby and usually tries to end conflicts without employing violence. But in the second Dedede Elementary School episode, she [[TookALevelInBadass takes a level in badass]] and singlehandedly beats up large armed thugs ''without even touching them''.
** Silica, from the Sacred Sword Galaxia episode, fits this trope too.
* From ''TenchiMuyo'', we have Sasami. Adorable, pre-teen princess, darn good cook, most down-to-earth member of the entire cast that wasn't actually born on said planet. And depending on the series: has a hairband that turns into a staff for serious WaifFu action, can use [[BarrierWarrior Juraian magic]] on par with anyone else, can summon a ''mini-mecha'' battle suit, oh and she just happens to be [[spoiler:the incarnation/host of one of the three [[RealityWarper 8th-dimensional goddesses]] that pretty much created the universe as we know it, as little more than a science experiment]].
* In ''Manga/TheWorldGodOnlyKnows'' Haqua goes from [[http://www.mangafox.com/manga/the_world_god_only_knows/v18/c176/12.html a menacing badass]] to [[http://www.mangafox.com/manga/the_world_god_only_knows/v18/c176/13.html an apologetic, adorable girl]] in a single page. Her [[{{Tsundere}} dere]] is showing.
* It's quite hard to remember that Akira from ''AiOreLoveMe'' is a badass when he's so small and cute EvenTheGuysWantHim.
* The casts of ''Franchise/BlackRockShooter'' are so adorable in a way that ElegantGothicLolita are darkly adorable, but with added {{Badass}}ery. Especially the eponymous character, who has StoicWoobie charm on her.
* The titular ''RevolutionaryGirlUtena'' and though she may not seem like it at first, [[spoiler: Anthy]].
* ''TrinityBlood'' gives us [[KingIncognito Seth]]. Looks to all the world like a cute teenage girl. If you [[HeroicRROD somehow]] manage to hurt [[PersonOfMassDestruction her big brother]], [[MakeMeWannaShout kiss your ass goodbye.]]
* The Anarchy and Demon sisters in ''Anime/PantyAndStockingWithGarterbelt'', especially [[ElegantGothicLolita Stocking]].
* ''NogizakaHarukaNoHimitsu'': Nogizaka Haruka rarely shows the badass part of the trope but the first time Ayase Yuto saw her doing it was enough to make him understand he must never make her angry. And that's because her anger was directed at a boy trying to take her from him.
** Some of her maids might count as well.
** And her mother.
* Polly from ''Anime/SamuraiPizzaCats''.
* Naoya from ''Lotte no Omocha''. He's shown to be able to effortlessly throw Sigurd -- a WarriorPrince with a lifetime of military training -- aside using the momentum of [[UseYourHead his flying headbutt]], implying skill in either Aikido or Judo. This is further justified by a photo of him that Lotte happened upon in his album, of him in a ''gi'' (Japanese Martial Arts Uniform) with a green belt, but four steps away from a '''black''' belt, as a child.
* Gerda, from the animated adaptation of ''Literature/TheSnowQueen''. She is a 11-years old Danish GenkiGirl that can take on boys much bigger than her (she apologizes, though), she is the one that persuades the others to go to a forest nobody went before and, when her best friend is taken by The Snow Queen, she goes in a journey to find him, alone, and the stunts she can pull in the journey, few people can.
* [[CuteBruiser Mizuki Himeji]] from ''[[LightNovel/BakaToTestToShoukanjuu Baka and Test]]''. She is one of the [[{{Moe}} cutest]] and [[NiceGirl most kindhearted]] characters of the main cast. However, she's also very intelligent [[AlmightyJanitor despite being pigeonholed into Class F]] AND very competent. TO demostrate this, the first episode involves her regenerating her summoner avatar by taking a sh*tload of tests and then immediately rushing to save [[ClassRepresentative Yuuji Sakamoto]] when he got cornered by Class E and [[BigDamnHeroes wiped the entire class E out]].
** [[IdiotHero Akihisa Yoshii]] can quality, providing if he [[TooDumbToLive doesn't keep up with completely stupid to live moments]]
* There's usually one in every incarnation of the ''PrettyCure'' series: Hikari/Shiny Luminous of ''FutariWaPrettyCureMaxHeart'', Urara/Cure Lemonade of ''YesPrettyCure5'', Tsubomi/Cure Blossom of ''HeartcatchPrettyCure'', Ako/Cure Muse of ''SuitePrettyCure'' and Yayoi/Cure Peace of ''SmilePrettyCure''.
** Hell, every Pretty Cure counts as this! These girls hand out beatdowns(sometimes even ''literal'' heart-beatdowns) like they're freaking candy and look insanely cute doing so.
* Niko from ''LightNovel/AccelWorld'', an insanely cute little kid who loves videogames and making cookies, who turns out to be [[spoiler: the Red King's successor]], is really [[{{fiery red head}} hotblooded]], [[{{Little miss snarker}} sarcastic]], manipulative, and border line psychotic, who has control over a giant battle fortress that she wears as armor, making her capable of taking out entire armies of burst linkers ''without moving a single inch''. And God forbid if you mess with ''anyone'' in her legion...
* Musubi from ''{{Sekirei}}'' is gorgeous, [[GenkiGirl energenic]], almost always smiling, hops in place with glee at the thought of meeting a strong opponent, and can punch through buildings like they're made of paper.
* [[WhiteHairedPrettyGirl Sen Yarizui]], aka [[NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast the Ice Witch]], from Ben-To is easily one of the best fighters in the series.
* In The {{Doraemon}}s Special series, all of the robot cats can count. Especially Wangdora and Dora-the-Kid.
* While the "badass" part is something in the own heads, Rikka and Sanae from ''LightNovel/ChuunibyouDemoKoiGash*tai'' could still count, as they both fit firmly into the "adorable" part.
* The [[Mahjong]] anime ''{{Saki}}'' has three examples. Saki herself easily qualifies giving her [[ShrinkingViolet shy and quiet personality]] as well as her [[TheWoobie woobie]] status. Koromo also definitely qualifies given her small and cute appearance. Nodoka could also qualify as well. All three of them are adorable and all three are plenty badass.

[[folder:Comic books]]
* ''SamAndMax'', especially Max. Max varies from being cute to psychotic at the drop of a hat. Sam is more reserved but can be aggressive if the time is right. And both can (and will) shoot people if they mess with them.
* Molly Hayes from ''Comicbook/{{Runaways}}''. A cute hat, a '''giant's''' strength. A group of Marvel staff ("The Secret Cabal") couldn't put her on their list of "Top Ten Teen Heroes" because she technically isn't a teenager yet, but they stuck her on the list anyway. The picture they put on the list for her CrowningMomentOfAwesome: Gut-punching ''the Punisher.'' She's eleven years old, goes by the moniker "Princess Powerful," thinks it's important that every burglar wear stockings during a crime (even if they do give her "waffle-face") and she's ''punching the Punisher.'' Yes, '''that''' Punisher. Molly, we are each and every one of us awesomed by you .
** It's worth noting that Molly felt terrible about the incident with [[BadassNormal the Punisher]] afterwards, since she had assumed the the Punisher had actual powers and could take the hit.This of course, only makes it more adorable.
** Molly did the exact same thing to Wolverine, only hard enough to send him flying about fifty yards.
* SquirrelGirl. Absurdly cute with the power to talk to squirrels... and has beaten the likes of Dr. Doom and Thanos.
* Piffany of ''Webcomic/{{Nodwick}}''. Cleric of fluffy sweetness who draws duckies and bunnies when the GambitPileup she's been diagramming gets too complicated, yet greater demons are TERRIFIED of her.
* Gully from ''BattleChasers''. Not yet nine and half, blonde, green eyed, utterly cute - and wields the Gloves of Aramas which give the wielder the strength of a thousand men. With them, she pwns a pack of werewolves (inadvertently beating one of them to death) and stops a demon at least ten times her size in its tracks long enough for her companion war golem to destroy the containment bracelet, sending it back to Hell permanently.
* The MouseGuard.
* Julie-Su from ''ComicBook/SonicTheHedgehog''. A fearless and cunning cyborg experienced in hand-to-hand combat and capable of [[WaifFu knocking down crocodiles twice her size]]. In addition to that, she’s one of the few good guys in the series who has no qualms about carrying a laser and using it. [[http://archiesonic.wikia.com/wiki/File:Juliesusecondthoughts.jpg She’s also absolutely adorable.]]
** Bunnie Rabbot/D'Coolette (basically a cute little rabbit with the addition cyborg limbs and super strength) may also apply.
* Lord Noriyuki in ''ComicBook/UsagiYojimbo''. He rarely has to fight personally (his soldiers do it for him, plus he's about 10-11 years old), but he's good at throwing knives.
* Galacta, the daughter of Galactus. An adorable {{Meganekko}} young woman who goes by "Galli" who happens to be the daughter of one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe -- and she is almost as powerful as him.
* PowerPack, especially the modern mangaesque version, has Energizer, a 6 girl who is the team's firepower and cute as a button.
* Miho from ''SinCity''. She's very small and cute but will decapitate you at the drop of a hat.
* [[{{Shazam}} Captain Marvel]] from DC Comics arguably counts. As someone who is really just an adorable kid (between 12 and 16 years old depending on the writer), and the epitome of 'nice guy' in the DCU (even moreso than Superman), he often comes off as a very sweet, kind hero who is easily flustered when women show interest in him or when he does things like befriending sick children at a hospital in Power of Hope. Despite that, he will take on any opposition, up to and including DC's version of Satan and TheSpectre (aka the Wrath of God), to save innocent lives. One story actually involved him getting an ancient possessive spirit to leave a woman, which he did simply by ''glaring'' at the spirit and telling it "Get out of her. NOW." Said spirit promptly did.
** For further proof of both sides of this trope, check out the Justice scene between the Big Red Cheese and the Big Blue Boy Scout in BigDamnHeroes.
* Bigby Wolf from ''Comicbook/{{Fables}}'' gets turned into a little girl during ''The Great Fables Crossover'' by [[spoiler: [[RealityWarper Kevin Thorn]]]]. Gary the Pathetic Fallacy would not shut up about how cute Bigby was. This royally pissed off Bigby, who sulked for a couple of issues before sneaking up on a group of enemies that had his friends pinned down and [[BewareTheCuteOnes slaughtering them literally bare-handed]]. This has the side-effect of breaking the spell on him and restoring him to his normal self.
* ''MiniMarvels'' turns ''the entire MarvelUniverse'' into this.
* Wolverine's daughter/clone {{X-23}}.
* Comicbook/{{Loki}} when he was reincarnated as [[FanNickname Kid!Loki]]. Preteen God of Mischief willing to take on TheDreaded Serpent to save his [[BigBrotherWorship older brother]] and the world too? ''Without'' the magical prowess and memories of his former self? Winning the hearts of Fangirls and the acclaim of Fanboys? Currently the star of one of Marvel's top books in under six issues? The kid does good work.
* ''{{Tintin}}''. A [[VagueAge youthful]], well-coiffed, baby-faced reporter who doesn't drink, talks to his pet dog, and upholds himself and the world to high moral standards. If you try to violate said standards in front of him, ''he will punch you through a wall.''

[[folder:Fan Fic]]
* If UglyCute counts, then Tug of ''Fanfic/CalvinAndHobbesTheSeries'' is this, given his extreme agility. To wit:
--> Tug hit the wall straight on, somehow rebounded into a tuck roll, let his back right paw touched the ground for one-eighth of a second, launched twenty feet from that one push, and managed to hit Hobbes at roughly seven thousand miles per hour.

[[folder:Film -- Live Action]]
* Gizmo in ''Gremlins2TheNewBatch'' becomes this after he grows too tired of the gremlins' abuse and decides to TakeALevelInBadass and start acting like Franchise/{{Rambo}}... that is, if Rambo was an adorable furry... thing.
* Already mentioned in the literature section, but (because it bears repeating) [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BT9KDJ9OJM Reepicheep]] from the ''TheChroniclesOfNarnia'' films. Modeled after ErrolFlynn and voiced by EddieIzzard, Reepicheep goes mouse-to-man several times... and wins! Even though he is as cute as Lucy says (he prefers "courageous, courteous, or chivalrous"), he's a force to be reckoned with. He even tried to take on an army of Telmarines by himself!
* In battle, Quorra of ''Film/TronLegacy'' knows how to kick ass with her kickboxing and dogfighting abilities. When she's not fighting however, she's naive and has a childlike-innocent view of the world.
* Chewbacca the GentleGiant from ''Franchise/StarWars''.
** The Ewoks as well.
** Ahem. Yoda?
** Anakin Skywalker in ''Film/ThePhantomMenace''. Born of the Immaculate Conception, incredibly sensitive to the Force, a mechanical genius on his spare time and one of the best podracer pilots in the galaxy, not to mention his instant mastery when it comes to pilot a Naboo royal starfighter, destroying the Trade Federation's mothership thus putting an end to the conflict on Naboo in the process. And he was only 9 years old.
** R2-D2.
* Leeloo from ''Film/TheFifthElement'': cute, innocent and perfectly capable of breaking every bone in your body without breaking a sweat.
* Steve Rogers of ''CaptainAmericaTheFirstAvenger'' is a sweet-tempered, well-mannered and kind-hearted boy-next-door who just ''happens'' to possess a body rebuilt to human perfection.
* MonicaKeena has played this character from time to time, like when she [[Film/FreddyVsJason decapitated Freddy Krueger with a machete]]. Ditto MaggieGyllenhaal, like when she [[Film/TheDarkKnight kneed The Joker in the balls]]. Oh, also, EllenPage, who totally pwned [[Film/XMen The Juggernaut]], [[MemeticMutation bitch]]!
* Hit-Girl, from the film and comic [[Film/KickAss Kick-Ass]], played by ChloeMoretz.
* Zen of ''Film/{{Chocolate}}''. Autistic WaifFu in action.
* Emily in ''TheFinal''.
* Kyle Reese (via AntonYelchin) in ''[[Film/{{Terminator}} Terminator: Salvation]]''. {{Moe}} with a shotgun. Also, his companion, [[LittleMissBadass Star]]: tiny, traumatized girl who knows how to crush a T-600 on Kyle's command? Nice.
* The [[KillerRabbit rabbit of Caerbannog]] from ''Film/MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail''.
-->'''Tim''': [[CassandraTruth That rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! He's a killer!]]
-->'''Robin''': [[TemptingFate What's he do, nibble your bum?]]
* Alisa Selezneva from ''GuestFromTheFuture'', played by NataliaGuseva.
* Maruti from ''TheReturnOfHanuman'' is adorable yet badass. [[BulletTime Once he avoided bullets Neo-style]]. You could see his badassery [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiICKd_1qxA here]].
* EmilyBrowning's character, Baby Doll, in ''SuckerPunch''.
* As is SaoirseRonan as the title character in ''{{Hanna}}'', although the apparent lack of eyebrows add a touch of UncannyValley...
* NoomiRapace as Lisbeth Salander in the ''MillenniumTrilogy''. [[NoHoldsBarredBeatdown Bikers, beware!]]
* In ''Film/JurassicPark'', the villain encounters some cute little dinosaurs, which turn out to be [[spoiler: the fearsome creatures mentioned at the start of the movie as some of the most vicious monsters in the park, but until then, never seen. After exhibiting some cute behaviour, acting like goofy, curious dogs, one refuses to fetch a stick, suddenly bursts out a spiked neck ruff and spits noxious poison into our villain's face. His buddies arrive and they gleefully finish him off.]]
* From ''MasterAndCommander'', [[PluckyMiddie Midshipman Blakeney.]] He's this utterly adorable curly-haired twelve-year-old, who... [[HandicappedBadass gets his right arm amputated]] ''but doesn't let it slow him down,'' becomes something of a "fighting naturalist," and leads a group of men more than twice his age into battle, thus helping secure a decisive victory over the ''HMS Surprise'''s archenemy, the ''Acheron.'' His inspiration is Lord Nelson, also missing an arm.
* Cynthia Rothrock in any one of her movies.

[[folder:Film -- Animated]]
* The eponymous character of ''WesternAnimation/{{Coraline}}''. A look that invokes BigBrotherInstinct? Check. Underfed? Check. Having more balls than most healthy adult males? Um... check.
* Emily from ''WesternAnimation/CorpseBride'' is pretty cute for an animated corpse and proves just how badass she is during the finale in the church against Barkis Bittern.
* Denzel from ''Anime/FinalFantasyVIIAdventChildren''. Case in point - "Son of a bitch!!!"
* Toothless from ''WesternAnimation/HowToTrainYourDragon'', capable of going from {{Badass}} to Adorable in the blink of an eye.
** It's all in the eyes. When he's happy to see you and wants to play, his pupils are HUGE, making him look adorable. [[BewareTheNiceOnes If he doesn't like you or if you present a danger to him or his rider, those pupils will narrow to vertical slits and will make you instantly regret becoming the target of his wrath.]]
* ''WesternAnimation/TheIncredibles'' has both [[FragileSpeedster Dash]] and [[GooGooGodlike Jack-Jack]], the Parrs' young boys, but [[{{Adorkable}} Violet]] also qualifies.
* Even though he's a ''50-foot-something robot'', the Giant from ''TheIronGiant'' is an endearing GentleGiant, with a childlike naivety about the world he's come to. [[RedEyesTakeWarning Just don't point]] [[WoobieDestroyerOfWorlds a weapon at him...]]
* ''WesternAnimation/KungFuPanda'' has at least a few of these. First there's the main protagonist, Po, who has badass kung-fu skills by the end of the first film. The adorable is, of course, the fact that he's a [[PandaingtotheAudience chubby Panda]]. There's also Master Shifu, who is a small red panda, but he can kick just about anyone's ass.
** Believe it or not, Viper is [[http://bit.ly/Io56dJ pretty cute]] too. Plus, she's voiced by Creator/LucyLiu.
* The titular ''Disney/{{Mulan}}''.
* Likewise, from Corpse Bride's spiritual ancestor, Jack Skellington and Sally from ''WesternAnimation/TheNightmareBeforeChristmas''. The former is one of the most adorable skeletons ever. He also is the scariest guy in town, and if you try to turn his friends into snake-and-spider stew, ''he will f*ck you up''. The latter is [[TheHeart a complete sweetheart]] and also had the guts to go into [[BigBad Oogie Boogie's]] lair by herself to save Santa.
* Then there is ''OliverAndCompany'', where Oliver himself is adorable, and is somewhat {{badass}} during his [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome CMOA]]s.
* In the ''WesternAnimation/{{Shrek}}'' movies Puss-in-Boots takes serious advantage of this, weaponizing PuppyDogEyes to catch opponents off guard.
** Also, Fiona.
** The spinoff ''WesternAnimation/puss*nBoots'' introduces another BadassAdorable cat character by the name of Kitty Softpaws, who is skilled and tough on a level fit to rival Puss himself.
* Rapunzel of ''Disney/{{Tangled}}''.
* Morph on ''Disney/TreasurePlanet''. Seems like a cute, little blob reminiscent of Ditto, right? Not only is he capable of transforming into any given person or object (still remains the same size when in normal form), but can utter very [[DeadpanSnarker snarky]] phrases like a parrot, and, when against AxCrazy Scroop, is able to put up a decent fight for several minutes. BadassAdorable, indeed.
* EVE from ''WesternAnimation/{{WALL-E}}''.
* Merida from ''Film/{{Brave}}''; capable of hitting multiple bulls-eyes ''on horseback'', and matching with her warrior king father in swordplay.
* ''WreckItRalph'': Three out of four main characters. (The fourth, Calhoun, is a regular {{Badass}}.)

* Lucy and Alexa from ''[[Literature/{{Dragons}} The Last Dragon Chronicles]]''. Bonus points for Lucy's LittleMissBadass and LittleMissSnarker and to Alexa's [[spoiler:GooGooGodlike]] tendencies.
* Huang Rong, from LegendOfTheCondorHeroes
* [[CloudCuckoolander Luna Lovegood]] in Literature/HarryPotter.
** Dobby. [[spoiler:He's saved [[TheHero Harry]]'s sorry ass quite a few times, disarmed/attacked several wizards, and says the most awesome line an elf could ever say: "Dobby has no master!!!" He even died like a {{Badass}}! Hit by a knife thrown by a crazy chick you just dropped a Chandelier on while apperating three other people out of the domain of Voldemort.]] though arguably, not EXACTLY adorable.
* Praise be to [[YoungWizards Ponch]], the [[spoiler:Dog Who Is God! The Wolf of Darkness clashed with the Hound of Starlight, and the Hound threw his old Enemy to the floor of Heaven.]]
* ''TheChroniclesOfNarnia'':
** Reepicheep: A cute two-and-a-half foot talking mouse with honor, dignity, and the ability to successfully take on an armed opponent twice his size. One of the few characters from Narnia aside from Aslan who shows up in ''three'' books; at one point, he even sails over the edge of the world.
** Lucy: The entire Telmarine army skidded to a stop in mid-retreat, scared stiff of one small adorable girl smiling sweetly at them from across the bridge (their only escape route) while brandishing a dagger. And that's before [[BigDamnHeroes Aslan]] stepped up beside her.
* The Archive from ''Literature/TheDresdenFiles'' is a prepubescent girl who shows her Badassitude when she's attacked by Red Court vampires while she's moderating a duel. [[spoiler:She grabs a piece of anti-life being used and, with sheer force of will, thrusts it into the vamps heads and torsos, vaporizing them]]. In a later book she's attacked by a dozen fallen angels in an area cut off from magic. Using the little magic she could store in her tiny body she starts taking them down, two at a time, even while Harry carries her away. She even makes a point of trash talking the angels, although she's not that good at it. [[spoiler:She's only captured because the demons take advantage of her low body weight and gas the whole area.]] She's also very fond of [[CutenessProximity cats]] and renders official documents in crayon.
** Mouse is pretty awesomely adorable, too. Sure, he's a dog that's [[BigFriendlyDog around four foot tall at the shoulder]], but he plays the goofy GentleGiant act up so well you forget about that and just want to snuggle with his big fuzzy self. Then he [[PowerGlows starts glowing]] and ''makes an eldritch horror run away in terror'' after ripping the back of its foot off. He also garners more respect from a powerful [[FairFolk Sidhe]] noble than his "master" does.
** The series' ''original'' BadassAdorable, Karrin Murphy. Blond, five foot nothing, with a cute little button nose, and she's proven so ''incredibly'' badass so very many times that she'd need her own subpage to list all the examples.
* {{Temeraire}}, although unusually for the trope, the badass is the most immediately obvious (he is a ''dragon'', after all), and the adorable comes out in his interactions with the other characters, particularly with Laurence.
* ''{{Redwall}}'''s cute fluffy animal KidHero characters. D'awww, fwuffy ickle mousey. Who just happens to be wielding a BFS.[[hottip:* :Big for a mousey, anyway. From our perspective, it'd be about the size of a kitchen knife at best.]]
* Mr. Nutt, from ''Discworld/UnseenAcademicals''. TheWoobie, UglyCute, NoSocialSkills, uses hilarious SesquipedalianLoquaciousness ("We must be bursting with machismo!"), starts out as an ExtremeDoormat, and could snap a person's neck with his bare hands. He never actually does anything of the sort, and one gets the impression he probably never would, but just threatening it is enough.
** Tiffany Aching, aged 9, invaded the kingdom of the borderline-EldritchAbomination [[FairFolk Elf Queen]] armed only with a [[FryingPanOfDoom frying pan]] and a gang of ViolentGlaswegian {{Smurfs}} in ''Discworld/TheWeeFreeMen''.
** Otto von Chriek from ''Discworld/TheTruth'' is this crossed with TheWoobie -- he's a reformed vampire who prances around in his neat suit and his thick Uberwäld accent, taking photographs and accidentally turning himself into dust every five minutes. But when his friend William gets in trouble, Otto casually beats up a team of muscled goons and scares the living bejeebers out of their boss, all while sporting a longsword in his chest and ''still'' maintaining his adorable FunnyForeigner front.
* The three Baudelaire siblings from ''ASeriesOfUnfortunateEvents'' but especially Sunny, who's a baby.
* [[TheLordOfTheRings Hobbits]]. For creatures the size of human children, they prove to be surprisingly adept at arse-kicking.
* {{Madeline}}.
* ''Literature/{{Coraline}}''.
* Literature/PippiLongstocking is a cute, quirky eleven-year-old... with incredible super-strength. Given that she lives in an otherwise mostly mundane world, we never really get to see just where the limits to her strength is, but she is perfectly capable of overpowering stampeding bulls, angry tigers and fierce sharks without the slightest difficulty.
* Alisa in the ''AliceGirlFromTheFuture'' series.
* Charlie [=McGee=], the eponymous ''{{Firestarter}}''; a cute little red-haired girl who even gets called "button" more than once, theoretically capable of ''cracking the Earth in two'' when she comes into her full power. Certainly already capable of vaporising a man with very little effort.
* In ''ThePaleKing'', Leonard Stecyk is an [[CheerfulChild excruciatingly upbeat]],kind, and [[ChildProdigy hard-working]] bully magnet. He's also the only one who [[spoiler: rushes in to save his wood shop teacher from dying of shock and blood loss after an accident with a machine. His little apron keeps his clothes from getting drenched in blood, and he makes a perfectly-tied tourniquet on the fly.]]
* And let's not forget 12-year-old, ponytailed Kate Wetherall from ''TheMysteriousBenedictSociety'' who carries around a bright red bucket full of weapons, crawls through air vents, and can kick a Ten Man's ass any day of the week.
** To some extent, Constance Contraire also fits this trope. Yes, she's not quite adorable, and certainly doesn't have the cheeriest disposition, but she can kick some serious butt hair-pulling and leg-biting.
* The treecats in David Weber's ''HonorHarrington'' series are cute, cuddly, and great with children. They also can read minds and will turn into steel-clawed, near-unstoppable killing machines when they detect someone planning to harm their human friends.

[[folder:Live Action TV]]
* [[SummerGlau River Tam]] of ''Series/{{Firefly}}'' owes her popularity to this trope.
* Speaking of SummerGlau, Cameron from ''TheSarahConnorChronicles'' also fits this role nicely. Summer is just the perfect combination of {{Badass}} and {{Moe}}.
-->'''Cameron''': ''(lifting a young boy off of the ground)'' If you call your mother, the man will use her to get to you. He will kill her, then he will kill ''you''.\\
'''Sarah''': ''(sternly)'' Cameron.\\
'''Cameron''': ...[[CrowningMomentOfFunny Would you like a bedtime story?]]
* Willow, Buffy, Anya, and many of the Chosen; it seems like ''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'' was made for this trope.
** When Buffy got her hair cut, Willow describes it as adorable.
* Carter, GeniusDitz of ''HogansHeroes'', is usually innocent, oblivious and acts far below his years. He's also a complete fanatic about his bombs and has probably directly killed more people than anyone else in the group.
* Tamara Adama from ''{{Caprica}}'' appears to be shaping up into one of these - rather quickly as well. Might also be a LittleMissBadass.
* Hiro from ''{{Heroes}}'' definitely qualifies.
** And so do Claire and Elle
* Samantha Carter from ''Series/StargateSG1''. A huggable, kissable, lovable ColonelBadass.
** Heck, Daniel can qualify too once he [[TookALevelInBadass takes his level in badass]]. Sweet and attractive, [[TheWoobie suffers adorably]], and has been known to kick more than a little ass.
** Vala Mal Doran wears her hair in pigtails, she's been seen by anyone passing by the SGC halls in a bathrobe with curlers in, she eats... enthusiastically, she's jumped on Teal'c and hugged him (she only doesn't do that to Carter, it seems, because Carter's not 6'3 and built like Teal'c. Sure, a tall and strong woman - there's a essay on that somewhere, about fanfic writers and their notions of male-female relationships - but maybe not that prepared for a full Vala hug). Anyway, yeah, she can kick your butt shooting cans while Mitchell complains about Kansas cell reception, she was convincing (if merciful) when she pretended to be a Kull warrior, and she doesn't let torture or being burned alive distract her from pulling her weight. Amnesiac and hunted by people who want to mind-frell her, she survives very well and full-memory Cam comes out worse than she does.
* Djaq from ''Series/RobinHood'': tiny, adorable, PuppyDogEyes...and will rip your arms off if you get her angry.
* Jamie from ''TheThickOfIt''. With his [[TheNapoleon short stature]], curly hair, boyish smile and gigantic blue eyes he doesn't look like the sort of man who threatens to push iPods up his enemies' penises:
--> Ollie Reeder: "When I met you this morning I thought you were the ''nice'' Scot"
* Castiel from ''Series/{{Supernatural}}'', who combines an unearthly and no-nonsense badassery with huge blue eyes, a slender frame and a nerdy trenchcoat, not to mention an escalating [[TheWoobie Woobieness]] and humanization as season 5 went on.
** Sammy also qualifies, with his PuppyDogEyes and genuine compassion. Just [[BewareTheNiceOnes don't piss him off]].
* [[BunnyEarsLawyer Bunny Ears Forensic Technician]] Abby Sciuto from ''Series/{{NCIS}}'' typically bounces between HotScientist and {{Moe}}. Until you threaten her or someone she cares about; at which point, she'll thorougly kick your ass, and be totally adorable while doing it.
** And kill you without leaving '''a single shred of forensic evidence!!'''
** Zach, the son of a man who is kidnapped because of his knowledge. He has an incredibly good memory, and when the men that kidnapped his father try to kidnap him, [[GroinAttack Zach punches him in the 'nads]]. Abby nicknames him "Mini-Gibbs".
* ''TheVampireDiaries'' has Anna. Cute, bookish and a badass vampire.
* In the 2009 remake of ''TheDayOfTheTriffids'' the main character is fired upon when entering a town. After putting his hands up he realises he's been captured by Susan and Imogen -- two cute little girls in CoolShades, [[CoolHat helmets]] and packing [[MoreDakka automatic weapons]].
* [[KamenRiderDenO Hana]] after getting aged down from a time travel occurence is a cute little kid who, if you're not doing anything to tick her off, is pretty sweet. However, this little girl has been known to wield a bazooka, [[SuperStrength have enough strength to manhandle the series kaijin with her bare fists]], and thoroughly trashed a bunch of Yakuza thugs singlehandedly, and some of them may have been [[KamenRiderKiva Fangire]].
* [[Series/{{Glee}} Becky Jackson]] wants chocolate, or she will cut you. Don't mess with her. She's the only person in the school [[CrazyAwesome Sue Sylvester]] considers worthy of [[TheDragon Dragon]] status.
* ''Series/{{Sherlock}}'' gives us Dr. John Watson. He's played by MartinFreeman, wears cuddly jumpers, types with one finger from each hand, and spends most of the series being the most caring friend in the world. He's also an ex-soldier, [[spoiler: shot a bad guy in the shoulder in one building....from the other building]], has stared down the most dangerous man in England, [[spoiler: Mycroft Holmes]], and was prepared to do a TakingYouWithMe to the most psychotic one [[spoiler: Jim Moriarty]]. He also punched a police chief, breaking his nose and earning himself an arrest, because the guy called his best friend a "weirdo".
* The ''HoratioHornblower'' mini-series has Archie Kennedy, sweet, enthusiastic, and really likes fighting the French! The first hint of this comes in "The Duel/The Even Chance" after boarding a French ship and running up to Horatio afterward to babble about how he "killed two! Well, one, certainly." It's not always obvious in the first and third instalments due to the [[TheWoobie suffering he endures throughout]], but by the second series, he's no less adorable but exponentially more badass. This includes helping Horatio blow up forts and shooting an enemy soldier off a tower from about a hundred yards away.
** Pulled off by actor JamieBamber again on LawAndOrderUK, where his character's (Matt Devlin) stunning good looks and charming demeanor tended to make witnesses easily trust him and suspects underestimate him, leaving them thrown for a loop when his badass side comes out.
* Sam from ''ICarly''. Or Shelby Marx.
* Annie on ''Series/{{Community}}'' when she is playing paintball or needs to chloroform a man twice her size. ''Twice.''
** Or cross-examining a yam-killer.
* Spencer Reid from ''Series/CriminalMinds''. FBI profilers can rarely be described as "adorable," but Reid can rarely be described as anything else... except when he's shooting [=UnSubs=] in the head or slipping messages to his teammates while being tortured. And then he reverts right back to [[SleepCute napping all curled up like a kitten]], [[HollywoodNerd going on rants about Doctor Who]] or [[GeniusSweetTooth having some form of sugar]].
* The eponymous ''Series/{{Merlin}}'' is a sweet, {{Adorkable}} boy with large blue eyes and adorably large ears. He can also blast you six ways to Sunday with his awesome magical powers, especially if you [[BerserkButton threaten anyone he cares about]]!
* Lexie "Lexipedia" Grey on GreysAnatomy. Is one of the smartest, most promising surgical residents at Seattle Grace due in part to her photographic memory. As Derek puts it "She has a photographic memory, we're all out of our league".
* Rory Williams from ''Series/DoctorWho'' basically has two settings: {{Adorkable}} ([[Recap/DoctorWhoS31E06TheVampiresOfVenice eg. fighting vampires with a broom]]) and {{Badass}} ([[Recap/DoctorWhoS32E7AGoodManGoesToWar eg. facing down an entire Cyberlegion]]), and frequently overlaps the two ([[Recap/DoctorWhoS32E10TheGirlWhoWaited eg. smashing a killer robot over the head with the Mona Lisa]]).
** Zoe and Jo Grant. The former being a perky little human calculator, whose hobbies include wrestling comic book heroes come to life and making giant computers destroy themselves with the power of confusion. The latter being cute, clumsy and pretty much TheDitz. And yet she's the only companion to have ever resisted the Master's hypnotising, as well as helping Three escape from whatever prison cell or bondage trap he'd got himself in that week.

[[folder:Professional Wrestling]]
* ReyMysterioJr. A tiny little guy with big PuppyDogEyes who would look like a kid playing superhero in his backyard, almost across the border into {{Moe}}...except he's held as many or more titles than any giant in the ring twice his size and can usually be found, especially recently, whomping the hell out of those same giants.
* NXT contestant [[ChickBusters AJ]]. She looks a little like a [[http://www.wrestlingrevealed.com/images/wrestlers/aj-lee.jpg squirrel]]. Very petite, very energetic, absolutely adorable, and probably the most talented woman on the NXT roster.
* DanielBryan. Especially in his current persona, he looks absolutely adorable when talking to people backstage (most notably the Bella Twins of late) and then turns into a figurative wrestling giant when he gets in the ring.

[[folder:Tabletop Games]]
* Many Scrappy Kids in ''Tabletop/FengShui'' definitely qualify as this.
* In the German game ''PlueschPowerUndPlunder'' (about [[LivingToy living]] [[EverythingsBetterWithPlushies plushies]]), every PlayerCharacter and many [=NPCs=] are this, essentially. And is there a better example?
* [[UglyCute For a given value of cute]], kobold player characters may qualify in DungeonsAndDragons.
* Lini the iconic ''TabletopGame/{{Pathfinder}}'' druid, to an extent. She's a tiny, quirky, big-eyed gnome woman who travels the world with a giant fluffy kitty (okay, a snow leopard) bigger than she is.

[[folder:Video Games]]
* {{Kirby}}, the little [[color:pink:pink]] puffball of kickass.
** And [[spoiler:Meta Knight, when you break his mask]]. In fact, most characters in this series fit this {{trope}}.
** Why is Kirby so {{badass}}? Let me count the ways:
*** He destroyed a [[spoiler: gigantic bleeding eyeball]] ''twice.''
*** He beat a witch that turns into a gigantic 8-eyed paint monster just so he could get his arms and legs back.
*** He tore through armies of monsters and an [[SealedEvilInACan unsealed]] lord of the underworld just because someone stole his cake.
*** He fell for a trap made by some jester guy, and then proceeded to destroy both him and a planet-sized clockwork god.
*** He killed a zombie version of said jester after beating up every single monster he fought before.
*** He's defeated [[MonsterOfTheWeek God knows how many]] monsters every single day.
*** Two Words: [[StuffBlowingUp Crash Ability.]]
*** He defeats enemies by ''[[ExtremeOmnivore eating them]]'' and taking their powers.
*** After being split into ten different Kirbies and losing his abilities, he manages to destroy ''another'' BigBad before recombining himself.
*** He fell for another trap made by another jester, then joined forces with a dragon for a dogfight with the jester's starship, then killed the jester, THEN killed its possessed corpse.
* Roll from ''MegaManPoweredUp'' and especially VideoGame/TatsunokoVsCapcom. Even though she's normally one of the sweeter characters, she is more than capable of taking out not only Dr. Wily's army of Robot Masters (Dr. Light's brainwashed Robot Masters, that is), but also the Lord of Darkness himself, [[spoiler: Yami]], WITH A BROOMSTICK OF ALL THINGS!
** Rockman himself is absolutely adorable. And he's saved the world eleven times.
** Taken UpToEleven in the three-episode OVA, which is made of this trope. Adorable chibi robots, Roll looks so cute in that kimono... [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome Did Proto Man just hack a missile while it was in flight?!]]
* Most of the Frost family of ''VideoGame/{{Persona}}'' and ''Franchise/ShinMegamiTensei'' counts. [[SuperpoweredEvilSide Black Frost]] in [[ShinMegamiTenseiNocturne Nocturne]], to [[TheAce Batman fan Frost Ace]] and [[ClothesMakeTheSuperman the adorably-armored Demonee-Ho]] in ''[[VideoGame/ShinMegamiTenseiStrangeJourney Strange Journey]]'', or [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking King Frost]], with the ''possible'' exception of series regular Jack Frost, who begins as a MascotMook and can {{Badass}} his way into becoming any of the prior examples.
** Alice counts, too. Cutest girl ever seen in the games. Extremely lethal sorceress to boot.
** The [[HelloInsertNameHere Protagonist]] of ''VideoGame/DevilSurvivor'' is a seventeen-year-old who borders sometimes into childishly adorable. He's either TheMessiah, an EvilOverlord overseeing Humanity's RageAgainstTheHeavens, or the world's savior.
** "Evil" Overlord is a bit fuzzy, his reasons are morally sound, the only reason it remotely comes close to fuzzy is because of [[{{God}} who he's taking down]]. Either way he's a savior, its just which method he chooses.
* [[AmazonianBeauty Chun Li]] from ''StreetFighter''. She may be the "strongest woman in the world", but when she wins a match she jumps up and down girlishly and shouts "yatta!"
** Sakura fits as well with various stereotypical 'schoolgirl' entries, fighting in a sailor suit and having a huge crush on Ryu that she seldom bothers to hide.
** Makoto is the [[MoeMoe cutest]] karate girl ever! [[{{Ninja}} Ibuki]] and her cute [[AnimeHair hairstyle]] is also heart-wrenchingly cute as well!
** Whenever Elena isn't busy battling in the arena, she's even busier making and hanging out with friends.
* Meracle Chamlotte from ''VideoGame/StarOceanTheLastHope'' doesn't seem all that badass at first glance, being a {{Stripperific}} MoeMoe {{Catgirl}}, but once you max out her Critical skill and get her some decent equipment her multi-hit killer moves become absurdly deadly; she can clear the field with a single [[DeathofaThousandCuts Claws of Fury]] that scores something on the order of a dozen consecutive critical hits.
* ''VideoGame/{{Bomberman}}'' with his cute face and outfit, and oh did I mention BOMBS.
* Micah, the main character from RuneFactory3, is a [[HalfHumanHybrid half-human, half-monster hybrid]], and has the ability to transform between a human and monster form. Of course, his monster form is that of an adorable, fluffy sheep-like creature called a Wooly, and looks like [[http://dsmedia.ign.com/ds/image/article/100/1001217/rune-factory-3-a-fantasy-harvest-moon-20090706100540754_640w.jpg this.]] The "badass" part comes in when he defeats countless giant monsters in that form with his bear paws.
* The {{anime}} fanmade versions of the commandos from ''CommandAndConquer Red Alert 3'', lovely.
* [[KidAppealCharacter Tails]] from ''SonicTheHedgehog'' fits this to a T. Young two-tailed fox who likes to invent things and go on adventures with his bestest buddy [[TheMcCoy Sonic]].
--> '''Tails''': ... Sonic...\\
'''Eggman''': Huh?\\
'''Tails''': Sonic has asked me -- for the first time -- to do something for him. I won't let him down; I won't give up!
** In ''SonicUnleashed'', [[spoiler:''Chip'']] ultimately proves to be one of these. Because what could be more {{badass}} than [[spoiler:turning a bunch of temples into a mecha around yourself]]?
** [[BewareTheNiceOnes Amy]] [[DropTheHammer Rose]], at least when not leaning too much into {{Yandere}} territory.
** What about [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_spo0AXB2EY Cream and Cheese]]?
** Speaking of [[{{Moe}} Cream the Rabbit]] and [[{{Sidekick}} Cheese the Chao]], in SonicX, [[spoiler: she manages to defeat and destroy Emerl, while her friends weren't able to do so]].
** Sonic himself, especially his Genesis incarnation. VideoGame/SonicGenerations just bumps it UpToEleven.
** Argument could be made for most of the cast, including [[http://media.sonicscanf.org/gallery/shadow-the-hedgehog-5/sonic-battle.png Shadow]]. The resident badass AntiHero is three feet tall and fluffy.
* The entire point of ''KoihimeMusou'', but especially Kan'u. Even more so in the first game.
* Child Link and both Toon [[HeroicMime Links]] from the ''Zelda'' franchise. Even adult Link tends to get a "d'aww" out of fans when he gets his cute on.
** {{Lampshaded}} by {{LetsPlay/Chuggaaconroy}} in his LetsPlay of ''VideoGame/TheLegendOfZeldaTheWindWaker''. "Cuteness never looked so badass."
** And argueably Zelda herself, especially in ''VideoGame/TheLegendOfZeldaSpiritTracks'' where she can take over a giant walking suit of armor while still retaining a cute/innocent personalty.
** ''VideoGame/TheLegendOfZeldaTwilightPrincess'': Midna as well, at least in her "imp" form.
* [[VideoGame/MarioAndLuigiPartnersInTime Baby Mario and Baby Luigi]].
** Grown-up Luigi is more badass than you'd think. And many fangirls consider him adorable.
** Also, the various assistants from ''VideoGame/PaperMario'' - Bombette, Goombario, Bow and, of course, Watt.
* [[SuperMarioBrothers Yoshi]]. The adorable dinosaur that can swallow anything whole, turn said anything into eggs, and THEN use them as ammo. He took on a super-sized Bowser Junior while at the exact same time keeping a baby on his back and running an obstacle course, all the while trying to keep the baby from being kidnapped!
** Heck, Mario himself qualifies.
* Every character in ''Videogame/{{Inazuma Eleven}}'', some of whom can and have stop flaming soccer balls with their ''bare hands and/or legs'' and have preformed [[{{Finishingmove}} kickass shots]] after [[{{Tookalevelinbadass}} major level grinding]]. Oh, and they're all in junior high, with most of the main cast putting regular {{Shota}}s to shame.
** And they're successors in ''GO!'', who can summon Kenshin; giant avatars capable of wiping the soccer field with you in one fell swoop.
* And lets not forget most of the cast of the ''Videogame/{{Danball Senki}}'' series, which was produced by the same company. Little kids controlling tiny robots that can be armed to the teeth with any and ''every'' weapon known to man, including {{BFS}}s, {{BFG}}s, spears, rifles, bladed knuckles, bombs, and CHAINSAWS to preform badass finishers that, in reality, would turn your living room into the embodiment of a war-zone. make of that as you will.
** said robots have also been used in the game's anime to preform ''and'' prevent [[spoiler: Kidnappings, (attempted)Assassinations, Professional hacking jobs, robberies, and a world wide terrorist plot]]. Again, make of it as you will
* The four main protagonists of ''VideoGame/EarthBound''.
** Pippi of ''[[VideoGame/{{Mother 1}} EarthBound Zero]]'' in particular is based off of the above-mentioned Pippi Longstocking, right down to the name.
** Everyone from ''VideoGame/{{Mother 3}}'' belongs here.
* Peter the Phoenix from ''ShiningForce 2''.
* Starfy and Starly from the ''[[TheLegendaryStarfy Starfy]]'' series. This should require no explanation.
* Taokaka from ''BlazBlue'' may not look adorable, and she can be pretty deadly in combat, but just the way she talks and acts in her story mode in a game full of psychos, monsters, and jaded veterans, is just too damn cute.
** How has Noel Vermillion not been mentioned?
** And then there's Carl Clover. The CheerfulChild who has the game's only ''[[GameBreaker infinite combo]]''.
** Also, Makoto Nanaya. A squirrel girl ([[IThoughtItMeant No,]] [[SquirrelGirl not THAT one]]), with cute ears and a big bushy tail. However, messing around with her is a bad idea. [[MusclesAreMeaningless She's a small girl who can punch people]] [[BlownAcrossTheRoom and send them flying]].
* Felicia from the ''VideoGame/{{Darkstalkers}}'' series, acts more catlike than human and is just too damn cute.
* ''VideoGame/{{Xenogears}}'' has Chu-Chu. Adorable? Check? Badass enough to [[spoiler:transform into a gear-sized pink.... thing...... who fights to]] support the man she loves? Double check.
* ''VideoGame/{{Xenosaga}}'' gives us Momo, specially in the second game onwards. Junior also counts.
* ''VideoGame/{{Xenoblade}}'' keeps the tradition going with Riki. One of the battle quotes of this {{Adorkable}} "fur ball" is "Riki can win by himself!". And he's not all talk. Far from it!
** [[TheHero Shulk]], [[TheChick Fiora]] and Melia also count. Man, this is a [[WorldOfBadass World Of Badass Adorable]].
* ''LittleBigPlanet's'' Sackboy. Powers of a god. Time manipulation, matter control, creation and destruction, and immortality (If you're playing the level editor). And as Yahtzee put it, he "looks like the result of a sinister experiment to concentrate cuteness to a weaponised level for use against angry girlfriends".
* ''VideoGame/{{Okami}}'': Never has [[AGodIsYou divinity]] been so... so... fluffy. Unless you're a goblin (or some other disposable monstrosity), you can ignore Amaterasu's '''other''' [[BigBadassWolf defining characteristic]]. Seriously, she won't even mind if you walk right up to pet her; Kushinada does this ''every'' time she sees Ammy. It helps that [[InvisibleToNormals half the cast thinks she's just an ordinary dog]] [[DudeWheresMyRespect even after she saves them]], calling her Fluffy, Poochie, Fido, Wolfy, Furball, Snowy, Mutt, ''Powderpuff''...
** And if you thought Amaterasu couldn't get any more adorable, the GaidenGame ''VideoGame/{{Okamiden}}'' one-ups the original by making the player character (named ''Chibi''terasu) [[http://www.destructoid.com/okamiden-s-little-wolf-puppy-is-the-cutest-thing-ever-147254.phtml a tiny puppy dog instead]]. For an added bonus ([[RidiculouslyCuteCritter if one was necessary]]), he spends most of the game carrying around kids on his back, most of whom are at least ''some'' degree of BadassAdorable in and of themselves. And, like his mother, Chibi [[DudeWheresMyRespect can't catch a break in the name department]], being variously referred to as Mutt, Pooch, [[TotallyRadical Dude]], and Squiddy.
** Made even more adorable in ''[[MarvelVSCapcom Marvel VS Capcom 3]]'', in which Ammy is a playable character.
* ''VideoGame/{{Touhou}}''. Quite a ''lot'' of the Girls of Gensokyo are [[{{Moe}} really, really cute]], and they all either have [[SuperPowerLottery crazy powers]] or plenty of [[BulletHell danmaku]] with which to protect themselves.
** Perhaps the best example here: [[OurVampiresAreDifferent Flandre Scarlet]]. A CheerfulChild, who loves her sister so much that she really ''doesn't mind'' having been locked in the basem*nt for the past 495 years. And she canonically has the [[PersonOfMassDestruction power to destroy]] [[InformedAbility absolutely anything]] at all. That's on top of enough firepower to [[DoesNotKnowHisOwnStrength utterly annihilate]] most humans she tries to play with. And you would never know it by [[http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll293/Lyco_7/akibakko-119366801257386.jpg looking at her]].
* The ''{{Disgaea}}'' games:
** Princess Sapphire Rhodonite is a relatively straight example, as most fans find her [[AxCrazy psychotic outbursts]] amidst the {{Cloudcuckoolander}} demeanor make her even ''more'' adorable... in a [[{{Yandere}} deranged and troubling sort of way]].
** Kurtis seems to get this a lot since he reincarnated as a Prinny. Nevermind the fact that he still has the same deep voice and [[BadAss his]] [[HotBlooded character]] is still as it always was.
** Plenair.
** Raspberyl, a FunSize [[TokenMiniMoe loli]], number one delinquent, and self-proclaimed badass who shows it with her magical prowess.
** Laharl, the cutest little Overlord ever.
** Desco, a living weapon of mass destruction and {{Moe}} little sister of sorts who aspires to be a FinalBoss someday.
** LoveFreak Flonne. Cutest archangel ever.
* ''SoulNomadAndTheWorldEaters'' packs a few, being one of Nippin Ichi's more serious titles. You have Danette, cute, ditzy and slightly amnesiac who tears through enemies with knives and regularily makes remarks about snapping peoples' necks (and actually does so to one of your allies). Trish, a refined merchant's daughter, always positive and cheerful, who leads a mercenary company. And then there are the angels. Cute little baby-like guys... ''armed with guns''.
* SquareEnix loves this trope. You've got [[VideoGame/FinalFantasyVI Moogles]], [[VideoGame/FinalFantasyIX Black Mages]], [[VideoGame/FinalFantasyXI Tarutaru]], and even [[VideoGame/DragonQuestHeroesRocketSlime Slimes with battle tanks]]. The [[KillerRabbit Tonberrys]] are adorable, but extremely dangerous if one underestimates them.
** There is a young, lovely, cute, spunnky, aloof, innocent, friendly, childish GenkiGirl in almost every ''Franchise/FinalFantasy'' game: '''Rydia''', '''Krile''', '''Relm''', '''Yuffie''', '''Selphie''', '''Eiko''', '''Rikku''', '''Penelo''', '''Vanille'''. And all of them cover the {{Badass}} part of the trope. They are capable to decimate anything, be it with bombs, BlackMagic, SummonMagic or just oversized weapons that they shouldn't be able to carry.
** Selphie is willing to blow up a whole missile base, and that's just one of her moments. Not to mention she possesses the strongest Limit Break ''in the entire game'', called [[ExactlyWhatit*aysOnTheTin The End]], which will ''wish the enemy into the flower fields'' in a one-hit KO. Worst of it all? ''It works on the final boss.''
** One of Vanille's "battle sayings" is "I'm not all flowers and sunshine!" In a sickeningly cute, sweet, sing-song voice. You could hear the jaws hit the floor when it was learned that [[MoeMoe cute and cheery]] she had a summon that was a ''[[SmallGirlBigGun walking war machine]]''. Not to mention that she's [[spoiler:the harbinger of the apocalypse. {{Badass}} indeed]].
** '''Vivi''' from ''VideoGame/FinalFantasyIX''. I mean, come on. The little cutie is the [[TheWoobie freakin' Woobie]], but if he gets angry and/or determined, he will own you.
** Also '''Tifa''' from ''VideoGame/FinalFantasyVII''. Although less adorable than sexy, Tifa is a sweet and wholesome girl ([[{{Stripperific}} although she doesn't dress like one]]) who can dish out one of the biggest damage in the game, [[BarefistedMonk with her bare hands!]]
** Then there's '''Rinoa''', who is cute but also a Sorceress, wield a large chakram that is shot from her wrist!
** '''Terra'''! MysteriousWaif of [[HalfHumanHybrid exotic ancestry]]? Check. PersonOfMassDestruction? Check. MamaBear? Oh so very, very check. (There is [[GodModeSue actually more]], but you get the idea). And in case you don't, Dissidia Final Fantasy sets Terra up as the girl who snuggles moogles, then frightens Kefka into shutting up.
*** And Gau. The cute, adorable little feral boy who was RaisedByWolves manages to wear out Sabin, the game's leading badass who can ''suplex a train'', calling it a ''dance''. In battle, Gau is a DiscOneNuke and a Disc Two [[StoneWall Tank]], who is capable scratching like a cat ForMassiveDamage.
** HalfIdenticalTwins '''Palom''' and '''Porom''' are BadassAdorable ''twins''.
* Aaaaaaaaaaaaand now we have ''VideoGame/TheatrhythmFinalFantasy'', turning the WorldOfBadass seen in ''VideoGame/DissidiaFinalFantasy'' into a World Of Badass Adorable.
* Sora, Roxas, Ven and Xion from ''KingdomHearts''. Still, the absolute best example is none other than '''[[KingdomHearts Mickey Mouse]]''', who they managed to turn into freaking ''[[StarWars Yoda]]'', of all things.
** His Badass quotient has only increased over the games. In ''Chain Of Memories'', he's a support character that appears to cast spells. By ''II'', he's playable whenever Sora is defeated, but can't actually finish off bosses. When ''358/2 Days'' made him playable, he was on about the same level as the other playable characters. By ''Dream Drop Distance'' [[spoiler: he's capable of [[TimeStandsStill pulling a ZA WARUDO]] on every member of the new Organization XIII (including the Big Bads from ''I'' and ''II'') in time. The only person capable of resisting is the incarnation of Xehanort with power over time itself.]] All this from a former steamboat captain.
* Aside from ''Final Fantasy'', ''VideoGame/TheWorldEndsWithYou'' gives us Mr. Mew. An adorable little cat plush that could rip your eyes out.
** Leah and Marcy from ''VideoGame/ChronoCross''.
* ''SuperRobotWars'' gives us several examples. There's Latooni, TheWoobie who is also arguably the best pilot in the OriginalGeneration games; Mai Kobayashi, {{Tykebomb}}, one-time end-game boss, and adorable in the extreme; Ibis Douglas, the luckless but tenacious flat chested girl; and even the villain of the second OriginalGeneration game Einst Alfimi, ridiculously {{moe}} and ridiculously broken once you manage to recruit her.
* ''Franchise/TalesSeries'' Examples:
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfSymphonia'' -- Collette Brunel, Presea Combatir, and Genis Sage
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfSymphoniaDawnOfTheNewWorld'' -- Marta Lualdi
** Also Emil. You just wanna hug him... then [[GetAHoldOfYourselfMan smack him in the face and tell him to get a hold of himself]].
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfRebirth'' -- Surprise, surprise... [[PantheraAwesome Eugene Gallardo]]. Though not in the main game, but is described in ''[[TalesOfTheWorld Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology]]'' as "big, fluffy, cute, huggable" by [[VideoGame/TalesOfTheAbyss Tear]]. Mao could qualify, as well.
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfVesperia'' -- Karol Capel and Estelle, who is surprisingly effective at battle given her gentle nature. Patty as well, in the PS3 version.
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfGraces'' -- Sophie. Just see it for yourself if you don't [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0RT_Sg7K2E believe]] [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJGify05etQ&feature=related it]].
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfPhantasia'' -- Arche Klaine and Suzu Fujibayashi
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfTheAbyss'' -- Anise Tatlin
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfEternia'' -- Meredy, one of the cutest video game characters ever but also capable of wiping out the enemy with her summons.
** VideoGame/TalesOfInnocence -- Ruca Milda
** ''VideoGame/TalesOfXillia'' -- Elise Lutus. Quite possibly the most adorable out of all the examples.
* May from ''VideoGame/GuiltyGear''. Bridget may also qualify [[WholesomeCrossdresser if you're into that sort of thing]].
* Quite a few characters from ''VideoGame/FireEmblem'' can turn out this way.
** [[VideoGame/FireEmblemTheSacredStones Amelia]] can take this to an absurd degree if you make her into a General. Basically, she remains an adorable teenage girl in all of the cutscenes, but on the battlefield she's seven feet tall, covered from head to toe in plate mail, and wields weapons that make Cloud's Buster Sword look like a toothpick. Combine this with positively absurd stat-growth and you have what is basically a walking wall of certain death. An adorable, shy wall of certain death. Ross is a HotBlooded boy who idolizes his RetiredBadass dad but is quite the sweetheart to others, and Ewan is a cheery prankster with a talent for magic. Raise them well and promote the first one into either a [[BoisterousBruiser Berserker or a Warrior]], while making the other [[BlackMagic a Summoner or a Druid]]. The ''three'' trainees absolutely {{Moe}} killing machines - and double if you [[RelationshipValues get any of the boys to A Support level with Amelia.]]
** Also Lilina from ''[[FireEmblemSwordOfSeals Sword Of Seals]]'' and Nino of ''[[FireEmblemBlazingSword Blazing Sword]]''.
** Yuria Bahara from ''[[FireEmblemGenealogyOfHolyWar Genealogy of the Holy War]]'' is a PrincessClassic with a high amount of {{Moe}} ([[http://i43.tinypic.com/1zwn1qq.jpg See her here.]]), [[TheWoobie who's very shy and somewhat depressing (she's usually depicted as crying. A lot.)]] Mind you, she's a GlassCannon stat wise, and would be that way but usually she's got one of two weapons, one is her trademark "Resire" which makes her practically invincible, the other is a stacked GameBreaker- as she is already, her [[InfinityPlusOneSword Infinity Plus 20]] Tome, Naga, which, increases her stats by 20 (ignoring the {{Cap}}s, oh and that tome? It fires a Dragon at her hapless foes.
** And there's plenty more in the [[VideoGame/FireEmblemTellius Tellius canon]]: Queen Elincia, Mia, Mist, Sanaki, Ilyana, Rolf, Marcia, Nephenee, Astrid... Take your pick!
** Most of the female manaketes throughout the series (Tiki, Fa, Myrrh, and Nono, to be specific) definitely qualify.
** FireEmblemAwakening takes this trope to new levels with [[spoiler:Lucina]]. In the battlefield she's arguably the most badass female character in the entire game, only contested by Female My Unit, and easily enters the Top 5 of the entire series (And that's saying A LOT!). But during her support conversations and quite some cut scences, you just want to hug her dearly just out of sheer cuteness!
* You can make one in ''{{Spore}}'' if you're clever enough.
* Gnomes in ''VideoGame/WorldOfWarcraft'', especially the females. That three foot tall gnome with bright pink buns tanking a massive boss four times her size is adorable.
** Four times? Meet [[http://www.wowhead.com/npc=22898 Supremus]], the Largest boss currently in the game. A Gnome can tank that-- it's about 10 to 15 times the size of a Night Elf (a rather tall character).
* ''NinjabreadMan'' -- A cute, little cookie that so happens to know self defense. Too bad the game blows.
* Koromaru from ''VideoGame/{{Persona 3}}''. His victory pose is to cutely scratch himself! Ken Amada, as a ten-year-old cute little boy, might also count. The alternative female protagonist of the PSP version definitely does.
* Choko from ''VideoGame/ArcTheLad'': at first she's a [[OneManArmy One Lolita Army]], then, she gets an upgrade and becomes a [[PersonOfMassDestruction Waif of Mass Destruction]].
* ''GhostTrick'' has Missile, a yappy little Pomeranian who is adorable even by Pomeranian standards. After he dies [[spoiler: for the second time, he gains ghost trick powers. His reach is far longer than Sissel's and he has the ability to swap objects of different sizes, even huge stone statues.]]
** [[spoiler: And in an alternate timeline he waited ''[[TheSlowPath ten years]]'' for the events of that night to play out again, so this time he could convince Sissel to help Lynne.]]
** [[spoiler:Sissel]] is also this, considering he's [[spoiler:actually a little black cat]]. At the end, he's a [[spoiler:little black ''[[EverythingsCuterWithKittens kitten]]'']]. Awwww.
* A few characters from ''VideoGame/CaveStory''. King is a Mimiga (a rabbit-man) who takes out [[RecurringBoss Balrog]] with a single swordstroke. Then there's Quote and Curly who... well, just look at [[http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/cavestory-storminghell.gif this in-game art]], depicting them in the act of [[BrutalBonusLevel storming]] [[PlanetHeck Hell]].
* ''ArTonelico'' has Cocona Bartel in the second game. She's about ten years old or so, four-foot-nothing, wears her long hair in pigtails with two absurdly large hair ornaments, and is the main character's adopted little sister. She is a very cheery girl who is always willing to help her big brother and often pouts in the cutest way whenever he's late. Turns out that she accompanies her "big brother" on his knight missions, and fights by taking her hair ornaments off and using them as a sort of transforming baton weapon. Despite her size, she keeps up with the adult frontline fighters, including her older brother. And the kicker? She is a Reyvateil, a species that is usually kept in the back lines far away from the physical fighting.
** Also thanks to her BFS in her LimitBreak.
* The campers of ''VideoGame/{{Psychonauts}}'' are all pre-teen psychics in-training. Most notable is Raz, who not only learns several potent psychic techniques but is also a skilled acrobat due to his life as a [[{{Roma}} Gypsy]] CircusBrat.
* [[HotScientist Liara]] and [[WrenchWench Tali]] from ''MassEffect''. Liara is a socially awkward archaeologist that has never been in a relationship before, and can scatter enemy troopers like papers in a hurricane and crush tanks like tin cans. Tali is NaiveNewcomer that, similarly to Liara, has never been in a relationship, but can shut down your shields, make your weapons explode, and poison your nervous system with a few taps on her omni-tool.
** [[spoiler:Legion]], among other [[BadassAutomaton badass]] [[ColdSniper desig]][[FriendlySniper nations]], also qualifies as Badass {{Adorkable}}.
** The ''Retaliation'' DLC for ''VideoGame/MassEffect3'' allows you to play as a volus in multiplayer.
* RatchetAndClank from the series of the same name. A cute little fuzzy alien with big round eyes, an incredibly expressive face, and enough weaponry to take down a dozen intergalactic armies..... literally, and his cute little robot friend, a secret agent who can grow into a Godzilla sized living weapon and control time. Saving all of time and space while looking incredibly cute.
* As stated, a good number of ''Franchise/{{Pokemon}}'' and even their trainers.
** But no mention of Mew? The progenitor of all other Pokémon? I mean, it only does EVERYTHING.
** All "cute legendaries" (Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, Shaymin, Victini) qualify. Notably Jirachi has a [[FacelessEye creepy eye]], Celebi can TimeTravel, and Shaymin transforms into a more badass form.
** Which is arguably even cuter than its Land Forme.
** The protagonists and their rivals are almost always this, except for a few side game ones who are older.
** Dragonite. [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qe9O90cD80 IT FLIES! IT SHOOTS HYPER BEAMS! AND ITS f*ckING ADORABLE <3!!!]]
** Iris is one. Drayden's assistant in ''Black'', Gym's Leader in ''White' and [[spoiler:[[TookALevelInBadass Champion]] in the sequels. She also pretends to do a roar at the beginning of battle... and then she sends out a Hydreigon]].
* {{Opoona}}, Copoona, and Poleena all look like Playskool figurines. All of them fight the forces that corrupt half an entire planet.
** This is pretty much their [[PlanetOfHats species hat]] in fact, to the point that their planet's constitution reads more like a warrior code.
* Princess, the protagonist of ''MagicalPopN''.
* Prince Cornelius and Mercedes from ''VideoGame/OdinSphere''.
* Leanne from ''VideoGame/ResonanceOfFate'', even in-Universe. Several [=NPCs=] ''gush'' about how adorable she is, and as for being a badass... well, she can gun down a tank or two.
* Villainous example: [[spoiler:Dark Emperor Griffon]] from ''VideoGame/DarkCloud 2'' is [[spoiler:a child-sized [[PettingZooPeople anthropomorphic bunny rabbit]] from the Moon with adorable eyes and ears and who only got into this mess [[StartOfDarkness because he loved flowers so much]].]] He is also able to kick your ass 10 times over even ''without'' the power of the [[MacGuffin Atlamillia]].
** The heroes of the game, Max and Monica. Max is a cheerful young inventor who can make almost anything and his inventions never fail. He's also capable of piloting a Ridepod (robot) that can be armed with weapons ranging from [[PowerFist iron fists]] to [[MoreDakka machine guns]] and [[MacrossMissileMassacre portable missile platforms]]. Monica is a [[RoseHairedGirl pink-haired]] MagicKnight from the future who's not only capable of holding her own in a fight, she's also a [[RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething princess leading a resistance movement against the forces of Griffon]].
* Patapon and Zigoton warriors in ''VideoGame/{{Patapon}}''. Music enhances that.
* ''VideoGame/SengokuBasara'''s resident {{Moe}}-fanbait is Sanada Yukimura -- [[WideEyedIdealist wide-eyed]], [[SkilledButNaive naive]], [[UndyingLoyalty intensely loyal]], [[{{keigo}} incredibly polite]]...and [[ChasteHero completely oblivious to all things sexual]]. He's also the most stupidly HotBlooded ScreamingWarrior in the series and looks like a fluffy puppy.
* Rebecca Chambers, from the ''Franchise/ResidentEvil'' series. Originally just a pixie-esque medic, we later learn that she fought her way through a night of Lovecraftian horrors before Chris Redfield ever saw his first zombie. Also, in her cameo in the "Mercenaries Reunion" mode in ''VideoGame/ResidentEvil5,'' she sets people on fire.
* ''VideoGame/{{Tekken}}:'' Asuka Kazama
** On that same note, Ling Xiaoyu.
* Dog from ''VideoGame/DragonAge'': he is a BigFriendlyDog... and also a Mabari: a breed of dogs who are basically part of [[TheKingdom Ferelden's]] elite troops and are used among other things to stop charging knights. While traveling with the Warden, Dog will jump headfirst intp the fray, tear his ennemies to pieces, then will come back, covered in blood, wagging his short tail and looking at his master with puppy eyes waiting for him or her to scratch Dog behind the ears
** And in ''Videogame/DragonAgeII'' there is Merrill. She's a thin, naive, innocent, sweet-natured, easily distracted, practicing blood mage and Demon Summoner who becomes a MotorMouth when nervous. She also has only offensive magic and vicious combat buffs, not even the slightest healing spell, and fearsome drive to revive the glory of Arlathan for which she is willing to sacrifice her life. Absolutely ''{{Adorkable}}'' and she can a-splode you from half a mile away with her mind.
* The Pet Dragon from ''KingsBounty: Armored Princess''. Basically, a winged technicolored [[LiloAndStitch Stitch]], who likes to play with a little snail and dance around his pot tree ([[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSBQReA4tn0 check him out]]). Oh, look, he's summoning fountains of lava to engulf the enemies in searing agony, conjures lightning balls and finishes the surviviors off with a somersault kick. Awww!
* EccoTheDolphin, of course, being both a [[CaptainObvious dolphin]] and the protagonist of an adventure game series, would obviously qualify as this, but it tends towards FridgeBrilliance when you consider that the label BadassAdorable arguably applies to real-life dolphins as well. Then again, real dolphins tend towards [[KillerRabbit a more sinister variety of badass adorable]].
* Sunny from ''[[VideoGame/MetalGearSolid Metal Gear Solid 4]]''. Seven years old, cute as a button, and able to take down an AI that has effectively taken over the world.
** Otacon, too, for that matter. Combine his male-{{Meganekko}}-osity, shyness, niceness, and nerdiness with his genius hacker-dom, the fact that he's the creator of freakin' Metal Gear Rex, and his HeroicSacrifice tendencies, and you get one true BadassAdorable.
* Dr. Fetus fom ''[[VideoGame/MeatBoy Super Meat Boy]]''. He may be pretty ugly and be disgusting in some ways, like when you really acknowledge that he's a fetus, but that little fetus body is just adorable!
** Really, almost the entire cast qualifies. Yes, even [[BadassInDistress Bandage Girl.]]
* ''VideoGame/GoldenSun'' games adore this trope, and usually at least one playable member is a young, adorable teenager with SquishyWizard and/or GlassCannon tendencies at the ''least''.
** Sveta in ''[[VideoGame/GoldenSunDarkDawn Dark Dawn]]'' is a champion of this trope, a ridiculously {{Moe}} [[MemeticMutation kitty-dog]]... deer... [[PettingZooPeople furry person]], who is the series' first warrior-type [[BlowYouAway Wind]] [[ShockAndAwe Adept]] and the series' first true ActionGirl (most have been [[BlackMagicianGirl primarily casters]]). And this is before you [[AwesomeButImpractical sack all her Djinn]] to [[OurWerewolvesAreDifferent turn her into a giant anthropomorphic wolf]] who ''[[AwesomeYetPractical backhands bosses across the room]]''.
** And let's not forget that thirty years before being a snarky pirate in Dark Dawn, Eoleo was a [[{{Adorkable}} dorky toddler]] with BlindingBangs who could wrap his [[NeverMessWithGranny great-grandma]] [[CutenessProximity around his little finger]] and ''[[GooGooGodlike blew up Alhafra's prison with his mind]]'' to rescue his daddy. D'awwwwww!
* Little Nana of ''VideoGame/VanguardBandits'' who's around twelve, has her hair up in pig-tails and is always followed by her [[EverythingsBetterWithPlatypi platypus pal Kyu-Kyu]], is fully capable of being a terror on the battlefield with her personal [[AMechByAnyOtherName ATAC]] even when under-leveled.
* ''VideoGame/{{Klonoa}}'', anybody? He's an adorable cat-like creature with big long ears. He could also throw you across the screen.
* T3-M4 from ''VideoGame/KnightsOfTheOldRepublic'' and its sequel. Particularly [[TookALevelInBadass takes a level in badass]] in the sequel, where at one point he casually shuts down [[AxCrazy HK-47]] when he starts getting too snoopy.
** Not to mention single-handedly demolishing ''three'' HK-50 droids at once on Nar Shaddaa. In one-on-one combat.
** T3's SpiritualSuccessor in ''The Old Republic'', T7-01, definitely counts. A cute little astromech droid [[ReallySevenHundredYearsOld who hasn't had a memory wipe for at least two centuries]], considers himself the true hero of the story (partially justifiable, considering that [[TheGump he had front row seats to the start of the last war]]) and is the first astromech droid who had his language translated - and he is speaking in equations! That is the first companion character a Jedi Knight gets. [[BewareTheNiceOnes He is a tank]].
* Veronica from ''VideoGame/FalloutNewVegas''. She's a sarcastic StraightGay Brotherhood Scribe, with a compulsion against showing her hair. She's also [[MegatonPunch very good with a Power Fist]]. Being voiced by FeliciaDay might also have something to do with this.
** Also, ED-E the SuperPrototype Eyebot, a floating little robot that plays a catchy little tune when flying into combat armed with a laser and a perk that practically gives you max Perception.
* Dewy from ''DewysAdventure''.
* {{Lego Adaptation Game}}s are known to do this: first we have ''LegoStarWars'', that allows the player to re-live ''all'' the series' AwesomeMoments while playing as Lego minifigures. Then came ''LegoBatman'', that is just this side of ''BatmanArkhamAsylum'' in terms of sheer badassness. And now we got ''LegoHarryPotter'' and ''LegoPiratesOfTheCaribbean''... you name it, really.
* ''Every'' single playable character of the ''{{Neptunia}}'' games can be considered as one.
* Milly from ''BatenKaitos Origins''. She's the sheltered daughter of an Alfard nobleman, and she has ''butterfly wings''. She also dual-wields clubs and can kick you across the room.
** Sagi probably counts as well.
* Despite being an online golf game Kooh from ''{{Pangya}}''. The 11 year old TokenMiniMoe is also a pirate captain who hauls around a cannon and rides a giant bomb.
* [[AdorableEvilMinions Turrets]] from the ''VideoGame/{{Portal}}'' games. They will shoot the crap out of anything they target, but the things they say are incredibly adorable.
* In ''StarWarsTheOldRepublic'' one of the Bounty Hunter's companions is Blizz. He's a Jawa, ya know those cute robed little guys with glowy yellow eyes? He's a tank. He also ''[[PintSizedPowerhouse wields a rocket launcher]]''.
* From ''EternalSonata'':
** The twins, March and Salsa. A pair of a adorable 8-year-old girls, one sweet and polite, the other something of a hothead. They wield twin chakrams, have access to powerful moves, and... are those ''sharp teeth'' and miniature ''skulls'' on those necklaces? On the other hand, their headgear is reminiscent of bunnies.
** Beat, an 8-year-old boy who is sort of like a younger brother to Allegretto. He wields a repeating rifle with precision.
** Polka, a sweet young teen with [[IllGirl an unspecified illness]]. Her [[ParasolOfPain parasol is a powerful weapon]], and she has some good magic in her arsenal.
* If you are going to call Mazzy, the halfling pseudo-paladin from ''BaldursGate II'' this, you're well advised to do it somewhere where she can't hear you.
-->'''Mazzy:''' ''I won't seem so cute when I break your legs!''
* One of the default animals in ''VideoGame/TokyoJungle'' is a feral Pomeranian dog... who is still able to bring down gazelles with a well-timed Clean Kill.

[[folder:Visual Novels]]
* The KeyVisualArts games have a few in starring roles (see the entry for details).
* Pearl Fey from ''PhoenixWright'' is a powerful candidate, since she's saved the day quite a few times by channeling Mia. She even slapped Franziska Von Karma!
** For someone who is ostensibly the series' main DistressedDamsel, Maya certainly makes herself useful under the direst situations.
** An evil example of this trope would be [[spoiler:Dahlia Hawthorne]]. Not everyone has the guts to [[spoiler:jump from a bridge into a river known for its deadly speed just to steal a jewel.]]
** Arguably, Ambassador Colias Palaeno from ''Investigations'', who manages to really grow on a lot of players, and who [[spoiler:shows up with a small army near the end and pressures the BigBad into staying put with thinly veiled threats. And he ''keeps smiling while doing it''.]]
* Arcueid from ''VisualNovel/{{Tsukihime}}'' is more well known for being a bit [[CloudCuckoolander adorably ditzy]] than being [[SweaterGirl sexy.]] Also known more for her [[PersonOfMassDestruction outrageously broken strength]].
** The {{Nasuverse}} is peppered with this trope, come to think of it. The ''FateStayNight'' girls all have their moments, and some would even regard [[KnifeNut Shiki]] as one.
** Ilya is probably the most prominent there. Of course, she also happens to be a complete (but intensely sympathetic) psychopath loli who [[NotAllowedToGrowUp isn't as young as she looks]].

* The TropeNamer is Green Mega Man (The Mega-speaking, mega-hyperactive, mega-side kick from ''WesternAnimation/{{Captain N|The Gamemaster}}''), from ''CaptainSNES''. Even the Cynical, rude, and foul-mouthed bastard that is Alex Williams, thinks Green Mega is Adorably Badass.
* Ruby Gem, the little toddler vampire girl from ''{{Monsterful}}''.
** Even more Badass when she transforms into a VSV (Vampiric Spartan Viking).
* Calvin/Freckle from ''LackadaisyCats''.
* Grace from ''Webcomic/ElGoonishShive''.
* ''SuperStupor'', a side project from the creator of ''SomethingPositive'' breaks down the trope as a basic fact of {{superhero}} / {{supervillain}} life [[http://www.superstupor.com/sust04092008.shtml and its result on those too stupid to recognize it.]]
* Arcturus Winrock from ''SuicideForHire'', if you think a chain-smoker who dresses like a punk and kills people for money can be cute.
* ''Webcomic/TowerOfGod'': Anak, who is a LittleMissBadass that can be pretty adorable once you get to know her, and Mule Love, a PintsizedPowerhouse who everyone agrees is cute, small and freakishly strong.
* Several of the younger characters in ''{{Drowtales}}'' are like this due to the way drow age making them look like young children even when in their 20s, but Ariel is probably the best example, since she looks about 8 and has already kicked the asses of several people who've gone after her. Generally speaking even cute little kids in ''Drowtales'' can kick loads of ass since they live in a CrapsackWorld and pretty much ''have'' to in order to stay alive.
* Most of the cast of ''Webcomic/{{Digger}}'' is this. Digger herself, Ed, Shadowchild, Murai...
* Little Rorschach in a ''Gunshow'' [[http://gunshowcomic.com/d/20090312.html story arc]].
* Bridget the Zombie from ''FarOutThere''. Especially in [[http://faroutthere.smackjeeves.com/comics/1072504/page-256-pwnage/ this comic]].
* ''LastRes0rt'' has Jigsaw Forte, [[FurryComic among others.]]
* Tycho's niece Anne, or "Annarchy" in ''PennyArcade'', tearing up zombies with a [[Franchise/StarTrek bat'leth]]. Her alter-ego "Anne-Claire" in ''PennyArcadeAdventures'' sports a KillSat attack.
* ''Webcomic/SluggyFreelance'' has had a few including Princess-Princess who is really Secret Angel Princess-Princess. Especially when she figures out how stupid that sounds out loud. Secret Cranky Office Temp could also qualify. Aylee in a couple of her forms was adorable and could either swallow you whole or burn you to a crisp. Obviously Oasis, the ultimate cutie when she's not taking out entire armies single handed. Being bat-sh*t insane can have her going from one to the other in nanoseconds. And then there is Bun Bun; a cute little mini-lop with floppy ears, aww. That is until you look deep into those big dark eyes and see how much you are going to suffer if you don't get out of his face right now, toots.
* ''SugarBits''. Bleedman is possibly the only person in the world who can make a cookie badass. And this is without mentioning Bo, the ridiculously adorable and tiny sheep... who will do [[http://sugar.snafu-comics.com/index.php?comic_id=102 this]] if you screw with her friends.
* The Racconans from ''TalesOfTheQuestor'' are an entire nation of tiny Raccoon-like humanoids... ...Nearly all of which can unleash powerful magics in self-defence, have perfected magical engineering to the point they're nearly an industrial power in an age of knights and castles, and most Racconan communities have huge militias. Add to that an attitude of [[CombatPragmatist combat pragmatism]] and an insidious cunning, and you have a nation of 2 foot tall critters that has thus far squashed every invasion thus attempted on it's territory. The Racconans could teach the Ewoks a few lessons.
* ''BittersweetCandyBowl'', Lucy can kick a whole lot more ass than is apparent.
* In the same vein as ''Videogame/{{Earthbound}}'', the kids from ''Webcomic/{{Homestuck}}'', even the UglyCute Trolls. Yes, those ''are'' thirteen-year-old tykes, casually manipulating time, space and ''the universe itself'', fighting hordes that make the [[ZergRush Zerg]] look conservative and blowing up stars.(Special mention goes to [[LittleMissSnarker Rose]] and [[CatGirl Nepeta]].)
** Taken up to eleven with Jade's [[spoiler: God Tier form, which gave her her pet dog's RealityWarper powers - and dog ears.]]
* ''Webcomic/RoninGalaxy'': Cecil gives his opponent a cheesy little v-sign before [[http://www.roningalaxy.com/comics/chapter-1/page-23/ dispatching]] of him. [[http://www.roningalaxy.com/comics/chapter-1/page-40/ Twice.]]
* Generally speaking, ''Webcomic/GunnerkriggCourt'''s Reynardine is either a BigBadassWolf or a not-so-nice (or cute) stuffed animal. However, look at the fourth panel of [[http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/archive_page.php?comicID=847 this comic]] and tell me that ancient, powerful, [[DemonicPossession body-snatching]] demon isn't one of the cutest things you've ever seen.
* Several characters in ''Webcomic/KevinAndKell'' qualify, but the undisputed champion is Coney Dewclaw, a three-year-old diaper-wearing bunny rabbit. She's also half-wolf (on her mother's side), and effortlessly devours slavering carnivores five times her size in a single panel.
* TheOswaldChronicles's eponymous Oswald, a mouse with pince-nez glasses, a bow-tie and a vest. Also, enough magical mojo to go toe to toe with the greatest sorcerer alive.
* The animal forms of ''ButImACatPerson'''s shapeshifting Beings include an adorable puppy and a fluffy pink rabbit. Some of their human appearances [[http://erinptah.com/catperson/chapter-three-page-two/ are pretty cute too]].
* Morty of ''Suppression'' is described as a walking sphere of primal, powerful magic energy. He has (in teaming up with Kirk) devastated demons much larger than him and taken out an entire row of houses after turning into a BFG. And he is absolutely adorable.
* While the titular character of ''CharbyTheVampirate'' is stuck looking like an cute if sharp toothed kid, he took out a ship full of pirates on his ninth birthday, and has only gotten cooler since then.
* Jack Hawkin from ZokushoComics is a foot shorter than anyone else on his team and considerably younger. He is obviously extremely pleased by a simple compliment on his chess playing abilities. Just a few pages later he's calling down lightning to fry the enemies he isn't just setting on fire.
* Platypus from ''{{Vinigortonio}}'' may look like an ordinary platypus but can actually hold his own in a fight and even infiltrate the police department without being noticed.
* Madeline in ''RustyAndCo''
* Nin Wah, the red panda from ''Webcomic/CommanderKitty''. At one point, she manages to [[http://www.commanderkitty.com/2011/02/06/and-shes-all-out-of-bubblegum/ fight off]] an [[http://www.commanderkitty.com/2011/05/15/saved-by-the-bell/ entire army]] of mashed up goons three times her size.
* Peaches (FriendToAllLivingThings Oni) and Cherry (magic-using CuteBruiser) from ''DragonMango''.

[[folder:Web Original]]
* feralAncient, oceanRising, flintlockEnthusiast, familyFun [[LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters for starters]] from ''FanFic/AdultStuck''. Given most of the cast starts out at 11, this is probably to be expected.
* Flippy from ''HappyTreeFriends''.
* Kid [=LeBron=] from ''WebAnimation/TheLebrons''.
* In the ''WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic'' fangame ''[[http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/579165 Super Filly Adventure]]'', this is what becomes of the main character Jade in the warrior ending. [[spoiler:Essentially, [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome she SOLO PWNS A DRAGON!]] With a MAGIC SPEAR.]].
* Let's take ''WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic'', give it a grimdark spin, and make it into a PlayByPost forum. [[EquestriaChronicles This is what you get.]]
* Yuki from ''FanFic/TheReturn'' loves pink, glitter, colouring books, looks about 13-14ish, and she will f*ck you up.
* Jade Sinclair (Generator) of the ''Liteature/WhateleyUniverse''. Cute as a button, looks like she's only eleven... and has scared the holy <censored> out of violent villains like Bloodwolf and Killstench. Bloodwolf controls a werewolf spirit and likes hurting people. He got stapled to a tree with railroad spikes. Do not make Generator mad at you. And then there's the Syndicate hardsite she destroyed... after being tortured nearly to death, stabbed through the heart, then [[spoiler:gives herself CPR and plays dead until her regen kicks in, then she goes about killing half the base herself with jagged metal objects and raising her victims as "zombies". It starts to cross the line into GrotesqueCute, really.]]

[[folder:Western Animation]]
* While it's probably due to the art style, a large number of characters in ''WesternAnimation/AdventureTime'' would certainly qualify. Special credit goes to [[KidHero Finn]], who is adorable, and powerful enough to power a machine that can flip the Earth.
* Nibbler from ''WesternAnimation/{{Futurama}}'' probably falls under this category. There's practically a whole episode devoted to how adorable the crew find him (much to Bender's chagrin), and in as the series progresses, it is revealed that [[spoiler:the Nibblonian race was already 17 years old at the time of the big bang, and are charged with protecting the Earth from the evil Brainspawn]] and also that Nibbler himself had a fairly big part to play in [[spoiler:getting Fry cryogenically frozen for 1000 years in the first place]].
** As an ancient, super-intelligent beings, the Nibblonians resent being regarded as adorable. Nibbler, himself gets fed up with it in season six:
-->'''Leela''': If you want to be treated like a fellow crew member, fine, but no more purse rides, and no more dressing you up in your cute little sailor suit.
-->'''Nibbler''': I keep telling you, that's my ''real'' naval uniform.
** Later, when the crew has dressed a cat in that same sailor suit
-->'''Nibbler''': (Sighs) My best friend died in that uniform.
* All of the members of ''WesternAnimation/ChipNDaleRescueRangers'' except for [[TheBigGuy Monty]] have their moments, but none more consistently than the fly Zipper, who almost never shows any fear when something thousands of times his size threatens his friends. Which happens pretty much every episode.
* During an episode of ''JusticeLeagueUnlimited'', "Kids Stuff", {{Superman}}, GreenLantern, WonderWoman and {{Batman}} all get changed to kids for reasons [[ItMakesSenseInContext too complicated to explain here]]. {{Batman}} in particular is pretty damn adorable.
* Tommy Pickles from ''WesternAnimation/{{Rugrats}}''. He's constantly standing up to [[SpoiledBrat Angelica]] and is the bravest baby in the show.
** [[CowardlyLion Chuckie's]] very adorable with his messy [[color:red:red]] hair, freckles, and glasses, and despite his shy nature he's had his share of {{Badass}} moments as well. Like when he summons the courage to stop the wedding in the second movie. And he successfully (if a bit haphazardly) pilots Robo-Reptar with the help of the other babies. What follows is a great and crazy climax which culminates in his final fight with Jean-Claude (who is piloting Robo-Snail), and he beats him. Meek little Chuckie, who was still suffering from his mother's death, beats a fully grown man in a giant robotic snail, and makes it in time to halt the wedding.
* Pulgita from ''WesternAnimation/{{Mucha Lucha}}''. She saves her brother The Flea from The Masked Toilet And She can beat everyone who came across her.
* Steve from ''WesternAnimation/AmericanDad!'' is normally calm and adorkable, but has a short temper and has beat people much tougher than him on several occasions.
** Also Reginald Koala.
* Ling-Ling from ''WesternAnimation/DrawnTogether''.
* An evil version is Professor Princess from ''WesternAnimation/TransformersAnimated'', a tech genius on a quest to rid the world of violent {{toys}} by blowing them up with her toy-themed weaponry. Her mount is a flying robot horse named Powdered Sugar.
** Also she has a doctorate. Professor Penny Princess is her ''real name''.
** Sari rolls with the Autobots and was actually a useful human sidekick (though she probably considered them ''her'' sidekicks). Highlights include saving Bumblebee and Prowl from space barnacle infestation and tormenting the Constructicons when they crashed the Autobots' hideout until they left. Goes double after "Transwarped."
* ''WesternAnimation/AvatarTheLastAirbender'' has five:
** [[AffirmativeActionGirl Toph]] is the [[CheerfulChild cutest little girl in the world]]. Never satisfied by melting hearts, she also decided to become the strongest Earthbender in the world, so she could ''rip them out''. Example--[[AffirmativeActionGirl Toph]], little blind girl who weighs all of a pound, can [[CuteBruiser crush a steel sword in her hands like it's a Coca-Cola can.]] Effectively, what would happen if a Skipper doll became a LightningBruiser.
** [[ActionGirl Ty Lee]] is an [[MsFanservice insanely hot]], [[PerkyFemaleMinion cheerful and bubbly]], well-endowed teen babe who uses her enormous...''strength'' (What? What did you expect?) to beat grown men to death with her bare hands. She easily downs powerful benders, even though she has no such power, and does it while filling out a shirt like no sanely-drawn woman should.
** [[TheHero Aang]] himself, though. Sweet and innocent, with eyes some {{anime}} characters would kill for, refuses to eat meat or kill even the most evil...and he can go [[BewareTheNiceOnes Avatar State]] on you if you [[BerserkButton hurt one of his]] [[TrueCompanions friends]].
** Kyoshi Warrior Suki definitely counts. Already a BadassNormal amongst a world of supermen, she can outmatch anyone at armed combat with her fans, all the while having irresistible PuppyDogEyes and the cutest pout/sassy smile ever ever.
** And Appa! Aang's loyal aero-bovine companion, who looks like a ten-ton stuffed toy and gets some awesome BigDamnHeroes moments.
* ''WesternAnimation/TheLegendOfKorra'' has Korra's EstablishingCharacterMoment take place with a DynamicEntry, where she [[DishingOutDirt Earthbends]] a wall [[ThereWasADoor across the room]], [[NoIndoorVoice loudly and proudly]] proclaims herself the Avatar''[[hottip:*:[[MemeticMutation And that you gotta DEAL with it!]]'', and demonstrates by bending three elements at once. ''[[PintsizedPowerhouse She's four.]]''
** ''Legend of Korra'' also gives us Aang's three [[BlowYouAway airbending]] grandchildren, who are quite capable of taking on [[spoiler: an ''equalist invasion'' of Air Temple Island.]]
** Korra's pet polar bear-dog Naga is quite probably the most badass mothaf*cka in the franchise. Bitch-slaps the Lieutenant in mid-air off a cliff, rips open steel prison cells, and knocks down gigantic platinum mechs like dominoes. She's ''usually'' quite a friendly and affectionate mutt...
* ''WesternAnimation/ThePowerpuffGirls'' -- Described on their own page as "Cute {{Flying Brick}}s".
** Specifically [[TheKirk Bubbles]] who is far and away the most adorable of all of them. Only one time does she ever truly get angry. After [[TookALevelInBadass taking a level in badass]] she becomes more than a match for both sisters, easily beating them up by herself.
* Dot Warner from ''WesternAnimation/{{Animaniacs}}''.
* ''ShirtTales'', by 80's Saturday morning standards at any rate.
* Ding-A-Ling Wolf from ''HokeyWolf'' cartoons. In one episode, he witnessed a robot trying to strangle Hokey and what did he do? He grabbed a massive stick and beat the living crap out of the robot. Keep in mind this is an adorable wolf cub with PuppyDogEyes and an innocent personality.
* Lexington from ''WesternAnimation/{{Gargoyles}}'': He's tiny by gargoyle standards (and none too big by human standards) and has flying-squirrel-like patagia for wings, owlish eyes, and a reedy tenor voice. He's also [[TheSmartGuy the team]] [[{{Adorkable}} nerd]]. That said: he's still a gargoyle warrior. ''Don't piss him off''.
* There was a ''WesternAnimation/TomAndJerry'' cartoon where Jerry got a bulldog about his size. Tom made the mistake of picking up said dog, tossing it up and down like a ball and giving an "Ah, how cute!" chuckle.
* Dexter from ''WesternAnimation/DextersLaboratory'' is about a foot tall, {{adorkable}} and knows martial arts.
* Peter Puppy from ''WesternAnimation/EarthwormJim''. That is all.
* Timmy Turner from ''WesternAnimation/TheFairlyOddParents'' has confronted bullies, aliens, and [[spoiler:the Darkness]] ever since his Fairies showed up.
** Poof, at times, especially in episodes with his [[EvilCounterpart Anti-Fairy counterpart]], [[EnfanteTerrible Foop]].
* [[OppositeSexClone Danielle]] from ''DannyPhantom'', who looks like an adorable little tomboy and is constantly in danger due to her [[UnstableGeneticCode unstable form]], proves even if she doesn't possess as much power as Danny himself, she can still dish out the damage when needed. Not many people can go and one up [[BigBad Vlad Plasmius]] after all (though it may be justified as Vlad potentially may have trained her).
** And depending on who you ask, Danny himself.
* Meap from ''WesternAnimation/PhineasAndFerb''. He's an intergalactic cop who roams the universe busting people who do stuff they're not supposed to do. Did I mention he's two feet tall, doe-eyed, pink, and without his translator all he can say is "Meap!"?
--> '''Mitch''': [[LampshadeHanging Okay, okay, I surrender! You can stop behaving in a way counter-intuitive to how you superficially appear!]]
** Perry the Platypus counts as well. As his theme song states, he's a ''semi-aquatic egg-laying mammal'' '''''of action'''''.
** She doesn't kick much butt, but Isabella has proven herself to be quite the ActionGirl at times.
*** In "Meapless in Seattle", she actually ''uses her cuteness as a weapon'' to beat Mitch.
** The Fireside Girls as a whole. One of their achievement patches is ''wrestling an alligator.''
** ...which is nothing compared to one of their others, which was ''moving a mountain with their bare hands.'' And this was played for laughs!
** Arguably, Phineas and Ferb. If they wanted, they could probably invent a KillSat or HumongousMecha in their free time.
*** Could? How about did. They built fifty foot tree house robots to have a rock'em sock'em robot battle with their teenage sister. They [[spoiler: used the cumulative might of their inventions to stop an invasion of killbots from another dimension!]]
*** Also built a space laser when the got the blueprints mixed up for their giant sundae maker. They just left the giant laser unattached before launching it into orbit.
*** "Escape from Phineas Tower" pretty much cements them as this. They're in situations even ''Perry'' hasn't been in, and don't even break a sweat dealing with them.
* June from ''KaBlam'' appears as a cute tomboyish little girl, yet get her mad and take cover.
** This might also relate to Loopy, though her temper isn't as firey.
** Jetcat is also very much this trope.
* Jenny from ''WesternAnimation/MyLifeAsATeenageRobot''.
** And the tiny windup robot Killgore, too. No one takes him seriously due to his size, but he not only manages to capture TheHero but also manages to rebuild a gigantic, world-destroying machine by himself.
* Raven, Starfire, Jinx, and Terra from ''WesternAnimation/TeenTitans''.
** Melvin, and to a lesser extent Teether and Timmy.
* Occasionally, Mort from ''ThePenguinsOfMadagascar.'' Mort is usually rather cute and pathetic, but he has been known to beat Skipper at arm-wrestling, uproot whole trees and smash things with them, and beat up gorillas (though the last one was a result of one of Kowalski's experiments accidentally making him extremely large and muscular). Private may also qualify. Despite being very "cute and cuddly" he's been shown to be an excellent fighter, able to fend of Skipper's attacks while training blindfolded in one episode. And all without breaking a sweat.
* Any of the kids from ''WesternAnimation/CodenameKidsNextDoor'' count. Especially Numbuh 3/Kuki who is absolutely friggin adorable most of the time and is the team's sweet [[TheDitz ditzy]] GenkiGirl, but when she does get angry, epic asskicking usually ensues.
--->'''Mr. Boss''': Quick! RUN LIKE LITTLE GIRLS!
** Sonia also counts. Normally she's a sweet, shy little girl who looks like she doesn't belong in a organization that fights evil adults. Then, you threaten to places her somewhere dark...and then you can only watch in horror as she beats you within an inch of your life.
--->'''Sonia''': (smiles sweetly) What? I don't like the dark!
* Snap from ''ChalkZone''. He appears as a cute little chalk drawing with huge eyes and a big heart, but can get very aggressive if you harm one of his friends.
** Rudy can also be one to an extent. I mean, he's got the magic chalk! Which can do anything!
* The eponymous ''WesternAnimation/KimPossible'', Rufus and even Ron, though he falls more into the adorkable category.
* Sam, Clover, and Alex from ''WesternAnimation/TotallySpies.''
* Maggie on ''WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons''.
** [[spoiler:She shot Mr. Burns. Also, when the whole town failed to confront the mobsters who were threatening to murder Homer Simpson, Maggie shot all of them from her bedroom when they arrived at the house. Homer didn't see her do it, but when he heard those gunshots and saw those mobsters fall to the ground, he said "I must have a guardian angel with a rifle." The irony is, this approach might have put her into some sort of EnfanteTerrible AntiHero category if not for how obvious it was that [[PayEvilUntoEvil her targets deserved it]].]]
* BugsBunny. Seriously, how many bunny rabbits do you know who can stare down the barrel of a shotgun and casually ask "What's up, Doc?"
--> '''[[WaynesWorld Garth]]''': Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when [[AttractiveBentGender he put on a dress and played girl bunny]]?
--> '''Wayne''': No.
--> [cracks up laughing]
--> '''Wayne''': No!
--> '''Garth''': Neither did I. I was just asking.
* Arguably one of the best aspects of ''[[Disney/{{Bambi}} Bambi II]]'' is evolving Disney's icon of cutesiness into a resourceful guardian for his herd, taking out an entire pack of hunting dogs by himself (par one which is desposed of by the equally adorable Thumper and Flower).
* Kit Cloudkicker of ''WesternAnimation/TaleSpin'', master of SkySurfing and HyperCompetentSidekick to Baloo. Molly to a lesser extent may also apply.
* [[GentleGiant Eduardo]] from ''WesternAnimation/FostersHomeForImaginaryFriends''. He's a cute purple friendly monster, but hurt someone he likes...
** [[{{Moe}} Mac]] is also ''very'' badass adorable. He can easily take you on if you harm his friends, and is probably one of the cutest ones in the entire show.
* Heloise from ''[[WesternAnimation/JimmyTwoShoes Jimmy Two-Shoes]]'' is an AxCrazy EnfantTerrible who beats and murders anyone who sets off her HairTriggerTemper...but she just looks so darn {{moe}} while doing it.
* A lot of the G1 ''MyLittlePony'' gang was this. Especially certain Ponies like Firefly, Gusty, and Galaxy.
* ''WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic'' has loads of this to go around, what with how cute, tiny, multi-coloured ponies are living in a world full of monsters. It applies to practically all the main characters.
** Fluttershy is normally a quiet, timid pegasus who is a FriendToAllLivingThings, but '''DO NOT''' hurt or otherwise threaten her friends. Accomplishments include wrestling a bear, staring down a co*ckatrice, taming Cerberus, and glaring down a dragon fifty times her size.
** Also of note, Rainbow Dash for [[LeeroyJenkins rushing in at every possible threat]], plus being the only pony who can break the sound barrier. Worth noting that she ''kicked'' the above-mentioned dragon.
** Twilight Sparkle is the pony equivalent of [[XMen Jean Grey]], down to the huge power and even more powerful mentor.
** Rarity, the most [[TheFashionista prim and proper]] of the [[IncrediblyLamePun Mane]] [[FanNickname Cast]], has one reaction to a manticore charging at her: ''kick it in the face''. Her manipulative cunning is also not to be underestimated.
** Applejack lacks the special powers of her pegasus and unicorn friends, [[BadassNormal but]] she can be relied on to handle a dangerous situation at least as well as any of the others. Her daily routine is kicking apple trees to dislodge the fruit.
** [[LifeOfTheparty Pinkie Pie]] is usually a comic relief character who bounces along, but in the big fight scene at the end of season 2, she started to harness her [[CloudCuckoolander weirdness]] (and Party Cannon) towards being CrazyAwesome.
** ''The Great and Powerful'' Trixie -- [[LordOfTheRings Saruman]] as a pony! A subversion in that her magic is almost entirely looks; the only thing she seems to be good at is putting on a show and telling tall tales.
** Princess Luna is utterly {{Adorkable}}... [[PhysicalGod while accidentally stomping the ground hard enough to crack it and manipulating the weather with a thought to emphasize what she is saying.]]
* This is more or less MickeyMouse's main characterization; he's cheerful and upbeat, but he always manages to save the day in the end. In particular, he [[TookALevelInBadAss takes a level in badass]] in ''KingdomHearts'' and ''EpicMickey''.
** And in the [[MickeyMouseComicUniverse comics]] too—since the very start (in 1930). Watch him fight crooks, pirates, etc. with pistols, lead pipes (!) or just his fists; he might be a nice guy, but he's no sucker.
** His half-brother, OswaldTheLuckyRabbit, ain't such a pushover himself. Notwithstanding his role in ''EpicMickey'', stunts pulled in Oswald's shorts included beating up a [[EverythingsWorseWithBears huge bear]] and [[FurIsClothing relieving it of its fur coat]] and grabbing a gun and pumping a live lion full of lead.
* Wasp from ''WesternAnimation/AvengersEarthsMightiestHeroes''. She's an adorable, spunky {{Moe}}/ActionGirl who isn't afraid to fly right up to ultra-powerful [[BigBad Big Bads]] and blast them in the face while [[DeadpanSnarker smack-talking]] them.
* The main six kids in ''WesternAnimation/{{Recess}}'', and they all [[TookALevelInBadass take a level in badass]] in ''RecessSchoolsOut''. Spinelli is one of the most triumphant examples in the series, as she's a small, adorable nine-year-old girl with her hair in GirlishPigtails, yet she's the toughest kid in school.
** T.J. Detweiler. Short, chubby, wide-eyed, sweet, and adorable. He's also the leader of the gang, who's responsible for all of their awesome moments.
** Then you have NaiveNewcomer Gus Griswald, who arguably, is one of the cutest kids among the main six, being the {{Adorkable}} [[TheMessiah sweetheart]] of the gang. He can be a bit of a fraidy cat at times, though when he stands up for what he believes in, he's extremely badass.
** Outside the main six, you've got Miss Grotke, the kids' fourth grade teacher who is absolutely ''adorable''...and a martial arts expert.
* The Trollz in ''{{Trollz}}'', particularly Amethyst, Topaz, and Sapphire.
* Colleen from ''WesternAnimation/RoadRovers''. She has no actual superpowers. You know those big concrete blocks that they have in parking lots to keep people from driving onto walkways or into the side of the building? She broke one of those like it was nothing, after a monster threw it at her. You know those 2 big, rabid-looking cano-mutants that used to act as Parvo's main goons? They run off in terror when she reminds them of the first time they met (she beat them up on top of a train). She also routinely beats the crap out of the doberman who has super strength and extra-sharp unbreakable claws. She also beat up a pack of werewolves, because they drooled on her and ruined her hairdo.
** She also turned into a [[BigBadassWolf large werewolf]] capable of piloting a helicopter.
* From ''WesternAnimation/TitanMaximum'', we have Clare the dealiest assassin in the solar system. She looks seven (Gibbs assures Jodi she's really 24) and acts the same with a love of all things cute, especially bugs and frogs. [[AxCrazy Unless she's killing someone.]]
* Quailman, a.k.a. ''WesternAnimation/{{Doug}}'', who's Badass {{Adorkable}}.
** Heck, outside his Quailman fantasies, Doug certainly qualifies when he causes a CMOA
* Rocko from ''WesternAnimation/RockosModernLife'' can be a real asskicker when he gets mad.
* Peng the snow leopard cub from ''WesternAnimation/KungFuPanda: Legends Of Awesomeness''.
* ''[[WesternAnimation/{{Thundercats 2011}} [=ThunderCats (2011)=]]]'' has a few
** The CuteKitten TricksterTwins the Thunderkittens can outwit giant trolls by dosing themselves with a fruit that induces CaffeineBulletTime and leading them straight into carefully laid tripwire.
** The [[{{Lilliputians}} Lilliputian]] PlantPerson Emrick is a swordsman who counts a bird many times his size as his lifelong nemesis. The bird is as tall as a human, while Emrick would fit in one's hand.
** The Drifter is an ever-smiling RascallyRabbit who manages to dance circles around highly-skilled (and highly agitated) swordsmen, all without much in the way of weapons himself.
* All main 6 kids in the Adventures Of Blinky Bill become this after the Extraordinary Excursion in seasion 2. How they survived all that despite being kids. Just so badass.
* In ''WesternAnimation/{{Metalocalypse}}'', Toki Wartooth is a rather dark take on this, overlapping with CuteAndPsycho. He's a [[MrFanservice handsome]] young [[FunnyForeigner Norwegian]] with an [[{{Moe}} adorably]] [[ManChild childlike]] personality and interests and a very {{Woobie}}ish backstory, who also plays guitar for the most brutal death metal band on the planet. He's also capable of [[BewareTheNiceOnes seriously messing up]] someone who wears past his usual cheerful demeanor.
* Dipper Pines from ''WesternAnimation/GravityFalls''. Just [[BerserkButton don't say that to his face]]. His sister Mabel counts as well.
* Butters Stotch from ''WesternAnimation/SouthPark''. Often overlaps with BadassUnintentional, as so many of his actions are done with the most innocent and childlike of intentions.
* Ch'p from ''GreenLanternTheAnimatedSeries''. He may look like just a cute little squirrel, but he was able to kick Hal Jordan's butt without giving Hal a single chance to fight back.

[[folder:Real Life]]
* Far, ''far'' too many individual examples to list, but chances are that a good percentage of mammalian, reptilian, and avian predators (in their infancy, at least) are strong candidates. Realize that, cuteness aside, any animal that hasn't lived a completely domesticated life has to survive in nature, fighting for food (not to mention having to kill it), protecting its young, and every once in a while, beating the hell out of something thath wants to eat ''it''.
** ''{{Website/Cracked}}'' presents [[http://www.cracked.com/article_15853_6-cutest-animals-that-can-still-destroy-you.html the six cutest animals that can (and will) destroy you.]]
* Cats, at least [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cats_in_ancient_Egypt according to ancient Egypt]]
** Ancient Egypt nothing, cats ARE badass adorable. Humans just notice the adorable part more often than the badass part.
** Some articles have described cats as not being truly domesticated. This makes sense. If your cat leaves home, he or she has a great chance of being able to survive in the wild hunting things like a furry little Rambo. Your chihuahua, not so much.
*** Cats are domesticated, but not nearly on the same level of dogs. This is because, unlike with dogs and livestock animals, humans never actually made an active effort to domesticate cats. When agriculture was developed, humans were able to store food for long periods of times. This attracted rodents like mice and rats. The cats learned that where there were humans, there were mice, so cats came by to eat and only tolerated the humans. Humans only tolerated the cats because cats killed rodents that otherwise would've wiped out the food supply.
** Speaking of ''Cracked'' articles, there's also their article about [[http://www.cracked.com/article_18963_6-cats-more-badass-than-you-and-most-superheroes.html six cats more badass than you and most superheroes.]]
** Also, the page quotation refers to sand cats, a particular variety of small cats found in the desert, and one that looks much like domestic cats. [[http://lh6.ggpht.com/-CpxM2n4MBPs/S1aK698IclI/AAAAAAAADU4/fsGTa_6ZKL0/P1010225.JPG Just look at them!]] How could that not give off both a "badass" vibe and an "adorable" vibe at the same time?
** There is a Eurasian species of "small" wildcat known as the [[ExactlyWhatit*aysOnTheTin fishing cat]]. This famous news article about a Russian family who owns one as a pet shouldn't leave any question as to why it qualifies as Badass Adorable: [[http://englishrussia.com/index.php/2009/07/05/russian-pet/ WARNING: Some images might upset you. Others you will want to hug.]]
** There's a [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sAF8gMN9c0 youtube video]] of a cat playing with a kid when suddenly an alligator shows up... and the cat scares him off. What does the gator do? ''He comes back with a buddy.'' What does the cat do? ''He swipes at both of them.''
** [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNeaZz9Vt6Q This kitten.]]
** Domesticated cats kill more types of animals than any other cat species, even the biggest ones like lions and tigers. Domestic cats are very good at killing ''scorpions'', to the point that, in places where scorpions are common, cats are kept around to kill them.
* Alexis Goggins. A seven-year-old girl who saved her mother's life from a gunman by jumping in front of her--[[http://www.cracked.com/article_16497_p2.html she took six bullets, and lived!]]
* A lot of recent boot camp graduates can qualify as this. A lot of them are only 17, 18, or 19 years old at the time, so they can look just as adorable as any other young adult. And they fight wars.
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QCFd-Iks5g Zhenya Tabakov.]]
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_bear Water Bears]]. Cute little kinda-arthropods-but-not-really that can survive anything from freezing solid to nuclear explosions to '''[[http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14690-water-bears-are-first-animal-to-survive-space-vacuum.html the vacuum of space]]'''.
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meerkat Meerkats]]: When they band together, they can scare off the biggest and most dangerous predators.
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bumblebee Bumblebees]]. A lot of people erroneously believe them to be stingless, but the truth is they're just more easy going then their more dangerous cousins. But piss them off, and they are just as capable of f*cking you up as any other species of bee.
** Honeybees have barbed stingers that cause the stinger and several organs to be torn out when the bee stings, killing the bee. However, bumblebees, like wasps, have smooth stingers and can sting you as many times as they like.
* ZoeBell. Described in the script for ''[[{{Grindhouse}} Death Proof]]'' as "cute as a bug's ear [[UsefulNotes/NewZealand Kiwi]] stuntwoman". Has doubled for such actresses as UmaThurman in ''KillBill'' and LucyLawless on ''XenaWarriorPrincess''. In ''Death Proof'', she rides the hood of a speeding car, and roundhouses Stuntman Mike in the face, knocking him on his ass.
* [[http://www.graciekyra.com Kyra Gracie]] anyone? Cute as a button, could take anyone of us in a grappling contest and walk away still looking perfect.
* Dogs. They are adorable with their big eyes, ears, droopy/smiling faces and wagging tails aren't they? Well, some have been bred for herding livestock, hunting, rodent control, guarding, helping fishermen with nets, and pulling loads, in addition to their roles as companions. They can also serve as service dogs such as guide dogs, utility dogs, assistance dogs, hearing dogs, rescue dogs, and psychological therapy dogs provide assistance to individuals with physical or mental disabilities. Not to mention there are some pretty capable police dogs out there who sniff for bombs/drugs, chase after suspects, and can sniff out decomposing corpses.
** They are the descendants of [[BigBadassWolf wolves]], who are known to have incredibly powerful, bone-crushing jaws, ridiculous amounts of stamina, and hearing and sense of smell beyond human comprehension, and enough intelligence to work together and use surprisingly complex strategies to take down prey several times more powerful than themselves. Almost all dogs have at least some of these traits left over. Suffice it to say that most domestic dogs, including the smaller ones, (barring such intense human manipulation as is seen in the chihuahua) are almost as tough as their wolf ancestors- and a few are even tougher.
** See also [[http://www.cracked.com/article_16471_wolves-in-sheeps-clothing-badass-roots-5-sissy-dogs.html these]] [[http://www.cracked.com/article/133_7-dogs-that-accomplished-more-than-we-ever-will/ articles]] from ''{{Website/Cracked}}''.
* [[HelloProject Ishikawa Rika]] once broke 12 concrete tiles with one blow from her bare hands, sure it turned out they were especially designed to break, but when Takahashi Ai tried to do the same thing on another show she failed miserably until she resorted to stamping on the stack instead.
* Hummingbirds. Tiny little balls of feathers and hyperactivity that live off sugar water and look like digital camera ads. They're also [[AttackAttackAttack stupidly aggressive]], and will chase birds ten times their size out of their territory. There's a reason why the Aztecs believed hummingbirds to be ''the reincarnations of their own warriors.''
* Chimpanzees and other apes can be pretty cute at times. They are also possess bone-crushing strength and incredible ferocity when threatened.
* [[http://hoydenabouttown.com/20090307.4010/otterday-and-open-thread-24/ Otters will f*ck you up.]]
* Skunks are quite adorable if left alone. However, they tend to walk around rather boldly and have been known to stand up to bears and mountain lions, normally ending by sending the predator running with a face full of musk, and if they're smart they don't come back. If their spray fails, they can resort to tooth and claw fighting, and can seriously mess you up. And mother skunks are [[MamaBear quite protective of their children]], making them even more BadAss.
* Soldiers in TheVietnamWar were warned about young girls selling items such as cold sodas in the street, who wore concealed explosives that they would detonate once enough U.S. soldiers got within range.
** Not to mention the [[HoneyTrap real purpose of most of the prostitutes.]]
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFWeldHtJgI Squirrels.]]
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoYpJqFNj40 This swordswoman]]. Calm, collected, precise... and she jumps for joy when she masters a sword stroke.
** There's also [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=OKMRcLyBlmg this little girl]] who looks pretty skilled despite the sword looking almost as big as she is.
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lycaon_pictus Painted wolves]] actually base their pack hierarchies around submission, resulting in puppy-like antics from just about the entire pack. What makes them noteworthy separate from other canines? ''90%'' of their hunts end in kills - even lions only manage a measly 30%.
* Cheerleaders[[hottip:*:except for the AlphaBitch variety]]. Seriously. Studies have found that [[http://www.columbiamissourian.com/stories/2008/09/19/sports-injury-research-cheerleading-riskier-football/ cheerleading can be more dangerous than even American football.]] Little to no padding, intense gymnastics, and intense competition cause there to be a higher risk for catastrophic damage than many sports. Plus they have to look good doing it.
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyqG1rI5l70 Grasshopper mice.]]
* [[http://scienceblogs.com/notrocketscience/upload/2009/09/hungry_great_tit*_hunt_for_hibernating_bats/Leopard-gecko.jpg Leopard geckos]], more well-known for their easygoing nature as a pet, have a secret talent: they can kill scorpions larger than themselves.
* [[http://troglopundit.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/gina-carano-pics-004.jpg Gina Carano]]. Cute, beautiful, seems to be on the verge of a giggle most of the time, and is a professional kick-boxer and mixed martial artist.
* Mongooses have this reputation for their odd ability to defend themselves against venomous elapid snakes, mainly cobras. However, this seems to be semi-based on ReptilesAreAbhorrent attitudes, so it's a bit of a good-bad reputation.
* [[http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/02/in-the-web-of-the-velvet-worm/ Velvet worms.]] Probably another UglyCute example, but they're soft and squishy things that crawl slowly over the forest floor on stubby legs. And are predators. That can kill prey the size of tarantulas. (They do it by spraying a [[CrazyAwesome sticky slime that quickly hardens into a net]] to trap their prey. And then they close in and eat the helpless prey alive.)
* Tasmanian devils. They're pudgy, fuzzy little black critters with a perma-scowl who are infamous for their frenzied screeching and the sheer ferocity that they display when eating, not to mention having the strongest proportional bite of any living mammal.
* Bears in general, [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob_oD1IsYbE but especially polar bears.]]
* Smaller birds of prey, like falcons and small hawks. The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest living thing, and dive-bombs aerial prey, killing them in mid-air.
* Sea turtles are often thought of as the [[RidiculouslyCuteCritter adorable]], harmless IronWoobie of the ocean that perseveres against all odds. They're also known for being immune to the ''Box Jellyfish'', the most '''venomous creature in the world''', which they regularly ''eat''.
* Badgers in general. They have cute little stripey-faces, stocky bodies, and also have razor-sharp claws and teeth which they can use to defend themselves (Though, normally, they will just try to burrow away. Those claws are mainly for digging, after all). Special mention goes to the Honey Badger, which has become a MemeticBadass due to its fearless nature.
* AudieMurphy: Just click through and look at the cute, apparently-teenaged boy wearing what appears to be his dad's, granddad's and uncle's medals, and then scroll down to learn that he earned them all himself, and the crazy things he did in the process.
* The [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cessna_A-37_Dragonfly Cessna A-37 Dragonfly]], probably the [[PintsizedPowerhouse smallest]], [[http://www.airplane-pictures.net/images/uploaded-images/2008-3/18/12002.jpg cutest combat jet ever]]. It is still popular in the air forces of several Central and South American countries.
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyqYN9YRhUg This little girl]] who defends herself against an attacker in an elevator. She starts whooping him before the guy even touches her! And at the end, ''he's'' running away from ''her''!
* A lot of smaller predatory dinosaurs sometimes get this portrayal, particularly ''Velociraptor'' and its relatives, in light of the overwhelming evidence that they had feathers.
* [[NepaliWithNastyKnives Nepali]] at least according to the national stereotype. No need to expound on that!
** [[KukrisAreKool Their knives sure ain't adorable]]

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.