Friday — 2024 Oceania CrossFit Semifinal - INBELLA (2024)

Friday — 2024 Oceania CrossFit Semifinal

e G [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] G and Kora welcome to the pat rafter arena for day one of the Tan Pro the 2024 crossh*t games oania semifinal presented by twl the home of training Jeremy Austin with you and thank you for your company wherever you’re joining us right around the globe joining me in commentary two Time games competive pip we are going to cover everything over the next three days yes we are Jeremy we are going to bring you every minute of every heat and every event this weekend over the next 3 days and I cannot wait it’s going to be huge you are not going to miss a thing right here on the Tan Pro broadcast but we are going to make sure that you wherever you watching and wherever you’re sitting down if it’s on the lounge or at work even we got you covered what’s going to happen over the next couple of days though this event has grown rapidly over the last couple of years we’ve seen some amazing things we’ve got fire confetti cannons dancing we got it all happening the growth of the event is not just the growth of the event other things are growing as well that’s right we have have everything down here but we’ve seen a growth in the amount of competitors we’ve gone from 30 to 40 individuals from 20 to 30 teams and we have one extra games ticket for the men and women individuals up for grabs it’s going to be huge probably the most exciting aspect is getting that fourth spot some amazing performances over the last couple of years and in particular last year big kiwi contingent as well we’re going to find out very shortly 3 days or less who is going to get there this crowd the vibe is just something you can’t explain no you can’t it is really something to be experienced down here at the Tan Pro it is something special in this event it’s you know Community engagement it’s the crowd it’s the dances the fire all of it that’s everything we got fire it’s all good but we’re having a great time down here joining us in broadcast as well the third member of our team all the way from Sunny San Diego it’s a very good morning to Miss Bella Martin good morning y’all it feels far away from home but you know Australia to me now is my second home I’m just happy to be here some amazing women not here this weekend Bella but we are going to see some performances that I think are going to reite the record books I think you’re absolutely right with that extra spot opening up for women and we don’t have Tia Clair Tumi or Ellie Turner can beting in the individual field we have Cara Saunders Emily Dy Jamie Simmons all competing on teams it really opens up the door for those four spots to be open I would say the attentions on Grace Walton after a second place in the open I’d say pressure is on for Matty stur and Caitlyn Vel to make it back to the games but then also we’re looking at Julia Hanford and Georgia prior kind of on the outside of qualification the last few years really trying to fight for that SP four spots it’s not going to be enough but we’ll see what happens it’s going to be really exciting men’s division just as exciting Jake Crouch can he go three from three two touring Pros I don’t think that’s enough for him Ricky Gard we welcome him back to competition again we’ve got Bailey Martin who was great last year in the games and going a top 12 spot at the games last year so you’d expect those three to do pretty well who takes that fourth spot Jake Douglas Pete Ellis or do we get a surprise Contender we will have to wait and see obviously but pip team competition is probably going to be the most exciting out of the three oh the team competition this year is huge obviously all eyes are going to be on our pro team it is it filled with experience we have car Saunders James Newbury KH Porter and Emily Dy making up that Mayhem Thunder pro team but there’s about seven or eight teams that could really give them a run for their money this weekend we’ve got some newcomers chocolate box star strength with some really awesome rookie Talent we’ve got the two Toran teams tan Mayhem tan grit Roy D I mean come on he’s got so much experience hasn’t he don’t forget the exf team as well they are sitting there pretty and Northern beaches they’re just going to be I reckon they’re going to be something really special on event number one because I think that is just really going to suit the strengths of the team but the team competition is going to be absolutely amazing the crowd starting to fill in here at Pat rafter Arena things getting very loud as we welcome our teams to the competition floor for the first time the nerves are buzzing I know my nerves are buzzing it’s going to be an exciting three days of competition and these poor cattle coming out the Lambs to the slaughter taking the floor for the first time we’ve got a big event one to be doing on this nippy morning it’s a little bit chilly in here it is going to heat up event number one what time 30 rope climbs 120 wall facing handstand push-ups 150 calories on the Echo Bike and 48t handstand walk for each of the leetes once that has been completed 25 minutes for the time cap 1416 required last week in the Europe semifinal the French Throwdown can any of these teams match that 14 and half met for those converting to meters per petric our steps to success yes thanks to gor smart rep schemes and rest on the worm hold now resting on the worm hold for 15 minutes I don’t know if it’s rest don’t know if there’s going to be any resting for the next it’s the best rest you can do in this event I like how they put that we a worm rest but our heat list for the first event the first day of competition for the Tan Pro 2024 and three of our kiwi teams CrossFit SN CrossFit Taurus and plus 64 CrossFit pump and dump one of the best names we’ve had here at the torum pro I I don’t think there’s going to be a better team name worldwide I’m calling it now SN on screen Tim Fowler the unknown if you like Fowler brother that we’ve seen here on the competition floor the family sitting up behind us once again Tim fer going to the CrossFit Games as a young team but the three team members for SN Cory cigan leading the charge for the team he’s been here on the competition floor before Caroline Richards and Georgia May at 30 Ro climbs it’s a good number it’s not too much work it’s not too little work but how do you structure it oh look we’re going to see quite a few different ways of structuring this event that’s what I love about this event is like there’s just so how many ways to skin a cat Jeremy that’s basically the question do you put all four athletes on that rope or do you just send out a couple of your strongest rope climbers and give them 15 each that’s the question Jake Lackey l number two for the monal star strength wild cards doing it easy one of taller athlet sitting at about 62 we talk about time under detention a lot when we’re using movements especially in competition the time you’re spending on the Rope is crucial that’s right this event is full of time under tension the whole time this event is going you’re going to see those athletes standing underneath that worm holding it for the entire time so while you’ve got an athlete on the rope on the handstand push-ups on the Echo Bike all the other are holding on to that worm that is going to play into the fatigue levels massively movement standards required obviously for the worm they just have it have it on their shoulder at any position hands on the legs is okay as well so they can actually brace their bodies a little bit you talking about core fatigue you’re going up and down the road you’re holding the worm it doesn’t seem as though you’re doing a whole lot of work but that worm is going to break you down look have you told those athletes right now that holding the worm is not a whole lot of work I think they’d have something to say about it that worm’s 365 lb total that’s 165 kilos GE May front right screen the blue and wh number of these athletes on the floor not for the first time but a good mix of Youth and experience positioning of the worm pump and dump as KY McKenzie heads back up in that bright orang oh that’s so easy we’re talking about run up a drain pipe there it is flew up that rope Le Martin talking husband ran into every competition he has ever done Ran’s at the front of the worm she’s at the back C Palmer Travis Williamson the fourth member of the CrossFit tourist team probably not the sort of event that you can Rush a no rep here is going to be absolutely brutal ker again heading up Aiden swaki at the front and partner Louis Foster with that wonderful mullet is back again on the competition floor Aiden saki feet not getting as high as I thought he might maybe that’s a plan cuz he’s fairly tall taller athletes definitely have an advantage on a rope climb if you can pull those knees up as high as you can up towards your chest and then stand up nice and Tall if you’ve got six foot of height on you you’re going to make up half that rope climbing one go Cory calligan just coming down definitely not one of those six foot athletes judge’s hands will be in the air signifying the last five reps hump and dump the judge doing just that iron body at wa [Applause] team and now number of Judges hands in the air as pump and dum move well into their hand Sand 4 minutes and 5 Seconds a split time and Louis Foster imagine if he got away with just touching his mullets on the ground rather than his head he can do a million reps Georgia May finishing off and Luke star in the background just keeping an eye on his star strength wild card team thing that t and snap have done this year they’ve done exactly what the CrossFit Games have done so they’ve allocated some seats behind the rig for the coaches for each heat which I think is a wonderful idea so just to the top behind where the rig is now you’ll find all the coaches and they’ll be able to do a little bit of coaching from there which is awesome it’s great for the athletes to be able to have that little bit of a confidence boost knowing that if they do need anything their coach is accessible up there had a chat to John O snip this morning and he said the two best times for an event director is when it starts and when it ends Ain that the truth he was very adamant about that 5 and a half minutes down of our 25-minute cap keeping in mind 1416 our time to beat from last week the French throw down [Music] c23 CrossFit the program motion leading the charge this is the second week of competition for our semi-finals that handstand pushup standard of wall facing we’ve seen different variations of the handstand push-up over the years of CrossFit events I personally love this standard it brings it back to that strict gymnastics hollow hold you’ve got to have a really tight midline proper handstand positioning so varas for Cross C doing very well on the handsand push-ups rean Martin heads back now rean one of the biggest athletes in the entire field of 200 we have here at the Tan Pro Louis Foster in the background doing a lot of the handstand now he’s had a ploy you would use if he’s strong at them then why not he’s got a long way to push that body but he’s doing a good job of it standing by let’s head down to Bella Martin oh guys it’s already fun being on this side the microphone down here on the floor you see plus 64 pump and dump you heard it right that name is absolutely hilarious I can’t wait to ask him where that one came from but something I am looking at we’ve got CrossFit Taurus CrossFit swin and again that plus 64 CrossFit pump and dump all teams from New Zealand so it’s I think it’s really exciting to see teams more representing New Zealand in the last few years we’ve seen more teams we’ve seen more individuals coming out of New Zealand some of the islands and I think it’s pretty exciting to see more of that representation out here on the floor thanks Bella you and I spend a lot of time over the ditch in the New Zealand Community is such a strong Community Caroline Richards in the blue and white the far left of screen heading back to give CrossFit SN a hand with the worm as Cory Callan heads back to the wall once again you’re going to have some athletes that are not going to be doing one rope climb one hand sand push-up or one calor on the echo it’s an interesting strategy I like it I mean if you want to stand under that word for 25 minutes it’s not like you’re not doing anything like that’s 165 kilos 365 lb that is a lot of time under tension so you are pulling your weight for that team you’re just doing it standing still and fatigue really starting to kick in Tim Fon now about to jump up pump and dump 8:43 there split time as they progress they one forward with Aiden taaki at the front of the [Applause] work and D Bonnie Gibs congratulations 10th of April just got engaged I’m not sure if fiance sowen is here or not but if he’s listening back at home congratulations to you two who’s probably here in the crowd anyway and for a Friday morning we’re looking pretty good I think a few people have taken the day off work by the looks of it it’s going to be packed in here tonight we’re heading toward our 10 minute Mark 1416 our worldwide time to beat from the French Throwdown last week week one of competition this is week two final week coming up next week West Coast Classic the other event going on this weekends strategy for the Echo Bike is interesting how long do you stay on how many calories do you try and chip away at communication also another important factor our communication in the team competition obviously one of the biggest aspects of it last week I did see a few teams in Europe that went absolutely blistering Pace out on that Echo Bike didn’t really pay off for them though when they got to the handstand walk so it’s a matter of going hard getting those calories done quickly but making sure you get all over the line on the handstand walk to [Applause] finish S one about to move 1041 but it is all CrossFit pump and dump right now your current leaders in heat one event one day one of the Tan Pro 2024 Cory calligan team captain as Taurus so must be something in the Kiwi water kiwe one two and three I body our fourth team to move their worm down onto the main part of the competition floor in the background Georgia May getting to work on the Echo Bike one of those implements that you’d like to probably see early on in an event not about halfway through yeah the Echo Bike at this point of this event is going to burn and then they got a kick upside down after this and breathing heavy when you’re upside down is no easy feet iron body doing a great job getting back to position after the Echo [Applause] Bike Bonny Gibbs again looks like that she’s going to be doing a lot of the work on the Echo Bike and a penalty now for pump and dump so the first time I’ve seen the penalty this is the first time I seen the penalty I am not sure if that was strategic or not so if the teams drop that worm they’ve got to do a five burp penalty it can work to their advantage if they’re using it as a bit of a rest I know burpees for rest doesn’t sound ideal that time under tension on the worm really starting to kick in now this is where we’re going to see the fatigue on the Echo Bike can they keep up that blistering Pace Cory cigan underway and really going hard we’re also seeing that fatigue kick in switching athletes in and out from underneath that worm hold it’s getting harder and harder half the Fielder hinged over at the hip holding on to that Worm for dear life goak has stepped up to the plate with their Footwear I want to make sure you and your affiliate feel incredible performance with their Footwear themselves they’re giving one lucky chance to win official shoe of go 53 pairs so just make sure you go to go for your chance to [Applause] [Music] win 14 minutes to nearly at the time of c23 from last week so an exceptional fast time from week one so that time has come and gone but don’t know what they were doing over there in Leon ripping up the competition floor early [Music] on set Vargas far right in the light blue just making sure they’re said that penalty will chew up a lot of times so selwin in south island of New Zealand ensuring everything is topnotch think coping the penalty at this point of this event when you’re on the Echo Bike and that worm fatigue is kicking in is probably not going to do much for the fatigue levels if you were going to do it strategically it probably would have had to have been at the start for it not to have affected the team too much [Applause] The Strain now the sweat dripping off the brow Aiden toak at the front of pump and dump he’s a diver by train so he does a lot of breathing underwater is this going to Aid in an event like this this where you’re obviously working very hard and labored breathing I mean he looks pretty casual underneath it he’s breathing hard he doesn’t look as uncomfortable as some of the others on the floor you talking about Bonnie Gibbs who’s on the Echo Bike for the third time once is bad enough she’s gone for her third round that’s not a job I’m putting my hand up for that for sure absolutely not originally from Norway Bonnie Gibbs physiotherapist it’s Cory cigan getting through a mountain of work for CrossFit s in bottom of screen wal carts Roxy George in the light blue and the white about to get off and another unfortunate penalty from the iron body team from wa Kieran power at the back with the hair Jord Bailey without and the two girls Bri Johnson and Christy [Music] bar there could be a strategic penalty it could be that theyve made one of those errors that you don’t want to creep into your performance director competition Adrian Bosman did say that some teams are actually using it as a strategic break ran body working hard Travis [Music] Williamson CrossFit torus his first experience here at the Tan Pro the other three have had experience on the floor before that’s some Palmer at the back there holding that worm up the dark blue and the black been to the crossh*t games [Music] before s varas on the right aaki on the left they’re not looking happy but Aiden swaki is looking happy because the 150 Echo by calories are now complete Kor McKenzie will step up to the plate and she is Motoring [Applause] wow she’s got some fast hand stand [Music] walks she looks more comfortable on her hands than she does on her feet well when you compete for gymnastics for 13 years that’s what happens lots of handstands partner Louis Foster coming down [Applause] now leash Martin she’s done mom to Frankie and Banks kisten Palmer teacher chasing hard on Aiden taaki who’s just finishing up six minutes left on our time [Applause] cap bis Williamson coming down now as is Bonnie it might be now did you find that Taurus takes the [Applause] lead and now rean Martin coming in but it is the pump and dump and what a pump up the day one of competition for the teams three event for the teams today Martin dad to Frankie and Banks getting over the line two of our kiwi teams now finished our third still on the course with Crossfit SN the wild cards Roxy George jumping off Jord Bailey on the bike for iron body and not too long to go for our West Australian team Amal binding one of our young competitors Roxy George also very young iron body looks as though they are going to be well and truly under that time cap the athletes have to make sure that their hands stand walking within those lines it’s not too far to go on your hands having to go back and start again because you put your hand over the line and be absolutely devastating at this point of this event Roxy George also in a hurry she is done Bri Johnson for iron body Kieran power seen him here as a individual competitor joining his onbody team Cory cigan finishes up for s in Lane one [Music] Caroline Richards the second competitor for SN in the white and [Music] blue Christy [Music] bar all done oh wow Tim Fowler obviously wasn’t long enough the best looking Fowler brother I’m told I don’t have that self admission or not Jake Lackey lane two for the wild cards Georgia May oh tight race but it is Jordan Bailey iron body getting in just ahead of CrossFit s Bri Johnson looking happy with herself and now two and a half minutes left Tim F wow that’s how you do it just get it over and done with nice and fast can really see that midline fatigue though on these headst walks lots of the athletes really arching those feet over the top of their hands Marley B getting over the falling over the line of the finish so two of our very young athletes just coming out of teenage division Roxy getting done Franchesco laco here last year on the competition floor for teams and he is done under time cap as well two minutes [Music] remaining the CrossFit create team making their way down the floor results Joe JS boy from the UK doing it very easy said Vargas now come down to time ticking away just over one minute left of our time cap you’re going to have to move get that last athlete down and Over The Line CL elements final athletes on the field for event one French made Aussie raised you like that we’re halfway there we’re are halfway through the last minutes Jenna Len doing a great job in getting the team started for CrossFit creates now the chance to finish off oh you mentioned it pip the hand on the line you know accuracy under fatigue harder than it seems also getting those hands it’s a bit too wide you got to stay within those lines easier said than done when you’ve just done all of that work brutal they are pumping and dumping all right the kids from Christ Church what a great start a sub 20 minutes 1932 unofficial time for the plus 64 cross pump and dump CrossFit pump and dump well they have the best name they came out here and they leaped up to it they’re female athletes making easy work of that gymnastics I like the way they in Kyler for the handstand and the handstand obviously first Bonnie getting on that Echo Bike as well what a great start they’re excited yesterday so they’re going to be even more excited today so official times coming in now 1934 for CrossFit pump and dump from the 64 Army Taurus getting in just under that 20 minute cap or 20 minute time frame as well at 1955 and iron body rounding up our top [Music] three for all your official results make sure you head over to GameStop going to keep pumping and dumping right throughout the day oh what a wonderful name and the crowd really starting to fill in here at Pat rafter Arena an exciting day one coming up my day one action here at the pat rafter Arena it feels like y today we were just sitting here soaking it all up and I can’t believe we’re back here once again P Malone welcome to commentary Jeremy Austin is my name Bella Martin joining us on the competition floor a little bit later on heat two of the teams heat one and pump and dump they have come out of the blocks racing and no we will not stop saying that team name all weekend it’s unreal he two now making their way to the floor and a couple of names in this heat very familiar one in fact CrossFit Schwarz Melbourne the most successful team in Regional and semi-final history they are going to attack event number one for the teams 30 rope climbs 120 wall facing handstand push-ups 150 Cal on the Echo Bike and finally 48t handstand walk 14 and A2 M 25 minute time cap team not finishing in Heat number one and luckily for the teams not doing any of the work they got to hold the worm easier than it sounds now gock steps to success smart rep schemes and rest on the worm hold if you’re watching the last Heat I don’t know if rest is the word on that worm hold it absolutely packs a punch on those midlines ready CrossFit East Tamaki Renegades one of those teams Callum gford welcome back to competition again one of those 15 athletes from 2014 that are going to be on the floor this weekend which is an amazing statistic underway for Heat number two so starting the event off all four team members must pick up the worm which is a really good requirement so wherever they’re moving the worm or picking the worm up moving it to position all four team members must pick it up and move it first then they can get to work that’s right and on all the other movements they can organize their team however they want they can have one person if they weren’t doing all the road climbs but all four team members have to move e around the world I know there is a lot of people I don’t the Europeans will be up yet still very early in the morning for them or late at night for them but I know that a lot of people in the US are going to be tuning in speaking of the US let’s head down to our us/ Aussie correspondent on the floor Bella Martin well it’s a little bit in the later afternoon side so all my friends back home in California hopefully they’re tuning in for it we were talking earlier rookie about Callum being out there on the floor being a name that you know that has been on the floor before but someone that’s on his team that you might not have heard before will be Gabby Napper she’s a young one just 16 17 years old trying to make a name for herself here you’re going to see a lot more of her once we get into the heavier side of things that weightlifting but it’s so fun to see some of these iconic and legendary names with the young Bloods working on the same team together a little bit of the old little bit of the new we’ll see if it works out well in their favor going into this one Callum gford with the man with about a thousand different nicknames I don’t know if they’ve been given to him or but the one from last night the Swiss army knife the Jack of all trades the master of crushing Souls I want to know how he got that nickname I wonder if they’re self-given nicknames it kind of sounds like they might be doesn’t it what 12 n our team of James Keane nickl Vanella Richards and kin matush welcome back to competition your third different team in three years here at the Tan Pro now you’d think you’d got a firefighter in your team let’s send tush up the Rope that’s the person you want on the Rope that’s for sure TSH at the back of the worm Richards they call her Fizz got nicknames for everybody down here and here we [Music] go Pella looking pretty good up that rope just not getting the feet in the right position that time yeah you really want to see bringing those knees up really high getting those feet up nice and high to take the pressure off the grip and stand up as tall as they can the less climbs on that rope the less time under tension well the less work you’re always looking to do less work aren’t you J always no I’m just trying to be more efficient everything I do tush now far right of screen oh and doing those rope pretty easy and you mentioned it previously in the other heat to are obviously the easier it is going to be TSH is up towards that six foot Mark so she’s not spending a whole lot of time on that rope no she’s not she’s also doing a really good job with their technique she is really tall but she’s also bringing her knees up really high standing up quickly pushing off with her legs rookie pip I’m down here on the floor and something we didn’t see as much in the last Heat was sending the female athletes out onto the floor first for the wall facing handstand push-ups in the previous heat we saw more of the men taking that first chunk but in this one freezing hot CrossFit they’re there in Lane number three first ones to get there sent their girls out first it’s an interesting strategy see if they can hold on that shoulder fatigue it’s looking a little rough out there managing fatigue an important aspect to team event number one day one of competition here at the Toran pro thank you for your company and fatigue through handstand oh the shter it’s so good yeah with these wall facing handstand push-ups there’s really makes you keep a nice tight core tight glutes usually when you’re back facing athletes that like to arch their back and lose their midline tightness can’t do that so you’re going to see some people trying to push through their shoulders arch their back the wall doesn’t let you do that 6 and a half down 25 minutes so fairly generous time cap few teams getting it done in Pat number one well under that 20 minute time frame nowhere near the 1416 we saw from last week at the French Throwdown 1416 that is going to be a very tough time to beat that head position obviously it’s very important at the end of the movement to meet your movement standard requirements notice a number of athletes using it as a little bit of a kip movement these hand pushup strict on the wall can’t actually use your hips or your legs but when that fatigue sets in and shoulder strength is starting to go out the door youve just all those rope climbs now you’ve got to press over and over again your body weight you’re going to see a little bit of head movement they’re trying to push their body against the wall to take a bit of pressure off the shoulders apprach the other thing I like about this hand push up and it is it’s a little bit more difficult getting in and out of it you see some athletes maybe with a gymnastics background just you know cartwheel up really easily some of them are rolling out easily others are doing half a wall walk it’s just extra time under tension biley proud rolling out of that handstand position you look like he had a few more reps in him one thing you don’t want to do is go to full fatigue and have nothing left once you go to failure on a handsand pushup it’s hard to come back from Brandon gasal with that interesting hair do not sure if it’s dyed blonde part of the freezing hot team Lane number three Kira your leaders coming into the handstands might be all well and good to get those 30 rope climbs done but I think the work really starts play get to the handstands some no rep starting to creep in and not really surprised at this stage athletes really start to push the envelope a bit we’re starting to see the fatigue from holding that worm as well kick in holding on to that worm 365 lb that’s 65 kilos for our metric system viewers that takes a lot of toll in the midline and you really need a tight midline to be able to successfully do this handstand push-up standard poppy hay on the wall for schwarzes and the changes now seem to be coming a lot more regular look I think it’s a smart tactic to not go to failure on these handstands and to be ing in and out keeping a few reps in the bank for each athlete fast transitions Ben wardwell a concept CrossFit coming out of retirement once again you ever really retired but coming in with so much experience regionals in 2012 13 and 14 a CrossFit level three trainer one of the highest accolades you can get judges hands in the air already and you mentioned getting to work this is grueling 150 calories on the Echo Bike even more so we saw on the last Heat that coming off these handstand push-ups and onto the echo bike with that Wormhole this is where that Wormhole really starts to kick in two teams now moving on oh Ryan Le wants to make sure they are spending as little time as possible another of our firefighters we have in our field and there is the Swiss army knife himself self Callum gford games experience as well and getting told by the youngster Gabby na 7 in O get down here we need you the Gabby one of those athletes 100 kilo snatch last year New Zealand Nationals and 17 years of age as a weightlifter you would know that is very impressive 225 lb wow at 17 years old that is impressive Rive penalties kicking in goak has stepped up to the plates with their Footwear and they want to make sure that your affiliate feel the incredible performance of their Footwear yourselves giving one lucky winner the chance to win the official shoe of CrossFit for their entire Affiliates can you believe it 53 pairs of go rock shoes so head to go your chance to win [Music] that speed about 30 so that’s not bad enough to keep ticking things over for N Richards one of our shorter athletes in the fields notice tush having to change the seat on the echo chews up pressure seconds it does chew up seconds but it’s proba going to help her tick over those calories a lot quicker if she’s comfortable with that setting also blowing out your quads on a low seink setting is not fun these Tamaki Renegades Tom Bosley swapping out very quickly Gabby Nappa getting back to [Music] work she has got a massive future second year on the competition for here at the Tan Pro Max Jolly making his way back to the W probably a relief getting off the EO Bo oh get to go sit and hold the worm Brody Scott part of his freezing hot team here two years ago JMA Ellis is also using a different strategy getting nice and low you think about the shoulder fatigue you’d probably hit different points the higher or lower you sit so that’s not probably a bad idea look it’s been pretty upper body dominant on this event so if you can load up that posterior chain with that worm it is different weight distributions throughout the worms there’s two sections that are 100 lb and there’s two sections that are 70 lb 15 down over that time from c23 last week at the European semi-final the French throw [Applause] down and that is some interesting stuff on that head we’ve Al always got Great Haircuts down each year I remember Tia back in 2015 with a shaved I don’t know what it was in the side of her head hopefully she’s watching along get Tia Shane if you are watching young Willow can’t believe she turned one already Bella mentioned earlier in the call individual competition coming up later today we’re going to throw a cat amongst the pigeons I think find out who’s going to qualify I think we’re going to have multiple cats amongst the pigeons this weekend James portelli moving back now as he swaps with Ryan Le so that’s not a bad swap from the Rick Jim Kiri team Emily fenic now on the bike at the top screen two down from the top seems to be a lot of empty bikes [Applause] Concepts bottom of screen with a couple of late changes and the old Samy wood is back Sammy more now but it’s we know her as Sammy wood CrossFit Games athlete and Australian weightlifter back in the day great to see her back out on the competition floor after having two kids James Keane finishing up 4129 backs of the worm the changes are coming thick and fast 168 just trying to work out what they’re doing Sammy bottom left of the screen having a little bit of trouble she only got the call up two weeks ago hey you’re in the team it’s like what she’s got that M strength though Sant who was in the team as well he only pulled out a week ago with injury [Applause] The Man on Fire Ryan Leah and Pace on the echo super fast in the background 29 with another penalty coming 28 that’s more like my Pace from Bosley the East Tamaki Gades one of our Oakland based teams North Ireland of New Zealand BR CasCal will get underway for the first handstand walk in Lane three closely followed by Meg Davis from kurira we and we did notice in heat one speed of handstand walk me getting and no rep the far right of screen hand on the line one of those aspects you got to be wary of oh and that’s going to hurt mag Davis has a gymnastics back ground very very strong in her handstands just that accuracy under fatigue you got to be aware of those lines on the outside super M as well mag Davis is Brody Scott oh he’s flirting with the side of that line brings it home he has been enjoying his training mcdavis finishes up Emily fennick far end of screen laen Fitzgerald good race with Emily fenick down the fields and now Taylor McDonald’s coming down freezing hot crossfits freezing cold here this morning but starting to warm up a little as is the competition and freezing hot have to check the times but that is going to be very close to our heat one time of 19 minutes 34 from Crossfit plus 64 pump and up so unofficial time of 1936 remembering teams just competing within the region Jim Morel getting finished up these Tami Renegades gab Nappa getting sent back and there’s no reps and then there’s no reps a rope climb a tough no rep a hand sand walk tough no rip he comes in the background for Schwarz overtaking Gabby Nappa these Tamaki Renegades have got an athletes over the line with Jemma Ellis so they still will be in that third place position in this heat still over four minutes [Music] [Applause] [Music] left Schwarz is making easy work of that handstand walk poppy hay slow on messaging me back but fast on handstand walking oh schwarzes the most successful team at Regional or semifinal competition which is amazing sent so many teams to the games in the early days they’re the ogs Alex and Elliot anchoring the team home Alex big big units to walk on your hands not easy Cal gford coming home Tom Bosley the last to finish [Applause] upos Le done let’s go always a happy camper poppy hay 168 now battling time still 14 te talking of battling our concept CrossFit team are still struggling with that worm in Lane one R McArthur now coming to the bike [Music] Bailey proud facing the other way so no requirement for teams to face a certain way as long as they have got that worm on their shoulders Richards fact she’s the last athlete for 129 to come over the line chocolate box two chocolate box teams here this weekend Sandra all done Georgia Smith ball who is currently coming down the floor in the white shirt on the far right at the back screen moving very quick she’s got that nice tight hand span her hands aren’t out too wide quick hand movements Dan Potter finish things off and was moving very quick for the first attempt this one’s a little bit slower a crowd about half full here at Pat rafter Arena this morning Friday always a slower morning but only two days of Team competition this [Applause] year chocolate box all finishing up 1 six he oh that hurts oh so ises [Applause] that they’re happy to get off that word though what and you mentioned Sammy Mo ex Sammy wood of course you lifted with her you competed against her with her she’s been doing the mom thing for a couple years and just got back into competition she went and did played AFL for a bit Australian football league down here in Australia ACL te immediately she’s also got a gymnastics background which is why she’s so good on her hands still it’s great to see her back and having fun with it this [Applause] weekend Oh Benny wardwell getting sent back and that wouldn’t have mattered he wouldn’t have finished anyway the team wouldn’t have finished so heat one and two are done one team from each not getting under that 25 minute time cap but the leaders of heat 1 and two finishing in roughly the same sort of time still about 4 minutes 5 minutes outside of the fastest time so far but we have two down we have two to come and fatigue really started to kick in a lot earlier in this one see the effects of that wormhole really coming into play teams making easy work of those 30 rope climbs the handstand push-ups is it where we really see things start to move athletes trying to get off that Echo Bike as quick as they [Applause] [Music] can strategy playing a really important part in this who do you put where and when and and do you work on the Fly and make sure you adjust with that fatigue our Heat 2 results freezing hot just getting the jump on CrossFit Kiri who led until the last handstand Walk So currently sitting in second position freezing hot CrossFit behind our heat One winners the pump and dump will have the lead with 1934 but good results from our most successful affiliate team at Regional semi-final level schwarz’s CrossFit sneaking into third and another team with a lot of experience the East T Renegades a good start competition for them a lot of the teams speaking to them yesterday they were just trying to feel out this one and then just get into it after this but this was sort of like a big kick in the pants to go hey welcome to competition feeling it out is an interesting way of putting it feeling it out with a bit of a kick in the [Applause] midline like that you [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys for he number [Music] three Heat number three coming onto the floor now a lot of familiar faces just saw Mr Z Grove run onto the floor Who let that guy who let him in here but Zeke so much experience as an individual team not so [Applause] much a beautiful day here in Brisbane compared to the weather of the last couple of years as we hit event one that team competition getting kick started for day one 30 rope climbs 120 wall facing hands stand push-ups 150 Cal Echo bikes and 48t or 4ot and A2 meter handstand walk each 25 minute time cap two teams have needed more than that and the rest of them have not needed it at all and the nonworking athletes holding the worm now gock steps to success smart rep schemes and rest on the worm hold after two Heat resting on the Wormhole not an easy feat at all but if athletes can get themselves into a comfortable position underneath that worm and try and spend least amount of time on it as possible it could possibly pass as a [Music] rest experienced teams like Mecca whites another of our New Zealand teams the meatball him well [Applause] last year pity this but it will come [Applause] see noen in the blue really easy actually getting a legless before he actually look if you’ve got the grip strong rope climbing should be able to get them done don’t know if you noticed has the Rope before swaying around now firefighter as well which is 10 to two guys that are most these two guys and as you said I like what bottom EAS climb [Applause] [Music] [Applause] up making [Music] sure oh you know with a wrapped at the top of in the judge’s here a little bit as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] two and a half minutes down in the air just yet Mitchell case joining the CrossFit carb team the males with so much experience Laura trai and also Nicola batti making up that team from the goal Coast down at Burley if you don’t know where Bley is around the world Bley one of the best places in Queensland where we currently are [Applause] [Applause] tan M blue and white to the far right of screen now adding to the tally of rope climbs greater West Nathan Horn Lane three making it easy work could almost get it done in one but he’s going for a safe two leaving a little bit in the tank at the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] top Nathan Horner with so much experience as well on the regional floor [Applause] [Music] a lot of athletes in this field full-time workers Nathan running’s family business fulltime what I love about our teams as well at the Toran Pro is there’s always such a family element there’s we have so many teams down here from New Zealand and Australia where we have couples on the teams or brothers or [Music] [Applause] [Applause] sisters hand stands a plenty car with Mitchell case [Music] [Applause] [Music] Zeke gr once he gets on these handsand expect him to do a lot of them Jolly Nevel another of our super moms oh Zeke and this is why you of the CrossFit [Applause] games using that short range of motion to his advantage and yeah I called him short too don’t worry I’ve said it to his face many [Music] times it’s a requirement hands must be on the line head does not need to touch the line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] Jake [Applause] lore B Clark wow slamming that head into that mats judges have got a very easy job this morning athletes making it very easy C [Applause] getting good battle C mea whites more on the floor let’s headit down to bellamont oh it’s heating up here on the Flor starting to see some of that shoulder fatigue that we’ve seen in the previous two Heats kick in a little bit earlier we’re 7 and 1/2 minutes in the teams in heat 1 were 30 seconds faster getting off the ropes and onto the wall it’s interesting to see how the differences in that time is going from heat one all the way now to heat three some of those times from heat one I tell you what they’re going to stand all the way through heat four away 3 seconds we are talking a lot of time you think about 30 seconds on the eiro bike once we get to the lat stages that’s a fair bit oh absolutely it’s a fair bit we saw what happened with freezing hot they were over a minute slower than pump and dump from heat one but once they got on the Echo Bike and handing walk if they have got any energy left it is full send go go go all the way across the Finish Line if they can handle it yeah I agree Bella we definitely saw with fre hot in the previous heat it was on that Echo bike that they really did make up some time they didn’t spend too much time under that worm they weren’t hinging too much the hip that fatigue wasn’t setting in as much as we saw those teams that got stuck on that Worm for a really long time it is devastating to see some of these teams coming off that worm they are looking dead tired and then they got to kick up onto their hands at the end of it rookie this is a fun one to watch it’s fun watching Zeke grow do a lot of handstands speaking of which C team are about to move forward they are going to be our first team you mentioned that 30 seconds Bella and C taking full advantage one of those teams you come in unassuming teams as you like we know how well Zeke Grove can go in competition we know how well Mitchell case can do can they bring the two girls Nichola and Laura together and produce a performance that’s worthy of the best in the world think you can never discredit experience in this sport it does count for a lot just having that knowledge of how it feels out on the floor in the competition environment knowing the standards and how each day of competition is going to run it just makes a massive difference on the team atmosphere as a whole Fitness alley one of our wenon based teams almost call the spiritual home of CrossFit here in Australia and another of our Super Moms Abby carll getting to work she’s like super famous down in [Music] wenong M Atkins and Tom Bartley joining Banky Emily Aton in that team from B andong Fitness alley papamoa mangap they are making a move hme Damon and Aiden Aiden the affiliate owner meca white aani on the bike first Dylan tan Jolene big shout out to all of our Ki viewers Zeke 30 thought he’d be better than that that sorry Zeke look zek Gro knows how to empty the tank no surprise that he’s leading his team by [Applause] example seeing Mecca using the hinge over technique underneath that worm all three athletes using their posterior chain to try and take that load 165 kilos is 365 lb tyus smly onto the bike and he is one big H Alex hero Winnie just as big shayah Tamara no slouches either shayah partner to Jack Jeffrey who’ll be coming up in Heat number four as part of tan Mayhem [Applause] [Music] that speed gauge to the top left is the one we’re looking for go rock has stepped up to the plate with their Footwear and they want you to make sure your affiliate feel the incredible performance of their Footwear for yourselves giving one lucky winner the chance to win the official shoe of cross for the entire affiliate head over to goor your chance to win 53 pairs of gock shoes can you believe it make sure you sign up your chance to win Nichol Bugatti head down bum up and get to work it’s just work that all it is it’s nothing technical about it you’ve just got to go no there really isn’t anything technical about the Echo Bike at this point of an event like this you’ve just got to move fast try not to blow out too hard before those handstand walks leave a little bit in the tank but try and tick over those calories as quickly as [Applause] possible Alex heroini to the far right of screen Oden Poco in the white shirt sunglasses are off no doubt the sunglasses will make a make a move back tus goes n I’m good Shia dropping down Shai done a lot of training out of cross Victorian actually don’t know who doesn’t do a lot of training out of cross Victorian if you’re from Queensland you’ve probably trained at Cross Victor the growth of the Tan Pro remember way back when we did the first event at their old premises before they move to their new one moving on to Pat rafter Arena 2019 was the first year here emad just casually hanging out at the back No Hands worm on shoulder guess you got to work out what’s comfortable tus big Heavy Hitters you look across the five events for the teams some of these events going to suit certain athletes some are going to suit others [Music] [Applause] zek Grove off the bike Katherine Owen going back to take that worm Tim good jumping up P Owen she’s a genius legit a genius bio statistician so she’s the smartest person in this entire facility te right now probably in this state part of the greater West [Applause] team Sam wishing she was somewhere else the eyes are closed the head rolls back look she’s making all the faces but they look so strong underneath that worm they’re all upright still holding strong and moving that Echo Bike time to beat last week at the French throw [Music] down 146 what a fast time ad Carz pink hair preparation for tomorrow small steps for Hannah we paint the pro [Applause] [Music] [Applause] pink Fitness alley they are on the [Applause] charge the line [Music] nice straight body on those hand STS we’re seeing a lot of athletes arch their back a lot from all that midline fatigue from holding on to that worm keep keep going good very well doing it easy Tommy Bartley was the first one home and looks like with Emily Aton going now Blake Atkins is going to Anchor the team home this is going to be faster time we SE from the previous two [Applause] Heats and wherever you’re watching right around the world thank you for your company the Toran Pro three full days of broadcast every single minute we’re going to cover we’re going to cover till our eyes and our voices bleed or I probably will every minute of every event 1749 unofficial time from Fitness alley Blake Atkins with a very quick anchor leg n bat joining L was eyes down on the [Music] floor Mitch case third athlete the handam walk for car has been quick and no faster than the man who W see affiliate and was just such important person in the growth of the sport down here Z grow great start for them so they’re going to come in at the second fastest time Sor after three Heats back on wh t [Applause] [Music] [Applause] m unofficial time for car 1838 Jolene Neville one of the 15 athletes from 2014 out on the floor it’s giving me a bit of fomo if I’m being honest we’ll talk about foro in a sec as Jolie is about to finish up spoke to one of the older athletes in the field yesterday Brandon Swan who’s on the demo team here this weekend and he said he didn’t have fomo until Rob Forte signed up so I cannot wait to see what Mr Ro Forte can do a bit later on today ruak toy getting over the [Applause] line tomorrow D the last segment to go no long Tank come on speed [Music] over those last few steps before that red line feel like they go forever at this point this event so much fatigue tomorrow finishing up for exf part of the team in 2018 finished 25th was with Crossfit desire 2018 in such a long time ago Sherwood finishing off for ruach Josh Gardner he’s been here nearly every year mapar they are on their way greater West aan Horner the meatball will get done [Applause] [Music] first mapar are done Pap MOA love the name great Poco moving super quick the big man papa will be next in every team looks as though they’re going to be moving on bar one our cross it motor Val star strength team still on the bike little bit of work to do still 2 [Applause] [Music] Sam TD about to come through she is done Sam used to swimming around in water not walking on her hands [Music] and greater West they get done with Tim good anchoring their leg now the motor Bell star strength team have got some work to do and running out of time Mitch Clark finishing up ad carwiz now very proficient weightlifting coach ad she has been around for a long [Applause] time 2016 in 2018 Regional teams 2021 Indie athlete now another man who has ripped this floor up many times Jake law individual here 18 19 and 21 and well under time cap the Heat’s getting faster and [Applause] [Music] faster lots of experience out on the [Music] floor meca Jolene Neville cross carve led by Z Grove but Fitness alley they were smooth from the GetGo wasted no time on their handstands nice Strong finish on the handstand [Music] War like a k very happy with that almost celebrating you as he was coming over the line the third of our four Heats for event number one for the teams for this morning Fitness alley 1750 the time to beat still 3 and 1 half minutes off our fastest time so far in the world what a great start here to Toran Pro Crossing carve Z Grove back in competition and back at the HM at 1840 and Mecca what of about New Zealand teams sub 20 minutes [Music] 1935 three heat down our top eight qualifiers from the quarterfinals coming up for our fourth and final heat very soon don’t go anywhere every minute every Heats every day right here at the Tan Pro we got you covered we back here in just a moment [Music] [Music] team EX okay [Applause] welcome back to Pat rafter Arena day one of competition the big guns the top eight qualifiers coming on to the competion floor Jeremy Austin pit Malone Bella Martin with you and the crowd has really started to come alive some great performances so far for event number one this will see the event of number one the crowd really starting to fill in get a little bit more vocal they are they’ve taken the day off work to spend it here at the Tan Pro what a better way to spend a day off where would why would you be anywh else and where would you be if you were now there’s a lot of people around the world tuning into the broadcast so thank you for tuning [Applause] in event number one our final Heats 30 rope climbs 120 wall facing handstand push-ups 150 Cal Echo by calories 48 handstand walk each that is about 142 M 25 minute time cap heat three definitely did not need it and the non-working athletes are working but they’re holding the worm now go rock steps to success smart rep schemes and rest on the worm hold our first couple of Heats really co*cked on that worm hold we saw the last Heat make a little bit easier work of it it was a little few more upright bodies [Applause] our lane assignments for our fourth and final Heats of event number one you honestly can throw a blanket over all eights we’ve got experience we’ve got some teams coming in that are inexperienced but work very well together as a team so keep your eyes on K Meer Lane number eight and our teams that were’re expecting to do well in Lanes 3 four five and six exf our side tan Mayhem and Mayhem Thunder tan grit as you mentioned at the top of the show P definitely one to watch and our chocolate box star strength and our tribe at Northern Beach’s teams honestly it is just going to be one hell of a race that’s right we did say it at the start of the show we obviously have our pro team in Mayhem Thunder but there is seven or eight teams there that are not going to make it easy for them this weekend lots of talent lots of experience lots of [Music] [Applause] newbies alio angelucci will be getting through a bucketload of these rope climes and wi the CrossFit World Tour visiting CrossFit gyms around the Globe create an account scan the QR code or visit hustle up-a to enter that’s it draw will take place on June 20th [Music] 2024 hustle up the official ekeeper for the CrossFit semi-final scan the QR code on the screen for a chance to win the CrossFit World Tour misss apply [Music] rer Blackman up and down the Barbadian ex rugby player from New Zealand and that team I was talking about inex experience and competition but work so well together and Bryce Bryce baby Bryce Shir how about him move up the road and maybe just a little bit of a mistake there with that rope moving around a little bit too much yeah trying to straighten out that rope before you jump up get those feet nice and tight on the Rope fumbling just blows out your grip that little bit extra that you do not want it to so we know this event this heat in particular going to come down to a matter of seconds minimizing [Applause] those errors that chew away precious seconds important that’s when experience really does come in Jeremy is knowing how to make up those small little errors those seconds count [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Cole Smith from PM meire little bit of trouble with that rope swinging around a little bit am lesie we [Applause] go one of our shorter athletes so doing have having to do a little bit more work on that rope KH Porter in the background in the light blue shirts it’s actually white it just looks blue on screen he’s doing one and a half climbs to get up to the top we know he loves a rope [Music] climb something that would have been practiced a lot and straight to work and Toran Mayhem wow Jack Jeffrey is smashing through these handstands KH little bit wider stance hands still on the [Applause] line what’s a good number of handstand talking 30 we talking 40 what are we talking I think you want to keep a couple of WS in the bank and not be going to failure so if you if you can do 30 when you’re fresh out in this event you probably want to be doing between 20 25 leave a few in [Music] there Chalk in the pants open important strategy so you’re not wasting any time looking for chalk on the floor you know exactly where it is you can grab it at any stage now these mats on the floor a little bit slippy so chalk probably not a bad idea to chalk your hands for hand sand very smart with chalk in the pants rope climbs handstand grip also when they’re standing there underneath that worm it’s going to get very [Applause] [Music] sweaty athletes plugging through their handstand push-ups Emily Dy now hitting the wall in the red what’s happening on the floor let’s head down to L head well there’s a lot happening on the floor right now I’ll tell you that I’ve never seen Emily Dy cycle through wall facing handstand push-ups as well as she is doing right now so that tells me she’s been doing something really great in the off season training with Khan James and Cara I think going into this weekend that was the conversation it was between CrossFit Toran Mayhem and raw iron CrossFit Mayhem Thunder and that’s exactly what we’re seeing now they’re going Head to Head Tori and Mayhem just a little bit ahead in the Reps we’ll see if they can maintain this lead moving on to the E Bike they’ve got Roy done but I tell you what I never discount James Newbury on an Echo Bike I have feeling it’s going to come to them to that handstand walk at the end Emily Dy going into that team you could to be going oh wow like so much experience she’s been to the games once herself but these three have been doing it for so many years oh it’s going to do wonders for her I mean she was one of my favorite individuals last year just that rookie aggression she just went out there and went here I am this is what I can do and just having all that experience around her to harness that and grow from it it’s going to be unreal to see what she can do this year now fastest time in the world 1416 from c23 the program motion the French throw down last week they were done at 434 after the Rope climbs T and Mayhem done at 350 two the hand stand’s the important factor they’re the most grueling and they will take the longest we’ve seen many an event lost and won on a [Applause] handstand James Thomas moving forward for the tan grit team as Mayhem Thunder get to work with James Newbury M no rep get your head so just seeing James hry cing no rep there athletes have to pop their head back through their shoulders on extension they have thunder your leaders at 8 minutes and if we have seen James Newbery rip apart a machine at the CrossFit Games we’re about to see it again new Roy D two of the big Heavy Hitters of the Oceania region ah Tim pson Eat Your Heart [Music] [Applause] Out that two leaders Mayhem Thunder Tori and Mayhem it is absolute Mayhem on the floor [Music] leio Ang juchi for Northern beaches he is on Ben [Applause] Gan KH Porter another of those athletes used to doing work get $20 off orders over $100 at cwl scan the QR code and use the code TW wl20 and check [Applause] out KH done are we going to see Cara hit the bike at all or is she going to be sitting taking the brunt of the Worm for the entire event 9 minutes 30 down if you want anyone holding on to that worm car Saunders is the athlete you want the event record now in absolute Jeopardy Mayhem Thunder 20 seconds ahead after the handstands you got Heavy Hitters like newy and Porter hitting that Echo Bike Roy done absolutely loves this competition floor and looking to book another ticket back to the CrossFit Games [Applause] you got to be wary going into this Echo Bike as we see car almost ripped the handles off how fast do you go how long do you go for is there a certain number of calories has fatigue crept in and you’re not doing as many look I think we’re going to see these top teams just go For Broke we know they can all hand down walk they’re going to Breathe It Out Underneath that worm car Saunders has not slowed down Mama Bear strength little Scotty turning five couple of days ago very happy that she turned five as well Nu now coming to the bike [Applause] we know James newy can go all day on this bike you James he’s got one of the best engines out there and so much communication from car Porter who who is under fatigue Bella Moore little bit on K Porter I’ll tell you what he has had quite a year not only being an Australian Gladiator he’s been traveling the world really making an a for himself outside of the regular CrossFit environment he seems to be healthier in a better place mentally we’ll see if that plays into being a better teammate here him and James have that friendship that goes for years and Miles so I’m happy to see both of them on a team actually thriving and being happy again we are 12 minutes in we’re just 2 minutes away from that time to beat it’s still anybody’s game will it be torian Mayhem is it going to be Mayhem Thunder I’m I’m itching to find out here down rookie we’re about to find out 2 minutes away from that event record from c23 they’re going to have to walk fast down this competition floor C Porter absolutely loving this they are done and Emily Dy will kick things off the event record 14- 16 torian Mayhem still with some work to do Cara will be second it looks as though James is going to Anchor the Mayhem Thunder team home who says you can’t buy experience experience counts for everything Cara I think team competition Su and something tells me that Emily Dy is going to do what she is told on that team if they say go faster she’s going to go faster well you’re about 10 years younger than the other team members you to age thing to resp your mom and dad yes yes yes ma yes sir KH Porter three sections down one to go they’ve got a big lead can James yuy get under that event record c23 from the French throw down last week fatigue important he’s flirting with that line C pter James ring Now 26 seconds to get down the [Applause] floor the time is ticking away slowly the crowd is going berserk as we are going to see an event record fall here at the Tan Pro one team competition it is May Thunder so good what a way to stamp their name on the Tan Pro event [Applause] record Roy done mistake from him hand on the [Applause] line tribe Northern beaches trying to catch them but Roy eating up these meters Christy Hollard will be next her and Roy have done so much competition together exf Lisa barl the Ninja Warrior competitor absolutely [Applause] flying wsman the chocolate box star strength is home [Applause] B SES most Patell now making his way down the [Applause] floor andoran Mayhem your second team Over The Line vanderen chocolate box J green wow oh what a race we’ve got here ex get on the line oh you have got to be kidding me it’s day one oh J green got goosebumps already we’re going to see lots more good stuff from Jess Green over the weekend next [Applause] gymnast now importantly our number one qualifier aride falling a bit behind jine Jensen is home Shere Meers far left of screen tribe Northern beaches is in alesio Andi also making light work of this handstand walk hly hiney for aide is in James Thomas for Grit he’s [Music] done Ben Gard Ben and Ricky both in competition Ben team Ricky individual and now Amy alesi her chance to bring their team home Katie Brock a mistake on her last hand stand war and it will cost her she’s dropped good spot to Amy alesi Laura Clifton with a couple of meters left this is a crucial result Laura Clifton did a lot of work on that Echo Bike in the background that fatigue just really kicking in she’s got no midline left trying to use those [Applause] legs games competitor Laura Clifton part of her hour side affili team so two of the teams we expected to do well have fallen away a little K Maya Lane eight top of the screen and our side to go Jack Fleming the newcomer to the hour side team gets finished up R Blackman is in by Shir now Julian final team member is Mos batell for exf happy with that results speaking to a lot of the teams in the last couple of weeks no one’s put them themselves out as a first place qualifier everyone said we’re coming third we’re coming third we’re coming [Applause] third Emily Julian the 22y olds massive future ahead of her [Applause] [Music] again flirting with that line but getting over and a very fast heat as expected your top eight qualifiers and the quad is coming in and Cara I love how relaxed car is you just expect greatness from all of these athletes and they’ve delivered in spades [Music] [Applause] absolute chaos here we expected some really fast times over the course of the entire event the three-day competition and event records day one of competition in the first couple of hours like that is absolutely ridiculous let’s head down to the competition floor Bella Martin well here we are talk about Thunder from Down Under an unofficial event record so far congratulations that’s what I like to see on day one con who drafted this team how did you end up on a team here what are we doing uh yeah it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been out on the competition wow that was loud sorry guys um since I’ve been out here but I message newy where you know getting a little older let’s say we decided why don’t we have a crack at a team uh jumped in Carl was like I’ll get around that a little bit older also and then yeah we just went what can we do to balance that out grab young Emily Dy and here we are well here we are things are clearly working out well you guys seem to have great team chemistry Emily you’re the baby on the team and the rookie on the team for them what have you learned so far from being around these CrossFit Legends I have learned a lot not only like about my like about the team and how we work together but about myself and like what I can do um so they’ve really helped me kind of reach or find my limits I guess find my ceiling um which is awesome cuz it’s hard to do by yourself and it’s also just so much more fun like these guys are such a good time and they’re just so fun to be around so for that to be what like we’ve got going on and then also just fit as I was better not swear fit as hell um it’s yeah it’s awesome I love to hear it James it’s exciting to see you actually commit to CrossFit now it’s day one three events on the table today how are you feeling you feeling ready oh well after those bike Sprints fire out um I think everyone can attest to the bike being terrible especially after to do repeat um repeat Sprints but I know we’ll go back we’ll flush your legs out everyone’s on fire today and we’re here to have a good time and the thing that we started at with the beginning of the season was we all wanted to have fun so if we can come out here have fun we know we’re all individually have the experience we’ve been there we’ve done it we know what it takes we just have to find that happy medium in a team scenario rest of the events will go great listen listen listen James recommitting to CrossFit the World of Sports is an interesting one people forget real fast you take a bit of time off you have a about event and all of a sudden you’ve getting written off he’s been one of the best ever Tod do it in Australia for a very long time so he’s he’s only just getting back into it and that’s where he’s at that’s where he’s at and Cara I’m going to save the best for last free you I’m happy to see you out here we’ve got a heavy barbell coming up are you excited to be back out on the floor what can we expect from event number two yeah look it’s so nice to be back out here I didn’t know what this year was going to look like after having my second baby and uh Maddie my husband was like look you love Fitness you love what you do just go and have some fun and uh I had one rule and it was that my team had to be a good time I was like I’m here for the good times I’m here for fun I’m not taking any time away from my kids that’s not worth it that’s really fun and it’s been above and beyond um so yeah it’s so good as for a barbell complex anyone who had a baby 8 months later I’m not the strongest I’ve ever been but I bloody love it so I’m going to give it my best I’m excited we’re here for the good times guys [Applause] congratulations James Newbery you are spot on card Porter he is one of the alltime greats down here at the ocean region and Cara with Scotty and Walker under your belt I still reckon you got to Riv it up p a look we said it earlier this morning we were excited to see what they could do they came out here gave us the event record and I love seeing Cara relax and just having a good time because who knows what they’re capable of but want to discredit those other teams there was some great CrossFit out there and if you want to Anchor your leg James y there is no one better and someone who has been around for a very long time our official results 1408 so we have a official event record down here at the Tan Pro very happy to have that one let me tell you we got more of those event records are going to fall over the course of the weekend toian Mayhem in second and chocolate box star strength in third as you mentioned Jess Green we’re just going to call her Jess Green not even Jess but she is going to be the absolute anchor of that team exf and tribe nor beaches are our top five coming in and two teams that really need to get to work outside K and Maya although those times are very quick they’re still going to be the top eight top 10 times of the morning for our poor Heats our results no surprise to see Mayhem Thunder up there at the top tan Mayhem and vitness Alli so great result from them sneaking into that seventh position and Zeke Gro ticking away with Crossfit carve in Knights of K not doing too badly getting that top 10 position after event number one and only one team close to getting near the c23 [Music] record we taking breath now event number one in the books for day one of the Toran Pro event number two for the teams coming at you very shortly so don’t go anywhere we’ll be back soon l [Music] I need to know resp she seem I as J I’ll e it’s for e for e e [Music] e e e e sure r you really want feel C think e BL 4 B e around e e e e e e Ladi you are [Music] is all ladies and gentl thank you for being here of forg [Music] number a jet I would love to see window [Music] team Judes [Music] last we9 best [Music] that’s true defitely good day and welcome back to day one of the Toran pro at Pat rafter Arena 2024 Crossing games Oceania semi-final presented by cwl the home of training Jeremy Austin pit Malone and Bella Martin with you thank you for your company we’re you’re joining us right around the world great to have you company P team event number one in the books of vent record to boot how exciting for a start for day one oh the team of event one was so great honestly it was better than we could have anticipated to be honest now you come in and you’ve got experience like Cara saers you’ve got KH Porter James Newbury then you pull in Emily D Roy into your team were you expecting less or more from them or just what they delivered a look I think what they delivered was what I expected I probably just didn’t want to say it this morning uh so great to see Emily Dy kicking it with the all that experience I don’t want to call them the old dogs they are though they are but they’re amazing and you know the best of the best so so great to see it all coming together for them on the first event but if that’s and the 64 Army pump and dump in their bright pink doing a great job in heat one things are going to sort of settle down a little for event number two we got a bit of lifting going on we love a complex oh absolutely we [Applause] do and it is event number two the second of three events for today for the teams we have got the same complex that the individuals did tackle it’s three cleans two front squats and one jerk the women will have a 7-minute window there will be a one minute transition and the men will kick off at the 8 Minute Mark and go through to the 15minute mark a number of different variables in relation to the lifting complex which will get to once event gets underway but gock steps to success give strongest lifters time and get a good lift on the board so even though they are going to be lifting individually it is still a team event if you’ve got some Heavy Hitters out there you want to make sure you give them enough time to get those big numbers on the board and also get a confident lift out first make sure we don’t have any donuts out there we do not want a zero a zero is really going to hurt some teams and athletes can go up or down Foster aaki McKenzie can H and it’s all about the fashion so have that sparkly white belt oh [Applause] amazing 20 Gibbs supp four team member for pump and dump [Music] complex getting underway with our first Heats [Music] [Applause] we talk about complexes and we talk about a unique complex where we have got a little bit of time under tension to get the complex completed you rest if any where does it come look your rest really does come in between each lift standing there in the front rack so for those athletes that are really comfortable in the front rack position they are going to be able to stand there and reset in between Marley binding one of our [Applause] youngsters put one in the bank make sure you’ve got something and a little bit of a confidence boost of anything you know full well more than anyone out here how important a confidence lift is when you go into a weightlifting mate oh it’s super important especially in this competition environment where they have warmed up up out the back but they’ve had time where they’ve been marshaled for 10 to 15 minutes before between their warmup and before walking onto the floor so that’s a lot of time to get a bit cold so it’s important that they come out put a decent lift up that they know they can hit just to get that number on the board ker McKenzie the McChicken they call [Applause] her 175 that’s a very respectable about 80 kilos for our metric system users oh jerk look pretty good I love how she got under that bar she’s happy with it as well now with weight going up and down you miss a lift it’s not the end of the world maybe you bit off you could chew yet another crack to go down get that confidence lift and build yourself back up again well the thing about crossfitters is especially at this level they’re very fit so that ability to be able to back it up and pick up the weight again probably got that to their advantage a lot more than just your pure weight lifters that might need a rest because that’s how they train their used to it but crossfits are used to doing heavy loads quickly [Applause] body Christy bar the 35-39 division for the h group semifinal let go it’s funny that she’s doing some Olympic lifting she ran with the Olympic toys back in [Applause] 2000 ways a lot more than Olympic torch oh I wouldn’t [Applause] [Music] know George nice reset that reset before she went for that jerk making sure elbows are nice and high let’s talk about pressure on the platform we’re four minutes in we’ got 3 minutes left you get to the platform in a weightlifting meets you’ve got about roughly a minute to get out there to do something at what stage do you lift and are you looking at the clock as that clock sticking down weightlifting meat is the format of it is so different to this because lots of things can play into the clock changing weights and things like that you can be waiting a really long time out the back in a weightlifting meat it’s rare that you are sprinting out onto the platform to rip the bo Bri Johnson [Music] [Applause] I lot of [Music] hockey and about to finish this complex off oh The Strain and the reset you spoke about pip important Breeze got a good reset here and that one just out in front oh that one was out in front at 200 lb you should have seen 190 I think if she had taken a 5 lb jump a little bit of a smaller jump that jerk would have been no problem I think when it comes down to this complex specifically it’s that jerk at the end these athletes can power clean they can squat clean all day they can front squat but when it comes to putting that overhead after your legs are done oh it’s going to be tough hoping to see Bri Johnson go back for it again maybe at 195 maybe take a little bit of break she’s got some time time to hit this jerk again yeah that’s right Bella it’s it’s creating that explosiveness at the end of that complex after you’ve moved all of that weight being explosive for the jerk is the hard part of a complex it’s also why you train complexes is to be able to create that explosive power under fatigue absolutely right I mean you know better than anybody it’s not just the clean it’s not just the front squats but if you clean it you’re going to have to Jerk it which is going to be the hardest part leash Martin with a 190 in the books Bonnie Gibbs 185 we’re talking 85 [Applause] kilos right lift from Bon gar I don’t think anyone’s got more energy than Kyler she is bringing the vibe today Roxy George I think that was a PR as well 85 that’s 84 kilos yeah the bar’s just got to get off the ground for the lift to count so they’ve got time after the final whistle at 7 minutes as long as the barbell is off the ground Bri Johnson trying [Applause] again as Bella said that big jump may have hurt Bri earlier in the lift going back down but is there too much fatigue yes there is just see her losing her elbows and her midline on that front squat brog the official equipment supplyer of CrossFit and the CrossFit Games I make the barbells buil to meet the demands of the fittest on Earth shop the Rogue c70s bar perfect for the competition floor across affiliate or in your home gym if you like well your space is [Applause] limited individuals getting ready Julia Hanford just walking past below our broadcast area she gave me this knowing look it’s like she’s going to rip barbells off the floor and run really quick later on as the males get underway the seven minutes window to lift commences team uniforms some great combos this year synchronization is out their colors in their team looking pretty good tomorrow they’ll all be here in pink yes we will we will paint the pro pink small steps for Hannah [Applause] [Applause] Martin Williams looking pretty casual at the back there just waiting 111 kilos on the bar 245 lb the jelfs creates not able to get event number one completed cross creates but they are here very solid overhead with that lock out beautiful elbows nice and straight 11 seems to be the number of choice still plenty of time for these gentlemen to get things done L Foster [Music] [Applause] [Music] carped by trade bobell L up for fun wacky [Music] [Applause] 225 lb on the bar 100 kilos this is where if you’ve got a little bit more mass they say the old saying Mass move moves Mass this is sort of stuff that you’re looking for and you you obviously don’t see very many smaller super heavy weights out there in the Olympic lifting World 275 lb that’s 12 125 kilos on the bar Jordan piley the electrician in the bulon Iron Man in 2020 one no mean feet getting one of those done power to the left urging him on that looked like a little bit in front oh he might have bitten off a little more than he could chew on that jump he had to squat clean that last clean before he front squats adding to that fatigue Lao Judo was his jamp 20 [Applause] years love the transition of athletes from either the sport they grew up doing into CrossFit or CrossFit now they’re doing a sport so much transference will be foster back [Music] again pretty clear no rip there from the J Jud bar went straight down look if you if you’re having to squat clean those at first three cleans it’s probably not ideal unless you are really strong in your front squat it is really going to add to that fatigue for that jerk ah s the [Applause] Colombian not able to get that is [Music] Jak Lackey goes to [Music] work possibly the first Scout you know what a scouter is no I don’t someone from Liverpool possibly the first scouser competing the tooran pro we haven’t had too many of those down here you can pick a better eepl team than Liverpool I suppose T taaki gets to work 295 lb that’s 134 kilos making easy work of that [Applause] squat he’s very strong in his front rack [Music] position looks comfortable doesn’t he [Applause] oh just not quite enough explosiveness underneath that bar for the [Music] jerk fresco laaco [Applause] [Music] 280 what a great complex putting the jerk after a whole lot of time under [Applause] tension and that last rip you do all that work and get nothing for it you can see the look on his face it was just like ah now that was a solid J the speed is where we’re really seeing that fatigue kick in you see the athletes just not getting those legs out in that split fast and up after all those [Applause] squats Travis not able to get that one but we keep going with Aiden toak Jordan Bailey not able to get that one so lift commencing after the final buzzer goes and Aiden goes no thank [Applause] you and a good start to our lifting complex things starting to warm up just a touch Oram have gone up 10° Celsius that is well I’ve got me snow jacket off now yeah that’s good but athletes you mentioned it biting off more than they could chew and that jerk is really bringing them undone now the hard bit what did we lift putting all the sums together Bri Johnson medical service worker from wa 5 worker I think what we saw in this first he of teams is probably need to be a little more strategic with the jumps that they’re taking in the weights you know it is a big complex not wanting to have to do it too many times but just taking a little bit small jumps taking that jerk into consideration at the end the women doing an absolutely fabulous job of that some great lifting from the men as well 275 lb not today 265 lb though easy [Music] [Applause] overhead and franchesco’s look was press s [Music] [Applause] varas it is just brutal missing that jerk at the end after all that work challenging tests on day one of competition here at the Tan Pro event number two underway and heat one in the books heat two coming to you shortly so don’t go anywhere we’ll be back soon [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the [Applause] Heat number two making their way onto the competition floor for day one the Toran Pro live from Pat rafter Arena thank you for your company for you’re joining us on the broadcast we’re going to cover off every minute of every Heats right across the three days of competition here Brisbane Australia sun beaming through the indoor outdoor Arena it’s open air here at Pat rafter it is at vent number two a nice and nasty complex of three cleans two front squats and one jerk and the women will be lifting from 0 to 7 minutes that will be a 1 minute transition and the men from 8 to 15 as we have seen through Heat number one that jerk tough as Nails as we get to our go rock steps to success give strong as lift time and get a good lift on the board saw in the last Heat all of the teams were able to get that confident LIF on the board it was then the jump they were taking after that that seemed to be where the problem was it’s a brutal complex very taxing on the front rack position Elena assignments for Heat number two some teams that really need to start start making a move only five events for the teams over the two-day competition semi-finals for this year we are knees deep into the second one already I’d be surprised to see East Tamaki Renegades in lane four the youngster Gabby Nappa an absolute wizard with a barbell in her hands 100 kilo snatch to her name already which is just ridiculous when you said I’m excited to watch her [Music] lift going into a white lifting meat and we go into an event like this complex obviously you don’t have to lift a complex on the platform at Olympic lifting meat you work with the coach what’s the strategy going in is it always something that you know that you can for that first lift it really depends on the competition you’re at but I’d say for majority of lifters that their opening lift is a safe number unless it’s a competition where you have to go For Broke but it’s always nice just to get that number on the ball a bit of confidence building it’s never nice missing your first lift poppy hay getting underway for schwarz’s cross hit Melbourne our most successful team at Regional or semi-final [Applause] level Sammy wood Sammy Moore now we know her is Sammy wood so we keep calling her Sammy wood she’s Sammy Moore ex Australian weightlifter 185b on the bar for her 84 kilos coming back after baby number two cross it g zly still with that awesome overhead position she’s known for I don’t think you’ll ever lose that laen it’s Gerald oh right punch with those arms love the speed 215b on the bar that’s 97 kilos it’s actually closer to 98 kilos Sandra Larina strong in the front squat no problem standing up wow she’s strong that was a strong LIF yes and I thought she might got no rep I didn’t think the lock out was long enough so showing control at the top so brucial no rep there that’s devastating that was some weight too so that is going to affect her fatigue and see she’s pretty disappointed with that does she go up now or does she do it again that is the question only two years into competitive CrossFit she’s a Physio and pilates instructor who absolutely loves a bar so that’ be surprised if maybe she throws a little bit more on poppy ha it talk to me about power clean versus spot clean look going a complex like this I think most these athletes want to power it they don’t want to be doing three squat cleans into two front squats into a jerk it’s going to hurt a lot more the ideal lift would be the power clean [Music] no problem at all at [Music] 2 Sami doing what any good weightlifter does have a look at the clock see what’s happening with those precious seconds ticking away we’re at the 4minute Mark still three minutes to [Applause] go Sammy with those fast elbows under the bar on the powers you mentioned it before why do squat when you don’t need to Sammy not doing the squat you can see she’s played it smart because the squat part she’s it’s not too hard for her but it is it is a bit of a squeeze to get that second squat out she has no problem overhead though and a really nice save waiting for that arm to come out from the judge she got the 215 that so it’s little things that count out on the competition floor just waiting for your judge to give you the down signal before you get ahead of yourself [Music] [Applause] minut final two minutes ladies you’ve got to think about you spoke about before the Corral you’re out you’ve warmed up you’ve cooled down you’re in the Corral you come out if you’re a male competitor you’ve now got to wait another 8 minutes before you lift the barbell that’s right and that’s when you talk about putting a confident lift up first when you have been standing there you you think about the the Corral time and then the time the males have to wait for the females to live it’s coming up to you know 15 plus minutes where they’re standing around you don’t want to be coming out and putting your best weight on the bar when you’re a little bit cold and I’ve just had word that CrossFit SN unfortunately Tim fella has blown his knee out warming up for the lifting event so they are now out of competition the massive shame the Christ Church Christ Church phot Tyler McDonald has got one [Music] minutes oh nice position nice and narrow with those arms as well so great Mobility got great shoulder Mobility 88 kilos 195 lb 30 seconds left before we get to the transition it’s got Anabella we got 30 seconds left 225 on the bar for the youngster Gabby Napper she powered all of those 220 cleans she’s about to tighten up that belt I’ll tell you what she’s coming for at 225 heaviest bar on the floor by 10 lbs she’s got less than 10 seconds to hit it [Applause] rookie Marissa Ara is underway Gabby Nappa just in front of her going for it as well the two girls time is up but they’re able to keep going because they got the bar off the floor we’re seeing on the screen right now that’s 104 kilos 230 lb she’s making easy work of that squat can she jerk it Gabby na successful with hers Lissa Larina make sure of the lock out this time [Applause] around and Coach Luke star in the background his expression was priceless and she did it so beautifully as well that was so easy 104 kilos [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Brandon gas oh that was easy 113 kilos 250 lb very nice first lift just smooth yeah talk about a confidence Builder a li like that is a confidence Builder fry [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Scots also with easy 113 kilos 250 [Music] [Music] lb Rogue the official equipment supplier of CrossFit and the CrossFit Games make Bells built to meet the demands of the fittest on Earth shot the Rogue c70s bar perfect competition floor just like this CrossFit affiliate or home gym where your spaces [Music] limited 115 kilos 255b I love the speed through the squats just get them done quick don’t spend longer than you have do down there now technical question for you the bounce that athletes get off their shoulders once they do do the clean is there any benefit in getting a bigger extension so the Barb is bouncing off your shoulders more to get a better rack position or do you minimize that distance I think that’s an individual thing I personally don’t like bouncing it up too high I think sometimes athletes can bounce it too high which causes them to get a little unsteady but you know the rerack is really important because you might front squat and power clean in a different front rack position than you do your jerk so making sure you get those hands and elbows into the right position so that you can get the bar overhead super important as we just saw he’s changing his goup up 275b but it’s just precious seconds that you don’t need to be doing to R Le unsuccessful with that one for Rick Jim Kiri don’t have too long left number of athletes Nick that time getting very narrow with his position overhead we don’t often see I’m very very guilty of it is not having the mobility in the shoulder joint to be able to get nice and narrow on that jerk so some athletes having to go a little bit wider depending on what Mobility cards they got dealt when they were born look I think it also just depends on a strong position for them some people with great shoulder Mobility are really strong in that closer position some people have great shoulder mobility and that wider position suits them as just a stronger Point Benny wardwell concept crossfits jumping into the team CR out of retirement twice now oh and the jerk again oh it’s causing absolute Havoc 134 kilos of Benny woodwell that’s a fair lump now freezing hot have 315 lb on the bar that’s 14 three kilos I want to see this go up portelli he’s about to have a crack and he is taking his time Brandon Wells like a cage tiger waiting for it he’s going to sneak up on it won’t know he’s coming oh and yell at it okay here we go taking plenty of time with this setup power cling yes sir this one might be a little [Applause] deeper okay not bad oh but his Squad is so strong still got 90 seconds plenty of time that is a strong squat position elbows up nice and high he’s got to get it [Applause] overhead oh Dam how many times have we seen it 142 kilos goes up and comes down [Applause] [Music] going to have another crack at it and the Mad Dash now with 40 seconds left on our clock Brody Scott has loaded the bar heavy a lot of these athletes loading and waiting giving themselves as much recovery as possible Brody at at 275 now pal Clan is easy he’s in really enjoying his training currently 125 kilos he will move on to the two squats not as strong as his teammate Brandon but it’s [Applause] there the yes great lifting by BR Scot freezing hot CrossFit an athletes now getting to work overtime and barbell is coming down Benny ww for Concepts getting it done as well ladies and gentlemen up we talk fatigue over the weekend this is probably a really good event to throw in we got five events three today for the teams we’ve gone absolutely ballistic in the first one this one will just wo things down a little little bit heavy let me build a back up for this afternoon let we just get in tomorrow and go for it but if you look at what these teams have done this morning with that Wormhole over a 25 minute event now they’ve had to put all that load on their body for this complex they’ve done a lot of work these teams it’s been some really good lifting on the floor from the women 205 lb now 230 lb here Sandra just unreal so good Benny wardwell was impressive as well Brandon gasal for freezing hot they came in guns blazing their men broy spot though with all that experience bringing it home for his team 275 lb no teams as yet able to get up to that 1,055 lb or 4782 kilos while I Ora Oso ker PSL got two teams from the French Throwdown last week letting the charge for the French Throwdown week number three of semi-finals continues next week West Coast Classic underway very shortly two each down two to come we’ll be back with more action from the tan pro day one of the oan semi-final coming up [Applause] number [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and here we goo number three [Applause] welcome back to Pat raft Areno and a big welcome back to heat number three the casually stroll onto the floor for their second Events first day of competition here it is a Max complex of three clean two front squat and one jerk team with 15 minutes to get the job done the ladies will go from the start to 7 minutes A 1 minute transition the gentlemen will kick on till the 15 minutes and as long as a barbell is lifted before the time cap hits they can keep going and your go rock step to success give your strongest lifters some time and get a good lift on the board and we have seen our previous Heats of teams do just that get a confident lift up first make sure we’re not giving our team a donut zero score well you talk about Donuts zero all of that effort for zero it’s be devastating absolutely devastating your lane assignments for Heat number three the third heat of second event for the day one more heat to come after this and Crossfit carve in lane four go Coast team only 45 minutes down the road from here with a great event one in the books experience of zek Grove and Mitchell case in their team expect some big things from the boys when they get to the 8 Minute Mark and papamoa mangap as well Aiden he’s going to go to task on this [Applause] exf two toar dinmore at the left of screen keep your eyes on her cat Owen she’s our resident genius we love a genius that can LIF weights but the smarter you are is that the more you digest and able to understand things including an Olympic lift [Music] so you should probably break down that Olympic lift better than anyone else here Tak M CrossFit Mecca New Zealand teams t with so much individual experience as well [Applause] s TBD oh easy very nice overhead 175 lb out 79 the kilos 185 that’s 84 kilos Ward with a pink head joining teammate ad carwiz and one of our other New Zealand teams should pple more M A Part just update on CrossFit c one Unfortunately they have had to withdraw from competition Tim Fowler hurting his knee in warm up Emily Aton I’m excited to see her move some weight she’s just done an easy 200 lb Emily aten did this complex as an individual 215 was her total 2022 individual semi [Music] final Mitch case as well when we get to the boys later on for CrossFit cve he hit a 295 Jolie never on screen also not too shabby with the barbell in hand either she shifted 210 lb a couple of years back really good gauge to see where you’ve been where you’re going your numbers going up you’re going down why are they doing that [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Carell Fitness alley great res in event [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one a really nice save didn’t Qui get under enough but strong enough to press it up overhead and a really nice 195 not the fact that plenty of boms on the floor Jesse Ward getting to [Applause] work comfortable 88 kilos lb they’re really pushing the envelope it looked really comfortable Jolly Neville about to [Applause] start let’s head down to Bella down here on the floor you can see her Emily aten or you’re calling her Banky we got a lot of nicknames out here in Australia love to see it but Emily sitting on that barbell she’s getting ready to go 205 on the bar next to her she’s got one of the heavier bars on the floor but my eyes are open I’m seeing 220 we’re going to see if these ladies can get the complex done still plenty of time time all my eyes are on lane two coming up there Emily [Applause] atton Jolie Neville 205 lb 93 kilos oh Deo thought she had it for a second there just that back leg couldn’t get into position cat Owen not able to get that one either and Emily Aton the same weight she hit two years ago now she’s opted to squat clean all of hers no problem at all though you can see she’s really strong in the front [Applause] squat she looks like she’s got way more in the tank oh easy 215 lb 97 kilos she looks like she’s got 10 more pounds in a 215 from two years ago see you later we got more than that Sam tumbridge [Music] [Applause] spent a few years in the American college system swimming naal National swimmer no fish out of water here though well that explains her overhead position on those on those blast complexes she did she’s so strong overhead strong strong strong shoulders rather from swimming oh that cord is giving away it’s there just need a little bit more patience but you’ll probably run out of time [Music] [Applause] Jesse Ward Lismore girl training out a hammer and Tong exercise physiology is her [Applause] Jam a 12th year of [Applause] CrossFit 225 for Emily 102 kilos [Applause] and Emily Aden will stay at 2115 two years apart she was making it look easy but that fatigue just crept up on her on those front squats grow the official equipment supplyer of CrossFit and the CrossFit Games they make the barbells built to meet the demands of the fittest on Earth chop the road c70s bar perfect for the competition floor a CrossFit affiliate or a home gym where your space is [Applause] limited the gentlemen underway Heat number three and if you’re looking for somewhere to shift your eyes for the next seven minutes Alex hero win and Ty Sly are your guys from exf Nathan ho*r the meatball we’ll get together with partner Tim good part of Team CrossFit Raider West got lots of 255 starters that’s 115 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] kilos Tommy Bartley underway first for Fitness alley Blake Atkins with that great finish for Fitness alley on the handstand walk he’s got his notes Blake Atkins he’s following along the instructions it’s like a recipe this is what you need to do heroini good for exf Mitchel case one of those athletes from two years ago 295 was the number to beat was just put up an easy 275 that’s 125 kilos SE Gro is going to have a crack at it as well exf have got 295 on the bar 134 kilos T just doing it so easy enjoying the athletes going through the two power clean once B clean to get himself ready for those two other front squats he’s just Rock Solid in a front squat [Music] [Applause] overhead like getting done with his [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no dice on the 275 for the meatball just losing that jerk behind we have some great nicknames out here this weekend don’t we we get a nickname for everybody Mitchell case they call him Justin just in case no okay they don’t 295 what’s his [Music] record how daunting Zeke Groves watching you lift giving you advice as you go [Applause] along and judging you at the same [Applause] time same way is two years ago Mitchell Cas not able to nail that one Z Grove will step up and have a crack heroini here from the competition floor last year oh was almost a push [Music] [Applause] press Maas goes but wait there’s more we have time we have plenty of time Z Grove dad extraordinary [Applause] dead to zeer likey and Ziggy hey old boy you’ve still got [Applause] it now Zeke’s not too shabby overhead can he jerk this under fatigue very strong mobile position over here Kenny Nan same position is Mitchell case on the 295 they now make a decision do they drop down a few a Aiden Poco give the people what they want 305 lb 138 [Music] kilos going for the 142 kilo as well Aiden Poco can lift heavy like Atkins will get to work first I remember when back in the day when you were probably competing we did a regional event 2159 deadlift box jump this was the deadlift weight for the men I do remember they’re now doing a complex with it must have been 2012 [Applause] K in the background going for that 295 again Blake Atkins Fitness alley Mitchell case successful in the [Music] background one minute left on our clock Blake Atkins [Applause] [Music] this too much a Poco at the background looks like he’s hurt his knee not good news for Papa MOA Blake Atkins goes down with the barbell and with 30 seconds left Z grov is left to potentially hit the same weight as his teammate Jam Orby will be getting to work with a lot less weight than Aiden Poco zek Gro will now attempt it as Matias samuli will get to work on the 142 [Applause] [Music] kilo it’s got to be unnerving hearing the buzzer go off in the background he’s made it easy work of those first three cleans can he hold that front rack he’s got to get under that bar the hats off to you what a lift people what they W oh big time are the Heavy Hitters for exf come to play Mara shenaya no slouches either Mara Dinsmore looks like she hit a 225 102 kilos as well so some good numbers from exf well look anything over 200 lb for these women is very [Applause] impressive great overhead positions Emily Aton always great to watch with a bar in her hands very strong but exf put on a complex Clinic successful 143 kilos [Applause] [Music] hero win was good H even [Music] better that’s coming here to Pat Ro Arena appreciating the efforts and they have been some massive efforts from our first three Heats for event number two for day one of our competition here at the Tan Pro Pat rafter arena is the venue and people are flooding in no doubt by the next hour or so we are going to be pretty full you’re doing nothing come on down if there’s any tickets available three Heats done one heat to come we’ll be back at after Arena shortly welcome back to Pat rafter arena for day one of competition Heat number four about to hit the floor Jeremy Austin pit Malone and Bella Martin with you and we have got a lot of Fitness to get through in the next three days and you can win a CrossFit World Tour visiting CrossFit gims around the globe create an account scan the QR code visit hustle up-a to enter that’s it the draw will take place on June 20th 2024 pip some big lifting in the previous Heats exf really setting the standard still not hitting that weight from Wy Ora or Oslo CER PSL of 1,55 or 4782 kilos are we going to see a tumble now look I hope so well so do why we’ve already got one event record for the day we might as well make it two and there’s some Smiles your current leaders Porter D Roy Saunders Newbury the lifting Club shirt is that an [Music] [Applause] omen exf [Music] Maran Mayhem it’s probably the three teams we’re looking at to shift their heaviest lows that will be event number two three cleans two front squats and one jerk the women from0 to 7 Minute transition and the men from 8 to 15 as long as that barbell has left the floor after the buzzer athletes can continue on and now go rock steps to success give your strongest lifters time and get a good lift on the board it’s going to be crucial for these top teams talk about giving your strongest lifters time you’re Emily Dy and you’ve got Cara Saunders in your team how much time do you give her she’s obviously the most experienced yes she’s just given birth second time but do you give her more time in that regard I think Emily holds her own as well with that bar it might be a just a matter of let’s just see what we can do when you’re done you’re done let the other one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in 15 minutes to decide who’s going to start separating themselves torian Mayhem and Mayhem [Applause] Thunder exf your teams that are doing very well beaches chocolate box some others with some great runs on the board early K Meer and aride your number one qualified coming in with some work to do and they need to do some work now Emily opening on 205 5B 993 kilos doing it easy through the cleans and the squats he’s got to get it [Applause] overhead no problem at all for the youngster [Applause] man syes nose team back to France 64 Army [Music] s toan May him she’s got 185 lb on the bar 84 kilos Jets it overhead easy building a good team CV as well especially at the Crossing games Adrian giri having to pull out of individual competition last year with a lower back injury and something if you’re doing a complex like this it’s going to be pulling on your back Adrian G another one of these women that I love to watch live she’s going to give car and Emily a bit of a run for their [Applause] money tribe Northern beaches sharim Myers Mayhem Thunder 215b in the bar now who’s going to do it first Emily or Cara does it matter as long as I get the numbers in the books [Music] Christy Hollard she’s building a wonderful CV for herself as well [Applause] [Music] Ry Hollard unsuccessful sa unsuccessful as well Rogue is the official equipment asire of CrossFit and the CrossFit Games they make the barbells buil to meet the demand of the fittest on Earth chop the Rogue c70s bar perfect for the competition floor CrossFit affiliate or home gym where space is limited to Roy [Applause] [Applause] Emily Dy making easy work of 93 kilos 215 lb so strong [Applause] overhead no issues with that back at all she said yesterday she’s fit healthy ready to go and looking amazing 220 lb 100 kilos she’s got such a strong squat she’s got to get it overhead we’ve seen what that looks like wow just in your sh oh car Cara 8 months after baby number two throwing up 215 lbs like it’s absolutely nothing so heaviest complex l so far our women are at 230 our men at 315 exf two your current leaders for event number two 1,05 lb still short 50 what we’re chasing from the French throwdown at the European semi-final last [Applause] week Al Hutchins adelay Girl moving up to join the toan grit team it’s easy to say up it’s a lot harder to get it up there and it goes [Applause] [Applause] down Emily julan 22y old K she is on a trajectory that is going places but that barbell is not going the same way she wants to car saers 220 lb 100 kilos sers determination you just yelled at Emily you’ve got 20 seconds I love it yes ma’am I do car is yelling at you to lift it you lift it Adrian [Applause] gearing she will have time to get it finished as well four other [Music] girls Adrian giri 230 lb welcome back Adrien [Applause] giri Emily Dy having a back at the [Applause] 220 she gets it wow Mom says thanks now those two have just set up KH and James for Success they’ve got to get some lifts on the board probably a little bit more [Applause] time did they expect the girls to hit those sort of loads well possibly probably it might be m b without adrenaline running so they’re probably going to live a little bit more time then they think they do as they get underway immediately Ben Gard wasting absolutely no time with 102 kilos so what they’ve going to do they did the same thing a couple of weeks ago at another functional fitness event they used the first four so minutes to warm up so they’ll get no reps all the way along then they’ll hit the complex so they haven’t got the fatigue I like it smart strategy oh very smart you just got to make sure you hit nail the lift is a very very taxing complex as we’ve seen and it’s hard to make those decisions on how much to jump up by without blowing [Applause] out done d as well train Jensen from aide aide need something big they need to start jumping up that leaderboard they’re starting out with an easy 290 lb 131 [Applause] kilos Jack Jeffrey the newcomer to the team Brandon Swan stepping out come [Applause] on he’d be the same coming in Roy says do something you just do it James Newbery he just moves eort effortlessly there a word for you [Applause] nice lifting from James Newbury 275 PB 125 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] kilos Rogue Fitness the official equipment supplier of CrossFit and the CrossFit Games [Music] [Applause] Riley one of our tallest athletes at about [Applause] 6’3 also one of the stronger lifters out there 143 kilos 3 15 lb a number of athletes have attempted and failed and he joins the club I thought he was going to rra it then and have another go no requirements now if you attempt the entire complex must start again unfortunately so you can’t rackets R Blackman the back for K Meer back right [Applause] not able to get that one now Royce d looks like he’s setting up for 330 pound [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh train 138 kilos 305 lb easy weight or he wants it Crow will deliver 150 kilos on the bar 330 lb ah warm up for him he’s like a fork LIF under that front squ [Music] [Applause] he’s got to get it overhead the heaviest LIF we have seen today in the male competition side for teams yes sir was anybody watching that I think everyone around the world was watching that and I know sideline Bella Martin was watching that [Applause] [Applause] Jack Jeffrey setting up for 310 lbs [Applause] 140 kilos for the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] youngster not as heavy as Roy but it’s going to be a very decent total look it’s only 10 kilos later than rice he got under it fast the squats are solid can he Jerk [Applause] it again not today unfortunately for Jack Jeffrey don’t know how many athletes have tripped up on that last little bit less than a minute now left of this event James Newbury going for it Willam Ford 330 as well I see you Roy I’m going to try and it out to you that squat looking great the squats are easy but can he Jerk [Applause] it oh yes he can 150 kilos as well 330 lb wow think there’s going to be enough time Riley Smith also going for the 150 kilos 330 lb KH Porter still going J dou ex wow look out ocean to reaching is here come exf Benny Kad nailing for it Norman beaches equal 330 the heaviest lift it’s Ethan [Music] ferelden again heavy bars flying all over that floor oh crazy [Applause] stuff again bro does not [Applause] [Music] [Applause] disappoint judges madly tuling up the [Music] scores nothing really close to that 1055 that we saw last week at the French throw down th000 55 lb 4785 kilos that is moner so much weight so that all four athletes just lifting a monster am of weight wh forward Ro done 330 tick that off and things starting to warm up and I’m talking temperature- wise it has got increasingly warm [Applause] Benny Gard hitting a great lift towards the end as well Meyers must be good being the girls you get a live for seven minutes you get an 8 minute break you get to watch the guys go to work and Newbury don’t if I like the beard on him just yet I think he’ll have to grow on Me 3 yeah I was side they needed to do something you crushed It sharing the love flaming the newcomer to the team let’s head down to the competition floor we are down here on the competition floor yet another competition record almost fallen we’re tied exf with 1055 unofficial pounds for the total I love to see it Adrian you came in 230 tied for the heavy LIF of the day was it a surprise or is that what we’ve been prepping for our Queen of the day um I I had it there as a if I can do it I’ll try honestly when I hit my two front squats I was like I couldn’t even feel my legs at that point so and then when it was up I couldn’t believe it so it was awesome yeah Will was Electric in here and it’s been fun to watch Moses happy to see you back on the competition floor again what can we expect from your team here this weekend we know heavy lifts can can we run and lift as well hey look we’ve been preparing for this for I guess the last 5 to 6 months the team’s ready we’re just here to have fun we’re uh grateful and it’s a privilege to be back on the competition for uh and just getting back out in the back room hanging out with the guys it’s good to see everyone out on the floor again so we like I said we’re grateful it’s a privilege to be back out here it’s a privilege and clearly the exf family is in the house jonno is your family in the house as well where are we yeah exf over there and then my fans over here wait yeah hey like four of them guys we’re excited to have you we got one more event left of the day Lisa how are we feeling I feel great about running and thrusters I’m excited I’m actually really stoked about that 202nd start off we get that’s going to be so good it’s going to be good exf thank you guys so much good luck thank you thank you very much except making a move jonno and Lisa coming in from torian black last yeah Moses back to competition as Bella mentioned Adrian giri coming out of individual competition two teams and what a great team they are oh except we knew that they as a team were going to lift a lot of away this lady right here though Cara Saunders given the people what they want with a big Li that she’s known for look these top teams did not disappoint youngster Emily Dy matching car 220 lb but the man wow now can we just talk about the fact that there is six reps in this complex and a number of men did 330 lb it’s 150 kilos for a six rep complex so impressive Ro absolutely loves his competition floor [Applause] results coming shortly and our heat one results see Taurus with that 910 to get things started and down the bottom if you hadn’t heard crossed SN unfortunately have had to withdraw Tim F with a knee injury in warmup so they will no longer be competing which is an absolute shame our second Heats for event number two wasn’t too shabby [Music] either freezing hot crossfits the loads just got steadily increased as we went along each heat a 980 from freezing hot CrossFit and good result from concept semi Mo loving being back in competition and doing something she loves doing that sliting heavy barbells Schwarz is with a great third position in their Heats 950 kilos our third Heats for event number two for the lifting complex exf 2 Al heroini Tyson mly doing well for the men andar denore getting 225 102 kilos for the ladies 1,5 anything with four digits is going to be exceptional down [Music] here and pep it’s been pretty amazing because hey we hit an event record in number one we’ got an equal record in event number two and here’s our results for heat at number four exf it’s a great work from them from Pats three and 4,55 aride exactly what they needed to do30 and Tide Mayhem Thunder Toran [Music] Mayhem a great start to competition so far pip your initial thoughts after two events for the teams ah they outdone themselves it’s been such a great morning already look you know what our side on that leaderboard doing exactly what they need to do using that experience and results now for heat sorry for event number two exf in front the 64 Army from our side that second position is going to be Absol absolutely crucial to how this weekend plays out Mayhem Thunder and tan Mayhem equal nf2 so two exf teams in the top five we know what they like doing and that’s lifting heavy grit team doing pretty well Fitness alley backing up the result from event number one and not too far away from results after two events and the temperature in Pat raft Arena currently starting to heat up massively and Mayhem Thunder doing well 192 points and exf andoran Mayhem battling It Out Chocolate Box star strength not too far behind only 16 points out of the top three top three qualifiers going through to the crossing games Dicky’s arena in Texas later on this year our side jumping back into that top five exf 2 jumping into that top 10 to interesting results bit very interesting and as we know with the team competition things shake up so quickly it’s going to be very interesting to see what happens tomorrow and this afternoon we’ll take a pause on our team competition we got one coming up later on this afternoon but we will get to the individual shortly day one of the Toran Pro we’ll be back [Music] soon e e for e e hey how good I’m ni nice to meet you for for e you e e e e e on e e e e e e e e e e oh [Music] e e let’s go [Music] J e e e e [Music] I ain’t going [Music] okay mate thank you um need a [Applause] break for e e got [Music] IND [Music] by [Music] [Music] k just an a [Music] Ladi [Music] [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to Pat rafter arena for day one of the Toran Pro 2024 Crossing games Oceania semifinal presented by twl the home of training Jeremy Austin H Malone with you Bella Martin will join us on the competition floor a little bit later on team competition kicking things off here at Pat rafter and I’ve got a little bit of a sweat on because things are getting a little bit steamy pip yes steamy indeed the team competition has been unreal so far two events down look no surprises in there Mayhem Thunder absolutely killing it exf throwing some huge weight around torian Mayhem getting that illustrious third position only three qualifiers from the team competition in the Oceania region this year star strength and our side making a jump after very slow start in event number one and exf 2 getting that 10 position after some great lifting in event number two for the complex we turn our attention now to the individual competition our one and only individual event for today and it’s going to be a long one and this sun I think is going to affect these athletes probably not in this seat so much maybe for the males coming up we are going to see the females hit the floor for the first time shortly and it is going to be hectic on the floor with 20 barbells going at one once what’s your thoughts been so far for the team competition before we hit individuals oh it’s been an absolutely great start and if this morning has been anything to go off for the rest of the team competition then I cannot wait it’s going to be unreal as we know down here in the Oceania region we have seven or eight really heavy hitting teams so you know that third spot is really anyone’s at this point and just saying two events two records thanks for coming toan Pro 24 as the ladies come on to the competition floor for the first time at a very supportive crowd for a Friday normally AC quite a day on the Friday we’re actually work down here in Australia on Fridays a lot of people choosing not to do that coming out to Pat rafter [Applause] arena there a few people in this crowd that have chucked a scky today big time so the one and only event for today for these ladies five rounds per time 800 M on a run 10 cleaner jerks 185 for the men when they get to the event a little bit later on the women hitting 125 57 kilos for the women 30 minute time cap will it be enough will it be too short we’ll have to wait and see but things are going to get hectic with 20 athletes on their stagger start go up steps to success run hard and steady and fast rep cycling the 800 met run we go out five times how do you Pace it how hard do you go is that where you recover your Cycles do you do touch and go reps do you do fast singles all these questions we are going to get to pit Malone and I’m going to hammer you over the next 30 minutes I look forward to it our lane assignments for our ladies our first page great to see Christina Ashton tick off the box of tan pro semifinal on her CV and Maisy wild from snake CrossFit in Tamworth one of our youngsters that I’m excited to see as well we flip it over Jaye mansy one of their oldest 37 years of age and plenty of experience as we get underway the staggered [Music] start loving the format we’ve seen two different run courses last week the Far East Throwdown in Busan Korea an indoor venue with a little bit of a maze and then the French throw down as well the obstacles the athletes are going to face inclines the first incline they have already got through and a great shot of a beautiful day here in southeast Queensland there are two inclines the first one already been done and the second one will be just up to the right hand side of screen so those unsure Pat rafter one of the greatest Aussie tennis players ever to play the game US Open winner and that is why you see so many tennis courts [Applause] around but the good news for these athletes they’re getting a decline on the way back they’ve got a bit of elevation happening there I love that they get to run outside here around Pat rafter Arena it’s also a bit of a pump up when they run back into the stadium ready to grab that barbell [Applause] hard to gauge who is actually in the lead with the stagged start in the arena at TimeWise Gabby mcgala from last week at the French Throwdown her first round was completed in [Applause] 351 when she DED the last bar bell that’s that’s right and when you watched if you watched last week uh she wasn’t in first either until that last round so we’re not going to see much separation until that you know around round three is where we see the athletes start to separate on this event book to a to another one of our New Zealand athletes and I love it how they get to square off and they’re actually facing each other to all of the athletes facing inwards and this is going to be a grueling 30 minutes these sorts of events is where you really see if that offseason training has been done right by these athletes running is something that if you don’t have a running background or it’s not something that comes naturally to you do have to spend a time in your off seon working on that aerobic capacity working on that running it is not something you can just pull out of the bag on the day unfortunately well it’s a nasty sort of distance to be running to come into then be really explosive for 10 reps as the athletes start to come back in now the layout important we’re going to see some athletes who have done the hard work in the the first bit where is this all going to lay out excited to see who is going to pick up their barbell first it is going to be matd Gilmore led the run from start to finish and no surprise really considering she was in lane [Applause] 20 Gilmore the last of our backfield athletes cross hit Bondi Amber Cohen comes back in and fast singles seems to be the order of the [Music] day and a lot slower than the time from Gabby mcgala Jennifer vong finished with the barbell and the athletes bunching up Gilmore led the way on the first one touch slower on the second but a group of four females leading out on the second [Applause] lap on these first two rounds you really want to see these athletes with calm head just finding that pace On The Run that’s sustainable and moving that barbell as quick as they can without blowing out that’s why we’re seeing lots of single reps saving that grip and although was a little bit colder this morning the sun is really starting to beat down it is almost winter in Australia but we are in Queensland so is there even a winter in Queensland not really we get a little bit cold for an hour between sort of 6:30 and 7:30 in the morning and then it’s shorts and t-shirts all the way 12 months of the year and as the ladies start their second lap of this grueling 30 minute first event and only event of the day let’s head down and find out where the third member of our team Bella Martin is well I am down here on the course actually it’s a gorgeous sunny day it’s a little sunny in the arena but it’s even sunnier out here watching these ladies throw the barbells down and then run up a hill we’ve seen a bunch of different courses already from Asia last week Europe as well and for torian pro of course we have to have the hardest course I’ve seen so far they’re going to run up and incline once they’re done with the cleaning jerks and come back down to decline so are they going to be running faster on the way out faster on the way in we’re finding out just about s minutes in we got a long way left to go rookie second lap and thanks Bella will keep checking in with you throughout the next two Heats now pip you’ve competed at individual competition before team competition before you going into a competition like a semi-final or Regional how does it feel only having to do one event for the day then you get to go home I like it I think I think it’s really nice I think this sort of event as well to be your only event of the day I mean there’s no excuse but to really put in the work on this event you don’t have anything else coming up after you can go home and cover it’s a big aerobic event you know it’s time to put the work in it’s not like they have to come back out and hit event too they get to do that tomorrow so it’s great to uh see the athletes out there running hard giving it there all just for that one event for the day big shake up no doubt coming for the 40 individual females Jennifer vong leading the charge he’s just about to go go out of the top of screen as Bella mentioned very hot out on course we’ve got a little bit of a breeze here at the open air Stadium Jennifer vong absolutely thrives under a heavy barbell ex bask baller and I’ll give you a tip it’s tobly her secret to success she never misses A Lash appointment I love it hey look good feel good do [Applause] good Jennifer Bon now coming around and will be the first to pick up her barbell Betty Gilmore just running past shant marus Simona Arthur [Music] [Music] and I’m liking seeing these athletes doing the single reps but they’re keeping their hands in the barbell following it down grabbing it straight away making sure they’re not wasting time in between reps now the thing is with this P it’s not heavy you are not going to fail this weight no matter how many times you do it no this weight is absolutely no problem for any of these athletes on the floor well holstead in the middle [Applause] [Music] Jennifer the goal was to come in and qualify as an indie on the floor here last year team competition was her thing sh WLX comes back in [Applause] [Music] this is the separation we’re going to start to see some athletes are going to finish in that 21 minutes like Gabby mcgala did last week 21 minutes with a 30 minute cap is exceptional well this is when we’re going to see the athletes that can hold that running pace through rounds three and [Music] four they’re going to start to break off from the rest of the [Applause] pack Jennifer fall doing it pretty easy Chelsea Lane some great pictures coming to you let’s head down to the Run course once again we’re down here on the Run course these ladies I can tell them they’re turning on the Jets as they’re entering back into the arena I don’t know if that’s a strategy I would take but we’re a couple rounds in so hopefully it’s working out for Jen she’s continuing to lead on 30 minutes on the cap I don’t think Jen’s going to need it for five rounds but we’ll see if anyone can catch her love to see it rookie love to see you in the shade too slip sop slap when you’re in Queensland for anyone who’s watching at home that has no idea what slip slop slap is that is sun safety in Australia slip on a shirt slop on some sunscreen and slap on a hat I’ve just noticed over the last couple of minutes the pace of the has got a little bit slower so I think that sun and the outdoor elements here at Pat raft Arena just starting to sting a little if you’re tuning in from right around the globe thank you for tuning in you be just about getting up by now wouldn’t they the Europeans and the South Africans they’d be getting ready to tune in to the broadcast the West Coast Classic underway this weekend as well Jennifer bong Chelsea Lane you’re still your leaders Simone Arthur making up a little bit of distance she’s just there on the right hand side another of our firefighters we’ve got so many in the [Music] [Applause] field great shots of Pat RAF Arena and goak has stepped up to the plate with their Footwear and they want you to make sure you and your affiliate feel the incredible performance of the Footwear yourselves go rock giving one lucky winner the chance to win the official shoe of CrossFit for their entire affiliate head over to go CrossFit and enter for your chance to win 53 pairs of goak Ru runner for you and your affiliate pip I’m wearing the gock today and they couldn’t be any more comfortable as am I Jeremy and I’m missing a couple of toenails and my feet are very very comfortable in these Runners so she doesn’t just pluck her toenails out she did an ultramarathon last weekend how was it and how far was it it was very hard it was 50 km okay that’s 50 km too long I don’t know what that is in Miles I’m sorry [Applause] the ladies coming back [Applause] in Jennifer vong overtaken now oh what a shake [Applause] up Emma irel [Applause] has done some absolute hard yards she’s had to run the furthest now important ccle raate here pip she could get really sucked in to going slow but she seems like she’s on a count yeah she looks like she has a strategy in her head she’s looking down that bar waiting the same amount of time a second or two really important in events like this that you stick to your plan if your plan is to let go of the bar and look at it for a second stick to [Music] it b a rep for Emma idel they call her Enid my grandmother’s name [Applause] Enid as Emma starts her way out 31.0 6 mil pip your 50 km run our stats man Chad has just sent through there you [Music] [Applause] [Music] go I’m seeing some of these ladies drop the hammer on the pace now this is where we’re going to see some separation those that don’t pick it up are going to get left behind [Applause] so Emma’s a netballer switches to basketball in the summer and she’s one of our special competitors on the floor she’s a registered nurse that does some absolute hard yards got a twin sister as well Simone Arthur making up a heap of ground two onto the far right hand side Chelsea Lan back in now I didn’t think it was going to be as grueling as it’s turned out it reads really nicely on paper I don’t know what you’re reading five rounds run do some cleaner JS simple how hard can it be but what they say with with CrossFit on the Whiteboard the less ring the harder it is [Applause] that beautiful shot Emma looking like she’s having a pretty good time out there onone Arthur got a relative in the male or sorry the team field James Newbury he goes okay Simone Arthur would be one of our athletes from the 2014 gang that we have out on the floor there’s 15 of them I don’t think she is I think she might have started in 15 but yeah what a start 15 competitors from the 2014 field coming up next we’ve got a guy Nick Fuentes the last time he competed at competitive CrossFit was in 2014 he’s had a 10year break I’m so excited to see what he can do Emma 29 years of [Music] age I’m not a twin but being a twin would you sort of compare yourself to your twin one Twin’s doing one thing and one’s not doing that thing so Emma’s twin Maddie is not here what is she doing obviously there’s some great jeans he’s looking so comfortable her affiliate CrossFit Red 2 orange yes we have a place in Australia called Orange Regional New South Wales you be enjoying coming from Orange all the way to Brisbane Australia be getting a little bit chilly down in Orange right about now it’s a lot warmer here than it would be in Orange at the moment shant marus there Charlie mancy in the brown when we were talking at Jayla yesterday she said she was happy that she’s not the oldest in the field no B to a tows got that mantle as Emma idel coming back in now I like it step back breathe step in lift Simone Arthur bit as a fiddle team competition was the last time we’ve seen her at the Tan [Applause] Pro and fighting fires who new profession second place position here in this heat would do her absolute wonders so she’s the lane straight down from emel so they’ll be eyeing each other off for the last couple of Reps for Emma’s 10 reps and no requirement to keep the barbell within the allotted space however control of the barbell bringing it to the ground is important the athletes are not allowed to let it bounce around the entire floor they got to keep it within reach Simone Arthur making easy work of those cleaning jerks Emma now making her way out extending that lead and honestly looking so comfortable she could do this all [Applause] day so good tie for fifth currently with Jennifer vong he M Kilmore as meled comes in and Simon Arthur heads out speaking of heading out let’s head out to bellamar well speak of it Emma just ran out the door and I’ll tell you what I’m incredibly impressed by her performance she started near the front of the pack and kept edging and chipping her way there and now she is well ahead of the rest of the field here as she’s moving into that Fifth and final round 21 minutes was the time to beat from Europe but I’ll tell you what winning your heat on day one event number one for the ladies not going to be bad if she can hold off Simone and the rest of the ladies coming back from her final 800 and on that that barbell I think it’s a good start of the competition for Emma Bella interesting you say that because Emma now is beating 19 other competitors we’ve got 40 in the field so she could really set herself apart from this and Heat number two coming you’re absolutely right when it comes to Big Heats like this it matters you’re positioning a little bit more than if you’re going to win a heat of five athletes it matters if you can stay at the front of 20 there you go setting yourself up for Success going into a day two it’s a nice way to go home tonight knowing that you’ve just beaten 20 other [Applause] [Applause] people Emma great shot of her lead and it is extending Simone Arthur currently in second [Music] and great shots we tried throwing a drone up a couple of years ago but it was pouring rain during King Arthur one of the most grueling events we’ve seen at the Tan Pro and how good for Emma she hits the turnout she’s coming back she can’t see anybody that’s got to be a good feeling coming back into this arena with absolute daylight before your competitors so this third minute cap is going to creep up on the rest of the field pretty quickly we are 23 and 1/2 down 6 and 1/2 remain only two Heats of the females and two Heats of the males for day one of competition at the Toran Pro we are at Pat rafter [Applause] Arena and Emma idel red two CrossFit at Orange [Applause] [Music] I like the way she’s moving through her runs her posture her position her arm swing it’s not too big it’s not too small but she’s looking so composed she looks very comfortable out there running I mean you said that she had net ball and basketball in her background Fair bit of running involved in both of those sports but she’s not hunching she’s got really nice posture she looks like she’s is working hard but not maxing out on her Pace I don’t think you’ve got anything in the tank you got to save it for the last 10 reps when she comes into to the competition floor and a good battle for second place MADD Gilmore now trying to make a move keep in mind matd Gilmore is in Lane 20 so she has to come in and do a full lap I’m on AR you can hear how heavy those steps are getting now as Emma idel hits the arena and we’ve got a bit of cloud cover coming in so that’s going to cool things down potentially for our second Heats with under 5 minutes left Emma looking down the barrel six more reps she’s kept the same Pace on this barbell the whole way through from round one single reps a second in between just to straighten herself up and then picks it up straight away he is sneaking a couple of touch and go reps at the end just just for Giggles I mean if you can but at this point I don’t know if there’s much left but you’ve got but you’ve got another heat coming so you’ve got to really push the boundaries well we saw Laura H do it in Europe sneaky couple of touching goes Emma idell she’s going to get her 10 done before anyone else hits the barbell this is an exceptional time 2612 unofficial time for Emma erel and what a polished performance over the five rounds that’s how you do an aerobic workout Simone Arthur really starting to increase the right MD Gilmore the third to hit her barbell this will be a great race to the Finish dicki Salter coming to the bar as well Chelsea lying in the orange and Simone Arthur with less than [Applause] five mon Arthur bottom of screen to the left top left is MD Gilmore Nikki alter second down from left and Chelsea laning the orange on the far left last rep Simone Arthur done 2716 M Gilmore Nikki sua and Chelsea Lane wow we’ll have to wait for the official results shantai marus [Applause] [Music] chance done 27 and a half a wmer girl now down in [Applause] Sydney Felton only three to go 2 minutes left on our clock you’re also racing P2 as well as the 30 minute time cap Felton Northern beaches CrossFit J man’s done Yardley West Australian high body CrossFit Charlotte Balwin in the white and black at the top of screen is done [Applause] [Applause] Laura take the box it’s okay you can rest now till tomorrow J Wilcox bottom right of screen going a sneaky Touch and [Applause] Go Cohen coming back in in top of the [Applause] screen ring Defense Force CrossFit Sheree [Applause] [Music] wiox nearly [Music] [Applause] there they’ve got 30 seconds until that 30 minute time cap am Cohen far Caitlyn ham at the top of [Applause] screen oh love to see it Amber getting it done CHR sea Ashton as well he’s going to run out of time as will Caitlyn ham oh absolutely ruing event number one for our first heat individual females for day one of the Toran Pro oh there’s I bet you there’s only one person smiling and it is Emma she enjoyed that way too much way too much so 2612 unofficial time for Emma not as quick as Gabby mcgala is 2111 but one of the last leave the arena but she just progressed her way to the front of the pack early she just held that pace the whole way through she looked the same from start to finish stuck to a plan of singles on the cleaning jerks and just ran at a really steady Pace obviously very comfortable out there she’s got an engine net ball basketball background Somebody explain why she down around a little I’ve got no words for that Jeremy this dropping the deaths s artha absolutely no stranger to the competition floor out here great to see her with a really solid finish as well for the one and only event the individuals are doing [Music] today fast 30 minutes but obviously not for the ladies in heat one and for those tuning in all around the world thank you for your company it’s great to be able to bring you every minute of coverage here from the Tan Pro bit of cloud cover starting to come in so things are going to cool down just to touch that sun earlier on it was beating down winner CrossFit World Tour visiting CrossFit gyms around the globe create an account scan the QR code or visit hustle up- to enter that’s it draw will take place on June 20th 2024 terms conditions apply [Applause] [Music] Fant [Music] welcome back to Pat rafter arena for day one of competition for the 20124 toan pro and the crowd really giving it some Bella mentioned at the start of broadcast we’re missing a big top five who’s going to take the spots we’re going to find out we’re going to start with event number one five rounds of 800 Me On The Run 10 clean and jerks [Music] 125b for the ladies 30 minute time cap the one and only individual events for the day a go R steps to success run hard and steady and fast rep cycling and we saw the first heat of women do mostly single reps I think we’re going to see a few athletes in this heat cycle that bar a little more Elena Simons for Heat number two he just saw her on screen Danny Ford I don’t know anyone who has a better time doing life than Danny Ford one of our Ki girls next door to her you saw her in the white and the blue was Ella price and we’ve got some Heavy Hitters in this Pat Julia Hanford is going to eat this barbell for breakfast but all eyes will be on the girl who has yet to qualify for the crossh*t games and we are expecting her to that is Grace Walton she’s going to be in lane 11 she’s wearing green and black she’s at the far Corner far right corner of your screen [Music] currently underway althia [Applause] Boon can you say the Oceania semifinal or Regional without the words althia Boon in it no you cannot absolutely exceptional human 40 years young and absolutely killing it two to commonwealth games competitor in weightlifting and [Music] gymnastics and she reckons don’t expect too much from her because apparently what she said yesterday was you get out what you put in a training she goes and I haven’t been so don’t expect anything interesting py Woodhouse one of our youngest at the helm and a great battle with those two Matty stur Grace Walton don’t forget Caitlyn vanil in the purple and black this is going to be a great tussle especially on the runs as they go through well we know MD St is a very strong Runner Caitlyn vanil also anything aerobic has her name all over it this is where we’re going to see if Grace Walton has done her homework in the off seon I think she has going off her open well I spoke to her yes uh yeah yesterday Bella and I ran into her earlier in the day before they got here to Pat ra Arena and said I asked her why she put herself out there and told the world that here she was and she goes I think I’m just fit her so she wasn’t actually trying to go second in the open in the world she just is that fit and condition now and so we know she’s so strong that that’s was the results laid out so it’s just how it happened so good on her and I think we’re going to see a the New Breed coming through now well it is no surprise we have been watching her for the last couple of years and have said she’s going to be one to watch looking forward to seeing what she’s going to do this weekend Grace and Caitlyn and I think we’re going to see those three ladies try and stick together on the runs Grace will know that she needs to keep up with Maddie and Caitlyn she keeps beating them in every event over the six over the weekend your job’s done because you know there’s a good chance that they’re going to be up high in the rankings win fre training shoes for your affiliate with gock entered to win 53 pairs of rough Runners visit CrossFit rough running we are seeing plenty of rough running we’re hearing plenty of heavy breathing and let’s go down to Bella on the floor and see what’s happening on the first lap of this grueling course first lap we’ve got our first ladies coming in and it’s not going to be rookie we’re talking about Grace Walt a Young Guns coming back in there not even 5 minutes into the Run oh my goodness first three coming in and it’s not those top three dogs that we were talking about coming in first Maddie and then it’ll be Caitlyn and then it’ll be Grace so these three of 20 they’re going to have to now that it’s five the rest of the field is oh my goodness I think this race is going to be close till the very final few clean and DS [Applause] rookie battles going on 4 minutes Kev mcgala was done at 351 B barell so rate the important factor [Music] here and one young lady I want to keep my eye on his young Haley [Applause] Adams Michelle Hayes does very well in that top three for the second lap mat St Caitlyn Emily Clemens your top five Haley Adams out of CrossFit soulrebel greensbor down in Victoria bottom section of Australia we do an 800 met run we come and do 10 quick cleaning jerks what are your quads doing right now oh it’s probably not so much their quads it’s their lungs that this weight the weight is not a problem for any of these women 10 cleaning jerks though jacks up the heart rate a bit more than you want it to going into an 800 met run shelle Hayes looked like she was enjoying herself too much on the entry back into Pat r at the end of round one she’s making up some ground on Haley Adams talk about little battles as you go along placings I know for a lot of the competitors going out there you’re probably the same doesn’t matter if you qualify for the games or not but you just want to get the best position possible in every event that’s right all these athletes are just trying to do their absolute best that they can this weekend best placing that they can finish they’d all have their own personal little goals to tick off whether that’s a placing or just the times in the events SH haes now only about two met behind Haley Adams he hat others like he’s flying from East Tamaki as well she’s looking the most comfortable out there on that run great stride she looks springy she looks like she’s really making an effort to keep that pace up you know you can see the difference between comfortable Runners that are really confident with that higher pace and then Runners that are just out there trying to survive because it hurts so much Michelle has done it pretty tough she suffers from chronic migraines and that is nothing to sneeze at and I know how bad they are so making semi-finals was an absolute mission for her but again you go back to Emma iridil from Heat number one she looks so comfortable so she was at a deficit with Haley Adams going out on this run she’s made up a a lot of ground and now she’s on that decline for those it’s tuning in from around the world there is a little bit of an incline as we come out of Pat raft Arena there’s another incline as we go to the turnaround point on the way back down the double decline it’s got to be a little bit easier although you are stopping yourself as you’re going down this driveway as we enter Pat raft Arena those quads getting to work a little bit more than they normally would on a flat run we do have those athletes that just Thrive off a high heart rate their heart rate gets high and it can sit there for 25 minutes and it doesn’t bother them at all their Pace doesn’t change they can just move through it Shel haes in first top right of screen now Haley Adams not too far behind Michelle having a little bit of a look see where Haley was at they’re going to be on the same side of Pat rafter Arena all 20 athlet in heat [Applause] two and newcomer to competition this year at the torum pro haly Adams just a bit faster on that cycle rate with the barbell just putting it down with her hands on the bar wasting no time picking it straight up again kyy Adams cross country skier spent year 12 in the US skiing transfers straight over to lifting a heavy barbell and running down the street that’s such a cool background cross country scheme so good fatty stur in third position Grace in fourth and Emily Clemens in fifth position as haly Adams heads out once again but look out here comes Michelle [Applause] Hayes the the cross country skiing background explains the engine on Haley Adams is a bit harder to push your way through than the concrete out here at Pat ra we talking about Matty sturs running earlier on and she’s absolutely killing it Grace Walton she’s doing everything she needs to do and she is pulling away from Caitlyn vanil it wouldn’t surprise me if Grace’s plan is to stick with Maddie on those runs knowing that MD is a strong Runner seen the progression of Grace Walton over the years the sun shining once again let’s head down to Bella who is on the Run course a man it’s been so much fun watching I call her the other Haley Adams I’m from America she’s younger than our Haley Adam so we’ve got two now but it’s so fun to watch such a young athlete really take a stride in such a fun workout given the field that she’s in I think when you have names like Grace Walton Matty stur Caitlyn vanil it’s hard hard as a young athlete to decide okay I’m going to establish myself now and I have the confidence to do so what a way to do it in event number one here day one for the toan bro I like where you’re going with that Bella but I don’t think that Haley Adams is going to Care much she is just going to put that hammer down cuz she’s here for the greatest experience of her life and imagine that you’re beating the likes of MD stt and Grace walon as you look over your shoulder how daunting what a confidence boost too I mean if there’s anybody to beat on day one of a competition if you’re beating those ladies you’ve got to feel good about yourself we’re only 11 minutes 18 seconds into this event Haley Adams with a good head start on our big names but it’s early days as we’ve seen previously round three is where it really starts to shake up Haley Adams now she’s looking a little bit labored with her running and I’ve got a profile picture of her and she’s beaming she’s not beaming right now so those runs are really starting to affect her they are not affecting Michelle Hayes who is way out in front now Matty SS probably about 10 m ahead of Grace Walton Grace is in a perfect position so she can start pacing a little bit more and just start pulling in that distance I don’t think anyone’s going to catch Michelle Hayes [Applause] today as Haley Adams gone out too hot there’s a big gap back to Matty stur Grace Walton then there is another big gap and it’s probably going to be Caitlyn vanil the next athlete behind Grace four qualifying spots for our Elite females this weekend this is the only individual event today who are we going to see on the podium and we got an extra it’s the first time we’ve seen four spots in the Oceania region for a number of years 2018 in fact when we had five Michelle Hayes making her way back in it’s about 30 seconds slower than Gabby mgala time from the Frank Throwdown last week Haley Adams what if Haley Adams is watching and going how weird you’re calling my name but it’s not me oh well hello to Haley Adams if you are watching anyone else that’s watching from right around the globe great to have you company here for day one of the Tan Pro yania [Applause] semi-final now this is when it’s going to get interesting between MD St and Grace Walton do we see Maddie stir start to drop the hammer on those runs now and distance herself from grace and can Grace keep up she’s got a two rep lead now and Maddie can obviously they can see each other they’re very close to each other as can Michelle Hayes and Haley Adams Michelle just taking a little bit of an extended break on that one oh and the Buckle over from Haley I think it’s really starting to fatigue her gra to the right in the green and black Maddie to the left in the light blue and black and I don’t think I’ve seen a more chiseled MD St she’s looking super fit a she’s a laser focus she’s been out on this floor for so many years now I’ve never seen her so focused and now cut down that distance between her and Michelle Hayes Al Adams into third Grace Walton into [Applause] fourth and the grueling nature of event number one is starting to shuffle things up badly your top four still your top four but Matty St will be in outright first position Caitlyn vanil just in front of us now inside the arena starting to struggle a little as is Danny Ford win free training shoes for your affiliate with gock entered to win 53 pairs of rough Runners visit CrossFit [Applause] Haley Adams I love it holding on for dear life out there you’ve seen that uh that photo of don’t ever give up and there’s guys under underwater underground or something he’s hanging onto the getting swallowed up by a stalk or something holding on the St don’t ever ever give up she’s hurting but she’s still pushing I love it now M st’s looking really comfortable now and she’s extending that lead between her and Grace Walton keep in mind that mty St is your current leader with the shake out of what happens inside the arena and if you’ve ever watched an event in the Oceania with MADD St we know she’s the Silent Assassin she chips away chips away in the background and then it’s in those final moments that she really drops the hammer she’s got a big engine on her she snuck up on us years ago and came from I think it was 50 points back it was something ridiculous and she made it through to the crossed games and then just kept making it so she’s made it four times in a row is this going to be her fifth missed out just last year as did did Grace Walton and Caitlyn vanil so Redemption for the athletes is ahead of them Shel haes looking good mty St as I mentioned before probably the best I’ve seen seen her look physically over the the whole time that she’s been competing Grace Balton now into third overtaking Haley Adams shell Hayes just to the bottom to go into that last turn this heat a lot faster than Heat number one Maddie and Michelle done with round three by 14 minutes and 20 seconds Emma idel was 1520 Kevin mgala though 1219 far out [Applause] what Miss green was athia Boon as Michelle [Applause] he she’s not slowed down on that pace still striding out [Applause] so did an Iron Man last year with a mom how good’s that you get to do a lot of running with an Iron Man not too much weightlifting going on in an Iron Man but now facing off straight across the arena from each other Matty stur and Michelle Hayes the cycle rate from Maddie and she’s having a look to see what Michelle Hayes is doing and she’s speeding up to finish this fourth round and get on that last run creeping up on Matty’s left Grace Walton has been shipping away as well last three Reps for matd stur the last three now for Michelle ha Michelle has she got enough in the tank she’s at the far right of screen M finishing up first remember the Stagger so they’ve got to come in get that stagger done and Michelle going damn it she’s close Grace Walton is close and now mie is in a prime position to go in for the kill imagine going into day two of competition with 100 points up your sleeve oh I’d say that is exactly what her plan is to do this afternoon finish the day with 100 points set herself up for tomorrow Haley Adams now in a world of hurt but she is going to keep plugging away she is done with her fourth round round five coming and your leaders leaving the arena for the final time Michelle Hayes bottom of screen to the right in the blue and black mty St just back Grace Walton in third [Applause] now what do you prefer do you prefer leading do you prefer the chase I prefer to chase same I love it you know how much you’ve got in the tank and you know when to push and how much you’ve got left you’re leading from the front is difficult unless you’re like Michael Phelps or someone similar or Michelle Hayes at this point so not too much distance about 12 M between Michelle Hayes and mty c and that ink the little [Applause] [Music] Hill go back the last couple of years the disappointment mat St has faced by not making the games can you imagine the smile if she does this year making out four years and they’re missing out for three the fact that she’s here this weekend in the shape she is in is just a testament to the athlete she is so no tear clear to me this weekend Cara Saunders in team division Jamie Simmons competed last week in team division Emily Dy in teams this weekend as well and Ellie Turner unfortunately pulling out of competition this year so five individual female athletes not in the [Applause] [Applause] field shell Hayes is going to have to get to work with this barbell remembering she’s on the opposite side of the pat rafter Arena sh Hayes about to turn the corner and head back into Pat rafter arena for the final time and down the decline and remembering as well that Grace Walton is right next to Maddie set up with her barbell in the arena and Maddie has made some massive space on Grace KY Adams with a very very quick start almost like a Dean flu as we go back Dean sitting up next to us but I love it send it out and see if he can hang on I love the strategy shell ha not sure why you’re checking your watch you go really fast and now the battle as Michelle he B Loop althia Boon the top right of your screen mty St will be the first to the Barb and I don’t think this going to be stopping Matty St from taking out 100 [Applause] points M STS [Applause] Gabby mca’s time of 2111 is been and gone but M [Applause] [Music] St Walton can she do anything she’s just out of screen to the right hand side can she catch Michelle Hayes mty St G 24 26 and competition starts don’t get any better than that shell haes she’s done at 2441 Grace Walton is nearly [Music] done last rep for Grace Walton top right of screen as Caitlin vanil to the far left picks the barbell up race is done just over 25 minutes Haley Adams can she hold off a fast finishing Caitlyn vanil KY Adams that is Matty third’s second career semifinal win Haley Adams yes young lady what a performance from the younger and kin vanil sne King in just behind her looks like Caitlyn is going to finish in fifth position Danny B coming home strong as [Applause] well all under that time from Emma idel Daisy McDonald oh it hurts important Daisy finishing above the entire heat that came before now there’s a few names that are on our list that are missing so far we’re still waiting on Julia Hanford Georgia [Applause] prior think four minutes remaining [Applause] [Music] now 3 and a half minutes trout really starting to pump up these athletes Erica palasi is done CrossFit wol gulgar not sure where wol gulgar is about halfway down the East Coast of Australia mty Shelly Dr Maddie shelling that PhD finally finished so we will refer to her as Dr shelling from now on and done and that looks as it all you mentioned Georgia prior she’s just come in and hit the barbell now as Jemma H has finished Georgia PRI in the all blue Kenzie Woodhouse Julia Hanford coming in now bronnie chal some big names finding themselves at the wrong end of the 30 minute time [Applause] cap Georgia pry going touch and go to finish off those [Applause] reps I don’t think I’m talking out of school here and saying that this event is just sucking the life out of the athletes I think it’s clear from the bodies on the floor how hard that event is they’re working hard Ronnie chalice crit Games Team competitor team exf two years ago Julia Hanford Cal done at Leia Boon who probably get the loudest cheer of [Applause] all can’t wait for our regional MC kobby head to get here tomorrow start ripping out the althia bo what the place has been missing Alia’s got the unofficial trif Factor now individual Games Team games and unofficially hopefully unofficial hopefully the Masters games good company to be in I think she’s probably hting the fact that she’s going to beat the time cap she’s got to get the work done a she’s just a super mom as well had good catch up with her yesterday mom Judy’s taking preference over everything else Alia Boon you’re an absolute champion as ala Scott comes in two of our older competitors Leia Boon klin vanil I can’t say Matty St because she’s still young she’s just got a lot of experience Alice Scots a touch and go we like it and four rips to go for Alice Scott outstanding performances across the board and a few little surprises in there as [Applause] well but every event here at the touran pro never fails to disappoint let’s head down to the competition Flor with Bella Martin Maddie congratulations on your first event win of the weekend second ever semi-final event win talk about running your own race and staying the course were you looking at Michelle and Grace along the way or did you just trust your preparation and your strategy was going to be enough for this one um I knew that this was probably going to be a little bit confusing until that third or fourth round you probably weren’t going to know where you were just because of the setup and everyone taking off at different uh parts of the stadium so yeah I was just thinking just stay in your lane stick to the plan run your own race and just trust it see what happens we saw you on top of the podium at down under we saw your mindset that fire was back in you now that there’s an extra spot open for qualifying does it add pressure or is it a little bit of a relief now trying to make your way back to the games uh bit of both but like my game plan was to come here do my best and qualify for the game so that that hasn’t changed doesn’t change but how’s your mindset going into this weekend an event win already off the bat for day one’s got to feel good how are we feeling moving into the rest of the weekend um yeah I’m really Stark to that event win um but yeah uh we were only one event down five to go so you just got to stay in it and yeah do your best Matty s congrats see you later I told you she was Smiley why wouldn’t you be after a performance like that and it just broke the Ladies down over the 30 minutes we’ve seen that over the two Heats but Michelle Hayes what a start oh she was so impressive from start to finish holding off those big guns but mty St in mty St fashion Silent Assassin just chipping away in the background to take the event win but Michelle hay has got to be happy with that finish coming second to mty stur and doing it pretty easily as well Grace Walton also sneaking in there she would be very happy with that one compared to last year’s performance in event one where you going you do an Iron Man with your mom 5 800s is not really going to compare to a marathon so anything less than a marathon’s good the cycle rate from MADD third in the back end she could see exactly what she needed to do and there’s more in the tank which is [Applause] [Music] scary hey is finishing up a great second place unofficial time of 24:41 good enough for second grace waly third kin vanz doing a little bit of work so the ladies their first event of the Tan Pro for 2024 done and dusted the men coming up will get to results once we get back and we see what happens another two Heats of absolute grueling pain for these athletes as they hit the floor more from the Toran Pro just a little bit you e you good e spe e [Music] byw [Music] in addition [Music] individ Le team comp e e sh for welcome back to day one of the Toran Pro Pat rafter Arena 2024 cross hit games Oceania semi-final presented by twl a home of training Jeremy Austin pit Malone and Bella Martin with you what a great two Heats we have seen of the individual competition for the first time teams kicking us off this morning but what a grueling 30 minutes the individuals just went through oh I love event one for the individuals and what a beautiful image of Pat Roger arena in Queensland beautiful in the image not so beautiful of bodies that are dying on the floor at the end of it but exciting stuff for us we get a bit of a shake up as well for the ladies after two heats only one event today for them MADD St the one that we almost predicted or wanted to go okay you’ve missed out for so many years you should be taking this and running with it and she’s doing just that a great result from mty St Michelle Hayes who led up until the last round in second place Grace Walton doing everything she needed to do to get a top three spot and some places down the back end that aren’t going to be going so well for a number of our female athletes crowd buzzing they’ve just seen some amazing stuff the barell cycling has been awesome add a few pounds and a few kilos to these barbells 185b 85 kilos on the bar for the gentleman and it’s a weight that’s doable but not one that you want to keep doing for any more than about 10 reps so that 10 rep Mark is absolutely outstanding definitely a that hurts when you’ve got to run 800 M five times big time and athletes hitting the floor for the first time one athlete in particular who loves a barbell a lot heavier than this is Riley Mar it’s on the far left of the screen and athletes just being told how they’re going to go about and V number one which is five rounds per time with an 800 met run to start 10 cleaner jerks as I said 185 lb 85 kilos and 30 minutes on that time cap and we have needed it for both of our female teams female Heats I should say now goak steps to success run hard and steady and fast rep cycling and we did see some of the women do just that kept a nice steady Pace throughout and move that barbell fast sing Les trying not to let go of it for too long it’s really around that third and fourth round that you see things really shake up Dr Henry on the left Cameron gray on the right Johan vanil the oldest competitor in the fields good fun stat Johan and Johan oldest and youngest Johan Roberts is our youngest Nick Fuentes in Lane five his last Regional or semi-final was 2014 and games qualify from last year Jake Douglas in Lane 15 so our youngest and our oldest in Lane 16 and 20 in this heat and everyone in [Applause] between and now split start [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jake Henry the athlete who has got the most to do in this one and he is off and absolutely racing he’s already taken four positions locky Park great to see him in individual competition after going team last year and it’s all fun and games on round number one isn’t it that’s right they don’t know what they’re in for Jack ban out in front we do love a first round Bandit though someone who just absolutely sends it round one Michael midi one of those athletes with the Bold head coming all the way from the Middle East and he was one of the 15 that competed in 2014 as well great to see AR midi back and bringing a youngster that he trains with constant Jack Laker another kiwi so max Le’s joining Jack Monahan out in front Dante kangara in all black L mcmah another one of the 2014 Brigade there’s a lot in this heat except he’s not little ly anymore oh absolutely Ely not he’s grown up and got kids and stuff and he’s responsible turnaround points the top the furthest point from Patra Arena a lot gentler than the King Arthur run two years ago and about half the distance aahan under the guys of CR ilck over there in the west and he’s a big human I met him yesterday and he is a monster so he’s probably going to be taking less steps than everybody else Jake Henry has made up a ridiculous amount of space and now in second from 20th but let’s head down to Bella who is on the course I am down here on the course and I’ll tell you what it’s a bit strange seeing some of these names in the first heat of the day athletes like jig Douglas being in not necessarily the bottom 20 but the first heat of 20 athletes I’m not used to seeing it but hopefully he can climb his way up and we’ll see him in that top heat tomorrow first guys are about to round that corner on round number one we’ll see just what happens you say that there also another couple of youngsters coming through Bella like Dante kangara who we are fully aware of and the guy that’s leading currently Jack Mahan Jack Mahan is all by himself here as he’s running into the arena again it’s got to feel good round one you look to your left look to your right no one’s around we can see what happens when you do go hard out and Jake Hendry straight to the bar so don’t be surprised to see Jake Henry leave first he has made up a bucket load of time Jack Monahan having to do a full lap that staggered start is dece for the first couple of rounds until these athletes have really established their [Music] placings Jake Henry head coach of cross alot in Dubai started training with great coach Luke star and then moved over to the Middle East during [Music] Co his family lived just down the road on the go coast and up at the Sunshine Coast about an hour either way of where we are right now but Monahan out early and Henry having a look and see how much ground he’s got to make up but it will be less than round [Music] one locky Park just ahead leaving the arena right now Monahan [Music] Luke mcmah and Adam mansy great to see the old boy doing well level pegging currently with Ryan malaney Luke mcmah traditionally in these events he does have an engine on him he goes really well at these aerobic events wouldn’t be surprised to see him creep up in the next round [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jack Monahan from wa played with Australian aussy rules but one of those athletes that had a massive head knock due to concussion wasn’t able to continue turns his hand to CrossFit and guess what he does pretty well well he’s got a very decent aerobic capacity than if he’s played or he rules all they do is run Rocky Park part of the CrossFit geostar strength team last year hot on the heels and Jack Monahan lives on a farm out called scone I’d call it scone myself but I call it scone and what he does for a living He looks after cows and grows hay how good’s that XR X Rugby Union player played at school and again one of those athletes that goes you know what I’m going to forgo that and get after CrossFit as best as I can we do see a number of farmers doing well across it they’re just naturally so strong CU they just throw heavy stuff around all day [Music] as you mentioned before P beautiful shot of Pat rafter Arena Friday afternoon believe it or not already we’ve blinked and we’ve missed half a day two team events this morning the individuals for two Heats for the females just gone this is their first of two Heats for the males back to team competition after this and that will’ll see our d number one and what a great day one it has been locky Park only about 20 M back from Jack Monahan now I love how we can hear their footsteps and their breathing both are quite labored both get heavier and heavier as this event goes on well both of these athletes over 6′ three so they’re not small bodies so you think of your range of movement less steps probably but greater range of movement with the clean and jerk the locky park he’s in Lane number seven but Monahan he is have to go all the way around so luy might even get to the barbell first which he will do and they’re pretty much going to face off against each other across the arena and if that was the plan from Adrian Bosman then it’s an absolutely Wonderful Plan Loy park now one rep ahead Jake Henry don’t discount him on the far left of screen either Luke mcmah coming in fourth this is where athletes can really make up time is wasting absolutely no time as soon as they come in straight on the bar time to beat for the men 2020 alers upix from last week at the French throw down 20 minutes are you kidding it’s like a Sprints Park Monahan Hendry [Music] mcmah Nick Fuentes let’s roll back the clock 10 years locky Park is now on the hunt monan looking a bit labored as he leaves as he goes out to the far left lucky Park comes into [Music] screen and this run looks like it is going to hurt Jack Monahan and hurt him bad the look [Applause] back and it’s only about 15 M that is ever closing locky Park is eating up these meters round three is really well we see our strong Runners shine it’s where they can really drop the hammer on that pace Loy Park Jack Monahan in struggled streets that’s the road that comes out of the Arena it’s called struggle Street as Loy Park looking being fresh as a daisy so out of CrossFit 2 337 finished seventh in the open 29th in the quarterfinals got a great sixth place finish last year so he was just outside so he knows what it’s like here on the competition four go rock has stepped up to the plate with their Footwear they want you to make sure that your affiliate feel the incredible performance of their Footwear yourselves go Ries giving one lucky winner the chance to win the official shoe of CrossFit their entire affiliate head over to go CrossFit and enter for your chance to win 50 yes 5050 three pairs of the go rock rough runner for you and your affiliate and distance being put let’s head down to Bella on the floor I am down here on the floor and I stepped outside for just a second I’ll tell you what we got some cloud coverage here fingers crossed there’s no rain coming for the teams later but it might cool it down a couple of degrees for these guys I’m sure they’re going to need that going in round three and five later up exactly what these athletes wanted things to to cool down that run is hard enough any wind out there Beller at all or things pretty calm as we can see on the pictures on our screen right now doesn’t seem to be too much wind but as the clouds are rolling in you never know we might get a little bit more of a breeze looks kind of like the caution tape that we said says Tori and Pros waving a little bit but I’ll keep an eye on it last thing these athletes need is that wind working against them especially if they’re running uphill and Jack Monahan is feeling the wind even though there is none and the number of Heats number of athletes we’ve seen in the previous Heats that have run with so much composure Jack Monahan just doesn’t have just looks a bit hunched and over a little bit Loy Park who’s now added a probably a 4050 M lead to Jack Monahan just looks way fresher what you can see in these athletes that are really strong Runners is their face might be saying pain but their body doesn’t change throughout they keep their posture they keep their stride they don’t start to hunch lucky Park Hands back into Pat RoR Arena and the crowd here appreciates everything he is doing right now and he’ll probably get three maybe oh maybe three reps before Jack Monahan goes past and he’ll will be wanting make that only two reps but enough to go hey Jack I’m here and I’m taking the lead and no one else is getting it back like Henry coming in Luke mcmah h on his heels as well it’s the same top four lukan looks like he is hurting every step but that’s just the way he runs that’s true lucky park with a handful left middle of the screen at the top to his left and our right is Luke mcmah bottom of screen Jack Monahan to the bottom right and Jake Henry to the back left Dante kangara coming in in fifth place now this is a great result for Dante one of the youngsters training down there bottom of the north island of New Zealand Loy park it is all on you buddy and Lo’s one of these athletes that is on that bubble from last year where they had you know around that top six seven finish and this year they do have an extra ticket to the game that fourth place spot for the men and women who knows are we going to see him grab it [Applause] lucky heading up the first of our two inclines and Jack Monahan he is hurting and hurting bad the stride length you can see from Loy at the front everything’s composed everything’s easy go [Applause] man over now Jack Mahan behind about 50 60 M behind now the steps are getting closer together he’s having a look behind [Applause] him well you running around chasing after cows all day you’re going to be good at this sort of stuff surely just work capacity would just be absolutely massive [Applause] Rocky Park trains a couple hours every morning farm work for 8 hours trains 2 hours in the evening go to bed rinse repeat I would love to be young again one athlete who is in a little bit of hurt at the moment Jake Douglas not going as well he was going to see how the body pulled up but he did say yesterday that they have given him the same hotel room as last year so it could be a good omen Monahan on his way on the chase to get our leader Loy Park who hits the turnaround point you’ve been in this situation before do you got a guy that’s sitting behind you coming second do you give him a little B pep up as you go past or you just totally ignore your competitors look I think most of the athletes out there are are literally running their own race and focusing on themselves and generally high fives and good works are for the end but if you’re running out there and you’re giving your fellow athletes a good r up then good for you remember us on the competition floor teams in 2012 together Lane by Lane we were having a good time there was I believe there was some trash talk oh there was plenty of trash talk but in a loving way on a hand head down you’ve got know if you are hurting as much as Jack Monahan is hurting right now people behind him are hurting way more the thing with an event like this is it this is as bad as it hurts and it stays like this it doesn’t really hurt any more than it does right now in the thick of it lucky Park about to head straight back into Pat rafter Arena and it feels like some rain is on the way the air is getting a little bit heavy when an open air Arena here at Pat rafter Arena Rocky Park enters this will be the end of round four Alis openes are you kidding 2020 he finished round four at 1614 the guys haven’t even picked up their barbells yet and it’s 18 and A2 minutes there’s 4 km of running and 50 cleaning jerks in in this event to do it in 20 odd minutes that is fast cing so pacing exactly the same only two reps ahead locky park at the same position we were for the previous round with some great Community stuff going on outside here at the tum Pro as well proam competition we’ve got our teenagers our few bars outside as well we’re going to cook the Barbie we’re going to do all sorts of stuff over the next three days the top five is still the top five D comes back in to the arena luy has slowed down and just getting a little wide now going wide means you’re getting tired and he’s just copped a no rep that could be crucial and Monahan has seen that from across the [Applause] arena oh Loy park has he Senter it too early monan wow we have got a race on our hands now and Loy Parker has got some work to do to get that lead back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] locky park now into second position behind Jack Monahan position he was in a couple of rounds ago more on that let’s get down to bellamont I’m down here on the floor watching these athletes as they’re working through the fourth round of the cleaning jerks unfortunately locky wasn’t as Lucky in the last round of 10 he had three no reps from his judge calling him for not completely coming to full extension at the top of that jerk I’ll tell you what it’s really tough when you’re going to power clean and power jerk this barbell especially when it’s not as heavy it’s only 185 pounds you’re really going to try to cut the Reps as much as you can save a little bit of time save a little bit of energy I think Park will catch up on the run but you know we’ll see if he has it situation Loy Park found himself in two rounds ago and now he’s going to have to do it all again and he’s running out of distance and time and the thing is he is a really strong Runner and yes he could catch up but what is that going to do to his cleaning jerks when he comes back in he’s got to try and keep those reps nice and clean and smooth keep in mind Jack Mahan is on the other side of the Arena Loy Parker has got less distance to run this is going to be a great battle I think it’s going to be rep for rep once we get there and Loy has got to be kicking himself not just one but three no reps and now staring down the barrel of someone else who you thought You’ held in your wake and left in the dust is now ahead of you by about 60 70 m eight minutes left on our time clock Jack mon I think he’s found a little bit of a second win springing his step things really starting to cool down here Southeast Queensland [Applause] snow jacket might have to come back on pip it is starting to cool down Monahan’s looking around I don’t think he’s going to let up though he knows that Loy is a strong Runner but he saw him get those no reps so he would know he need to get in there and grab that bar and move it fast but not panic Goan Roberts leaving the arena with Jake [Applause] Douglas and it is getting eerily quiet crowd waiting to see who comes in we know it’s going to be Jack Monahan [Applause] and he’s about to enter the arena now locky park has sped up a little bit coming down that decline there’s only about four to 5 m of elevation for the entire course Monahan he’s got time and he just needs to to be patient yes he needs to work on finishing early with the Heat number two coming but he doesn’t want to empty the tank early he’s can’t five touch and go he’s going to he’s going to see me and raise me some f strength locky Park getting to work now but he has got a heap of work through and Jack monam no oh he’s buckled over Loy can see what’s happening no reps are going to be costly Jack doesn’t care as long as he beats Loy so far Lo is looking better than his last round at clean and Jacks and that is it just on AE outstanding performance part of the iron body faithful lucky Park doing some barbell star jumps he’s going so wide Jake Henry Luke mcmah Here Comes mcmah oh W no rep Luke mcmah comes in seconds oh luy passed he’s got to get the bar moving here comes Jake Hendry oh no wow oh he has annihilated himself on the floor Luke mcar Jake Henry is done [Applause] absolutely crazy times ma getting to work [Applause] now pentes you say he’s 10 years older than last year’s Regional 2014 regionals you are kidding yourself what 10year break wish I had a 10-e [Applause] break D finishing up in 2550 so getting that fourth spot away from Jake hendri 13th Lan got [Applause] it honestly need to have a 10-year break these guys are absolutely ripping it up on the [Applause] floor Dary is done this has been brutal [Applause] 2 and 1/2 minutes left on our clock Harrison relly is [Applause] done H A Smith Cordon Yan Roberts coming in time ticking away [Applause] Smith done Riley Martin Nathan [Applause] Cordon Johan Roberts getting to work we know he can shift to barell Ry Martin getting no rep after no [Applause] rep Cordon is done [Applause] Ry Martin brother to Bailey trains in Brisbane another kiwi our youngest in the field Johan Roberts who’s youngest in the field last [Applause] year and last on the field Jake Douglas [Music] crucial this is going to hurt it’s not the finish that he would have wanted in that event he’s got some work to do this [Applause] weekend V One winner for the females Matty St has shown us over the years it is possible so do not discount Mr Jake Douglas he still loves everybody Jack that barbell just destroyed those guys what a beautiful weight 185 lb 85 kilos and Johan running the wrong way from the get-go but it wasn’t long before locky Park Jack Monahan took the lead oh Loy Park Monahan just a great battle throughout switching positions a couple of times and then Loy just having some really unfortunate no reps on round four it really cost him then the fatigue set in and it’s just so hard to get your form back once that starts and then the farm strength from Monahan kicks in and he took off with [Applause] it 85 kilos though not a heavy weight for any of these guys on a normal day but do it 50 times and run four km on top of it it gets heavy I was going to say not that heavy for one heavy for 50 with a bucket load of leg fatigue on board it’s going to just break down and man one for the old boys chitz resident currently not sure where tumid is is up towards the snowy mountains I’m not sure long he was going with that last rep what an outstanding performance we have seen and battles we’ve wanted and we got well that was the first heat of our men Jeremy what is this next Heat going to bring oh who knows we’re about to find out don’t go anywhere more action live from that RAF Arena coming up soon but we are giving you the chance to win a CrossFit World Tour visiting CrossFit gyms around the globe create an account scan the QR code or visit hustle up- to enter that’s it draw is going to take place on the 20th of June too far from now terms conditions apply he to have got to be sitting out the back going oh damn it but the crowd’s enjoying themselves for [Music] sure there’s always such a great crowd here at Tori and pro it honestly is unlike anything else and you have to experience it to understand it and it’s only Friday I I can’t wait two days of competition coming up after this one we are getting back to team competition after this final heat of the individual males Urban energy vanil which one you going for Johan or Caitlin could be either or both it’s like t-shirt economy but plenty of action here the sun has gone away hidden by the clouds getting on to about 300 p.m. local time here in Brisbane Australia thank thank you for your company wherever you’re joining us I know there people from all over the states Europe and Africa those guys will be awake what a place to be and I’ve been blown away by Fridays in the past but I think today really takes a cake oh it’s been awesome from start to finish that first event for the teams did not disappoint at all watching that pro team throw down and take as vent record just unreal and the heavy lifting oh my God it was Unreal well two event records one tied record with last week with the French Throwdown but two events for the teams two event records what can we expect coming up later this afternoon for our third oh it’s going to be awesome and if it was anything to go off that last Heat Of Man the carage running and worm can’t wait for that let’s head down to Bella Martin who’s in the competition floor and the third member of our team I’ll tell you what we’ve seen the women and now we’re about to see the top 20 men going in to the first event of the weekend Forum 25 minutes of the time to beat I’ll tell you what I think we’re going to see an entire heat smash it oh I’m nervous I’m excited I’ve got goosebumps I’m ready to go guys are we’re ready to go as well Bella no few flutters in the chest and few butterflies what are we going to see on the likes of Ricky Gard Jay Crouch Bailey Martin we know Bailey can cycle a barbell Pete Ellis is just going to be frothing that’s if he turns up on time pet Ellis coming in a little bit late yesterday to briefing it’s important to get to the airport when your flight is leaving or way before anyway look we called it with the women with MADD stur but I honestly cannot call it with the men for this one I I think it’s it’s any of those three names that you just rattled off game bet number one for individual males Heat number two five rounds for time 800 me run 10 cleaner jerks 185 lb 85 kilos a 30 minute time cap no if you’re not mistaken a 30 minute time cap and the athletes are going to use majority of it plenty of chalk being put on the bars already but go rock steps to success run hard and steady and fast rep cycling we saw some men in the last Heat come a little bit unstuck on that round four on the cleaner jerks where that weight just start to get so heavy for the athletes getting no Reps for the crucial Prince up for the Pacific J Crow getting introduced to the crowd two time Tan Pro winner can he make it three from three and Lane one Robert Forte no you are not seeing things the 37-year-old is back and I can’t wait to see what he does that is the Robert for team Jay and Toby first time the brothers have been in the same competition and the same division exciting for both of those Isaac Newman can cycle a barbell as can Z Shel Healy this is going to be an absolute rip snorter of an event snack Thomas worldwide winner of event number one last year can he produce something like it in the next 30 minutes look if I had to throw a dark horse name out there right now Zack Thomas would be my Dark [Applause] [Music] Horse and someone who’s loving this event is a newcomer to individual competition step mfy msky is one of those athletes who just can flick a switch and it is on one of our New Zealand athletes [Applause] Toby Crouch out to a fast lead and Ricky has wasted absolutely no time 4 minutes 15 seconds our first split time we’re looking for from Jack Monahan but the worldwide record 342 from old upix win a CrossFit world to visiting CrossFit gyms around the globe create an account scan the QR code or visit to Winter that is all you need to do draw will take place the 20th of June this year terms of conditions apply crowd pumping him up in the background good Pace it is an electric Pace we’ve seen strategies all the way through the last three Heats Haley Adams tried the I’m going to go as fast as I can and hang on she did pretty well with it are we going to see something similar right now athletes at the turnaround Point Let’s head down to Bella Martin I’m down here in the tunnel and I’ll tell you what from the last three Heats it’s completely changed outside it’s gray it’s a little bit ominous but I feel like that’s pretty fitting for What’s Happening Here for Heat number one is it going to be Ricky is it going to be Jay who is going to take the crown for event number one we’re about to find out who’s leading the charge they’re about to round this final corner for their first 800 of the event Ricky making up a heap of ground Bella Toby crouch in that that lane closest to where you are at the tunnel still managing to hold on to that second position what do you think you’re going to get from Ricky as we come into the stadium I think we’re going to get a lot of smiles from Ricky he was already looking into the crowd as he was walking out onto the floor he knows that it’s his time to shine he’s back he’s better than ever it’s my favorite kind of rookie a rookie that is ready to throw down give me a couple seconds and they’re going to be rounding this corner rookie and here he is Ricky Gard ladies and gentlemen leading the charge here he comes fast Ricky Gard no mountain bikes in the last couple the months of Ricky Gard this year and you talked about going out hard on this event and if the athletes can hold on to it if anyone’s going to hold on to that pace it’s going to be Ricky [Applause] Gard Ricky at four reps Jade Crouch coming to the bar Toby Crouch rounding the last marker [Music] [Applause] Ricky Gard talk about wanting to draw your Line in the Sand early and Ricky is happy to do just that we’ve seen it a number of times at the CrossFit [Applause] Games he goes out and just hangs on and that Superior Fitness is working for it don’t worry Ricky no one’s following Jay Crouch hot on his heels and Jay going to overtake brother Toby but let’s head down to Bella Martin on the floor again you said it his brother Toby I love to see it be a family affair Ricky and his brother Ben both competing this weekend Toby and his brother Jay competing we just saw Riley and now we have Bailey Martin also on the floor you you can’t tell me that cross’s not a family sport here it is Michelle Hayes in the females doing some Fitness with her mama let’s just do an Iron Man Triathlon wow anyway Ricky Gard Jak Crouch Bailey jumping into third P Ellis in there as well so the people we expected to see see are sitting right at the top oh Ricky has really started to put a lead on is ers’ record from last week under threat 7:46 is our next split time again looks oh just super comfortable well we know Ricky’s engine he has a huge huge capacity for this sort of event really good on aerobic events he’s one that when he gets out ahead you know there is a very high chance he’s going to hold on to it Jay Crouch though cannot discredit him chipping away behind good yeah mate yeah Bailey I think what we’re going to see a massive shake up in this heat is around that third fourth fifth [Applause] position Bella mentioned before the weather is really cool down here Pat RAF Arena H it’s dropped about 10° from what it was about 90 minutes ago and that will really suit this final heat of the individual males oh did you like that he looked and then he had to look further back to see if he could find somebody so the double look oh that is a massive lead as I mentioned 746 so Ricky’s got to get in and out in the next 45 seconds not sure that is going to happen so the split times we have are taken once the barbell leaves their hands for the final time but Ricky he wants to leave no doubt when it comes to Sunday evening that he is going to be on that podium in some [Applause] capacity Ricky has got about 20 seconds so unless he can hold his pace and get a little bit quicker alers is going to keep that time there is no one in the arena except for Ricky Gard Al is time has been and gone for his round two split of 746 can Ricky pick up the pace so Ricky is going to be just about done by the time Jay gets to his barbell Bailey Martin coming in in third position Zane Shel Healey in fourth excuse me that is Peter Ellis in fourth then Valor in fifth Ricky [Applause] dun Ricky Gard is on a different planet today running around the flooor with Josh to merus just coming into his bar Ricky leaving the arena all Ricky needs to do is maintain this pace doesn’t need to increase it a distance now between himself and Jay Crouch extending battle for third will be an interesting one Ben Fowler Bailey M Ben Fowler now [Applause] ahead Peter Ellis leaving the arena as well what don’t want to put it out there is Ricky Gard going to actually lap some of these competitors I think if he keeps this up he definitely will [Music] bile o’ Brien into fourth [Applause] position but it is a on horse race the first and only event for the individuals today day one of competition at the Tan Pro official Oceania semi-final final across it semi-final season Winfree training shoes for your affiliate with go Ruck entered to win 5 fre pairs of rough Runners visit CrossFit Gard at the turnaround points J awesome work mate lead from Ricky Gard is that little bit of a nod or is that a little bit okay that’s where you are type scenario look he went out of this Arena at a little bit of a slower Pace than he looked in his first two rounds but that vision of him now coming back it looks like he’s picked it up again it’s spit time to look out for this time 12 minutes from oldis opix from the European semi-final the French Throwdown last week again almost doing a full 180 and running backwards to even against CJ Jay crouch in second position and I love the Lull in the crowd here at Pat Raa just waiting ever so patiently the leetes to return going to see something similar coming up team competition the third and final event for the teams today coming up straight after this Ricky garard [Applause] enters I don’t know why he would even bother looking back because there would be no one even close to be coming down that decline so that split time from aler superni well and truly gone but it is not going to bother Ricky Gard in the slightest all he’d have to do is sit there and go I’m just going to pace and I’m going to beat Jay and everything’s okay two time Tan Pro winner who’s about to come back into the arena closely followed by Bailey Martin followed by Bailey O’Brien [Applause] Ricky’s just got to stay smooth now make sure all these reps count and he doesn’t start getting any no [Applause] reps Jay also at a really good Pace Jay knows that you don’t have to win a vents to win the title Ricky just getting callback making sure his feet were inside the arena before he left thumbs up to the crowd as he goes past and he’ll be happy to look back and see the athletes on the floor still lifting the barbells well it’s as the women said they really didn’t know where each other were until that third or fourth round so now Ricky would have a really good idea of how far ahead he is Ricky heading back out the battle for the other positions J C Bailey Martin Pete Ellis Ben F Zane Shel hey Rob Forte’s got the barbell in his [Applause] hands Jay dispenses with the [Applause] shirt and Ricky is way out in front of anybody else now point of competition you are this far ahead of everybody we’re going to probably look at Ricky finishing in about the next 8 to n minutes do you throttle back a little I think he wants to stamp his name on it J J I don’t think he’s going to pull back at all but as a competitor is that something you think about on the Fly I think competition is competition and majority of these athletes are competition minded which means they’re going out there and if they’re winning and they’re ahead they’re going to want to just keep getting further and further ahead they’re not going to want to close that Gap and only just win by a little bit they want to win by a lot or they may be looking at finishing faster increased recovery time for tomorrow the individuals don’t have another event today so they get to go home and relax and recover after this big event which they haven’t gotten to do previously J Crouch trying to track down our leader Ricky Gard who is absolutely dominating this field and this event only thing he’s not dominating is the event record a massive lead now from Ricky is really going for it I don’t think we’re going to see 20 minutes must feel good coming back you’re about the 700 M Mark you got 100 to go and people have got 600 to go I guess he’s going to lose that sense of urgency he’s still going to move fast and work hard but he doesn’t doesn’t have to be as urgent about it because he knows he has a lot of space between him and Jay if you look at the previous heat time wasn’t super fast so he can afford if he wanted to to slow things down a little and we’ll find out when he gets back in here and Beller I think he’s about to run past you again and come into the arena I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this at the Toran Pro ever you normally don’t see this kind of lead especially on day one for a competition a lot of times you see things a little bit closer or if a a lifting event you’re going to see something a little bit bigger if they’re stronger but Ricky is putting on a show I tell you what I can’t wait to talk to him and seeing if he’s trying to Dethrone King Crouch it’s been a while Jay Crouch your two time winner Ricky about to finish off round number four here has got one rounde to go but are we expecting an increased lead or do you think he’s going to ease off the throttle I think what we’ve seen in the last Pats is once they get to that final round they’re going to go touch and go and I tell you what the energy and hatat rafter when Ricky gets to the final barbell and he has five reps left it will be Electric in here and it’s only day one Ricky still looking around for someone to join him with a barell and there’s no one coming he’s still looking and no Ricky no one’s coming yet you are that far ahead Ricky Gard has absolutely smashed this and has left for his last run before Jake crouches even got back into the arena the current Prince of the Pacific Jay [Applause] Crouch I think we’ll be happy to leave Ricky where he is and just ensure that he stays ahead of Bailey Mar [Applause] and will these three be happy knowing that they’re going top three was Jay Crouch and Bailey Martin are the only two athletes in there on the barbells at the moment and it is a bit of daylight between third and fourth we throw it back to the open announcement for week three of 24.3 no one picks Jay crash for the online poll he was at about 13% or something silly came out wiped the floor with it off we go but down here in the Oceania we know what he’s capable of barbell cycling is his Jem and Jay Crouch done all trying to chase down Ricky Gard Jay finished with a three rep lead ahead of Bailey Martin now Zack Thomas starting to move into contention ahead of Ben Fowler Pete Ellis is in there as well Ricky’s 2 minutes faster than Jack Monahan’s time so there is going to be Gard first daylight second Peter Ellis heading out now Ricky now little bit of time give a thumbs up to some Spectators along the Run course it looks like Pete Ellis is in fourth position and he is hurting but he is moving Zack Thomas now leaving the arena at the bottom of screen ahead of Ben Fowler Rob Forte coming in now [Applause] everything so labored as we hit 20 minutes still 10 minutes on our cap Ricky will be done shortly old the subn hats off to you buddy 2020 to take that out that’s crazy Ricky still probably got 2 and a half minutes left of this but Alis must have absolutely sprinted Those runs O’Brien now in a little bit of a hurt locker As mevy Leaves the arena zann saying something to Ricky on the way past there’s a group of five athletes just coming past Ricky Gard now Rob Forte included in that Ben Fowler in there as well the position starting to jostle up Matty St mentioned it on the interview wasn’t until later things started to really jumble up and people knew where they were I think as well mentally when they’re on that last run if you’ve got a bit left use it and just push use it is what Ricky Gard is about to do 10 reps remaining and he will be done before anyone else steps foot in the arena and I mentioned lapping out before he’s pulled up beside them and it’s almost like a hey welcome to competition [Music] [Applause] son Andrew sell who had some issues with his back at the Down Under championship last year seem to be hampering him nothing is hampering Ricky Gard who has now got four reps left there is no one anywhere near coming into the arena just yet Jay Crouch Bailey Martin will be the next to in come on Crow you’re a little bit too quiet for me ah touching go yes sir Ricky Gard his second career semifinal event win and he’s got time to sit down before Jay comes in he has WIP the floor with this event here comes J Crouch doing J Crouch things just chugging along and getting it done Jay didn’t need to go and Chase he just he needed to make sure the distance was between him and Bailey Martin which he has done on this last run [Music] and again Jay doesn’t need to rush Bailey Martin we don’t know where he is yet still yet to come into the arena he looks like he’s coming in now again Bailey Martin needs to put distance between him and whoever now has jumped into fourth there was that big chunk of athletes behind Bailey Martin we don’t know who’s in that yet Bailey Martin coming to the bar Jay Crouch about to finish off with the final two reps Pete Ellis is going to be next a sh healing now Pete Ellis will get to his barbell first Jake Crouch great finish two time champ Z having a look seeing exactly where Pete is and what he needs to do Rob for t h low serve welcome bailing Martin with a touch and go to finish make that three make it four let’s go Pete Ellis now trying to hold off a fast finishing Zane Shel healing no rep from Zack Thomas [Music] Ellis is [Applause] done Rob Forte pushing the barbell back to the floor saying done Rob Forte is done we’ll have to check times wow has Rob Forte g a top five a Jeremy sha Woodland asked you about Rob Forte and if you had a chance and your answer was he always has a chance oh wow Bowers Rob for and looking good finish PFI he has emptied the [Applause] tank how funny that Rob Forte is the event director for the Down Under Championship shaking hands with Zan Shel Hy who’s competed there for the last two years will Carney [Music] last one for [Applause] will solid finish for will this has been a tough old geek for some of these [Applause] athletes heang curis making his way in Toby Crouch Bailey O’Brien is now [Applause] finished now Zach Thomas having a lot of trouble on these last sets of clean and jerks copped a few no [Applause] reps Isaac Newman on the right great to see Jay Crouch heading over to younger brother zby Zack Thomas is in all sorts of trouble Curtis 2650 unofficial time [Applause] [Music] T Davis is on an absolute Touch and Go [Applause] withon Tim Davis top left black [Applause] shirt last rep for Tim Davis coming all the way from the UK from gler blueprint CrossFit great to see him out here in the Oceania region [Applause] Andrew [Applause] sell congratulations on your recent engagement as Z Thomas finishes [Applause] up there are bodies strewn all over the place zck Thomas still with three the wheels have fallen off absolutely brutal he came in in about seven and he’s just had about 12 guys overtake [Applause] him the crowd getting behind him to finish so Zach looking a bit pale Those Eyes Two reps left for Zack Thomas he wants to finish is [Applause] strong still minute and a half left last re Zack Thomas Spirit everyone behind it takes a worldwide event record last year in event one not so in event one for 2024 but Ricky Gard what a performance was Ricky gard and daylight wasn’t it wats that daylight coming in the likeness of J Crouch Bailey Martin Pete Ellis doing well Zane Shel hey but the people we expected in the male division are doing exactly what they need to do let’s head down to the competition floor with bellamont all right Pat rafter Arena let’s give it up for Ricky Gard can I get a little bit of noise for him come on event number one winner congratulations on your second semi-final event win were you expecting to run away with it like you did um I knew I could go out hard and hold on and I was hoping it would scare the boys I think I did um so my plan worked um but I missed out on a massive opportunity last year and it was my fault shouldn’t have went mountain biking and hit big jumps but that’s just me I live life to the fullest and whatever I do I go as hard as I can so I got some Redemption to make up not only for my friends and family but for myself and last year was um a big opportunity I miss so I’m going to make up for it this year I like to hear that we’ve seen you on top of the podium a lot recently and again you do a lot of things to the fullest what does your preparation look like going into this weekend um it’s been good just consistent stick to my routines train hard have fun hang out with my friends and family and yeah I just love doing what I do and this is the best part of it I’m going to cause a little bit of drama here last time I saw you you weren’t on top of the podium are you looking to Dethrone King Crouch this weekend and be number one in Oceania going into the games yeah I think it’s pretty obvious that that’s that’s the goal um come to ruin his three pet and we’re off a good start so let’s see how the rest of the weekend goes thanks Ricky we have got going on here at that R Arena talking about throwing it down wow what are we going to look forward to for the next two days of individual competition but it was the Ricky garage show St to finish oh that it was and as he said he’s out here to Dethrone that man right there Jay Crouch who was after his three Peak but Ricky G look we we know his engine capacity and we knew that if he went out blistering he could hold it and he just did that he lived up to it but tell you what Jay Crouch and Bailey Martin also living up to their names in that second and third position in event one and so much more in the tank as he said with Bella it is all on to try and Dethrone the two-time current champion Jake Crouch and these top three we’ve seen the top three come through J looked really comfortable with more in the tank Bailey probably had a bit more as well individuals are done for the day one event let’s tick the box and move on event number three for the teams coming to you shortly so don’t go anywhere we’ll be back here at Pat raft arena for day one of the Tan Pro the official semifinal of cross it for the Oceania region see you shortly e [Applause] [Applause] y e op [Music] e e e GL want e like for [Music] [Music] GL e know e e [Music] [Music] also welcome to good good ass is a good [Music] spirit for [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome we’re now going to show you something that’s very special to us now and that’s how we like fire with two pieces of wood the first stick we have is our top stick which we call D in the second stick we have is our bottom stick which we call topin you see toin is C with a hole and a Groove down the side which allows for us when we rub these two pieces of wood together the wood will form a coal the coal will drop out to our dry grass we go bingel and we’ll get down to our last song ofwe which means pay and respect to Mother Earth for we as our oral people believe that we don’t own the land the land owns us we’re here to look after and maintain it as best weekend this is too the lighting of the [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen that brings us to our last of Dan Mother Earth y oh [Music] we like to say you’ve been a wonderful audience and we hope you enjoy the rest of your afternoon night thank you and welcome everyone ladies and gentlemen [Applause] experien hello everybody and welcome back to Pat rafter Arena what an absolute rip snorter of a day we have had so far the official semi-final of the Oceania region for CrossFit Jeremy Austin pit Malone and Bella Martin with you some great stuff as we’d expect from day one of competition and pip when I spoke to you earlier about if you would expect anything better from a day one of competition like it just keeps delivering year on year on year oh it always exceeds expectations here at the toram pr today has definitely not been an exception to that it’s been absolutely unreal I just even the crowd Vibe some of the performance we’ve seen we’ve seen some event event records fall we’ve just seen it all we’ve just seen Ricky Gard come out and wipe the floor not just with the event but with the competition as well something we haven’t seen in a long time here at Toran Pro oh look Ricky gard it’s been a long time coming for him but no surprises at all it was him and daylight and then to be him and daylight and then an athlete like Jay CR just shows how dominating that performance was from Ricky Gard look out world but the women have been dominating as well and we’ll have a look at some results and some highlights from them as well one young lady and I’m going to call her a young lady Maddie stur who really needed to push a boundary today and I think she found just the right spot oh look MD St is looking absolutely better than ever laser focus she was our pick to take this event win and I’m sure that she really mentally needed that Booth coming into the weekend she’s missed out on the games the last 3 years after being four times can she go back a fifth time with the Oceania Crown oh we hope so Michelle Hayes was excellent as well Grace Walton she’s been thereabouts for the last couple of years and she’s been fixing those little holes in her game as she’s been going along so well and I she he’s just on the curp of greatness we’re about to see it Matty stur Michelle Hayes Grace Walton your top three after one and only event of the day today kyy Adams who did extremely well sending it early and hanging on Caitlyn benzil wrapping up fifth position but those athletes we speak about Daniel Ford Daisy McDonald they are in there they’re in there with a chance and those athletes that come in we know there’s a bit of gymnastics coming up are they going to benefit from a good performance today when it matters tomorrow now second page of standings and Jemma hul I expected her to go a little bit higher than that man Gilmore was a surprise packet coming in as our last backfield qualifier she had a great event as did a rejuvenated Simone Arthur as well Simone after going to the fire brigade in the offseason and then making that a career and then making CrossFit a priority once again I think it’s amazing to her to come back oh and we’ve seen it over and over again and we’re going to keep seeing it all weekend we have 15 athletes that were here in 2014 and we’re going to keep saying it because it’s just an unreal startat and coming from someone who was here in 2014 like it’s crazy and I’ve got fomo well that was my first year broadcasting was 2014 so I was talking about these athletes way back when I started and now we fast forward 10 years and here we go and the men’s division did didn’t disappoint either and as we mentioned before it was the Ricky garage show and he said in his interview to Bella he’s ready to unseat the two-time champ J Crouch but there was just so much distance between what Ricky did and then what Jay did in second place I think we got a little bit of a glimpse of a healthy Ricky Gard that we can expect to see at the games obviously he’s got a first but he is well on his [Applause] way Jak Crouch just yep that’s 50 reps that’s 4K tick yep what’s next I just love the fact that these athletes have got so much more to give us and some athletes we’ve seen on the floor we’ve had to scrape off the floor well the immense competition has been amazing and more on that let’s head down to Bella Martin I tell you what day one of competition has been drama to say the least I love watching Ricky run away with it I love kind of starting a little bit of a battle between him and Jay going into the competition weekend they’re the top two that we’re looking at to be on the podium getting the games I’m looking to see who’s going to fit in that third and fourth spot for the men though some were saying Zach Thomas might be that Dark Horse we fell apart a little bit but hopefully we’ll see him back tomorrow healthy and better than ever rookie what are we looking at for later today oh we’ve got some teams coming up but I’m you mentioned the third and fourth position I am so excited Zan Shel Hy did what he needed to do in that previous event Pete Ellis is in there as well Bailey Martin is there I’m so excited to see what happens at the end of Sunday no I am too and I’m excited to see what happens with the teams here this is their third event of the day oh my goodness they must be tired I’m tired watching them but heck all I got to do is talk about him hey they get a break on Sunday they’ll be fine but a great start and taking a Le out of KH Porter’s book and James yry for that matter on the Echo Bike Mayhem Thunder didn’t they Rock the stadium and yes let’s go torian Mayhem the lifting big royy 150 kilos Adrian gei from exf matching that event record 1,055 Moses jonno hanging on to it we love it and our team standing up to two events Mayhem thunder only a fourpoint lead exf andoran Mayhem chocolate box star rink they refuse to go away and our side pouring their way back slowly Heat number one this is the third and final event of the day for the teams that probably going thank goodness for that it’s been a rough all day but we have got something similar to the individuals five rounds of 800 me running but 15 worm thrusters it’s potentially worse a I I don’t think it’s potentially worse I think it is worse for these team athletes 30 minutes on our time cap and for those just tuning in CrossFit SN unfortunately have had to withdraw Tim Fowler with a knee injury in warm up but our gock steps to success run pace is a team effort and unbroken thrusters you mentioned running as a team effort it’s going to be very difficult to pick up that worm with less than four individuals all exactly and there is absolutely nothing to gain by having one of your Runners get out well ahead when you might have one of your slower Runners stuck behind so important to make sure that they’re all on the same board with what pace we’re going to move and maybe those faster athletes pushing along their slower athletes just that little bit now were you surprised just to see Halal and Roxy there giggling like little school girls because they are little school [Applause] girls Kieran power bringing his on body team back to competition tourists the pump and dump didn’t they bring it in event number one cut over it Go CrossFit creates our final team for your official results heads to underway for our third and final event of the day this is hit number one and 20 second start between the first and second pair minimize the amount of bodies running in and out of Pat rafter Arena hands must stay on the worm now strategy do you send your slowest Runners first in knowing that your back Runners are going to catch them look it might be a little controversial but I say put one of your stronger Runners with a slower Runner to push them along [Music] and when you say push them along do you mean actually getting behind them and physically pushing I think we will see that yes nice and I think as we saw with the individual event it’s very very hard for the athletes to know where the other athletes are and at least with the teams they’re going to be able to see where the other teams are because that worm is going to move down the competition floor hump and dump probably the best name we’ve had here at the Tan Pro so far no surprise to come from 64 Army if you’re in that first pack of Runners as well do you go out at a pace and come back and recover or do you Pace on the Run knowing you’ve got a little bit more in the tank when you get back and your teammates are all together see lots of different strategies come into play here but definitely the runners at the back are drawing the short STW because they got to come straight in and do 15 wor thrusters team athletes will be knowing full well what the individuals have just gone through but the change in temperature has been absolutely crazy I reckon there’s probably been a 10 to 15 Celsius degree change in probably the last two hours has got a bit chilly and if you’re not familiar with Pat raft Arena it does have a roof but it is open so it does get chilly it does get sunny and we do get some rain in here we got rain two years ago we had the umbrellas up it was coming in out of raider knots L Foster K McKenzie partner in crime Partners in Fitness as well and they are leading this massive pack a create they’re all caught up together running as a four as our iron body Pace seems to be a lot slower than what Ricky gar just put out I think everyone’s pace is slower than Ricky garage I don’t think anyone wants to go that pace absolutely crazy kind of Lage there at the back I’m across a create team a create at the front of this pack with all four team members together Sun starting to go down things getting a little bit dark here at Pat rafter we have four Heats of our team competition to go today and down on that run course Bella Martin what is happening down there tell you what all of our teams are about to round the final corner on their way back inside to that Worm for their first round of the worm cleaning DRS and you were asking earlier if you’re going to see any of these teammates pushing each other along looks like a decent amount of distance between the two but it’s only round number one we’ve got a lot of time left to go couple little waves from the athletes back at home to their friends and family we’ll see who gets onto the worm and back out here in just a couple seconds possibly create the first team with all four team members straight to the worm and they will get to work interesting strategy [Music] you would expect the entire team to go through these 15 reps unbroken you would expect it that worm’s 165 kilos that’s 365 lb so putting it down picking it up again getting it into position takes a lot more effort than just getting those reps done it’s early days though Jeremy and the individuals had to clean and jerks these teams have got to squat and do all that running we’re going to see how that plays to their leg fatigue in the next couple of rounds cross create no surprise to see them currently in the lead pump and dump right on their heels on body into third Taurus in fourth and movile star strength wild cards let’s head down to Bella down here in the tunnel now that round one’s done all the teams are running as that for some back out onto that 800 meter course you see him CrossFit create is in the lead followed by plus 64 pump and dump I would say one of our more favorite names of the weekend they had a great performance in event number one and two we’ll see what they’re doing here in three think similarly to the individuals we’re not going to see much separation until that round three and four I think programming Adrian Bosman would have got together with his team I’m sure Dave Castro would have jumped in there as well well why don’t we throw some thrusters in but fatigue on the legs is going to be massive run courses throughout all of the semi-finals are different and the leak fatigue coming in this one massive win free training shoes for your affiliate with go rock enter to win 50 free pairs of rough Runners visit goor CrossFit pump and dump look like they have jumped CrossFit create into the lead KY still happy as a camper toak happy as well but this pace a lot slower than I was expecting well those squats really have to come into play and I think we’re going to see that round four round five just how hard it is to do four km of running and all of those worm thrusters and fifth athlete joining pump and dump looks like it might even be ran Martin looks like he’s about to take the lead look at my eyesight spot on ran Martin out in front so not exactly sure why he’s going ahead of his other three team members maybe just to give them a little bit of a hustle on without actually saying don’t say turn around to your wife and go can you hurry up ever but it might just be a gentle nudge to go right team come on we need to pick up the pace a little bit there really isn’t anything to gain from getting out so far ahead of your teammates is on that worm it is a team effort kiwis are plenty at the front of heat number one plus 64 pump and dump taus [Applause] RI Martin pulling way ahead second pack you see leeart Williamson and Kristen Palmer F new zealanders about to enter Pat rafter Arena first that little ramp down into the arena has got to feel nice on the [Applause] legs reeks has been signed up every single comp why why flees and it looks like his tactic might have worked all through three teammates followed suit and join him he didn’t get too far [Music] ahead pump and dump making easy work of those thrusters so maybe their plan just to Pace the runs a little bit more go to work here 15 fast reps move the worm down which they are doing right now and they’ll be out well before Taurus that lead that ran Martin had has now been negated massively smart strategy moving that worm first while you’ve still got it there CrossFit taus and iron body CrossFit will join pump and dump on the Run pump and dump heading out so Louis Foster kler McKenzie they’ve actually got an Australian exmilitary truck that they’re doing up as like a camper van and they’re going to do a little bit of travel around Australia New Zealand which I think is pretty cool andac Spirit that’s where we’re at wal cards by are done and have to head out on their run bottom of screen you can just make them out as they run past Aiden saki I’ve not seen a more relaxed running style in my life it feels as though the pace is just sort of up a little bit maybe the first two are sort of let’s feel out what this actually is going to do to our bodies BR Martin again got that lead so Vargas for create with the shirt off now but as we said with the individuals on an aerobic workout like this it really really gets to a point of pain and then it doesn’t get much worse it just stays like that but with the worm it’s not so much individuals failing the Thruster movement it’s the team cohesiveness falling apart under fatigue how do you know when your hurt within an event like this has reached its peak cuz you’re out there saying it hurts and gets to a level how do you know when you’ve got to that level and not go over it I think when you’re struggling to meet the movement standard is when you have probably pushed it that bit too far as we saw with the clean and jerks of the individuals especially with the men with that weight they really started to struggle around that round four and five where they were getting no reps and I think we will see the same thing with some of the teams round round four and five when it starts to fall apart a bit on the worm trying to make sure that every single rep counts and you’re not getting sloppy under fatigue he toak the diver spends more time in the water than on the land gives Foster KY McKenzie making up the team plus 64 pump and dump and what an event one they did have to kick things off for day one of the Tan Pro 14 minutes down Aiden just checking his wash more than half to go rby Foster still with the best hairo in the Oceania region actually I think Rob Forte might have something to say about [Music] that pump and dump have really separated themselves from the pack of second third and fourth position yeah they’ve got about a 50 m lead which is probably going to be enough they’re probably going to be moving their worm on once they get back as teams are starting to come back in Regan Martin from Taurus well out in front of his other three teammates you work within a fall like this you’re obviously working to your slowest runner weakness so you got to find that happy medium and that happy [Applause] Pace that’s right at the end of the day it is a team competition I think for your slower Runners and athletes that don’t particularly like running this is really hard for them because they have to pick up the pace toak at the fronts AS Plus 64 pump and dump get underway Bella Martin thinks starting to get a little bit grueling out there on the course oh it’s looking awful out here on the course teams are starting to fall apart but I’ll tell you what they’ve got some time left to collect themselves but it’s going to be tough for any of these teams to catch up to pump and [Applause] dump B what are we seeing out on the course in relation to weather feels as though there’s more of a breeze hanging around it has got ridiculously cold inside the arena so I’m not sure what’s happening outside well I put my jumper back on to walk out out outside but I’ll tell you what the sky is looking a little bit clearer than it did back when we were out here for the individual scores but it is definitely a bit Breezy and chilly I think that’s going to play to the team’s Advantage though it’ll cool them off a little bit so they don’t overheat on these runs we saw what happened Zach Thomas we don’t want to see that happen any of these teams here speaking of overheating are we going to see these times these split times start to heat up a little as we progress through these four Heats oh I Absol absolutely think so we saw it happen with event number one Heat number one and then heat number two and three and four we get faster and faster and the competition gets fiercer and fiercer especially since today is three events it’s the heavy lifting day for the teams and I’m looking here on the course again rookie pump and dump already on their way back out we’re just 17 minutes in this team is all by themselves pump and dump out in first Iron body moving into second now and we’ve got a bit of a mixture of Taurus and creates third and fourth they’ve in a massive group of eight athletes and our CrossFit monovale star strength wildcard team with two girls in the team that you are going to hear a lot more of Marley binding and Roxy George two absolute babies of the Oceania region Jake lacky also Franchesco Parco chesco on the other side of 30 which is the place to be apparently fun the fun side of 30 absolutely it’s the best place to be big gap back from pump and dump back to that main group look at it now this is where we’re going to see this main group separate I think they someone has to make a move here otherwise they’re going to be battling it out on those last reps on the last round who’s going to make the decision to drop the hammer his game I’ll leave this one at your Fe if you’re in the world cards team and your Captain’s Franchesco lakco and he’s got a black belt in Judo I can tell you you’re also going to be other three franchesco’s making that decision bump dump doing it very easily keep in mind another three Heats to come might be great to win your heat got to make sure those heat times are fast [Music] create Taurus things getting pretty taxing you know why KLA McKenzie’s got so much energy National world champion in competitive cheerleading two years got have some energy to do that no surpris who the cheerleader for the team is she is a bundle of energy leading her team pump and dump on the way back to Pat rafter Arena again as we saw with the individuals is a lull in Pat rafter Arena right now waiting for the athletes to come back in right to left toak Louis Foster Gibbs and Carla McKenzie wonder if they’ve got a look out if someone’s there actually trying to Pace the turnaround and go okay where are they at or they just getting to the turnaround point and seeing where the other teams are hey we got this much space we’ got that much space that seems to be the point where we’re seeing all the athletes look back so you must be able to get a good view of who’s behind you on that turn there Kieran power on the right Christy bar both for iron body ran Martin for Taurus Jordan Bailey Bri Johnson for iron body as well so they’ll be your next team in Iron body jumping ahead of where tourist currently are I’m not seeing a whole lot of breakdown or a whole lot of fatigue from any of the team members yet they’re doing a really good job at keeping that pace steady they CED a no rep on their first Thruster in the last round just not getting all the team members below parallel now is a time when no reps are going to be crucial on that fatigue of the legs K power used to seeing him on the individual floor he’s having a good time Jord Bailey the electrician Bri Johnson cominging in as well Brie Johnson fell into CrossFit how do you fall into CrossFit you get sucked in and spat out toak says we’re going on one way and that is forwards pump and dump they are about to start their next progression and that is out the door of Pat rafter Arena and on the 800 met Run course for the final time over 22 minutes they should have enough time to get back and get everything done and over that finish line under that 30-minute time count the other teams are under pressure If iron body can keep these last couple of reps clean which they didn’t they just got a no rep I spoke too soon they got to get out the door first that’s going to allow for8 to now jump ahead and it looks like it’s going to be a very tight race inside but create look as though they are going to jump ahead of iron body so we could have a new team in second position Taurus now have finished up as the wild cards come back [Applause] in plus 64 pump and dump see what’s happening out on the competition floor bellam Martin we’re down here here on the floor I’m looking as create is running out the door followed by Iron body tell you what we thought it was going to come down to that final round and it’s going to but it’s not going to come down to the final round for the leaders pump and dump are so far ahead of the rest of the pack if they can just walk their way back down for the last 800 they’ll take another Heat [Applause] win that Tores seem to have dropped back a little bit after that fourth round is there any sort of strategy that could see down there Beller on whether or not ran Martin was jumping ahead of the rest of the team you know some of the teams especially Regan’s team they’re getting a little bit further ahead as the rounds have gone on the packs are getting a little bit more distanced so you’re seeing that where the faster Runners are taking off and they’re going ahead with it but if the team as a whole is struggling they’re sticking together and they’re pushing each other along that 800 met course talk about pushing we’re seeing it inside franchesco’s in Pat RAF Arena pushing Roxy George along the floor saying come on come on you youngster try and keep up great shots of the surrounds of Pat ra Arena first time we were here 2019 for the pandemic hits and progression the growth of the tan pro has definitely exceeded expectation mentioned the start pip the growth of athletes as well we go from 30 to 40 in the individual comp 20 to 30 in the teams that opens up a absolute can of worms and they cross it go oh strength the field you’ve now got four spots for Indies and still three for your teams so we got opportunity for more people to Showcase their talent on the world stage August Dicky Arena Fort Worth Texas and there is so much talent down here in the Oceania region I think it was a welld deserved extra spot and even just having those extra 10 spots for individuals and teams out on the floor it opens it up for those teams that are always on the bubble that think you know maybe next year will make it in well this year they got a [Applause] spot at a very sad site next to us right now is Tim Fowler up on crutches from Crossfit selwin they would have been in this heat and unfortunately Crossfit San withdrawing from competition after just that one event that is just so disappointing so BR brutal for a crew like seln as well they’re here every year they’re just such a great crew they’re always sitting up next to us next to the broadcast desk that is a great crew Linda’s buying us coffee and looking after us Aid towy he’s taken over from Kyler as Chief cheerleader of the team well then now we exactly what position they’re in they need to come to on the worm there is no question about what any of the team are doing no rep again so a little bit of depth a couple of no reps stting to creep in now with that leg heaviness way you don’t want to be doing any more than 17 worms thrusters those extra reps are going to hurt but they’re on their last [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 64 Army pump and dump for the second time today in their Heats they have taken the spoils KY she’s got nothing left in the tank a little [Applause] cheerleader as put it all to use today [Applause] PR they have really made a move in this final round Jo J at the front and can they do 15 reps without getting a no rep and stay ahead CL in that second position Seb in third Jenner in fourth your iron body team coming strong but create all finished up strong finish just over a minute to go on that time cap iron body they are [Applause] done and Taurus now they are under pressure wild cards won’t get finished [Applause] taus ran Martin at the front [Music] behind Travis Kirsten tourus team here last year almost staple here at the Tor Pro the last 30 seconds now great work from Taurus I thought they were gone they better move now 20 seconds remaining that’s the wild cards from monal crossfits come back in and [Applause] Taurus they are going to run out of time tell you what though those wild cards did well on their last run they were a fair bit behind they made have some time for the youngsters I don’t think they wanted to Franchesco Roxy Jake the Crosset motal star strength wild cards the pump and dump the team they are going great guns two Heat wins today can’t really ask much more of that can you pump and dump took their e easy early lead and stayed there through out once they got on to that second round it was just daylight between them and second third and fourth then the fight between Taurus iron body CrossFit and create it was CrossFit create that took this second position but pump and dump what a dominant day they have had in this heat two Heat wins they got to be happy with [Applause] that just love the way they finished as well couple of no reps but unfaced made it we made it yes you did and you made it first in your [Music] heat pump and dump they have some real surprise packets what are we going to see on day two of competition teams must be absolutely stoked from heat one they’ve done a lot of work today Jeremy the teams only two events tomorrow [Music] some individuals going back to team competition team competitors coming at individual competition some older competitors coming back after 10 years we’ve seen it all first day of the Tan Pro great showing from a kiwi there’s been plenty of them com [Applause] number welcome to the floor heat number two day one of the toan pro from Pat rafter [Applause] [Music] arena games Oceania semi-final presented by tww the home of training third grueling test for the teams today one of the biggest days we’ve ever seen of competition for the team competition five rounds for time 800 M for your team run 15 worm thrusters with a 30 minute time Cap all by one team and Heat number one getting that finished now go up steps to success run Pace as a team effort and unbroken thrusters and I think we saw the last Heat of teams do just that everyone went unbroken there were a few no reps towards those last couple of rounds when fatigue set in but all the teams were running together as a team pushing each other along our lane assignments for our second of four Heats for our final event of the day and no doubt we are going to see some teams like schwarz’s and E Tamaki who have been playing with the Worm for about 10 years now really go to task concept CrossFit had a little bit of trouble in event number one with the worm earlier on no doubt they would have gone away little bit of discussion no doubt our open air Arena here just west of the CBD in [Applause] Brisbane laen Sher waving to the crowd don’t know who’s up there but athletes happy at the moment that is about to change [Applause] and Sammy I don’t know if that was a smile or a Grimace as she left on the [Applause] Run James Keane running with kin tushka let’s just call them Jimbo and tush just make things easy we do love our nicknames down here and N CS in the bright green or yellow Schwarz ni s from to9 up the front as well two boys from schwarz’s in the bright green you can see them moving through the pack fairly rapidly talk about big athletes Elliot Alex I don’t you’ll get much bigger as we jump on exf 2 with Alex Matias bottom of the screen now Schwarz is with all four team members at the front pack of heat number two more on that let’s go down to Bella Mar we are down here on the course and I tell you what the weather has changed all day and it’s dark outside now these athletes at least in Heat number four are going to be running in the dark into the nighttime I’m looking to see who that first team is going to be coming in from that first 800 meter run shorts one of those top teams in that weight liting event we’ve already seen they’re strong but are they fast we’re going to find out rookie B the most successful affiliate team so far in the Oceania region for semi-finals and regionals is schwarz’s cross hit mour Ben Schwarz one the original affiliate owners it was third or fourth on the list for our region and and still going strong and Benji his standards are very high and that will not change poppy you can hear in the background talking to her other three teammates explaining exactly what’s going to be happening once they start the descent into Pat raft Arena B are we talking about having to use torches or we going to light this car park up what are we going to do well you know we have some lights from our production truck but if you want to bring purchase it is Brisbane we are in Australia we love fire out here we might as well let’s Light It Up comfortable for schwarzes cross it Melbourne they’re going to be the first team running fast is one thing but ensuring your team stays together that’s probably the most important thing that’s right you can’t move a worm by [Applause] yourself schar is dispensing with the shirts all four team members are going to be on that worm first Alex at the front far right hand side 6’3 [Music] de all four team members got to be below parallel see when that fatigue starts to kick in that’s when the no reps happen the last Heat struggling with that depth a little bit in those last couple of [Applause] rounds Alex matura top of the screen making sure he’s going to collect his three other teammates on the way through another of our kiwis and a makona coffee expert to boot wonder how many cofes he’s had today heast Tamaki for our next team out the door so Poppy and Elliot leading the charge for schwarz’s Alex Nikki at the back again the pice not really sitting the world on fire are we there’s absolutely no need to Sprint these 800 met runs on this event especially when you have to get all four team members back to that worm to be able to progress I think as we saw with pump and dump in the last Heat just going out with a smooth and steady pace and keeping it that way throughout is the way to go we’ll see if schwarzes can do the same thing it’s all four team members there too at the Tan Pro it’s funny poppy who’s leading the charge for schwarzes right now her least favorite movement thrusters I’m with you at least she gets to do them with three other people though a little bit more fun no apologies it is her favorite movement so no wonder they’re doing so well former lonon high jump Champion leston for those tuning in from around the world place at the top of Tasmania little Breakaway Island Australia’s Got way down south Tamaki great to see Callum gford back into competition once again one of those Elite 15 spoken about all day but are back after 10 years still got some tricks up their sleeve we saw Luke mcmah do extremely well for the individual competition I think when you think about how much it has changed over that last 10 years the fact that there are athletes out here and a whole bunch of them that are still kicking it with the youngsters with all the changes it’s really unbelievable to Callum just pulling up long side Tom Bosley at the front bottom of the screen back to Gabby Nappa back to Jemma Ellis his [Music] partner poppy look like she’s just out for a sun they stroll L it she’s definitely enjoying herself out [Music] there sounds like the local Wildlife has found one of the mics out they’ got a cheer squat out there as well schwarzes with Al Alex and Nikki this at the back of that pack of four that distance back to the east Tamaki Renegades and I don’t know if you just saw it Tom Bosley for East Tamaki Renegade just turning around trying to get his team moving a little bit quicker cuz they have made up a bit of ground on schwarzes still having a good time let go honestly we love to see it I don’t know how they’re doing it flat stick just [Applause] running that’s good she loves thrusters that’s why she just can’t wait to get back in here Alex again taking point at the front of the worm Micki second Elliot third Poppy the back end from Bosley now Callum gford Gabby Napa and height difference between team members is going to be a massive deal East Tamaki dealing with that right now with JMA Ellis Gabby Nappa Jemma probably sitting around 53 54 does affect that worm Jeremy we we saw schwarzes just now progressing ahead they’re all very similar height to schwarzes athletes so that worm in sections is different weights there 100 lb sections and 70 lb sections if you’ve got big discrepancies in your athletes Heights it’s going to make a massive difference with it bending in the middle which makes it feel a lot heavier again the two mini packs for schwarz’s G let poppy out in front Alex and Nikki at the back Gabby Nappa now leading the East Tamaki Renegades a based affiliate still only 11 minutes in three events today for our teams two events tomorrow then they can let their hair down first time we haven’t seen any team competition on the final day here at the torum pro good for the teams probably we were talking to a few of the team’s athletes yesterday and from what I heard they were all really stoked that they get to watch the individuals on Sunday and sit back and enjoy the show that’s if they don’t enjoy Saturday night a bit too much schwarz’s cross it Melbourne level pegging currently with our heat One winners plus 64 pump and dump times very comparable yeah it’s normally pretty good down Poppy and Elliot starting their Trek up the second incline deceptively hard this run bottom of the screen you can see Poppy you can see him moving a torso tilting down a little What a Feeling out on the floor Bella schars cross it noelan your team coming back and we saw some athletes being pushed up that little incline you can hear the supporters out on that run course come on push come on push we’re seeing a bit more separation than we did in the the last Heat that second third and fourth positions stretching out on the Run B I mentioned before things getting a little bit darker there you contrast from only about an hour ago it’s a lot brighter great images of not just the Tan Pro but the surrounds what the athletes are currently going through second heat of four only two and a half Heats to go we hit the halfway point five rounds of an 800 me run and 15 worm thrusters and win free train training shoes for your affiliate with gock entered to win 50 free pairs of rough Runners visit CrossFit she changes her entrance up every time she’s still happy though she’s consist oh she’s over the moon he’s Tamaki only about 30 m behind now and slowly [Music] catching this is where their work on the worm really starts to count from round three making sure we’re only doing 15 reps not having to do extras now Callum gford The Whiz grabbing the white belt so that little bit of fatigue through that lower back well that worm you can see from it the side view it does push the athletes forward a little more in that squat position especially the taller athletes puts a lot of pressure on that lower back after this amount of reps sches cross Melbourne your leaders in hitu will move [Applause] on three done the last two rounds coming up and more smiles from poppy ha as she leads her team outside Pat rafter Arena once again he Tamaki not too far behind again again Gabby Nappa the youngster of the team good Ami can close that Gap a little more and make sure they’re within Striking Distance if schwarzes make any mistakes when they come back in on that worm they could overtake them oh the wi from Gabby Nappa things starting to hurt a little you’re only young you’ve got a lifetime of hurt coming something to look forward [Applause] to 168 heading out as well Pedro deala Mari Z far straight up Andrea Dr Costco a p come on we got this I’m going to say we’ve got this you’ve got this the pumper dump now 20 seconds ahead of where Schwarz currently are kind of East Tamaki put a dent in into that lead bottom of the screen just at the turn you see Poppy hay leading her team once again arms up the hill balfi joining her on the trick up was yelling back arms up the hill use those arms don’t just tuck them under your armpits Alex and Nikki at the back and here come the East Tamaki Renegades as a four and that’s going to be tough for Alex and Nikki at the back to see an entire team of four run past how are they going to respond Tom Bosley it’s the first athlete through Callum gford G Napp now moving to the back and J morellis black ponytail swishing back and forth Poppy and Elliot runs haven’t been too bad they both look very comfortable up ahead poppy shouting back encouragement to her teammates the Tamaki have stayed together as a group of four that’s going to pay off when they get to the worm because they’ll be a to move it straight away poppy still barking orders from the front come on let’s go let’s go Nick come on faster go there’s nothing like being told to go faster on your fourth 800 met run you s one to go clay courts lit up here at Pat rafter I’m excited to see what sort of times and speed we are going to get from our third and fourth Heats it’s the progression as we’ve seen over the course of the day but faster and faster these two have got faster as well popping Elliot from schwarz’s Cross hit Melbourne oh Alex and Nikki have done remarkably well they have hung in there Wow way to respond [Applause] Tom Callum Gemma [Applause] Gabby now interesting dilemma Schwarz is taking a little bit of extra time well they’ll probably be about five rips ahead by the time East Tamaki on the left start to move their worm I like the speed of Tamaki they’re going at Double rates Tamaki moving fast they’ve just CED a no rep though so they’re going to have to do an extra one oh finishing up schwers Final Round for schwarz’s CrossFit Melbourne and Saki oh brucial oh that was their chance to get ahead now they’re going to have to work even [Applause] harder not one team member out of the East haki team willing to take the lead put that hammer down Callum gford does that now Schwarz is with those cleaner reps just kept them ahead tomaki have got a move on this last run [Applause] [Applause] athletes inside forgetting which way they’re running and what they’re doing to teue really starting to take over [Music] now on 68 Alexander heading back out again go moving well as a four 1618 Pedro Mari farria are they on drone right now yeah I think so CH hit a be kir really battling with that height issue we’ve spoken about it before they’ve got like a worm that’s doing a worm steady around from schwarz’s CrossFit noin on round number four your arm your arms still behind your winners of heat number one cross hit pump and dump the 64 Army and I don’t think you could get a better picture than what we are seeing right now that is an evening in Brisbane if I haven’t seen one amazing sunset here day one of the Tan Pro oh the pictures we have got over the course of the day are absolutely amazing the team outside are working their little butts off to bring them to you so I hope you’re appreciating them the Brisbane River in the background as no filter oh zero filter here and we are setting the scene of what is going to be a great three days of competition only one day left for team competition absolutely no butts about it beautiful pictures as we conclude a very very exhausting day one two more Heats to come after this one the seems they are going to sleep well tonight we get to enjoy the beautiful images of this sky but the athletes I don’t think they are enjoying the sky at all this point on this last run Bella Martin down on the floor the East Tamaki team come on are really pushing hard you’re absolutely right rookie they’re pushing hard and they’ve made up a lot of ground on that Melbourne Schwarz team I think when we see a workout like this where one team is continuing the lead and then anything happens you kind of assume that the other team is not going to figure it out but that is not Tamaki they’re coming for blood in this Fifth and Final Round going to try to play a little bit of catch up from that no rep situation in round number number four and I tell you what I think it’s going to come down to those final worm thrusters here in Pat rafter Arena between the two teams in the center of the floor it’s going to get pretty hectic down here hectic as well Bella because there’s only 2 minutes and 40 seconds left of this heat and we’ve seen a number of no reps from both teams Schwarz and East Tamaki who has got more in the tank mentally to make sure they only do 15 reps I mean that is the name of the game here can you hold on not only phys physically but mentally Schwarz coming in not far behind you see Callum gford tightening up that belt who’s going to get all four teammates to that worm first and then begin the thrusters oh it’s heating up in here he’s Tamaki are going to be that first team and they get to work straight away is Tamaki barring any no reps a no rep from Schwarz is on the right patience is the key they have been persistent over the last 28 minutes the East Tamaki team can they finish off e Tamaki they are done and what a way to strategize the third event of the day is schwarz’s finish about 5 seconds after oh what a race oh brutal for Schwarz is just losing it there in the last few reps the Tamaki wow what a comeback absolutely massive pacing was perfect 168 now hitting the floor chocolate box doing the same they are picking the worm up at the same time here come one 129 as well [Music] we have got a three horse race 168 Alexandria chocolate box and 129 all of our Sydney base teams looks like it is going to be 168 who are just ahead of the other two and they are Thruster perfectly until I tell them they’re not and 168 getting done one to n getting the jump on chocolate [Applause] box chocolate box the no ribs it’s a killer 10 seconds our time Cap all that extra volume on the legs that they did not want freezing Hots don’t get a chance to pick it up there’s 15 reps they don’t have to do Kira the same oh couples that train together and compete together they stay together Callum gford the man who does not Age The Swiss army knife wonder if he’s crushed any Souls today Jack of all traits that is for sure but it was Schwarz leading from the start Schwarz had such a great lead all the way through to round four that Tamaki just chipped away at that pace and they stuck together as a team of four on that run and just worked their way to the back of the schwarz’s pack let’s go Schwarz is bringing the Good Vibes though the whole way through that but the win went to [Applause] Tamaki lots of upset in those last couple of rounds of this [Applause] [Music] event what a great ending to to our second of four Heats time to beat from pump and dump still active a little bit slower in Heat number two but just as grueling we are halfway there we are nearly done with Team competition for today as athletes can go away and recover it’s a sunet here in Brisbane and some absolutely amazing pictures from our crew here hope you’re appreciating them as much as we’re enjoying bringing them to [Music] you for for bring that rafter arena is on fire our final two Heats coming up which will conclude day number one of an absolutely amazing day we have seen it all Jeremy Austin with you pit Malone joining me B Martin will join us a little bit later on event number three the third and final events for the teams for day one of competition five rounds for time 800 me run and 15 worm thrusters a 30 minute time cap and most of these teams have needed every single second some not able to get it done in Heat number two everyone out here having an absolute great time now gock steps to success run Pace as a team effort and unbroken thrusters we saw the winners of our last Heat East Tamaki do just that East Tamaki getting their strategy and pacing correct but such an amazing Vibe here such an amazing event big thank you to jonno and Mike our event directors jonno said this morning is two best parts of the event when you start and when you finish that’s it what about all the good stuff in between our lane assignments for Heat number three car have been the absolute surprise packets today they have done extremely well exf 2 jumping into that top 10 spot on the leaderboard but take out some heavy barbells throw in a run and throw in a revoltingly heavy worm things change up a fair bit [Applause] underway the first half of our heat will leave 20 seconds after the second half will join them so strategy from the get-go who do you put where and when I think as we saw with our steps of success and with the previous heat winners those teams that could set a good Pace between the four of them and stick together with the ones that won there wasn’t really too much benefit with anyone getting too far apart you can push the pace as a team that seems to be where it’s at we’ve also seen teams physically pushing each other you know events like this where it is Big aerobic capacity lots of running it is really hard on those athletes that don’t like this sort of event or workout traditionally your faster Runners be having a great time out there as we saw in the last Heat with lots of smiles wonder if they need one of those like miners hat with a torch on [Applause] top big ma s m weaving through the crowd so not only can he shift heavy weight he can also run like the wind wind seems to be a lot more bunched Heat number three we’ll see some separation as we get along the five rounds don’t let those bunches for you those it first few rounds it all changes around round four as we’ve seen Nicola batti laiz from Crossfit carve got two leaders wearing yellow yellow leaders jersey how about that can they hold on to those yellow leaders jersey or do they swap [Applause] out a number of events at voran Pro over the years I don’t think we’ve seen a simpler version of programming to find the fittest to go to the games it’s simple but brilliant I’ll tell BOS that we’re testing a bit of everything I love it and the teams have had a really tough day one that event this morning event one so much time under tension blew their midlines out then we had some heavy lifting and now attesting aerobic capacity you’re not going to believe it the old boy Zeke Grove leading the entire Heat number three bottom left in the white hat on backwards so he’s got a little bit of a hobble going on now running is not Zeke Grove’s strong point but he can grind but he’s got to take twice as many steps as everybody else two girls Nicola L looking pretty comfortable Papa Mo all four team members at the front of the pack we throw back an hour or so ago or even further when Ricky Gard was out on the Run course and he just absolutely ripped it up so we’ve seen different speed from the individuals to the team competition obviously you’ve got to keep in mind you’ve got another three team members let’s go down to Bella Martin and see what’s happening down on the floor well the sun has set on competition day and it is dark out carve is the first team to get in there zek Grove leading the charge it’s night time now it’s dark but I’ll tell you what I’m pretty grateful for these Northern Spirit jerseys now we have a little bit more light in the tunnel for these athletes we can see them they’re all rounding together here it’s only round number one we’ve got a lot of running a lot of lifting left to go the athletes still have Smiles on their faces we’ll catch them back in a couple rounds when they won’t have Smiles on their faces more of a Grimace good pass as a smile that’s it said car Mitchell at the front so keep in mind Mitchell case the tallest of the car team Laura Zeke and Nicola all about the same height so you’re going to have Mitch at the front taking the full brunt of the weight you can see it di down before it gets to Laura yeah that does mean that Mitch is going to be really hinging over at the hip in those last couple of rounds that front squat position that they tell you not to do in your classes in your affiliate with a worm it’s kind of unavoidable at some [Applause] point it C actually really surprised me with not just their capacity but their ability to get through the rep schemes theyve been tough rip schemes and some of the teams have really struggled these guys have just got to work and you mentioned before simple but brilliant programming and very capacity based if you are fitter stronger you are going to do better it is just as simple as that and I think as well if you’re training CrossFit and doing your homework on History then these sorts of events are really going to suit you about a 50 m lead probably even more zek Grover leading his team doing what he does best leading from the front I’m sure the kids are either in the crowd or they’re watching from home on the Gold Coast L and Ziggy if you’re watching Big G that’s doing really well still got that little bit of a left leg hobble doesn’t seem to be stopping him you said loves the grind absolutely loves it the harder the better we’re seeing a lot of Separation amongst the teams a lot earlier than we did in the previous Heats those team members getting away from each other a 30 minute cap being put to use Nicola at the back of the CrossFit cve team he’s got a 2-year-old at home said to me she might actually die in event number three we hope not let’s hope you don’t but I know what you mean so just lagging a little bit behind but imagine having Nicolo as your High School PE teacher what do you do Miss I’m one of the fittest in the [Music] region carve with the early lead keeping that team together they’re just losing Nicha a little bit at the back but I don’t think Zeke will let that happen for long I think he just wants to set a really good pace and go okay you’ve got to keep up with me and the carve team coming back into Pat rafter Arena second run [Applause] done Smiles into the arena we’ love to see it I think he’s loving being back on the competition floor had to withdraw unfortunately last year Crossing carve ticking over 10 years as an affiliate last year down the south of the goal Coast now they have a nice gap between them and second if they can make clean work of these thrusters and get back on that run they’re going to put some nice distance between themselves and second place we don’t know who’s second yet because they were also separated out of the run now they’re all bunched up again throw a blanket over all of them Mecca coming in Fitness alley [Applause] I star strength are in there as well from monovale who is going to get the four I tell you who say the lead and that’s CrossFit gve and Zeke winding back the [Music] clock I was going to tell you Z Gro was be would be leading a running event at a semi-final would you believe me probably [Laughter] not okay we know Zeke very [Music] well everyone at home’s like why are you ragging on Z Gro so much oh we love him he expects it he’d be worried if we [Applause] didn’t look Zeke Grove pushed me up a mountain in Switzerland once so I know he has an engine on him okay what like in a shopping trolley or something or I wish well actually pushed you up a mountain physically was pushing me up a mountain wow okay and Laura at the front for crossing C Mitch and Nicola at the back now Mitchell’s Dro back with Nica to keep her on Pace I like that strategy Zeke seems to be moving so well Laura running with Z currently at the top of screen to the right Works a 9 to-5 admin job so we’re talking about sitting down for majority of your day then you’ve got to get back out per some Elite Fitness stuff talk about tight hips you want to be staying on top of that Mobility work oh Big Time six years down for Laura carll tan Mii we have got a number of athletes coming through Now Blake Atkins Fitness alley as well R West staying together as a four and some athletes starting to walk Mitchell SL throwing his Pace down as you mentioned pip I think she’s appreciating it and that little incline and I say little it’s about four to 5 m of elevation right across the course so it’s not massive but it is enough to be annoying it is and it’s mentally hard to Trail as well so it’s great to see Mitchell sticking with her pushing her along it’s a lot easier to push the pace if you got someone there next to you trailing behind it’s very easy to get stuck in a pace that you can’t get out of but there’s still daylight between carve and the next team but not much daylight I realized as I said that that made absolutely no sense because it is not time pitched black outside we can’t actually oh no we can’t actually see from where we are sitting in the broadcast area it is actually pitch black outside still one heat to come we’re going to be in complete darkness but Zeke seems like he’s having a great time out there Mitchell and Nicola we’ll be about 20 seconds behind Z Laura and a chance to catch your breath look as you can see they’ve run hard they’re not absolutely gassed they’ve running with a bit left in the tank which is where you want to be because these thrusters as we’ve seen with the previous Heats is where you can really come unstuck we saw schwarzes lose their first place on the thrusters so now Zeke taking Fair chunk of that weight off Nicolo at the back so smart move from Zeke Mitch taking a fair bit at the front as well so the two girls not having to do as much work and if you wanted two BLS in your team squatting a fairly decent load these two would be all right well those are the two you want smart tactic giving Nicola at the back a little bit of a rest she’s starting to struggle a little bit three rounds down for CrossFit [Applause] [Music] carve see Zeke pushing nicolar along little bit of a word in the ear as well hey you’ve only got to do two more of these how we know when you do doing five rounds of anything once that third one’s done that’s the bulk of the work four always hurts five you know you’re close to finishing the Mitch Now setting a good Pace out front swapping out with Zeke so not a bad strategy either something they would have discussed fact that Nicol is tell me she’s going to die on event number three means they’re prepared for this but they’re prepared for this and they’re leading so that’s a different story that’s right after you win is fine to collapse on the ground a big day of competition for our teams three events normally it’s two this is massive V Al [Applause] Abby carille leading her team into round number four pump and dump still in the lead from Heat number one and win free training shoes for your affiliate with gock enter to win 53 pairs of rough Runners visit gock /c CrossFit Mecha white monovale star strength and now exf 2 finishing up inside Pat rafter Arena and your leaders and Zeke now getting to work with that little push in the back so the first heat we thought was fairly slow has not actually been that slow [Music] separation AC CrossFit carve some absolutely outstanding images from our team today greater West they are done as well there’s Papa MOA feeling the pinch player coming into start as ruar preparing to leave Pat rafter [Music] Cara doing a really good job of keeping their lead with their team split in half Deacon Nicola at the back but Nicola looks like she’s picked up the pace a bit it looks like some team members are now starting to walk and that is not good news 10 minutes now left on our time cap this is not a bad rest for Zeke either Nicholas working just as hard but zek’s able to pull that little bit of capacity back in now probably get a little bit more vocal for round number five he’s been there he’s done it competed the cross hit games has individual he knows exactly what’s required I believe he did a super team one year as well but we always talk about that experience and it really does come into [Applause] play Mitch and Laura coming back in for CrossFit carb as Nicola and Zeke Zeke’s still pretty happy with himself car currently sitting in 13th spot 95 points Pete win here would do them really well Nicola they’ve now moved her to try and protector a little bit in between the two boys Laura taking up the back section of this [Music] worm and I don’t think there’s much worse than your tank being absolutely empty and everyone else has still got a little bit more in it but you have to keep going oh look I’ve said it with the previous Heats this event for your weakest Runner is so hard because you have to run harder than you want to mentally and physically but then you got to do work when you get back in here we’re seeing great team strategy from carve they’ve just got to hold on to it for one last round current leaders of EV number three pump and dump sitting in 17th position Carvin 13th so first place finish here in this heat progress them up maybe inside the top 10 Fitness alley who are coming back in now currently sitting in seventh so minimizing damage here for them will be crucial too it’s a pretty big buffer between carve and fitness alley Fitness alley just waiting for their last athlete to come in so they can move that worm if they can get moving on their reps they’re going to have a nice buffer between them and third place as well got it you talk about temperature all afternoon and how it’s dropped and this morning was cold and then we got a little bit hotter and we’ve dropped again how does that affect your performance as an athlete knowing you’ve actually got to change hey we’re going to Brisbane for semi-finals great it’s going to be this degrees hang on a minute it’s going to be 15° less than that so how do you prepare for an event like this it would actually be really nice at this point of the event it more comes down to warming up they want to make sure that they’re going to be really warm so the next Heat we have coming out would be making sure that their bodies are really warm ready to go so they’re not going out onto that first run cold and shocking their lungs cuz it is like a bit of a shock on the lungs when you run out there into the cold night air when you’ve been in a warm warm up area Nathan herner from greater [Applause] West see the hand now get to the top it is literally all downhill from there the last run for CrossFit car ruach coming back in [Applause] and big congratulations to Josh and Nixon 8y year wedding anniversary couple of days after we finish up here C now looking down the barrel a second place finish overall after three Heats Nicholas moving a little bit more free as we come downhill rich and Laura Steady As She Goes I don’t think Laura’s Pace has changed the entire event she just looks absolutely comfortable out there so she’ll be coming in and Mitch her running partner right now will come in and probably have about 20 seconds to recover which is a good enough time to get that heart rate down maybe 5 to 10 beats a minute Coral Nichola is going to have to suck this up unfortunately oh look she’s doing just that and she’d be looking at the lights of that Arena going yes yes we’re nearly there so if car can hold this pace they will jump over East Tamaki Renegades I don’t think it’ll be good enough to beat pump and dump from heat one we saw the end of that that didn’t look good Kyler McKenzie happy to pass out on the [Applause] worm cross car first two athletes in Laura and [Music] oh they’re probably going to have about 40 seconds now that is a long time Nikola is going to have to pick up that worm and get straight to work this is going to hurt but they need 15 clean reps to get the job done there haven’t been no rep yet 40 done 10 remain pardon me 15 reps 60 done 75 to [Applause] get all athletes having to get below parallel the bottom of that squat the legs just burning at this stage again Mitch Zeke doing well to take the most of the brunt of that worm easy work for Cross C what a great result for CrossFit [Applause] C thanks very much car not good enough for second they will have third spots after three Heats isn’t a bad result at all only one minute remain [Applause] and a number of teams nowhere to be seen Abby Carell super mom can Fitness Aly get all their athletes on this worm and get some reps out before our 30 minute time cap I don’t think so she’s used to rounding up three boys she’s only got to round up two of them M Atkins is in we need Emily Aton we need Tommy Bartley here they come they won’t get 15 but they’re going to get some Banksy hurting final seconds of heat number three this has torn heat 32 [Music] [Applause] wow one team finishing underap and that is CrossFit carbon the old boy Zeke Grove leading the charge can you believe it ah still got it still got it still got it CrossFit car getting out there out in front nice and early Zep Grove and Mitchell case leading I love their strategy from start to finish the boys taking charge Z with the early lead and then swapping with Mitch they can keep Nicola going at the back and just such clean reps on the thrusters no no reps all athletes below parallel no problems at all they were just so dominant in that heat some teams needing a lot of assistance to progress of three Heats down we have one remaining CrossFit car congratulations on a great [Music] results our final heat of the day day one wrapping up shortly individuals are done teams are going to be done very shortly as well but we’ll be back here Pat raft arena for the fourth and final Heats and our top eight qualifiers from the quarterfinals coming through and showcasing what they’ve got in the third and final event of the day we’ll be back soon [Music] on here right now [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] l [Applause] un dance dance [Applause] welcome back to Pat rafter arena for the final time today the individuals have come and gone the final time we will see the teams for today is right now it is Heat number four Jeremy Austin pit Malone and Bella Martin with you and what a brutal heat we’ve seen in Heat number three not what we expected one team finishing out of eight what is going to happen to this one five rounds for time of an 800 met run 15 worm thrusters 30 minute time cap and some of those teams needed a lot more than 30 it is a brutal event and we’re still seeing the time from Heat number one standing pump and dump the pump and dump in first currently is Tamaki in second Schwarz is in third and carve in fourth I think that is going to change shortly plenty of strategies we have seen over the last three Heats but what are your go rock steps to success run Pace as a team effort and unbroken thrusters as we’ve gone along the thrusters don’t have been much of the problem we’ve seen some teams get some no reps and have to do more but it hasn’t phased the much so that part of it hasn’t really worried them it’s when they get that lactate build up and they try and go back out on the run things get a little bit skewed our lane assignments for our fourth and final Heats honestly it could be anyone’s and I’m hoping it’s going to be very close when we get to wrap this up the end of the day toian Mayhem Mayhem Thunder they’ve been battling it out EX SEF aride making a big move with event number two only three events left for these teams K Maya the light blue starting things [Applause] [Music] off Emily Julian wow striding out but so she should win your 22 you know what I’m interested to watch in this he is Cara Saunders keeping up with Emily Dy on this run as we know Emily is a really good runner we know car Saunders has an engine and will grind like no one [Applause] else but something tells me that Emily is going to be pushing the pace on this run along with James the second group underway honestly this is going to be absolutely mad and this pace already feels faster now top four coming into our fourth and final heat pump and dump 2738 East Tamaki 288 schwarz’s CrossFit Melbourne 2825 and Crossfit car 2835 and the pace for the run is what it is all about now time to beat CrossFit Oslo ker Riz 2237 wow that is moving that that is exactly 5 minutes faster than pump and dump Darkness falling here Brisbane Australia thank you for joining us win free training shoes for your affiliate with gock enter to win 503e pairs of rough Runners visit CrossFit P coming back the girls from K andaya now in a third pack and who would you expect to be at the front probably the two most experienced people in CrossFit in the Oceania region KH Porter car Saunders see Hollard man is in there as well Kaya Team all rocking in together tribe Northern beaches so we’re going to have a really good mixup here they come in let’s head down to Bellow as the teams com into Pat rafter arena for the first time the teams are on their way into Pat rafter Arena and I’ll tell you what it is dark and it is cold out here definitely a shock to the system as Pat raft arena is warm and it’s hot cuz there’s fire of course first team and you know who it’s going to be it’s going to be of course three teams are running in once but Con Porter first team to get there I’m looking to see all four athletes have them in there but Con Porter if there’s any team that you’re going to be looking for it’s going to be con team on this workout a lot of that is going to come down to James newberry’s expertise in a workout like this from Iron Man experience Triathlon experience he knows how to get into a pain cave with a 30-minute workout and really run away with it rookie mentioned James Newbury this run is going to be like his run to the coffee shop of a morning he will be lapping this up and don’t be surprised to see him lead the charge for the last two runs he’s pacing at the moment toin Mayhem wasting no time but hot on their heels Mayhem Thunder we are going to have a two horse race at the start of this and four very experienced athletes now we’re going to see one of these two top teams drop the hammer early and try and create some space between them or are they just going to sit together for the next round or two athletes leaving the arena in droves and can’t going come on and as a youngster in that very experienced team we’ve mentioned right throughout the day you just agree and get on with it tribe Northern beaches our last team to enter sorry to exit Pat rafter Arena Sheree leading the pack leio Ben Amy looks like KH and Emily just trailing behind that front pack a bit they’ve got to get a move on one of the athletes coming currently coming forth bit of an [Music] issue doesn’t seem to be too bad now but I just one of the athletes stop talking Cara James chrisy man this is absolute Child’s Play for James Newbury he could run this pace double time and still be okay but as you say running to your slowest team member is the goal 2237 our time to beat CrossFit Oslo ker Riz last week at the European semi-final doubling up as the French throw down this is the Oceania semi-final the Tan Pro Cara things you don’t expect to see look we know Cara can be uncomfortable for a 30 minute workout and be totally fine with it she’s just got work capacity I know she’s only 8 months off having her second baby but you just can’t undo that she got so much experience I think she’s also got a lot of trust in her mental strength and physical strength got to meet young Walker yesterday actually met him a couple weeks ago go at the airport cuteness overload cuteness overload absolutely young Scotty turning five a couple of days back and she’s telling everyone at the Toran Pro who wants to listen that she is now five toring Gritz Katie Brock Riley Smith at the front Ali Hutchins looks like she’s little bit labored James Thomas is looking after anyway K Meer into that third position James Hy really making a move K Roy Jack Jeffrey Emily D Roy names you’re used to Rolling off the tongue for individual competition two and [Applause] two KH just getting sent back for not going around his Lane marker oh the battle it’s so good rep for rep no rep again for Mayhem thunder right hand side tan Mayhem a left hand side are we going to see these two teams representing the Oceania region at the end of tomorrow tan Mayhem done as a Mayhem [Applause] Thunder Cara look at her go she might be the old girl in the pack but she’s gone I’m going to make sure you girls know exactly where I [Applause] [Music] am now we got James pushing Emily along that’s who you want to be pacing you order of R is James YY no you don’t want that at all two horse race currently third could be anybody’s let’s find out what’s happening down on the competition floor with Bella Martin it is a two horse race between Mayhem Thunder and Tori and Mayhem the battle that we all thought we were going to see Happening Here live in event number three of the day they were only six se six seconds separated in the first run getting back to the worm a couple costly no reps there for Mayhem Thunder leaving the door wide open here for Tori and mayhem out going for round number two we still have to get all the way through round number five and I’m telling you what it’s going to come down to that final set of worm thrusters we’re calling in here from the tunnel from your a position down there at the tunnel on the way out Bella James newbry seems to be pacing a whole lot and I know how much he’s got in the tank how’s he looking he looks relaxed but honestly the entire team looks relaxed Carl looks relaxed KH looks relaxed and even Emily they all look like they’re having fun and you know what that’s what they said they were going to do and that’s exactly what they’re doing car’s Pace has been absolutely astronomical something we probably haven’t seen from car we haven’t had the opportunity to see due to having the assault air Runners normally every year just what is the perspective do you think for Cara getting out in front and showing the girls where she is well I think for Cara it’s a bit more of a confidence boost I think when it comes to the stronger athletes they like that assault Runner because they can push a little bit harder and use their strength to their advantage but here on the course you are all by yourself especially on the incline and the decline on the way there Clara she is no stranger to being the leader of the pack she’s just saying hey I’m back watch me I think it can be unnerving for a lot of these athletes sometimes when you are running out there in this style as a race where you can see everyone around you it can mess with you mentally but we all know that car Saunders is not going to be bed by that she’s going to be out in front and chasing no problem Cara loves leading from the front we’re going to see the individual athletes hit snatch ladder tomorrow par me on Sunday Cara the worldwide winner for that when it was done back in 2016 looks like the tan Mayhem girls have taken the lead at the front of the pack James Newberry keeping Emily Dy on on Pace with the tan Mayhem guys trudging behind this heat plenty faster than Heat number one current time to beat the pump and dump 2738 [Applause] Cara Han and Christy three names that have been around the Oceania region for such a long time manes is Back Jack Jeffrey in Roy D now Emily Dy James Newbury no rep first time around for the second set for Mayhem Thunder not so this time only so much time you can catch up with a movement like this one chocolate box star strength they are coming back in third position their first athlete in as tan grit and there is getting really tight this run is going to be the crucial [Applause] one Emily Dy is going to need to hold on push through that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fatigue oh Cara somebody stop [Applause] her the top females out of competition Cara being one of those tier Ellie Emily in this heat as well Jamie Simmons competing last weekend he knows exactly what this event feels like K’s turn now to just try and push things along win free training shoes for your affiliate with gock enter to win 53 pairs of rough Runners visit go SLC CrossFit damage control needed exf a little bit behind Kian meire falling behind as [Applause] well Ben Gard inside trying to emulates brother Ricky now it’s looking like from the long shot outside that KH and Emily have dropped behind that pack a fair distance Roy Stein and Jack Jeffrey out in front of them Christy Hollard your leader of the entire heat 4 car next Roy Jack Mani man pushing Roy up that hill James and khah now trying to help Emily Dy Emily in a similar to position to where Nicola borgatti was with carve in the previous Heats it’s not a nice position to be in but it’s a team effort and as you just saw James and Khan pushing Emily up that small incline to get her going that bit faster much faster heat than heat one well over a minute faster than the time plus 64 pump and dump Mayhem Thunder 192 points exf on 188 tan Mayhem equal on 188 back to Chocolate Box star strength on 172 and hour side 1 68s so result shake up will be interesting at conclusion of this one now Christy Hollard has put some space between herself and Cara Saunders then Roy D and Jack Jeffrey and Mayhem just behind man keeping their Pace up see the sweat dripping off and the humidity is up here in southeast Queensland it is a little bit cooler out there but they are working so hard and you think of not having a shirt on sweat all over your body you’ve got a worm that you’re going to have on your shoulders something to consider for these teams they’re about to come back after the next run so let’s head down to Bella we’re down here in the tunnel the battle continues between Mayhem Thunder and Tori and Mayhem the females are leading from the front here for Tori and Mayhem Christy on her way in for that next round of cleaning DRS but Cara Saunders is running after her I said it women are leading from the front the men are holding their own in the back first two guys from Tori and Mayhem are in there but all eyes looks to be Khan and James are on their way but the entire team of Toran mayhem’s already inside so they’re going to have to play a little bit of catch up here fully agree first time we have seen the full team Victorian mayhem get to the worm first and this could be the separator tell you what though James Khan and Emily did some work on the back end of that run they probably lost about 15 seconds to tan [Applause] Mayhem T and Mayhem they are back out this is their chance to create a buffer between them and Mayhem Thunder final round coming up and this run is going to be flat sck it’s about 30 m currently James smart move man pushing Roy out the door let’s go big boy things that just keep on popping up that you never see love to see the two Tori and Mayhem women pushing those big units up that hill Emily Dy now has really going to have to dig deep for this back [Applause] end 2237 the time to beat that is going to well and truly be gone shortly 13 second lead I was close with 15 Toran Mayhem they had an opportunity and they have taken [Applause] it we set it in our steps for Success Jeremy that the team Pace on the run is how you win this event and we’re seeing that with the pushing each other along sticking [Applause] together soran mayem Mani just grabbing at her quad maybe a little bit of cramp kicking up now moving as a four maybe they’ve just gone hey let’s just back off we know a second place is in the bag first time we’ve seen the whole team run as a four look there’s such a gap between them and third place now that I think they really just need to finish the job they’ve made up a bit of space though between Tori and Mayhem back two Runners there’d be nothing to gain though by completely blowing out and not being able to finish those last 15 thrusters Cara still leading the charge for the team n seconds between 1 V2 the RO Iran crossfits Mayhem Thunder team all the work to do to catch Toran Mayhem let’s go and Christy looks as though she’s starting to speed up the end is inside you can see the downhill run all the way into Pat rafter Arena and these 15 reps are going to be very quick James with a gentle nudge herei heading back out for their final run toing Mayhem Christy Bishop SL Hollard leading the charge trying to remember which lane they’re in Jack Jeffrey manty so Roy dun 15 reps and Roy really sucking the big [Applause] ones they probably got more than enough buffer he’ll be well over the line by the time Mayhem Thunder team get set and St [Applause] rips oh no [Applause] rep final rep Doran Mayhem have put a massive day of competition to bed and every chance we might see them at the top of the leaderboard Cal end of day one Roan CrossFit Mayhem Thunder oh Mayhem Thunder what a dig as a team on that run great fight between two top teams now who is going to take third britz coming in currently in sixth place on 156 points this placing here will be important for tomorrow chocolate box star strength coming [Applause] in William Ford [Music] first to the Worm but it is Toran grit moving like a well oiled machine and they are done good enough for third exf joining chocolate box star strength for Jess Green Ethan vanderen Georgia welsman [Applause] done exf have had a great day one top two placings were two minutes quicker than Heat number one mes jonno liser and Adrian they are done for today Drive Northern beaches Benny Gard at the front free m leio and juchi Amy alessi finishing up their day one of [Applause] competition arid [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very happy to bring her team Home Holly hiney Jack flaming Maine [Applause] Jensen ouch that one hurts our side would have been happy to just do some damage control oh Big Time get some good placings there setting themselves up for tomorrow well they’re currently at fifth position 168 points so the not that running 20 points [Applause] out of that third position three qualifying positions for our teams K Maya brir at the front Nicole R Emily [Music] and our final couple of minutes of our final heat of our final event for [Applause] today a wonderful team from New Zealand cross with Kia [Applause] Maya and what an amazing Heat number four we had we had everything in it let’s head down to the competition floor with our winners of event number three we are down here on the competition floor first of all Royce I didn’t think you were going to win this one but we needed the points so what was your mindset going into it we’re we’re a good running team we proved that the game so we knew it would be a good one for us I don’t know if I believed we’d win it I just went as hard as I could as long as I could and it paid off definitely paid off ladies I’ve seen you on this team for a while I have not seen you pushing Roy before what is it like working into a run and a Thruster here and having to push the boys along the way uh it was kind of like a a slid push uh workout but um it was okay I like running so um it was actually okay yeah there was a lot of downhill which helped we like the downhill Jack you’re the newcomer to the team how did you handle the call up and how does it feel to be on this iconic team um yeah it’s an honor to be with these guys out here um just trying to soak it all in and do as best as I can for them H’s all ours best that we can I’m saving the best for last you’ve been on the team for a while what can we expect from you guys tomorrow on the last day of competition day two that’s all we got um I mean hopefully we can finish with two more event wins that would be nice um but our goal is just to qualify and be on the podium and go to the CrossFit Games and if we end up winning the tum Pro that would be the icing on the cake Tor and Mayhem thanks guys wonderful end to a great day one of competition and hold on to your hats they went out of the stadium at a great rate of knots oh that battle between CrossFit toan Mayhem and ra iron CrossFit Mayhem Thunder did not disappoint at all but as Roy said torian Mayhem have had good running finishes at the games Mani christe love a run so no surprise to see them pushing their guys up the hills it’s something we’ve really we’ve seen a little bit of in the CrossFit gam it’s not really a semifinal but there was a lot of prer pushing of athletes up and down the inclines here at at Raf Arena which is a lot nastier than really you could see on the camera really didn’t give it credit for I’m looking forward to more battles between these two great teams tomorrow toan Mayhem got that one but I think Mayhem Thunder will be coming back tomorrow looking to take another one for themselves I love to see that teamwork out there from them Brit doing themselves all the favors that third place finish amazing day one of competition at the Toran Pro Pat raft Arena really brought it once again a it did and look it just keeps getting better and better and we have fire Friday night we have sunsets got everything some of the best footage we’ve ever seen from the Tan Pro was today so big thank you to our crew as well our women’s individual they kicked off from one event for today and they are now all chasing Young Matty St look I don’t think anyone is surprised to see Matty stur take event w 100 [Music] points she’s just looking so focused and strong this year clear plan she didn’t give too much away in her interview with what she wants to do but I think it’s clear she’s here to win big time Michelle Hayes doing well also Grace Walton coming into that third place position in an important position for Grace going to day two of competition where we’re going to see two events for the individuals tomorrow that’s right that was a great finish for Grace Walton compared to last year’s first event she must have a lot of confidence after that I’m sure she cannot wait for what’s coming tomorrow now standings after event number one stt on 100 points Hayes 97 Grace W 94 Haley Adams who did extremely well and hung on and probably with her toenails finger nails and anything else she could taking that fourth position Caitlyn vanil rounding out our top five to Daisy McDonald Ella price two gymnasts in our field and we’re going to see a lot more gymnastics work coming up from 11 through 20 Simone Arthur doing very well and a few surprises as well Georgia PRI sitting down there in 19th position our men’s competition can we go much further than the new 30 30-year-old on the Block Ricky Gard oh Ricky Gard event one I mean it was dominant I don’t think dominant even explains it it was just his for the taking it was just Ricky gard and daylight between him and the next best J Crouch which is pretty good in the interview he had later on he said he wanted to scare the rest of the field with the pace he went out with I think he absolutely scared them to bits with what he’s got in the tank because he was streets ahead of Jay Crouch Bailey Martin Pete Ellis St Shel hey as well so these great athletes and he is minutes ahead I think Jay Crouch he wants to get that three Pete he knows how to do it but Ricky is not going to make it easy for him this year well he knows how to do it because he knows consistency and that’s what he’s been for the last couple of years and that’s what’s got him to the top of the podium each time so Jay only three points back Bailey another four points back pet look at that number five position Mr Robert Forte so great to see the 37y old wind back the clock can we see him keep progressing is he going to make the gam P come on if Rock Forte made the game this year I think it would be the greatest upset that we’ve seen in a very long time oh but something you want to see someone who moves so well and B up with a decent performance and he wants to move coming in as a fourth place qualifier and the team competition could you get any more exciting than that fourth heat just now a that fourth heat just brought the fire didn’t they tant Mayhem though just all that experience training together our new pro team on the Block came out in event one [Music] took the event record so two event records falling today one outright one equal with the lifting and ex ex excelling in that department aan G back after injuring her back in competition last year as an individual but Moses Jonah some very big weights getting thrown around on that floor today we expect nothing else on a Friday asan pro day one done for the teams and we see a tie for the teams now 288 points toan Mayhem Mayhem Thunder exf holding on to that third spot star strengths from chocolate box in fourth spot toing grit wrapping up Fifth ouro dropping down to sixth but they are still in contention we’ve got a great day coming up tomorrow they do I wouldn’t count out Tori and grit at all I think tomorrow they’re going to come in guns blazing you know with all to do big time our Rogue don’t weaken moment of the day coming up and who can we go pass but it is going to be Ricky Gard we’re talking 4 km of running we’re talking 50 cleaner jerks at 185b and 85 kilos and he just went out there like it was a training session oh look it’s the don’t weaken moment of the day there was nothing weak about that from start to finish he didn’t look like he was slowing down anytime soon he’s just turned 30 but he has got plenty in the tank we’ve got a great day to to tomorrow can’t believe that the team competition is over tomorrow crazy when it’s been such a good time here today I’m kind of sad that it’s over tomorrow I know on behalf of the entire crew thank you for joining us wherever you have from right around the globe with Bella Martin P Malone TI crew I’m Jeremy Austin we’ll see you all tomorrow day two of the touran pro live from Pat RAF Arena [Music] oh [Music] for

The top 40 men, 40 women, and 30 teams in Oceania compete for a ticket to the 2024 CrossFit Games, set to take place Aug. 8-11.

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Taking place from May 17-June 2, the 2024 Individual and Team Semifinals will determine who will be invited to compete at the finals in Fort Worth, Texas, at the end of the season.

CrossFit will host three Semifinals in the North America East, North America West, and Europe regions and partner with event organizers to host the remaining four in Asia, South America, Africa, and Oceania.

The CrossFit Games are the ultimate proving grounds for the Fittest Man and Fittest Woman on Earth™ and are world-renowned as the definitive test of fitness. Every year since 2007, fans from around the world have attended the multi-day sporting event, streamed the competition online, or watched on ESPN, CBS, or a wide range of international broadcasts. The international field of play has included athletes from more than 120 countries. The CrossFit Games starts in the qualifying round with 300,000+ athletes competing around the world. Throughout the season the field is whittled down to just 560 athletes.

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Friday — 2024 Oceania CrossFit Semifinal - INBELLA (2024)
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