Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

L' 41 FF Harwood's Bazaar -FOR -Tinware, Graniteware, Queensware, Glassware, A Toys, Jewelry, Notions, We make lower prices than any house in Grant county. Tiddledy Winks, the popular game, just roceived. HARWOOD'S BAZAAR, The Great Bargain House of H. G. HAMAKER, P.

Abstracter of Titles, REAL ESTATE BROKER, Rental Agent, Notary Public, and -MORTGAGE LOANS. Money to loan on good residenco property in Marion at 7 per cent. Office open every evening until nine o'clock. West side public square. OFF FOR THE WAR We cannot all go to fight Indians.

Some must stay at home and look after the widows, orphans, wives and SWEETHEARTS. We cannot all -be Some of 18 must be "content to stay at horde and sell BOOTS AND SHOES. "But there Ta considerable glory for the man who succeeds in being the best merchant of Marion. We are trying to neoure the Glory with a capital crand succecding pretty well. It is getting to be quite generally recoguized that we are setting the pace for our competitors.

When people waut anything in our line they know that we are apt to have the lowest prico on it. 1 WE LIKE IT To be so understood and will try very hard to keep up our reputation. I EDAVY SMITE EAST SIDE. SWEAR OFF! Bat don't swear off buying Clothes of uP. TURN OVER! Yes, turn over a new leaf January 1st and buy your next suit of 1, HUTCHINSON, Tailor Draper South Side Square.

Mira Della, Ballinger of Fairmount is tho guest of Miss May Beall. Howard Atkinson of Wabnal will sing at the Christian Temple musical Saturday evening. Mra. James V. Sweetser.

yesterday went to Allegheny City to rialt the family of Wm. Lyons, Abbie Carrington Opera Company solo program and two acts of "Martha" tomorrow night at tho opera houso. The inorvase in membership in the order of Kuighta of Pythias in the paat year has been over 5,000 making the Al membership in the state over 23,000. The Young Ladies' Missionary 80- ciety will givo dL litorary and musical eutertainmeut Friday overing at the residence of Mra. Dr.

T. C. Kimball on Thirdiatreet. At the recent election of class ofeers among the class of 91 at West Point Ralph Stoggadall was elected elnas or. ator by acclamation, an unusual Tho Chronicle prodicted that be wonld bold his own at that place, and 18 glad to know that he is doing so.


Nile of the capital City Next Friday Night Parkinson's re This morning's Indianapolis Sentinel, in speaking of a forthcoming prize, to occur la that city, says "There will be hall on Friday evening between IT. L. Plunkett of Marion, and 0. W. Silve of this city.

Men. and money are both ready and the tight promises to be rattling mill of unusual intorost. kott won fame in the ring by defonting the other "Black Northwestern Diamond" of St. celebrities, Puml, Silve and has bad much experlence and is by no means a novice. 'The mon will figut at about one bundred and eighty pounds and the match 'will undoubtedly be hotly contested and is attracting wide attention in sporting circles." An inquiry made of.

Marion aporta fails to answer the "Who 18. Plunkett?" Nobody seems to know him, or to. know anything about the prospoctive mill. 5- FAUST HERE. The Company Arrives This Opera Boufte Co.

arrived in At the Opera House Tonight. town this morning and a fluer. looking company of ladies and gentlemen have never stepped off the cars at Marion. The management wish to state that they do not cater to a male" audience and that their. performauce is-strletly an operatic attraction, and must not he compounded with the ordinary burlesque or variety company.

The company includes some very clever operatic artists, among whom is MISS MAY DUNTEA, who is spoken of in the Harrisburg. Pa, Patriot as the sweetest singer and most peared charming in that city. Who has over Miss Victoria Castellan in the comedy role of Martha iuvokes fun for every. body and is most favorably mentioned everywhere. Mr.

Richard Turnor, the well known Irish comedian, plays the part of Brander, a ward Of Miss Maud Wilmont, Miss Della Desmond, Chas. B. Ward and: B. H. Severe no mention is necessary as they.

as they are all well known favorites on the comic opera state throughout the state. The chorus is composed of fresh young voices, and are under the direr. tion -of -the- director, Prof. E. Elmer- Drake.

The extravaganza of Faust is bright and sparkling throughout and without a suggestive line or action in the entire production: Last' Night's Hop. A very pleasant little dance was given last night at Goldtbait's hall. The gineering part of the work was done by Garry- Caster and John Whister, and was a success. Farnoff Inla of Logansport furnished the music, and lunch followed at Forler's at 1 o'clock. Besides about twenty couples of home folks the following ladies from a distance were present: Misses Goodwin of New Castle; Miss Bessie Biddle of Laporte; Miss Georgia Blanchard of Shelbyville, Miss Meta Steele of Oklahoma, and Miss Mar Richards of Napo.

leon, Ohio. 1 From home were Mr. and Dre. 4. D.

Custer, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. llalderman, Mr.

and Mrs. Leo Nussbaum, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Whigler, Misses Grace Gould, Lotie and Lettie Case, Birdie Cook Abbott, Alice and Emma Goldthwait, Lulu Cobleigh, Amanda Emma Norton, Louise Stout, and Mesara.

Will Clothier, Hiram Willson, Percy Carroll, Will Shroyer, Ras Van Vactor, Turner Overman, Walt and Will Biddons, Sem Weaver, Willard Ridenour, Frank Fulcher, C. N. Me. Donald, Dr. Brimacombe, Wood Me.

Kinney, Kaut Wigger, Dee Goldth wait, Bert and John Willson, Ben and Al Larrimer. Baptist Revival, Evangelist Simmons in taking a strong hold on the large audiences that are greeting him every evening. Ho preaches plain gospel, and the people show by their prosence and attention that they are much 'interested. Every phase of tho work la greatly encour. aging.

On last evening one way converted, and a number rose for prayer The inquiry service will begin this evening, and all who desiro holy in Anding the Savior are carnestly invited to attend that! meeting, which will be held in the lecturo room at the close of the regular service. Preach. 1Dg tonight at 7:15 Bliss Kate Johnson has resigned her position as teacher in the public schoola. Alias Johnson Alled the position vacatad--by Mias Mabel West, who resignod to work in the lodianap. clis schools.

Mrs. Jobu Fitzgerald baa taken Miss Johnson's position. THE LEGISLATURE. D. W.

Horey Named for A. senator -The P'rison Introdure, tee on executive appointments. In the Senate yesterdny the commit. mended that the appointment, by Gov. lovey, of Murray "Briggs aud Isaac Boyse as confirmed.

trustoes of Report the Stato Norwul, approved. Senate bill No. J9 WAS passed. It gives discretionary powers to the commission appointed to remove the line. stone from the Kankakee river, and to widun, deopen aud lengthen the channel.

The bid of Senator Thompsou of Pu. lanki, for an amendmout of the drain. agO Jawa, was callod np and referred bark for amendment, and was the special order for this afternoon at 2 clock. The following bills wero introduced: An net to. extend the labilities of corporations for injuries by An act to legalize the arts of.

deputy recorders under the ago of years in Lawrence county. Committre on judiciary. An act to amend the metropolital polico bill. An not to ament du Ret relative to proceedings in crimival To eatabliah. work.

houses fu all cotinty sonta with a population of 3,000 or over: Au ant relating to ALP. ale to the. anpremo court. An. de1 providing that partition fences botween town lots shall be over three feet high.

An act amending an act relative to the admission and discharge of insano patients. An act for the protection of fowules employed in factories and stores. "An act prohibiting the sale of doadly weapona1o. minore, An act for the relief of Moses Espy. An act for fixing the time for holding courts in the third judicial An act concerning the publication of notices in newspapers.

A 'NO: To amend net authorizing countieg and townships to vote aid to railroads and corporations. Atract empoweriug town boards and" city to abate nnisances: -An act to amend an relative to proceedings in civil' cares. Senator Grim nominated D. W. Voorhees for U.

9. Senator. Senator Boyd placed Gov. Hovey in nomination. The two candidates.

were warmly. soconded by their respective friends. The vote showed 35 for Voorbees and 15 for -The session of the House yesterday was devoted almost altogether to the discussion of a bill limiting the juris. diction of grand juries to the consider. uticn of felonies.

The committee report was defeated when it was called up in the house, and a bill limiting its dutics to felonies passed. The committee on prisons submitted the following resolution which WAS concurred Resolved, That the committee on the affairs of the state prison north be instructed and given power to mvesti. gate management everything of in the state connection with tire prison north, in every department, and thut said committee be given power and author. ity to examine officers, prisoners and contractors connected with said prison, and to give special bearings to the prisoners confined therein, and that sand committee a "bo given power and authority and papers of said institution, and to compel the production, for inspection, of all books, papers and accounts in reference to said prison that may be deemed necessary by auld committee; and said committee suall go to the lo. cation of said and examination as is there deemed necegBary.

Said committee -is hereby directed to call upon the Governor and Board of State Charities and the sec. retary thereof, for such information as they muy have concerning the management of the state prison north. Said committee is directed to employ 14 stenographer, at not to exceed $5 per day for tho time actually employed. to enter upon this investigation ay soon and aaid-committee is further directed as possible. The bill to regulato the sale of artiAcial products.

was indefinitely postponed. Mr. Beasley nominated Mr. Voorberg for tho Senate and. Mr.

Lenderwith, Gov. Hovey. The vote stood Voorbeoa, 74, Horey, 27. The following bills were introduced: By Mr. Curtis: For the regulatiou of foreign building.

loan and mutual beneft associations, By Mr. Short: Amending the act designating the Dulle by which the Hoose of Refuge for the correction and re formation of invenile offenders shall hereafter be known, and providing for the appointment of commissioners and their compensation. By Mr. Cullop: Fixing the limit of compensation for carrying passenners by CoILION carriera. By Mr.

Higgins: Providing for biore efficient disposition of revenues obtained from the granting of liquor licenses in. the varicus incorporated towns. By Mr. Clay pool: To compel direct. ora, bourda, trustera, superintendents, managers and stewards of the penal, reformatory, charitable and benerolent institutions to purchase native live stock for fond consumption, They Cost.

Money. The Canton Glasa Company todayshipped a barrel of lock-Jights to San Francisco by the United States express. They weighed 585 pounds. The value is about $30, but the express charges amount to $15. They had to reach San Francisco within a certain timo and the ouly way to get them there on time was by express.

To Stake A lince Course at Mol A petition is belug circulated by local horsem*n to be presented to the countnon conneil praying for permianion 10 1180 McClure street as a fast driving course. In all cities of any quenco ono or two streets aro devoted. to fast driving purposes, and the local Jabas want to be la atylo, Will tore Far 011. Alf. McFeoly in an enthusiast npon oil matters.

Ila owns A block of land near tho Nelson oil well, and he intends boring for oil, a belt: BRICK COMING THREE al HUNDRED OF THEM TO VISIT MARION FRIDAY. Elaborate' Preparations Made for Their Welcome- A BRaquet to spread at the Marion to Works My Caterer Porter. On Friday of this week Marion will be visited by a large. party, representing -tho Brick- Makere Coirs vention, now in sarsion at polls. Upon invitation extended by the Marion Pressed Brick Worka, about three "hundred members of tho association will arrive hero.

upon. n. apocial tratu. from tho Capitol Olly, There unen rep. rosent the brick industry of the country and they come from all portions of the United States.

The special exourston train will arrive bore at 11 o'olock Friday on the G. W. G. Al. Railroad, and will.

be' 1m. mediately transferred to the belt road and takon to the Brick Works. A large number of ladica will accompany the party. and their presence will increase the to nearly four hundred. They will be the guests of the local, brick company.

and will bo. treated liko kinga and qucens while here. The banquot will be served by Caterer Forler at 1 o'clock, and it will consist of all the viands the market can givo. The ladies will be, served. on board the palace coaches, and the men in brick one of the.

large dry kilus built of and especially for the purpose. The tables will be spread within the walls of the kiln, and will be elaborately decorated, while a uuique natural gas displuy will be 'made upon the ceilings and walls. The object of the visit la to examine the superior appliances and manner in which pressod brick aro made iu this city, and to more espocially see a praotical illustration of the manufacture of brick by natural gas. The party will spend most of the day at the works, and only a portion of time' is allowed for sigut seeing. Howevor, the maing point of interest will be visited, and it behooves our citizens to add.

in some way to the wel. come and hospitality 9. extended by the Marion Brick Company. A "SALOON ROBBED. John: Till Tapped for Seventeen Dollars.

Last night a sueak thief entered through a back window into the saloon of John Mallaney on South Washing. ton street, The till was broken open, and this morning the proprietor found about seventeen dollars missing. On suspicion Middleton aY 7 rested Lewis Pullman, a banger- on of the South End, and placed him in jail. Later in the day evidence developed to show that Pullman was innocent, aud he was, discharged from 2 o'clock this afternoon. His release was -secured by the confession made by one Val Hersel, who acknowledged the theft.

The offleers are now looking for that gentleman, The oil Well. work was abandoned on the Nelson oll yesterday. forenoon, after the pipes were adjusted to carry the gas aud oil as far away as possible from the derrick. The drill was lowered to within forty feet of the bottom of the well aud the caslug closed. Now all the gas and oil escapes through the pipe across into the feld cast of the derriek.

The oil now shows that the woll is down to a sandy foundation. Its color at present is yellowieh instead of blue black, as it WAS before the drilling Monday evening. Col. Zeigler Heard From, A letter received from Col. Gco.

W. Zeigior, who is now at Buffalo, states that the ho will go to Cincinnati this weck to purchase the nocessary me. clunery for his scaffold and Works in West Marion. Ile states further that he will push the work of building and setting up with all possible vigor, aud that it is his intention to enlargo his business 08 soon as practi. cable, after carrying out his plans al.

ready under contract. Dr. J. G. Richard 111.

Dr. Armstrong as delineator of Rich. ard the ThirJ last night gave a noble performance, fully up to the high stan. dard of his Julius Cu sur. It in a matter of regret that his audience was not piuch larger than that of Monday night.

The Doctor is not only a dramatio genius of high order but a most companionable gentleman. We hope to give a full review of his two lectures to row. GAM League Meeting. A meeting to organize a gas league was hold this afternoon at Anderson, called for the purpose of forming A combination of the gas towns for' the mutuul protection of natural gas inter. Representative of Marion, Anderson, Kokomo and Muncio aro in attendance.

To her Married Tonight, Edward. Donny, tho popular North Marion grocer, and Miss Lizzie Pogue will be murriod this evening at 8 o'clock by the Nortli Marion Congregationalist minister. The ceremony will take place at the roatdonce of the bride's parents on North Brauson street. Mixsca Leota and Ilelon, Goodwin, who for a week have been the guests of Mr. and Mira.

G. D. Ouster, returned to their home in Now Castlo today. W. IT.

Gray of Findlay is the guest of Mr. and Mra, W. V. I 1- IT WILL PAY YOU 444 1 To examine our beautiful L- DECORATED DINNER SETS, DECORATED CHAMBER SETS, HANGING LAMPS, 15 Which we are selling on easy payments. 14 BESHORE 6.

Spencer House Block. DRS, BRUBAKER AND CAMERON, The World's Noted Specialists, of Indianapolis, Ind. Parlors, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Fair Block, opposite new Union Depot. EA Dr.

Brubaker, Late of the Mediral: Department of the Hospital Medical Collage, nuenber of the leading at and a the Bellevue Eastern Medical and the American Modi cal Come to the greatest and waccesatal specialiate. of of never before known in the leet, Agao, alacesara, asthma, bladder constipation, cancer, catarrh: diarrhuca, elan, female weakness, fever porce, Atm, hratoria, hernia, irregularities, Impotency, Joint prostration, pimples, paralysis. St. Can Vitus he dance, consulted esphilia, tape in German and free STUBBINg HOUSE, MARION, "Faust tonight at the opera house. Three plain drunks were Jailed O'Connor Hotten-Fared, day.

A telephone has been placed in the mayor's office. No. Miss Belle Murphy of Wabash is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G.

D. Ouster. Miss Minnie Bayde of Wabash is the guest of George Hayde and family. Walter Payne WAS today called to South Bend by the alckness of rela. tires.

Will -Larrimer of Warren WAS the. guest of his brothers, Ben 'and Al, last night. Mr. and Mrs. George W.

Poston of Rush county are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Judge Carroll. H. B.

Reeves, manager of the Reeves LOperatio Fanat Company, -is -at the Stubbing with his company. Through G. D. Custer, Osborn Treop has been granted a pension of $14 por month and $315.47 arrearages. The Board of Managers of the W.

0. A. will moot with Mrs. Mather tomor. row afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.

Miss Florenco Reasoner returned yesterday, after A three weeks' visit with Columbus, Obio, friends. Mise Harriet Porter of Peru is in the city. Miss Porter is an accomplished planint, and is teaching a rapidly grow. class. In bouor of Miss Bessie Biddle of Laporte, Mr.

and Mrs. Blanch Hockett will entertain their young friends Friday evening at 8 o'clock. O'Connor Hotten-Fared, The great and only senseless crank, James O'Connor, had a stormy time at' the Parke Theater in Chicago Monday night. James tried his tragedy upon the street gamin and tough, that night. ly All the the State street thrater, and his greeting was hearty ard loug-drawnont.

Ho was ran off the boards, and defunct egg fruit was the main propeller, too. Mawkers and Poddiers. What cries WA hear daily in the streata of large cities. But these ant dealers who hawk their wares about are, when under proper restrintiona, useful portion of the Potamunity. and not such nuiRE the catarrh hawkora.

This 1g stubborn toconquer. but Dr. Catarrh Remedy does It. It is mild. snothing and antiseptic, unlike Anuffa that traitate.

or solutions fbat burn. It correcta Nasal breath and restores taste, smell and henring. entarrh often ends in consumption. Apply the only sure in time. Price 60 04n18 br all druggista, Poor's Dew bath rooms, under tho Oak, north sidu are open day and nigbt during the week, and from $111 12 and 1 MIl 6 Sundaya 115dtt FA 11 1 4 This Date in History--Jan, 21.

1457 -Birth of Henry VIII, king of England; died 1000- a Death of Joseph Scalizer: born 1540. -J 1509. 1750-Birth of Thomas, Lord Erskine, lord chancellor: died 1823. 1789-Birth naval of William Henry Smith, admiral, surveyor; died 1865. 1793- Louis XVl guillotined in Paris.

When the guillotine descended the priest said. "Son of sP louist shouted. ascend "Vive la, to heaven," and the people 1823 Birth of Stonewall Jacksou, Born American Confederate general: died 1863. 183 Death of Dr. Robert Macnisb, miscellaneous writer: born 1:02.

1858 Death of Henry Hallam, historian; born 1178. 1870-Death of George D. Prentice at Louisville. wit and journalist. Died In New York, Commodore Homer C.

Blake, aged 58 years. 188-Death of Eliza Ballou Garfield, mother of ex- President Garfield, at Mentor, born a Henry Kelly of slash in Trouble, Kokomo Gazette Tribune. Kelly, a young man from Slash. Grant county, was arraigned in the mayor's court this morning, charged with larceny in the theft of a revolver from George Jones of -Greentown. Kelly, Jones and Jones' brother came to the city yesterday to spend the day, going to the Clover Leaf depot late the evening to take a nigut train for Greentown.

While waiting for the train Jones missed his revolver. and charged Kelly with stealing it: Kelly denied the accusation, and shortly disappeured. The Jones boys remained in town, and this morning pointed Kelly out to Marabal Stewart. He arrested, and upon searched two revolvers were found in his possession, one of which, Jones as his property. put on a bold face at first, and in court refused to give his Dame, but subsequently weakened, confessed to the tueft, and wanted to plead guilty with the understanding he world receive a ligbt sentence.

mayor accommodated him 80 far case asit.was to the in his circuit power conrt. by and sending arranging the with the prosecutor for an immediate hearing. Boom for the Right, To the Editor of the Chronicle. Swayzee's temperance meeting last night was another great boom for' the rigut, death blow to the saloon interests. The P.

church was packed and crowded to its utmost ca. pacity, and the well Sledge Hammer King by chance happened to strike our town at that time. The word got out, and the result was a grand mecting. Mr King is a zealous worker in the cause. Ho 1g able to cope with Mur-.

phy, Benson and other great temper. ance workers of the day. lle anticipater bolding meetings in South Marion. Let him go where he may, he 1 is a wondorful power for good. May tho blessings of God go with him.

The sentiment he moulded here will live forever. RIHRON. Swayzee, Jan. 20, '91. Says It's a Fake.

The Peru Journal, chiming in with the Kokomo papers, as it always does, has the following cold- blooded paragraph in print: The story is going the rounds of the press that a great oil well has been struck four miles east of Marion on the farm of James R. Nelson. The drat re. port made the oil come forth with such force that it reacnod the top of the derrick, and dowed in a great stream an adjacent creek. Later reports atate that the well bat pluggod up, and an attempt made to conceal the discovery of oil.

It 1g very probable the whole thing is a fake, aud is being used to advortire Marion. Goat An Eye. While attacbing a mixer to a gas stove this morning Jim Gillock of North Marion mot with an accident that will cost him an ego. Missing a connection the pipe sprung up and struck his right eye, Inflicting an ugly gash in the lid and ball. The Way at Jonesboro.

Jonesboro People, Will. Coleman kicked over a stool, type into pie, stood on our gently asking formed us it was 0 boy. caine in yeaterday, knocked 8 lot on his ear and then the inDew, eight pound Tho Huntington Herald that principal work of' Congressman Martin, since the ro-opening of Congress, seems to have been the intro. ducticu of dL bill to increase Geo. Whitaere's pension.y Incorporated.

The Marion Gus and Oil Amaociation of this olty yesterday fled with the Sucrotary of Stato articles of incorpor-ation. The capital stook la fixed at $5,000. -0 A). Hovey. Dr.

Cameron, Indiana Medical College of of the State and National Eclectic And late army member Medical Graduate of the Rush Medical College of Chicago, the authority, the world the 19th century. They the fillowing blutches. bronchitle, chronic diarrhora, dehility, sty dropsy, dysentery, dea disease, kidneys, liver, leurorrhea, goltre, airet, wrarel, hip joint a rupture, spine. skin, skin disease, worm, tonall colargemente, ninture, uterus, ng Wise JANUA 27th and and the prema witta cronked limbo, club eye, ear, eryap. disease, headache, ovarlie, piles, stricture, ulcers, Linsey Herrington Parties calling for above" letters will pleaso say "advortised." J.

A. GAUNIT, P. M. The Finest on Earth. The Cinoinati, Hamilton Dayton -R, R.

the only line running Pullman's perfected salety vestibuled trains, with chair, parlor, sleeping and dining car service between Cincinuati, Indianapolis and Chicago, the only line running through reclining chair cars between Cincinnati, Kookuk, and and the direct line botwuen Cinciunati, Dayton, Lima, Toledo, Detroit, the lake regions and Canada. The road is one of the oldeat in the state of Obio and the only line entering Cincinnati over twenty-five miles of doable track, and from its past rocord can more than assure its patrons speed, comfort and da safety, Tiokets on sule everywhere, and see that they read O. H. either in or pout of Cinciunati, Indianapolis, or ToJado. E.

O. MOCORMIOK, Onueral passenger and ticket agent Christian Endeavor Convention. tickets The to Clover Kokomo Loaf and will 1sane return, Feb. excursion 3d and 4th, at extremoly low rate accouut of Christian Endeavor. Call on W.

B. MeLaran, agent, T. St. L. K.

C. Ry. for further particulars. Yours 321td C. O.


Norman has purohased the en. tire stock and business known hereto. fore as Norman drug store and will have charge of the books, collecting all debts and paying all bills. of the old firm. All patrons and friends are cordially invited to call at the old stand.

Read the ad of the grand opera season Thursday and Friday night at the opera bouse. Abbie Carrington 19 the chief attraction. j20 Ladies of the W. R. O.

who have any articles of clothing for benefit of the poor will picase send saine to residence of MA. Amos Fortuey, Adama atreet, where it will be put in order for diatri. bution among those who are in need, Remember the poor who must suffer it not cared for. j16dtf Advertised Letter Following is the list of letters maining unclaimed in the Marion for. the week ovding Jan.

13, 1891: LADIES. Carter Mias Eva 2 Hurst Miss Katie Davia Myrta Hoakina Belle Gray Mra Lizzie Mangos Mrg Nora Tharp Malinda GENTS Bower Anderson John Mire Myera Willie George 2 Brown Theron Mikles Geo Boyd WI 3 Moley James Baler Chas Maple 11 Geo Markin Michael Doran John Nelson Wesley Forsythe Pier Fiaher Chas A PAmpel Ed fi Paterson Koy JAmPA Jordan WIn hom*or- 2 Roush Heury, -Withalun Jackson James King John lI Yewell Hol Jr Children Cry for Castoria I L. reP. 0. 1 17 41, 4 Y.

11 -5: 3 1- 3. EA.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.