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FK 2018 91

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Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia,

in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

March 2018

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Copyright © Universiti Putra Malaysia

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Abstract of thesis presented to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia in fulfilment

of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy






March 2018

Chairman : Professor Biswajeet Pradhan, PhD

Faculty : Engineering

Road traffic accidents are global concerns since they affect human life, economy, and

road transportation systems. Rapid information acquisition and insight discovery are

key tasks in transportation management. Specifically, extraction of geometric road

features such as slopes and superelevation are essential information to understand the

effects of road geometry on road traffic accidents. However, to understand these

effects clearly and accurately, proper modeling techniques should be used. This study

aims to develop methods to extract geometric road features (e.g., vertical gradients,

superelevation, width, design speed) and establish associations between those features

and road traffic accidents including frequency and accident severity. There was a need

for efficient segmentation algorithm, optimization strategy, feature extraction and

classification, and robust statistical and computational intelligence models to

accomplish the set aims. Experimental results regarding road geometry extraction

indicated that the proposed methods could achieve relatively high accuracy (~ 85% -

User’s Accuracy) of road detection from airborne laser scanning data. Our method

improved the overall accuracy of classification by 7% outperforming the supervised

𝑘 nearest neighbour method. In addition, the results also showed that the proposed

hierarchical classification method could extract geometric road elements with an

average error rate of 6.25% for slope parameter and 6.65% for superelevation

parameter, and it is transferable to other regions of similar environments. On the other

hand, the geometric regression model predicted the number of accidents in the North-

South Expressway with a reasonable accuracy (R2 = 0.64). This model also could

identify the most influential factors contributing to the number of accidents.

Experiments on deep learning models showed that the recurrent neural network

performs better than the feedforward neural networks, statistical bayesian logistic

regression, and convolutional neural networks. This study also suggests that transfer

learning could improve the forecasting accuracy of the injury severity by nearly 10%.

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Abstrak tesis yang dikemukakan kepada Senat Universiti Putra Malaysia sebagai

memenuhi keperluan untuk ijazah Doktor Falsafah






Mac 2018

Pengerusi : Profesor Biswajeet Pradhan, PhD

Fakulti : Kejuruteraan

Kemalangan jalan raya adalah kebimbangan global kerana ia mempengaruhi

kehidupan manusia, ekonomi, dan sistem pengangkutan jalan raya. Pemerolehan

maklumat yang cepat dan penemuan wawasan adalah tugas utama dalam pengurusan

pengangkutan. Khususnya, pengekstrakan ciri-ciri jalan geometri seperti cerun dan

penyempurnaan adalah maklumat penting untuk memahami kesan geometri jalan raya

pada kemalangan jalan raya. Walau bagaimanapun, untuk memahami kesan-kesan ini

dengan jelas dan tepat, teknik pemodelan yang betul harus digunakan. Kajian ini

bertujuan untuk membangunkan kaedah untuk mengekstrak ciri-ciri jalan geometri

(cth., Kecerunan menegak, superelevasi, lebar, kelajuan reka bentuk) dan

mewujudkan persatuan antara ciri-ciri dan kemalangan jalan raya termasuk kekerapan

dan keterukan kemalangan. Terdapat keperluan untuk algoritma segmentasi yang

berkesan, strategi pengoptimuman, pengekstrakan dan klasifikasi ciri, dan model

perisikan statistik dan komputasi yang mantap untuk mencapai matlamat yang

ditetapkan. Hasil eksperimen mengenai pengekstrakan geometri jalan menunjukkan

bahawa kaedah yang dicadangkan dapat mencapai ketepatan yang agak tinggi (~ 85%

- Akurasi Pengguna) pengesanan jalan dari data pengimbasan laser udara. Kaedah

kami meningkatkan ketepatan keseluruhan klasifikasi sebanyak 7% yang melebihi

kaedah jiran terdekat yang diselia. Di samping itu, keputusan juga menunjukkan

bahawa kaedah klasifikasi hierarki yang dicadangkan dapat mengekstrak unsur jalan

geometri dengan kadar kesilapan purata 6.25% untuk parameter cerun dan 6.65%

untuk parameter superelevasi, dan ia boleh dipindahkan ke kawasan lain yang serupa

persekitaran. Sebaliknya, model regresi geometri meramalkan bilangan kemalangan

di Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan dengan ketepatan yang munasabah (R2 = 0.64). Model ini

juga dapat mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang paling berpengaruh yang menyumbang

kepada bilangan kemalangan. Eksperimen dalam model pembelajaran mendalam

menunjukkan bahawa rangkaian neural berulang lebih baik daripada rangkaian saraf

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feedforward, regresi logistik bayesian statistik, dan rangkaian saraf convolutional.

Kajian ini juga menunjukkan bahawa pemindahan pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan

ketepatan ramalan keterukan cedera oleh hampir 10%.

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I praise ALLAH for his great loving generosity, that has brought all of us to encourage

and tell each other and who has pulled us from the darkness to the light. All respect

for our Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), who guided us to identify our


I am very grateful for the support of my family and relatives – for their constant

inspiration and encouragement. First, my father Ibrahim Sameen - for his moral and

financial support, and my sisters - for their curious enthusiasm. Second, my heartfelt

thanks to my fiancee for her moral support, continues help and for standing by my

side. Third, I also thank my aunts Sarah and Sabiha – for their support and their role

in getting the work of this thesis done, my uncle, Abdullah, and all my other relatives

– for their help and support in diverse issues regarding life and study.

Finally, I also want to say thanks to all my dear friends - in Iraq and Malaysia, for their

understanding and interest, for helping me to enjoy my life besides work and study.

I also take this occasion to express my deep acknowledgment and profound regards to

my guide Prof Dr. Biswajeet Pradhan for his ideal guidance, monitoring and

continuous motivation during this thesis. The help, blessing, and guidance offered by

him from time to time will support me a long way in the life journey on which I am

about to embark. He formed an atmosphere that motivated innovation and shared his

remarkable experiences throughout the work. Without his constant encouragement, it

would have been impossible for me to finish this research.

I acknowledge my committee Assoc. Dr. Helmi Shafri and Assoc. Dr. Hussain Bin

Hamid, for the valuable information provided by them in their respective fields. I am

grateful for their cooperation.

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This thesis was submitted to the Senate of the Universiti Putra Malaysia and has been

accepted as fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The

members of the Supervisory Committee were as follows:

Biswajeet Pradhan, PhD


Faculty of Engineering

Universiti Putra Malaysia


Helmi Shafri, PhD

Associate Professor

Faculty of Engineering

Universiti Putra Malaysia


Hussain Bin Hamid, PhD

Associate Professor

Faculty of Engineering

Universiti Putra Malaysia



Professor and Dean

School of Graduate Studies

Universiti Putra Malaysia


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Declaration by graduate student

I hereby confirm that:

this thesis is my original work;

quotations, illustrations and citations have been duly referenced;

this thesis has not been submitted previously or concurrently for any other degree

at any institutions;

intellectual property from the thesis and copyright of thesis are fully-owned by

Universiti Putra Malaysia, as according to the Universiti Putra Malaysia

(Research) Rules 2012;

written permission must be obtained from supervisor and the office of Deputy

Vice-Chancellor (Research and innovation) before thesis is published (in the form

of written, printed or in electronic form) including books, journals, modules,

proceedings, popular writings, seminar papers, manuscripts, posters, reports,

lecture notes, learning modules or any other materials as stated in the Universit i

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there is no plagiarism or data falsification/fabrication in the thesis, and scholarly

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Studies) Rules 2003 (Revision 2012-2013) and the Universiti Putra Malaysia

(Research) Rules 2012. The thesis has undergone plagiarism detection software

Signature: _______________________ Date: __________________

Name and Matric No.: Maher Ibrahim Sameen, GS44022

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Declaration by Members of Supervisory Committee

This is to confirm that:

the research conducted and the writing of this thesis was under our supervision;

supervision responsibilities as stated in the Universiti Putra Malaysia (Graduate

Studies) Rules 2003 (Revision 2012-2013) were adhered to.


Name of Chairman

of Supervisory


Professor Dr. Biswajeet Pradhan


Name of Member

of Supervisory


Associate Professor Dr. Helmi Shafri


Name of Member

of Supervisory


Associate Professor Dr. Hussain Bin Hamid

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1.1 Background of Study 1 1.2 The Statement of Problem 3

1.3 Research Objectives 4 1.4 Research Questions 5

1.5 Thesis Contributions 5 1.6 Scope of Study 6

1.7 Thesis Organization 7


2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 Introduction to Laser Scanning Systems (LiDAR) 10

2.2.1 General 10 2.2.2 LiDAR 10 ALS 11 MLS 14

2.2.3 Comparison of AS, MLS for Road Extraction and

Modeling 17

2.3 Road Geometric Modeling 17 2.3.1 General 17

2.3.2 Road Geometric Model 18 2.3.3 Delineation of Road Geometric from LiDAR Data 20 Road Extraction Based on Types of

Sensors (LiDAR) 21 Classification on Road Extraction According

to the Preset Objective 22 Road Extraction Techniques 23 2.4 Road Traffic Accident Modeling 30

2.4.1 General 30 2.4.2 Road Accident Setting 30

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2.4.3 Model Factors for Predicting Road Accident Frequency 31 2.4.4 Model Factors for Predicting Road Accident Severity 32

2.4.5 Frequency Modeling 33 2.4.6 Injury Severity Modeling 34

2.4.7 Comparison of NN and Statistical Models for Traffic

Accident Modeling 36

2.4.8 Use of NN in Road Accidents Prediction 38 2.4.9 Rationale of Using NN 40

2.4.10 Predictive Performance of Different Types of NN 41 2.5 Chapter Summary 43

2.6 Research Gaps 44


3.1 Introduction 46 3.2 Overall Methodology 46

3.3 Experimental Test Sites 47 3.3.1 Test Area 1 - Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) 47

3.3.2 Test Area 2 – North-South Expressway (NSE) 49 3.4 Data 50

3.4.1 LiDAR 51 ALS Data 51 MLS Data 51 3.4.2 Traffic Accident Data 53 Accident Frequency Data 53 Accident Severity Data 54

3.4.3 Field Data 57 3.5 Data Pre-processing 58

3.5.1 LiDAR Data 58 Geometric Calibration and Outlier Removing 58 Generating DSM 58 Generating DEM 59

3.5.2 Traffic Accident Data 60 Data Transformation 60 Removing Missing Data and

Multicollinearity Assessment 60

3.6 Road Geometric Modeling Using a Hybrid ACO-OBIA Method 62 3.6.1 Overview 62

3.6.2 Segmentation 62 Overall Workflow 64 Identifying Segmentation Levels 65 Identifying Best Segmentation Parameters

by Taguchi Method 66 Segmentation Assessment 68

3.6.3 Feature Extraction and Classification 69 Background of ACO 69 ACO for Attribute Selection 70 Selection of Attribute Subsets 71

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xi Ruleset Development with DT Algorithm 72 3.7 Road Geometric Modeling Using Hierarchical Feature

Extraction Approach 73 3.7.1 Overview 73

3.7.2 MS Segmentation 74 3.7.3 PSO Optimization 75

3.7.4 Classification of Segments Using SVM 76 3.7.5 Extraction of Road Geometric Parameters Using PCA 76

3.7.6 Extraction of Road Geometric Design Parameters 78 3.8 Modeling Traffic Accident Frequency Using GR 80

3.8.1 Geometric Regression (GR) 80 3.8.2 Road Segmentation 81

3.8.3 Modeling Accident Frequency Using GR 82 3.9 Modeling Accident Severity Using RNN 83

3.9.1 Network Architecture 83 3.9.2 Training Methodology 86

3.9.3 Mitigating Overfitting 87 3.9.4 Hyperparameter Tuning 87

3.10 Modeling Accident Severity Using TL Model 88 3.10.1 Transfer Learning (TL) 88

3.10.2 Network Architecture 89 3.10.3 Network Parameters 90

3.10.4 Hyperparameter Optimization 91 3.11 Summary 92

4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 93 4.1 Introduction 93

4.2 Implementation and Software 93 4.3 Results of Road Geometric Modeling in 2D 94

4.3.1 Results of Segmentation 94 4.3.2 Results of Feature Selection and Classification 98 Results of ACO 98 Comparison of ACO with Other Techniques 100

4.3.3 Results of Image Classification 102 4.3.4 Validation 103

4.3.5 Evaluation of ACO-based Rules Transferability 106 4.3.6 Discussion 107

4.4 Results of Road Geometric Modeling in 3D 110 4.4.1 Results of Hierarchical Classification 110

4.4.2 Accuracy and Model Transferability Assessments 113 4.4.3 Sensitivity Analysis 114

4.4.4 Results of Calculating NSE Design Parameters 115 4.5 Results Traffic Accident Frequency Modeling Using GR 117

4.5.1 Modeling Results 117 4.5.2 Discussion 122

4.6 Results of Accident Severity Modeling Using RNN 123 4.6.1 Results of RNN Model Performance 123

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4.6.2 Sensitivity Analysis of Optimization Algorithm 124 4.6.3 Sensitivity Analysis of Learning Rate and RNN

Sequence Length 125 4.6.4 Network Depth Analysis 126

4.6.5 Extraction Factor Contribution in the RNN Model 127 4.6.6 Comparative Experiment with Statistical Methods 128

4.6.7 Comparative Experiment with Other DL Models 130 Performance Evaluation 130 Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis 131 Discussion 133

4.6.8 Computational Complexity of the Model 135 4.6.9 Applicability and Limitations of the Proposed Method 135

4.7 Results of TL 136 4.7.1 Training from Scratch vs. TL 136

4.7.2 Effects of Batch Size 138 4.7.3 Effects of Data Transformation 139

4.7.4 Effects of Network Hyperparameters 139 4.7.5 Discussion 142

4.7.6 Time Complexity Analysis 143 4.7.7 Model Comparisons 143

4.7.8 Importance of Accident-Related Factors 144 4.8 Summary of Results 146


5.2 Conclusion 149 5.3 Recommendation for Future Work 151



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Table Page

2.1 Performance specifications of common ALS systems used for

road extraction and geometric road modeling in the earlier



2.2 Performance comparison between ALS, MLS, and TLS for road

extraction and modeling [modified after Williams et al. (2013)]


2.3 The proposed classification of road extraction methods based on

three criteria identified by Mena (2003)


2.4 Advantages and disadvantages of published methods for

delineation of geometric road information from ALS data


2.5 Basic NN terminology and statistical equivalent (adapted from

Sarle (1994))


2.6 Summary of studies used NN for traffic accident modeling 39

3.1 Sets of data and parameters used in the study 50

3.2 Typical technical specification of Riegl VZ-2000 mobile scanner

(Source: Datasheet VZ-2000, 2015)


3.3 Sample of accident frequency data acquired from PLUS; the

detailed version of this table is in the appendix


3.4 Driver injury severity distribution according to accident-related



3.5 Multicollinearity assessment for the accident frequency model



3.6 Multicollinearity assessment among the accident related factors 61

3.7 Segmentation levels and their corresponding selected values of

user-defined parameters used to optimize image segmentation

process by Taguchi method


3.8 The L16 orthogonal array for segmentation level 1, created by

Taguchi design to conduct experiments for analyzing effects of

segmentation parameters on classification accuracy


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3.9 The L16 orthogonal array for segmentation level 2, created by

Taguchi design to conduct experiments for analyzing effects of

segmentation parameters on classification accuracy


3.10 The L9 orthogonal array for segmentation level 3, created by

Taguchi design to conduct experiments for analyzing effects of

segmentation parameters on classification accuracy


3.11 Selected attributes from the available attributes for LiDAR data



3.12 SVM hyperparameters that are tuned 75

3.13 Summary of characteristics of hom*ogeneous section variables

considered for model development


3.14 The optimized hyperparameters of the proposed RNN model 87

3.15 Hyperparameters and their descriptions of the proposed DL



3.16 Search space and the optimal values of the model



4.1 Geometric quality assessment of segmentation process 98

4.2 Attributes selected by ACO and classification accuracy produced

by different percent subsets


4.3 Rulesets generated by DT algorithm using the best attribute

subset selected by ACO proposed for LiDAR data classification


4.4 Accuracy assessment of the proposed classification method for

LiDAR data and its comparison with a rule-based method with

full attribute sets-and supervised KNN approach


4.5 Accuracy assessment of the proposed classification method for

the second dataset


4.6 Results compared with field measured values based on MLS

point clouds for slope and superelevation parameters


4.7 Results of testing area compared with field measured values

based on MLS point clouds for slope and superelevation



4.8 Accuracy of our method against other methods in the literature 114

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4.9 NSE design parameters calculated in AutoCAD based on

extracted road geometric model


4.10 Vertical curves with their characteristics of NSE study area 117

4.11 The GR model and the estimated coefficients 118

4.12 The analysis of variance and the estimated elasticities 118

4.13 Coefficients and elasticity estimates for the explanatory variables

based on fixed-length segments


4.14 The performance of different optimization methods evaluated in

this study


4.15 The training and validation accuracy of the proposed RNN model

with a different number of dense layers


4.16 The training and validation accuracy of the proposed RNN model

with a different number of LSTM layers


4.17 The calculated weights of accident-related factors 128

4.18 Performance comparison of the proposed RNN model with MLP

and BLR models


4.19 Calculated ranks of the accident-related factors in the RNN,

MLP, and BLR models


4.20 The average cross-validation accuracy of the proposed models 131

4.21 Average training and testing time per iteration of the proposed



4.22 Average training and testing time per iteration/ prediction of the

proposed model


4.23 The training and testing accuracies estimated for the proposed

model and its comparison with other ML methods


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Figure Page

2.1 General and the specific topics reviewed in this thesis 9

2.2 The main components of a typical ALS system 12

2.3 An example of ALS data, (a) LiDAR point clouds colored by

elevation attributes, low elevations are shown in blue colour

while the high elevations are indicated by red colour, (b) LiDAR

intensity data, low intensities in dark colour, and bright colour

shows high intensities, (c) true colour aerial orthophoto acquired

by the same airborne LiDAR system in the same data acquisition



2.4 MLS system components (e.g., Topcon IP-S3 HD 3D Mobile

Mapping System)


2.5 An example of MLS point clouds acquired by a Riegl VZ-2000

mobile scanner and Nikon camera D800 (30 megapixels) for a

highway section


2.6 Basic geometric elements of road model, (a) a horizontal curve,

(b) superelevation, (c) vertical curves (g refers to road gradient

often in percent)


2.7 A simple sketch shows the typical cross-section of



3.1 The flowchart of the overall methodology 48

3.2 Location of UPM area 49

3.3 Location of NSE area 50

3.4 Operational elements of Riegl VZ-2000 and its georeferencing

concept, (a) the concept of direct georeferencing, (b) operational

elements and connectors of the device


3.5 Photos were taken at NSE site during MLS data collection 52

3.6 Sample from MLS data captured by Riegl VZ-2000 covers urban

road point clouds; points are color-coded by natural color of

digital photos


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3.7 Typical vehicle types that involved in traffic accidents along

NSE, (a) motorcycle, (b) different vehicle types such as a car,

bus, van, and a heavy car


3.8 The overall method proposed for LiDAR data classification with



3.9 The workflow of the proposed two-stage optimization strategy

for OBIA


3.10 ACO-based attribute selection workflow 70

3.11 Workflow of geospatial model based on a hierarchical strategy 74

3.12 Correspondence between PCA-based eigenvalues and

eigenvectors with vertical geometric parameters of the road


3.13 Segmentation in road cross-sections and parameter estimation



3.14 Estimation of road geometry features, (a) the process of curve

fitting, (b) an example of attribute information about the road

segments and their design parameters, (3) a basic diagram of

vertical curves


3.15 An example of the factor “distance to the nearest access point”

used in the accident count modeling


3.16 Example for segregation of a road section into four hom*ogenous

segments based on values of the observed explanatory variables


3.17 The high-level architecture of the proposed RNN model 84

3.18 The proposed NN model for injury severity prediction of traffic



3.19 The proposed CNN model for injury severity prediction of traffic



3.20 An illustration of the principal goal of TL with DL (e.g., NN)



3.21 The architecture of the proposed model based on RNN and TL 90

4.1 Class separability distance estimated using BD algorithm used to

optimize the scale parameters


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4.2 SNRs used to select the optimal scale, shape, and compactness

parameters for OBIA. The SNR measures how the response

varies relative to the target value under different noise

conditions. The negative values are due to the logarithmic

transformation used in SNR formula. The negative values

indicate not favourable parameter values for the given task


4.3 Land cover classes of the study area used for method

development (with their assigned segmentation levels)


4.4 Results of image segmentation obtained by MRS algorithm with

optimized parameters, (a) an example from NSE area, (b) UPM



4.5 Evaluation of the attribute subset selected by ACO using OA and

the kappa coefficient


4.6 Comparison of classification accuracies with selected attributes

by different methods, overall accuracies (left), kappa indices



4.7 Results of image classification using the best attribute subset and

rule-based method


4.8 Results of image classification with a rule-based method with

full attribute sets (a) and supervised KNN approach (b)


4.9 Results of image classification with ACO-optimized rule-based

method for NSE area


4.10 Example showing the extracted road surface (a) interpolated

DSM from MLS point clouds using the TIN-based method, (b)

extracted road surface, (c) an example on accurate road edges,

which were identified using the proposed method


4.11 Superelevation graphical diagram 112

4.12 Slope graphical diagram 112

4.13 Effects of sample size on SVM accuracy 115

4.14 Scatter plot of observed accidents versus those predicted by the

Bayesian logistic model


4.15 Accuracy performance and loss of the RNN model calculated for

100 epochs


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4.16 The sensitivity of the RNN model for different learning rate and

sequence length configurations


4.17 The accuracy of the models tested by a 10-fold cross-validation



4.18 Effects of optimization algorithm on the accuracy of the

proposed models


4.19 Effects of the batch size on the accuracy of the proposed models 133

4.20 Effects of the dropout rate on the CNN and RNN models 133

4.21 Variations of model loss (left) and model validation accuracy

(right) without TL


4.22 Variations of model loss (left) and model validation accuracy

(right) with TL


4.23 Effects of batch size on the validation accuracy of the model 139

4.24 Effects of different optimization methods on the validation

accuracy of the model


4.25 Effects of some hidden units in the LSTM and dense layers on

the validation accuracy of the model


4.26 Effects of learning rate and weight decay on the validation

accuracy of the model


4.27 A diagram shows the estimated coefficients for the accident-

related factors based on the proposed model with and without TL


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LiDAR Light Detection And Ranging

ALS Airborne Laser Scanning

MLS Mobile Laser Scanning

TLS Terrestrial Laser Scanning

3D Three Dimension (s)

OBIA Object-Based Image Analysis

DEM Digital Elevation Model

DL Deep Learning

2D Two Dimension (s)

FOV Field of View

RNN Recurrent Neural Network (s)

TL Transfer Learning

IMU Inertial Measurement Unit

DSM Digital Surface Model

NN Neural Network (s)

UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (s)

ACO Ant Colony Optimization

SVM Support Vector Machine (s)

GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System

GIS Geographic Information System

GR Geometric Regression

GPS Global Positioning System

PCA Principal Component Analysis

TOF Time of Flight

UPM Universiti Putra Malaysia

ML Machine Learning

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LR Logistic Regression

CNN Convolutional Neural Network (s)

HD High Definition

NSE North-South Expressway

PSO Particle Swarm Optimization

LULC Land Use and Land Cover

EA Evolutionary Algorithm (s)

RF Random Forest

GLONASS Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System

USGS United States Geological Survey

DTM Digital Terrain Model

MCC Multiscale Curvature Classification

EDM Electronic Distance Measurement

RMS Root Mean Square

PCD Phase Coded Disk

DT Decision Tree

SPOT Système Pour l'Observation de la Terre

MRS Multi-Resolution Segmentation

NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

GVF Gradient Vector Flow

RANSAC RANdom SAmple Consensus

CRF Conditional Random Field

CAD Computer-Aided Design

ETC Electronic Toll Collection

NB Negative Binomial

MA Moving Average

AR Autoregressive

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KNN K-Nearest Neighbors

MLPNN Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks

RBFNN Radial Basis Function Neural Networks

SAP Smeed Accident Prediction

SLPNN Single-Layer Perceptron Neural Network

GRNN General Regression Neural Network

MLR Multilayer Regression

GDP Gross Domestic Product

MSE Mean Square Error

ReLU Rectified Linear Unit

GA Genetic Algorithms

LSTM Long Short-Term Memory

GCPs Ground Control Points

PLUS Projek Lebuhraya Usaha Sama

VIF Variance Inflated Factor

DGPS Differential Global Positioning System

AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic

BD Bhattacharyya Distance

POF Plateau Objective Function

SNR Signal-To-Noise Ratio

MS Mean Shift

UA User’s Accuracy

ED Euclidean Distance

SGD Stochastic Gradient Descent

BPTT Backpropagation Through Time

OA Overall Accuracy

AIC Akaike Information Criterion

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APM Accident Prediction Model

MCMC Markov Chain Monte Carlo

BGR Brooks-Gelman-Rubin

DIC Deviance Information Criterion

PC Personal Computer

GPUs Graphics Processing Units

KIA Kappa Index of Agreement

BLR Bayesian Logistic Regression

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1.1 Background of Study

Transportation systems specifically road transport are highly essential to economic

activities. They play a vital role in marketing products and providing citizens with ease

of access to points of contact for business activities, health, education, and agriculture.

Road transportation systems must be safe and efficient to keep the above services

active. However, almost every road section has a significant risk of traffic accidents—

a primary global concern due to many fatalities and economic losses every year. For

example in Malaysia, the recent statistics show that deaths per 100,000 people are

nearly 24 for all road users (Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015). Mainly,

expressways and highways in urban areas are potential sites of fatal traffic accidents.

On an average, 18 people are killed daily nationwide in road accidents as per a survey

conducted in 2015. In 2016, the number of fatalities jumped to 7,152 from 6,706

deaths in the earlier year (Malaysian Road Transport Department, 2017). In addition,

Malaysia had the highest fatality risk (per 100,000 population) among the Asian

countries. The majority of road accident fatalities involve motorcyclists, making up

50% of the total number of accidents (Manan and Várhelyi, 2012). Unless action is

taken, the number of deaths is expected to increase in the coming years.

Given all above, recent developments in laser scanning technology have improved

spatial data acquisition in road environments. These developments have helped to

build geometric road models that can help assessing road safety and make accurate

and valid predictions on road traffic accidents. Laser scanning systems or LiDAR

(Light Detection And Ranging) are the latest technology to capture the 3D geometry

of various objects such as 3D point clouds on large surfaces accurately and densely.

Furthermore, they offer rapid and cost-effective data acquisition about road corridors

and surrounding environments. Most of the road inventory information can be

extracted from the original design of the roads. However, road geometric elements

such as pavement roughness, vertical gradients, and horizontal curves change over

time due to construction, degradation in road conditions, and vegetation growth

(Shamayleh and Khattak, 2003). Apart from that, collecting data by conventional

measurement methods are not safe, and the surveyor may not find safe sight distances

to get readings necessary to calculate vertical grades and side slopes of the road

(Uddin, 2008). The conventional measurement methods are relatively expensive to

produce detailed topographic models and time-consuming. On the other hand,

photogrammetry and optical satellite imagery have the disadvantages of poor

visibility/ cloudy daytime, the relatively low accuracy of required topographic models,

and computationally are not efficient to generate topographic maps due to the

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requirements of collecting dense points distributed uniformly in the focus area (Uddin,


Therefore, LiDAR technology is a promising method for acquiring data about road

corridors. In general, LiDAR sensors have higher spatial resolution than satellite-

based sensors, wider Field of View (FOV), and lower cost than traditional aerial

photogrammetric and surveying methods for right projects. By evaluating specific

height information in LiDAR data, along with high-resolution orthophotos, objects

such as road can be distinguished efficiently from other objects. Overall, LiDAR data

is practical for extracting road geometry and roadside features that many applications

including traffic accident modeling can benefit (Lee and Mannering, 2002). Thus,

developing methods that can extract accurately and rapidly road information from

LiDAR data to improve road safety is highly crucial.

One way to improve road safety is by developing accurate prediction models of traffic

accidents using road geometry and sophisticated Machine Learning (ML) and

statistical techniques. However, development of such models is not straightforward

and needs careful analysis and optimization to be practical for transportation agencies.

The research of geometric road modeling from LiDAR data has progressed a lot since

the development of advanced LiDAR systems. Various algorithms, data processing

workflows, and practical guidelines have been proposed by different researchers and

showed a significant performance compared to the traditional methods (Poullis and

You, 2010; Fix et al., 2016). The latest methods combine LiDAR data with other

ancillary information (e.g., road centerline, road attributes, knowledge about road

shape and geometry) in hierarchical forms to create accurate three-dimensional (3D)

models of road sections (Holgado‐ Barco et al., 2015). A hierarchical model (or a

model with multiple levels of processing) is defined as a data processing model that

combines sub-models (usually different algorithms) at several processing stages to

solve specific problems. For instance, in a study by Holgado‐ Barco et al. (2015), a

hierarchical model was developed by combining segmentation algorithms and

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to model road geometry from mobile LiDAR

data. These methods have shown promising advantages over traditional methods.

However, their main limitation is the dependency on the accuracy and the

completeness of the ancillary information used to obtain the road features. Thus,

progress should be made to overcome such limitations and advance the road extraction

algorithms, and such developments will open up new areas for transportation


The literature shows the momentous development of modeling approaches for

predicting road traffic accidents including statistical and soft computing algorithms

(Hosseinpour et al., 2014; Karlaftis and Vlahogianni, 2011; Pei et al., 2011). The

traditional methods significantly focused on hand-crafted features identified by

experts in the transportation field and used to model accident frequency and injury

severity using statistical techniques such as Logistic Regression (LR) and Support

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Vector Machine (SVM). However, as generating handcrafted features requires experts

and time, researchers thought about alternatives such as Neural Networks (NN),

Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) and developing powerful statistical models that can

better handle accident data without expensive feature engineering (Yu et al ., 2014).

A part of these developments, the availability of data and having powerful computing

resources such as processing on GPUs (Graphical Processing Units) have led to

rethinking about NN methods. Deep Learning (DL), a recent groundbreaking

development in ML community, has shed light on using NN models more efficiently

than before. DL allows computational models to learn hierarchal representations of

data with multiple levels of abstraction at different processing layers. In addition, in

limited data situations, Transfer Learning (TL) can be used in DL models to overcome

over-fitting problems. Overall, combining DL and TL with careful fine-tuning in a

single workflow is expected to provide sufficient prediction power for models

designed to simulate traffic accidents based on historical records.

Since the above shows the importance of having robust tools to model road geometry

for road safety assessment, the primary goal of this thesis is to investigate issues

surrounding the development of methods that can accurately and efficiently model

road geometry and make predictions on road traffic accidents at high-speed

expressways. This first chapter serves as an overview of the entire thesis.

Besides the state of the general topic and background of the study, it provides the

statement of the problem, the gap of knowledge. The importance of the proposed

research, the research questions, aims and research objectives, the thesis contribution,

the scope of the topic, and outlines the order of information in the rest of this thesis.

1.2 The Statement of Problem

Everyone in this world wants to have safe transportation systems to travel from a place

to another easily and securely. However, today there are many issues and challenges

making transportation systems less safe than they should be. Among these issues, rapid

urbanization over various landscape forms, population growth and migration of people

from rural to urban areas. Other challenges include lack of technical tools that can

support road safety managers to simulate future scenarios and make better plans to

solve problems related to road safety efficiently. If these problems continue, failure of

transportation systems would significantly affect the stability and development of

modern cities as transportation systems are the heart of the cities.

Specifically, there are a need to construct 3D models for highways and establish

relationships among road geometry features (e.g., vertical and horizontal curves, side

slopes) and road traffic accidents to improve safety assessments for road

transportation. Research shows that using object-based methods (or OBIA—Object-

Based Image Analysis) which take into consideration not only the spectral

information, but also other geometric, textural, and contextual information for

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extracting features from data is more powerful than pixel-based methods (Gudex-

Cross et al., 2017). However, OBIA methods need careful optimization of the

segmentation process and the choice of relevant features as well as rule sets that are

transferable to other areas without significant loss of accuracy (Robb et al., 2015).

Although many optimization methods have been proposed for OBIA, the proposed

methods lack optimization of the two main steps of OBIA, segmentation, and

classification at the same time. Choosing segmentation parameters that can produce

the best the possible segmentation quality and classification accuracy will help

producing more accurate and complete road features.

On the other hand, technical tools are essential to make predictions for future scenarios

of road safety. There are two main groups of predictive models namely, statistical

(e.g., LR) and computational intelligence (e.g., NN). The former requires extensive

engineering works and significant efforts to extract relevant features for accident

frequency and injury severity predictions. The latter requires relatively large datasets

for training and careful optimization of model’s hyper-parameters. NN due to limited

data suffers from over-fitting, lack of generalization and computing the importance of

accident predictors and modeling the temporal/contextual structures inherent in the

accident data. The traditional feed-forward NN does not allow compositionality with

the adequate flexibility to improve the generalization and predictive ability of the

model. However, the recent DL methods allow compositionality and using accident

data as sequential data allowing modeling their inherent temporal and contextual

structures. With additional information such as spatial-temporal relationships among

accident events, it is expected to improve the accuracy and generalization of the

models. Additionally, the volume of traffic accident data usually plays a significant

role in deciding a proper prediction modeling approach. With limited data (i.e., <500

records), simple models (i.e., statistical models with fixed parameters) are often

preferred. However, some sophisticated modeling approaches such as DL models have

higher prediction capabilities and attract many attentions in recent years. Their

implementation with limited data requires the development of sophisticated models

with TL methods, which the traffic accident literature lacks.

1.3 Research Objectives

The master goal of this thesis is to contribute to the efficient road geometric modeling

from LiDAR data and to the prediction of traffic accidents on highways. For being

practical, this objective has to be split up into smaller and more specific goals, which

may be organized into methodological aims as follows:

1. To delineate road geometry in two dimensions (2D) using an integrated ACO

and OBIA methods with a novel two-stage optimization strategy for the

segmentation step.

2. To extract road geometry (i.e., 3D) from mobile LiDAR data using a hierarchal

classification technique that combines Mean Shift (MS) segmentation, SVM,

and PCA.

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3. To develop and validate a Geometric Regression (GR) model for predicting

the frequency of traffic accidents using road geometry information.

4. And, to develop and validate a Deep Learning approach using TL for

forecasting the injury severity of road traffic accidents using historical accident


1.4 Research Questions

This thesis comprehensively addresses the following research questions:

1. OBIA based requires optimizing segmentation parameters (e.g., scale, shape,

compactness). In this step, an objective function is designed to judge a sub-

optimal combination of parameters that can achieve an accurate segmentation

process as possible.

However, it is not known if optimization of segmentation and classification

processes at the same time will improve the performance of feature extraction or


2. To what extent the integration of meta-heuristic optimization methods such as

ACO and OBIA can improve modeling of road geometry.

3. Can hierarchical classification (combination of several algorithms) process

mobile LiDAR data efficiently for delineating 3D road geometric features such

as vertical gradients and superelevation?

4. GR is one of the modeling methods that can be used to model the frequency of

traffic accidents. How efficient is this model for processing traffic accident

data for the Malaysian context?

5. DL due to data availability and improvements in computing power is getting

popular for many applications. How much is the prediction power of DL for

modeling road traffic accidents? In addition, can new NN architectures such

as RNN and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) outperform the traditional

feed-forward NN?

6. Is TL an efficient method for modeling injury severity of traffic accidents of a

limited volume data in the context of DL architectures or not?

1.5 Thesis Contributions

Significant efforts have been made in the literature on pursuing solutions for geometric

modeling of roads from LiDAR data and advancing prediction models of road traffic

accidents using both statistical and soft computing techniques. However, the existing

studies still have some major concerns as discussed in Section 1.1 and Section 1.2. As

a result, there is a need to develop new techniques or making improvements on the

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existing techniques to provide better solutions for road safety assessment based on

road geometry.

This thesis mainly contributes to the development of new methods for image

segmentation, extracting road features in 2D and 3D from Airborne and Mobile

LiDAR data, modeling accident frequency and injury severity using DL-based

methods. First, it develops a new optimization strategy for OBIA classification based

on a two-stage optimization approach. The method optimizes the two basic steps of

OBIA, namely, segmentation and classification, to realize accurate road extraction

from LiDAR data. This is achieved by selecting an optimal scale parameter first to

maximize class separability and optimal shape and compactness parameters to

optimize the final image segments.

The second contribution of this thesis is the development of a hybrid approach that

combines ACO and OBIA-based feature extraction for LiDAR data classification and

road geometry extraction. In this approach, ACO is used to find the best combination

of features to use in OBIA for road extraction. In addition, since this approach only

extracts 2D information of a road, it was necessary to develop a semi-automated

approach for delineating 3D road geometry from mobile LiDAR data without

information about vehicle trajectory, which the state-of-the-art methods lack.

Third, this thesis then goes beyond just extracting information about roads from

LiDAR data but further uses that information with some additional data about road

traffics and environment to make predictions on traffic accidents. In particular, it

develops a model based on GR for predicting traffic accident frequency. Furthermore,

it also designs and implements models based on DL such as RNN and CNN to simulate

the injury severity of traffic accidents utilizing the temporal structure of accident data.

Finally, when data on traffic accidents are scarce, this thesis provides a model that can

work based on TL concept to overcome the need for DL models for large datasets and

to avoid overfitting problems.

1.6 Scope of Study

This study has three main scopes as follows:

1. Only two types of LiDAR systems, airborne and mobile-based were studied

for road geometry modeling, and other systems (e.g., terrestrial) were not

investigated. The latter systems are efficient for detailed assessments of

transportation assists (e.g., bridge, culvert, and tunnel) which is not the case of

the current study.

2. The validations of these models in this thesis were based on an area in

Malaysia. No transferability to other countries has been investigated due to the

non-availability of data and permission to access to police reports on traffic

accidents elsewhere. However, various experiments and evaluations were

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conducted, analyzed and discussed on a comprehensive data that have more

than a thousand of historical records of traffic accidents.

3. The data duration was from 2009 to 2015 due to the availability of the relevant


1.7 Thesis Organization

The thesis is split into five chapters.

The first chapter introduces the research topic and gives a brief background of the

study, the statement of the problem, research questions and objectives, thesis

contribution and significance of the study.

The second chapter provides an overview of the available models and discusses

several important and relevant studies. It provides a cohesive review on several topics

such as LiDAR, geometric road modeling, and traffic accident modeling.

The third chapter explains the various steps of data processing and analysis, which

makes up the newly proposed models for geometric road modeling and analyzing road

traffic accident data.

The fourth chapter discusses the results of the experiments and simulations

conducted in the current research and presents evaluations of the proposed models on

real datasets.

The last chapter summarizes the main findings of the research and offers

recommendations for future work.

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