The Daily American from Somerset, Pennsylvania (2024)

SOMERSET DAILY AMERICAN- SOMERSET, PA FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1 942 TWO "WE, WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE" 1000 Strike Closing Two War Plants Hoffman's News Letter By Clare E. Hoffman, M. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 9c A line per Issue Averaging Five Words to a line. Words containing more than six (6) letters must be counted as two words. No Advertisem*nt Inserted for Less Than 25c Six Consecutive Daily Issues for the Price of Four.


Also 1937 Chevrolet (kuh 1U Vf Mihum nl th nr nrruliirtinn THEE HEARD sou Jarred by the protest of almost 200 congressmen who had "heard from home into a realization that, while the people are willing to make any sacrifice to defeat our enemies, they do not like being needlessly pushed around, the President called a haR for the time being to Henderson's" proposed drastic gas rationing in the middlewest. That rationing would have flattened Michigan's farming and tourist business flatter than the oft-mentioned pancake. i It was another demonstration that, while the bureaucrats and the starry-eyed dreamers here in Washington have the presidential ear and are always on the job, the people, when they really bestir themselves, can get action. Awakened by the vigorous protest against a curtailment in the vitally needed gasoline supply, when there was an ample supply available, the Homewood plants of the Pittsburgu Equitable Meter company was haitoa tan! was being put on the spot greet EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, lira. Busael Wagner, H.

D. 2, Stoystown Pa. Real Estate For Rent APARTMENTS FOR RENT Good Urea. Terms to suit. Frank Bailey, Roxbury.

ft onmmwwt report to we (senate mmm that thar haii tuwn Hamaultu- today by a strike of approximately 1,000 CIO unionists who want a new FARM MACHINERY contract providing wage increases and other adjustments. ndalaya In converting some industries Aeoonmuttee demanded changes Nilbath Ute ton and penson- The union's contract expired May 30 and negotiations on a new pact EVERYTHING in Farm Machinery Repairs. Do not delay. A Kent Miller. Phone 73.

6-3-lmo. tem breaks down. If bonds or currency can be printed in unlimited quantities and if they continue to be accepted at their face value, there may be no limit to what Congress can appropriate. If, on the other nana, they are not so accepted, then may be forced to an exchange in krad basis; that is, so many hours of labor for so many pounds of food or so many yards of cloth, or an exchange of commodities. If and when we reach that point, we shall disoover that there is a limit to what we can produce; what We can supply the rest of the world and take care of our own people.

This thought comes because, in addition to the billions which we have appropriated for national defence, we shall shortly be asked by the President to, and will, appropriate billion dollars more for the army. That, in anyone's language, is real money and it means more and heavier taxes. Yet, Thursday last, the House, perhaps forgetting that supplies and equipment for the fighting men must come irrstdl'lJeevrng there is no limit to what we can spend, voted $336,000,000 to continue WPA, refusing to even strike out a provision requiring a portion of the money to be used for cultural and recreational activities. In the meantime, the war cost is being skyrocketed and employes of Chrysler and General Motors are asking for a minimum wage of $1 an hour, $1.50 minimum for main are deadlocked. ac 01 wrnj mocuBs.

Tom Conaalhr iD-Tex). ITNTOVMSnD apartment. Four room and bath. Cor. Patriot and Edgewood Ave.

1st floor. Heat and water furalab-d. Inquire Somerset Boom. J-19-H A company spokesman reported the an or Hw lft oa the strikers' demanded a wage boost peg ged on the rising cost of living and 'Spue fad -defease investigating group Wtoo voted against the report, inquired: ONE International elcctrte milk cooler. New.

40 gallon capacity. Clayton H. Keafer, Somerset, R. D. 3.

6-17-6tx equal wages for women performing FIVE room furnished apartment, with bath, at 319 South Edgewood. Inquire Somerset Bouse. 4-16-tf Wbat good does it do lor a faena.c OBttnflttee to come in here and President has set about trying to men work. Attorney Harry Alan Sherman, business agent for Local 615 CIO TJni- omeDoUy around? as Nelson doinir a etu btvliu-l ted Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers, said the union wanted a gaMot PtKASANT 9 or 4- room apartment, private bath. 250 E.

Patriot. 6-13-tt is Job and doing it well, he said. throw mv friend to the wolves. USED Mower Sc new 8 ft. Mower.

WU- son Schrock, Somerset. FROZEN FOOD STORAGE EQUIPMENT wage increase, seniority arrangements1 flutter could have been handled Quart- He KjB This and a 10-cent an hour wage outer ential for -night workers. another way. leam the facts. That is something that Henderson should have done before he began to talk rationing.

A somewhat similar situation has developed with reference, to sugar. We now learn that there is, or can be, plenty of it, if those who produce and refine it are permitted to act. Overwhelmed by the magnitude of the war and its problems, altogether too many bureaucrats hav been obsessed with the idea that they must do something, even though the some UNFURNISHED 3 room laundry and garage, 403 North Center Ave, 6-15-6tx. The union. Sherman said, contend I benator uicas lu-mi, vp tn tip fend Donald Nel- 1 tirmktt that anv man in Amer- ed a government figure showed living costs had advanced per cent.

DEEPFREEZE and PAK-A-WAY Units.1 Por Farm, Home, Store and Industry. Save Food the ZERO Way. It's Patriotic to Save. I. A.

Cornell, 301 W. Main Somerset, Phone 212-R. 6-3-lmo. TWO nicely furnished. Immediate possession.

Inquire American. 6-15-6t lea jjouM have done a better job up to lUaliune. Uuk ah NeLson while the company cited a iigure oi 8.2 per cent, without agreeing to wages that amount. Existing in Truman (D-afo) and aav- nuamhora nf thp fnmmittfe tenance workers and an additional KITCHEN bedroom, first floor. Inquire 145 E.

Catherine. 6-19-Gtx LIVESTOCK r.iLi 1, nrntr-tr thnt the retrt was basic rates of pay are 72 cents an hdur for men and 60 cents an hour for women. The average hourly pay, Sherman said, is $1.01. thing ordered actually uie war effort and aids not at all in solving any of our domestic problems. It is more than probable that Congress, encouraged by the people (and PAnnrocc hat tlft lnntr hPPIl PTirOlirRtT- FURNISHED 3 room first floor.

Inquire American. 6-1'J-tf not a personal reflection upon Nelson the integrity und patriotism tW many of the dollar-a-year men HORSE. Bay, 5 years old. Gentle, reasonable. Seven Springs farm.

Champion. First house at gate. 817-3t Lukens Steel Plant Struck MISCELLANEOUS ROOMS FOR RENT rUBNlSHjm bedrooms. 384 W. Race a.

5-19-tr increase oi si a aay. ah to ue aaaea to war cost and paid out of tax money. On top of that, we are told by Vice President Wallace that, after the war is over, we must furnish food and all other things which are necessary to keep all the peoples of the world from want. Added up, it makes some task for the American worker, the American taxpayer. It should make even the most ardent spender and upllfter pause for at least a moment and give thought to who is going to do all the work, furnish all the tax money ed to lend unquestioning obedience to, administrative orders), will now examine witbveare the proposed actions of Henderson and others who have been exercising arbitrary power over the lives-of our citizens.

vorking for WPB. Truman had told the Senate that i ft painstaking study of all WPB ord-exs showed tner was some substance to charges by Robert R. Qulhric, Jnrmar official who resigned March that some dollar a year oi- ELECTRIC fences and Supplies. Bark- man's Hardware. 4-7-tf BEDROOMS Comfortable, clean, 434 West Patriot St.

3-26-dh HOW MUCH IS THERE? No one seems to know how much mnnpv ran hp snnronriateri and snent 112 RATS KILLED with can Schutte Rat Killer. Guaranteed. Barkman's Hdwe. OIL Stoves Ovens; all types. -Barkman's Hardware.

-8-12-tf SUITABLE for man or working girl. W. Church. Mrs. Nora L.

Helple before the established economic sys- ficials were impeding and delaying Sbewir 'production program because It private interests. ffmunan and Senators Mead (J Brewster (R-Me) and Burton (R-Ohioj recalled that Nelson had EskerT trie inquiry into Guthrie's charges, adding that the committee must make a report on its findings van though this was unpleasant. They Joined ConnaUy and Lucas in lauding Libya Bodes PLANTS Increases In Relief Are BED room, or light housekeeping rooms. 621 S. Centre.

6-17-0t HOUSE FOR RENT 6 ROOM furnished house, attached ru-rage. Completely modern. Phone 259J. 0-19-Ct CABBAGE, tomato and pepper plants. Also Pcnn State Cabbage.

Sam Zook, Meyersdalc, R. D. 1. 6-16-2W New Attacks on Churchill Authorized PUBLIC SALE Kelson's accompiisruaem. spokesman said there would be an extensive organizational realignment of the agency within a month which would abolish some jolrs.

Ws, official said the expected changes were not the result of criticism by but in some respects FURNISHED five room modern house, attached garage for the summer months. Inquire 352 W. Race St. 5-19-tr This "pathetic picture, taken somewhere In France, shows, according to Its caption, a group of Frenchmen being accused of sabotage by a Nazi soldier (part of his uniform is seen at extreme left). Their lata is unknown though the terror written in their faces shows they believe themselves doomd to face the firing squad.

(By KIRKE L. SIMPSON) Wide World War Aanlyst Allied and axis accounts from the Libyan battlefront airre that t.hp BY GOVERNOR JAMES WHICH WILL ADD $230,000 PER MONTH TO COST OF CARING FOR THE NEEDY. tmght follow committee suggestions. INQUIRE 237 West Main Street. 6-17-6tx PUBLIC SALE at Mrs.

Carrie M. Weller's Farm located at Husband, Saturday, June 27, at 10:00 o'clock, the following articles will be sold: Horses, cattle, farm Implements, OATS and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms made known tne day oi sale. 6-12-l4te British have suffered a serious setback; but Just how serious depends on which version is hearer the trut. CO ATES VILLE, June 18 (fPyA wage dispute halted work in the open hearth department of the Lukens Steel company plant today.

Approximately 75 pit workers notified the firm they would walk out but continued to work until steel already processed was cleared out of furnaces. C. L. Huston, personnel director Oi the. plant, said the men have demanded a 20 per cent, increase in wages.

Michael Harris director of the Philadelphia district of the United Steel Workers of America said the work stoppage was not authorized by tUts union. Some of the men involved, he said, were not union members. Meanwhile Harris said, members of the Lukens local of the USWA have voted to request cancellation of thei present contract with the company andnegotiation of a new pack- Stop Work at Hudson Arsenal DETROIT, June 18 (IP An undetermined number of workmen in four buildings of the Hudson navai ordnance arsenal stopped work tills mornine in protest against employment of eight negro workers to operate machines formerly used by white men. i A spokesman for the' United Automobile Workers (CIO) Hudson local said the union's fair employment practice committee was attempting to get the men to return to work. The company declined comment on the situation.

Selectees U. S. Pioneer Benin accounts sav Britain's Fifth army has been slashed in two, pan of it falline back into Tobruk's de Paul Miller to Washington SEED $12,760.00 Balance (By JOHN B. CAMPBELL). HARRISBURG, June 18 (P) Governor James today authorized increased relief grantseffeotlve August.

iwhir.h the deDartment of nub Real Estate For Sail FARMFOR SALE 35-ACRE farm with or without equipment. Electricity. Hard road. 4 miles from Somerset. Inquire American.

6-13-6tx fenses and the rest fleeing eastward (Continued From Page One) BUCKWHEAT Seed. Dalton Walker, B. D. 3, stoystown. B-16-6tX toward narcua ana the Egyptian border.

Cairo advices confirm the annar- ile assistance estimated would add STOVES said that as one of the best and the most heavily-armed soldier in the army, the pioneer would be sent into NEW YORK, June 18 (TP) An-, nouncement that Paul Miller, 35, will become chief of bureau in Washington was mads by Kent Cooper, gen- ent separation of the British into two forces, one to hold Tobruk and tiic other to protect a coastal road still $230,000 a month to tne cost oi oorimi fnr tho nppdv unemnloved. NOTICE vm Pood allowances will be Increased i id nun a month and shelter erants connecting that port with Esynt ymmmmmn. a wge-prn manager orthe Associated Press to demolish enemy However, they picture the British re today To Depart Sane 27 For Induction Hie following registrants of local board Number 1. at have ordered to report for induction jifpft 27 John Prank Waltos, Hoovers ville. I Dodger Sylvester Powell, Hooversville treat irom 71 Adem and Rezeeh junc the department said, in line with recommendations of the state Mr.

Miller, who succeeds the late Brian Bell, has had experience in various departments of the organization tions, south and southeast of Tobruk, as piannea witnarawais to stronger defense positions. There is no question that the Brit COAL STOVES WHY NOT TRADE YOUR OLD COOK STOVE ON A NEW MOORE OR MAJESTIC RANGE NEW WE HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY ON RAND AND CAN GIVE YOU A LIBEBftL TRADE ON YOUR OLD ONE. THE MANUFACTURE OF NEW RANGES WILL BE STOPPED IN A FEW WEEKS. BETTER ACT NOW WHILE YOU CAN STILL GET ONE. EASY TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED.

PENN FURNITURE O. DO YOU have property for rent or fa ale. Why not post signs? The DaU) American office ha a newly printed supply- Buy yours now. FREE Circular about Foreman am Fire boss examination questions am answers mailed upon request. P.

Box No. 187. Somerset, Penna, l-as-dr ish position has become more difficult board of assistance. James told his press conference the action was due entirely to higher costs of living and commented: "I am quite satisfied that we can make increases to those who are on public assistance rolls of Pennsylvania and, at the same time, be able to balance the relief budget for 1943." Tho uninrnnr aald t.hp increases The withdrawal has apparently left the direct Interior road to Solum, just beyond the border in Egypt, open for an enemy advance eastward, by USED GOODS DEPT. would also apply to old age assistance and to prepare paths, roads and bridges for the infantry advance.

Like the English commandos, the pioneers vary their type of fighting to the terrain. When they work ai night, they rub black mud on their faces and hands. In the day, they tick ferns, grass or brush fragments into their collars and under their hats to blend themselves with the surroundings. Officers said the pioneers were not expected to do their fighting witn the wicked machetes, foolo and bush knives, unless they had to. But ask a pioneer which he would use his knife or his rifle if he ran into a few Japs in the brush.

He will wet his finger, cautiously run it down the blade, grab the handle with both hands and wave it over ilia head. Maybe it isn't orthodox fighting, one of them said, but I'll bet it would be plenty effective. DON'T SUFFER with Bronchial Asthma and Hayfever. Write for free S. L.

Das, 525 North 15th Har-rlsburg, Pa. GUNS and SHELLS. Barkman's Hardware. 612-tf but tne assistance ooara nas not yoi acted on this subject. Relief Secretary Howard L.

Russell said the matter na dhas headed three bureaus. He goes to Washington from a position as executive assistant to the general manager. Born in Missouri, he was feared, got his schooling, and gained his early: newspaper experience in Oklahoma. He attended both Oklahoma university and Oklahoma A. and M.

He entered the Associated Press, service in March, 1932, at Columbus, O. Transferred to New York year later, he worked on the cable and general desks. He was assigned as night editor in Kansas City for a short time before being appointed chief of bureau in Salt Lake city, in April, 1936. He was put in charge of Pennsylvania -in July, 1937, with headquarters first at HaiTisburg and subsequently Philadelphia. He was transferred to executive duties in New York in 1941.

Borough. Is SLIGHTLY used Magic Chef Gas Range; 9 12 living room rug and kitchen set. 139 West Race. 6-13-6tx Anthony Thomas Tm-ber I Joseph Stephen Satovich, Calrn- bljoeeph John Roch. Calrnbrook.

George Kociban, Windber. Sam Amenta, Windber. Andrew Thomas Soika, Windber. George Kovach, Central City, i Theodore Jerome Watyka, Philadelphia. Bigler Henderson, Takoma Preneta, Hartford, Conn.

Sheldon Wood row Armagot, Hoo- would be taken up at the next meet ing, June 34. 4 Cakh Grants REUNIONS (Continued From Page One) SERVICES The 21st annual Saylor reunion will be held at Kingwood, on Route 53 on Sunday, June 21, 1942. 6-13-6tx Russell said the new schedules would increase cash grants ah average of 11.6 per cent, on a state-wide basis, but pointed out that in some rural areas payments would remain unchanged. the other, hand the increases win mi it i' jitoMhIe in somo hieh LAWN Mowers Sharpened Woodrow's. Versville.

chief; Harold Shaulis, acting chief, air raid wardens; Richard DeWitt, chief of messengers; Dr. Thomas L. McCullough, public works emergency chief; Ralph Smith, borough engineer; George W. Haines, utilities chairman; Mr.s Edyth' Lyon Krebs, county chairman canteen corps and chief Somerset canteen corps; Captain Francis Orndorff, county chief of motor corps; Miss Allison Uhl, nurses aide chief, and E. S.

Moriri, salvage ghlef. 1 1 i mt PREMIER Duplex Authorised Service; All sweepers Ic sewing machines repaired rent aaeas, such as Pittsburgh-," he Churchill auucu, The new schedules could provide aholfar allnwnnpps of as much as PROPOSALS The Berlin Brothersvalley Joint School Board will accept bids to furnish coal for their high school and elementary buildings for the school term 1942-43. All bids must be In the school office In the high school building in Berlin, Pennsylvania, not later than July 8th, 1942 at 4:00 o'clock. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. TYPEWRITERS Repaired.

5-26-lmox. Wages Hit New High in Penna 05 a month in high rent regions, the secretary said, contrasted with the present maximum of $9.75. In low rent areas the present $6.50 maximum could passing Tobruk. It also imposes on British mobile forces the difficult tasK of keeping open the 80 miles of coast-' al road from Tobruk to Bardla to Solum unless Tobruk is again to oe abandoned to stand siege unsupported except by sea. Slenders Egyptian Defense So far as the immediate British dispositions can be made out, the new retreat has whittled down the Libyan outpost positions for defense of Egypt to Tobruk and the slender 80-mile finger-width span along tin coast covering the coastal It seems too vulnerable a front to warrant hope that a land supply route for Tobruk can long be kept open.

About the only cheer in the situation seems to be the fact that Tobrux has already successfully withstood an eight-month axis siege and has Just been resupplied to some extent by fee convyltoBi reached it from Alexandria. It appears doomed to another grim stand. So long as it does hold out and can be supplied and reinforced at night by sea, it seems improbable that an axis thrust intu Egypt could gain great momentum. One or two other encouraging factors should be noted. The axis commander General Rommel, lacks on vital advantage he had when he last placed Tobruk under futile siege.

His planes then dominated the air 'over the battle front. The air odds have been evened if not shifted to favor the British since then. Rommel's forces, have now been on the attack constantly for nearly four weeks. They are getting farther from their supply bases with every step eastward and their extending communication lines are increasingly vulnerable to air attack. Yet, the situation is none too James Jacob ueiorie, winuoer.

John Henry Reitz, Calrnbrook. Wiltard Eugene Pyock, Paint bor- Elwood Marks, Windber. John Sefko, Rockingham. Andrew Evano, Linden, N. J.

Walter Charles Zobitne, Plalnfield, Mike Leonard Shernigo, Windber. Thomas Bafile, Detroit, Mich. Harry Edward Atkinson, Ja-miaca, N. Y. Bernard Edward Murray, Windber.

I OCorge Thomas Yuscanljch, Garter-ret, N. J. Clarence Berkebile, Hooversville. TOeorge Mike Trebus, Holsopple. Stertrln Charles Hause, Stoystown, X).

2. JUST received a big order of spouting. Can supply your needs; put up by experienced man. Mutual Phone GrantsVUIe, Md. 38A31.

J. S. Wengerd.j P. Salisbury, Pa. be increased to A maximum of $30.45 a month is vuiw nllnurpri for fonri for a familv of fiva atiri PncRpll pynialnpd tills coulcl CLEANED RADIATORS recored REPAIRED Electric and Acetylene "Welding Somerset Welding and Spring Co.

gift W-Patriot St Phone NOTICE BE patriotic display a nice flag July 4th will' soon be here. Special offer on flags now. Doherty Hardware Co. 6-19-tf be raised to $33.90. He made it clear the increases will oe given strictly on COOK Stoves and hot air furnaces with cracked bowls lined with fire brick.

Gomer Edwards, Rear 364 W. Palrvlew. 6-2-lmojc REPAIRING xne oasis oi neeos. Rplipf mil havp hppn stsadilv de creasing since January 1 and last LEGAL NOTICE (Continued From Page One) King George II of Greece was a recent visitor to the White House, as was the Duke of Windsor, and King Peter of Yugoslavia is expected in this country soon. Whether there was any connection between these 0 various journeys remained undisclosed.

In any event, no announcements or any type could be expected from the Roosevelt-Churchill conferences for, the time being. Early said he did not anticipate any statements by the President or by the prime minister ths week. At previous meetings, which alreaoy have attained prominent pages in the history of the second World War th two men made important decisions and told the world about them. They met at sea last August and formulated the Atlantic charted. Late in December, close upon America entry into the conflict, Churchill came to Washington and conferred with ths week tnere were n.aou persons receiv Inir dlrppt ascl.atanRP were 203.

Clarence wiiuam rtepme, wmaoei. James Vincent Stevens, Windber. OOOon aid to dependent children, fi PHILADELPHIA, June 18 TV-Pennsylvania industry, grinding out a big share of the nation's war materials, paid out $39,800,000 a week in wages to 1,170,000 workers during May, a new high point, the federal reserve bank rejrorted today. The analysis was made from reports received from 2,850 establishments. At the same time, the Chamber of Commerce disclosed that the industrial payroll in Philadelphia alone has hit $15,000,000 a week, an increase of 56 per ceitt.

in a year. In 12 months, the federal reserve statement said, Pennsylvania employ-mcnt'has jumped eight per par rolls have gone up 23 per cenC and, the total number qf employe hours worked is up 15 per cent. I i nanced oo per cent, oy tne smie uou JAMES L. BRANT I AN 40 per cent. Dy tne ieaerai govern mpnt The 1941 legislature authorized BE WISE and AETNA-IZE 321 W.

Church Street Somerset Phone 246-J tor renei in tne Dienni-um ending next May 31, including ck, nnn nnn in hn iiapri nnlv if war Estate of Justus H. si nil, Deceased. Late of Stonycreek Township, Somerset County, Pa. Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate to make the same known, without delay to MAGGIE E. STULL, Administrator, Shanksvllle, Pa.

Shaver Hrckman, Attorneys. ranted by state Income. James said ELECTRIC Appliances Toasters, Irons, Mixers, Cleaners, Pacts service, etc. Bring them In or call. I.

A. Cornell, 301 W. Main Somerset, Pa. Phone 212-R. 6-3-lmo.

TIRES TIRES -Save them. Have your wheels balanced and Caster and Camber and Tire Drag checked. Wheels straightened, batteries charged. Official Inspection station. NORMAN B.

HENRY Garage, 122 S. Edgewood ave. 6-8-lmojc AUTQ LOANS AUTO LOAN. Cosh for any need. Confidential.

No Indorsers. Your car need not be paid for. Present payments reduced. EQUITABLE CREDIT Thomas W. Sayers, L.

C. Berkey 137 W. Main Somerset, Pa. 6-15-tf the latter amount would De maae available soon after July 1. He recently announced the state finished its fiscal year with a cash balance of ohie fcxecutive and the declaration VllU.UUU.

John Bafile, Windber. Ralph Frank Campitelll, Windber. James Gomer Stechman, D. 3. Michael Joseph Beachy, Cairn-rook.

PfWWee Vernon Lambert, R. D. 1. fcutt gdward Larson, Windber. IBooerl Franklin Chapman, Windier, D.

1. Shubert, Stoystown, R. D. 2. Frank Carl Pasierb, Baltimore, Md.

Albridgc Orville Dunkle, Boswell, "ft1' jy "j2 Frank Anthony Matlcic, Central fudas'h, Stoystown, R. D. 3. Dorsey Telford Holsopple, Windber. LvfltuJay Kasprsyk, Calrnbrook.

Charles Joseph Ziblskl, Hooversville. John Peter Maffeo, Washington, D. Louis Waldo Sank, Cleveland, O. David Marinelll, Stoystown, R. D.

2. -HNWr-Paul Splnelli, Windber: "TftfRn "Robert Gaydosh, Seanor. Charles Emmett Lambert, Central dbr, B. D. 1.

Clarence Owen Hause, Stoystown, bright for the British. London.s concern Is apparent, with indications that Prime Minister Churchill may face another storm of criticism in parliament over his war management. RECENT DEATHS CIVILIAN PATROL ELECTS OFFICERS Estate of Louis Colvin Coatcs, Deceased. Late of Somerset Borough, Somerset County, Pa. Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make pay of the united nations resulted.

Tonight, Secretary Early, telling the press tliat it was still free, opened Uu way for speculation on then relation between the recent Molotov Visit ami Churchill's trip. He could not say the manned in which Churchill came to this country nor did he have anything to disclose on the possible length' of his stay. DesDlto a statement by Etrly thav Wanted To Buy fhc did not know whether cnumuira Vesper Melodies Program SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1942 8:30 P. M. SACRED AIRES QUARTET OF THE WESTMORELAND COUNTY MEMORIAL PARK GREENSBURG, PA.

Will Be Our Guests SOLOS by MISS RANKIN MRS. HOMER FISHER ORGAN SOLO SARAH LOUISE HERSHEY COME RAIN OR SHINE SOMERSET COUNTY MEMORIAL PARK ROUTE S3 JUST 3 BLOCKS WEST OF SOMERSET CALVES and Hides. Somerset Meat Market. 6-i-tt tip to this country had been arranged while Molotov was a secret visitoi here, the close Juxtaposition of the conferences appeared to some observers to afford more than a mere coincidence. REV.

JOHN S. COLLEDGE BELLWOOD, June 18 fP) The Rev. John S. Oolledge, 67, pastor of the tTnitod Brethren church, in this Blair county community and a former evangelist of the Allegheny conference, died today. A native of areeneburg, the Rev.

Mr. Oolledge wah ordained in 1897 and had served pastorates at Scott-dale, Middletown, Amherst, Springfield, Milton, Wllllamsport, Clearfield and Tyrone. Surviving is the widow, ment, and those having claims or demands against the estate to make the same known, without delay to THE COUNTY TRUST COMPANY, Executor, Somerset, Pa. Shaver 8c Heckmah, Attornoys. Estate of Herman H.

Hodge, Deceased. Late of Somerset Borough, Somerset County, Pennsylvania Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the said estate arc requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the 'estate to make the same known, without delay to MARY CLARK HODQE, Somerset, Pa. Kooser and Courtney, 1 Attorneys. v- K. D.

a. CATTLE, fresh cows, springers, calves, hogs and lambs. R.A.E. Mognet, Phone 1023J, Somerset. ar Louis Pevanskl, Oalrn- Kasmi fl-13-lmox brook.

Ml Jilt tmi rri Wnv Nunrln Honvemville. Richard Merle Brown, Hooversville. 1 H.P. electric motor, 110 volt; or Hi The Somerset Aero club and the Somerset squadron, Group the patrol men at the White StaT hotel, Jennertown, Thursday evening. The meeting was called to order by the president of the Aero club, Ernest Trent.

Officers selected for the civil air patrol are. as follows: Jos. W. Martin, squadron commander; executive officer, Richard Smith of Windber; adjutant, Harold E. Schrock; personnel and medical officer, Clifford Blank; Intelligence and public relations officer, Ernest L.

Trent: training and operations officer, Wayne S. Vincent of Jerome; equipment an dsupplies officer, Edwin A. Specht; transportation officer, Harold W. Dunn; communications officer, Charles Kline of Johnstown. The Somerset squadron will meet Monday evening at the Somerset airport and conduct a formation flight over the town to mark the opening of the U.S.O.

drive. After the flight the members of the patrol will meet for their first class hi military courtesy and discipline to be conducted by Wayne S. Vincent. All pilots and students wishing to become affiliated with the civil air patrol may contact any of the above officers to secure the proper application blanks. 2 H.P.

air cooled gas. Must be In good running condlttoq. Clyde C. Walker, Central City, R. 1.

6-15-6U Extract Statutory Provisions WASHINGTON, June 18 (P Senate concurrence with House-approved amendments sent to the Wltite House today bill extending until July 1M4, statutory provisions restricting to time and a half per Cent; the maximum rule on land banw commissioner loans and on farm mortgages made by federal land banks. Frank Thomas Gaydosk, seanor. Edward Morris, Cramer. John Joseph Dicko, Calrnbrook. George Clifford Kendlg.

Windber. Frank Tom Waltos, Hooversville. Louis William Schreffler, Somerset, WANTED Ira Banker Bhaffer, Windber. 1 FARM work by 14 yr. school boy.

Inquire A. Pile, Fried nj, Pa. Tel. 0-15-81X CHAS. R.

HAUGER Funeral Home Clarence artnur ung, uenuai n-y. Frank Huges Kern, Windber. Frank Roman, Calrnbrook. HPb HUhu Gac, Ralphton. SERVICES FOR CLARENCE SUDER Funeral services for Clarence Suder of Brothersvalley township, who committed suicide Tuesday mrtrnlng will be held at the Suder home Friday afternoon at 2 by the Rev.

John N. Bethune, pastor of the Berlin Trinity Reformed church and the Rev. Robert S. Nagle, pastor of the Berlin Trinity Lutheran church. Burial will follow in the Berlin IOOF cemetery, under the direction of Johnson and "Son, Berlin morticians.

WANTED Mrs. Minnie Hoffman, Somerset, Route 3, to present this ad ati AMBPUINOB SERVICE ucnasi jreiro, winaoer. hippie, Windber. frank Kochhuki Windber. lto W.

MAIN ST. flOMKRHKT PA. House Agrees on Post-War Fund WASHINGTON, June 18 (A') The House ways and means Committee agreed in principle today on post-war refund of part of corporate' excess profits which would be taxed nt a flat 94 per cent, rate under provisions of the pending tax bill. tne American office to receive two gif tickets to the Governor theater. pHiiter, Scalp Level.

Cook Booklet Coupon This Coupon and 10c Secures FAMOUS CULINARY ARTS INSTITUTE COOKBOOKLET When Presented at BEERITS' STORE WITT BROS MARKET John Menaiko, winaoer. Ctotti, Windber. Puter Hank Cleveland O. WUrkMa FoUftiuy, Paint r- Bead hoIkes aHd Cowl REMOVED FREE OF CHABvGE We purchase Hides, Sheep Pelts, Tallow. Grease and J.

RAPPE MYERS stUwrt Fftderovich, Stoys- D. 1. Arvld James Larson, Calrnbrook, B. D. 1.

Charles Leroy Shaffer, Stoystown, is Mes of Heart Attack PITTSBURGH. June 18 W) L. F. Entrikln, 68, assistant general pas tract uiurs. OWDtt Dobsora Windber, R.

D. Trends re Iniahntd today of the JOHNSTOWN D. a. former RENDERING CO. eatn or j.

nappe Myers, wi, senger agent or the Pennsylvania rail. Kovak, Calrnbrook. James Peter Mlchelolc, Central.

The Daily American from Somerset, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.