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Edited byMichael W. DonCarlos

Richard O. KimmelJeffrey S. Lawrence

Mark S. Lenarz


Minnesota Department ofNatural ResourcesDivision of Fish and WildlifeBox 20, 500 Lafayette Road

St. Paul, MN 55155-4020(651) 297-4964

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©November 2004 State of Minnesota, Department ofNatural Resources

For more Information contact:DNR Information Center

500 Lafayette RoadSt. Paul, MN 55155-4040

(651) 296-6157 (Metro Area)1 (888) MINNDNR

TTY (651) 296-5484 (Metro Area)1 (800) 657-3929


This volume contains interim results of wildlife research projects. Some of the data andinterpretations may change as a result of additional findings or future, more comprehensiveanalysis of the data. Authors should be contacted regarding use ofany oftheir data.

Printed in accordance with Minn. Stat. Sec. 84.03

Equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from programs of the Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources is available to all individuals regardless ofrace, color, creed, religion, nationalorigin, sex, martial status, status with regard to public assistance, age, sexual orientation,membership or activity in a local commission, or disability. Discrimination inquires should besent to MN DNR, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155-4031: or the Equal OpportunityOffice, Department of the Interior, Washington, DC 20240.Printed on recycled paper containing a minimum of 30% post-consumer waste and soy-based ink


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Farmland Wildlife

Farmland Deer

Estimating deer populations in southeast Minnesota

Robert Osborn, Christopher DePemo, and Brian Haroldson 1

Farmland white-tailed deer research needs survey - preliminary report

Brian Haroldson 9

Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources CWD surveillance program 2003

Jeannine Tardiff and Michael DonCarlos 12


The value of farm programs for providing winter cover and food for Minnesota pheasants

Kurt Haroldson, John Giudice, and Wendy Krueger 24

Prairie Chickens

2003 Minnesota prairie chicken season summary

Wendy Krueger, Bryan Spindler, and Erik Steenberg 33

Wild Turkeys

Annual survival of wild turkey hens transplanted north of their ancestral range in centralMinnesota

Cory Kassube, Marco Restani, Wendy Krueger, and Richard Kinnnel .40


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Forest Wildlife

Forest Deer

Assessing the relationship of conifer thennal cover to winter distribution, movements,and survival of female white-tailed deer in north central Minnesota

Glenn D. DelGiudice .47

Using doe behavior and vaginal implant transmitters to capture neonate white-tailed deerin north central Minnesota

Michelle Carstensen, Glenn D. DelGiudice, Barry A. Sampson 65

Improving our understanding of the margins of safe capture, chemical immobilization,and handling of free-ranging white-tailed deer

Glenn D. DelGiudice, Barry A. Sampson, David W. Kuehn, Michelle Carstensen,and John Fieberg 66

Comparison ofvegetation type selection by female white-tailed deer during winter usingtwo methods of analysis

Carolin A. Humpal, Robert G. Wright, and Glenn D. DeIGiudice 67

Birth, morphological, and blood characteristics of free-ranging white-tailed deer neonates

Michelle Carstensen and Glenn D. DelGiudice 68

Risk of marking-induced abandonment may be minimal for free-ranging white-tailed deerneonates

Michelle Carstensen, Glenn D. DelGiudice, and Barry A. Sampson 69

Winter severity, deer nutrition, and fawning characteristicsMichelle Carstensen and Glenn D. DelGiudice 70



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Moose population dynamics in northeastern Minnesota

Mark S. Lenarz, Michael E. Nelson, Michael W. Schrage,and Andrew J. Edwards 80

Effectiveness of changes to the aerial moose survey protocol in northeastern Minnesota

Mark S. Lenarz 86

Northeastern Minnesota Moose Management---A case study in cooperation

Andrew 1. Edwards, MiChael W. Schrage, and Mark Lenarz 87

Serological diagnosis of Parelaphostrongylus tenuis infection in moose

O. Ogunremi, Lankester, E. Cox, D. Murray, W. Ballard, H. Whitlaw, M. Lenarz,M. Schrage, M. Nelson, and A. Edwards 88

Condition of Moose (A lees alces) in northeastern Minnesota

Glenn D. DelGiudice, Mark S. Lenarz, Michael W. Schrage, Andrew J. Edwards,and Michael E. Nelson 90

River Otter

River Otters in southeastern Minnesota: Activity Patterns and an index of populationsbased on aerial snow-track surveys

Daniel J. Martin, John D. Erb, Brock R. McMillan, John R. Fieberg, and ThomasA. Gorman 97

Survival, home range characteristics, and habitat selection of river otter in southeasternMinnesota

Thomas A. Gorman, John D. Erb, Brock R. McMillan, Christopher S. DePerno,and Daniel J. Martin 107


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Ecology and population dynamics of black bears in Minnesota

David 1. Garshelis, Pamela 1. Coy, and Karen V. Noyce 120

Wetland Wildlife


Hunter activity and goose harvest during September 2003 Canada goose hunt inMinnesota

Stephen J. Maxson and Margaret Dexter 129

Influence ofland use on mallard nest structure occupancy

Michael C. Zicus, David P. Rave, Abhik Das, Michael R. Riggs, and Michelle 1.Buitenwerf 134

Bemidji area breeding pair survey - update 2003

Michael C. Zicus and David P. Rave .I55

Bemidji area Ring-necked duck survey

Michael C. Zicus, Todd Eberhardt, Jeff Dimatteo, and Leon 1. Johnson 169

Does mallard clutch size vary with landscape composition: a different view

Michael C. Zicus, John Fieberg, and David P. Rave 184

DDE, PCB, and mercury residues in Minnesota Common Goldeneye and Hoodedmerganser eggs: a follow up

Michael C. Zicus and David P. Rave .I85

Hooded merganser nest attendance patterns

Michael C. Zicus and David P. Rave 193



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Proposed ring-necked Duck Breeding pair surveyMichael C. Zicus and David P. Rave, and Robert Wright... .l99

Factors influencing incubation egg mass loss for three species of waterfowl

Michael C. Zicus and David P. Rave, and Michael R. Riggs 209

Testing the efficacy of harvest buffers on the invertebrate communities in seasonal forestwetlands

Mark A. Hanson, James O. Church, Anthony T. Miller, Brian J. Palik, andMalcolm G. Butler 210

Walleye stocking as a tool to suppress fathead minnows and improve habitat quality insemipermanent and permanent wetlands in the prairie pothole region of Minnesota

Brian R. Herwig, Mark A. Hanson, Jeffrey R. Reed, Bradford G. Parsons,Anthony J. Potthoff, Matthew C. Ward, Kyle D. Zimmer, Malcolm G. Butler,David W. Willis, and Vaughn A. Snook 224

Publications 226


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•••••.v•••••••.• )



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Farmland WildlifePopuliltions and Researc)l Group'Madelia Research Center

35365 - 800th AvenueMadelia, Minnesota 5606"2-9744

(507)642-8478 ~

+ '

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Robert Osborn, Christopher DePerno, and Brian Haroldson


Managers in the Fannland Zone have expressed concern regarding the accuracy of densitypredictions from the Fannland Deer Model, which is used to predict the number of white-tailed deer(Odocoileus virginianus) present on each permit area in the Fannland Zon. Many managers innorthwest Minnesota believe the model is underestimating density, while many managers insoutheast Minnesota believe the model is overestimating density. Opinions of managers in the restof the Fannland Zone are varied, inconsistent, and do not reveal any common pattern. Concernsover model results in much of the Fannland Zone can likely be addressed with minor adjustments tothe model. The consistent nature of the concerns expressed in northwest and southeast Minnesotaare, however, more indicative of potential biases in the model that need to be evaluated.

It is possible that both concerns of underestimation in the northwest and overestimation in thesoutheast are valid. The Farmland Model is an accounting-type model, which simply adds birthsand subtracts deaths from a predetermined population estimate. All inputs in the Fannland Modelare basic biological data that can be evaluated with research. However, the Farmland Model hasnever been adequately calibrated and the Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources currentlyconducts no deer population surveys to provide an independent estimate of population size.

Grund (2001) evaluated an accounting-type model that incorporated aspects of both the Forest Zoneand Fannland Zone deer models. This study, conducted in the Mille Lacs Wildlife ManagementArea, used sensitivity analysis to identify the most influential model inputs and evaluated modelaccuracy by comparing its predictions against independent population estimations. Briefly, Grund(2001) concluded that female reproductive and survival rates most influenced populationpredictions. Moreover, because of their higher reproductive potential, adult females were moreinfluential than juvenile females. Also, Grund (2001) stated the population predictions ofaccounting-type models are subject to drift and that the amount of error increased over time. Modeldrift was the result oferrors accumulating through time and margins oferror became unacceptablylarge within approximately 4 years (Grund 2001). This assumes, of course, the population estimateused to initiate the model was accurate. Consequently, Grund (2001) recommended thataccounting-type models be recalibrated every 4-5 years.

Accuracy of deer population estimates generated by the Farmland Model are influenced by manyvariables; 2, however, are of immediate concern and will be addressed by this study. First,estimates of the starting populations used to initiate the model within each permit area were notderived independently, but rather were obtained using another model (the predecessor to the currentmodel). Consequently, it is not known whether the initial population estimates were accurate.Second, the Farmland Model has not been checked for drift for 11 years, which is well beyond thecritical period suggested by Grund's (2001) research.


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All additional inputs of the Farmland Model are testable with research. Some, such as adult femaleand fawn mortality, are currently being evaluated (DePerno et al. 2003). Others will be tested astime, money, and other logistical constraints allow. However, the best biological data will notproduce an accurate population estimate if the estimated starting population is incorrect. The goalsof this project were to provide independent population estimates ofwhite-tailed deer in 3 southeastMinnesota permit areas and to determine the most accurate and cost-effective sampling design forfuture deer surveys. Results also were used to evaluate the accuracy of the Farmland deer model.


Permit Area Selection

Because of financial and logistical constraints, it was not possible to survey all permit areas withinthe Big Woods Southeast Deer Management Sub-unit (BWSE; Permit areas 341 - 349). Thereforewe selected a subset ofpermit areas that were representative of the breadth of habitat conditions inthe BWSE. We used level 2 MN-GAP data to identifY cover classes (non-vegetated,crop/grasslands, shrublands, aquatic, upland coniferous forest, lowland coniferous forest, uplanddeciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowlandconiferous/deciduous mix) and ArcView (ESRl, Redlands, CA) to calculate land area by coverclass within each permit area (Appendix A).

Cluster analysis (Johnson and Wichern 1992) was used to examine habitat characteristics of theBWSE permits areas and identifY natural groupings. Lowland coniferous forests and lowlandconiferous/deciduous mixed forests are not found in the BWSE, thus 8 cover classes were used fordata analysis. Three groupings were identified (Figure I) and I permit area from each groupingwas selected. To minimize double counting of animals due to animal movement between permitareas during the survey, adjoining permit areas were not selected. Thus, based upon habitatcharacteristics and proximity, permit areas 341, 346, and 347 were selected for the survey.

Survey Methodology

Deer populations in each permit area were estimated using helicopter quadrat surveys. Quadratsurveys have been used successfully to estimate populations of caribou (Rangifer tarandus; Sniffand Skoog 1964), moose (Alces alees; Evans et al. 1966), and mule deer (0. heimonus; Bartmenn etal. 1986) in a variety of habitat types. Each permit area was divided into I square mile quadrats(sections from Land Survey data) and a subsample of20-30% ofthese quadrats was surveyed. Asystematic random sampling design using a square grid (Cressie 1993, D'Orazio 2003) wasemployed in each permit area. This design ensured entire coverage of the permit area andminimized potential problems associated with animal movement between quadrats (i.e., doublecounting) and animals being scared off a quadrat prior to the start of the survey. Systematic designsare also typically easier to implement and often result in estimates that are more precise than thoseobtained using simple or stratified random sampling designs (Cressie 1993, D'Orazio 2003).Surveys were conducted during winter when deciduous vegetation had dropped its leaves and whendeep (approximately 6-8 inches) snow cover was anticipated to last for several days. This improvedvisibility and ensured that enough time was available to allow the survey to be completed.Quadrats were flown until observers were confident they had seen all deer within each quadrat.Density estimates were be calculated using the formulas of D'Orazio (2003).



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Surveys were conducted in pennit areas 341 and 346 between 13 February 2004 and 26 February2004. At the start of the survey, snow conditions were acceptable (approximately 6 inches ofsnow). Because no new snow was received during the survey period, snow conditions becameunacceptable before pennit area 347 could be surveyed.

Between 16% and 17% of each pennit area was surveyed. The number of deer seen per square mile(recall that each quadrat was 1 square mile in size) in permit area 341 ranged between 0 and 116and averaged 7.9 deer (Table 1). The number of deer seen per square mile in permit area 346ranged between 0 and 62 and averaged 24.2 deer (Table 2). Visibility bias was not measured.Consequently, these values represent a minimum estimate.


Data from this study provides, for the first time, independent estimates of population size that canbe used to check the predictions of the Farmland Deer Model. Like all accounting style models, theFarmland Deer Model is sensitive to the starting population used to initialize the model. This studyprovides a benchmark which can be used to evaluate and ifnecessary reca1ibrate the Farmland DeerModel.

Prior to the survey, the Farmland Deer Model for permit area 341 was predicting approximately 12deer per square mile (a 50% overestimate from unadjusted survey data), while the model for permitarea 346 predicted approximately 20 deer per square mile (a 20% underestimate). These datasuggest the issue of model accuracy is more complicated than simply over· or underestimationwithin a broad geographic area. It is possible, however, that biases in the predictions of theFarmland Deer Model are similar in permit areas with similar habitat composition. This hypothesiswill be evaluated with additional surveys which are to be conducted in southeastern Minnesotaduring the winter of 2004-2005.

This study also provides a data set, which via post-hoc analysis, can be used to evaluate theeffectiveness of survey protocols. For example, a plot of the number of deer seen on each quadratverses the percentage of woody cover in that quadrat (Appendix B) shows that very few deer areobserved on quadrats that have less than 10% woody cover. This infonnation may provide usefulcriteria which can be used to classify each quadrat as either a low or a high deer density area.Under these circumstances, a stratified random experimental design would likely be more effective.This hypothesis also will be evaluated with additional surveys during the winter of2004-2005.

Assuming data from future surveys continue to indicate it is possible to obtain accurate populationestimates at reasonable cost, surveys will be conducted in other portions of the Farmland Zone.Using an approach as outlined above, it may be possible to divide the Farmland Zone into smallerregions and select a small number of representative pennit areas in each region that could besurveyed on a 4-5 year rotation. With the assumption that permit areas with similar habitatcomposition have similar deer densities, this would allow for the Farmland Deer Model to berecalibrated on a 4-5 year basis as suggested by Grund (2001).


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Finally, over the next few years, the Minnesota DNR will be examining deer population goals. Thecurrent population goals are several years old, may no longer reflect the biological or social carryingcapacities ofpermit areas, and need to be re-evaluated. Data from this study and future surveys willprovide valuable information regarding the performance of the Farmland Deer Model, will provideempirical data necessary to justifY to the public the need to change population goals, and will allowthe Minnesota DNR and the public to have greater confidence in the decisions made during the goalrevision process.


Bartmann, R. M., L. H. Carpenter, R. A. Garrott, and D. C. Bowden. 1986. Accuracy ofhelicoptercounts of mule deer in pinyon-juniper woodland. Wildlife Society Bulletin 14:356-363.

Cressie, N. A. C. 1993. Statistics for spatial data. Second edition. Wiley, New York, New York,USA.

D'Orazio, M. 2003. Estimating the variance of the sample mean in two-dimensional systematicsampling. Journal ofAgricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 8:280-295.

DePerno, C. S., B. S. Haroldson, T. J. Brinkman, B. J. Bigalke, C. C. Swanson, I. L. Lajoie, 1. A.Jenks, J. D. Erb, and R. G. Osborn. 2003. Survival and home ranges of white-tailed deer insouthern Minnesota. Pages 35-54 in M. DonCarlos, R. Kimmel, J. Lawrence, and M. Lenarz,editors. Summaries of Wildlife Research Findings, 2002. Division of Wildlife, MinnesotaDepartment ofNatural Resources, St. Paul Minnesota, USA.

Evans, C. D., W. A. Troyer, and C. J. Lensink. 1966. Aerial census of moose by quadrat samplingunits. Journal of Wildlife Management 30:767-776.

Grund, M. D. 2001. Options for monitoring white-tailed deer populations in Minnesota. Ph.D.Dissertation, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, USA.

Hayek, L. C. and M. A. Buzas. 1997. Surveying natural populations. Columbia University Press,New York, New York, USA.

Johnson, R. A. and D. W. Wichern. 1992. Applied multivariate statistical analysis. Third edition.Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA.

Sniff, D. B. and R. 0 Skoog. 1964. Aerial censusing of caribou using stratified random sampling.Journal of Wildlife Management 28: 391-401.



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Table 2. Summary statistics for the deer survey conducted in permit area 346, Minnesota,February 2004.

Table I. Summary statistics for the deer survey conducted in permit area 341, Minnesota,February 2004.



nMinimumMaximumMeanStandard Deviation900/0CI

VariablenMinimumMaximumMeanStandard Deviation900/0CI





6.0 - 9.9



20.8 - 27.7

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Figure 1. Cluster tree diagram of permit areas within the Big Woods Southeast DeerManagement Sub-unit based upon habitat characteristics. Distances were calculated using theaverage linkage method.


Cluster Tree



I I50000 60000

I20000 30000 40000












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Appendix A. Acres of land in each cover class for permit areas in the Big Woods Southeast Deer Management Sub-unit.

Bill Woods Southeast Deer Management Sub-unit Permit AreaCover Class 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 Avg

Non-vegetated 10,759 4,531 24,704 1,254 6,881 6,649 3,782 3,135 3,972 7,296Crop/grass 318,781 163,072 357,692 80,119 148,734 99,657 244,345 165,310 197,381 197,232Shrubland 4,093 3,790 2,857 1,761 1,948 5,185 1,184 1,370 4,632 2,980Aquatic 11,865 16,699 2,676 989 7,073 8,279 526 918 7,572 6,289Upland Coniferous 402 766 372 472 250 322 77 699 988 483ForestLowland Coniferous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0ForestUpland Deciduous 43,644 40,127 28,196 30,294 39,952 80,668 24,935 33,487 89,987 45,699ForestLowland Deciduous 10,261 9,381 8,066 5,451 8,076 8,119 3,265 5,577 13,227 7,980ForestUpland Mixed Forest 360 377 120 613 359 774 174 1,962 1,468 690Lowland Mixed Forest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Unclassified 292 34 0 0 2 37 41 3 26 48Total 400,798 238,777 424,683 120,953 213,275 209,690 278,329 212,461 319,253


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029' 0 0 OJ eg30J o~0: '??'3 Cb o0 0

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% Woody Cover

Appendix B. Scatter plot of number of deer observed in each quadrat verses thepercentage of woody cover on quadrats flown during the southeast Minnesota deer survey,February 2004.

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Brian Haroldson

During 2003, the Farmland Wildlife Research Group of the Minnesota Department ofNaturalResources (DNR) began a planning effort to identify and prioritize data needs for improvingmanagement of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Minnesota's agricultural landscape.Natural resource managers from state (DNR Wildlife [n=72], Parks [n=40], Enforcement [n=4])and federal (National Wildlife Refuge [n=6]) agencies with management responsibility inMinnesota's farmland were surveyed via e-mail on 15 March 2004 to assess their data needs.The survey consisted of 9 questions about deer population management, clientele management,deer population modeling, hunting season structure, alternative harvest strategies, managementchallenges, and primary data needs. This report is a summary of the survey responses of DNRwildlife staff only. After 2 mailings and a telephone reminder, 34 (47%) surveys werecompleted and returned. Responses were received from all but one DNR area wildlife office inthe farmland zone.

To more effectively manage deer populations, managers reported a high priority need forinformation on deer abundance (91 %), population models (59%), reproduction/recruitment(44%), and adult female survival (42%). In contrast, information on food habits (85%),predation (movements [82%], survival [71%], cause-specific mortality [68%], food habits [65%]ofpredators), habitat requirements (50%), and movements of deer (47-56%) were rated as lowpriority (Table 1).

For clientele management, respondents indicated that information on landowner (53%) andhunter (50%) attitudes/interests was a high priority need. Only 9% of respondents rated non­hunter attitudes/interests as high priority, while 41 % rated them as low priority.

Nearly half (48%) of the managers indicated that the current hunting season structure (seasonlength, bag limits, antlerless permit allocation, etc.) is effective at accomplishing antlerless deerharvest goals in their work area. Twenty-seven percent did not know and 24% reported that theseason structure was not effective. Reasons given by this last group included failure of huntersto take advantage of opportunities to kill multiple antlerless deer (i.e., inadequate harvest ofantlerless deer), inadequate number of hunters, and lack of access to land.

A majority of respondents agreed that alternative harvest strategies should be evaluated foreffectiveness in increasing antlerless deer harvest in areas that needed additional harvest. Thesestrategies included late-season antlerless hunts (70%), issuing buck licenses via lottery (64%),early-season antlerless hunts (58%), and earn-a-buck regulations (55%). However, there waslittle support (16%) for evaluating the impact of antler point restrictions on antlerless harvest.

Survey recipients were asked to identify challenges for deer management during the next decade.The most frequently cited challenges were special interest deer hunting regulations (e.g. QualityDeer Management, or QDM), maintaining deer populations within established goals, hunteraccess, rural and urban development, and depredation.


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Table 1. Ranking of population data needs of DNR wildlife staff to more effectivelymanage white-tailed deer populations in Minnesota's farmland (from deer research needssurvey, Mar-May 2004).

A comprehensive report summarizing responses of all survey recipients (DNR Wildlife, Parks,Enforcement, and National Wildlife Refuge Biologists) will be provided under separate cover.As a result of this survey, data needs will be prioritized to help establish future researchdirection.

When asked to describe their primary data needs to improve deer management in the farmlandzone, the 32 respondents identified 124 different items. The top data needs included independentdeer population estimates/trend indicators, accurate and timely harvest data, evaluation ofvarious season structures on deer harvest, deer population demographics, clientele surveys, andaccurate data inputs for the population model (Table 2).

Information neededAnimal abundance (# deer/permit area)Population modelsSurvivalReproduction/recruitmentHabitat/population relationshipsCause-specific mortalityAnimal distributionMovementlhome rangeHabitat requirementsPredation (food habits, cause-specific mortality, survival, movement ofpredators)Food habits (diets)






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Table 2. Primary data needs ofDNR wildlife staff to improve management of white-taileddeer in Minnesota's farmland (from deer research needs survey, Mar-May 2004).


Data needIndependent population estimate / trend indicatorAccurate and timely harvest data

• harvest trends• harvest rates on public vs. private land• antlerless harvest by non-permit holders• registration compliance

Evaluation of season structure on harvest• alternative harvest strategies• season timing (rut vs. non-rut)• Zone 3 evaluation

Deer population demographics

• buckdoe ratio• age:sex ratio• antler quality data

Hunter attitudesLandowner attitudesAccurate data inputs for population modelReproduction / recruitmentCause-specific mortalityHunter demographics

• # hunters/permit area• # permit applicants/permit area• recruitment ofhunters (archery, muzzleloader) via all-season license

Movement / home rangeValid population goals / estimation of carrying capacitySurvivalPredationHabitat / population relationshipsImproved management of deer in refuge areas (parks, land closed to hunting)Deer distributionDepredation abatement strategiesOther

• Attitudes ofDNR policy makers towards deer management issues• Rate of suburban development and eventua1level of change to the landscape• Ample data to support management decisions• Projected commodity crop make-up / prices / federal farm programs• Impact of vehicle kills on urban deer populations• Elk / deer interaction• Quantify land closed to hunting








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Jeannine Tardiff and Michael DonCarlos


Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a transmissible spongifonn encephalopathy (TSE) thataffects elk (Cervus e/aphus), mule deer (Odocoi/eus hemionus), and white-tailed deer(Odocoi/eus virginianus) (Spraker et al. 1997, Miller et al. 2000). TSEs are infectious diseasesthat alter the morphology of the central nervous system, resulting in a "sponge-like" appearanceof this tissue (Williams and Young 1993). An infectious protein or "prion" is believed to be theetiological agent ofCWD. A healthy animal exposed to these prions may develop CWD (Milleret al. 1998); however, precise mechanisms and rates ofCWD transmission are poorlyunderstood.

Chronic Wasting Disease was first recognized in 1967 by researchers studying captive mule deerand in 1978 in captive white-tailed deer and elk (Williams and Young 1980). CWD has beendiagnosed in captive cervid populations from Nebraska, Oklahoma, Kansas, Montana, Colorado,Wyoming, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, USA, and Alberta and Saskatchewan,Canada (United States Animal Health Association 2001, Canadian Food Inspection Agency2002). Within wild populations, CWD was historically confined to free-ranging deer and elk inthe endemic area ofnortheast Colorado and southeast Wyoming (Miller et al. 2000, Williams etal. 2002). However, recently CWD has been detected west of the continental divide in Coloradoand within wild deer populations ofNebraska, Wisconsin, Illinois, South Dakota, Utah, and NewMexico (Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance, www.cwd-info.org, 2004). Generally, wild cervidCWD occurrences outside the endemic area have been located in close proximity to captivecervid facilities with past or present infected animals except for four positive deer located atWhite Sands Missile Base, New Mexico (Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance, www.cwd·info.org,2004).

Incubation time of the disease, from infection to clinical signs, is a few months to approximately3 years; clinical signs may include a loss of body condition and weight, excessive salivation,ataxia, and behavioral changes; and there is no known cure for the disease (Williams and Young1980, Spraker et al. 1997, Miller et al. 1998).

Public health officials and the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, have notidentified strong evidence for CWD transmission to humans or animals other than deer and elk(Belay et.al., 2004). Experimental and circumstantial evidence suggests that transmission of thedisease in deer and elk is through direct contact with infected animals (Miller et al. 1998) or bycontact with a contaminated environment (Miller et.al., 2004).



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Wildlife disease control strategies must be based on an understanding of specific disease etiologyand epidemiology, and most infectious diseases are extremely difficult to eliminate from wildpopulations once established. Because the epidemiological attributes of CWD remain nebulous,Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources (MN DNR) is attempting to acquire all availableinformation about CWD and effective control strategies primarily by assessing the progress ofthe disease in other states and observing the outcomes of selected management alternatives.Given the extended incubation period associated with CWD, the apparent capacity for horizontaland vertical transmission, and the possibility of environmental contamination, it is imperativethat CWD be identified, isolated, and controlled as rapidly as possible following detection withina population.

In response to the discovery of CWD in wild Wisconsin deer and a Minnesota captive elk herd in2002, MN DNR developed a comprehensive wild deer CWD monitoring program that includessurveillance of targeted animals (e.g., suspect or potentially sick deer exhibiting clinical signs orsymptoms consistent with CWD), opportunistic surveillance (e.g., vehicle-killed deer), andhunter-killed deer surveillance.


Sampling Areas

During the 2003 Minnesota deer hunting seasons, 37 sampling areas consisting of 59 DeerManagement Areas (DMA) were selected for CWD monitoring of hunter-killed deer (Fig. 1).The plan was based upon a blocking protocol that enabled greater utilization of availablepersonnel, and resulted in a more efficient approach to surveillance testing, as compared to the2002 sampling plan. Due to the extended incubation period of CWD, deer ~ 1.5 years of agewere selected. To optimize the time spent collecting samples, collections occurred primarilyduring the Minnesota firearms deer season. All samples were voluntarily submitted by hunters.

Sample Size and Distribution

Using a power analysis, sample sizes for each sampling area were determined to ensure a ~ 95%probability of detecting the disease, given a 1% infection rate (assuming a random distribution ofthe disease among individuals within each sampling area). Approximately 300 deer were neededin each sampling area to detect an infection rate of 1% with 95% confidence (Table 1). Allsample locations were mapped.

Deer Head Collection

During the 2003 Minnesota firearms deer season, 132 registration stations within the selectedDMAs were staffed for sample collection. Staff were trained and provided equipment to collecthunter data and to remove deer heads. Hunters were interviewed and data collected, includingthe DMA where the deer was harvested, the specific harvest location, hunter contact information,and MN DNR number. Additionally, the age of the deer was estimated. Deer heads wereremoved at the base of the skull using scalpels. All heads were given an ID number, individuallybagged, and transported with datasheet to "extraction" sites.


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Lymph Node Sample Extraction

Eleven "extraction" sites were established to collect medial retropharyngeallymph node(MRPLN) samples from collected deer heads. Over 90 DNR wildlife research staff andveterinary/graduate students were trained to extract the MRPLNs. The process entailed cuttingthe soft tissue between the occipital condyles and the trachea, and identifying the lymph tissue.Once removed, the MRPLNs were stored in whirl-pak bags and frozen. All samples werelabeled with the same ID number previously assigned to the deer head.


All samples collected were transported to the Farmland Wildlife Population and Research Stationin Madelia where they were inventoried, entered into a database, and shipped to the University ofMinnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)testing of the lymph node tissue for the presence of the abnormal prion protein.


CWD Surveillance

No positive results were detected in the 10054 usable samples collected from the selectedsampling areas (Table 2). Females and males comprised 44% and 56% ofthe samples. Lessthan 3% (300) of the total samples (10354) were unusable. Assuming that the samples wererandomly collected from each DMA, preliminary results indicate that CWO infection rates:2: I % would have been detected in 19 of 37 sampling areas with 2: 95% confidence, in 13 of 37sampling areas with 90-95% confidence, and in 5 of37 sampling areas with <; 90% confidence.Distribution maps for every sampling area were produced (Fig. 2).

2004 Surveillance

For 2004, the MN DNR plans to test the remaining DMA's across the state. (Fig. 3). Thesampling areas, modeled deer population size, and the number of samples necessary to detectCWO at an infection rate of 1% with 95% confidence were determined similar to 2002 and 2003(Table 3). A database will be maintained containing hunter contact information, DMA, locationof harvest, and deer age. MPRLNs will be collected, cooled and/or frozen, and transported to theUniversity of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory in St. Paul, Minnesota for ELISAtesting.



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Belay, E,D" RA Maddox, KS, Williams, M,W, Miller, P, Gambetti, and LR Schonberger,2004, Chronic wasting disease and potential transmission to humans, EmergingInfectious Diseases Vol, 10, No, 6, June 2004, Available from www,cdc,gov/eid

Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 2002, Chronic wasting disease (CWD) of deer and elkCanadian Food Inspection Agency Fact Sheet.http://www.cfia-acia.agr.ca/english/anima/heasan/disemala/cwdmdce.shtnl1[Accessed 27 August 2002,]

Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance, 2004, Learn about CWD: Map, www,cwd-info,org,[Accessed 6 July 2004,]

Cressie, N,A, 1993, Statistics for Spatial Data, Wiley Series, New York

Miller, M.W., E.S. Williams, N.T. Hobbs, and L.L Wolfe. 2004. Environmental sources ofprion transmission in Mwe Deer. Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol, 10, No.6, June2004. Avaialable from http://www.cdc.gov/ncidodlEID/vollOno6/04-0010.htm

Miller, M.W., E. S. Williams, C. W. McCarty, T. R. Spraker, T. J. Kreeger, C. T. Larsen, and E.T. Thome. 2000. Epizootiology of chronic wasting disease in free-ranging cervids inColorado and Wyoming. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 36:676-690.

Miller, M. W., M. A. Wild, and E. S. Williams. 1998. Epidemiology of chronic wasting diseasein captive Rocky Mountain elk. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 34:532-538.

Spraker, T. R., M. W. Miller, E. S. Williams, D. M. Getzy, W. J. Adrian, G. G. Schoonveld, R.A. Spowart, K. I. O'Rourke, J. M. Miller, and P. A. Merz. 1997. Spongiformencephalopathy in free-ranging mwe deer (Odocoileus hemionus), white-tailed deer(Odocoileus virginianus) and Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) innorthcentral Colorado. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 33:1-6.

United States Animal Health Association. 2001. Report of the Committee on Wildlife Diseases.http://www.usaha.org/reports/reportsO1IrO 1wd.html[Accessed 27 August 2002.]

Williams, E. S., and S. Young. 1980. Chronic Wasting Disease of captive mwe deer: aspongiform encephalopathy. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 16:89-98.

Williams, E.S., and S. Young. 1993. Neuropathology of chronic wasting disease of mwe deer(Odocoileus hemionus) and elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni). Veterinary Pathology30:36-45.

Williams, E.S., M. W. Miller, and E.T. Thome. 2002. Chronic wasting disease: implicationsand challenges for wildlife managers. Presented at the North American Wildlife andNatural Resources Conference, April 3-7, 2002, Dallas, Texas.


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••Table 1. 2003 sampling areas and sample size required to detect an infection rate of 1% •with 95% confidence (98% confidence in combined DMAs) •Sampling Area (DMA) Modeled Pre-Fawn Population Size CWD Sample Size •Block I •115 29952 297 •116/122/126/127 10440 382 •178 13904 295 •180 10590 294

Block 2 •201/204 5523 376 •206 2920 283 •202/203/208 4443 373 •207/404 3726 370209/210/285 5010 374 •401/403 3666 369 •405 2289 279 •406 2478 281 •Block 3

248 4260 288 •411 7960 293 •412 9296 293 •413 6955 292 •414 6071 291 •416 3264 285

422/423 3770 370 •424/431 3751 370 •433/446/447 7882 380 •425/435 4382 372 •Block 4223/224 5440 376 •235/236 8718 381 •418 5548 290 •419/429 4083 371 •426/427/428 7070 375 •Block 5

341 6354 291 •342 5209 290 •343/465 9461 381 •344 3250 285 •345 4238 288346 5997 291 •347/467 8501 380 •348 5478 290 •349 7773 292 •462 3036 284 ••

16 ••

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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Table 2. Summary of samples collected by sampling area. Sample numbers include hunter killed, car killed and opportunistic deer.

SamplingTotal # of Total # of Total #

0/0Total #

Total % ConfidenceSamples Usable Negative Positive Unusable Usable Usable % UsableArea (DMU)Collected Samples Samples Usable Samples Unusable Interval

Female Female Male Male 1% InfectionRate

BLOCK I115 363 349 349 0 14 137 39.26% 209 59.89% 3.86% 97.00

116/122/126/127 246 233 233 0 13 45 19.31% 184 78.97% 5.28% 90.50178 437 424 424 0 13 165 38.92% 251 59.20% 2.97% 98.65180 321 313 313 0 8 133 42.49% 180 57.51% 2.49% 95.90

BLOCK2201/204 382 366 366 0 16 176 48.09% 190 51.91% 4.19% 97.78

206 285 278 278 0 7 146 52.52% 130 46.76% 2.46% 94.70202/203/208 325 314 314 0 11 158 50.32% 154 49.04% 3.38% 96.20

207/404 362 350 350 0 12 166 47.43% 182 52.00% 3.31% 97.50209/210/285 378 365 365 0 13 184 50.41% 181 49.59% 3.44% 97.77

401/403 285 270 270 0 15 117 43.33% 152 56.30% 5.26% 94.00405 245 234 234 0 11 100 42.74% 134 57.26% 4.49% 91.60406 194 185 185 0 9 85 45.95% 99 53.51% 4.64% 85.50

BLOCK 3248 272 266 266 0 6 147 55.26% 117 43.98% 2.21% 93.70411 336 330 330 0 6 164 49.70% 162 49.09% 1.79% 96.60412 219 213 213 0 6 95 44.60% III 52.11% 2.74% 88.50413 157 154 154 0 3 75 48.70% 79 51.30% 1.91% 79.00414 421 415 415 0 6 216 52.05% 199 47.95% 1.43% 98.67416 274 267 267 0 7 125 46.82% 136 50.94% 2.55% 93.90

422/423 224 219 219 0 5 92 42.01% 124 56.62% 2.23% 89.60424/431 233 228 228 0 5 87 38.16% 141 61.84% 2.15% 90.60

433/446/447 392 378 378 0 14 126 33.33% 249 65.87% 3.57% 97.96425/435 269 258 258 0 11 89 34.50% 169 65.50% 4.09% 93.10

BLOCK 4223/224 298 286 286 0 12 153 53.50% 133 46.50% 4.03% 94.78235/236 305 299 299 0 6 108 36.12% 189 63.21% 1.97% 95.30

418 299 292 292 0 7 146 50.00% 144 49.32% 2.34% 95.104191429 250 241 241 0 9 102 42.32% 137 56.85% 3.60% 91.76

4261427/428 288 276 276 0 12 82 29.71% 189 68.48% 4.17% 94.09


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Table 2 (continued). Summary of samples collected by sampling area. Sample numbers include hunter killed, car killed and opportunisticdeer.

SamplingTotal # of Total # of Total #

%Total #

Total % ConfidenceSamples Usable Negative Positive Unusable Usable Usable % Usable

Area (DMU)Collected Samples Samples Usable

SamplesUnusable Interval

Female Female Male Male 1% Infection RateBLOCK 5

341 (2002 324 307 307 0 17 107 34.85% 198 64.50% 5.25% 95.77'&2003)

342 (2002 349 336 336 0 13 175 52.08% 154 45.83% 3.72% 96.95'&2003)343/465 310 302 302 0 8 127 42.05% 175 57.95% 2.58% 95.42

344 181 179 179 0 2 97 54.19% 82 45.81% 1.10% 84.30345 (2002 & 328 318 318 0 10 138 43.40% 178 55.97% 3.05% 96.39'

2003)346 (2002 392 380 380 0 12 161 42.37% 218 57.37% 3.06% 98.06'&2003)347/467 365 362 362 0 3 139 38.40% 223 61.60% 0.82% 97.57

348 296 289 289 0 7 139 48.10% 143 49.48% 2.36% 94.94349 331 323 323 0 8 147 45.51% 172 53.25% 2.42% 96.37462 237 235 235 0 2 93 39.57% 140 59.57% 0.84% 91.44

2003 Total 10354 10054 10054 0 300 43.40% 55.70% 2.84%


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•••• Table 3. 2004 proposed sampling areas and sample size required to detect an• infection rate of 1% with 95% confidence (98% confidence in combined DMUs)•• Sampling Area (DMU) Modeled Pre-Fawn CWD Sample Size

• Population Size

• Block I104 14564 295

• 107 15160 295

• 110/283 5940 377

• 205/214 6000 377

• 211 10986 294213(RedLake) 300• Block 2

• 167 10560 294

• 168 12308 294

• 170 17095 295172 15785 295• 197 9600 293

• 242 14003 295

• 243 9734 294

• 245 16907 295246 19708 296• Block 3

•• 244/251/287 23594 386

• 297/298 9997 382

• 402 1939 276

• 407 2657 282408 2519 281• 409 3936 287

• 411 7960 293

• 420/421 3261 367

• Block 4152/157 23287 386• 156 13216 295

• 159 12496 295

• 174 10020 294

• 183 10605 294222 5562 290• 225 9656 294

• 249 9538 293

• 337/338/339 5442 376

• 228 3555 286

•••• 19•

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Table 3 (continued). 2004 proposed sampling areas and sample size required to detectan infection rate of 1% with 95% confidence (98% confidence in combined DMUs)

Sampling Area (DMU)

Block 5440442443448449450451452453


Modeled Pre-FawnPopulation Size



CWD Sample Size




* Over 2 year period


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Figure 1. 2003 Chronic Wasting Disease sampling areas denoted by Deer ManagementArea.


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Figure 2. Sampling Area 404-207.Points denote harvest locations of deer tested for CWD.



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402 40


448 449450

451 454451

443 463 464

.452 453 458456 459 466

Figure 3. Proposed sampling areas for 2004. Areas are divided into blocks for collectionpurposes.


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Kurt Haroldson, John Giudice, and Wendy Krueger


Preferred winter habitat for ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) in the Midwestincludes grass, wetlands, woody cover, and a dependable source offood (primarily grain fromharvested or standing crops) near cover (Gates and Hale 1974, Trautman 1982, Perkins et al.1997, Gabbert et al. 1999). In the northern pheasant range, grain stubble and grass are oftenburied by snow and rendered unavailable for food and cover, respectively. Wetlands and highquality woody habitats that provide shelter at ground level have been extensively removed fromagricultural landscapes. During severe winters, pheasants without access to sufficient winterhabitat are presumed to perish or emigrate to landscapes with adequate habitat. Birds thatemigrate >2 miles from their breeding range are unlikely to return (Gates and Hale 1974).

Although wetland restorations, woody habitats, and food plots are eligible cover practices infarm programs such as the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), the vast majority ofenrollments have been planted to grass habitats. Enrolling a more effective balance of coverpractices has been hindered by the lack of information on how much winter habitat is needed tosustain pheasant populations within local landscapes. The purpose of this study is to quantify therelationship between amount of winter habitat and pheasant abundance over a range of winterconditions.


During winter 2002-03, 9 study areas were selected in each of 4 regions located near Marshall,Windom, Glenwood, and Faribault (Fig. I). Study areas averaged 9 miles2 (5,760 acres) in size,and varied in the amount of winter cover, winter food, and reproductive cover. We defmedwinter cover as cattail (Typha sp.) wetlands ~10 acres in area (excluding open water), denseshrub swamps ~I 0 acres in area, or planted woody shelterbelts ~3 acres in area, ~OO feet wide,and providing dense cover at ground level (Gates and Hale 1974, Berner 2001). Winter food wasdefmed as standing com food plots left unharvested throughout the winter and located ,.::;1/4 milefrom winter cover (Gates and Hale 1974). Reproductive cover included all undisturbed grasscover~O feet wide.

We estimated the amount of winter cover, winter food, and reproductive cover on each studyarea by cover mapping to a geographic information system (GIS) from 2003 digital aerialphotography. We used the Farm Service Agency's GIS coverage of farm fields (Common LandUnits) as a base map and edited the field boundaries to meet habitat criteria of this project.Cover types were verified by ground-truthing all habitat patches visible from roads. Becausecover mapping ofcattail wetlands, shrub swamps, and undisturbed grasslands has not beencompleted for 2003, we made preliminary estimates of the amounts of these habitats from GIScoverages of the National Wetlands Inventory, Wildlife Management Areas, Waterfowl



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Production Areas, and CRP enrollments. We recognize that not all cattail wetlands, shrubswamps, and undisturbed grasslands are included in these GIS coverages. Furthermore, habitatomissions appear to be much more common on the Glenwood and Faribault study areas than onMarshall and Windom study areas.

We estimated relative abundance of pheasant populations on each study area using roadsidesurveys (Haroldson et al. 1998), which were conducted by high school teachers and students.Roadside surveys consisted of 10-12 mile routes primarily on gravel roads (:> 4 miles of hard­surface road). Observers drove each route starting at sunrise at about 15 miles/hour and recordedthe number ofpheasants observed, classified by sex and age. Surveys were repeated 10 times oneach study area during spring (April 20 - May 20) and summer (July 20 - August 20). Surveyswere conducted on mornings meeting standardized weather criteria (cloud cover <60%, winds~10 miles/hour, temperature <'o32°F, dew present) 1-2 hours before sunrise; however, surveyswere completed even if conditions deteriorated after the initial weather check. Observersrecorded weather conditions on individual study areas at the start and end ofeach survey. Allstudy areas within a region were generally surveyed on the same days, and observers weresystematically rotated among study areas to reduce the effect of observer bias on roadsidecounts.

Observers carried Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers while conducting roadsidesurveys. GPS units were used to record the time and position of observers throughout eachsurvey as track logs, and to record the location ofobserved pheasants as waypoints. Weinspected all track logs for each observer to ensure that surveys were conducted at the correcttime, location, and speed of travel.

For each study area and season, we calculated an index ofrelative pheasant abundance(pheasants countedilOO miles surveyed) from the mean of 10 repeated surveys. To evaluate theeffect of habitat on pheasant abundance, we calculated a cover index for each study area:

CI = [(UG/Max)x4 + (WCwFP/Max)x4 + (WCwoFP/Max)x2 + (FP/Max)] / 11where DG = undisturbed grass (% of study area)

WCwFP = winter cover near a food plot (number of patches)WCwoFP = winter cover without a nearby food plot (number ofpatehes)FP = food plot (number of patches)Max = maximum observed value among all 36 study areas

The cover index combined the effects of reproductive cover, winter cover, and winter food into asingle weighted average (weight based on a preliminary estimate of relative importance).Potential values of cover index ranged from 0.0 (poorest habitat) to 1.0 (best habitat). Weacknowledge that the cover index is an oversimplification, and we used it only to make simple,2-dimentional plots for this initial progress report.


Observers completed all 360 surveys (10 repetitions on 36 study areas) during the spring 2003season. Weather conditions during the surveys ranged from excellent (calm, clear sky, heavydew) to poor (wind>10 mph, overcast sky, no dew, or rain). Over all regions, 84% of thesurveys were started with at least light dew present. Seventy-four percent of surveys were


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started under clear skies «30% cloud cover) and 55% reported wind speeds <4 mileslhour.Only I% of surveys were started on mornings with wind> I0 mileslhour or with temperature<32°F. Among regions, Faribault experienced the most cloud cover (21 % of surveys started with;::60% clouds) and Glenwood experienced the most wind (63% of surveys started with windspeed ;::4 mileslhour).

Pheasants were counted on all 36 study areas during spring 2003. Abundance indices amongstudy areas ranged from 18-306 pheasants observed per 100 miles (Table I). Over all studyareas, the mean pheasant index was 105 birds/IOO miles. Pheasant indices were highest in theWindom region (162 birds/I 00 miles), followed by Glenwood (101 birds/I 00 miles), Marshall(87 birds/IOO miles), and Faribault (70 birds/IOO miles).

Hens were relatively abundant among study areas in 2003. The overall hen index averaged 56hens/l 00 miles, and varied among study areas from 9-207 hens/lOO miles (Table I). Hen indiceswere highest in the Windom region (92 hens/IOO miles), followed by Glenwood (52 hens/l 00miles), Marshall (44 hens/IOO miles), and Faribault (33 hens/IOO miles). The observedhen:rooster ratio varied from 0.2 to 2.1 among study areas (Table 1). Fewer hens than roosterswere observed on I study area in the Glenwood region, 2 areas in Windom, 3 areas in Marshall,and 6 areas in Faribault. The low hen:rooster ratios in the Marshall and Faribault study areasmay reflect later survey dates (9-15 days later than other study areas), when a larger proportionofhens were nesting (and not visible to observers).

Pheasant indices were positively related to habitat abundance in all regions except Glenwood(Fig. 2). Cover index explained 55% of the variation in pheasant indices in the Marshall region,43% in Faribault, 27% in Windom, but only I% in Glenwood. At this early stage in ourevaluation, we can't explain the poor pheasant-habitat relationship on the Glenwood study areas.However, habitat estimates (and possibly the model) will be improved when we complete thecover mapping of all study areas.


Observers completed all 360 surveys during the summer 2003 season. Weather conditionsduring the summer surveys ranged from excellent (calm, clear sky, heavy dew) to poor (light orno dew, overcast sky, or rain). Over all regions, 81 % of the surveys were started with moderate­heavy dew present. Seventy-one percent were started under clear skies «30% cloud cover), and82% reported wind <4 miles/hour. In comparison, 91 % of the statewide August RoadsideSurveys were started under medium-heavy dew conditions, 89% under clear skies, and 79% withwinds <4 mileslhour. The less desirable weather conditions reported in this study probablyreflects the study procedure of deciding whether to survey based on weather conditions 1-2 hoursbefore sunrise at a location distant from the survey route.

Adult pheasants and broods were observed on all 36 study areas during 2003. Abundanceindices among study areas ranged from 20-620 pheasants observed per 100 miles (Table 2).Over all study areas, the mean pheasant index was 183 birds/IOO miles. Pheasant indices werehigher in the Windom region (284 birds/IOO miles), than in Faribault (165 birds/lOO miles),Marshall (143 birds/IOO miles), and Glenwood (140 birds/IOO miles).



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The overall hen index averaged 31 hens/100 miles, and varied among study areas from 6-106hens/lOO miles (Table 2). Hen indices were higher in the Windom region (51 hens/lOO miles),than in Marshall (26 hens/lOO miles), Glenwood (24 hens/100 miles), or Faribault (24 hens/lOOmiles). The observed hen:rooster ratio varied from 0.8 to 6.5 among study areas (Table 2) andaveraged 2.4 overall. Fewer hens than roosters were observed on I study area each in theWindom, Marshall, and Faribault regions.

The brood index ranged from 3-77 broods/100 miles among study areas (Table 2) and averaged26 broods/100 miles overall. The brood index was higher in the Windom region (36 broods/100miles) than in the other regions (24 broods/lOO miles in Faribault, 22 broods /100 miles inMarshall, and 20 broods /100 miles in Glenwood). Mean brood size averaged 5.1 chickslbroodand was relatively consistent among regions (5.5 in Faribault, 5.4 in Windom, 5.0 in Glenwood,and 4.6 in Marshall). On average, 0.6 broods were observed for every hen counted during springsurveys. The brood recruitment index was highest in Faribault (0.9 broods/spring hen), followedby Marshall (0.6 broods/spring hen), Windom (0.5 broods/spring hen), and Glenwood (0.4broods/spring hen); this may be explained by the later spring surveys in Faribault and someMarshall study areas (when a higher proportion of hens had started nesting and were missed inspring surveys).

Pheasant indices were positively related to habitat abundance in all regions except Glenwood(Fig. 2). Cover index explained 50% ofthe variation in pheasant indices in the Marshall region,29% in Windom, 10% in Faribault, and 0% in Glenwood. We will focus future investigationinto why the pheasant-cover relationship was so weak in Glenwood, and to explain outliers in theFaribault and Windom plots (Fig. 2).


For the next reporting period, we plan to finish cover mapping the 36 study areas. This willpermit a more accurate assessment of habitat abundance than the estimates used for this report.In addition, we will continue to survey pheasant populations during spring and summer. Duringthe next moderate-severe winter, we will assess winter habitat availability in relation to snowdepth and drifting. Finally, we will begin to assess the potential for inunigration to andemigration from the study areas by mapping large habitat blocks within a 2-mile buffer of thestudy area boundaries.


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Berner, A. H. 2001. Winterizing Minnesota's landscape for wildlife: providing food and coverfor wintering pheasants and associated resident wildlife in Minnesota's farmlands.Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources, S1. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

Gabbert, A. E., A. P. Leif, J. R. Purvis, and L. D. Flake. 1999. Survival and habitat use by ring­necked pheasants during two disparate winters in South Dakota. Journal of WildlifeManagement 63:711-722.

Gates, 1. M., and J. B. Hale. 1974. Seasonal movement, winter habitat use, and populationdistribution ofan east central Wisconsin pheasant population. Wisconsin Department ofNatural Resources Technical Bulletin 76, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Haroldson, K. J., R. O. Kimmel, and A. H. Berner. 1998. Population responses of ring-neckedpheasants, gray partridge, and meadowlarks to the Conservation Reserve Program. Pages10-17 in B. Joselyn, editor. Surmnaries of wildlife research fmdings: 1998. MinnesotaDepartment ofNatural Resources, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

Perkins, A. L., W. R. Clark, T. Z. Riley, and P. A. Vohs. 1997. Effects oflandscape andweather on winter survival ofring-necked pheasant hens. Journal of WildlifeManagement 61 :634-644.

Trautman, C. G. 1982. History, ecology and management of the ring-necked pheasant in SouthDakota. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks Bulletin 7, Pierre, SouthDakota, USA.



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•••••• Table 1. Mean pheasant counts after 10 repeated surveys (N) on 36 study areas in

• Minnesota, spring 2003 .

• Study TOTAL/ COCKS/ HENS/ HEN:COCKArea REGION N 100 MI 100 MI 100 MI RATIO• 1 MARSHALL 10 129.2 64.6 64.6 1.000• 2 MARSHALL 10 93.3 62.5 30.8 0.493

• 3 MARSHALL 10 88.3 46.6 41. 7 0.8964 MARSHALL 10 195.0 75.0 120.0 1.600

• 5 MARSHALL 10 63.9 37.8 26.1 0.6896 MARSHALL 10 60.4 26.4 34.0 1.286

• 7 MARSHALL 10 56.4 28.2 28.2 1.0008 MARSHALL 10 39.2 17.1 22.1 1.294• 9 MARSHALL 10 58.8 29.4 29.4 1.000

10 GLENWOOD 10 40.8 18.4 22.4 1.222• 11 GLENWOOD 10 89.0 42.4 46.6 1.100

• 12 GLENWOOD 10 128.2 77.5 50.7 0.65413 GLENWOOD 10 82.6 37.8 44.8 1.184

• 14 GLENWOOD 10 60.9 29.1 31.8 1.09115 GLENWOOD 10 196.3 92.1 104.2 1.131

• 16 GLENWOOD 10 111.4 46.2 65.2 1.41217 GLENWOOD 10 18.2 7.0 11.2 1. 588• 18 GLENWOOD 10 180.0 87.7 92.4 1.05319 WINDOM 10 306.3 98.9 207.4 2.096• 20 WINDOM 10 183.6 93.9 89.7 0.956

• 21 WINDOM 10 87.8 43.4 44.4 1.02422 WINDOM 10 248.2 115.1 133.1 1.157

• 23 WINDOM 10 211. 9 86.6 125.2 1.44624 WINDOM 10 95.0 52.5 42.5 0.810

• 25 WINDOM 10 127.6 48.1 79.5 1.65326 WINDOM 10 154.1 63.5 90.5 1.426

• 27 WINDOM 10 46.1 22.2 23.9 1.07828 FARIBAULT 10 193.6 79.3 114.3 1.442• 29 FARIBAULT 10 48.4 30.6 17.8 0.581

• 30 FARIBAULT 10 48.4 21.8 26.6 1.22231 FARIBAULT 10 58.5 49.8 8.8 0.176

• 32 FARIBAULT 10 75.1 41.0 34.1 0.83333 FARIBAULT 10 69.6 42.2 27.4 0.649

• 34 FARIBAULT 10 68.6 35.2 33.4 0.95035 FARIBAULT 10 29.6 17.5 12.1 0.692

• 36 FARIBAULT 10 40.8 16.7 24.2 1.450

••••••••••••• 29•

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Table 2. Mean pheasant counts after 10 repeated surveys (N) on 36 study areas in Minnesota, summer 2003.


1 MARSHALL 10 267.0 23.5 37.3 1. 58824 206.3 35.9 5.744 0.963 0.5562 MARSHALL 10 74.6 10.6 16.5 1. 56000 47.5 11.9 4.000 0.718 0.3853 MARSHALL 10 64.1 10.7 8.7 0.81818 44.7 11.7 3.833 1. 333 0.2794 MARSHALL 10 209.0 29.5 57.5 1. 94915 122.0 35.0 3.486 0.609 0.2925 MARSHALL 10 131.1 13.9 21.4 1. 54545 95.8 19.3 4.957 0.902 0.7426 MARSHALL 10 142.9 4.8 23.0 4.80000 115.1 20.1 5.714 0.875 0.5937 MARSHALL 10 192.7 6.4 30.0 4.71429 156.4 32.7 4.778 1.091 1.1618 MARSHALL 10 130.7 9.9 20.8 2.10000 100.0 20.8 4.810 1.000 0.9399 MARSHALL 10 71.1 4.8 15.4 3.18182 50.9 13.2 3.867 0.857 0.448

10 GLENWOOD 10 149.5 6.1 20.2 3.33333 123.2 21.2 5.810 1.050 0.94511 GLENWOOD 10 97.4 6.8 17.1 2.50000 73.5 17.1 4.300 1.000 0.36712 GLENWOOD 10 141.0 8.6 29.5 3.44444 102.9 20.0 5.143 0.677 0.39413 GLENWOOD 10 80.9 4.3 13.0 3.00000 63.5 11. 3 5.615 0.867 0.25214 GLENWOOD 10 211.4 6.6 31.1 4.73333 173.7 30.7 5.657 0.986 0.96615 GLENWOOD 10 340.7 26.9 54.6 2.03448 259.3 43.5 5.957 0.797 0.41816 GLENWOOD 10 91.4 10.5 16.2 1.54545 64.8 16.2 4.000 1.000 0.24817 GLENWOOD 10 19.9 4.1 5.8 1.40000 10.0 2.5 4.000 0.429 0.22318 GLENWOOD 10 125.0 9.3 24.1 2.60000 91. 7 19.4 4.714 0.808 0.21119 WINDOM 10 438.9 40.0 68.4 1. 71053 330.5 53.7 6.157 0.785 0.25920 WINDOM 10 619.7 30.3 106.4 3.50847 483.0 77.1 6.267 0.725 0.85921 WINDOM 10 257.9 23.2 50.5 2.18182 184.2 33.7 5.469 0.667 0.75822 WINDOM 10 254.5 22.6 50.5 2.24000 181.4 36.1 5.025 0.714 0.27123 WINDOM 10 287.1 22.9 57.8 2.52174 206.4 37.9 5.447 0.655 0.30224 WINDOM 10 302.0 32.0 48.0 1. 50000 222.0 34.0 6.529 0.708 0.80025 WINDOM 10 105.7 18.4 23.1 1.25641 64.2 15.1 4.250 0.653 0.19026 WINDOM 10 193.9 23.2 37.3 1. 60377 133.3 26.3 5.067 0.706 0.29127 WINOOM 10 91. 3 20.4 16.1 0.78723 54.8 12.2 4.500 0.757 0.50928 FARIBAULT 10 381.0 16.2 51.4 3.17647 313.3 57.1 5.483 1.111 0.50029 FARIBAULT 10 65.2 5.8 6.8 1.16667 52.6 6.8 7.714 1.000 0.38430 FARIBAULT 10 66.1 3.2 11. 3 3.50000 51.6 9.7 5.333 0.857 0.36431 FARIBAULT 10 121.6 13.7 18.6 1. 35714 89.2 15.7 5.688 0.842 1. 78632 FARIBAULT 10 168.6 12.7 27.1 2.13333 128.8 25.4 5.067 0.938 0.74533 FARIBAULT 10 481.0 10.3 67.2 6.50000 403.4 66.4 6.078 0.987 2.42134 FARIBAULT 10 76.3 7.5 14.5 1. 94118 54.4 11.4 4.769 0.788 0.34135 FARIBAULT 10 56.0 8.4 8.4 1.00000 39.1 8.0 4.889 0.947 0.66136 FARIBAULT 10 65.8 7.5 6.7 0.88889 51. 7 11. 7 4.429 1. 750 0.483



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••_-Wi dom•


Figure 1. Locations of winter-habitat study areas within Minnesota's pheasant range, 2003.


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200 •• <> r',umme, = 0.00100 °0 ", ~

e I ., =• r ,pI;ng 0.01




r\ummel = 0.50 <><> ..~..... """

<> ~<>........ •.='.:..••-- e r' - 0 55- ~ ,p,;ng - .








£i 300c:rn\1l.r:::a.

'"~ 500::2!:aa




r2summer = 0.10



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1O~ 1~~~~~~:~~r':,p:';n:g~=~0~.4~3.---J0.00.8



~ r\ummel = 0.29




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~ .. ,~~ r"PI;ng = 0.27

~~ .•o -+--r--,..-,----r--,...---.---.,.-,---,--r-,-i


200 -

400 -

300 -

100 -

600 ­

~ 500 ~~aa~



Cover Index Cover Index

Figure 2. Relationship between relative pheasant abundance (pheasants counted/tOO miles of survey) and habitat abundance(cover index) on 9 study areas in each of 4 regions in Minnesota during spring (circles, solid lines) and summer (diamonds,dashed lines) 2003.


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Wendy Krueger, Bryan Spindler, and Erik Steenberg

The 2003 Minnesota prairie chicken (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) season was the first hunt ofits kind since 1942. The 5-day hunt (October 18-22) was limited to 100 pennits in 7 permit areas(PA) in northwestern Minnesota between Fergus Falls and Crookston (Fig. 1). Hunter quotaswere set for each PA by estimating the minimum population as 2 x the number of males countedon leks within each PA and allowing a maximum harvest of 10% ofthe minimum population.Applicants were selected through a computerized lottery system. Legal shooting hours were Yzhour before sunrise until sunset. Each licensed hunter was allowed to harvest 2 prairie chickensand hunters were required to register their birds at designated electronic licensing system (ELS)stations.

There were 853 total applicants for the 100 available pennits, and 93 permits were issued (Table1). Landowners were allotted 20% of total permits available in each PA and they purchased 14%of total permits issued. ELS stations registered 115 birds for an average of 1.2 per licensee.Registration varied from 0.6 birds per hunter in PA 407B to 1.8 birds per hunter in PA 405A(Table 1). Overall, 68% of hunters harvested at least 1 bird (Table 2).

A post-hunt mail survey was conducted to evaluate the prairie chicken hunt and huntersatisfaction (Appendix A). The first mailing was sent to all permit holders on January 21, 2004and a second mailing was sent to non-respondents on February 17,2004. Ninety-two of the 93hunters who bought licenses replied to the survey for a 99% return rate. Only 1 respondent (1%)stated that they did not hunt during the 2003 season.

Hunters averaged 2.2 days afield during the 5-day season (Fig. 2). Thirty-two hunters (35%)said that they hunted between 11 and 15 total hours; 18% hunted more than 15 hours during theseason (Fig. 3). Fifty-five percent ofrespondents flushed between 6 and 50 prairie chickenswhile hunting, 15% flushed less than 6 birds, and 12% flushed over 100 (Fig. 4). An estimated219 sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus carnpestris) were flushed during the prairiechicken season by 14 respondents.

The survey indicated that hunters killed and retrieved 129 prairie chickens, or 1.4 birds perhunter (n=91) (Table 1). This is slightly higher than ELS registration data. However, there werereports that some ELS stations registered only 1 of a 2-bird limit (both birds needed to beregistered separately). A total of 25 prairie chickens were reported as being knocked down andnot retrieved during the hunt.

Most respondents hunted public land to some extent (84%) (Fig. 5). Those that hunted privateland overwhelmingly reported that access to private lands was easy (98%) (Fig. 6). The mostpopular hunting technique was to walk with dogs to flush birds (79%), but 38% of hunters usedmultiple techniques (Fig. 7). Fourteen hunters (15%) reported interference by other hunters atleast once.


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Table 2. Hunter success by permit area for the Minnesota prairie chicken season, October 2003.

Total 853 (18) 100 (22) 93 (13) 115 129 1.2 1.4"Permits issued exceeded permits available when the fmal hunter selected in the lottery was a member of ahunting party that had applied together.

Table 1. Applicants, permits available, permits issued and harvest by permit area for the Minnesotaprairie chicken season, October 2003.




Hunters thatHarvested at least 1

bird (%)




Hunters thatHarvested 2 Birds



Hunters thatHarvested 1 Bird


Hunters thatHarvested 0 Birds



Permit Area

# Prairie# Prairie Chickens Average #

# Permits #Permits Chickens Reported birds perPermit # Applicants Available Issued" Registered via Harvested via hunterArea (Landowner) (Landowner) (Landowner) ELS Survey ELS Survey405A 120 (2) 12 (3) 13 (I) 23 25 1.8 1.9407A 109 (3) 13 (3) 14 (2) 10 12 0.7 0.9407B 97 (0) 15 (3) 13 (0) 8 8 0.6 0.6407C 80 (2) 13 (3) 14 (2) 20 20 1.4 1.4420A 116 (6) 14 (3) 10 (3) 14 15 1.4 1.5420B 203 (2) 18 (4) 17 (2) 24 31 1.4 1.8421A 128 (3) 15 (3) 12 (3) 16 18 1.3 1.5

Acknowledgments: R. Kimmel and J. Giudice helped develop the hunter survey. We thank T.Wolfe, B. Winter, R. Hier, D. Hedtke, E. Johnson and K. Haroldson for survey review. T.Rogers provided ArcView support, T. Klinkner assisted with survey mailings and reportformatting and D. Hedtke, R. Kimmel, and K. Haroldson edited the report.

The vast majority ofhunters were satisfied with the hunt based on an average overall satisfactionrating of8.7 on a scale of I (poor) to 10 (excellent) with 60% of hunters rating the hunt excellent(Fig. 8). Ninety-five percent of respondents indicated that they would apply for futureMinnesota prairie chicken hunts.

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o OpenPerrTllt~eas





"'--lIIh~ U enFelton ;

420 A


t---~407B h~"'----'----

Breckenridge !.'""'-_--.-..-..1 0 Fergus Falls


Figure 1. Location of hunting permit areas for the Minnesota prairie chicken season, October2003


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Ot05 6t020 21 to 50 51 to 100 >100

Prairie Chickens Flushed


> 156tol0 l1to15

Hours Hunted

oto 5

40,----------------.,~ 35<I>"E 30:f 25'0 20Q; 15

"@ 10" 5z 0

2 3 4 5

Days Hunted


~ 25

:f 20

'0 15

~ 10

~ 5Z 0

35,---------------,~ 30

~ 25"::c 20

~ 15<I>.c 10E:i 5


Figure 3. Number of hours hunted per hunter during the Minnesota prairie chicken season,October 2003.

Figure 4. Number of prairie chickens flushed per hunter during the Minnesota prairie chickenseason, October 2003.

Figure 2. Number of days hunted per hunter during the Minnesota prairie chicken season,October 2003.

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Very Easy Somewhat Somewhat Very HardEasy Hard

Access Rating



Private Land

Type of Land Hunted

Public Land

Pass Walked with WalkedShooting Dogs without


Hunting Technique

U> 30,---------------,

~ 25<:::f 20

'0 15

~ 10§ 5Z 0

45,----------------,!!!40.'!l 35<:::> 30:: 25~ 20.8 15E 10~ 5


!!! 80.,-----------------.$ 70560I 50a 40~ 30.8 20E 10~ 0

Figure 6. Land access difficulty by hunters using private land during the Minnesota prairie chickenseason, October 2003.

Figure 7. Hunting techniques used during the Minnesota prairie chicken season, October 2003.

Figure 5. Land ownership class hunted during the Minnesota prairie chicken season, October 2003.


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Figure 8. Overall hunt satisfaction with the Minnesota prairie chicken season, October2003.




f!! 40J!!c::JI'030ii;.cE:JZ 20


01 2

Poor3 4 5 6

Rating Scale

7 8 9 10Excellent


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Appendix A. Survey form for the 2003 Minnesota prairie chicken hunter survey.

2003 Minnesota Prairie Chicken Hunter SurveyPlace an X to mark your answers or fill in the blank.

1) Did you hunt Prairie Chickens in Minnesota during the 2003 season?YES NO* *Ifyou answered NO, please skip to question 12.

2) How many days did you hunt Prairie Chickens in Minnesota during the 2003 season?1 2 3 4 5__

3) Estimate the total number of hours you spent hunting Prairie Chickens in Minnesotaduring the 2003 season. 0-5 6-10 11-15 >15__

4) Estimate the number of Prairie Chickens you personally flushed while hunting inMinnesota during the 2003 season.0-5 6-20 21-50 51-100 >100,__

5) Estimate the number of Sharp-Tailed grouse you personally flushed while hunting Prairie Chickensin Minnesota during the 2003 season?

6) How many Prairie Chickens did you personally shoot and retrieve in Minnesota during the2003 season?

7) How many Prairie Chickens did you personally knock down but not retrieve in Minnesotaduring the 2003 season?

8) On which land ownership class did you hunt during the 2003 Minnesota Prairie Chickenseason? Public Private* Both, _*If you hunted private land, how difficult was it to gain access?

Very Easy__ Somewhat Easy__ Somewhat Hard__ Very Hard__

9) How did you hunt during the 2003 Minnesota Prairie Chicken season?Pass Shooting Walked With Dog(s) Walked Without Dogs, _Road Hunted _IfOther Please Explain: _

10) How many times did hunters, other than members of your own party, interfere with yourhunting during the 2003 Prairie Chicken season in Minnesota?

11) Rate your overall satisfaction with the 2003 Minnesota Prairie Chicken hunt.POOR AVERAGE EXCELLENT

1__ 2__ 3__ 4__ 5 6 7 8 9__ 10__

12) Will you apply for future Prairie Chicken hunts in Minnesota?YES NO__

13) Please provide any additional comments on the back.


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Cory Kassube, Marco Restani, Wendy Krueger, and Richard Kinunel

Wildlife managers have succeeded in establishing wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) populationsnorth of the ancestral range reported by Leopold (1931). The question ofhow far north thisrange can be extended in Minnesota remains unanswered, and little information is available onthe survival and productivity of transplanted hens. It appears that deep snow, not lowtemperatures, lowers winter survival ofhens by reducing food availability (Porter et a1. 1983,Haroldson et a1. 1998). Moreover, poor physiological condition ofhens surviving a severewinter is a major factor reducing productivity. In Minnesota, supplemental food is provided insome areas in an attempt to improve the success of turkey transplants.

Despite the practice ofplanting food plots, only 2 research studies in Minnesota have evaluatedsupplemental food on winter survival ofwild turkeys. Porter et al. (1980) found corn is animportant food resource that can improve winter survival of turkeys. Kane (2003) also foundhigher winter survival of transplanted turkey hens on study areas with supplemental food plots.However, his conclusions regarding the value of supplemental food are equivocal because bothfood study areas were located at lower latitudes than the 2 control study areas, which confoundedavailability of supplemental food with latitude.

Our study is a continuation of Kane (2003). We will test 2 hypotheses: 1) supplemental foodincreases winter survival of transplanted wild turkey hens, and 2) although supplemental foodincreases winter survivorship, annual survivorship is similar due to increased predation onsupplemental food areas.

First, in 2004 we added 2 new study areas to improve study design and strengthen inferencesregarding the relationship between supplemental food and survival (both winter and annual).The Morrison study area (supplemental food) is located at approximately the same latitude as the2 control study areas (Bradbury and Snake River). The Sherburne study area serves as a controland is located at approximately the same latitude as the 2 supplemental food study areas(Foreston and Bock). Second, we are also examining annual survival and reproduction becauseKane (2003) found annual survival between supplemental food and control study areas wassimilar despite a difference in winter survival across study areas (Fig. 1). Hens on supplementalfood study areas had higher mortality during the nesting and brood rearing periods than oncontrol areas, but factors responsible for this pattern remain unknown. Mortality ofwild turkeyhens is highest during the nesting period primarily because ofpredation (Vander Haegen et a1.1988, Palmer et al. 1993). Lower survival in Minnesota may have been caused by higherpredator abundance on supplemental food study areas. Ultimately, for transplants to succeed andfor the continued use of supplemental food to be justified at the population level, higher wintersurvival must translate into reproduction.



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We began intensively monitoring turkey hens in January 2004. In winter 2004,24 hens fromKane (2003) remained alive. We released an additional 62 hens from 9 January to 13 March. Asof 10 May 2004, a total of61 radio-tagged hens were present on the 6 study areas (Figs. 2 and 3).Turkeys on supplemental food study areas appeared to have higher winter survival than those oncontrol sites, but releases at Bock, Foreston, and Bradbury took place very late in the winter - on13 March 2004 - thus these birds did not face any severe winter conditions. Causes of mortalityfrom 1 January 2004 to 31 March 2004 included avian predation by great homed owls (Bubovirginianus) and bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), mammalian predation by coyotes(Canis latrans) and bobcats (Lynx rufus), and starvation.

We will determine productivity and nest success by monitoring hens for movement (VanderHaegen et aI. 1988). After nests are located, we will determine clutch size (number of unhatchedeggs and egg caps), initial brood size (number of hatched eggs), hatch success (proportion ofhatched eggs/clutch), and cause of nest failure, if any. We will use flush-counts at 4 weeks post­hatch to determine productivity (Roberts et aI. 1995, Hubbard et aI. 1999).

We will determine the relative abundance ofmammalian predators during the nesting seasonbecause the majority of mortality on the supplemental food study areas occurred at this time(Kane 2003). We will conduct systematic track surveys for mammalian predators to obtainrelative abundance on control and food plot study areas (Sovada et aI. 1995,2000). We willlocate naturally occurring sites suitable for track identification and randomly select 10 sites/studyarea to be used in this analysis. We will visit these sites once/month from May - July andidentifY and count the tracks present at each site.


We thank the National Wild Turkey Federation, Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources,and Mille Lacs Band of the Ojibwe for sponsoring this project. St. Cloud State Universityprovided administrative support.


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Haroldson, K. J., M. L. Svihel, R. O. Kimmel, and R. R. Riggs. 1998. Effect of wintertemperature on wild turkey metabolism. Journal of Wildlife Management 62:229-305.

Hubbard, M. W., D. L. Garner, and E. E. Klaas. 1999. Wild turkey poult survival insouthcentral Iowa. J. Wild!. Manage. 63:199-203.

Kane, D. F. 2003. Winter survival of eastern wild turkeys translocated north of their ancestralrange in Minnesota. Master's Thesis, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota,USA.

Leopold, A. S. 1931. Game survey ofthe north central states. American Game Association.Washington, D.C., USA

Palmer, W. E., G. A. Hurst, J. E. Stys, D. R. Smith, and J. D. Burk. 1993. Survival rates ofwildturkey hens in lobolly pine plantations in Mississippi. J. Wild!. Manage. 57:783-789.

Porter, W. F., R. D. Tangen, G. C. Nelson, and D. A. Hamilton. 1980. Effects of corn food plotson wild turkeys in the upper Mississippi Valley. J. Wild!. Manage. 44:456-462.

__, G. C. Nelson, and K. Mattson. 1983. Effects ofwinter conditions on reproduction in anorthern wild turkey population. J. Wild!. Manage. 47:281-290.

Roberts, S. D., J. M. Coffey, and W. F. Porter. 1995. Survival and reproduction of female wildturkeys in New York. J. Wild!. Manage. 59:437-447.

Sovada, M. A., A. B. Sargeant, and J. W. Grier. 1995. Differential effects of coyotes and redfoxes on duck nest success. J. Wild!. Manage. 59:1-9.

__' M. A., M. C. Zicus, R. J. Greenwood, D. P. Rave, W. E. Newton, R. O. Woodward, andJ. A. Beiser. 2000. Relationships ofhabitat patch size to predator community andsurvival of duck nests. J. Wild!. Manage. 64:820-831.

Vander Haegen, W. M., W. E. Dodge, and M. W. Sayre. 1988. Factors affecting productivity ina northern wild turkey population. J. Wild!. Manage. 52:127-133.



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[] Remaining hens

Control Study Areas


~# of hens present 31 March 2003 (Kane 2003)


Study Area

!]Total hens after release

1-------\ .......


CI Residual hens from Kane (2003)


Supplemental Food Study Areas

l'l Max. # of hens present winter 2003 (Kane 2003)1Il# of hens present 1 September 2003

i~ 10 i-----'''''~?" si-----r.3:

j 6+-------l'E•z


Figure 1. Annual snrvival of wild turkey hens in central Minnesota, 2003.


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Figure 2. Residual hens from Kane (2003), total hens after release, and remaininghens as of 10 May 2004 on Supplemental Food Study Areas in Central Minnesota.


Supplemental Food Study Areas

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Annual Survival

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10 +-----i

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o Remaining hens


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Figure 3. Residual hens from Kane (2003), total hens after release, and remaininghens as of 10 May 2004 on Control Study Areas in Central Minnesota.

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Forest Wildlife Populations and Research Group. 1201 East Highway 2

Grand Rapids, Minnesota 55744, (281) 327-4432





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Glenn D. DelGiudice


The goal of this long-tenn investigation is to assess the value of conifer stands, as winter thennalcover/snow shelter, to white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) at the population level.Historically, conifer stands have declined dramatically in Minnesota and elsewhere in the GreatLakes region. The level oflogging of all tree species collectively, and conifer standsspecifically, has recently reached the estimated allowable harvest. Most land managementagencies and cornrnerciallandowners typically restrict harvests ofconifers compared tohardwoods, because of evidence at least at the individualleve1, indicating the seasonal value ofthis vegetation type to various wildlife, including deer. However, agencies anticipate greaterpressure to allow more liberal harvests of conifers in the future. Additional information isneeded to assure future management responses and decisions are ecologically sound. Bothwhite-tailed deer and the forests of the Great Lakes region have significant positive impacts onlocal and state economies, and they are highly regarded for their recreational value.

The null hypothesis in this study is that conifer stands have no effect on the survival, movement,and distribution of white-tailed deer during winters of varying severities. Relative to varyingwinter severities, the specific objectives of the comprehensive, quasi-experimental approach ofthis study are to: (I) monitor deer movements between seasonal ranges by aerial radio­telemetry, and more importantly, within winter ranges, for detennination of horne range size; (2)determine habitat composition of winter horne ranges and deer use of specific vegetation types;(3) monitor winter food habits; (4) monitor winter nutritional restriction and condition viasequential examination of deer weights, body composition, blood and bladder urine profiles, andurine specimens suspended in snow (snow-urine); (5) monitor age-specific survival and cause­specific mortality of all study deer; and (6) collect detailed weather data in conifer, hardwood,and open habitat types to detennine the functional relationship between the severity ofwinterconditions, deer behavior (e.g., use of habitat), and survival.

This study employs a replicated manipulative design, which is a modification of the Before­After-Control-Environmental Impact design (BAC!; Stewart-Oaten et al. 1986; see DelGiudiceand Riggs 1996). The study involves 2 control (Willow Lake, Dirty Nose Lake) and 2 treatmentsites (lnguadona Lake, Shingle Mill Lake), a 5-year pre-treatment (pre-impact) phase, a coniferharvest serving as the experimental treatment or impact (4-year phase), and a 5-year post­treatment phase. The 4 study sites are located in the Grand Rapids-Remer-Longville area ofnorth central Minnesota and are 10.4-22.0 krn2 (4.0-8.5 mi2

) in area. The study began with theWillow Lake and lnguadona Lake sites during winter 1990-91; the Shingle Mill Lake and DirtyNose Lake sites were included beginning in winter 1992-93.


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The objective of the experimental treatment (impact) was to reduce moderate (2:40-69% canopyclosure) and optimum conifer thermal cover/snow shelter (2:70% canopy closure) to what isconsidered a poor cover class « 40% canopy closure). We just completed our 14th winter ofdata collection and the 5th year of the post-treatment phase.

This report is not a comprehensive summary of the study, rather I discuss the progress ofnumerous aspects, and I update various summary descriptive statistics.


Capture and Handling of Study Deer

During this study, we have had 1,117 deer captures, including recaptures. Because the studyfocuses on females, male fawns « 1.0 year old, in their first winter) and adult (2:1.0 year old)males have been eartagged and released. As of 31 March 2004, a total of 417 female deer,including 43 female newborns, have been recruited into the study. Additionally, 47 malenewborns were captured and radiocollared to monitor their survival and causes of mortalitythrough early fall when collars dropped off. Additional information concerning the newborndeer portion of the study may be observed in Carstensen and DelGiudice (this ResearchSummary).

During 5 February-26 March 2004, we had 74 captures, which included 45 initial captures (24adult and 6 fawn females, 4 adult and 11 fawn males), and 29 (16 adult and 1 fawn females, 6adult and 6 fawn males) recaptures. Although this winter had the lowest winter severity index(WSI =38) of the study, actual snow depth was greater than in several other mild winters of thestudy when trapping success was far lower. In those winters, temperature-days (daily ambienttemperatures.:::: -17.8°C), rather than snow-days (daily snow depth 2::38 cm), contributed morepoints to the their higher WSIs, and snow depths were persistently more shallow throughout theseason. Further, during winter 2003-04, 15 female deer were captured by net-gun deployed fromhelicopter, the success of which is less dependent on snow conditions than Clover trapping androcket-netting.

The fawn:doe capture ratio remained relatively high (71 fawns: 100 does) compared to previousyears. The highest fawn:doe capture ratio (105:100) occurred during winter 2000-0 I, which wasmoderately severe (WSI = 153), but followed an unprecedented 3 consecutive mild winters (WSIrange = 45-57) (p. Bouley, State Climate Office, personal communication). Pregnancy rates ofcaptured adult does during winters 1998-2000 were 100%, and presumably, each of these mildwinters was subsequently associated with a high reproductive success in does. Ostensibly, theseverity of winter 2000-01 did not have a markedly negative effect on the reproductive successof does in spring 2001, as the fawn:doe ratio of captured deer remained relatively high (81 :100)during winter 2001-02. Actual fawn:doe capture ratios of2000-01, 2001-02, and 2003-04 wouldbe expected to be somewhat higher, as a portion ofthe deer were captured by net-gun, whichinvolves a level of selection for adult females. During the study, the fawn:doe capture ratio hasdeclined to as low as 32:100 (winter 1996-97), likely attributable primarily to the precedinghistorically severe winter (1995-96, WSI = 183), during which the highest mortality rate (29.3%)



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of radiocollared does was recorded. Further, observations indicated that reproductive success ofsurviving does following severe winter 1995-96 was exceptionally low, thus a small number offawns would have entered winter 1996-97.

Of the 74 deer captured during winter 2003-04,29 new females (6 fawns, 23 adults) wererecruited into the radiocollared study cohort. Including does already radiocollared when thiswinter began, 72 females have been monitored during December 2003-May 2004.

Handling of each deer included chemical immobilization (intramuscular injection ofaxylazineHCl/ketarnine HCI combination), weighing, blood and urine-sampling (for assessment ofnutritional, stress, and reproductive status [Warren et aI. 1981, 1982; Wood et aI. 1986;DelGiudice et aI. 1987a,b, 1990a,b, 1994]), extraction of a last incisor for age-determination(Gilbert 1966), various morphological measurements, and administration of a broad-spectrumantibiotic. All does were checked for pregnancy with a dop-tone or visual ultrasound; pregnantdoes were not fitted with vaginal radio-transmitter implants (Advanced Telemetry Systems, Inc.,Isanti, MN) during this winter, as in several past winters. As in previous winters of the study,female fawns and does were fitted with VHF radiocollars (Telonics, Inc., Mesa, Az) formonitoring their movements and survival; however, 10 (I killed by wolves 35 days aftercapture/release) does also were fitted with global positioning system (GPS) radiocollars(Advanced Telemetry Systems, Inc ., Isanti, MN). Body composition of deer was determined invivo by the deuterium-dilution technique during winters 1999-00,2000-01,2001-02, whichranged from mild to moderately severe. Additional details are provided in Carstensen andDelGiudice (this Research Sununary). Body composition determination was not part of handlingduring winter 2003-04. Upon completion of handling, all deer immobilizations were reversedwith an intravenous injection ofyohimbine HCI.

Ages and Reproductive Status of Study Deer

Measured at the end ofeach calendar year, or at death (or at last contact for "lost signals") withina specific year, mean age of collared female deer remained similar among the 4 study sitesduring the 5-year pre-treatment phase (1991-1995), the 4-year experimental treatment phase(1996-1999), and thus far during the post-treatment phase. Consequently, observed differencesin deer survival among sites within each of the study phases will not be confounded bydifferences in age among sites (DelGiudice and Riggs 1996). Equally as important, after 1991,mean age ofdeer on all 4 sites (pooled) also remained stable and has ranged from 5.0 <± 0.4[SE], n = 74) in 1997 to 7.1 C± 0.6, n = 62) years old (Fig. I). During 2003, mean age was 6.2 C±0.4) years old, compared to 6.0 C± 0.1) years old during the remainder of the study overall.

According to progesterone concentrations (?:1.6 ng/ml, Wood et aI. 1986; DelGiudice,unpublished data), the pregnancy rate of captured adult (?:I.O years old) females has remainedconsistently high (95.2%, n = 218) throughout the study, ranging from 79 to 100% duringwinters 1990-91 to 2001-02. Only 1 fawn has been assessed as pregnant by this method.However, pregnancy rates for does 1.5-15.5 years old have ranged from 87.5 to 100% (Fig. 2).Mean serum progesterone concentrations differed (P < 0.05) between pregnant (3.8 ±0.09, range= 1.6-8.9 ng/ml, n =218) and non-pregnant (0.7 ±0.16, range =0-1.4 ng/mI, n = 11) does. Therewas no relationship (r2

= 0.01, P = 0.52) between progesterone concentrations and julian day.


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However, there was a difference (P S 0.05) in mean body mass at capture for pregnant (63.0 ±0.7, range = 45.7-82.5 kg, n = 171) versus non-pregnant (54.6 kg ± 2.8, range = 43.3-69.1 kg, n =

10) does, which may be indicative of an effect of inadequate nutrition on conception during thebreeding season.

Capturing the Variability of Winter Severity

Weather is one of the strongest environmental forces impacting wildlife populations and theirnumbers. Nutrition is intricately related to all aspects of a deer's ecology, and it acts as amechanistic thread between environmental variability and the variability of deer populations.For northern deer in the forest this becomes most evident during winter when diminishedquantity, availability, and quality of food resources and severe weather conditions impose themost serious challenge to their survival. This long-term study continues to document highlyvariable winter weather conditions, which permits a more complete examination andunderstanding of the relationship between winter severity, conifer cover and the many aspects ofwhite-tailed deer ecology that we are investigating (e.g., movements, distribution, food habits,cause-specific mortality, and age-specific survival). We are examining the variability of weatherconditions in several different ways. Specifically, Figure 3 illustrates the Minnesota DepartmentofNatural Resources' (MNDNR) WSI, which is calculated by accumulating a point for each daywith an ambient temperature S -17.80 C (00 F) and an additional point for each day with a snowdepth 2:38.1 cm (15"). The WSI for our study sites has now ranged from 38 (winters 2003-04)to 185 (winter 1995-96) during the past 14 winters. Not only was the WSI of winter 2003-04 thestudy's lowest, most of it was attributable to points for temperature-days. However, snow coverwas not shallower than during all other winters (Fig. 4). The biological significance of this isthat depth of snow cover is the component of the WSI that has the greatest negative effect ondeer survival (DelGiudice et aI. 2002). Figure 4 depicts mean daily minimum ambienttemperatures (monthly) and mean weekly (julian) snow depths throughout winters 1990-91 to2003-04. Thus far, the study has captured a wide range of weather conditions, which willenhance the value of all interpretations of data relative to deer survival, other aspects of theirecology, and management implications. A severe winter during the post-treatment phase of thestudy remains elusive, and would undoubtedly prove most valuable.

To relate the variability of ambient temperature to deer in a more biologically meaningful orfunctional way, I calculated the effective critical temperature for an average size adult femaledeer (_70 C or 19.40 F) and the number of days per month when the maximum ambienttemperature was at or below this threshold (Fig. 5). At or below this temperature threshold, heatlosses may exceed energy expenditure for standard metabolism and activity, and additional heatis generated to maintain homeothermy (McDonald et al. 1973). On these days, a physiological(e.g., accelerated mobilization of fat reserves) or behavioral response (e.g., change in habitat use)by the deer would be necessary to meet this environmental challenge. As shown by Figure 5, thepotential physiological challenge ofambient temperatures in January 2004 might have beenrather typical, but certainly it was minimal during February and March 2004. Similarly, I used asnow depth threshold of2:41 cm (16.1 "), about two-thirds chest height of adult female deer,because energetically expensive bounding often becomes necessary at this depth, and overallmovements become markedly restricted (Kelsall 1969, Kelsall and Prescott 1971, Moen 1976).Clearly, there has been a pronounced variability ofdays during the study's 14 winters when it is



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biologically reasonable to expect that there were potentially serious energetic implicationsassociated with ambient temperature or snow depth (Fig. 5). It is noteworthy that extensivestatistical analyses of age-specific survival and weather data from the first 6 years of our study(DelGiudice et al. 2002) have shown that snow conditions (depth and density) impose a fargreater challenge to survival than ambient temperature. However, our data also indicate thatduring a very severe winter (e.g., 1996), the consequences of cold temperatures on individualdeer with rapidly depleting or exhausted fat reserves should not be underestimated.

Status and Cause-Specific Mortality of Study Deer

The status/fate of study deer through 31 December 2003 is shown in Figure 6. The "crudemortality rate" of our study deer was calculated by dividing the number of radiocollared deer thatdied during a reference period (e.g., winter defined as Dec-May) by the total number ofdeer thatwere radiocollared and monitored during that period. With each year, new data collected fromthe field, including recaptures of does with expired collars (i.e., "lost signals"), permit revision ofmortality statistics. During 1 January 1991-31 December 2003, annual mortality rates ofradiocollared females ranged from 9.1 to 47.6% (Fig. 7). The mortality rate of2003 was rathertypical at 28.8%. As has been mentioned in previous reports, the atypical mortality of 1992(47.6%) was largely attributable to elevated hunter harvest (37.1 %) associated with an increasein antlerless permits, whereas during 1994 and 1996, a preponderance ofold females, severeweather conditions, and wolf (Canis lupus) predation contributed to the higher mortality rates(Fig. 7). The number of antlerless permits issued varied considerably between 1991-2003. Asreflected by the hunter-caused mortality rate in Figure 7, no antlerless permits were issued in thevicinity of our winter study sites or of the spring-sommer-fall ranges of our study deer during1996 and 1997, and very few were issued during the 1998 season. However, in 1999 there wasan increase in hunter-caused mortality of the radiocollared deer, and this increased further to thestudy's second highest level during 2000 (19.4%, Fig. 7). During 2003, antlerless permits wereunlimited, and hunter-caused mortality ranked third (17.0% similar to 17.1% in 1995). Althoughhunter harvest mortality is generally a function of antlerless permit numbers, the more than 2times higher percent harvest mortality in 1992 compared to 2003 was likely influenced by themarkedly smaller sample of collared does entering the 1992 hunting season (n = 42) than in 2003(n = 66). Wolf-caused mortality of study does was low in 2003. Except for during 1994 and1996, when winters were moderately severe to severe, annual wolf-caused mortality of femaledeer was 4.1-14.5%, with the maximum wolfpredation rate occurring during 2001. Typically,wolf predation has had its greatest impact on the older segment of the study cohort of does.Mean age offemale deer killed by wolves during 10 ofthe first 13 winters of the study was 6.0(± 1.8, n = 9)-11.7 (± 1.7, n = 8) years old. Mean age of deer killed by wolves during winter2002-03 was 9.2 (± 2.0, n = 4) versus 7.8 <± 0.6, n = 59) during the previous 12 years.

Most of the annual non-hunting mortality of the study deer occurs during winter, and typically,winter mortality of the collared adult female deer has been low (2.0-12.5%, Fig. 8). The highestwinter mortality rates (16.2-29.3%) of does have occurred during 3 of the 4 most severe winters(1993-94,1995-96, and 2000-01, Fig. 8). Mortality during winter 2003-04 was among thelowest of the study (4.5%). With the inclusion of data from winter 2003-04, the relationshipbetween WSI and percent winter mortality of adult female deer continued to be reasonablystrong e = 0.52) and significant (P = 0.004, Fig. 9). Predation, and wolf predation specifically,


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were responsible for a mean 78.64% (± 7.4, range = 0.00-100%, n = 14) and 70.41% (± 7.8,range =0-100%, n = 14), respectively, of the winter (Dec-May) mortality of collared fawn andadult females throughout the 14-year study period.

Monitoring Wolf Activity

As the study has progressed over the past 14 years, wolf activity on the 4 sites appears to haveincreased. Wolves were extirpated from the area of the study sites during the I950-60s, and just5-6 years prior to initiation of the study had re-entered and became re-established in the area.When the study began in winter 1990-91, the area of the study sites was on the leading edge ofwolf range expansion in Minnesota. Since spring 1993, we have captured and radiocollared 45(25 females, 20 males) wolves from 7-9 packs which range over the 4 study sites (Table I).Fates of these collared wolves include being killed by members of neighboring packs, shot andkilled by humans, killed by cars, natural causes, radio failure, and dispersal out of the vicinity ofthe study sites.

Our most recent survival analysis showed that during 1993-2001 median survival 001 wolvesfrom date of capture was 1,328 days (3.7 years, 90% confidence interval = 686-1,915 days)(DelGiudice, unpublished data). Human-caused mortality (e.g., shot, snared, car-kills) has beenresponsible for more wolf deaths than was attributable to natural forces (Fig. 10).

Based on aerial observations, pack sizes have ranged from 2 to 6 members. Current status ofeach of the collared wolves is listed in Table 1. As is somewhat typical of wolf packs, theterritories of our collared wolves have been relatively stable and have ranged in size from 62 to186 km2 (24-72 mi2

). Radio telemetry location data of the collared wolves are being used tomore closely monitor their activity and distribution relative to the distribution and movements ofthe radiocollared deer. We will capture and radiocollar additional wolves this summer. Asmentioned above, year-round monitoring and examination ofmortalities ofradiocollared deerprovide additional important information concerning wolf activity on the study sites.

Habitat Analyses and Updates

Detailed baseline habitat analyses using stereoscope interpretation of color infrared air photosand geographic information systems (GIS, ArclInfo and ArcView) have been completed. Foreststand types are classified by dominant tree species, height class, and canopy closure class. Openhabitat types, water sources, and roads have also been delineated. We are updating the coverageto include the [mal experimental cuts that were conducted on the treatment sites (InguadonaLake, Shingle Mill Lake) and to account for any changes in type classification associated withsuccession during the last 13 years. Additionally, we are examining a subsampling technique toaccount for telemetry triangulation error in analyzing vegetation and habitat use by deer (Samueland Kenow 1992, Kenow et al. 2001). The experimental treatment (i.e., conifer harvest)impacted 157 and 83 hectares (388 and 206 acres) of conifer canopy closure classes A « 40%),B (40-69%), and C (2:70%) on the Inguadona Lake and Shingle Mill Lake study sites.



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Acknowledgments and Project Cooperators

I gratefully acknowledge the excellent diverse skills and contributions of Barry Sampson, DaveKuehn, and Ken Kerr to all aspects of this project. I am very appreciative of volunteers RichardNelles and Rod Schloesser, who have contributed significant amounts of time and effort to thewinter and spring field seasons for the past 4-7 years. Approximately 130 enthusiastic,competent, and dedicated interns have made collection of winter field data possible, and I amappreciative of their contributions as well. I also thank Mark Lenarz, Group Leader for theForest Wildlife Populations and Research Group, for his continued support. Ongoingcontributions by Don Pierce, Gary Anderson, John Tomes, and Dan Hertle (MNDNR); LarryOlson, Jerry Lamon, Ellisa Bredenburg, and Amy Rand (Cass County Land Department); KellyBarrett and John Casson (0. S. Forest Service); John Hanson (Blandin Paper Co.); Carl Larsonand Michael Houser (potlatch Corp.) have been essential to the success of this study.


DelGiudice, G. D., K. E. Kunkel, L. D. Mech, and U. S. Seal. 1990a. Minimizing capturerelated stress on white-tailed deer with a capture collar. J. Wildl. Manage. 54:299-303.

DelGiudice, G. D., L. D. Mech, and U. S. Seal. 1990b. Effects of winter undernutrition on bodycomposition and physiological profiles of white-tailed deer. J. Wildl. Manage. 54:539­550.

DelGiudice, G. D., L. D. Mech, U. S. Seal, and P. D. Karns. 1987a. Effects ofwinter fasting andrefeeding on white-tailed deer blood profiles. J. Wild!. Manage. 51 :865-873.

DelGiudice, G. D., L. D. Mech, U. S. Seal, and P. D. Karns. 1987b. Winter fasting and refeedingeffects on urine characteristics in white-tailed deer. 1. Wild!. Manage. 51:860-864.

DelGiudice, G. D., L. D. Mech, and U. S. Seal. 1994. Winter undernutrition and serum andurinary urea nitrogen of white-tailed deer. J. Wildl. Manage. 58:430-436.

DelGiudice, G. D., and M. R. Riggs. 1996. Long-tenn research on the white-tailed deer coniferthennal cover relationship: aligning expectations with reality. Trans. ofNorth Am. Wild\.and Nat. Resour. Conf. 61:416-428.

DelGiudice, G. D., M. R. Riggs, P. Joly, and W. Pan. 2002. Winter severity, survival and cause­specific mortality of female white-tailed deer in north central Minnesota. J. Wildl.Manage. 66:698-717.

Gilbert, F. F. 1966. Aging white-tailed deer by annuli in the cementum ofthe first incisor. J.Wildl. Manage. 30:200-202.

Kelsall, J. P. 1969. Structural adaptations of moose and deer for snow. 1. Mammal. 50:302-310.

Kelsall, J. P., and W. Prescott. 1971. Moose and deer behavior in snow. Can. Wildl. Servo Rep.Ser. 15:1-27.


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Kenow, K. P., R. G. Wright, M. D. Samuel, and P. W. Rasmussen. 2001. Integrating SAS andGIS software to improve habitat use estimates from radiotelemetry data. Wildlife SocietyBulletin 29: 1006-1009.

McDonald, P., R. A. Edwards, and J. F. D. Greenhalgh. 1973. Animal nutrition. Second ed.Hafner Pub!. Co., New York. 479pp.

Moen, A. N. 1976. Energy conservation by white-tailed deer in the winter. Ecology 56:192­198.

Samuel, M. D., and K. P. Kenow. 1992. Evaluating habitat selection with radiotelemetrytriangulation error. Journal of Wildlife Management 56:725-734.

Stewart-Oaten, A., W. W. Murdoch, and K. R. Parker. 1986. Environmental impact assessment:"pseudoreplication" in time? Ecology 67:929-940.

Warren, R. 1., R. L. Kirkpatrick, A. Oelschlaeger, P. F. Scanlon, and F. C. Gwazdauskas. 1981.Dietary and seasonal influences on nutritional indices. J. Wildl. Manage.45:926-936.

Warren, R. J., R. L. Kirkpatrick, A. Oelschlaeger, P. F. Scanlon, K. E. Webb, Jr., and J. B.Whelan. 1982. Energy, protein, and seasonal influences on white-tailed deer fawnnutritional indices. J. Wild!. Manage. 46:302-312.

Wood, A. K., R. E. Short, A. Darling, G. L. Dusek, R. G. Sasser, and C. A. Ruder. 1986. Serumassays for determining pregnancy in mule and white-tailed deer. J. Wild!. Manage.50:684-687.



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Table 1. History of radiocollared gray wolves, north central Minnesota, 1993-2004.(Ad=adult, iuv=iuvenile .Wolf Pack Capture Date Sex

AgeFate DateNo. Class

















19992256 DIRTY NOSE AUG 1999 M AD DROPPED JUL 6,2001



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Table 1 (continued). History of radiocollared gray wolves, north central Minnesota, 1993-2004.(Ad=adult, iuv=iuvenile).

Wolf Pack Capture pate Age Fate..

DateSexNo. .. Class ••••
















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12 r---------------------------,

0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.511.512.513.514.515.5Age class (years)




~ 8III


~ 4




~ 700~

2 60III~

>- 50<..>cIII 40cOJ~ 30Q.



1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Figure 1. Mean age of radiocoUared female white-tailed deer among years, north centralMinnesota, 1 January 1991-31 December 2003. (Sample sizes were 22, 34, 62, 66, 54, 76, 74,49,55,48,89,83, and 74, respectively.)

Figure 2. Age-specific preguancy rate of radiocollared white-tailed deer (4 study sitespooled) in north central Minnesota, winters 1991 to 2002. (Sample sizes were 55, 48, 23, 21,18,21,20, 13,9,11,13,8,11,5,4, and 4 for yearly age classes, respectively.)



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220 ~----------------------,

Figure 3. Winter severity index for white-tailed deer study sites, north central Minnesota,winters 1990-91 to 2003-04. One point is accumulated for each day with an ambienttemperature ~ _17.8° C (temperature-day), and an additional point is accumulated for eachday with snow depths ~38.1 cm (snow-day).


I_ Snow-days III Temperature-days I185

1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 20031992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004








x~ 140E


~en 100~

2c:~ 80

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0 1992U~ C

Q) 0... ¢ 1993

::J -4-III 1994...Q)

-8a. 1995E .......Q) 1996F -12 -E 1997::J •••.§ -16 1998.5:i: 1999~-20 -·iii 2000

0_24 =c 2001III -Q) 2002:i: -28


-32 2004Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr



.... 1992.... .. ...80 • .. .. 1993

~ .. .. ..E , .... .. 1994<.> 70 •~ .. •.<: .. • 1995- 60 •CoQ) • 19960 -3: 50 • 19970 •<: • •••en 40 • 1998• -<: •III 30 • 1999Q) • =

:2: • 200020 • =•• 2001

10, -..

"- .. 2002

""" ~ ... ....0 2003

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16Julian Week



Figure 4. Mean daily minimum ambient temperature (top, Nov-Apr 1990-2004) and meanweekly (julian) snow depths (bottom, Jan-Apr 1991-2004) for white-tailed deer study sites,north central Minnesota.


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1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 20031992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004

1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 20031992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004

Figure 5. Number of days with snow depths;::41 cm (top) and maximum ambienttemperatures::::: _7° C (bottom, effective critical temperature for an average size doe [60 kg)),north central Minnesota, January-March 1991-2004.




80 ,----~~========::::::;_-----,~ 70 I- Jan 0 Feb iii Mar I"~ 6051::e! 50~E 40~

~ 30::;;.s;:;'§ 20

'"~ 10oo

120 r-------;:::=====::::;-------"]110 I_ Jan 0 Feb iii Mar I

5100 .~ 91 90.... 90"A 80


a. 70Q)

o 60~c: 50en

.s;:; 40:~

30~'" 20o



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Wolf-kill Bobcat-killHunter-kill Car-kill






- 60r::::Q)u 50~

Q)Q. 40 37.8

30 25.8


3.3 5.02.0 1 0 1.7 2.70

Accidental Starvation CensoredUnknown cause Capture-related


Figure 6. Status of radiocollared female deer, north central Minnesota, January 1991­December 2003. Censored deer include those that were still alive on 31 December 2003, orwhose radio signals have been lost to monitoring (e.g., radio failure, dispersal from regionof the study sites).


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Figure 7. Annual (1 Jan-31 Dec) percent mortality of radiocollared, female white-taileddeer (top) and annual percent mortality attributable to wolf predation and hunter harvest(bottom, 4 sites pooled), north central Minnesota, 1991-2003. (Sample sizes were 26, 42, 58,70,52,66,72,44,51,41,83,79, and 66, respectively. Hunter harvest was calculated withthe maximum number of collared females entering Nov; no antlerless permits were issuedin 1996 and 1997, and very few were issued in 1998.)

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003






DWolf-kili• Hunter-kill





m 70t:::0:2 60m::J 50r:::r:::« 40-r:::Q>(.) 30~







m 70t:::0::;: 60m::J 50r:::r:::« 40"EQ>(.) 30~



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Figure 8. Percent winter mortality (Dec-May) of radiocollared, adult ~1.0 year old)female white-tailed deer (4 sites pooled), north central Minnesota, winters 1990-91 to 2003­04. (Sample sizes were 18, 40, 54, 65, 50, 58, 68, 43, 49, 40, 68, 73, 60, and 67, respectively;no deer were radiocollared during Dec 1990.)














o1990-91 1992-93 1994-95 1996-97 1998-99 2000-01 2002-03

1991-92 1993-94 1995-96 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04Winter


• ~

• {!0• :2....• c:Q)

• eQ)

• a.


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50 ....----------------------,






2.1 2.1


Shot Car-kill Wolf-kill DispersedSnared Natural causes Unknown cause Alive


~ 401\j1::o~301----------------------..-----j~

OJ-c~- 20 I--------------------=--=----jc


50 r---------------------------,




1 0 I--------------c~~------~.=-------l

- 30c

~OJa.. 20

Figure 10. Status of radiocollared wolves, north central Minnesota, 1993-2004.

OL-=-...l...--'-......l.....................l..----'--l--<-~~...l.- ...............L.----.......l..~-l--<--J

o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200Winter Severity Index

Figure 9. Relationship between MNDNR winter severity index (Nov-May) and percentwinter (Dec-May) mortality (Y =-0.0050 + O.OOllx, ? =0.52, P =0.004) of radiocollared,adult <2:1.0 year old), female white-tailed deer (4 sites pooled), north central Minnesota,winters 1990-91 to 2003-04.

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Michelle Carstensen, Glenn D. DelGiudice, and Barry A. Sampson

Direct study of the survival and causes of mortality of neonates of deer (Odocoileus spp.)inhabiting forests has been limited because of the difficulty of locating newborns in densevegetation. We compared our efforts and success in locating and capturing white-tailed deer (0.virginianus) neonates in the forest zone of Minnesota using movement behavior of radiocollareddoes versus radiocollared does fitted with vaginal implant transmitters. Using doe behavior, welocated 25 fawns in springs 1997, 1999, and 2000 combined. Almost 100 people investing 5,310person-hours (1,500-1,890 per year) were involved in search efforts using this doe behavior;average crew size was 5-8 people. The success rate (Le., capture of~l neonate) was 12 and 21%for 68 and 43 searches, respectively, during springs 1999 and 2000. During winter 2000-2001,we fitted 25 pregnant does with vaginal implant transmitters, which resulted in a capture successrate of 88% (14 of 16 searches) and 20 radiocollared neonates in spring 2001. We captured anadditional 11 fawns using doe behavior. This season's total search efforts included 29 peopleinvesting 1,872 person-hours. The required effort-per-unit-capture was 2.4-3.5 times more usingdoe behavior than using vaginal implant transmitters to capture neonates. We recovered 16 of the25 implants at birth-sites, 3 were inactivated or lost due to predation before fawning, 2 wereexpelled prematurely, and 4 were lost due to transmitter failure. Problems with the implanttransmitters included battery failure and fluctuating pulse rate of signals (i.e., slow versus fast)while still in the doe. Though not perfected, the vaginal implant transmitter proved to be aneffective tool for locating birth-sites and capturing neonates of a widely dispersed deer populationinhabiting a densely vegetated landscape.

• Abstract of paper published in the Wildlife Society Bulletin 31: 634-641.


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Glenn D. DelGiudice, Barry A. Sampson, David W. Kuehn, Michelle Carstensen, and JohnFieberg

Improved understanding of the margins of safe capture, chemical immobilization, and handling offree-ranging animals for research and management relies on the documentation and examinationof efforts involving various species, study designs, and environmental conditions. During1991-2002, we captured white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), primarily by Clover trap,under a wide range of winter weather conditions and in an area saturated with wolves (Canislupus). Our research objectives required prolonged immobilization times (mean = 96-98, range5-243 minutes). With 984 captures and recaptures of females and males, "capture accidents"(e.g., trauma-induced paralysis, death) were limited to 2.9%. Focusing on 652 ofthe 984 capturesand recaptures, involving 337 radiocollared females (0.5-15.5 years old), the incidence of captureaccidents remained at 2.9%, and mortality that occurred within 14 days of release was 2.5%.Mean time to mortality for this latter group of individuals was 6 days (SE = 1.1 days, n = 16);wolfpredation within II days was the proximate cause of 50% ofthese mortalities. A priori, weselected immobilization time for analysis by logistic regression to test for a potential effect ofcapture and handling on mortality, while controlling for known risk factors (age, winter severity),but found no significant effects. Additionally, subsequent comparisons of means and 95%confidence limits showed no differences between numerous aspects of the capture,immobilization, handling, or associated weather conditions. Relative success in capture andhandling of free-ranging deer means smaller sample sizes of capture-related deaths ("events"),which makes it difficult to infer causal relations between environmental variables, handlingprocedures, and capture-related mortality. The strength of such studies is that they may serve todemonstrate a range ofconditions (environmental variables and handling procedures) over whichcapture-related mortality can be controlled at acceptably low levels.

*Abstract of paper accepted by the Wildlife Society Bulletin.



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Carolin A. Humpal, Robert G. Wright, and Glenn D. DelGiudice.

Radiotelemetry can be useful for investigations of use and selection of vegetation types. Whenradio-locations are treated as precise locations, rather than estimates, results may be inaccurateand misleading. Telemetry error can be addressed by analytical methods by generating asubsample of points from the error distribution of each estimated location. During January-March2001 and 2002, 20 adult female white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) were located 3-7 timesweekly using ground-based radiotelemetry with simultaneous triangulation on 2 study sites withinCamp Ripley Army National Guard Training Site in central Minnesota. Ten vegetation types,based on dominant cover, were delineated, digitized, and one assigned to each point location andsubsampled point. We used X2-goodness-of-fit tests and Bailey's confidence intervals todetermine selection using both point locations and subsampled points for each location at both thestudy site and homerange levels of availability. Use of subsampled points increased the numberof vegetation types that showed selection by an average of7.8 and 5.7 types for the study site andhome range levels of availability, respectively. However, when the point method showedselection, there was agreement between methods 94.5% and 98.3% ofthe time for the homerangeand study site levels. Generating a subsample of points from the error distribution of eachestimated location enables researchers to account for the imprecise nature of radiotelemetry andincrease power when investigating vegetation selection.

'Presented at The Wildlife Society'S Tenth Annual Conference, Burlington, Vermont.


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Michelle Carstensen and Glenn D. DelGiudice

Winter severity is a primary factor influencing deer survival and reproduction in northernclimates. Prolonged, harsh winters can adversely affect body condition of does, resulting indepressed morphological development of neonates. In this study, we captured 59 white-taileddeer (Odocoileus virginianus) neonates (28 and 31 in 2001 and 2002), following two distinctlydifferent winters; one severe and the other historically mild. Exact age was determined for 73%of neonates. Birth-date and morphological measurements of neonates (i.e., birth-weight, newhoof growth, hoof length) were compared by gender and capture year. For known-age neonates(n = 43), there was a year by sex interaction effect (P = 0.01) on birth-date and capture-date, bothbeing later for females and earlier for males during spring 2001 (females: 153.1 julian day [± 2.5],SE) and 153.2 [± 2.5]; males: 146.0 [± 2.0] and 146.4 [± 1.9]) compared to 2002 (females: 145.9[± 2.0] and 147.8 [± 1.9]; males: 151.4 [± 2.5] and 152.8 [± 2.3]). A significant (P = 0.03) yearby sex interaction was also determined for total hooflength (22.3 mm [± 0.9] and 20.3 [± 0.8] forfemales and males in 2001; 19.9 [± 1.0] and 22.1 [± 1.0] for females and males in 2002).Interestingly, there was no effect of year on birth-weight or birth-date ofknown-age neonates. Ayear by sex interaction (P = 0.04) was determined for birth-dates of estimated age neonates (n =16), with females born earlier than males in 2001 and later than males in 2002. Capture year alsohad little reportable effect on 20 hematological and serum characteristics that were examined;however, there were significant sex effects on red blood cell (RBC) counts (P = 0.04; females, 8.3106/!!1 [± 0.3] and males, 7.4[ C± 0.2]), serum cholesterol (P =0.01; females, 46.7 mg/dl [± 3.5]and males, 34.6[± 3.4]), cortisol (P = 0.01; females, 7.6!!g/dl [± 0.8] and males, 11.4 [± 1.3]),and a year by sex effect (P = 0.04) on triglyceride (38.8 mg/dl [± 11.5] and 167 [± 0.0] for femaleand male neonates in 2001; 55.5 [± 31.6] and 55.7 [± 16.3] for female and male neonates in2002). Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) was the only blood characteristic that differed (P<0.01) between years, with higher values occurring in 2001. Also, we report a range ofreferencevalues for blood constituents that have not been previously documented for free-ranging neonates.Remarkably, winter severity appeared to have little overall effect on birth, morphological

development, and blood characteristics ofneonates in this study. Our findings suggest cautionshould be exercised when applying physiological models derived in captivity to free-ranging deerpopulations.

*Abstract ofa paper accepted by the Journal of Wildlife Diseases.



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Michelle Carstensen, Glenn D. DelGiudice, and Barry A. Sampson

Marking-induced abandonment has been suggested as the most common cause of marking­induced mortality of free-ranging, newborn ungulates in North America. However, there has notbeen any direct study ofmarking-induced abandonment in free-ranging ungulates, and itsrelevance to neonate survival is inconclusive. We describe our capture, marking and subsequentmonitoring of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) neonates born to radiocollared dams innorth central Minnesota over 5 springs (1997, 1999-2002), as it may relate to marking-induced ornatural abandonment. We assumed that all neonates dying within 4 days post-marking hadpossibly been predisposed to abandonment. We captured 89 neonates; 6 (7%) died within 4 days(4 to predation, 2 to unknown causes). We found no conclusive evidence ofmarking-inducedabandonment during this study. Duration of handling had no apparent impact on neonatesurvival, even though 40% of neonates were handled>15 minutes. The time of marking (post­parturition) was similar among survivors and nonsurvivors; 48% ofthe surviving neonates werecaptured < 24 hours of birth. Eleven neonates (12%) were chased prior to capture and allsurvived >4 days post-capture. Serum cortisol levels appeared unaffected by chase, butnonsurviving neonates had higher cortisol concentrations than survivors at the time of theircapture (12.0 ±4.7 [SE] and 7.5 ± 0.5 llg/dL). Hematology was similar among all neonates, aswere serum indices of nutritional restriction and body fat content of dams of surviving andnonsurviving neonates. Darns of nonsurviving fawns were older than dams of survivors (8.5 ±2.1 versus 5.6 ± 0.4 years). Neonates traveled a mean distance of 162 ± 8 m from their capturesite < 4 days post-marking, and 76% of all radiocollared dam locations (n = 245) were < 200 mfrom their neonates. Mean distance traveled between capture and mortality sites for nonsurviors(159 ± 69 m, n = 6) was similar to the mean travel distance of the surviving, radio-trackedneonates (162 ± 8 m, n = 18) within the first 4 days post-marking. Our findings suggest the riskof marking-induced abandonment in white-tailed neonates is minimal, regardless of the time andduration of handling. We caution against the omission or censoring of suspected cases ofmarking-induced abandonment in white-tailed neonate survival studies, as this may underestimatenatural mortality rates.

*Abstractofpaper accepted by the Wildlife Society Bulletin.


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Michelle Carstensen and Glenn D. DelGiudice

The primary objective of this study is to survey survival of free-ranging, white-tailed deer(Odocoileus virginianus) neonates and examine its relation to winter severity, nutritionalrestriction (i.e., dietary), and condition (i.e., body composition) of the does during the priorwinter. A principal question concerns how variable fawn survival is among years and whethertheir survival rate is predictable relative to severity of the winter previous to their birth. Asecondary objective is to examine physiological responses of deer to natural, winter nutritionalrestriction and deteriorating body condition through in vivo body composition techniques, as wellas by blood analysis, relating patterns of winter nutritional restriction and condition to subsequentreproductive success.


Winter Nutritional Condition of Does and Survival of Fawns

Winter in northern Minnesota (Nov-Apr) is the most nutritionally challenging season for white­tailed deer, which can strongly impact their population performance through survival andreproductive success (Mech et al. 1971; Nelson and Mech 1986; DelGiudice et al. 1991,2002).The study of seasonal changes in nutrition and physical condition of deer and other cervids hasreceived increasing effort involving both captive and free-ranging animals. Investigators havestudied numerous indices ofnutritional status, but there is almost no information on the specificchanges of body composition offree-ranging animals relative to winter nutritional restriction.

Previous studies have examined the effects ofprotein and energy malnutrition and nutritionalrestriction on body mass and composition, physiological profiles, and reproductive success ofdeer and other cervids (Verme 1969; DeCalesta et al. 1977; Holter et al. 1977; Seal et al. 1978;Bahnak et al. 1979; Verme and Ozoga 1980; Warren et al. 1982; Watkins et al. 1982; DelGiudiceet al. 1987, 1990). However, the majority of these data have been collected on captive animals,thus excluding the critical influences of natural energy and activity budgets and natural diets onassessed responses. Researchers have attempted to elucidate the relationship between fat reserves(and range quality) and fertility of free-ranging cervids, but information relating bodycomposition to reproductive success is scant. According to studies on captive white-tailed deer,does fed a low plane of nutrition (similar to what might be expected during a severe northernwinter) had fewer incidences of twinning, lower fawn birth weights, and prolonged gestationalperiods (Verme 1969, Verme and Ozoga 1981).

Further, little research has included examination ofthe potential effects of environmentalvariation, particularly winter severity, on body composition and reproductive success of does, oron subsequent survival of their fawns. Such studies ofreproductive performance and survivalprovide insights concerning the influence of individual characteristics (age, condition) and



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extrinsic factors (resource availability, weather) on reproductive success of individuals and on thevariation of productivity of populations. In this study, we closely examine the relation betweenwinter severity, nutritional restriction, body composition and reproductive success of free­ranging, female white-tailed deer, and the survival of their fawns.


The study area for this research consists of 4 trapping sites (located between 460 52' and 470 15'N

latitude and 930 45' and 940 07' W longitude) along the eastern and southern boundaries of the

Chippewa National Forest in north central Minnesota. The sites range in size from 10 to 19 km2.The physiography and habitat of these sites are very similar. Topography is undulant withelevations of 400-475 m. Deciduous and mixed coniferous-deciduous stands are associatedprimarily with the uplands, and conifer swamps predominate in the lowlands.


Weather Data Collection

As part of a larger deer/winter thermal cover study (see DelGiudice, this Research Summary),winter severity was assessed by daily measurements of minimum and maximum ambienttemperatures in openings (i.e., forest clearings) and dense conifer stands on the study area. Snowdepth and penetration (index of snow density) were meaSured to the nearest centimeter in 27locations (3 measurements along each of 3 transects in openings, mixed hardwood, and dense[2:70% canopy closure] conifer stands) on the study area.

Deer Capture, Handling, and Body Composition Determination

During winters 2000-01 and 2001-02, adult female white-tailed deer and fawns (male and female)were captured by Clover traps (55) and rocket net within the boundaries of the 4 study sites.These deer were injected intramuscularly with 1.4 mg xylazine HCI and 4.3 mg ketamine HCI perkg body mass, and handling included ear-tagging, extracting a last incisor for aging by cementumannuli, radiocollaring (primarily standard VHF collars, but 5 global positioning system [GPS]collars as well), weighing, blood- and urine-sampling, monitoring of body temperature, andmorphological measurements. Body composition (i.e., water) of does and fawns was determinedin vivo by intravenous injection of deuterium following a baseline blood sample; serial bloodsamples were collected out to 120 minutes post-injection to permit assessment of isotopeequilibration. Predictive equations were employed to estimate body fat, protein, and ash.Additionally, 2 new techniques were used to assess body condition (i.e., fat reserves) of deer.Rump fat was measured with a portable real-time ultrasound device (Sonovet 600, UniversalMedical Systems, Bedford Hills, NY). Previous studies using this technique to estimate body faton cervids have reported encouraging results (Stephenson et al. 1998, Cook et al. 200 I). Thisstudy was the first to use ultrasonography on white-tailed deer. Secondly, a body conditionscoring (BCS) system was implemented. This involved palpation of the withers, rib and rumpareas to assess deer condition. Pregnancy status of captured deer was determined in the field byportable dop-tone ultrasound, and pregnancy was confirmed in the laboratory by serumprogesterone concentrations :::1.8 ng/mI. Vaginal transmitter implants (Advanced Telemetry


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Systems, Inc., Isanti, MN) were inserted into 50 pregnant does. These implants were expelledduring fawning, and the pulse rate increased from 40 to 80 beats per minute when the transmitter

was exposed to an ambient temperature < 95° F. Immobilizations were reversed by intravenousinjection of 0.2 mg/kg yohimbine HC!.

Analytical Procedures

Extensive profiles of blood (hematology; serum chemistries, electrolytes, metabolic andreproductive hormones) were determined to assess each animal's overall health and metabolicstatus. Blood samples also were analyzed in the laboratory for deuterium concentration.Additionally, 15 deer (7 adult females, 4 female fawns, 4 male fawns) were euthanized followingcompletion of the deuterium-dilution protocol to allow for direct chemical analysis of bodycomposition. Carcass components were ground and homogenized. Subsamples of thehomogenized mixtures were analyzed for dry matter (water derived), crude protein (macro­Kjeldahl N x 6.25), ash (combustion at 600°C for 12 hours), and fat (ether extract). Predictiveequations derived from this chemical analysis were used to validate the accuracy ofdeuterium­dilution determinations of body composition.

Neonate Survival and Cause-specific Mortality

Constriction of spring-early summer home ranges or change in the pulse rate of the vaginaltransmitter implants ofdoes was used to determine if they had fawned. Neonates were captured,aged (in days) by hoof growth, weighed, blood-sampled, radiocollared, and released. Rectaltemperatures also were recorded. Survival of all radiocollared fawns was monitored daily duringthe summer and 2-3 times per week throughout the following year via mortality switches builtinto the radio collars (Advanced Telemetry Systems, Inc., Isanti, MN). All deer mortalities wereinvestigated < 24 hours ofdetection by a field crew to determine cause of death.


Deer Capture and Determination of Body Composition (January-March 2001 and 2002)

The 2 winters of this study were severe (2000-01) and historically mild (2001-{)2). To gaugewinter severity, the Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources (MNDNR) calculates a winterseverity index (WSI) by accumulating 1 point for each day with an ambient temperature ~ ­17.8°C and 1 point for each day with snow depth ;::38 cm during November I-May 31. Themaximum WSls for winters 2000-01 and 2001-{)2 were 153 and 45, respectively.

We estimated total body water by deuterium-dilution for 48 deer (24 adults, 24 fawns) in 2001and 28 deer (15 adults, 13 fawns) in 2002. Using the predictive equations generated from thesacrificed deer, we calculated ingesta-free body composition for 39 adults and 37 fawns (18females, 19 males). Mean total body fat (%) decreased from mid- to late-winter for adults andfawns in 2001 (adults, 7.9 ±0.1 % [SE] to 7.2 ± 0.3%; fawns, 6.9 ± 0.4% to 5.3 ± 0.4%) and 2002(adults, 7.9 ± 0.3% to 6.5 ± 0.2%; fawns, 6.2 ± 0.3% to 5.0 ± 0.7%), which was accompanied bydeclines in body protein mass (0.6 and 1.0 kg for adults and 1.6 and 0.2 kg for fawns in 2001 and2002, respectively). Interestingly, body fat reserves did not differ between years for either adults



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or fawns. Similarly, there was a minimal effect of winter severity on blood profiles of deer;however, cholesterol (in combination with julian day) was inversely related (R2 = 0.43) to bodyfat (%) of adults, and serum urea nitrogen (in combination with julian day) was inversely related(R2

= 0.36) to body fat (%) offawns.

We also assessed the validity of using ultrasonic measurements of subcutaneous rump fat andbody condition scoring to predict body fat reserves of deer. To determine if the ultrasonicmeasurements were predictive of body condition, we assessed their linear relationship to percentbody fat. In adults, MidFat was most closely related (,-2 = 0.71, P = 0.07, n = 5) to percent bodyfat, followed by loin muscle (r2

= 0.66, P = 0.05, n = 6). However, in fawns, MaxFat was thestrongest predictor (r 2 = 0.64, P = 0.05, n = 6) of body fat, followed by SurnFat (r 2 = 0.53, P =

0.10, n = 6) and loin muscle (r 2= 0.45, P = 0.10, n = 7). Body condition was scored for 19 adults

(5 and 14 in 2001 and 2002) and 15 fawns (5 and 10 in 2001 and 2002) during mid-late winter. Inadults, Rump score was most closely related (,-2 = 0.63, P = 0.01, n = 9) to percent body fat, but infawns, the Withers score was most strongly related (r2

= 0.45, P = 0.07, n = 8) to body fat.Including all ultrasonic measurements and BeS components as predictors of body fat (%), Rumpscore alone was the best predictive model (y = 5.03 + 0.58[Rump score], r2

= 0.81, P = 0.05, n =

5) for adults. In the fawn group, Rib score, in combination with MaxFat (y = 2.67 + 0.80[Ribscore] - 0.16[MaxFat], R2

= 0.88, P = 0.03, n = 7), was the best predictive model.Survival of adult females was similar between years, with the majority of deaths occurring

between February and April; wolf predation was the primary cause of predator-related deaths(Table I). Age appeared to influence adult survival as 70% of adults that died were>10 yearsold. Winter severity may have played a role in fawn survival, as nearly half (47%) of fawns diedduring late-winter or early-spring 2001, compared to 100% survival of fawns in 2002. Fatreserves were not reliable predictors of survival in this study as nearly 80% and 86% of adults andfawns that were determined to have low fat reserves in mid- or late-winter (i.e., below the medianbody fat percentage ofall animals sampled) survived winter and early spring. Absence of abiologically significant difference between winter body condition of deer in this study relative towinter severity may be a result of a cumulative effect of several mild winters preceeding 2000-0I,that enabled deer to accumulate sufficient energy reserves to withstand prolonged and severeclimatic stress. Further study of the relation between winter severity and body condition ofnorthern deer that encompasses several winters of varying severity may be warranted, as well asconsideration of other potentially influential factors (e.g., migration behavior, predator density,habitat quality).

Newborn Fawn Capture and Survival

In early May 200land 2002, does with vaginal implant transmitters (50) were monitored daily fora change in pulse rate, indicating the implants were expelled during parturition. Seventy-sixpercent (38) of implants remained active at the beginning (May) of these fawning seasons, 74%(28) of which led to the capture of 41 neonates (20 and 21 in 200 I and 2002). We were unable tomonitor 12 implanted does by May due to premature expulsion of the implant (2 does in 200I) orpredation of the doe (3 and 7 does in 200 I and 2002). In addition to the capture of neonates, 31birth-sites were discovered (17 in 2001 and 14 in 2002). A technical advancement of the implantsallowed us to document the exact time of parturition for 13 does in 2002; the majority of births(70%) occurred between 1200-1800 hours. Use of vaginal implant transmitters markedly


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increased our ability to efficiently and successfully locate and capture neonates; however, we alsodiscovered the implants can be problematic (i.e., including battery failure, fluctuating signals, andmonitoring schedules). An additional 25 neonates were captured during springs 2001 and 2002using doe behavior alone.

The mean date of birth was 26 May (± 1.6 [SE] days, range = 5 May-I 9 June) for neonatescaptured in 2001 and 2002. Mean dates of birth and body masses were similar between neonatescaptured in springs 2001 (n = 31) and 2002 (n = 35) (Table 2). Neonate survival was similarbetween years; pooled mortality rates for neonates were 14,25, and 45% at 0-1,1-4, and 4-12weeks of age, respectively. Predation accounted for 86% of mortality, whereas the remaining14% of deaths were attributed to unknown causes (Table 3). Black bears (Ursus americanus)were responsible for 57 and 38% ofpredator-related deaths of neonates in springs 2001 and 2002;whereras, 50% of neonate mortality in 2002 was caused by bobcats (Felis rufus). Wolves (Canislupus) played a minor role in neonate mortality, accounting for only 5% ofpredator-relateddeaths.

Birth characteristics and blood profIles of neonates were examined as possible predictors ofsurvival. Serum ureanitrogen:creatinine (SUN:C) ratios were related to neonate survival to 1,4,and 12 weeks of age; with elevated values reported in survivors (28.6-35.2) compared tononsurvivors (22.1-27.0). No relation between winter fat reserves (i.e., percent ingesta-free bodyfat) ofdams and survival of their neonates the subsequent spring was observed; however, dams (n= 5) of neonates that died within 4 weeks of age had greater (P < 0.05) concentrations of SUN,creatinine, and SUN:C ratios than dams (n =20) of survivors. Even though a direct relationbetween winter severity and birth or blood characteristics ofneonates was not detected in thisstudy, evidence indicated that body mass at birth and key serum indices of neonate nutrition wereassociated with their survival. Of even greater significance, we were able to link winter severityand nutritional restriction of dams to reduced survival of their offspring.


Investigation into the importance of fawning-site characteristics (e.g., vegetative cover, predatorpressure) and spatial relationships between does and their newborns on overall fawn survival wasa new component added to the study during spring 200I. Little is known about birth-siteselection by does in northern Minnesota. Location of birth-sites may playa role in neonatalmortality, particularly relative to the risk ofpredation. To maximize protection of fawns frompotential predators, frequency and duration of contact between does and their fawns may beinversely related to the fawn's vulnerability, and the level ofpredator pressure may influence doe­fawn spatial relationships. To gain a better understanding of doe-fawn behavior and ultimatelyfawn survival, we began to characterize birth-site habitats and assess the spatial relationshipsbetween doe-fawn pairs from birth to 2-3 weeks post-parturition, which is typically how long ittakes for fawns to be moving together with their does. Vaginal implant transmitters enabled us tolocate specific birth-sites, in addition to the location ofneonates (31 birth-sites were identifiedduring springs 2001 and 2002). Aerial photographs were taken to allow habitat characterizationof these birth-sites. Additionally, 8 doe-fawn pairs were intensively located from parturition to 2weeks after birth. Analyses of these data are ongoing.




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Bahnak, B. R., J. C. Holland, L. J. Venne, and J. 1. Ozoga. 1979. Season and nutritional effectson serum nitrogen constituents in white-tailed deer. Journal of Wildlife Management 43:454-460.

Cook, R.C., J. G. Cook, D. L. Murray, P. Zager, B. K. Johnson, and M. W. Gratson. 2001.Development of predictive models of nutritional condition for Rocky Mountain elk.Journal of Wildlife Management 65: 973-987.

DeCalesta, D. S., J. G. Nagy, and J. A. Bailey. 1977. Experiments on starvation and recovery ofmule deer does. Journal of Wildlife Management 41: 81-86.

DelGiudice, G. D., L. D. Mech, and U. S. Seal. 1990b. Effects of winter undernutrition on bodycomposition and physiological profiles ofwhite-tailed deer. Journal of WildlifeManagement 54: 539-550.

DelGiudice G. D., L. D. Mech, U. S. Seal, AND P. D. KARNS. 1987. Effects of winterfasting and refeeding on white-tailed deer blood profiles. Journal of WildlifeManagement 51: 865-873.

DelGiudice, G. D., M. E. Nelson, and L. D. Mech. 1991. Winter nutrition and populationecology of white-tailed deer in the central Superior National Forest. United StatesDepartment of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Experiment Station, St. Paul,Minnesota, USA.

DelGiudice, G. D., M. R. Riggs, P. Joly, and W. Pan. 2002. Winter severity, survival and cause­specific mortality of female white-tailed deer in north central Minnesota. Journal ofWildlife Management 66: 698-717.

Holter, J. B., and H. H. HAYES. 1977. Growth in white-tailed deer fawns fed varying energyand constant protein. Journal of Wildlife Management 41: 506-510.

Mech, L. D., L. D. Frenzel, Jr., and P. D. Karns. 1971. The effect of snow conditions on thevulnerability of white-tailed deer to wolfpredation. Pages 51-59 in L. D. Mech and L. D.Frenzel, Jr., editors. Ecological studies of the timber wolf in northeastern Minnesota. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station, St.Paul, Minnesota, USA.

Nelson, M. E., and L. D. Mech. 1986. Mortality of white-tailed deer in northeastern Minnesota.Journal of Wildlife Management 50: 691-698.

Seal, U. S., L. J. Venne, and J. J. Ozoga. 1978. Dietary protein and energy effects on deer fawnmetabolic patterns. Journal of Wildlife Management 42: 776-790.


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Stephenson, T. R., K. J. Hundertmark, C. C. Schwartz, and V. V. Ballenberghe. 1998.Predicting body fat and body mass is moose with ultrasonography. Canadian Journal ofZoology 76: 717-722.

Verme, L. J. 1969. Reproductive patterns of white-tailed deer related to nutritional plane.Journal of Wildlife Management 33: 881-887.

Verme, L. J., and J. J Ozoga. 1980. Effect of diet on growth and lipogenesis in deer fawns.Journal of Wildlife Management 44: 315-324.

Verme, L. J., and J. J Ozoga. 1981. Appraisal of autumn-spring weather severity for northerndeer. Wildlife Society Bulletin 9: 292-295.

Warren, R. J., R. L. Kirkpatrick, A. Oe1scWaeger, P. F. Scanlon, K. E. Webb, Jr., and J. B.Whelan. 1982. Energy, protein, and seasonal influences on white-tailed deer fawnnutritionalindices. Journal of Wildlife Management 46: 302-312.

Watkins, B. E., R. F. Nachreiner, S. M. Schmitt, T. M. Coolley, and D. E. Ullrey. 1982. Thyroidfunction in fed and fasted white-tailed deer fawns. Canadian Journal ofZoology: 60:1331-1338.



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-----------••••iI .I.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Table 1. Cause specific mortality of free ranging, radiocollared, adult e1.0 year old) femalewhite-tailed deer, nortb central Minnesota, 16 June 2000-15 June 2001 and 16 June 2001-15June 2002.

2000--01 2001-02Crude mortality rate Crude mortality rate

Fate n % n %Wolf-kill 5 7.0 8 9.9Bobcat-kill 2 2.8 1 1.2Unknown predator 2 2.8 0 0.0Hunter-kill' 6 8.5 5 6.2Car-kill I 1.4 2 2.5

Total deaths 16 22.5 16 19.8Censored animals 8 13Alive 47 52Total 71 81


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Table 2. Birth characteristics of free-ranging white-tailed deer neonates, captured during springs 2001 (n = 31) and 2002 (n =35), north central Minnesota. Ranges are presented in parentheses.

Estimated New hoofEstimated Age at capture" Capture mass birth-massb growth Hooflength

Capture date birth-date" (days) (kg) (kg) (mm) (cm)Year Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE2001 29 May 1.5 26 May 1.7 2.5 I.l 3.2 0.2 2.8 0.1 2.6' 0.4 22.6 0.6

(16 May-I 9 June) (5 May-I 9 June) (D-32) (1.5-6.5) (1.5-4.8) (0.D-IO.8) (16-28)2002 30 May I.I 26 May I.3 3.7 0.7 3.7 0.2 3.0 0.1 3.7' 0.2 23.3 0.6

(20 May-IS June) (I I May-IS June) (D-15) (1.4-8.1) (1.4-5.5) (2.D-7.5) (14-31)

'Birth-dates and age at capture were determined from timing of vaginal implant transmitter expulsion, or for neonates of non-implanted dams,estimated using new hoof growth (Sams et al. 1996b).bBirth-masses were estimated by assuming an average daily mass gain of 0.2 kg since birth (Verme and Ullrey 1984, Rawson et al.1992).'Means were significantly different at P < 0.05.

78••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •;.-4-••• • ~J •• 4)·~.414 )~~

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Table 3. Survival and cause-specific mortality rates of white-tailed deer neonates at 6-1 (6­7 days), 1-4 (8-28 days) and 4--12 (29--84 days) weeks of age, captured in springs 2001 (n =31) and 2002 (n =35), north central Minnesota." Cumulative totals of cause-specific neonatemortalities by 12 weeks of age are presented in parentheses.

0-1 week of age 1-4 weeks of age 4-12 weeks of age2001

Survival .90 .90 .83Number ofdeaths 3 3 5 (11)Cause-specific mortality

Wolf .00 .00 .03 (1)Bear .00 .07 .Q7 (4)Bobcat .00 .03 .00 (1)Redfox .03 .00 .00 (1)Unknown predatorb .00 .00 .Q7 (2)Unknown cause' .Q7 .00 .00 (2)

2002Survival rate .82 .88 .78Number ofdeaths 6 4 7 (17)Cause-specific mortality

Wolf .00 .00 .00 (0)Bear .09 .00 .06 (5)Bobcat .00 .12 .13 (8)Redfox .00 .00 .00 (0)Unknown predator' .06 .00 .00 (2)Unknown caused .03 .00 .03 (2)

"One neonate slipped its radiocollar at 41 days of age and was censored from survival analyses at 4-12weeks of age in 2001. Three neonates slipped their radiocollars at 22,45 and 74 days of age and werecensored from survival analyses at 1--4 (n = I) and 4-12 (n = 2) weeks of age intervals in 2002.b"Unknown predator" was assigned as cause of mortality when site evidence indicated a predator-kill, butthe species of predator could not be determined conclusively.'When evidence indicated death, but was not conclusive as to cause, it was recorded as "unknown cause."


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Mark S. Lenarz, Michael E. Nelson!, Michael W. Schrage2, and Andrew J. Edwards]


Moose formerly occurred throughout much of the forested zone ofnorthern Minnesota, but today,most occur within two disjunct ranges in the northeastern and northwestern portions of the state.The present day northeastern moose range includes all of Lake and Cook counties and most ofnorthern St. Louis County. Records from the Superior National Forest (peek et al. 1976) suggestthat moose numbers increased dramatically in the late 1920's, but plummeted in the mid 1930's,and remained low until the mid to late 1960's. Population estimates from aerial surveys innortheastern Minnesota, conducted since 1959, suggest that the population gradually began toincrease in the 1970's and 1980's to a peak of 6,900 in 1988 and then dropped to 3,700 by 1990.In recent years, moose numbers have apparently stabilized around 4000 animals.

We can only speculate as to the causes ofpast fluctuations in the northeastern moose population.Undoubtedly, moose numbers were reduced in the early decades of this century by the cumulativeeffects of settlement: over-hunting and timber harvest followed by wide-spread wildfIre. Theincrease in moose numbers in the late 1920's probably reflected the closure of the moose seasonin 1921 combined with the ideal habitat provided by the early stages of the second growth forest.It is less clear why the population declined so dramatically in the mid 1930's. Increased poachingassociated with the Great Depression, maturation of the forest habitat, and increased exposure to"brainworm" (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis) from higher deer numbers, probably all contributed tothe reduction in moose numbers. In the early 1970's, the gradual increase in moose numberscorresponded with record low deer numbers throughout the northeast possibly as a result of areduced the incidence of P. tenuis related mortality. Predation was probably reduced as well,because wolfnumbers declined in portions of the northeast in response to the reduced deernumbers (Mech 1986). It is also possible that hunter selectivity for bulls (beginning in 1971) mayhave increased the population growth rate by increasing the proportion of females in the herd.Between 1988 and 1990, moose numbers decreased over 50%. Circumstantial evidencesuggested that much of the mortality was associated with massive infestations of an externalparasite, the "winter tick" (Dermacentor albipictus). Research suggests that outbreaks of thisparasite may be related to weather (Drew and Samuel 1985, Samuel and Welch 1991) and ifso,are independent ofmoose density.

That moose numbers in northeast Minnesota have not increased in recent years is an enigma.Research in Alaska and northern Canada has indicated that non-hunting mortality in moosepopulations is relatively low. When these rates are used in computer models to simulate changein Minnesota's northeastern moose population, moose numbers increase dramatically, counter tothe trend indicated by aerial surveys. Several non-exclusive hypotheses can be proposed toexplain this result: i) average non-hunting mortality rate for moose in northeastern Minnesota is

I United States Geological Survey, U.S. Geological Survey, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center,Jamestown, North Dakota, US2 Fond du Lac Resource Management Division, 1720 Big Lake Road, Cloquet, Minnesota 557203 1854 Authority, 4428 Haines Road, Duluth, Minnesota 55811




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considerably higher and/or more variable than measured in previous studies; ii) recruitment ratesestimated from the aerial surveys and used in the model are biased high; and/or iii) moosenumbers estimated by the aerial survey in recent years are biased low.


1) Determine annual rates of non-hunting mortality for northeastern moose.Simulation modeling suggests that Minnesota's northeastern moose population should beincreasing. The results from annual aerial surveys, however, indicate that numbers have remainedrelatively constant, despite conservative harvest levels. The proposed study will establishwhether high levels of non-hunting mortality are preventing this population from increasing,identify causes of non-hunting mortality and determine whether is if feasible to develop an indexthat can be used to predict annual variation in this mortality.

2) Determine annual rates of reproduction in northeastern moose.Research in northwestern Minnesota indicated that a low proportion of cow moose were pregnantand that this contributed to a decline in moose numbers. The proposed study will documentannual pregnancy, twinning, and calf mortality rates to determine whether reduced reproduction ispreventing the population from increasing and attempt to identify indices that predict annualvariation in reproduction.

3) Calibrate aerial moose survey methodologyAerial surveys assume that observers do not tabulate some proportion of moose. This proportionvaries among observers, habitat types, snow conditions, and timing of the survey. The proposedstudy will document the magnitude of this proportion and identify ways to improve the surveymethodology.


During 9-11 February 2004,18 adult moose (6 bulls and 12 cows) were immobilized with acombination of carfentanil and xylazine delivered by a dart gun from a helicopter to replacemoose that died during the previous year. A total of84 moose (50 cows and 34 bulls) have beencaptured in northeastern Minnesota since February 2002 (Fig. 1). A radio-collar was attached andblood, hair, and fecal samples were collected from each moose. Beginning in 2003, a caninetooth was also extracted for aging. Details of condition assessment used on moose in 2003 and2004 are provided elsewhere in this Research Summary (DelGiudice et al. 2004).

Mortality was determined by monitoring a sample of up to 60 radio-collared moose. Thetransmitter in each radio-collar contained a mortality sensor that increased the pulse rate(mortality mode) if it remained stationary for more than 6 hours. When a transmitter was detectedin mortality mode, we located the moose and conducted a necropsy to determine, if possible, thecause of death. Mortality rates were calculated using Kaplan-Meier survival functions (pollock etal. 1989). During the first year of the study, the GPS location of each moose was determinedweekly from the air. Beginning in March 2003, GPS locations were determined for half of themoose each week and a mortality check was conducted on the remaining moose.


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Pregnancy was detennined from serum progesterone levels (Haigh et al. 1981). Following birth,the presence/absence of a calfwith a radio-collared cow was determined when possible during thetelemetry flights.

During the aerial moose survey in January 2004, a sightability model (Anderson and Lindzey1996, Quayle et al. 2001) was developed using the radio-collared moose. Following eachrelocation flight, a square test plot ( 1.7 to 9.0 me)was created around one or more collaredmoose and surveyed using procedures identical to those used in the operational survey. If thecollared moose was observed within the plot, a suite of covariates including environmentalconditions, group size, and visual obstruction were recorded. If the collared moose were notobserved, they were located using telemetry and the same set of covariates were recorded.Logistic regression was used to determine which covariates should be included in the sightabilitymodel.

Results to Date

As of I May 2004, 25 radio-collared moose (12 bulls and 13 cows) have died. The cause of deathin 10 cases could be identified (3 hunter kill, I train, 2 trucks, 2 wolfpredation, and I naturalaccident). We were unable to examine remains of2 moose that died within BWCAW. Fourteenappear to have died from unknown non-traumatic causes. In eight cases scavengers hadconsumed the carcasses but evidence suggested predators did not kill them. In the remaining 7cases, moose had little or no body fat (rump, kidney, abdominal, or heart) and were oftenemaciated. Moose dying ofunknown causes died throughout year (1 - Jan., 3 - April, 4 May, IJune, I July, 2 August, 1 Nov., 2 Dec.). To date, samples from unknown cases have testednegative for CWD, Rabies, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, and West Nile Virus. Sera fromcaptured moose were tested for BVD, borreliosis, lepto, malignant catarrhal fever, respiratorysyncytial virus, parainfluenza 3, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, epizootic hemorrhagic disease,and blue tongue. All test results were negative except for borreliosis (21 of 64 serum samples hadpositive titers 1:320 or greater).

Annual non-hunting mortality for bulls was 0% and 27% in 2002 and 2003,respectively. Only 7bulls were collared during 2002, however. Annual non-hunting mortality for cows was 29% and23% in 2002 and 2003, respectively. In both sexes, non-hunting mortality was substantiallyhigher than documented for populations outside of Minnesota (generally 8 to 12%).

Serum samples from 61 ofthe radio-collared moose were tested for the presence P. tenuis-specificantibodies using an enzyme-linked imrnunosorbent assay procedure (ELISA) (Ogunremi et al.1999). Seven of the 61 moose (7 cows and 2 bulls) were sero-positive for antibodies against P.tenuis; two subsequently died from unknown non-traumatic causes and I was scavenged bywolves.

Pregnancy rate was estimated at 92% in 2002 and 57% in 2003 based on serum progesterone. Thesamples from 2004 have not been analyzed yet. Similar estimates for the northwest moosepopulation between 1996 and 1999 averaged 48% (Cox et al, submitted).




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Radio collared moose were located 43 times in the process of developing a sightability model. In23 cases, the collared moose was observed using the standard survey protocol; in 20 cases, thecollared moose was not observed and telemetry had to be used to locate the collared moose.Because of the small sample, only 2 covariates (visual obstruction and temperature (FO)) wereincluded in the analyses. The inclusion of both covariates resulted in a model that correctlyclassified 76% of the observations. Total population size based on this sightability model wassubstantially higher than previous estimates calculated using the "Gasaway" protocol (Gasaway etaI. 1986, Lenarz, unpubl.).


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Anderson, C.R. and F.G. Lindzey. 1996. Moose sightabi1ity model developed from helicoptersurveys. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 24:247-259.

Cox, E.W., W.B. Ballard, D.L. Murray, H.A. Whitlaw, M.S. Lenarz, T.W. Custer, T.K. Fuller, T.Barnett. Pathogen and weather mediated decline in a northwest Minnesota moosepopulation. Wild!. Monog. Submitted.

DelGiudice, G.D., M.S. Lenarz, M. Schrage, A.J. Edwards, and M. Nelson. 2004. Condition ofmoose (Alces alces) in northeastern Minnesota. Pages 89-95 in: M.W. DonCar10s, R.O.Kimmel, J.S. Lawrence, and M.S. Lenarz, editors, Summaries of wildlife research[mdings, 2003. Minnesota Dept. ofNatural Resources, Wildlife Populations and ResearchUnit, St. Paul, Minnesota. In Press.

Drew, M.L. and W.M. Samuel. 1986. Reproduction ofthe winter tick, Dermacentor albipictus,under field conditions in Alberta, Canada. Can. J. Zool. 64:714-721.

Gasaway, W.C., S.D. DuBois, D.J. Reed, and S.J. Harbo. 1986. Estimating moose populationparameters from aerial surveys. BioI. Pap. Univ. Alaska, No. 22. 108pp.

Haigh, J.C., E.W. Kowal, W. Runge, and G. Wobeser. 1982. Pregnancy diagnosis as amanagement tool for moose. Alces 18: 45-53.

Mech, L.D. 1986. Wolf population in the central Superior National Forest, 1967-1985. U.S. For.Ser. Res. Pap. NC-270. 6pp.

Ogunremi, 0., M. Lankester, J. Kendall, and A. Gajadhar. 1999. Serological diagnosis ofParelaphostrongylus tenuis infection in white-tailed deer and identification of a potentiallyunique parasite antigen. J. Parasitol. 85(1): 122-127.

Peek, J.M., D.L. Urich and R.J. Mackie. 1976. Moose habitat selection and relationships to forestmanagement in northeastern Minnesota. Wi1dl. Monog. 48. 65pp.

Pollock, K.H., C.T. Moore, W.R. Davidson, F.E. Kellogg, and G.L. Doster. 1989. Survival ratesof bobwhite quail based on band recovery analyses. J. Wild!. Manage. 53:1-6.

Quayle, J.F., A.G. MacHutchon, and D.N. Jury. 2001. Modeling moose sightability in southcentral British Columbia. Alces.37:43-54.

Samuel, W.M. and D.A. Welch. 1991. Winter ticks on moose and other ungulates: factorsinfluencing the population size. Alces 27:169-182.



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Figure 1. Capture locations of moose radio collared, 2002-2004.



Capture Locations

'" 2002• 2003• 2004

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Mark S. Lenarz


The Minnesota Dept. ofNatural Resources has conducted aerial surveys using a stratified randomplot protocol (Gasaway et al. 1986) to estimate moose (Alces alces) numbers each year since1982. Lenarz (1998) analyzed precision and bias in these surveys and made 5 recommendationsto improve both the survey estimates and their precision. Since 1998, all aerial moose surveysbegan in early January so as to have a standard starting date. Two flight crews were used in thesurveys to complete surveys earlier. The entire survey area was re-stratified and minor revisionsare made on an annual basis. Optimal allocation has been used each year to establish the numberofplots in each stratum. The number of re-survey plots has been increased so as to minimize theprecision associated with the sightability correction factor and thereby increase the precision ofthe population estimate. The effectiveness of these changes to the survey protocol will bediscussed.

• Abstract ofpaper presented at 39'h North American Moose Conference and Workshop. 18-21 May 2003;Jackson, Wyoming.



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Andrew J. Edwards l, Michael W. Schrage2

, and Mark Lenarz


This paper provides an overview ofmoose management in northeastern Minnesota with anemphasis on relationships between the State and Tribal entities that share managementresponsibility. Specific topics discussed include settlement of treaty rights issues, harvestallocation and strategies, and the evolving State-Tribal partnerships that have been created duringthe past 15 years. Briefupdates on the status of moose in Minnesota, population monitoringefforts, population goals, and the future direction of management are provided.

1 1854 Authority, 4428 Haines Road, Duluth, Minnesota 558112Fond du Lac Resource Management Division, 1720 Big Lake Road, Cloquet, Minnesota 55720* Abstract of paper presented at 391h North American Moose Conference and Workshop. 18-21 May 2003;Jackson, Wyoming.


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O. Ogunremi l, M. Lankester2

, E. Cox), D. Murray4, W. Ballard5, H. Whitlaw5, M. Lenarz6


M. Schrage', M. Nelsons, and A. Edwards9


Meningeal worm or Parelaphostrongylus tenuis (Family: Protostrongylidae) is a known cause ofneurological signs and death in moose, and infection can be diagnosed antemortem by a newlydeveloped enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) which detects serum IgG antibodiesdirected against the excretory-secretory products of the third-stage larvae of P. tenuis. For thepurpose of obtaining base-line serological information on moose in a P. tenuis endemic area,serum samples were obtained from a total of 162 moose at the time of collaring. These were madeavailable from 2 different studies: 65 moose from the northeast part ofMinnesota (47E 30' and91E 25') collared between 2002 and 2003, and 97 moose in from the northwest part of the state(48E 25' and 96E 15') collared between 1995 and 1998. Health status of the animals in thenorthwest part was monitored and carcasses ofdead animals examined; observations andpresumed cause of mortality were recorded. In the northeast, the proportion of animals withantibodies to P. tenuis (% seropositive, ELISA Optical Density> 0.386) was 20.0% (n=65).Clinical signs were recorded for 4 animals which were eventually necropsied. Two of the animalswere euthanized because of marked disease processes including inability to stand, complete lackof fear ofhumans or emaciation, and on postmortem examination adult P. tenuis worms wererecovered from the heads, which correlated with positive serology. Another 2 animals displayedclinical signs consistent with P. tenuis infection including emaciation or unsteady gaitprogressing to inability to stand, and were both were seropositive even though no worms wererecovered at postmortem.

I Centre for Animal Parasitology, Canadian Food Inspection Agency Saskatoon Laboratory, Saskatoon,Canada.2 Department of Biology, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada3 (Deceased) University of Idaho, RR I, Box 74, Middle River, Minnesota, US4 Department of Biology, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.5 Department of Range, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, US6 Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources, Forest Wildlife Populations and Research Group, GrandRapids, Minnesota7 Fond du Lac Resource Management Division, Cloquet, Minnesota8 United States Geological Survey, U.S. Geological Survey, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center,Jamestown, North Dakota, US9 1854 Authority, Duluth, Minnesota, US* 52"d Annual Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association, Saskatoon, Alberta, Canada. 11-14 August2003.



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In the northwest group, 54 of the collared animals had died by 2000 when monitoring wasdiscontinued, 34 animals were still alive, and 9 were missing. Recorded causes of death (3categories) and initial anti-Po tenuis antibody titers were: (i) loss of body condition and likelydisease process including P. tenuis, 46.7% seropositive (n=15); (ii) non-infectious, 14.8%seropositive (n=27);, and (iii) possibly flukes-related (possiblyFascioloides magna), 25%seropositive, (n=12). Seven (20.6%) of the 34 animals still alive in 2000 were seropositive whenbled 3-5 years earlier. Animals dying of a disease process where P. tenuis may be involved weremore likely to be seropositive than those dying of non-infectious agents or where flukes may haveplayed a role (P=0.04, Fisher=s Exact test; two tailed). Animals dying of disease process weremore likely to be seropositive (46.7%) than surviving animals (20.6%) but this difference was notsignificant at 90% confidence level (P=0.09; Fisher=s Exact test; two tailed). From thispreliminary study, the following conclusions can be made: (a) P. tenuis appears to playasignificant role in moose mortalities in northern Minnesota, (b) some survive for a number yearsdespite P. tenuis seropositive status, although some of the seropositive animals may be expectedto succumb to P. tenuis infection over with time, (c) the serological test gave a higher estimate ofexposure of moose to P. tenuis than past studies using traditional tests which used parasiterecovery methods, (d) the serological test appears to be a worthwhile tool for the management ofmoose herds, (e) the test can now be used to directly investigate the hypothesis that moosesurvivorship in P. tenuis endemic areas is significantly associated with negative P. tenuisserology although a large sample size may be required because of the confounding effect of othercauses of moose mortality.


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Glenn D. DelGiudice, Mark S. Lenarz, Michael W. Schrage!, Andrew J. Edwards2, and Michael

E. Nelson3


A study ofmoose (Alces alces) in northeastern Minnesota was begun in 2002, because aerialsurvey estimates suggested the population was stable despite a very conservative harvest (Lenarzet al. 2002). The study's goal is to generate data that will provide a clearer understanding of theecological mechanism(s) underlying the population dynamics observed (Lenarz et al. 2002). Oneof the primary objectives is to "determine annual rates of non-hunting mortality... " for moose inthis part of the state (Lenarz et al. 2002). Because winter is the most nutritionally challengingseason ofthe year for northern cervids, and nutrition has been shown to be a mechanistic linkbetween environmental variation (e.g., winter tick [Dermacentor albipictus] infestation) andvariation of moose populations (DelGiudice 1997), assessment ofwinter condition ofmooserecruited into the present study was deemed a worthwhile field objective. Logistical constraintsand considerations associated with capture and handling of free-ranging moose during the study'sfirst winter field season (2001-02) precluded condition assessments; however, such evaluationsduring capture operations of winter's 2002-03 and 2003-04 were feasible and successful. Herein,we report the results of those condition assessments for live-captured moose.


During 26 February-2 March 2003 and 9-11 February 2004, adult (2:1.5 year old) moose wereimmobilized with a carfentanil-xylazine combination delivered by a dart rifle from a helicopter.Details of the capture/chemical inunobilization procedure, as well as a description of the studyarea, are provided elsewhere (Lenarz et al. 2003, 2004).

Condition ofmoose was assessed by the following 3 methods: (I) ultrasonic measurements ofrump fat thickness (Stephenson et al. 1998,2002); (2) Franzmann's condition classification(FCC), developed specifically for moose (Franzmann 1977); and (3) the portion of a bodycondition scoring system developed for elk (Cervus elaphus), which concentrates on visual andpalpation assessments of fat repleteness of the rump (BCS" Cook et al. 2001). We measuredsubcutaneous rump fat thickness (em) with a portable ultrasound device (Sonovet 600 model,Universal Medical Systems, Inc., Bedford Hills, N. Y.) and a 5-MHz 8-cm linear-arraytransducer. Measurements were made at the midway point ("Mid") between the tips of the iliumsand the right or left tuber ischium (pin bone) and at the point of maximum fat thickness("Maxfat"), which we located by scanning laterally along the sacral ridge towards the pin bone.Location of Maxfat was immediately anterior to the cranial process of the pin bone. Due todifferences in body size ofmales and females, application of a scaling factor (0.83) to Maxfatmeasurements ofmales permitted comparison to adult females (Stephenson et al. 1998).

1 Fond du Lac Resource Management Division, 1720 Big Lake Road, Cloquet, Minnesota 557202 1854 Authority, 4428 Haines Road, Duluth, Minnesota 558113 United States Geological Survey, U.S. Geological Survey, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center,Jamestown, North Dakota, US



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The FCC and the BCS, are described in Tables 1 and 2. Compared to the BCS" the FCC systemincludes a more complete assessment of the conformation of the moose's entire body related tocondition.


By at least 1 of the 3 methods we assessed the condition of37 (19 females, 18 males) of the 42adult moose captured and handled during winter 2002-03 and 17 (12 females, 5 males) of 18moose in winter 2003-04. Overall, mean Maxfat was 1.6 (SE =0.16, range =0-3.8 cm) and 2.1cm (SE = 0.38, range = 0.58-4.6 cm) during these 2 winters. In captive moose, Maxfatmeasurements have ranged between 0 and 7.0 cm, and were directly related (Y = 5.61 + 2.05 x, r2

= 0.96, P< 0.0001) to ingesta-free body fat (IFBFAT) contents of approximately 2.5-17.5%(Stephenson et al. 1998). Applying the regression of Stephenson et al. (1998), Maxfatmeasurements of our free-ranging moose indicated an estimated mean IFBFAT of about 8.9%(range of< 5.6%-13.4%) and 9.9% (range = 6.8-15.0%) during winters 2002-03 and 2003-04,respectively. Studies of captive moose (and other cervids) have shown that at 5-5.6% IFBFAT,rump fat will be depleted (i.e., Maxfat = 0 cm). Maxfat and IFBFAT were less in bulls than incows during both winters; the differences were significant (P~ 0.05) in winter 2003-04 (Table 3).

The mean FCC and BCS, scores were 7.2 (range = 3-10, scale of 10) and 3.4 (range = 2-4.5, scaleof 5) in winter 2002-03 and 7.3 (range = 4-9) and 3.8 (range = 2.5-5.0) in winter 2003-04.According to both of these scoring systems, although not significantly, mean condition scoreswere lower for bulls than cows during both winters (Table 3). There were significant correlationsbetween the FCC and BCS, scores for all moose during winters 2002-03 (r = 0.83, P< 0.0001)and 2003-04 (r = 0.75, P = 0.002). Additionally, during both winters, Maxfat was significantlycorrelated to FCC scores (r =0.56 and 0.71, P~ O.oI) and BSS, scores (r =0.53 and 0.68, P~0.02). The strength of the relationship between the scoring systems and Maxfat measurements islimited, because the scoring systems are characterized by discrete scores, whereas the Maxfatmeasurements are continuous; consequently, a range of Maxfat measurements may be associatedwith a given condition score.

The late winter, mean Maxfat measurements (2002-03, 1.6 cm and 95% confidence limits [CL] =1.3,1.9 cm; 2003-04, 2.1 cm and 95% CL = 1.4,2.9 cm) and associated estimated IFBFATcontents (roughly 9-10%) of our free-ranging moose indicate that most of them were in goodcondition, which was consistent with the unusually mild and moderate weather conditions thatcharacterized winters 2002-03 and 2003-04, respectively, in northeastern Minnesota. It isnoteworthy that snow depths were only 30-36 cm until mid-January 2004, but by early Februarywhen we conducted moose captures, snow depths were typically approaching 90 cm. Conductingmoose captures several weeks earlier in 2004 than in 2003 also likely contributed to the similarconditions assessed during the two winters. Our assigmnent of qualitative assessments of"verygood," "good," and "fair-poor" to FCC scores as presented in Table 4, indicating that about 75­76% ofthe moose were in good to very good condition during the 2 winters, were consistent withour evaluations derived from fat measurements. The most notable case of a moose in poorcondition during winter 2002-03, was a female with no rump fat (Maxfat = 0), the lowest FCCand BCS, scores (3 and ~ 2, respectively) of all 37 moose scored that year, and which died withinhours ofrelease, despite a typical, relatively rapid apparent recovery from the chemicalimmobilization.


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The potential value of the condition assessments of the radiocollared moose may occur at theindividual and population scales. They may provide insight relative to the survival or fate (i.e.,cause of mortality) of each individual moose. Further, as this study progresses, annual conditionassessments of new recruits of the study cohort may contribute to our understanding of theimpacts ofvarying environmental conditions (e.g., winter severitylhabitat quality, winter tickinfestation) on performance (i.e., survival rates, reproductive success) of the local population overtime.


Cook, R. C., J. G. Cook, D. L. Murray, P. Zager, B. K. Johnson, and M. W. Gratson. 2001.Development ofpredictive models of nutritional condition for RockyMountain elk.Journal of Wildlife Management 65:973-987.

DelGiudice, G. D., R. O. Peterson, and W. M. Samuel. 1997. Trends of winter nutritionalrestriction, ticks, and numbers of moose ofIsle Royale. Journal of Wildlife Management61 :895-903.

Franzmann, A. W. 1977. Condition assessment ofAlaskan moose. Proceedings of the NorthAmerican Moose Conference and Workshop. 13:119-127.

Lenarz, M. S., M. Schrage, A. Edwards, and M. E. Nelson. 2002. Moose population dynamics innortheastern Minnesota. Pages 168-172 in M. W. DonCarlos, M. A. Hanson, R. O.Kimmel, and M. S. Lenarz, editors, Summaries of wildlife research fmdings, 2001.Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources, Wildlife Populations and Research Unit, St.Paul, Minnesota.

Lenarz, M. S., M. Schrage, A. Edwards, and M. E. Nelson. 2003. Moose populationdynamics innortheastern Minnesota. Pages 172-176 in M. W. DonCarlos, M. A. Hanson, R. O.Kimmel, and M. S. Lenarz, editors, Summaries of wildlife research findings, 2002.Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources, Wildlife Populations and Research Unit, St.Paul, Minnesota.

Lenarz, M. S., M. Schrage, A. Edwards, and M. E. Nelson. 2004. Moose populationdynamics innortheastern Minnesota. Pages 79-84 in M. W. DonCarlos, M. A. Hanson, R. O. Kimmel,and M. S. Lenarz, editors, Summaries of wildlife research findings, 2002. MinnesotaDepartment of Natural Resources, Wildlife Populations and Research Unit, St. Paul,Minnesota. In Press.

Stephenson, T. R., V. C. Bleich, B. M. Pierce, and G. P. Mulcahy. 2002. Validation of mule deerbody composition using in vivio and post-mortem indices ofnutritional condition.Wildlife Society Bulletin 30:557-564.

Stephenson, T. R., K. J. Hundertmark, C. C. Schwartz, and V. Van Ballenberghe.1998.Predicting body fat and body mass in moose with ultrasonography. CanadianJournal of Zoology 76:717-722.



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Table 1. Franzmann's condition classification for moose, used to assess winter condition offree-ranging adult moose during winters 2002-03 (19 females, 18 males) and 2003-04(11 females, 5 males), northeastern Minuesota.

10. A prime, fat animal with thick, finn romp fat by sight. Well fleshed over back and loin.Shoulders round and full.

9. A choice, fat moose with evidence of romp fat by feel. Fleshed over back and loin.Shoulders round and full.

8. A good, fat moose with slight evidence of romp fat by feel. Bony structures of back andloin not prominent. Shoulders well fleshed.

7. An average moose with no evidence ofromp fat, but well fleshed. Bony structures ofback and loin evident by feel. Shoulders with some angularity.

6. A moderately fleshed moose beginning to demonstrate one of the following conditions:(A) definition of neck from shoulders; (B) upper foreleg (humerous and musculature)distinct from chest; or (C) rib cage prominent.

s. A condition in which two ofthe characteristics listed in Class 6 are evident.

4. A condition in which all three of the characteristics listed in Class 6 are evident.

3. A condition in which the hide fits loosely about neck and shoulders. Head is carried at alower profile. Walking and running postures appear nonnal.

2. Signs ofmalnutrition are obvious. The outline of the scapula is evident. Head and neckare low and extended. The moose walks nonnally but trots and paces with difficulty, andcannot canter.

1. A point ofno return. A generalized appearance ofweakness. The moose walks withdifficulty and can no longer trot, pace or canter.

o. Dead.


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Table 2. Body condition scoring system modified from Cook et aI. (2001), used to assess thecondition offree-ranging adult moose during winters 2002-03 (19 females, 18 males) and2003-04 (10 females, 4 males), northeastern Minnesota.






Sacral ridge, ilium, ischium are virtually discernible.

Sacral ridge is discernible from ilium approximately midway to base of tail. Ischium andsacro-sciatic ligament are discernible.

Entire sacral ridge is discernible, but not prominent.

Sacral ridge is prominent to base of tail.

Sacral ridge, ilium, ischium, tuber coxae, and sacro-sciatic ligament (entire top of rump)are prominent.



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Table 3. Mean <± SE) maximum rump fat (Maxfat) thickness measured by portableultrasonography, and body condition scores (Franzmann's condition classification [FCC]and rump portion of body condition scoring system [DCS,l modified from Cook et aL 2001)offree-ranging adult moose during winters 2002-03 (19 females, 18 males) and 2003-04 (11females,S males), northeastern Minnesota" Range of values occurs in parentheses.

Sex Maxfat (cm) FCC DCS,

Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE

Winter 2002-03

Females I.7b 0.24 7.4 0.4 3.6 0.2(0-3.8) (3.0-10.0) (2.0-4.5)

Males l.5b 0.20 7.0 0.3 3.2 0.1(0.3-2.6) (4.0-9.0) (2.0-4.3)

Winter 2003-04

Females 2.9' 0.42 7.8 0.3 4.1d 0.2(1.5-4.6) (5.0-9.0) (3.0-5.0)

Males 1.1' 0.38 6.2 0.8 3.1 d 0.3(0.6-2.6) (4.0-8.0) (2.5-4.0)

"Descriptions of the FCC and BCS, systems are provided in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.bn ~ 16 for females and males due to temporary malfunctioning of portable ultrasound.'n ~ 7 and 5 for females and males, respectively, due to unavailability of portable ultrasound.dn ~ 10 and 4 for females and males, respectively; assessor did not have access to moose.


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-..Table 4. Qualitative condition assessment according to Franzmann's conditionclassification" of free-ranging adult moose during winters 2002-03 (19 females, 18 males)and 2003-04 (11 females, 5 males), northeastern Minnesota.


"A description of Franzmann's condition classification is provided in Table I.

Franzmann's Condition Score















7::;x<8 ::;6(Good) (Fair-Poor)





>8(Very Good)

Percent of total

Winter 2002-03

Percent of totalWinter 2003-04

Number ofmoose

Number of moose

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Daniel J. Martini, John D. Erb, Brock R. McMillan I , John R. Fieberg, and Thomas A. Gorman l

Background and Justification

The river otter (Lontra canadensis) is a semi-aquatic member of the family Mustelidae and isindigenous to the state of Minnesota. Over the past century, populations of river otter declinednationwide due to environmental degradation (including drainage and pollution of wetlands) andunregulated trapping (Nowak 1999). Recently, however, river otter numbers have increasedthroughout much of their original range in North America (Miller 1992, Serfass et al. 1993,Chilelli et al. 1996). This rebound can be attributed to successful reintroduction programs,increased legal protection of river otters and their habitat, and more effective management(Melquist and Dronkert 1987, Chilelli et al. 1996, Raesly 2001).

Due to previous low abundance, otter harvest has been prohibited in the southern halfon MN.However, based on anecdotal evidence (e.g., non-target capture by trappers), it appears thatabundance of river otters has been increasing in southeastern Minnesota for some time.Though otter numbers appear to have increased in southeastern Minnesota, otter habitat insouthern Minnesota is less extensive and more isolated compared to northern Minnesota. This,combined with moderate fecundity, suggests river otter distribution and abundance in southernMinnesota could be more affected by negative environmental impacts and over-harvest (Tabor andWight 1977, Melquist and Dronkert 1987, Nowak 1999, Erb and DePerno 2001).

The ability to detect trends in abundance of river otters will enable improved management andconservation of this species in Minnesota. In addition, the Convention on the International Tradeof Endangered Flora and Fauna (CITES) agreement requires countries that export otter pelts tomonitor their populations (CITES 1973). Methods for monitoring trends in abundance of riverotter have historically focused on harvest data or latrine surveys (Reid et al. 1987, ChileIii et al.1996). However, indices based on harvest data may be inaccurate due to compounding economiceffects (e.g., increase in price paid for pelts) and trapper behavior, while latrine surveys can betime-intensive and subject to low and variable detection rates (Kronk and Comoy 1987,Romanowski et al. 1996).

Various forms of aerial snow-track (AST) surveys have successfully been used to monitorpopulations of other furbearer species, including the gray wolf (Canis lupus), coyote (Canislatrans), marten (Martes americana), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis), andothers (Golden 1994, Becker et al. 1998, Squires 2002, Anthony et al. 2002). AST surveys allowthe coverage oflarge areas in a short amount of time relative to alternative methods. Because riverotters primarily inhabit aquatic ecosystems, restricting survey routes to these systems shouldoptimize efficacy of the survey as compared with similar surveys for other

'Dept. ofBio!. Sci., MSU; 242 Trafton Science Center S.; Mankato, MN 56001.


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furbearer species. In addition, river otters traveling on snow often leave tracks that are easilydistinguishable from sign of other species. These factors, combined with a climate thatconsistently produces adequate snowfall, further warrant testing of an AST survey for monitoringtrends in population size ofriver otters in Minnesota.

In addition to helping understand sources of within-year variability in AST surveys, monitoring themovement and activity patterns of river otters may help refine protocol for operational use of thesurvey. Several standards, including the definition of days since snowfall and the independence ofriver otter sign, will be evaluated based on the timing, distribution, and intensity of river otteractivity. Furthermore, information describing the spatial ecology of river otters should improvethe quality of decisions affecting management of both river otters and their habitat.


AST Surveys: For snow-track surveys to be comparable through time, it is important that variationin abilities ofdetecting river otter sign among observers is small. In addition, quantifYing othersources of variability (e.g., differences among survey routes, date of survey, days since snowfall)within a winter will improve standardization and maximize the ability to detect multi-annual trendsin abundance. Thus, our primary objectives are to quantifY within-year variability caused bydifferent observers, date of survey, and days since snow. We will also evaluate how the spatialscale of data recording influences measures of variability, and thus which scale or metric (totaltrack areas, proportion of blocks with sign, etc) is most desirable as a trend indicator. The indexwill be based initially on data collected during preliminary surveys conducted in 2001-2002 (Erband DePerno 2001) and subsamples from 2003-2004 surveys. Relations among survey variableswill then be compared for similarity to additional survey data collected in the 2004 winter.

Activity Patterns: Descriptions of activity patterns of river otters will enable managers to evaluateseasonal habitat requirements and spatial relations between conspecifics. This information willalso be helpful for standardizing spatial parameters of the AST survey design. We will determinediel activity patterns ofriver otters in all seasons and in relation to ambient environment conditions(e.g., various weather parameters), habitat characteristics, and their sympatric relationships.

Study Area

The study area is located in the Paleozoic Plateau of southeast Minnesota, a subunit of the EasternBroadleafForest ecosystem. This includes the Bluft1ands area along the western edge of theSouthern Mississippi River Basin, which consists of a loess-capped plateau furrowed with rivervalleys (MN DNR Ecological Services). AST survey routes were flown over the Zumbro andWhitewater Rivers, and two sections of the Mississippi River (Fig. I). Radio-marked river ottersused for determining activity patterns are located throughout the study area. A sub-sample ofriverotters from the Whitewater River Valley was used to determine movement patterns.



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AST Surveys: Aerial snow-track surveys were conducted from a Bell OH-58A+ helicopter.Although more expensive than a fixed-wing aircraft, a helicopter was used because of increasedvisibility (e.g. larger windows), speed control (sustained stable flight at low speeds), andmaneuverability. Each observer was required to have a minimum of 3 hours of training indetection of river otter sign in snow from an aircraft prior to participation in the study. During2002, observers were trained by conducting AST surveys over the Mississippi River Valley andthe Minnesota River Valley

Global Positioning System (GPS) waypoints were collected directly above permanent visuallandmarks in order to delineate AST survey routes (Fig. I). On routes along the Mississippi River,additional waypoints were recorded as necessary in order to locate redirections in the survey flightpath. Because the flight paths were restricted to the main channels, only beginning and endwaypoints were recorded on smaller rivers (i.e., the Whitewater and Zumbro Rivers).

Variability among observers was determined using 2 or 3 different observers individuallysurveying the same routes on the same day. In order to negate bias from prior observations, thehelicopter pilot was neither involved in observation nor confirmation of river otter sign in 2003.Several environmental factors, such as cloud cover, were recorded for each survey in order to testtheir potential impacts on observer variability. Weather permitting, aerial snow-track surveys wereflown after snowfalls greater than 2.5 cm in depth, and from 1-4 days after a snowfall. Locationof river otter sign was recorded using a Gannin ISO Global Positioning System (GPS), and anysign observed >5 seconds (flight time) from the previous recorded sign was logged. Integratedvariation in the standardized speed limits and altitude for each survey route was a necessarycompromise between effective viewing distance, safety, and tortuosity of a given river (Table I).

With respect to conditions necessary for flight and recording of otter sign, AST surveys flown in2004 followed the 2003 protocol. In addition, both the pilot and recorder were simultaneousobservers in 2004. This change was made in order to refine and test future operational protocol.All survey flight speeds and altitudes were standardized to control for possible variability in thesurveys caused by dissimilar flight speeds and altitudes set during 2003 flights (Table 1). Also, therelative role ofeach observer (pilot plus main observer) was documented for each survey route bymarking which observer first located each otter activity area.

Movement and Activity Patterns: River otters were captured and tagged with a radio-transmitter asdescribed by Erb and DePerno (200I). Radio-tracking was performed using an ATS ChallengerModel R400 radio telemetry receiver with a 3-element Yagi hand-held antenna. River otters wererelocated via triangulation using 2:2 azimuths recorded within a gO-minute period when possible.Each river otter was relocated between 2 and 6 times during a 6-hour tracking session. Trackingsessions were conducted based on a randomized, stratified-block sampling design (Table 2).

All individual river otters marked in the Whitewater River and McCarthy Lake State WildlifeManagement Area were included in the sample. Activity of an individual river otter wasdetermined as either active or inactive based on variation in signal cutout during individuallocations attempts. Two estimators of activity were used to determine activity patterns, 1) thedistance covered (movement) during the diel period (an indirect measure), and 2) the percentage offtxes (i.e., location attempts) coinciding with activity (a direct measure).


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AST Surveys: Sixty AST surveys were conducted among 4 survey routes from 15 January-IIMarch 2003 (Table 4). Final analysis of this data has not been completed. Preliminary resultssuggest that variability among observers was low compared to variation between days aftersnowfall and among sites (see Fig. 2 for example from survey on Whitewater River). Cloud coverappears to have the greatest impact on variability among observers. Twenty-three AST surveyswere flown on 6 dates during winter 2004 (Table 5); no results are available at this time.

Activity Patterns: Seven radio-implanted river otters were tracked in the Whitewater River Valley, andtwo were tracked in the McCarthy State Wildlife Management Area to determine movement patterns(Table 4). River otters were radio-tracked for over 650 hours between I June 2002 and 31 October2003 (Table 3). Most tracking sessions to determine movement patterns involved between 2 and 6locations of the river otters. Based on a direct measure of activity, river otters in the WhitewaterValley appear to be active primarily at night, but also show relatively high levels of activity duringmorning and evening hours in winter months (Fig. 3).

Preliminary analysis includes 7 individual river otters that were radio-tracked during October 2002­February 2003 (Table 2). These otters were radio-tracked for a total >281 hours over 53 trackingsessions in winter months. We ran an ANOVA and found no significant difference (p=0.503) amongmean activity levels ofriver otters. Therefore, we grouped all otters prior to running the full-factorialmodel. The remaining factors included in the model were: sun (i.e., photoperiod), month, and time­block. These factors and their interactions were all significant at a=O:05.

The following mean activity values are the mean percentage of fixes active for each factor, and theassociated standard deviation (s.d.). Mean activity was 32% (s.d.=30%), 63% (s.d.=29%), 58%(s.d.=34%), and 79% (s.d.=26%) for diurnal, evening crepuscular, morning crepuscular, and nocturnaltracking blocks, respectively. Mean activity for each month was: October=58% (s.d.=39%),November=58% (s.d.=33%), December=51% (s.d.=27%), January=58% (s.d.=30%), andFebruary=65% (s.d.=39%). Mean activity for sun phase was: Down=71% (s.d.=29%), Up=38%(s.d.=33%), Rising=62% (s.d.=27%), Falling=54% (s.d.=30%).

Discussion and Future Plans

AST Surveys: Further statistical analysis will be conducted to summarize the influence ofobserver,days since snowfall, date, and weather conditions on survey data and index values. In addition, wewill determine how much variability changes when varying the size of the sample 'block' forrecording track presence/absence. This information will provide the basis for further developmentof a sampling design and an index with the greatest potential to detect changes in numbers of riverotter. We will continue AST survey flights in winter 2005. Exact protocol has yet to bedetermined, but may include preliminary evaluation of fitting occupancy models (MacKenzi et aI.2002, 2003) to snow track surveys along transects.

Activity Patterns: River otters were most active during nocturnal and crepuscular hours, and alsowhen the sun was down or during the hour of sunrise or sunset. Mean diel activity of otters waslowest in December as compared to other survey months. Further analysis of environmentalmeasures may provide a more complete explanation of this result.



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Location estimates from recorded azimuths will be generated using program Locate II and furtherspatial analysis will be completed using ESRI ArcView. In order to determine factors thatpotentially affect diel activity and movement patterns of river otters, we will examine: Julian date,biological season (Table 3), hour of day (Table 2), mean hourly surface temperature, mean hourlywater temperature, mean daily precipitation, mean hourly barometric pressure, moon phase, snowdepth, river water level, sex of river otter, and age-class of river otter. Movement patterns will beanalyzed by comparing maximum, minimum, range, standard deviation, and mean distance movedby individuals, social groups, and demographic groups (i.e., sex and age-class) of river otters, aswell as turning angles and tortuosity of movement paths (Turchin 1998). Activity levels estimatedwith movement patterns (indirect activity estimate) for each river otter will be compared to directmeasures in order to determine the sensitivity of these methods for estimating activity patterns.


The authors would like to thank J. Lopez, G. Sargeant, M. Sovada, C. DePerno, J. Fieberg, J.Giudice, J. Krenz, and R. Engeman for providing ideas, feedback, and/or logistical support.Special thanks to B. Maas and M. Trenholm, whose expertise in piloting the helicopter allowed forsafe completion of the AST surveys. We appreciate the efforts ofM. Fischer and S. Gappa fortheir help in capturing river otters for this study. The Water Resources Center at Minnesota StateUniversity, Mankato, allowed use of their GIS lab, and C. Berg provided invaluable guidance withthe GIS. We are also grateful to J. Cole, J. McIntire, and other staff at Whitewater State WildlifeManagement Area for their continued support. The project was funded by the MinnesotaDepartment ofNatural Resources.

Literature Cited

Anthony, M., H. Golden, N. Guldager, R. Skinner, E. Becker, J. Burch, W. Erickson, K. Fox, P.Ladegard, and B. Strauch. Development and testing of aerial videography techniques tomonitor furbearer populations. Interagency Collaborative Project Report. 18 October2002.

Becker, E. F., M. A. Spindler, and T. O. Osborne. 1998. A population estimator based on networksampling of tracks in the snow. The Journal of Wildlife Management 62:968-977.

Chilelli, M. B., Griffith, and D. J. Harrison. 1996. Interstate comparisons of river otter harvestdata Wildlife Society Bulletin 24:238-246.

CITES. 1973. Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Flora and Fauna, Appendix11. mCN. 3 March 1973.

Erb, J. and C. DePerno. 2001. Research proposal: river otter population and habitat ecology inSouthern Minnesota. Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources, Farmland WildlifePopulations and Research, Madelia, Minnesota, USA.

__, B. Berg, M. DonCarlos, and C. DePerno. 2000. River otter population monitoring insouthern Minnesota in Summaries of Wildlife Research Findings 1999 (A. Berner et al.,eds.). Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources, Wildlife Populations and ResearchUnit - Report 1999:45-54, 2000.


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (110)

Golden, H. N. 1994. Furbearer Track Count Index Testing and Development. Alaska DepartmentofFish and Game Division of Wildlife Conservation, Study 7.17 Technical Report.

Kronk, H., and J. W. H. Conroy. 1987. Surveying otter Lutra lutra populations: a discussion ofproblems with spraints. Biological Conservation 41:179-183.

MacKenzie, D. J., J. D. Nichols, G. B. Lachman, S. Droege, J. A. Royle, and C. A. Langtimm.2002. Estimating site occupancy when detection probabilities are less than one.Ecology 83:2248-2255.

MacKenzie, D. J., 1. D. Nichols, 1. E. Hines, M. G. Knutson, and A. B. Franklin. 2003. Estimatingsite occupancy, colonization, and local extinction when a species is detected imperfectly,Ecology 84: 2200-2207.

Melquist, W. E., and A. E. Dronkert. 1987. River otter. Pages 627-641 in Wild furbearermanagement and conservation in North America.

Miller, M. C. 1992. Reintroduction ofriver otters into Great Smoky Mountains National Park.Thesis, University of Tennessee. 70 p.

Nowak, R. M. 1999. New world river otters. p 740-741 in Walker's Mammals of the World, 6th

edition. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Raesly, E. J. 2001. Progress and status ofriver otter reintroduction projects in the United States.Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:856-862.

Reid, D. G., M. B. Bayer, T. E. Code, and B. McLean. 1987. A possible method for estimatingriver otter, Lutra Canadensis, populations using snow tracks. Canadian Field-Naturalist101 :576-580.

Romanowski, J., M. Brzezinski, and J. P. Cygan. 1996. Notes on the technique of the otter fieldsurvey. Acta Theriologica 41:199-204.

Serfass, T. 1., R. 1. Peper, M. T. Whary, and R. P. Brooks. 1993. River otter (Lutra canadensis)reintroduction in Pennsylvania: prerelease care and clinical evaluation. Journal of Zooand Wildlife Medicine 24:28-40.

Squires, J. R. Snow-tracking protocol used to delineate lynx populations. USDA Forest Service,Rocky Mountain Research Station Technical Report. January 2002.

Tabor, J. E., and H. M. Wight. 1977. Population status of river otter in western Oregon. TheJournal of Wildlife Management 41 :692-699.

Turchin, P. 1998. Quantitative analysis of movement: measuring and modeling populationredistribution in animals and plants. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts,U.SA.



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Table 2. Stratified-block sampling scheme used for tracking of river otters via radio­telemetry in southeastern Minnesota.

Table 1. Altitude and flight-speed limit standards used during 2003 Aerial snow-tracksurveys. All surveys in 2004 were flown at 56-65 kph and the altitudes designated below.

Table 3. Biological seasons of river otters and number of tracking sessions completed to dateby time-block (1 Jnne 2002-8 May 2003; n = 78).





Ground-speed (kph)







16:00-21 :59



Altitude (m)

Lower Mississippi River

Whitewater River

Upper Mississippi River

Zumbro River

AST survey route

Morning Crepuscular


Evening Crepuscular



Birthing I breeding Pup-rearing Winter maintenance

Time-block 1 Mar.-31 May 1 June-IS Oct. 16 Oct.-29 Feb.

Morning Crepuscular 2 4 12

Diurnal 4 2 14

Evening Crepuscular 3 5 13

Nocturnal 5 2 12

Total 14 13 51



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Table 4. River otters radio-tracked to determine activity and movement patterns, with sex andage-class (at capture) listed for each.

Otter In Sex Age-class I

161 Male Yearling

347 Female Juvenile

505 Female Adult

757 Female Adult

827 Male Yearling

851 Male Adult

867 Female Adult

942 Male Adult

962 Male AdultI Juveniles < 1 yr., Yearlings =1-2 yr., Adults >2 yr.

Table 5. Number of observers that completed Aerial snow-track surveys by route and date,2003 (n = 60) and 2004 (n = 23).

ASTSurvey Route Days Since# Observers Lower Miss. Upper Miss. Whitewater Zumbro Snowfall

15 Jan. 2003 2 0 2 0 2

29 Jan. 2003 3 0 3 0 1

30 Jan. 2003 3 3 3 0 2

7 Feb. 2003 2 1 2 1 2

8 Feb. 2003 3 3 3 3 3

4 Mar. 2003 2 2 1 2 1

5 Mar. 2003 3 3 1 3 2

11 Mar. 2003 2 2 0 2 3

29 Jan. 2004 1 1 1 1 2

3 Feb. 2004 1 1 1 1 1

4 Feb. 2004 1 1 1 1 2

21 Feb. 2004 1 1 1 1 1

6 Mar. 2004 1 1 1 1 1

9 Mar. 2004 1 1 1 0 I

Total 26 20 21 16



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AST Survey Routes

....... Lower Mississippi

lili--iii Upper Mississippi

.......... Whitewater

....... Zumbro

Location Map

Prepartd (or the~tsohlntpartmaatofN1Iturlill Rnourcn (DNR).Rh'erOtter Project Update, AprD 2003.ESRI ArcVkw 3.1

GIS D8ta Sourai: MinnesotaDNR24K StreaJnsodUSDIUSFWSNatlonlll·Wttlaadi InVCDtflI'y.

CooptratOn:Mlnnclota DNRanltMlnnuota StateUnlvfl"sity, Mankato.




Figure 1. Aerial Snow-track survey routes used to survey for sign of river otters insoutheastern Minnesota, 2003-2004.


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Figure 3. Mean diel activity pattern of river otters in southeastern Minnesota, 16 October2002-28 February 2003. Over 280 hours tracking data was used for this analysis.

a. Arrows designate the heginning of each time-block.b. Horizontal bars designate the beginning and end of snnlight; long bar represents the longest day

dnring the study period, short bar represents the shortest day during the study period.c. Error bars are 1 S.E.








tOO 'l

gO 'l

80 'l

~ 70 'l

III 60 'lII)

~ 50 'l

f#. 40 'l

iII) 30 'l~

20 'l

to 'l

O'l<> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <><> <> <> <> <> "! <> <> <>0 '" ". <0 <Xl <> '" ". <Xl

lime hr~


60 -B-Obs.2"C ~Obs.3 .-A~50

------8'...J 40Q.

.......-::: :.-tEr ------~ 30

" ili'"'-~

:.'l20:::;; \


01 2 3

Days Since Snowfall

Figure 2. Example ofDays Since Snowfall effect on Mean # Waypoints logged, by observer forthe Whitewater route. Number of river otter sigu recorded by observers varies more amongDSS than among Observers. As expected, the number of river otter sigu recorded is positivelycorrelated with DSS. Note that 1 DSS is adequate for conducting surveys.

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Thomas A. Gormanl, John D. Erb, Brock R. McMillan1, Christopher S. DePerno,

and Daniel 1. Martin I.


River otters (Lontra canadensis) are a top-predator in aquatic ecosystems (Ben David et al.2001) and a valuable furbearer species (Melquist and Hornocker 1983). River otter populationsin many regions ofNorth America experienced a population decline, likely caused byanthropogenic factors such as land use changes, unregulated harvest, and water pollution(Nilsson 1980, Towell and Tabor 1982, Melquist and Dronkert 1987, Raesly 2001). River otterpopulations may be slow to recover from impacts, partly a result of relatively low natality.Improvements in water quality, habitat management, population monitoring, and successfulreintroduction programs, have contributed to the recovery of river otters across much of theirhistorical range (Raesly 2001). The recovery of populations of river otter across their historicrange may have strong implications for a rebound in proper ecosystem function in both terrestrialand aquatic systems (Bowyer et al. 2003).

River otters are indigenous to Minnesota and were historically distributed statewide (Swanson etal. 1945). The river otter was an unprotected species in Minnesota prior to 1917, at which pointthe species received complete protection. In 1943, limited trapping began and was legal in onlythree years until 1953, at which point a two-week, annual season was implemented in thenorthern portion of Minnesota (Landwehr 1985). The southern region of the state has remainedclosed to legal harvest. The protected status of river otter in the southern half of Minnesota hascontributed to an increase of the population in the region (Erb and DePerno 2000), though thisincrease appears to have been slow. Survival estimates and determination of cause-specificmortality are essential to determine specific factors that may limit population growth (White andBurnham 1999) and to adequately manage wildlife populations (White and Garrot 1990).

River otters have few natural predators, with most mortalities a result of anthropogenic factorssuch as car collisions and trapping (Melquist 2003). The river otter's piscivorous diet mayexpose populations to indirect mortality agents as a result ofwater pollution (Ben David et al.2001). Diseases may also contribute to mortality, but are not thought to be a major factor(Melquist and Dronkert 1987, Melquist 2003).

Home range estimates are used to understand the organization of animals through space and time(Kernohan et al. 2001) and provide information on the spatial needs of river otters (Kernohan etal. 200I). Otter are typically more social than other mustelids (Melquist and Dronkert 1987).Thus, knowledge about individual home range characteristics will assist in describing homerange overlap between individuals, spatial requirements, site fidelity, and resource use for otterin southern Minnesota

1 Dept. ofBioI. Sci., MSU; 242 Trafton Science Center S.; Mankato, MN 56001


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The objectives of this study were to determine the influence of age, sex, and season on survival,cause-specific mortality, home range characteristics, and habitat selection ofriver otters insoutheastern Minnesota.


This study was conducted along the Mississippi River drainage in Winona and Wabasha Countiesin southeast Minnesota (Figure I). The majority of the research was performed on the McCarthyLake Wildlife Management Area (MWMA), Whitewater Wildlife Management Area (WWMA),and the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge (UMNWFR). Also, thebackwaters of the Mississippi River and the major tributaries (i.e., primarily the Zumbro River andthe Whitewater River) which flow into the Mississippi River from the west were included in thestudy area.

The topography of the study area was predominantly bluftlands with as much as 183 meters ofrelief. The bluftlands are a bedrock plateau covered with a windblown layer of silt that has beensignificantly eroded by rivers. Historically, the study area was dominated by black oak (Quercusvelutina), jack pine (Pinus banksiana), shagbark hickory (Carya ovata), and American basswood(Tilia americana) on poorly drained slopes; red oak (Quercus rubra), American basswood, andblack walnut (Juglans nigra) in the deep valleys; and tallgrass prairie on the ridges and in the driervalleys.

Annually southeast Minnesota receives 87.8 cm ofprecipitation with an annual mean temperatureof 8.0 0 C, a mean minimum annual temperature of2.80 C and a mean maximum annualtemperature of 13.1 0 C (Garoogian 2001).


Animal Capture and Monitoring

River otters were captured in fall and spring beginning in fall 200 I and ending in fall 2003. Allhandling procedures were approved by the Minnesota State University, Mankato InstitutionalAnimal Care and Use Committee. Otter trapping occurred at areas with a high-intensity of use,such as crossover trails (e.g., trails traveling across land between two bodies ofwater) and latrinesites. Sleepy Creek® #11 double-jawed foothold traps (Sleepy Creek Manufacturing, BerkleySprings, WV) were used to capture otters (Shirley et al. 1983, Blundell et alI999). After an otterwas captured it was transferred from the trap to a transport tube, and taken to Plainview VeterinaryClinic for surgical implantation ofa radio transmitter (Models: 1245 2-stage, 1250 2-stage, 12503­stage; Advanced Telemetry Systems, Inc.(ATS), Isanti, MN).

Prior to surgery, otters were administered a combined intramuscular injection ofketamine (X =

16.77 mg/kg) and xylazine (X = 10.20 mg/kg). The radio transmitters were surgically implantedinto the peritoneal cavity through a paralumbar incision. While under anesthesia, an upperpremolar was extracted for aging by cementum annuli (Kuehn and Berg 1984), and a blood samplewas drawn for DNA and toxicology analysis. Sex, weight, head circumference, chestcircumference, length of right hind foot, total body length, condition and wear of teeth, and overall




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body condition were recorded. Otters were ear tagged with number 1 monel ear tags and webtagged with number 3 monel web tags (National Band and Tag Company, Newport, KY). Tominimize infection the otters received 2cc oflong acting penicillin, 1cc of baytril, and 2cc ofclostridium anti-toxin. Otters were allowed to naturally recover from anesthesia, and werereleased at the site of capture within 6 to 74 hours.

River otters were radio-tracked 2 days per week from the ground using an ATS R4000 scanningreceiver and a three-element Vagi antenna via triangulation and homing methods. Triangulationwas conducted using ~ 2 bearings from known locations within 15 minutes. Locations obtainedusing triangulation data were analyzed using Locate II (Narns 1990). Also, radio tracking wasconducted at approximately 7-10 day intervals via Cessna Skylane 182 equipped with a four­element Yagi antenna on each wing. Locations of river otters were collected during all seasons forthe duration of the study.


Cause specific mortality was determined for all animals within 48 hours of the mortality, exceptfor one juvenile female that was located 89 days after the previous location. This animal hadmoved a considerable distance from the study area and was not located for several fights. Anecropsy was performed by a licensed veterinarian if the cause of death of each otter was notobvious from field observations.


We used Program MARK (White and Burnham 1999) to model factors that influenced survivaland then used these models to estimate survival on the study area. We a priori selected 9 models(Table I) that we felt were the most biologically relevant to river otter survival on our study area.Models were based on age, sex, and seasonal parameters. Otters were placed in 1 of 4 age and sexclasses; adult male (males> 2 years old), adult females (females> 2 years old), sub-adult males(males < 2 years old), and sub-adult females (females < 2 years old). Seasons were establishedbased on biological and managerial considerations. We used an information theoretic approachusing Akaike's Information Criteria (AlC) to examine the relative strength ofeach model. Themodel with the lowest AlC value was considered the model with the best balance betweenstatistical parsimony and goodness of fit for the empirical data. We calculated AlC corrected forsmall sample size (AlCc). Based on guidelines established by Burnham and Anderson (2002) weassumed that models with '" AlCc values < 2.0 represented a model with relative support. Modelaveraging was used to estimate survival for each group.

Home ranges

We estimated annual 95% home ranges and 50% core areas using a fixed kernel estimator withleast squares cross validation. Home ranges and core areas were calculated for animals with > 35locations over> 4 months of tracking. Fixed kernel home ranges and core areas were estimatedusing Animal Movements extension (Hooge and Eichenlaub 1997) in ArcView 3.3 (EnvironmentalSystems Research Institute, Inc., Redlands, CA).


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We captured 39 river otters 42 times (20 females; 19 males) (Table 2). The number of ottercaptured per 100 trap nights decreased two-fold from 1.2 otter captured per 100 trap-nights in Fall2001 to 0.57 otter captured per 100 trap-nights in Fall 2003 (Figure 2). We monitored survival ofriver otters over a 2 year period from April 2002 through March 2004, and recorded a total of 403river otter-months during this period.


The main causes of river otter mortality on the study area were from human related activities(Table 3). We encountered a total of9 mortalities of which, incidental captures by fur-harvesterswas the primary cause and resulted in 6 deaths (Table 3). One animal was killed after it was stuckby an automobile, I animal died from an infection, which was attributed to natural causes, and 1animal died from unknown causes (Table 3).


There were three models that had ll. AlCc values :s 2, and therefore warrant further explanation(Table 3). The sex model received the greatest amount of support from the empirical data (ll. AlCc

= 0.0, Wi = 0.38) relative to the a priori selected group ofmodels. This model represented acomparison between male and female survival and did not include an effect of time or age. Thesecond highest ranking model (ll. AlCc = 1.26, Wi = 0.20), Trapping*Sex, represented a 2-seasonyear and highlighted the influence of the trapping season versus the non-trapping season as aninfluence on otter survival and the interaction of this season on otter sex. The next model in the set(A AlCc = 2.02, W; = 0.14), was the same as the previous model except with out the sexinteraction. The sex parameter had an effect size of 0.68, which was 1.5 times greater than theeffect size of the 2-season trapping parameter, and 3.6 times greater than age parameter. However,because the other 6 models accounted for 0.36 ofthe model weights we chose to model average toestimate the sex and age specific survival. Survival of sub-adult females (8 = 0.709, 8E = 0.132)was similar to adult females (S = 0.733, 8E = 0.122), but was lower than sub-adult males (8 =0.891, SE = 0.088) and adult males (8 = 0.889, SE = 0.086; Figure 3) when estimated on an annualbasis.

Home ranges

From 1 June 2002 through 31 May 2003 we collected 1480 locations on 19 individuals (X =77.9/individual; range = 46 - 103/ individual). Fixed kernel core areas of females (X = 176.26ha,SE = 70.30ha, n = 9) on average were smaller than males (X = 395.67ha, 8E = 142.65ha, n = 10)(Figure 4), but there was a large amount ofvariation in the sizes of core areas for both groups.Likewise, home ranges were also smaller for females (X=1134.56ha, SE = 320.97ha, n = 9) thanfor males (X = 2862.43ha, SE = 1078.64ha, n = 10; Figure 4) but there was also a large amount ofvariability.



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Using our survival data, and previously reported natality estimates from northern Minnesota (n =

267 carcasses) and Wisconsin (n = 787 carcasses), we will evaluate population growth in the studysite using a Leslie population matrix. Parameter sensitivity and elasticity will be examined tobetter understand factors contributing to population fluctuations.

Estimated locations from triangulation data, homing, and aerial telemetry from the second year ofdata collection (ending in May 2004) will be combined to estimate home ranges for eachindividual otter using the fixed kernel estimator. Fixed kernel home ranges will be estimated usingthe same methods as described above. Spatial overlap between otters will be examined usingpermutation tests in Blossom Statistical Software (Cade and Richards 2001). Individual otteroverlap will be investigated between season, sex, and age. We will also investigate home rangefidelity for animals that were tracked for the entirety of the study.

We will examine habitat selection at the second order, or landscape scale, and at the third order, orhome range scale (Johnson 1980). For these analyses, we will compare used locations to a randomset of locations using a logistic regression approach (Manly et al. 2002). Variables incorporatedwill focus on diversity of wetland types, stream characteristics, and type and amount of edge.ArcView 3.3 will be used to quantify habitat features for both random and observed locations atboth spatial scales.


We thank the Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources, United States Fish and WildlifeService, and Minnesota State University, Mankato, for supporting this research. We thank M.Fischer, S. Gappa, J. Homyack, and J. McIntire for field assistance. We thank D. Carpenter, B.Maas, M. Trenholm, and J. Heineman for their aerial telemetry expertise, and Dr. Mike Morath forsurgically implanting otters with radio transmitters. We thank J. Fieberg, J. Giudice, and J.Homyack for their statistical assistance, and R. Wright for GIS assistance. We thank the personnelat Whitewater Wildlife Management Area and the Winona District United States Fish and WildlifeService office for all of their cooperation and assistance.


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Blundell, G. M., J. W. Kern, R. T. Bowyer, and 1. K. Duffy. 1999. Capturing river otter:a comparison of Hancock and leg-hold traps. Wildlife Society Bulletin27:184-192.


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Bowyer, R. T., G. M. Blundell, M. Ben-David, S. C. Jewett, T. A. Dean, and 1. K. Duffy.2003. Effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on river otters: Injury and recovery of a sentinelspecies. Wildlife Monographs. 153:1-53.

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Cade, B. S., and J. D. Richards. 2001. User Manual for Blossom Statistical Software.Midcontinent Ecological Science Center, U. S. Geological Survey, Fort Collins, CO.

Erb, J. D., and C. S. DePerno. 2000. Distribution and relative abundance of river otter insouthern Minnesota. Pages 19-26 in B. Joselyn (ed.), Summaries of Wildlife ResearchFindings. Section of Wildlife, Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources, St. Paul, MN.

Garoogian, D., editor. 2000. Weather America: a thirty year summary of statistical weather dataand rankings. Grey House Publishing, Inc., Millertown, NY.

Hooge, P. N., and B. Eichenlaub. 1997. Animal movement extension to ArcView. version1.1. Alaska Science Center - Biological Science Office, U.S. Geological Survey,Anchorage, AK.

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Kernohan, B. J., R. A. Gitzen, and J. J. Millspaugh. 2001. Analysis of animal space useand movements. Pages 125-166 in J. J. Millspaugh and J. M. Marzluff(eds.), RadioTracking and Animal Populations. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

Kuehn, D. W. and W. E. Berg. 1983. Use of radiographs to age otters. Wildlife SocietyBulletin II :68-70.

Landwehr, T. J., compiler. 1985. A summary of Minnesota game regulations, harvests,and population statistics, 1858-1983. Unpublished Report. Section of Wildlife. MinnesotaDepartment ofNatural Resources. St. Paul, MN.

Manly, B. F. J, 1. 1. McDonald, D. 1. Thomas, T. 1. McDonald, and W. P. Erickson.2002. Resource Selection by Animals: Statistical Design and Analysis for Field Studies(2nd ed.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Melquist, W. E, P. J. Polechla Jr., and D. Toweill. 2003. River otter. Pages 708-734 In G. A.FeIdhamer, B.C. Thompson, and J. A. Chapman (eds.), Wild Manunals ofNorth America:Biology, Management, and Conservation, 2nd edition. Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore, MD.




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Melquist, W. E. and A. E. Dronkert. 1987. River otter. Pages 625-641 in M. Novak,J. A. Baker, M. E. Obbard, and B. Malloch (eds.), Wild Furbearer Managementand Conservation in North America Ontario Trappers Association.

Melquist, W. E. and M. G Hornocker. 1983. Ecology of river otters in west centralIdaho. Wildlife Monograph 83:1-60.

Nams, V. O. 1990. LOCATE II user's guide (version 1.82). Pacer, Truro, Nova Scotia,Canada.

Nilsson, G. 1980. River otter research workshop. Florida State Museum. 26 pp.Gainesville, FL.

Raesly, E. J. 2001. Progress and status ofriver otter reintroduction projects in the UnitedStates. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:856-862.

Shirley, M. G., R. G. Linscombe, and 1. R. Sevin. 1983. A live trapping and handlingtechnique for river otter. Proceedings of the Animal Conference for the SoutheastAssociation ofFish and Wildlife Agencies 37:182-189.

Swanson, G., T. Surber, and T. S. Roberts. 1945. The Mammals of Minnesota.Minnesota Department of Conservation Technical Bulletin No.2, St. Paul, MN.108pp.

Toweill, D. E., and J. E. Tabor. 1982. The northern river otter Lutra canadensis(Schreber). Pages 688-703 in J. A. Chapman and G. A. Feldharner (eds.), WildMammals ofNorth America. Johns Hopkins University. Press, Baltimore, MD.

White, G. C. and K. P. Burnham. 1999. Program MARK: Survival estimation frompopulations of marked animals. Bird Study 46 Supplement, 120-138.

White, G. C. and R. A. Garrot. 1990. Analysis of Wildlife Radio-Tracking Data.Academic Press, San Diego, CA.


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Table 2. Sex and age class of river otters captured during spring and faD trapping periods,2001 - 2003.

Table 1. Nine models used to assess factors influencing survival in southeastern Minnesota,2002 - 2004.


Male and femaleSub-adult and adultSex and age interactionLegal trapping season (November - May)Trapping season and sex interactionTrapping season and age interactionTrapping season with emphasis on Nov.Pup rearing, summer, and winterSex, age, and biological season interaction





Age Class




SexAgeSex*AgeTrappingTrapping*SexTrapping*AgeTrapping, NovemberBiological SeasonsGlobal


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Age ClassCause of Death Sub-adult Adult

Trapping 3F 3FRoad-kill 1MUnknown IFNatural IF

Table 4. The relative strength of evidence to support factors influencing survival of radio­marked river otters (Lontra canadensis) based on Akaike's Information Criterion (AlC), thechange in AlC (~AlCc),model weight (Wi)' and the numher of parameters in each model(K) for southeastern Minnesota, 2002-2004.

Model AlCc ~AlCc Wi K

Sex 78.50 0.00 0.38 2.0Trapping*Sex 79.76 1.26 0.20 3.0Trapping 80.52 2.02 0.14 2.0Sex*Age 81.22 2.72 0.12 4.0Trapping*Age 82.Q7 3.58 0.10 3.0Trapping, November 82.45 3.95 0.06 3.0Biological Seasons 82.73 4.23 0.05 3.0Age 83.86 5.37 0.03 2.0Saturated 303.25 224.76 0.00 101.0

---• Table 3. Cause-specific mortality of river otters in southeastern Minnesota, 2002-2004-....--•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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Figure 1. River otter study area in southeastern Minnesota, 2002 - 2004.




10 Kilometers505


StudyArea:,-..; Agriculture_ Bottomland Forest_Oeveloped_ Grassland

r'.~~ Marsh.~ Upland Forest_ Open Water

Unknownc::J Wabasha and Winona Counties

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Figure 2. Number of river otters captured/l00 trap nights during trapping events,beginning in fall 2001 and ending in fall 2003, in southeastern Minnesota.






°2g- 0.8..-0

0- 0.6~..~0






I;. I

··.·1 ..... ;.


.. . ...


Fall 2001 Spring 2002 Fal12002 Spring 2003 Fall 2003



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---1.0 ,--------------------------,

Figure 3. Annual survival and standard errors (SE) of 39 radio-marked river otters(Lontra canadensis) by sex and age class (adult males (males> 2 years old), adult females(females> 2 years old), sub-adult males (males < 2 years old), and sub-adult females(females < 2 years old» based on a 12-month average from a 26-month period insoutheastern Minnesota, April 2002- May 2004




Subadult AdultFemale Male

Sex and Age Class


~ 0.8'-'lr:n'-'lI.l

"'OJ.§'"'-'ltil 0.6>'E::lr:n


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Figure 4. Annual 95% fixed kernel home ranges and 50% core areas of male and femaleriver otters in Southeastern Minnesota, 2002 - 2003.





T~ t ..·.1I I

50% KernelCore Area


95% KernelHome Range






"...ro-u 2000"::r::





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David 1. Garshelis, Pamela 1. Coy and Karen V. Noyce

Since the summer of 1981, we have been conducting a telemetry-based study of black bears inthe Chippewa National Forest (CNF), near the center of the Minnesota bear range. Othersatellite bear projects were initiated in 1991 near the southern fringe of the Minnesota bear range(Camp Ripley Military Reservation and Pine County), and in 1997 in Voyageurs National Park(VNP), on the Canadian border. All but the Pine County study have been continued to date.

We routinely visited radiocollared bears once or twice in their winter dens (December - March),mainly to observe condition and reproduction, and also periodically checked their status (alive,dead, dispersed) during the active season (April- October). From 1981 through completion ofden visits in March 2003, a total of613 individual bears were handled in and around CNF, 74 atCamp Ripley, 71 at VNP, and 50 in Pine County. As of Apri12003, the start of the currentyear's work, we were monitoring 21 collared bears in the CNF, 9 at Camp Ripley, and 5 in VNP.

Principal objectives of this study include: (1) continued monitoring ofreproduction and cubsurvival, (2) additional (improved) measurements of body condition, heart function, and woundhealing, (3) examination of habitat use and movements with GPS telemetry, and (4) investigationof female dispersal near the southern fringe of the expanding bear range.


Trapping and Collaring

Trapping efforts this summer focused on capturing more female bears inhabiting lowlandhabitats in CNF and recapturing bears that had dropped radiocollars at Camp Ripley. We caught6 bears and collared 4 in CNF and collared 2 bears in Camp Ripley. Another collared bear waskilled during the hunting season outside Camp Ripley, and we caught and collared one ofherolphaned cubs.


We have been using collars containing both VHF radios and GPS units during the past few yearsto obtain more reliable data on movements and habitat use than obtainable with standard VHFcollars. Four GPS-eollared bears at Camp Ripley provided data this year, although 2 of theseconsisted ofjust a few months of information.

One GPS-collared adult male remained almost entirely within the bounds of Camp Ripley overthe course of the year, but he made routine excursions across the Mississippi River along theeastern boundary to visit birdfeeders in early spring and also made frequent visits to probablehunter bait sites outside Camp during the fall (Fig. I). He denned in Camp on November 9.Another adult male in this area, who had a GPS collar since late August, denned in Camp onOctober 12.



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A 2-year-old female, whose mother was a resident of the Camp, was caught outside of Campwhen she was visiting birdfeeders and coming up on decks of houses. Other young femalesmonitored during this study have rarely dispersed from the vicinity of their natal home range.We attached a GPS collar to monitor this bear's movements in relation to human developmentand possible further dispersal from Camp. Her home range was centered about 6 miles west ofCamp, straddling a 4-lane highway (Fig. 1). She crossed this highway a minimum of 31 timesduring a 4-month period; 75% of crossings were during 2000-0530 hours. This bear, pregnant inthe fall of 2003, denned on October 18, about Yo mile from a house.

One other uncollared bear, an ear-tagged 1-year-old male from Camp Ripley, also providednoteworthy movement data He was seen by a hunter 42 miles south of Camp Ripley inSeptember, 2003.


Legal hunting has been the predominant cause of mortality among radiocollared bears in thisstudy (>90%). In previous years hunters were encouraged to treat collared bears as they wouldany other bear so that the mortality rate of collared bears would be representative of thepopulation at large. With fewer collared bears left in the study, and the focus now primarily onreproduction rather than mortality, we sought to protect the remaining sample of bears. Weasked hunters not to shoot radiocollared bears, and we fitted these bears with bright orangecollars so hunters could more easily see them in dim light conditions. Nevertheless, 70f25(28%) collared bears from the CNF and 1 of 6 collared bears at Camp Ripley were shot byhunters.

In addition to these hunter-related mortalities, 1 young male from Camp Ripley was hit by a car32 miles north of its previous year's den site, and 2 adult females died of unknown causes. Thedeath of these 2 females was particularly puzzling, as natural mortalities of adult bears have beenexceedingly rare during this study. Unfortunately, when we located the carcasses of these 2bears, they were too decomposed to investigate causes of death; however, none of the boneswere broken suggesting that they were likely not struck by a vehicle, and a metal detector foundno evidence of them being shot.


Three CNF females produced their first litters in 2004; two were 4 years old and 1 was anunknown age (tooth not yet sectioned). Neither of the two collared 3-year-01ds in CNF producedcubs. Since the beginning of this study, 43% of 4-year-olds in the CNF have produced cubs (plus3% of3-year-olds). At Camp Ripley, where hard mast (especially oak) is more abundant, bearshave a somewhat earlier age of first reproduction than in CNF. This year, like last year, one oftwo 3-year-olds had cubs when we visited her den in March. The other 3-year-old had no cubspresent, but her manunae showed signs of having been suckled. A scat at her den site had cubclaws, indicating that she had consumed her litter. In VNP, all 5 collared adult bears failed toproduce in 2002, but did produce in 2003 and all were with yearlings this year (so wereunavailable to produce cubs).


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Litter size tends to be less responsive to food conditions than age of first reproduction. However,litter sizes in VNP, where food conditions are poorest, appear to be somewhat lower than in CNFand Camp Ripley (Tables 1-3). Litter size also appears to be most variable in VNP. Averagelitter size in CNF has remained stable at 2.6 cubs since the mid-I 980s.

We checked litters in their mother's den a year after they were born to assess cub mortality; weassume that all missing cubs died. Since 1981,83% ofcubs born to collared mothers in the CNFsurvived. Sample sizes were too small to compare yearly cub survival (Table I). Overall cubsurvival at Camp Ripley (75%; Table 2) was similar, but cub survival at VNP (67%; Table 3)was significantly lower than CNF (P = 0.04). This year's cub survival in VNP, however, was92% (12 of 13).

We have generally been unable to determine causes ofmortality of cubs because we did notcollar them. However, for the first time during this study, an eartagged cub from Camp Ripleywas reported struck and killed by a car.

Mortality of male cubs has averaged about twice that offemales in all areas (23% M vs 10% FinCNF; 33% M vs 17% F in Camp Ripley; 40% M vs 25% F in VNP). Sex ratios at birth wereskewed towards males in all areas (52-57%; Tables 1-3), so the higher cub mortality for malesresulted in a near 50:50 sex ratio among yearlings.

Heart Function and Wound Healing of Hibemating Bears

Since 2001 we have been collaborating on a study of heart function in hibernating bears with twoexperts in the field, Dr. Paul laizzio (University of Minnesota) and Dr. Tim Laske (Medtronic).We continued that work this year. Five bears were studied in December 2003 and then again inMarch 2004. Heart function was measured with ultrasound imaging and a 12-lead EKG.Although these bears were in deep hibernation, no differences were observed between Decemberand March in electrophysiological parameters. Heart rates showed a marginal increase (mean =

113 bpm to 129 bpm).

Tests ofwound healing were conducted by removing a plug of skin (-D.5 cm diameter) andsubsequently examining the healing process. In all cases, these wounds completely healed fromDecember to March, with no evident scarring.

Current Monitoring

After completion of den visits in spring 2004,35 bears (22 in CNF, 5 in Camp Ripley, 8 in VNP)were radiocollared, including 9 with GPS collars. These bears will be monitored for mortalityperiodically during the active season, and then tracked to their 2004-5 den sites.



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Figure 1. GPS locations of a 2-year-old female bear (bear 60) that illustrateher dispersal from her natal home range on Camp Ripley and her extensiveuse of both sides of a 4-lane highway and the movements of an adutt malebear (bear 64) that stayed predominantly within Camp Ripley boundaries.



2 0--


II BearOO... Bear64

f:;:,:,,:j Carrp Ripeyc::J Lakes and Rivers~ Restricted Areas

~ajo!Roads1'Y.41ane/\/2 lane

N County Roads

~: &L~Q">-'~~V~~~-J~<J



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~,--AOL--Table l. Black bear cubs examined in dens of radiocollared mothers in or near the ""'"-Chippewa National Forest during March, 1982B2004. -•

YearLitters No. of Mean % Male Mortality •checked cubs cubs/litter cubs after 1 yr' •

1982 4 12 3.0 67% 25% ••1983 7 17 2.4 65% 15% •1984 6 16 2.7 80% 0% •1985 9 22 2.4 38% 31% •1986 11 27 2.5 48% 17% •1987 5 15 3.0 40% 8% •

10% •1988 15 37 2.5 65% •1989 9 22 2.4 59% 0% •1990 10 23 2.3 52% 20% •1991 8 20 2.5 45% 25% •1992 10 25 2.5 48% 25% •1993 23 2.6 57% 19% •9 •1994 7 17 2.4 41% 29% •1995 13 38 2.9 47% 14% •1996 5 12 2.4 25% 25% •1997 9 27 3.0 48% 23%b ••1998 2 6 3.0 67% 0% •1999 7 15 2.1 47% 9% •c'

2000 2 6 3.0 50% 17% •2001 5 17 3.4 76% 15% •2002 0 0 ••2003 4 9 2.3 22% 0% •2004 5 13 2.6 46% •

Overall 162 419 2.6 52% 17% ••• Cubs that were absent from their mother~s den as yearlings were considered dead.b Excluding I cub that was killed by a hunter after being translocated away from its mother. •••

124 ••

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Table 2. Black bear cubs examined in dens of radiocollared mothers in Camp RipleyMilitary Reserve during March, 1992B2004.

YearLitters No. of Mean % Male Mortality

checked cubs cubs/litter cubs afterlyr

1992 I 3 3.0 67% 0%

1993 3 7 2.3 57% 43%

1994 1 1 1.0 100% a

1995 1 2 2.0 50% 0%

1996 0 0

1997 1 3 3.0 100% 33%

1998 0 0

1999 2 5 2.5 60% 20%

2000 1 2 2.0 0% 0%

2001 1 3 3.0 0% 33%

2002 0 0

2003 3 8 2.7 63% 33%b

2004 1 2 2.0 50%

Overall 15 36 2.4 56% 25%

• The only cub born to a collared female left its mother in early spring, due to human disturbance.bExcluding 1 litter that surely died when the mother died in mid-May.


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Table 3. Black bear cubs examined in dens of radiocollared mothers in VoyageursNational Park during March, 1999B2004.

YearLitters No. of Mean % Male Mortality

checked cubs cubs/litter cubs after I yr

1999 5 8 1.6 63% 20%

2000 2 5 2.5 60% 80%

2001 3 4 1.3 50% 75%

2002 0 0

2003 5 13 2.6 54% 8%

2004 0 0

Overall 15 30 2.0 57% 33%



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••-.-.••· -. ~•••.­~.



Wetlan:dsWildlif~ Populations and Research Group- 102-23rd Street .

Bemidji, Minnesota 56601(218) 755-2973


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Stephen J. Maxson and Margaret H. Dexter

This report documents results of the 2003 September goose hunter mail questionnaire survey.


The Canada goose season in the four zones encompassing the majority of Minnesota was 6-22September 2003 (17 days). A lO-day (6-15 Sep) season was held in the Northwest Goose Zone(Fig. I). The daily bag limit was 5 geese per day, except in the Northwest Goose Zone and theSoutheast Goose Zone where the daily bag was two. Shooting hours were 1/2 hour beforesunrise to sunset. Taking of Canada geese was prohibited on or within 100 yards of all surfacewaters in the Northwest, Southeast, and Twin Cities Metro Goose Zones, in the Carlos AveryWildlife Management Area and in the Swan Lake Area. This was the first year hunting on orwithin 100 yards of surface water was allowed in the Remainder of State Zone. In the TwinCities Metro Zone and goose refuges open to goose hunting, hunting was not allowed frompublic road rights-of-way. Goose hunters were required to obtain a $4.00 pennit to participate inthe September season.

Permittees were randomly selected to receive a post-season hunter survey. Questionnaires weresent to 3,100 permittees following the season. Questionnaires were individually numbered, andup to 3 questionnaires were mailed to individuals who had not responded. Completedquestionnaires were double key-punched to reduce errors.

This year the questionnaire form was shortened and simplified compared to that used in previousyears. The questionnaire asked hunters which zone they hunted, number of days they hunted,number of geese taken, and number of geese knocked down and not retrieved for the season as awhole. Prior questionnaires had asked hunters to report the County hunted and harvest for eachday ofthe season. The 2003 questionnaire also asked whether hunters in the West or Remainderof State Zones had hunted over water or within 100 yards of water and if so, how many geesethey had taken.

Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS Institute Inc. 1999-2001, Version 8.2) computer programswere written to summarize responses to the questionnaire survey.

Results and Discussion

The DNR License Bureau reported that 42,009 Special Canada Goose Season permits were soldprior to 22 September, 2003. Response rate to the survey was 70.4% and 72.4% of therespondents indicated that they hunted during the September season. The majority of the huntersindicated they hunted in the Remainder Zone, followed by the West, Twin Cities Metro,Northwest, and Southeast goose zones (Table I). The Remainder and West zones are the largestzones. Active hunters were afield an average of2.8 to 3.8 days, and retrieved 2.0 to 3.0 geese,when totaled according to their hunt zone. Success was lowest for hunters hunting in the TwinCities Metro Zone (59.1%) and highest in the Southeast Zone (75.6%) (Table I).


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A total of80,988 Canada geese was harvested with approximately 59% of the harvest in theRemainder Zone and 22% in the West Zone (Table I). This pattern has remained ratherconsistent during the 2000-2003 September seasons (Table 2). The U.S. Fish and WildlifeService adjusts their mail survey statistics by a memory and prestige response bias factor of0.848 for geese bagged in the Mississippi Flyway (Voezler et aI. 1982:56). MultiplyingSeptember Canada goose harvest by the adjustment factor would indicate a 2003 harvest of68,678.

Ofthose hunters who indicted that they hunted in the West or Remainder of State Zones (24,277hunters, Table 1),43.1% reported that they hunted over water or within 100 yards ofwater. Ofthe 65,936 geese harvested in these two Zones (Table 1), 31.7% were taken over water or within100 yards of water. This was similar to the proportion of geese taken over water in the WestZone during the 2000-2002 September seasons (Table 3).

The September Canada goose season continues to provide an important part ofMinnesota's totalCanada goose harvest, and the expanded zones and experimental extensions have both helpedincrease harvest. Continued monitoring of both the magnitude of the harvest and size of theCanada goose breeding population will be important to ensure that management objectives aremet.


Voelzer, J. F., E. Q. Lauxen, S. L. Rhoades, and K. D. Norman, editors. 1982. Waterfowl statusreport 1979. U.S.D.I. Fish Wildl. Ser. Spec. Sci. Rep. - Wildl. No. 246. 96pp.



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•••• Table 1. Permit sales, hunter activity, and harvest" by zone during the September Canada• Goose season (6-22 September) in Minnesota, 2003.

•• Twin

• ParameterNorthwest West Southeast

CitiesRemainder TotalMetro• ALL ZONES• Total pennits sold 42,009•• Questionnaires delivered 3,036

• Useable questionnaires returned 2,138

• % responding 70.4

• Active hunters 1,548

• % active hunters 72.40


• % Distribution of hunters by 4.52 24.46 2.60 13.06 55.36 100primary hunt zone•• %successful 71.2 64.5 75.6 59.1 65.4 64.9

• Days/active hunter 2.84 3.29 3.48 3.58 3.81

• Geese/active hunter 2.04 2.39 2.98 2.49 2.86

• Unretrieved harvest/active hunter 0.22 0.36 0.90 0.36 0.44

• % unretrieved harvest 9.7 13.1 23.2 12.6 13.3


• Active hunters 1,375 7,439 791 3,972 16,838 30,415

• Hunter days 3,905 24,474 2,753 14,220 64,153 109,505

• Retrieved Harvest: 2,805 17,779 2,357 9,890 48,157 80,988

• Est. unretrieved harvest 302 2,678 712 1,430 7,408 12,530

• Total harvest 3,107 20,457 3,069 11,320 55,565 93,518

•• 'Harvest estimates not adjusted for memory/exaggeration bias.

••••••••• 131•

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Year % Hunting over water % Geese taken over water

'Over water or with in 100 yards of water.

Table 2. Retrieved harvest estimates by zone during the September CanadaGoose season in Minnesota, 2000-2003.












2000 46.7 30.62001 43.2 37.42002 44.9 35.1


Table 3. Proportion of hunters hunting over water l and the proportion of Canada geesetaken over water in the West Zone during the September season 2000-2002.

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Figure 1. September season Goose Zones in Minnesota.


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Michael C. Zicus, David P. Rave, Abhik Das l, Michael R. Riggs2

, and Michelle 1. Buitenwerf


We hypothesized that nest structure occupancy by mallards was a function of the type of neststructure and a number of landscape variables. From this model, we predicted that occupancyprobability would increase as the amount and attractiveness of the surrounding nesting coverdecreased and the size of the open water area in which a structure was deployed increased.Further, we predicted that the probability of structure occupancy would increase as the numberof nearby structures decreased and the number of mallard hens with access to a structureincreased. We also suspected that as the distance from a nest structure increased any landscapeinfluence would diminish. We conducted an observational study to investigate the relationshipbetween landscape composition and mallard occupancy of 2 types of nest structures. We used ageographic information system to quantify the covariates associated with the landscape andmodeled nest occupancy as a function of several covariates using a hierarchical logisticregression model that allowed for both temporal and spatial correlation. Model devianceindicated that the model based on a landscape buffer with a 1.6 km radius performed the best.There were strong temporal correlations among periods during the nesting season, but no spatialcorrelations. The final model included an aggregate visual obstruction measurement (VOM) byperiod interaction, a quadratic effect for the size of the open-water area around a structure, and ayear by period interaction. There was also a marginally significant nest structure type by periodinteraction. Neither pairs with access to a structure, nor the numbers ofnearby structures weresignificantly associated with nest occupancy. Aggregate VOMs were positively associated withthe probability ofnest occupancy in the earlier part of the nesting season, but the pattern wasreversed later in the nesting season. The probability ofnest occupancy increased with the size ofopen-water area in which the structure occurred and reached an asymptote for open-water areasof -15 ha or larger. Ultimately, we would like to develop a model whereby GIS data can be usedto predict the probability of nest structure occupancy in different wetland locations. If we cancombine this model with nest structure cost data, managers would have a tool that would enablethem to deploy nest structures in a way that would maximize the benefit:cost ratio.


Increased waterfowl production from private and public lands is an objective of the PrairiePothole Joint Venture (United States Prairie Pothole Joint Venture Implementation Plan. 1989.Prairie Pothole Joint Venture Steering Committee. 64pp.). For mallards (Anas platyrhynchos),nest success appears to be a primary factor limiting recruitment in the prairies (Duebbert andKantrud 1974, Cowardin et a1. 1985, Klett et a1. 1988).

l Statistical Research Division, Research Triangle Institute International, 6110 Executive Blvd.,Suite 420 Rockville, MD 20852-3903, USA'Statistical Research Division, Research Triangle Institute, 3040 Cornwallis Road, Research TrianglePark, NC 27709



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The erection of mallard nest structures has become a popular management technique to improvemallard nest success. Extensive use and high nest success have been reported in some locationswhere structures are deployed. However, the effectiveness of structures in producing additionalrecruits in a landscape is likely to vary depending on the landscape.

A mallard management model (Johnson et al. 1987, Cowardin et al. 1988) will predict thatmallards use a higher proportion of nest structures in landscapes having little attractive nestingcover versus landscapes that are rich in attractive cover (M. C. Zicus, unpubl. data). Thisprediction is reasonable, assuming structure density with respect to mallard pairs is similar,because structures are likely the most attractive nest sites hens have available to them inlandscapes having little alternative cover. However, questions remain as to how to bestdistribute nest structures in the landscape. Guidelines to augment use of the mallard model havebeen developed for specific management practices (Habitat and Population Evaluation Team.1993. Workshop information to develop waterfowl management strategy for Tewaukon WetlandManagement District, North Dakota. unpubl. rep.). The guidelines suggest structures should beplaced where pair water exists but where cover attractiveness in the inunediate surrounding ismarginal. These suggestions are largely untested, but form a starting point to assure that variousmanagement practices are used in what are believed to be appropriate settings.

We hypothesized that nest structure occupancy might be a function of: I) type of nest structureunder consideration, 2) amount and attractiveness of surrounding nesting cover, 3) amount ofopen water associated with a structure, 4) number of nearby nest structures, and 5) number ofmallard pairs having access to a structure. From this model, we predicted that the probability ofnest structure occupancy would increase as the amount and attractiveness of the surroundingnesting cover decreased. We expected the opposite relationship with the size of the open waterarea in which a structure was deployed because open water does not provide nesting cover.Likewise, we suspected that the probability of structure occupancy would increase as the numberofnearby structures decreased and the number ofmallard hens with access to a structureincreased. We also suspected that as the distance from a nest structure increased any landscapeinfluence would diminish and that landscape scale might be a question of interest We conductedan observational study to investigate the relationship between landscape composition andmallard occupancy of2 types of nest structures. We used a geographic information system (GIS)to quantify the covariates associated with the landscape. Our analysis also was designed todetermine the size of the area around a structure that best predicted nest structure occupancy if arelationship between landscape composition existed. This knowledge should be useful towaterfowl managers interested in maximizing mallard use of nest structures.

K. Kotts and 1. Lewis constructed nesting cylinders to replace those damaged at ice out. K.Kotts, 1. Lewis, and D. Wells helped with project logistics. K. Andersson, J. Ferraro, J.Schlueter, and C. Vollbrecht measured vegetation height and helped maintain and check neststructures. K. Brennen provided access to concentrations of ground nesting mallards insidepredator exclusion fences on the Fergus Falls Wetland Management District while T. Rondeauprovided vehicles for nest searching. R Wilken assisted with the nest searching and monitoringof mallard ground nests. 1. Dedee helped obtain Global Positioning System (GPS) locations ofnest structures on the study area. We also thank the landowners, who generously allowed accessto their land, and D. Miller for digitizing and labeling land use polygons for our geographicinformation system (GIS).


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The study area included 658 km2 (254mi2) in southern Grant and northern Stevens counties in

western Minnesota (Fig. I). The area is intensively cultivated and remnants of virgin prairie areextremely rare. Overall, landscape composition was quite similar during the study years (TableI). Upland nesting cover for mallards was restricted primarily to scattered tracts of mixed nativeand exotic grasses and forbs on state (WMA) and federally (WPA) managed wildlife areas,grassy fields in agricultural set-aside programs such as the United States Department ofAgriculture Conservation Reserve (CRP) and Water Bank (WBP) programs, and cover inroadside right-of-ways (ROW). Wetland drainage also has been extensive through the use ofsurface ditches and sub-surface drainage tiles (Prince 1997). Most remaining wetlands havepermanent or semi-permanent water regimes due to the consolidation oftemporary and seasonalwetlands into deeper, more permanent basins. Few mallard nest structures were present on thestudy area prior to the beginning of this study, and all were located on publicly managed areas.Mallard breeding pair density averaged -4 pairslkm2 (R. Johnson, unpubl. data).


We used aerial photos to select wetlands throughout the study area that were candidates for neststructure placement. We subjectively assessed whether a wetland had much, a moderate amount,or little cropland within -I Ian. We then selected approximately equal numbers of wetlandsfrom each cropland class for nest structure placement. We used this strategy to assure thatstructures with much or little surrounding cropland would be well represented in our sample.During spring 1996, one structure was placed in each of 78 wetlands while 2 structures wereplaced in each of 16 ofthe largest wetlands for a total of 110 structures. Nest structure type,either a single or double nest-cylinder structure (Delta Waterfowl Research Station, unpubl.rep.), was assigned randomly each time a structure was deployed resulting in 53 single- and 57double-cylinder structures being placed in semi-permanent and permanent wetlands. Neststructures were deployed without a predator guard. We inspected each structure :::4 timesannually to record all nesting attempts and to determine exact hatch dates.

Geographic Information System

We developed a geographic information system (GIS) that included information for all of thecovariates that we included in the analysis. These included descriptions of study area land use in1997-1999, locations ofall nest structures, and numbers of mallard pairs with access to each neststructure.

Delineating Land Use.--Tagged Image Format (TIF) files for each land survey section, createdby scanning July-August U.S. Department ofAgriculture Farm Services Agency (FSA) aerialphotography, were geo-referenced and rectified. Root mean square (RMS) error (EnvironmentalSystems Research Institute, Inc. 1996:288) for the rectified TlF files was assessed in meters. Weinitially performed 75 rectifications on 3 images to assess RMS error. Average RMS for the trialrectifications was 704m. Based on this trial, we set a maximum acceptable RMS error of 5.0m.When RMS exceeded 5.0m, we re-rectified the files to obtain a lower RMS and better edgematching among sections. Geo-referenced and rectified TIF files for each land survey section




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then served as a backdrop for digitizing land use polygons into shapefiles. We field inspectedportions ofmost townships in the study area during March and April the following year to aidour photo interpretation of cropping patterns during the previous summer.

Certain types of linear features such as road surfaces, vegetated portions of road ROWs, andfence lines were created using buffering. Minnesota Department of Transportation roadcoverage was used to establish road locations, while location of features such as fence lines andditches were established from a combination of the FSA images, Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources (MNDNR) public land survey 40-acre parcel data, National WetlandsInventory data, MNDNR hydrology data, and field notes using heads-up digitizing. Widths ofsmall linear features that were buffered and transformed into polygons were determined fromfield measurements, visual estimates, or values used previously in Minnesota (Zicus and Rave1998).

Nest Structure Locations.--Location ofeach nest structure on the study area was determined witha Rockwell Precise Lightweight Global Positioning System receiver. Differential correctedlocations were obtained as Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates using the NAD83convention.

Mallard Pairs with Access to Structures.--The abundance of Mallard pairs with access to eachnest structure was also modeled with a GIS (Reynolds et al. 1996; R. Johnson, U.S. Fish andWildlife Service Habitat and Populations Evaluation Team, unpubl. data). We had no means tomodel each year separately, thus we assumed that the number of pairs with access to a structurewas unchanged from year to year.

Cover Attractiveness.--We used visual obstruction measurements (YOMs) to index nesting coverattractiveness (Robel et al. 1970). YOMs were taken 5 times at 2-week intervals to describechronologic changes in cover height and density throughout the nesting period. We estimatedYOMs for those cover types that we believed to be most attractive to nesting mallards. We didnot estimate YOMs for certain cover types such as woodlands, wetland vegetation, and cropland.For these cover types, we used date specific YOMs suggested for western Minnesota (Mack, G.D. 1991. The mallard model handbook. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bismarck WetlandHabitat Office. Unpublished Report revised by T. L. Shaffer and L. M. Cowardin, Zicus andRave 1998). We used the median dates for first and second hay cutting reported by theMinnesota Crop and Livestock Reporting Service to reflect points in time when most hay washarvested.

We estimated YOMs in upland fields bisected by or included within an arc 0.4 km from a neststructure. We measured grassy fields in CRP, WBP, WMA, WPA, Reinvest In Minnesota (RIM)easements, and other grassy areas such as pastures not planted for conservation purposes (OG).Three sampling clusters were established along the longest straight-line diagonal across a field(Fig. 2). Sampling cluster starting points were established at the 3 quarter-points along thediagonal, and these were permanently marked with stakes. Each sampling cluster had 4sampling points that were 20 m north, east, south, and west of a starting point. At each samplingpoint, vegetation height and density was measured in each cardinal direction (Robel et al. 1970).This provided 48 measurements from each field on a given date. YOMs were also determined


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for the portions of ROWs vegetated by upland cover. Six sampling clusters were established foreach 1.6 Ian road segment bisected by the 0.4 Ian radius arc around a nest structure. Samplingcluster starting-points were located at the 3 quarter-points along each side of the road segment.Each ROW sampling cluster had either I or 3 sampling points. If the ROW ditch had a front andback slope, then 3 points were sampled. These were located at the quarter-points between theroad edge and the field edge. If the ROW had only a front slope, then I point was sampledhalfway between the road edge and the field edge. At each ROW sampling point, VOMmeasurements were taken in the 2 directions parallel to the road. This provided a minimum of12 measurements and a maximum of36 measurements for each road segment. We alsomeasured the distance between the road edge and the field edge at each ROW sampling cluster.The width of the road surface was measured at the halfway point along the road seiment. Wecombined CRP, RIM, and WBP fields into a single class (hereafter CRP) because of thesimilarity of these land uses. For each field or road segment that was sampled, date-specificmeans were calculated. From these values, overall date-specific means were estimated for eachfield or road segment type, and means were assigned to fields or ROWs throughout the studyarea that we did not measure.

Model Fitting

We used logistic regression to model nest occupancy, a binary (yes/no) outcome, as a function ofseveral covariates. This outcome was assessed on the same nesting structures during differenttime periods, presumably producing temporal correlation. In addition, we were also concernedabout possible spatial correlation that might be present due to land use features having spatialstructure (Cressie and Chan 1989, Breslow and Clayton 1993, Ver Hoefand Cressie 2001).Since standard logistic regression used to model binary outcomes (McCullagh and Neider 1989)does not allow for any correlations in the data, we accounted for such spatio-temporalcorrelations by using a hierarchical logistic regression model (Breslow and Clayton 1993). Thismethod used a logistic regression framework, which is natural for binary data, while thehierarchical aspect allows for the likely presence of (positive) temporal and spatial correlations.Though we needed to account for these correlations, they were not our primary interest and wereessentially nuisance parameters that hindered proper inference. The regression formulationenabled us to reduce these correlations by the inclusion of relevant time trends and appropriatecovariates in the model. This hierarchical logistic regression allowed US to spatio-temporallymodel the occupancy of nesting structures by mallards as a function ofland use features, type ofnesting structure, number ofnearby nesting structures, number of mallard pairs with access to thestructures, and area of open water. It also enabled prediction and cross-validation through thefitted regression model.

Vegetative cover height and density measurements and nest establishment dates were temporallymisaligned because VOMs were available for only 5 dates during the nesting season. To addressthis temporal misalignment, we partitioned each year into 4 time periods within which weassessed whether nesting occurred in a structure. For each year, these periods were March 15 toApril 20, April 21 through April 30, May I through May 20, and May 21 through June 30.These intervals were chosen after preliminary exploration of the data, so that temporalmisalignment was minimized and enough nest establishments occurred during each time periodto make statistical modeling computationally feasible.



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«V'))ii' = cov(Yij,Y,j) = 0"; exp(- d,~ ),(i,i') = 1,2,3, i *" i',p,

Graphical semi-variogram analysis (Kaluzny et al. 1997:101-107, Cressie 1993) revealed that aGaussian spatial covariance structure with 2 parameters provided an appropriate andparsimonious fit for these data. Thus, the (i, i ' )'h element of this covariance matrix was given by:

'" (I)fl. - N@, V, (0"; ,p,)) and J - N(Q, V, (0"; ,P, )).

where d;;- is the Euclidean distance between structures i and i '. Our hierarchical model I belongsto the class of generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) (Breslow and Clayton 1993) for whichmodel parameters can be estimated using different approaches (Clayton and Kaldor 1987,Breslow and Clayton 1993, Yasui and Lele 1997, McCulloch 1997, Diggle et al. 1998). Wechose the penalized quasi-likelihood approach (Breslow and Clayton 1993) because it has beenwidely used and has the important advantage of being implemented in the SAS GLIMMIXmacro program (Wolfmger and O'Connell 1993). GLIMMIX makes the fitting ofa wide rangeof covariance structures to correlated categorical data relatively straightforward.

In the above regression, the covariate vector bj contains: (i) VOMs encapsulating land useinformation, the effects of which are allowed to vary from period to period, (ii) the type ofnesting structure (Le., single- vs. double-nest cylinder), the effect of which is also allowed tovary from period to period, and (iii) linear and squared terms for the size of open area inwetlands in which the structure was deployed. In addition, the model also included temporaleffects, so that the outcome was allowed to vary from year to year, and from period to periodwithin each year.

The model we fitted can be expressed as follows. Suppose Yij is a binary indicator variabletaking the value I when a nest initiation occurred in a structure i during time point (year/period) j(i=I, ... ,n;j=I, ... ,t), and 0, otherwise. Letting pij = Pr(Yij= I), our model can be expressed as:

eand ..1, in model (1) respectively indexed the spatial and temporal components of the process Y.Specifically, these random effects accounted for possible spatial and temporal correlations (Ps

and p, respectively) that were likely to be present. For our data, we conducted exploratoryanalyses to choose suitable structures for the spatial (Vs) and temporal (V,) covariances. Sincewe had only 3 time points (i.e., 3 years) to model the pattern of temporal variation, we assumed asimple exchangeable correlation structure for V, with 4 parameters (Diggle et al. 1994). Thus,the (j,k)'h element of this covariance matrix is given by:


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We calculated an aggregate YOM for each nesting structure each year for each of the 4 timeperiods by creating buffers having radii of 0.8, 1.6,2.4, and 3.2 kIn around each structure. GISwas used to determine the amount of the area within the buffer that corresponded to each landuse category. For each land use polygon in a buffer, we calculated a mean YOM for the timeperiod. The aggregate YOM was the mean YOM of all land use categories weighted by the areaof each land use polygon in the buffer. In order to identify the buffer size surrounding thenesting structure that had the most influence on structure occupancy, we fit the model 4 times.The aggregate VOMs for the buffer and the number of nearby structures included in the bufferchanged in 4 models, while the values of other covariates did not. We used deviance function, atraditional likelihood based measure of goodness ofmodel fit (McCullagh and Neider 1989), aswell as prediction-based performance measures for binary outcomes, such as sensitivity (i.e.,percentage of nesting events accurately classified by the fitted model) and specificity (i.e.,percentage ofnon-nesting events accurately classified by the fitted model) to choose the bestmodel (Agresti 1990).


Each year from 47 - 54 mallard nest initiations occurred that could be used in the analysis (Table2). A greater proportion of double-eylinder than single-eylinder structures was available for nestinitiations in most time periods because the second nest-cylinder was often available for a nestinitiation even though a nest might have been active in the first cylinder. GIS modelingindicated each structure was accessible to 61 - 274 mallard pairs (Fig. 3), and nest structureswere located in open-water areas of 0 - 27.4 ha (Fig. 4). The number of nearby nest structures(Fig. 5) and aggregate VOMs (Fig. 6) during each time period depended on the size of the bufferaround each structure.

Buffer Size

Results from fitting the full model using the data from the 4 buffer sizes produced similar resultsin terms of goodness offit (deviance), predictive ability (sensitivity and specificity), and amountof reduction in spatio-temporal correlation (Table 3). Based on the deviance, which is a widelyused measure of goodness of fit summarizing unexplained variability, the model based on abuffer with a 1.6 kIn radius seemed to perform the best and was chosen for inference testing.

Final Model

There were strong temporal trends in the nest initiation data. The fmal reduced model for the 1.6kIn radius buffer included an aggregate YOM by period interaction (F4, 1012 = 3.97, P = 0.003), aquadratic effect for the size of the open-water area around a structure (FI, 1012 = 8,42, P = 0.004),and a year by period interaction (Fs, 1012 = 3.03, P = 0.002). There was also a marginallysignificant nest structure type by period interaction (F4, 1012 =2.28, P =0.059), Lastly, neitherpairs with access to a structure (P = 0,7), nor the number ofnearby structures (P = 0.8) weresignificantly associated with a nest initiation.



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Estimated regression coefficients from the final reduced model indicated that aggregate YaMswere positively associated with the probability of nest occupancy in the earlier part of the nestingseason, but that this pattern was reversed towards the end of the nesting season (Fig. 7). Thus, inthe 1st period, the odds of a nest structure being occupied increased -12 times for each dmincrease in the aggregate YOM around a nest structure, whereas by the 4th period those oddsdecreased by a factor of>1.5 for each dm increase in the aggregate YOM. The size of open­water area in adjacent wetlands was also significantly associated with nest initiations; for mediansized open-water areas (0.63 ha), each hectare increase in size increased the odds of a neststructure being occupied by a factor of 1.3. However, this effect reached an asymptote for open­water areas of 16 ha or larger (Fig. 8). A double-cylinder nest structure also was -4 times morelikely to have a nest initiated in the 3rd period than was a single-cylinder structure, although theeffect was only marginally significant. Lastly, the year by period interaction reflecteddifferences in nest initiation phenology where more nests were initiated earlier in the season in1998 than in the other years.


The probability of nest structure occupancy was related significantly to characteristics of thelandscape. However, our analyses indicated that the relationship was complex. Some of our apriori predictions were supported while others were not. We had expected that structure usewould be related to the number of pairs with access to the structure, but this was not the case inour landscape. It is possible that pair numbers were correlated with other landscape variablesthat we included in the model; thus, pairs were excluded from the final model because theyprovide information that was in effect redundant. Alternatively, our pair measure was model­based and might not have reflected actual pair numbers. Likewise, we detected no relationshipbetween the probability that a structure would be used and the number of nearby nest structuresin the buffer having a I km radius, suggesting that competition for nesting hens by nearbystructures was low. Zicus et aI. (2003) reported that specific nest structures in a landscape hadclutches that were the product of intraspecific nest parasitism more often than other nearby neststructures. Possibly, mallard hen nest site selection is influenced by behavior in addition to theeffects of the landscape features that we measured.

Cover height and density had a significant effect on the probability that a nest structure would beoccupied, but the effect changed as the season progressed. Structures in buffers that had thehighest aggregate YOM early in the season were those most likely to be used. In contrast, laterin the nesting season the effect was reversed and probability of use was greatest when the YaMsin the surroundings were the lowest. We suspect that the difference between the cover effect inthe earliest period and that in the later periods might be related to the initial settling pattern ofmallard pairs returning in the spring. Perhaps significantly, aggregate YOMs were lowthroughout the entire landscape during the first period of the nesting season when mallards firstinitiated nests. Structure occupancy also was influenced by the size of the open water area inwhich the structure was erected. Occupancy increased with increasing area of open water up to-15 ha.

Ultimately, we would like to develop a model whereby GIS data can be used to predict theprobability of nest structure occupancy in different wetland locations. If we can combine thismodel with nest structure cost data (M. Zicus, unpub!. data), then managers would have a toolthat would enable them to deploy nest structures in the landscape in a way that would maximizethe benefit:cost ratio.


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Cowardin, L. M., D. H. Johnson, T. L. Shaffer, and D. W. Sparling. 1988. Applications ofasimulation model to decisions in mallard management. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,Fish and Wildlife Technical Report 17. 28pp.

Duebbert, H. F., and H. A. Kantrud. 1974. Upland duck nesting related to land use and predatorreduction. Journal of Wildlife Management 38:257-265.

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Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. 1996. ArcView GIS: the geographicinfonnation system for everyone. Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc.,Redlands, CA, USA.

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Reynolds, R. E., D. R. Cohan, and M. A. Johnson. 1996. Using landscape infonnationapproaches to increase duck recruitment in the prairie pothole region. Transactions NorthAmerican Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 61:86-93.

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Table 1. Land use composition (%) of the study area, 1997 -1999.

Land use 1997 1998 1999

Row crops 54.5 55.8 60.9

Small grain 18.9 16.6 11.8

Wetland/open water 10.3 11.2 12.3

Conservation Reserve Program" 4.4 3.3 3.6

Odd areasb 3.9 4.0 3.7

Wildlife arease 1.8 1.9 1.8

Hay 1.5 2.0 1.5

Transportation right-of-ways 1.4 1.5 1.4

Other grass 1.1 1.6 1.0

Barren 1.1 1.2 1.1

Woodland 0.6 0.6 0.6

Pasture 0.3 0.4 0.3

'Includes Conservation Reserve Program, Reinvest in Minnesota, and Waterbank Program land.bpatches of nesting cover «2 ha) described by other land use types, and linear and point features(e.g., rockpiles in cropland or strips of grass cover between plowed fields).'Includes U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Waterfowl Production Areas and Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources Wildlife Management Areas.



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Table 2. Mallard nest initiations by period of the nesting season for 53 single- and 57 double-cylinder nest structures in westeru Minnesota, 1997-1999.

1997 Nest type" 1998 Nest type 199 Nest type

Period Initiation Single- Double- Single- Double- Single- Double-

March 15 - April 20 No 46 51 38 42 43 44

Yes 7 6 14 15 10 13

NAb 0 0 I 0 0 0

April 21 - April 30 No 38 47 33 52 37 46

Yes 8 10 4 4 5 10

NA 7 0 16 I 11 I

May I-May20 No 33 45 33 51 38 47

Yes 2 11 0 5 0 9

NA 18 I 20 I 15 I

May 21 - June 30 No 39 50 44 54 45 49

Yes 4 5 2 3 2 5

NA 10 2 7 0 6 3

"Nest structures with either I or 2 nest cylinders on a single pole.~est structure occupied by a nesting mallard or wood (Aix sponsa) duck(s) and thus not available for a nestinitiation during this period.


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (153)

Table 3. Model performance based on buffer sizes of 0.8, 1.6, 2.4, and 3.2 km around eachofthe 110 nest structures in the western Minnesota study area, 1997 -1999.

Buffer Temporal Spatial Sensitivity Specificityradius (Ian) Correlation Correlation Deviance (%) (%)

0.8 0.56' 0 557.48 80.4 84.6

1.6 0.55' 0 554.07 81.8 85.1

2.4 0.57' 0 555.42 82.4 84.5

3.2 0.57' 0 558.35 80.4 84.4

'Correlation statistically significant (P<O.OOO I).



-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (154)


o Study Area

100 0 100 200 300 400 KilometersI~....1~~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~~~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil

Figure 1. Nest structure study area in Grant and Stevens counties, Minnesota, 1997-1999.


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (155)

Figure 2. Sampling cluster used to estimate visual obstruction measurements in neststructure study in Grant and Stevens counties, Minnesota, 1997-1999.



Starting Point




+Sampling Cluster


Sampling Point

••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tt--......


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (156)



Figure 3. Number of mallard pairs with access to nest structures in Grant and Stevenscounties, Minnesota, 1997-1999.

Mallard Pairs with Access to a Structure

250·274200 - 224150 ·174100·12450 ·74





••• r""'"""'.. ..r- ...




I· ..•.. r-... ,. r- iI· .•..••.

i I •• •••••••••••Hi I.··...· ..... ' .••••••••••••

. ...



~-(.)~...- 15en-I/)Q)

Z- 100...Q).Q

E~ 5Z


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (157)

Figure 4. Size ofthe open-water area associated with nest structures in Grant and Stevenscounties, Minnesota, 1997-1999.


Open Water Area (ha)


25 -2719 - 2013 -157-90-3


60:::J-(,):::J...-en-tn 40CI)



E 20::sZ

-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (158)

Figure 5. Number of nearby nest structures associated with each nest structure in 4different sized buffers in Grant and Stevens counties, Minnesota, 1997-1999.




Buffer Radius (km)


•I~ J-

•• I


I - ~

.. ..

I ..

f$ .... ~


, ,


In 30

~::::J- 25(J::::J...-en 20

~...ns 15(I)

Z'0 10...(I),gE::::JZ


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (159)


2.50.....E 2.00"C--c 1.50GIE! 1.00:::JUl 0.50l'IlGI:ii:


2.50u:::J..- 2.00Ul.a0

1.50jij:::JUl 1.00:>



O.8km • 1.6 km

U• HIit! *'!

• • •• t • t


iit ttl ttt2.4 km 3.2 km

ttf ttittt tt


ttt ttt tit itt1 2 3

Period4 1 2 3



Figure 6. Distribution of aggregate visual obstruction measurements by period and buffer size in Grant and Stevens counties,Minnesota, 1997-1999. Right-hand diagonal fill and circular symbols =1997. Plain fill and triangular symbols =1998. Left­hand diagonal fill and diamond symbols =1999.


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (160)

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4)~ J I J j H I ~ .ll I ) I ) '6

Yes --------------------...

Period - _. 1 _. 2 ........ 3 - 4 IG)tn:)'t-o~.-­.-.cca.col-e.


-,I".., \



••••••....... ....

No ~-----.....-----.....-----""""o 1 2 3

Visual Obstruction Measurement

Figure 7. Spline curves illustrating the effect of the aggregate visual obstruction measurement on the probability of neststructure use during the 4 different time periods in Grant and Stevens counties, Minnesota, 1997-1999.


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (161)



Size of Open Water Area (ha)

Figure 8. Spline curves inustrating the effect of the size of the open water area on theprobability of nest structure use in Grant and Stevens counties, Minnesota, 1997-1999.









No0 10

-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (162)



Michael C. Zicus and David P. Rave


A breeding duck pair survey of 6 lakes in the Bemidji vicinity that had been conducted from1959 - 1990 was reinstated in spring 2003. Methods followed those used in the early surveyperiod when lakes were surveyed in mid-May and again in early June. Mallard (Anasplatyrhynchos), blue-winged teal (A. discors), and wood ducks (Aix sponsa) showed nosignificant trends in the number ofpairs counted during 1959 - 1990. In contrast, pairs ofcommon goldeneyes (Bucephala clangula), American wigeon (Anas americana), and ring­necked ducks (Aythya collaris) appeared to be declining significantly. In 2003, numbers ofpairsof most species were similar to those counted in the later years of the earlier surveys. Commongoldeneyes were a notable exception with more pairs counted in 2003 than during any prior year.


Staff in the Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources Wetland Wildlife Populations andResearch Group has been developing a forest waterfowl research initiative. To better understandthe status of breeding waterfowl populations in the Laurentian mixed forest province ofMinnesota, the decision was made to reinstate a breeding duck pair survey of 6 lakes in theBemidji vicinity in spring 2003. This survey was conducted last in 1990. The results of thissurvey will then be compared with historic counts on these same lakes to begin to betterunderstand the status of forest breeding waterfowl populations.


Methods followed those used in the early survey period (1. Johnson, pers. commun.). Thesurvey included Blackduck Lake, Gull Lake, Moose Lake, Dixon Lake, Gilstad Lake, andMedicine Lake (Fig. 1). From 1959-1976, an early breeding pair count was conducted during thesecond week of May to survey mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), wood duck (Aix sponsa), andcommon goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) pairs. A second survey during the last week of May orfirst week of June was directed at blue-winged teal (Anas discors), ring-necked duck (Aythyacollaris), and American wigeon (A. americana) pairs. From 1977 -1990, only 1 breeding pairsurvey per year was conducted during the third week of May. Each lake count was conducted by2 observers in a boat while slowly motoring around the lake perimeter (Appendix A), and datawere recorded directly onto a data collection form. Areas of the lake with dense stands ofwildrice or other vegetation were scanned with binoculars, and all waterfowl were recorded.Historically, 1 - 3 lakes were counted each day that weather permitted, such that the entire 6-lakesurvey was completed in 2-4 days.

All ducks, geese, and swans present were counted on each survey date. In addition to pairscomprised of a drake and a hen, lone drake, or each drake in a flock of 5 or less was consideredto represent a pair. Drakes in flocks of 6 or more were considered migrants and were notexpanded to represent pairs (1. Johnson, pers. commun.).


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (163)


Fourteen species ofwaterfowl were seen during the survey from 1959 -1990. Mallard, blue­winged teal and wood ducks on the 6 lakes showed no significant trends in the number ofpairsduring this period. In contrast, pairs of common goldeneyes, American wigeon, and ring-neckedducks appeared to be declining significantly.

In spring 2003, the 2 breeding pair surveys were completed from 12-13 May and from 2-5 June.Sixteen species ofwaterfowl were seen in 2003. Numbers ofpairs of the most common specieswere similar to those counted in the later years of the earlier surveys (Figures 2 - 7). However,common goldeneyes were a notable exception with more pairs counted during the 2003 surveythan during any year of the earlier survey.


Common goldeneye, ring-necked duck, and American wigeon are unique species withinMinnesota's Laurentian mixed forest province. Data from the earlier years of this surveyindicated that these species were declining on the survey lakes when the survey ended. As theWetland Group considers future work in the Laurentian mixed forest province, it is clear thatadditional breeding waterfowl surveys will be needed before the status of forest breedingwaterfowl can be established with any certainty. In the interim, this survey can provide data thatcan be compared to those collected beginning in 1959. As such, it will be useful to help definepriority work regarding the local population status of several forest species.


1. Johnson developed the survey initially and conducted it until 1959. Discussions with himwere helpful in documenting the survey protocol so that the survey could be reinstated.



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" . \


.. Survey Lakes

10 0 10 Miles~i~~§iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~i

Figure 1. Location of lakes surveyed in the fonner Bemidji Area Pair Survey.



-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (165)


• 1959 -1990

250 slope = 1.5P=O.2

'" 2003

f •200 '".- • •ns • •a.."C

150 •CD •- •ns •u ••.-

"C 100C- •• • ••50 • •••• • •

01955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005

Figure 2. Indicated mallard pairs on Bemidji Area Pair Survey, 1959-2003.

158•••••••••••••'•••••••••••••••.•••••••••• 4' '. 4~ 4H"l

-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (166)

•••••••••••••1•••••,•••••••••• '•••• '• •• '.,'••• 1•••'.


• 1959 -1990

250 slope = -0,1P=O,7

• 2003

f/)... 200.-nsD.."C

150.sns(,).-"C 100C-

Figure 3. Indicated wood duck pairs on Bemidji Area Pair Survey, 1959-2003.


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (167)


• 1959 ·1990

250 slope = -1.0P <0.0001

... 2003

UJ... 200.-C'CJc..


CJ.-"C 100C- •••• ••• •• • •••••50 • •••• • • •• • • ·a..-•



Figure 4. Indicated common goldeneye pairs on Bemidji Area Pair Survey, 1959-2003.

160..................' ' ' .

-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (168)

• •• •

e ••• • • •• • ••

• • -••• • • • ••• •• • •

1965 1975 1985 1995 2005



• 1959 ·1990

250 slope = -0.4P=0.3

• 2003

fA... 200.-mC.'C

150Smu.-'C 100c-

Figure 5. Indicated blue-winged teal pairs on Bemidji Area Pair Survey, 1959-2003.


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (169)


• 1959 -1990

250 slope =-0.4P =0.0008

& 2003

~ 200.-mQ.'C

150Q)-mu.-'C 100c:-


1965 1975 1985 1995 2005

Figure 6. Indicated ring-necked duck pairs on Bemidji Area Pair Survey, 1959-2003.

162••••••••••••••••••'••••••••'••••,••• no,l.,~.·~~4l;4 lj Ill'~~

-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (170)

.'••••••••••••'•••••1••••••••'••• • /4t 4~(O 4,l ).l)1 l,l IlJ'j) 1/ 1 ,~'I)


• 1959 -1990

250 slope = -1.0P< 0.0001.. 2003

l!! 200.-C'GD."C

150SC'GCJ.-"C 100C-

50 •• •• •••• •• •• • ••

0 •1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005

Figure 7. Indicated American wigeon pairs on Bemidji Area Pair Survey, 1959-2003.


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (171)

Appendix A. Access points and survey routes on lakes included in the Bemidji Area Pair Survey, 1959-2003.

Blackduck Lake Dixon Lake

.'•••••••••••••••• .•'•••*_•••'••••'••• 4•• ) I } i) '\I~ _ ~ I ~ I li'~ I

-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (172)

Appendix A (continued).

Gilstad Lake Gull Lake

O~.5'!"!"5i~O"""",!!!~O.5 Miles


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (173)

Appendix A (continued).

Medicine Lake Moose Lake

0.~.5~__0~!!"""",~0.5 MII.s 0.5 0 0.5 1 MII.s

.'••••••••••• •'••••.•'•• •1., ••• •1 • •••••• OO~ )j)1 '4)A Illll~1

-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (174)

Appendix B. Total indicated breeding pairs on lakes included in the Bemidji Area Pair Survey, 1959-2003.

Common Blue-winged American Ring-necked Hooded Green- NorthernVear Mallard goldeneye teal wigeon Wood duck duck merganser Ruddy duck winged teal shoveler

1959 157 79 45 39 14 8 2 3 3 21960 126 89 42 40 18 5 I 1 I 11961 121 85 40 25 18 11 2 I 0 11962 85 86 34 33 20 13 6 0 0 01963 117 75 45 39 31 12 8 0 2 01964 95 73 55 50 24 23 3 0 3 01965 51 69 37 21 11 12 0 0 0 01966 76 62 22 25 13 15 3 0 I I

1967 39 55 23 22 5 I 3 0 4 21968 58 45 23 19 12 2 2 0 2 01971 70 51 25 26 7 7 3 0 0 11972 38 52 18 19 6 8 1 0 0 01973 136 48 50 20 22 \I 2 I 3 31974 45 55 21 17 18 19 6 0 0 01975 43 65 10 22 6 18 I 0 0 01976 117 51 49 33 27 11 3 0 4 51977 186 40 83 28 40 7 I 0 0 01978 87 47 31 22 15 4 0 0 0 01979 70 62 22 11 10 8 0 0 2 01980 188 44 79 16 34 5 1 0 3 81981 209 50 59 29 33 1 2 0 0 71982 91 63 47 15 5 6 0 1 1 41983 144 57 41 12 25 0 0 0 2 31984 115 54 36 13 9 1 1 0 0 01985 36 59 12 4 4 3 I 0 0 01986 51 57 8 5 6 2 2 0 0 01987 193 47 23 7 32 4 3 0 2 01988 151 45 20 8 7 1 3 0 1 01989 116 43 11 4 5 0 2 0 0 01990 196 54 30 5 18 0 4 0 2 02003 200 122 11 2 33 6 11 0 4 4


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (175)

Appendix B (continued).

Northern Red breasted Common Canada TrumpeterYear Black duck Gadwall Red head Bufflehead pintail Lesser scaup merganser merganser goose swan

1959 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01960 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01961 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01962 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01963 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01964 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01965 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01966 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01967 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01968 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01971 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01972 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01973 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01974 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01975 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01976 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01977 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01978 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01979 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01980 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01981 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01982 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01983 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01984 0 0 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 01985 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01986 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01987 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01988 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01989 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 01990 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02003 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 1 4 1

168• ••••••••'••••,•••••••••••••••••••• 4 I -0 ~ II .'1 I 4 l A I ( 'I ( -, I I

-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (176)



Michael C. Zicus, Todd Eberhardt, Jeff DiMatteo, and Leon L. Johnson.


The Bemidji Area Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris) Survey was initiated in 1969 to assessbreeding trends in the Bemidji vicinity. Fifteen lakes/wetlands have been included in the surveyat one time or another. From 1969- 1974, 12 - 14 lakes were surveyed each year while 15 lakeswere surveyed each year from 1975 -1984. Since 1984, 14 lakes have been surveyed each year.In total, 10 lakes have been surveyed consistently since 1969. The survey is conducted during

the second or third week of June. In spring 2003, 87 ring-neck pairs were counted which wassimilar to recent years. However, ring-necked duck pairs counted during this survey have showna significant long-term decline. The decline is apparent in both the 10-lake data set dating backto 1969 and the l4-lake data set dating back to 1974.


Moyle (1964) described ring-necked ducks (Aythya collaris) in Minnesota as nesting primarily inthe northern-forested portions of the state with appreciable numbers in the forest-prairietransition zone. At the time, ring-necked ducks were believed to be the second most abundantspecies (to mallards) breeding in Minnesota's forest zone. However, little was known aboutpopulation trends of breeding ring-necked ducks in Minnesota, and a survey was developed tomonitor trends in breeding ring-necks in north central Minnesota in 1969.

Staff in the Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources Wetland Wildlife Populations andResearch Group has been developing a forest wetlands and waterfowl initiative. The status ofring-necked ducks has been among the topics considered because the species has beenconsidered an important forest resident and identified in the Minnesota Department ofNaturalResources' A Vision for Wildlife and its Use - Goals and Outcomes 2003 - 2013 as an indicatorspecies for the Forest Province. The protocol and results of the Bemidji Area Ring-necked DuckSurvey have not been formally reported before, and this report is intended as documentation forthe survey.


The survey currently is conducted on 14 lakes/wetlands (Fig. 1) during the second or third weekof June depending on seasonal phenology (Kolkin Marsh was dropped from the survey in 1985).Pairs are counted when approximately 50% of the indicated pairs are comprised of lone males.An observer in a boat conducts each lake count while slowly motoring around the lake orwetland perimeter (Appendix A), and data are recorded as observations are made. All ducks,geese, and swans present are counted on each survey date. In addition to pairs comprised of adrake and a hen, each hen, lone drake, or each drake in a flock of 5 or less is considered torepresent a pair. Drakes in flocks of 6 or more are considered migrants and are not expanded torepresent pairs.


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (177)


Fifteen wetlands have been included in the survey at one time or another since it began in 1969.From 1969 -1974,12 -14lakes were surveyed each year while 15 lakes were surveyed eachyear from 1975 - 1984. Since 1984, 14 lakes have been surveyed. In total, 10 lakes have beensurveyed every year since 1969. Past survey data are included in Appendix B.

The 2003 survey was conducted from 10-18 June. Eighty-seven ring-neck pairs were countedwhich was similar to recent years. However, ring-necked duck pairs counted during this surveyhave shown a significant long-term decline (Fig. 2). The apparent decline is similar in both the10-lake data set dating back to 1969 and the 14-lake data set dating back to 1974.


Ring-necked ducks are an important species breeding within Minnesota's Laurentian MixedForest Province. There is a tendency for the number of pairs counted in the Bemidji Area Surveyto increase in dry years and decrease in wetter years; nonetheless, the number of breeding pairscounted has declined by approximately two thirds since inception of the survey. Care must beused when drawing inferences from a survey such as this because the geographic scope is clearlylimited. Wetlands included in the survey were considered some of the best ring-necked duckbreeding habitat within the surveyed area at the time the survey was initiated and habitatconditions in and around these wetlands appear to have changed little since. However, withincreasing development in north central Minnesota, these wetlands will almost certainlyexperience habitat changes in the future.

The Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources' Restoring Minnesota's Wetland andWaterfowl Hunting Heritage acknowledged that a sizable population of Minnesota-breedingducks is the cornerstone to improving fall duck use. Properly designed breeding populationsurveys are needed to monitor the status of all species of resident forest waterfowl. As theWetland Group considers future work in the Laurentian mixed forest province, it is clear thatadditional breeding waterfowl surveys will be needed before the status of ring-necked ducks andother forest breeding waterfowl can be established with any certainty. In the interim, this surveycan continue to provide data that can be compared to those collected beginning in 1969. Assuch, it will be useful to help define priority work regarding the local population status ofring­necked ducks.


D. Rave prepared the figures for this report and provided useful comments.


Moyle, J. B. (ed.). 1964. Waterfowl in Minnesota. Technical Bulletin No.7. MinnesotaDepartment of Conservation.



-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (178)


Figure 1. Location oflakeslwetlands surveyed in the Bemidji Area Ring-necked Duck Survey.


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (179)






100'CCIl- 80 .... \ I \I'll ~ , '

.~ "'&-.q Gc.... ' "I

'C 60\ ~~ 0

s:: \ " \....,... Ib \ ... 'C"

40 0-0'. I0

10 lakes

20 14 lakes

o~-....--......- ......- ......- .....- .....--_--I1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Figure 2. Indicated ring-necked duck pairs on the Bemidji Area Ring-Necked Duck Survey,1969-2003.



-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (180)

Appendix A. Access points and survey routes on lakes included in the Ring-necked Duck Survey, 1969-2003.

Big Rice Pond Burns Lake

O,~.2'!"""'li;;;;;;;;l0~~.;50.2~=o;i;0A Miles


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (181)

Appendix A (continned).

Dutchman Lake Four Legged Pond

0.2 0 0.2 OA Mites

-- !



••• ~ • • ' • •••• •••'• • '••••••••••••••••• • HOO,11 4H \ ~ II )1'

-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (182)

• .'••••••••••••• • '. t) • •••••••••••••••• u .. ~ ) 1.J ~ ) I I I ),

Appendix A (continued).

Four Legged Lake Grass Lake


-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (183)

Appendix A (continued).

Kolkin Marsh Little Moose Lake

0.1 0 0.1 0.2 Milesr


0.2 o 0.2 OA Milesr

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• u u ~ ) 4 ) < ) I~ I ) "

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• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 4.4 • 4~ 4I 4 II ll~

Appendix A (continued).

Popple Lake Refuge Pond

02 o 0.2 OA Miles!



o 02 OA Miles!

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Appendix A (continned).

Rice Lake School Lake

0.2 ° 0.2 OA Miles!


0~.2~;;;ii!0!!!!""""~05.2=;;;i/0;" Miles

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nOtt4.4.4.1 ~

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••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• U.~_41~4t

Appendix A (continued).

Tax Forfeit Lake Ten Lake

0.2 0 0.2 OA Miles,


02 0 0.2 OA Miles, !

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Appendix B. Ring-necked dnck breeding pair counts for the lakeslwetlands included in the Bemidji Area Ring-necked DuckSurvey, 1969-2003 (part 1).

Dutchman Four-legged Four-legged Little Moose MuskratYear Big Rice Pond Burns Lake Lake Lake Pond Grass Lake Lake Lake1969 15 14 10 7 30 181970 17 7 9 13 10 30 241971 14 6 9 6 7 21 181972 8 8 10 9 15 33 51973 II 12 12 II 8 32 51974 12 6 9 8 10 20 91975 13 3 14 5 15 19 16 91976 14 2 7 9 5 15 1 161977 10 2 16 5 0 16 22 51978 7 0 15 12 3 17 18 121979 4 9 4 7 10 11 II 41980 1 0 3 6 7 12 16 71981 13 1 7 9 0 20 19 61982 6 3 4 13 0 18 20 21983 7 1 12 9 I 13 16 141984 7 3 6 9 2 6 8 151985 4 1 5 12 0 10 4 41986 3 2 7 12 4 10 8 71987 5 2 14 12 3 17 12 101988 12 8 16 20 4 21 13 61989 12 3 15 27 4 21 9 101990 II 7 10 29 1 25 5 141991 6 8 16 14 0 20 4 31992 3 7 14 19 2 19 8 211993 II 6 9 14 2 8 I 151994 6 3 12 14 2 17 II 161995 6 II 8 7 3 17 5 II1996 7 6 2 5 3 12 3 8

180•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o •. n

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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~••Appendix B, part 1 (continued).

Dutchman Four-legged Four-legged Little Moose MuskratYear Big Rice Pond Bums Lake Lake Lake Pond Grass Lake Lake Lake1997 7 4 5 2 4 11 27 141998 9 10 13 3 3 6 14 111999 11 14 3 3 3 8 8 52000 5 9 3 1 0 10 2 42001 10 6 6 1 0 4 7 52002 16 11 7 5 4 4 8 82003 9 13 14 9 7 8 7 2


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Appendix B. Ring-necked duck breeding pair counts for the lakeslwetlands included in the Bemidji Area Ring-necked DuckSurvey, 1969-2003 (part 2).

Year Popple Lake Refuge Pond Rice Lake School Lake Ten Lake Tax Forfeit Lake Kolkin Marsh1969 16 9 18 3 6 81970 5 13 15 2 51971 7 13 9 7 7 I 31972 10 12 22 10 14 8 31973 14 14 19 14 4 8 61974 14 23 18 II 3 61975 5 14 24 7 9 8 II1976 6 16 20 6 5 I 71977 12 15 19 II 5 5 01978 7 10 29 3 13 4 01979 10 6 9 8 15 2 31980 14 12 14 3 9 6 I1981 9 13 15 0 7 5 I1982 14 II 20 4 8 2 21983 4 9 32 3 8 0 21984 0 8 19 2 10 0 31985 0 8 23 2 7 01986 0 7 28 2 7 01987 0 7 17 I II I1988 2 9 12 I 14 41989 I II 15 3 12 I1990 3 12 8 4 19 21991 0 9 15 3 10 41992 5 13 10 2 9 51993 2 12 II 3 3 101994 4 9 15 3 7 31995 2 6 19 0 6 51996 0 2 16 2 7 0

182•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0

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• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t~. t. ~. 4. ~ ~

Appendix B, part 2 (continued).

Year Popple Lake Refuge Pond Rice Lake School Lake Ten Lake Tax Forfeit Lake Kolkin Marsh1997 0 6 12 0 10 01998 0 2 23 0 19 01999 0 2 7 0 17 02000 0 I 21 0 7 I2001 0 1 5 3 12 02002 0 2 3 0 4 02003 0 1 8 0 9 1


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Michael C. Zicus, John Fieberg, and David P. Rave

We report on the relationship between Mallard clutch size and cropland area in the landscape inwestern Minnesota during 1997 -1999. We measured clutch size in two types of nest structuresand fit a mixed-effects model to the data to examine the relationship. Our model also includedcovariates to control for the effects of year, nest initiation date, estimated pair numbers, and neststructure type. Unique landscapes associated with each nest (n = 134) ranged from 46.4 - 84.8%cropland. Clutch size was unrelated to cropland area, nest structure type, and estimated numberofpairs with access to structures. Mean clutch size declined with nest initiation date early in thenesting season, but increased somewhat for nests initiated after 30 May. Clutch size alsodiffered among years. Mean clutch size, adjusted for nest initiation date, was 11.0 ± 0.19 SE for1997,10.5 ±0.19 SE for 1998, and 11.0 ±0.19 SE for 1999. Conclusions regarding thesignificance of the year effect and the degree ofnonlinearity due to nest initiation date weresensitive to potential clutch size outliers, but cropland area had no effect on clutch size regardlessof the way we constrained clutch size. Nest parasitism by philopatric females laying in certainstructures might explain the observed increase in clutch size in late nest initiations. Received 29June 2003, accepted 24 August 2003.

*Abstract of paper in Wilson Bulletin 115(4):409-413.



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Michael C. licus and David P. Rave


We collected 45 common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) and 42 hooded merganser(Lophodytes cucullatus) eggs from northern Minnesota for contaminant assays and to determineeggshell thicknesses. Contaminant assays have not begun yet whereas eggshells have beenmeasured. Mean eggshell thickness was 0.403 ± 0.004 SE mm and 0.602 ±0.009 SE mm forcommon goldeneye and hooded merganser eggs respectively, which was 9.5 and 6.0% greaterthan in 1981 but still 7.4 and 4.1 % less than that measured prior to the use of DDT (licus et al.1988). Ratcliffe indexes increased proportionately less than did eggshell thickness forgoldeneyes and remained 4.7% less than the pre-1900 value. The index was unchanged from1981 and remained 6.1 % less than the pre-DDT value for mergansers. These eggshellthickness/density metrics suggest a decrease in exposure to contaminants causing eggshellthinning for both mergansers and goldeneyes. Continued concern over mercury in theenvironment and new concerns about polybrominated diphenyl ethers indicate contaminantassays of the collected eggs would be prudent because food habits of these species cause them tobe vulnerable to these contaminants. Egg samples from northeastern Minnesota are needed as isfunding for the chemical assays.


Staff in the Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources Wetland Wildlife Populations andResearch Group has been developing a forest wetlands and waterfowl initiative. The welfare ofcommon goldeneyes (Bucephala clangula) has been among the topics considered becauseMinnesota common goldeneye populations might be declining in some locations (Fig. 1), and thespecies has been identified in the Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources' A Vision forWildlife and its Use - Goals and Outcomes 2003 - 2013 as indicator species for the ForestProvince.

licns et al. (1988) assayed eggs of common goldeneye and hooded mergansers (Lophodytescucullatus) collected in 1981 for contaminants, and compared eggshell thicknesses with historicvalues. Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were modest in bothspecies, but PCB levels in goldeneye eggs were greater than in merganser eggs. In comparison,geometric mean mercury (Hg) levels in merganser eggs were greater than in goldeneye eggs andwere considered high enough to be a concern. Eggshells of both species were thinner thanhistoric measurements with eggshell thickness in 1981 being 15.4% and 9.6% thinner forcommon goldeneye and hooded merganser eggs, respectively, than that measured around 1900(Fig. 2). Further, cracked or broken eggs were 8.5 times more common in successful goldeneyenests than in either successful wood duck (Aix sponsa) or hooded merganser nests. Eggshellthinning and related shell breakage could be affecting some Minnesota common goldeneyepopulations negatively. Our objective was to repeat the earlier work to determine the extent towhich contaminant loads and eggshell thickness of these species might have changed since 1981.


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Sample size estimation suggested that 40-50 eggs of each species collected from different nestswould result in reasonable precision for the parameters of interest (J. Fieberg, MinnesotaDepartment ofNatural Resources, unpubl. data). One randomly selected, unincubated egg wascollected from cornmon goldeneye and hooded merganser nests primarily within the LaurentianMixed Forest Province ofMinnesota (Fig. 3). Egg length, width, and mass were determinedwhen each egg was collected. In the lab, egg contents were removed and frozen in chemicallypre-cleaned jars for later chemical assay. Eggshells were dried, their mass determined, andthickness at the equator of each egg was measured in 3 random locations.


In spring 2003, we collected 45 cornmon goldeneye and 42 hooded merganser eggs fromnorthern Minnesota. Cooperators assisted with the egg collections and most samples came fromnorth central Minnesota. No eggs were collected from northeastern Minnesota. Mean eggshellthickness measured at the equator was 0.403 + 0.004 SE rnm and 0.602 + 0.009 SE rnm forcornmon goldeneye and hooded merganser eggs respectively. These values are 9.5 and 6.0%greater than those measured in 1981 (Table 1), but still 7.4 and 4.1 % less than those measuredprior to the use ofDDT.

Ratcliffe indexes (Table 2), which are the eggshell mass divided by the product of the length andwidth of the egg (Ratcliffe 1967), changed proportionately less than did eggshell thicknesses.The goldeneye index was 4.9% greater than in 1981, but still 4.7% less than for a sample of eggscollected prior to 1900. In contrast, there was no change in the hooded merganser index from1981, which was 6.1 % less than that of eggs collected prior to the use ofDDT.


Organochlorine pesticides and PCBs in the environment have declined, but concentrations maystill be high enough to cause problems for sensitive species. Although the amount ofHg beingreleased into the atmosphere also has declined, it is still being deposited in aquatic ecosystemsof northern Minnesota, is a significant concern in many locations, and has been identified assuch in the new federal Clear Skies Initiative (http://www.epa.gov/air/clearskies/basic.html).This study will provide evidence of the extent to which organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, andHg affecting cornmon goldeneyes and hooded mergansers has changed since 1981. Further,polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), a class of chemicals used extensively in fireretardants, have been detected recently in biological samples at unexpected rates (M. Briggs,Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources, personal cornmun.). PBDEs are lipophilic andchemically similar to PCBs(http://www.ourstolenfuture.orglNewScience/oncompoundslPBDElwhatarepbdes.htm).Assuch, they are highly persistent and bioaccumulative. Thus, we believe assays for PBDEs wouldbe prudent because goldeneye and merganser food habits cause them to be vulnerable to thesecontaminants.



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Mean eggshell thickness for both mergansers and goldeneyes increased significantly between1981 and 2003. This suggests a decreased exposure to compounds related to eggshell thinningduring this period. The breeding range of common goldeneyes and hooded mergansers inMinnesota extends further east than the geographic extent of the 2003 collections. Theconditions ofour initial federal permit allow us to collect an additional 5 common goldeneyeand 8 hooded merganser eggs. Also, our permit has been amended to allow collection of25additional eggs for each species from northeast Minnesota in spring 2004.

Funding is needed before we can proceed with the chemical assays. Analyses for Hg, PCBs,and organocWorine pesticides are estimated to cost approximately $250/sample (M. Briggs,Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources, pers. commun.). We would need to assay >30eggs of each species to achieve minimal precision for comparison to our earlier work. Analysesfor PBDEs would be very costly and we continue to explore ways to fund these assays.


We'd like to thank Mark Briggs for providing the collection jars for the chemical assays.Jeffrey Dittrich, Ross Heir, Jeff Lawrence, Mike Loss, Gretchen Mehmel, Frank Swendsen, DanThul, and John Williams collected eggs for us, and the Dixon Lake Association allowed us tocollect eggs from their nest boxes.


Faber, R. A., and J. J. Hickey. 1973. Eggshell thinning, cWorinated hydrocarbons, and mercuryin inland aquatic birds, 1969 and 1970. Pesticide Monitoring Journal 7:27 - 36.

Ratcliffe, D. A. 1976. Decrease in eggshell weight in certain birds of prey. Nature 215:208­210.

White, D. H., and E. Cromartie. 1977. Residues of environmental pollutants and shell thinningin merganser eggs. Wilson Bulletin 89:532 - 542.

Zicus, M. C., M. A. Briggs, and R. M. Pace III. 1988. DDE, PCB, and mercury residues inMinnesota Common goldeneye and Hooded merganser eggs. Canadian Journal ofZoology 66:1871 -1876.


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Slope = -1.0

P< 0.0001150


100Q)-III •••.~ ~ ••'CC • • • •

50 • •••• • •••• •• • •• .......•

0+.--............--.-.......,.............,..............--..,.....-..,.._--11955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995

Figure 1. Indicated breeding common goldeneye pairs counted on the Bemidji Area PairSurvey declined during the period 1959 - 1990.



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Figure 2. Mean eggshell thickness for common goldeneye and hooded mergansers declinedbetween 1900 and 1981.

E 0.7,...------------------,E-

---. Hooded Mergansers- Common Goldeneyes

• White and Cromartie 1977• Faber and Hickey 1973• Zicus et al. 1988• Bell Museum Specimens



15.4% Thinner

,--­---------1.9.6% Thinner ----___.----.-.


1900 1920

IIIIIIQ) 0.6s:::~(,)'-~

.... 0.5-"i~IIItntn 0.4


:E 0.3 +-----------.....-----"'"1880



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orest Province

Figure 3. Minnesota townships where common goldeneye and hooded merganser eggswere collected in 2003.



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Table 1. Common goldeneye and hooded merganser eggshell thicknesses measured inMinnesota in 2003 were greater than those measured in 1981 but still less than thosemeasured -1900.



Species -1900

Cornmon goldeneye (mean) 0.435'

(95%CI) 0.423 - 0.447

Hooded merganser (mean) 0.628b

(95% CI) 0.579 - 0.677

'Zicus et al. 1988.bData from 1880 - 1927 (White and Cromartie 1977).




0.360 - 0.376


0.554 - 0.582



0.396 - 0.410


0.584 - 0.620

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Table 2. Ratcliffe indexes for common goldeneye eggshells measured in Minnesota in 2003were greater than those measured in 1981 but still less than those measured -1900 whereashooded merganser indexes measured in 1981 and 2003 were similar and remained less thanthose measured prior to 1947.

Species -1900

Common goldeneye (mean) 2.648"

(95% CI) 2.472 - 2.824

Hooded merganser (mean) 4.000b

(95% CI) 3.890 - 4.IIO

"Zicus et al. 1988.bData from pre-1947 (Faber and Hickey 1973).




2.360 - 2.450


3.692 - 3.822



2.477 - 2.571


3.651 -3.859


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Michael C. Zicus and David P. Rave


We initiated a study of hooded merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) nest attendance in 2002 bydeploying 11 wooden nest boxes in northern Hubbard County. Nest boxes replaced non­functional and missing boxes that were frequently used by hooded mergansers in an earlierstudy. We monitored these and 3 pre-existing boxes for hooded merganser use in 2002-2003.Hooded merganser nests were selected for monitoring opportunistically once nests were initiated,and attendance data were recorded remotely. Four nests were monitored each year for a total of124 days in 2002 and 115 days in 2003. Data from additional nests would markedly improve thesample.


The hooded merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) is a relatively abundant cavity nesting species inMinnesota; however, its general ecology in the state is poorly understood. This project is acontinuation of a cavity nesting waterfowl study begun in 1980. The objective of this project isto examine patterns of hooded merganser nest attendance to assess the variability associated withhens and incubation stage. Specifically, we are interested in the daily timing and number ofrecesses taken by a typical female, the average recess duration, and the total daily recess timeover the course of incubation. Knowledge of these parameters will further our understanding ofthe bioenergetics of this little studied species.


We deployed 11 wooden nest boxes along the shoreline of lakes and wetlands in northernHubbard County (Paul Bunyan State Forest) in late winter 2002. These nest boxes replaced non­functional and missing boxes that were frequently used by hooded mergansers in an earlier study(Zicus 1990). We monitored these boxes and 3 pre-existing boxes for hooded merganser use in2002-2003. Merganser nests were selected for monitoring opportunistically once nests wereinitiated. Nest attendance data were recorded remotely (Cooper and Afton 1981) nest wasselected following methods used by Zicus et al. (1995) for common goldeneyes (Bucephalaclangula). After installation, monitors were checked twice weekly to assure that they werefunctioning properly and to change chart paper and batteries.

Hooded merganser hens typically lay an egg every other day until the clutch is finished (Zicus1990). We considered the incubation period to begin after the clutch was completed at 0:01 hron the day hens began consistently taking one or more daytime recesses followed by anovernight session at the nest. Hooded merganser ducklings are usually brooded in the nest forabout 24 hours prior to departure (M. Zicus, unpubl. data), so we defined the end of incubationand the beginning of the batching period as 24:00 hr 2 days prior to the day ducklings departedthe nest.


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We monitored 4 nests for a total of 124 days in 2002 and 4 nests for a total of 115 days in 2003(Table 1). Data from 10 days in 2002 and 15 days in 2003 were lost because of monitoringequipment malfunctions or disturbance of hens by our activities.

These data should be viewed cautiously, as they have not been weighted for the influences ofincubation day or hen. Our 2 nest monitors were set up opportunistically as nests were foundand later moved to different nests after the first nests hatched. As a result the data areunbalanced with different incubation days monitored for different hens. However, datainspection suggested no striking trends with respect to day of incubation for the number ofrecesses taken each day (Fig. 1) or the total amount of time in daily recesses (Fig. 2).


The lack ofknowledge ofhooded mergansers and other poorly studied species has beendescribed as an "Achilles hee!" (B. Batt, Ducks Unlimited, pers. commun.). Although thehooded merganser is not an important bird in the hunter's bag, Minnesota hunters have taken-13% ofthe Mississippi flyway hooded merganser harvest in recent years (i.e., 10-17% during1999-2001). The biology of this secretive species is relatively unknown, thus information on allaspects of the life history of hooded mergansers is needed.

Studies of incubation patterns provide insights into reproductive strategies and bioenergetics ofnesting females. Generally, small-bodied waterfowl spend a greater proportion of incubationtime in recesses than do larger waterfowl. Our unweighted data suggest that hooded mergansersspent approximately 81-84% of incubation time on the nest, which would be at the low end ofvalues reported for species studied to date. Hooded mergansers in Ontario have been reported toincubate 85% of the time (Mallory et al. 1993), whereas blue-winged and green-winged teal(Anas discors. A. cyanoptera), which are approximately 35% smaller than hooded mergansers,have been reported to incubate 79-83% ofthe time (Afton and Paulus 1992).

Longer recess time is generally required for smaller-bodied hens to maintain body mass duringincubation. Hooded mergansers on our study area have been reported to lose 5--6% of their bodymass during incubation, which is among the lowest observed (Zicus 1997). Surprisingly,common goldeneyes, which are about 25% larger than hooded mergansers, lost approximately11% oftheir body mass despite spending 80-85% oftheir time incubating (Zicus and Hennes1995).

A striking aspect of nest attendance data is often the high variability within and among females(Zicus and Hennes 1995) making these data difficult to analyze. The adaptive consequences ofincubation patterns can only be understood through the study ofmany species in differentlocations. Data from additional hooded merganser nests would markedly improve our sample.



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We'd like to thank Steve Caron for providing the nest boxes that we erected in the Paul BunyanState Forest.


Afton, A. D., and S. L. Paulus. 1992. Incubation and brood care, p. 62·108. In B. D. J. Batt, A.D. Afton, M. G. Anderson, C. D. Ankney, D. H. Johnson, J. A. Kadlec, and G. L. Krapu[eds.], Ecology and management ofbreeding waterfowl. Univ. ofMinnesota Press,Minneapolis.

Cooper, J. A., and A. D. Afton. 1981. A multiple sensor system for monitoring avian nestingbehavior. Wilson Bulletin 93:325-333.

Mallory, M. L., H. G. Lumsden, and R. A. Walton. 1993. Nesting habits of hooded mergansersMergus cucullatus in northeastern Ontario. Wildfowl 44:101-107.

Zicus, M. C. 1990. Nesting biology of hooded mergansers using nest boxes. Journal of WildlifeManagement 54:637-643.

Zicus, M. C., and S. K. Hennes. 1995. Common goldeneye nest attendance patterns. Condor97:461-472.

Zicus, M. C. 1997. Female hooded merganser body mass during incubation. Condor 90:220­224.


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Table 1. Nest attendance data during 3 periods (laying, incubating, and hatching) for hooded mergansers nests inwooden nest boxes in northern Hubbard County MN, 2002-2003.


2002 2003

Period Laying Incubating Hatching Laying Incubating Hatching

Number of nests 2 4 3 2 4 3

Days monitoreda 18 67 6 17 59 5

Recesses/dal nat 3.6 2.0 nat 3.0 3.0

Minutes/day on nestb 128.7 1209.3 980.0 200.9 1161.7 968.6

Minutes/day offnestb I3 I I.3 230.7 132.8 1239. I 278.3 324.0

aDays monitored on which the monitor did not malfunction and the hen was not flushed by the investigator.bMeans not adjusted for incubation day and hen effects."Not applicable.



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00000 0 CfJ:fJ:j:X)OoCXX:O

000000 c():()XOo






ECI) 4





Days Prior to Nest Departure

I 0 Number of recesses I

Figure 1. Bubble plots depicting the daily number of incubation recesses for hooded mergansers in north centralMinnesota,2002-2003. Circle size is proportional to the number of recesses, and absence of a circle indicates missingdata.


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'* 5 c(]])xXD:(])EIf 4 (J!XO::> ·anID°OOc(Q)


2 OCXXX)Oc() 00e€)1 ~c(]):O::OJ 0 ())oooOOc:()x:x:)OOO



Days Prior to Nest Departure

I 0 Time off nest IFigure 2. Bubble plots depicting the total time daily in incubation recesses for hooded mergansers in north centralMinnesota, 2002-2003. Circle size is proportional to the amount of time, and absence of a circle indicates missing data.



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Michael C. Zicus, David P. Rave, and Robert Wright


Ring-necked ducks (Aythya col/aris) have been identified by the Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources' A Vision for Wildlife and its Use - Goals and Outcomes 2003 - 2013 as anindicator species for the Forest Province. Little is known about the distribution and relativeabundance of breeding ring-necked ducks in Minnesota because current waterfowl breeding pairsurveys for the species are inadequate. We intend to survey breeding ring-necked ducks throughMinnesota's primary ring-necked duck breeding range using a helicopter because visibility ofring-necked ducks from a fixed-wing airplane is poor in most ring-neck breeding habitats. MN­GAP habitat model data was used to quantify nesting cover in section-sized survey plots. Foursurvey strata have been defined based on the amount of ring-necked duck nesting cover includedin each survey plot. For the pilot survey, we apportioned 200 section-sized survey plots betweenhigh and low habitat strata within 6 survey-area Ecological Classification System sections. Plotsin a third habitat stratum will not be sampled because we believe the probability of ring-neckpairs occurring on these plots is very low, and plots in a fourth strata will not be sampled becausewe believe no breeding ring-necked ducks occur on these plots. We will assess the validity ofthese assumptions during the survey. Breeding pairs will be recorded by quarter section withinthe survey plots to evaluate the stratification approach we've used and assess the efficiency ofdifferent sized plots. Preliminary observations during the spring 2004 Canada goose surveysuggest that it will be feasible to count ring-necked ducks on section-sized plots.


Staff in the Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources Wetland Wildlife Populations andResearch Group has been developing a forest wetlands and waterfowl initiative. The status ofring-necked ducks (Aythya col/aris) has been among the topics considered because the specieshas been considered an important forest resident and identified by the Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources' A Vision for Wildlife and its Use - Goals and Outcomes 2003 - 2013 as anindicator species for the Forest Province.

Little is known about the current distribution and relative abundance of breeding ring-neckedducks in Minnesota. Moyle (1964) described the species as nesting primarily in the northern­forested portions of the state with appreciable numbers in the forest-prairie transition zone. Atthe time, ring-necks were believed to be the second most abundant species (to mallards) breedingin the forest zone. More recently, Hohman and Eberhardt (1998) described the primary breedingrange as including areas south to approximately the Minnesota River while acknowledging"local" breeding to the Iowa border. In comparison, the Minnesota Department ofNaturalResources' Gap Analysis Project (MN-GAP) defined ring-neck breeding range as including anyEcological Classification System (ECS) subsection where ring-necked duck reproduction hadbeen documented or 87% of the state (Fig. I).


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Continentally, numbers of breeding ring-necks have been increasing, but this might not be thecase in Minnesota (Fig. 2). Current Minnesota waterfowl breeding pair surveys are inadequatefor monitoring resident ring-necked ducks. A Ring-necked Duck Pair Survey has beenconducted in the Bemidji vicinity since 1969 by the Wetland Wildlife Populations and ResearchGroup and includes lakes that were believed to be some of the best ring-necked duck lakes innorth-central Minnesota when the survey was designed. However, the geographic extent of thesurvey is limited to the Bemidji vicinity. In contrast, the May Breeding Pair Survey, which isdirected primarily at mallards and also conducted by the Wetland Wildlife Populations andResearch Group, has a wider coverage but does not survey much of the northern and easternportion of the ring-neck breeding range. Further, this survey is too early to provide usefulinformation because ring-necked ducks arrive on breeding areas and begin nesting later thanmallards (Hohman and Eberhardt 1998).

The Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources' Restoring Minnesota's Wetland andWaterfowl Hunting Heritage acknowledged that a sizable population ofMinnesota-breedingducks is the cornerstone to improving fall duck use. Properly designed breeding populationsurveys are needed to monitor the status of all species of resident forest waterfowl. However, thebiology of different forest species precludes the ability to survey all species with a single survey.


The survey could be designed to provide 3 types of information: I) a population estimate, 2)trend data, or 3) distributional data. An optimal operational survey would likely be designedslightly differently depending on the information of greatest interest. At this time, we have notdecided which type of information we consider most important. However, this decision is notparticularly important for the pilot survey. We will use a helicopter survey because visibility ofring-necked ducks from a fixed-wing airplane is poor in most ring-neck breeding habitats.Survey design is similar to that used for Minnesota's resident Canada geese where 150 sampleplots are counted statewide for $12,000 - $15,000 (S. Maxson, J. Lawrence, pers. comm.). Wedecided that we could afford to sample 200 section-sized plots in the pilot survey because we aresampling a smaller fraction of the state and there will be less travel time among plots.

We will survey Minnesota's primary breeding range using ECS sections and amount of ring­necked duck nesting cover to stratify the sampling. We used the MN-GAP habitat model data toquantify nesting cover in Minnesota. We defmed 4 survey strata based on the amount of ring­necked duck nesting cover included in each section-sized survey plot (Table 1). We combinedsedge meadow and broadleaf sedge/cattail (types 14 and 15) into a single class because ofconcerns we have about classification accuracy in the MN-GAP data, and we will stratify on thiscombined habitat class.

Much is unknown regarding the usefulness of the MN-GAP data as a stratification variable or themost efficient survey plot size. For the pilot survey, we apportioned 200 plots among habitatstrata 1 - 2 within the ECS sections in the proposed survey area. Plots were apportioned amongECS sections in proportion to the relative amount of sedge meadow and broadleaf sedge/cattailhabitat within each ECS section. Within an ECS section, plots assigned to the section wereapportioned between stratum I (high) and 2 (low) based on the proportion of potential surveyplot in each stratum. Actual survey plots were selected randomly from the potential plots in eachstratum.



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Plots in habitat stratum 3 will not be sampled because we believe the probability of ring-neckpairs occurring on these plots is very low. Plots in stratum 4 also wil1 not be sampled becausewe believe no breeding ring-necked ducks occur on these plots. We wil1 assess the validity ofthese assumptions during the pilot survey. Breeding pairs wil1 be recorded by quarter sectionwithin the survey plots. This strategy wil1 allow us to evaluate the stratification approach we'veused and assess the value of different sized plots.

The pilot survey wil1 be conducted beginning the second week of June.


We restricted the pilot survey to an area that we consider Minnesota's primary ring-necked duckbreeding range (Fig. 3). MN-GAP did not define the primary breeding range, but previous work(Moyle 1964, Hohman and Eberhardt 1998) indicated that it was restricted to northern Minnesotaand did not extend much beyond the forest transition zone. Unpublished data from the U.S. Fishand Wildlife Service 4-square Mile Survey were used to confirm which ECS subsections in theMN-GAP breeding range likely represented peripheral areas. Generally, we excludedsubsections from the primary range if none of the 4-square mile plots in the subsection had atleast an average of 1 pair/year during a 10-year period and ifpairs were not counted on the plotsin at least 5 of the 10 years. The Minnesota River Prairie subsection qualified as primarybreeding range under these criteria, but it was excluded nonetheless. Only 2 of the 97 4-squaremile plots in this subsection had the required numbers of ring-necks and both plots were near theboundary with the Hardwood Hil1s subsection which was considered to be primary breedingrange. We also removed the Boundary Waters Canoe Area and metropolitan counties from thesurvey area because of flight restrictions and other logistical considerations.

Preliminary observations during the spring 2004 Canada goose survey, where quarter-section­sized plots are used, suggested that it would be feasible to count ring-necked ducks on section­sized plots without redistributing ring-necked ducks on the plot.

Survey plots were concentrated somewhat in the central and western parts of the survey area(Fig. 4). The most plots (78) were located in the Northern Minnesota Drift and Lake PlainsSection while the fewest plots (13) were located in the Northern Superior Uplands Section.

Amount of sedge meadow and broadleaf sedge/cattail cover associated with an open water areaincluded in the sample plots was higWy skewed (Fig. 5). Plots in the high cover stratumcontained from 3.23 - 86.88 ha of cover while those in the low habitat strata contained 0.03 ­3.17 ha of ring-necked duck nesting habitat as defined from the MN-GAP data.


We thank Brian Hargrave and Nancy Dietz for providing the initial MN-GAP data. Discussionswith John Fieberg and John Giudice were helpful regarding survey design.


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Hohman, W. 1., and R. T. Eberhardt. 1998. Ring-necked duck (Aythya col/aris). In The BirdsofNorth America, No. 329, (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds ofNorth America,Inc. Philadelphia, PA.

Moyle, J. B. (ed.). 1964. Waterfowl in Minnesota. Technical Bulletin No.7. MinnesotaDepartment ofConservation.



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Table 1. Definition of ring-necked duck breeding pair survey strata.

Stratum Definition

1 Survey plots that have::: the median amount (3.18 ha) ofMN-GAP class 14

and 15 nesting cover.

2 Survey plots that have < the median amount (3.18 ha) ofMN-GAP class 14

and 15 nesting cover.

3 Survey plots that have no MN-GAP class 14 and 15 nesting cover but that

include open water that is <250 m from a shoreline.

4 Survey plots that have no MN-GAP class 14 and 15 nesting cover and that

include no open water.


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o MN-GAP Breeding Range

Figure 1. Minnesota ring-necked duck breeding range (Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources' Gap Analysis Project).



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Figure 2. Ring-necked duck breeding population trends as reflected by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Breeding Pair Survey and the Minnesota Department of NaturalResources' BemidjiArea Ring-necked Duck Survey.


140 ~.-CO

120 D.C)s::::.-

100 "C1IC1II-

80 mCOC1I

60 I-

<.-.-40 ".-S

C1I20 m


. . (.i· ,:; i ;r : :

'. I• •,;


~ ,.... "-,; ::. 'f\I: : n, !i!., l\. .. :,

t~!i ,:i; : : ,:: , .'· : ;,.




U.S. Breeding Population- ••- ••_.. Bemidji Area Breeding Pairs

Q 22 .,..--------------------.,.oo 20oo 18....~ 16s::::.2 14...CO- 12::::sc.o 10D­C) 8s::::.-" 6C1Ie 4men 2

::J 0 +-__..,...__..,.__....,---'!""""'--_--......1950


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• HAPET Plots (most pairs)~ HAPET Plots (few pairs)

Proposed Survey Area

iLake Agassiz, Aspen Parklands

. Minnesota & NE Iowa Morainal"~, N Minnesota & Ontario Peatland. . N Minnesota Drift & Lake Plains. . N Superior Uplands

SW Superior Uplands

Figure 3. Proposed survey area for Minnesota ring-necked duck breeding pair survey.



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• 2004 PlotsProposedSulVey Area

ILake Agassiz, Aspen Parklands

. , '.' Minnesota & NE Iowa Morainal'''l''l N Mimesota & Ontario Peadand"':'. N Minnesota Drift & Lake Plainst.~ N Superior Uplands

SW Superior Uplands

Figure 4. Plots selected for Minnesota ring-necked duck breeding pair survey, 2004.


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Figure 5. Box and whisker plots of the amount (ha) of nesting cover (sedge meadow andbroadleaf sedge/cattail cover associated with open water) contained in the 200 plots to besampled in the ring-necked duck pair survey in Minnesota's primary breeding range, 2004.


n= 105


........................................... n=95.< ................... --




Q) 60>0

50(JC)C 40;;!Il







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Michael C. Zicus, David P. Rave, and Michael R Riggs!

Many bird eggs lose -15% of their fresh mass before pipping, but individual species have beenreported to lose 10-23%. Most published estimates have been imprecise due to small samplesizes. Moreover, published estimates ofwithin- or among-species variance components ofmassloss are virtually unknown. We modeled the influence of nest type, clutch size, and egg size ondaily mass loss of Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula),and Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) eggs and compared fractional mass loss amongspecies. This knowledge is essential to better understanding the adaptations of birds to theirenvironments. Mallard eggs in artificial nest cylinders lost more mass than those in groundnests, but were unaffected by nest initiation date. Average-sized eggs in Mallard ground nests,Mallard cylinder nests, and Common Goldeneye and Hooded Merganser nests in nest boxes lost7.9 g (15.2%),10.8 g (20.3%),10.3 g (15.5%), and 9.2 g (15.8%) of fresh mass, respectively.For all species, daily mass loss increased as incubation progressed and was affected by aninteraction between egg size and incubation time, but was not influenced by clutch size.Depending on species, smallest eggs lost 1.0-4.0% more of their fresh mass than did the largest.Egg-mass variability was partitioned into years, nests within years, and eggs within nests andyears. Variability was evenly distributed among the variance components in Mallard groundnests; however, among-eggs within-nest variance predominated in nests in nest cylinders. Incontrast, among-nests variation was the dominant source for goldeneyes and mergansers. Nest­site selection and egg size likely involve tradeoffs among optimum egg-mass loss and nest andhatchling survival. Received 2 September 2003, accepted 2 April 2004.

*Abstract of paper in press in 2004 Condor.

IStatistical Research Division, Research Triangle Institute, 3040 Cornwallis Road, Research TrianglePark, NC 27709


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Mark A. Hanson l, James O. Church', Anthony T. Miller,3, Brian J. Palik4

, and Malcolm G.Butler2


Seasonal wetlands (sensu Stewart and Kantrud 1971) are abundant in forested landscapes andsupport unique biological communities. Until recently, these sites were poorly understood andoften overlooked by forest managers who were largely unaware ofpotential implications oftimber harvest and related activities in wetlands and adjacent uplands. Seasonal wetlands arecommon in Minnesota's Laurentian Mixed Forest (Almendinger and Hanson 1998). Althoughvariable and unique, these wetlands share some distinguishing features. Seasonal wetlandstypically occur in localized depressions and are usually isolated from adjacent waters. Inforested regions ofMinnesota, seasonal wetlands usually fill during spring from surface runoffdue to snow-melt, and then dry owing to evapotranspiration during early-midsununer. However,site-to-site variation in hydrology, soil characteristics, precipitation, wetland size, and otherfeatures result in extreme variability in timing and duration of annual flooding (hereafterhydroperiod). An individual wetland basin may remain dry during low-moisture years, yet beflooded year-round during periods when moisture is more abundant (Brooks 2004).

Palik et al. (200I) suggested that processes and organisms in small seasonal wetlands exhibitstrong functional linkage to adjacent forested uplands. This is well illustrated by the fact thatseasonal wetlands gain most of their energy from litter originating in adjacent uplands (Oertli1993). Annual leaf fall is widely considered to be the major energy source for residentorganisms; endogenous primary production from algae growing within seasonal wetlands mayalso be important but the magnitude and fluctuation of this contribution to overall productivity ispoorly understood.

Seasonal wetlands are also influenced by presence of an adjacent forest canopy. In addition tofunctioning as a source oforganic matter, this canopy inhibits sunlight available at the wetlandsurface. Relationships between light availability, primary production, and major vegetationforms are not well known, but canopy closure is a major influence on vegetation dominance insmall wetlands. Removal of canopy via timber harvest has potential to influence biologicalcommunities in adjacent wetlands owing to increased sunlight, higher water temperatures, andreduced coarse woody debris and leaf litter inputs associated with these activities.

I Wetland Wildlife Populations & Research Group, Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources, 102 23'dSt. NE, Bemidji, MN, 56601.'Department of Biological Sciences, Stevens Hall, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105.'Present address: Third Rock Consultants, LLC, 2514 Regency Road, Suite 104, Lexington, KY, USA40503.4North Central Research Station, USDA Forest Service, I83 I Highway 169 East, Grand Rapids, MN55744.



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Aquatic invertebrates are often the most abundant fauna in seasonal wetlands (Brooks 2000) andserve as important links between products of primary production and higher consumers (Murkinand Batt 1987). Various species of birds, amphibians, and small mammals depend on the aquaticinvertebrates which seasonal wetlands provide. Aquatic invertebrate communities in thesehabitats exhibit life cycles constrained by needs to 1) minimize influences of desiccation, 2)reproduce rapidly, and 3) avoid extirpation due to vertebrate and invertebrate predators(Wellborn et al. 1996, Wiggins et al. 1980). ln general, invertebrate species richness probablyincreases with hydroperiod length (Brooks 2004), but this is mitigated somewhat by complexinfluences of predation (Hanson et al. In Review). More broadly, invertebrate communitiesintegrate abiotic and biotic features of wetland environments, thus these populations havepotential to serve as indicators of wetland characteristics, including changes in functionalrelationships with adjacent uplands (Adamus 1996, Resh and Jackson 1993). However, commonbioassessment techniques applied to wetlands over short time periods may have limitedusefulness (Tangen et al. 2003).

Voluntary site-level guidelines have been formulated for timber harvesting adjacent to aquatichabitats (Minnesota Forest Resources Council 1999). These guidelines recommend retention offorested strips or "buffers" adjacent to riparian areas following clear-cut timber harvest nearstreams, lakes, and open-water wetlands, but make no similar recommendations for many small,seasonally-flooded wetlands. This may be unfortunate given strength of functional linkages(Palik et al. 2001, Colburn 2001) between small wetlands and adjacent upland landscapes, atleast at local spatial scales. However, guidelines encourage retention of five % cover in patchesfollowing clear-cut timber harvest and suggest that these "five % patches" should be focusedadjacent to seasonal wetlands (Minnesota Forest Resources Council 1999). Whether these "five% suggestions" are logistically feasible or work to preserve ecological integrity of seasonalwetlands is largely unknown. Finally, some existing evidence supports the notion that timberharvest influences natural hydroperiods, at least for some wetland types (Dube and Plamondon.1995, Roy et al. 1997). If this is the case, we expect consequences for resident invertebratecommunities whose life-cycle strategies reflect narrow tolerances to influences of flooding,desiccation, and predation.

Research reported here was performed in association with investigators from USFS (NorthCentral Research Station, Grand Rapids, MN), Natural Resources Research Institute (Duluth,MN), and University of Minnesota (St. Paul, MN). Collectively, this group is assessing efficacyof harvest buffer strips on ecological integrity of seasonal wetlands. Here, we summarize resultsof our research evaluating responses ofwetland invertebrate communities to adjacent timberharvest and harvest buffers. Our project has several objectives. First, we used data collectedduring one pretreatment year (2000) to assess natural variability of resident invertebratecommunities. Second, we identified and evaluated potential sources ofvariability in major taxaof aquatic invertebrates in study wetlands during the first three years following timber harvest.Finally, we performed a general test to assess the efficacy ofharvest buffers by examiningpotential responses of wetland invertebrate communities to timber harvest across the fourtreatment groups. This is a partial summary hased on preliminary analyses; results andinterpretation may change as additional data are gathered and interpreted.


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Figure 1. Drawings depict four experimental harvestlbuffer configurations.Clockwise from upper left, these were control (no harvest), full buffer (no harvestwithin 50 feet of study wetlands), thinned buffer (50 percent thinning withinbuffer), and no buffer (clear-cut to wetland margins). Each group offour"treatments" was replicated in four landscape blocks.


We assessed responses of aquatic invertebrate communities within 16 seasonally-floodedwetlands adjacent to aspen-dominated landscapes in north central MN (near Remer). Studywetlands are located on lands owned and managed by Potlatch, Inc. and Cass County,Minnesota. Wetland study sites were apportioned among four treatments as determined byforest-harvest configurations in adjacent uplands. Each ofthe four study area blocks includedone wetland adjacent to clear-cut, one wetland adjacent to a partial buffer, one wetland adjacentto a full buffer and one control (unharvested) site (Figure 1). Clear-cut treatments were definedas sites wherein all trees were harvested to the approximate wetland margin. Wetlands withinthe partial and full buffer treatments were each surrounded by 50-foot zone. Partial buffers werethinned to approximately 50 % original basal area, and full buffers remained intact (noharvesting within buffers). No timber harvesting occurred in landscapes adjacent to controlwetlands. Each treatment block was replicated four times.

Study Area


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Field and Laboratory methods

Aquatic invertebrate communities were sampled using surface-associated activity traps (SAT's)(Hanson et al. 2000). Samples were collected every two weeks beginning in late-April to earlyMay until five sets of samples had been gathered or until the initial wetland desiccation. FiveSAT's were randomly deployed in each wetland for approximately 24 hours. Contents of eachtrap were condensed by passage through funnels fitted with 330-.m mesh, and preserved in 75percent ethanol. Samples were processed in the laboratory. Invertebrates were identified to thelowest feasible taxonomic level, typically order, family, or genus using keys ofPennak (1989),Thorpe and Covich (1991), and Merritt and Cummins (1996).

Staff from North Central Forest Experiment Station (NCFES) provided physical and chemicaldata for use in our analyses. These data (hereafter environmental data) included hydroperiod,concentrations of major dissolved nutrients and other selected dissolved ions, alkalinity, specificconductivity, water transparency and color, and canopy coverage over study wetlands. Forlogistical reasons, not all parameters were assessed in all sites during all study years. Resultspresented here are based on data currently available to us.

Statistical analysis

Wetlands were considered the units of observation for all our analyses. We used indirect(principle components analysis, PCA) and direct (redundancy analysis, RDA) gradient analysesto assess variability in aquatic invertebrate communities of wetland study sites and to relateobserved patterns to environmental gradients. PCA based on pre-treatment data (2000) was usedto assess natural variability among invertebrate communities and to illustrate temporal changesin these populations. We used direct gradient analysis (ter Braak 1995) to identifyenvironmental sources of variability in wetland invertebrate communities and to measuremagnitude of these influences. RDA was used to identify environmental variables (via forwardselection) that contributed significantly to observed patterns in aquatic invertebrates. Followingthe initial RDA, the total variance explained by all significant model terms was then partitionedto assess the relative contributions of the significant environmental variables (Borcard et al.1992). Construction ofRDAmodels and variance partitioning were done using CANOCO 4.0(Ter Braak and Smilauer 1998).

Finally, we used discriminant analysis (DA) and multi-response permutation procedures (MRPP)(McCune and Grace 2002) to evaluate whether wetland invertebrate communities wereinfluenced by adjacent timber harvest, thus indicating if residual buffers were mitigating againstinfluences of these harvests. Following DA and MRPP, we used indicator species analysis(Dufrene and Legendre 1997) to identify potential relationships between individual invertebratetaxa and buffer treatments. Our indicator species analysis was conducted using 1000permutations. For each wetland, we summed numbers of invertebrates captured in five SATs toproduce totals of major taxa collected during each biweekly sampling. These totals wereaveraged annually, resulting in mean number of organisms per wetland during each study year.Thus, in general, our analyses were based on 64 wetland-year combinations (16 wetlandssampled during 4 years) of major invertebrate taxa and environmental data provided by NCFES.DA was conducted using SAS IMP 5.0.la; MRPP was performed using PC-ORD version 4.0

(McCune and Mefford 1999).


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o 1 Mayo 15 May

~03.~ I

• 5June



04....._ _ _iiij-: _-_._--'::-0..

2.a '04.3\

• 19 June


Figure 2. Principle components analysis depicting invertebrate communitycharacteristics in 7 study wetlands sampled during period of 1 May -19 June2000 (pre-harvest). Wetland study sites connected with the same line weresampled on the same date. Other wetlands were sampled during 2000, butonly these 7 sites were sampled on all four 4 dates during the period indicatedabove. Changing position (wetland site scores) over time indicated change innumbers and composition of invertebrates. Arrows indicate direction ofassociation with invertebrate taxa (not shown).

Pre-treatment variation


Invertebrate communities in our study wetlands were dominated by Culicidae, Dytiscidae,Hydrophilidae, Daphnia spp., Eubranchipus sp., Ostracoda, Copepoda, and Chironomidae.Wetland invertebrate communities varied dramatically among sampling dates during 2000(Figure 2). PCA ofthese four sampling dates during 2000 illustrated

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variability in wetland site scores through an annual growing season. Very generally, wetlandswere dominated by Diptera (mosquitos) and, sometimes, by Anostraca (fairy shrimp,Eubranchipus) on earlier sampling dates. We observed a transition toward zooplankton,Hemiptera, and Coleoptera later in the growing season.

We were able to gather invertebrate data from all 16 wetlands during only one sampling periodin 2000 (week of IS May). Environmental variables which were significantly associated withinvertebrate community structure were hydroperiod and water-colwnn nitrate concentrations.Hydroperiod and nitrate explained 34 and 24 percent of the variance in invertebratecommunities, respectively (Figure 3a).

Post-treatment Patterns

Hydroperiod was the only environmental variable among those we assessed that showed aconsistent association with invertebrate community characteristics (in other words, onlyhydroperiod explained significance variance in invertebrates during each year of our study). Forexample, results ofRDA from 13 May 2001 indicated that hydroperiod and light absorbance(attenuation) were significantly associated with invertebrate community composition. Variancepartitioning here indicated that hydroperiod and water-colwnn light absorbance (attenuation)explained 45 and 20 percent of the variance respectively (Figure 3b). RDA results from 2002indicated that the invertebrate community was constrained significantly by hydroperiod and totalnitrogen. Here, wetland hydroperiod and nitrogen explained 21 and 13 percent of the variance,respectively (Figure 3c).

As expected, we collected Anostraca (Eubranchipus) from many of our study wetlands, but theiroccurrences were sporadic and short-lived. We saw some evidence that variability in life-cyclechronology (or abundance) of Eubranchipus was associated with buffer treatments (Figure 4).This may have been related to apparent changes in ice-out chronology also observed during2001, the only year when ice-out dates were recorded for these study sites (Figure 5).

Community Response to Treatment

Discrimininant analysis (DA) showed moderate separation among harvest treatments (Figure 6).Results of our means separation tests (the MRPP) indicated that there was a significant timberharvest "effect" and also reflected extremely high variation within treatments (t=-3.188, p=0.004,R=0.022). Orthogonal comparisons among treatments (MRPP) indicated that wetlands withinclear-cut treatments were distinguishable (p<0.05) from the other three treatment groups.Invertebrate communities in full buffer wetlands were only marginally different from those in thepartial buffer sites, and neither full nor partial buffer sites differed distinctly from controls (TableI). DA models misclassified 16 of the 64 site-year combinations, likely due to extremevariability in these communities. Five control wetlands were misclassified as full buffer, andfour were misclassified as partial buffer. Three full buffer wetlands were misclassified, one as aclear-cut site and two as partial buffers. Two partial buffer wetlands were misclassified, one as acontrol and the other as a full buffer. One clear-cut wetland was misclassified as a control. Ourindicator species analysis showed that Hemiptera were positively associated with clear-cut sitesand Eubranchipus sp. was positively associated with the full buffer treatment (Table 2). Thissimply means that hemipterans and Eubranchipus occurred more often than would be expectedby chance in wetlands associated with clear-cuts and control sites, respectively.


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Figure 3. Results of variance partitioning using partial redundancy analysis (detailsexplained in text). Histograms depict proportions of variance in aquatic invertebratecommunities associated with significant environmental variables measured at eachwetland (selected using forward selection procedures). Values presented here arebased on mean numbers of aquatic invertebrates collected in all 16 study wetlandsduring 2000 (a), 2001 (b), and 2002 (c).





Abs. atten

Total Nitrogen




C Variance explained 2002 (%)









b Variance explained 2001 (%)



a Variance explained 2000 (%)



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Figure 5. Mean percent open water by harvest/buffertreatments as estimated'on 10 April 2001.

Figure 4. Mean annual number of Eubranchipus sp. sampledper wetland in the four treatments during 2001, one yearfollowing timber harvest. Variability was extremely highamong sites, thus differences were not statistically significant.





400 .,------------------,














0Clear-cut Partial Full Control

buffer buffer


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Chance corrected withingroup agreement

• •







Table 1. Results from the full model MRPP and subsequent mnltiplecomparisons. Values in bold indicate comparisons which werestatistically significant.

ComparisonFull model MRPPControl vs. Full BufferControl vs: Partial BufferControl vs. Clear-cutFull buffer vs. Partial BufferFull buffer vs. Clear-cutPartial buffer vs. Clear-cut


Full Buffer

Figure 6. Canonical plot from discriminant aJialysis (details explained in text).Data points represent invertebrate community scores in canonicaI.space, one score derivedfor each wetland during each study year. Circles represent buffer/harvest treatments,bounded by 95 percent confidence intervals. Crosshairs in the middle of each circlerepresent treatment means.


Partial Buffer •o Control ,

• Clear-cut •

+ Fu!1 Buffer •Partial Buffer •


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Table 2. Results of the indicator species analysis. Indicator values and p-valuesare given for each taxonomic group. Indicator values indicate % perfectindication (always present, exclusive to that group), based on combining thevalues of relative abundance and relative frequency.

Taxon Control Partial Buffer Clear-cut Full Buffer p-valueDiptera 25 24 24 27 0.435Odonata 14 8 18 17 0.837Trichoptera 13 10 17 18 0.85Hydracarina 26 23 25 26 0.661Collembola 21 29 25 23 0.318Eubranchipus sp. 10 7 11 35 0.019Conchostraca 9 25 2 26 0.259Hirudinea 14 18 10 28 0.202Oligochaeta 13 31 15 17 0.119Coleoptera 24 25 25 26 0.627

Hemiptera 13 14 36 22 0.01Ostracoda 23 27 26 25 0.525Cladocera 25 20 28 28 0.325Copepoda 24 24 26 26 0.393Gastropoda 22 19 25 27 0.657Sphaeridae 25 25 13 25 0.746


Invertebrate communities in our study wetlands were highly variable and were dominated by amodest number of aquatic taxa relative to reports from other regional wetland studies (reviewedby Euliss et al. 1999). Natural dynamics in these populations was such that seasonal fluctuationswithin individual wetlands sometimes exceeded spatial differences among similar sites on agiven date. Our results indicated that few environmental variables measured in our studyaffected pre- and post-treatment invertebrate communities. With the exception of hydroperiod,influences of environmental variables appeared to be rather weak and fluctuated across studyyears. Our results also identified moderate influences of nitrogen (NOJ-2'2000; TN, 2002) andthis may reflect roles of organic matter inputs during these years. Overall weak correspondencebetween invertebrate communities and environmental variables may be due to the fact thatinvertebrate communities in seasonal wetlands are comprised of organisms with environmentaltolerances well within the ranges of those measured in our study. This seems especially likelygiven that many invertebrates inhabiting freshwater wetlands are known to be well adapted tosurvival in ephemeral habitats subject to severe environmental fluctuations (Batzer et al. 2004,Euliss et al. 1999, Wiggins et al. 1980). Our RDA's also indicated that a large proportion ofvariance in these invertebrate communities remains unaccounted for by environmentalcharacteristics ofwetlands measured in our study. The latter may reflect the fact that keyenvironmental variables were not included in our analyses, or that environmental extremessufficient to limit invertebrate populations were not realized during the first several years of thisresearch.


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Clear-cut timber harvest resulted in distinguishable, community-level responses ofaquaticinvertebrates in adjacent study wetlands. Only two invertebrate taxa we reported (Hemiptera andEubranchipus) showed significant associations with specific harvest/buffer treatments. Thus,treatment effects we observed may reflect subtle associations among buffers among a suite ofinvertebrates rather than sharp increases or decreases in abundance ofa few taxa. Results of ourDA indicated that full and partial buffers mitigated against effects of the adjacent timber harvest.Although preliminary, these data may indicate that harvest buffers have potential to preserveintegrity of invertebrate communities in adjacent wetlands, such as those reported on here. Weare unaware of other research specifically addressing efficacy ofharvest buffers in Minnesota.However, these results support the notion that focusing residual trees (five % leave trees)adjacent to wetlands following clear-cut timber harvest (Minnesota Forest Resources Council1999) may help sustain ecological continuity of the wetland component of forested landscapes.

Presently, we do not understand the ecological basis for observed invertebrate-communityassociations with buffers and timber harvest. Following timber harvest, we expected seasonalwater temperature increases, altered vegetation communities, and reduced leaf litter inputs to ourstudy wetlands. We also expected that these changes may have influenced associatedinvertebrate communities via physical and food-web mediated processes. For example, we notedthat loss of wetland ice cover occurred earlier adjacent to clear-cut treatments during spring200I, the only year in which these observations were gathered. We would expect that earlier ice­out and subsequent warming would modify chronology of some invertebrates, especially taxawith rigid life-cycle requirements such as Eubranchipus. However, data useful for clarifyingthese and other influences were not available for our analysis.

Hydroperiod is a key determinant of invertebrate community structure in freshwater wetlands(Wiggins et al. 1980, Brooks 2000, Schneider and Frost 1996, Batzer et al. 2004, Bilton et al.2001). Wetlands of longer duration often support higher taxonomic diversity due to prolongedhabitat availability, although diversity is limited by influences of invertebrate and vertebratepredation (Welborn et al. 1996). Previous investigators have reported that timber harvestinfluences natural hydroperiods, at least for some wetland types (Dube and Plamondon. 1995,Roy et al. 1997, Verry 1986). We are aware of no research consensus linking timber harvest tohydrologic relationships of depressional wetlands in MN. However, we would certainly expectthat modification ofwetland hydroperiods would be associated with subsequent changes inresident invertebrate communities.


Preliminary results of this study support the suggestion of Palik et al. 1999 that seasonal wetlandecosystems are functionally linked to the adjacent forest. Our data are also consistent withfmdings of Batzer et al. (2004) who reported that macroinvertebrates in similar forest wetlandsshowed little statistical association with environmental variables, including those we measured.Invertebrate communities we studied were highly variable and showed weak correspondencewith environmental features of the wetlands and the adjacent landscape. Forested buffersappeared to mitigate against influences of timber harvest, thus we suggest that retention ofharvest buffers may be useful for maintaining ecological integrity of seasonal wetlands in theforested landscape. Future research is needed to assess causal mechanisms associated withresults reported here and to evaluate interactions among wetland communities, harvest buffers,and timber harvest over longer time frames.



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We thank the staff from North Central Forest Experiment Station (USFS), MinnesotaDepartment ofNatural Resources (MDNR) Wetland Wildlife Population and Research Group,MDNR Nongame Wildlife Program, Cass County Land Department, Potlatch Corporation, NorthDakota Water Resources Research Institute and North Dakota State University Department ofBiological Sciences for financial and logistical support of this work.

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Brian R. Herwig l, Mark A. Hanson2

, Jeffrey R. Reed3, Bradford G. Parsons3

, Anthony J.Potthoff', Matthew C. Ward5

, Kyle D. Zimmer6, Malcolm G. Butler4

, David W. Willis5, and

Vaughn A. SnooI2

In the absence of extreme winterkill or predators, fathead minnows Pimephales promelas oftenreach very high densities, and influence both aquatic invertebrate abundance and communitystructure in Minnesota's prairie pothole wetlands. Furthermore, fathead minnows reduceherbivorous zooplankton, likely reducing water transparency and contributing to loss of aquaticvegetation in many wetlands. We stocked walleye (Sander vitreus) in wetlands in westernMinnesota's Prairie Pothole Region to test the efficacy of"biomanipulation" as a tool to I)suppress fathead minnow populations, 2) enhance invertebrate communities, and 3) improvewetland quality by inducing potential shifts from turbid, phytoplankton-dominance to clearwater, macrophyte-dominance.

We evaluated two distinct treatments using either larval (fry) walleye, or age-I and older(advanced) walleye. We added larval walleye to 6 wetlands (walleye fry treatment) and age-Iand older walleye to 6 additional wetlands (advanced walleye treatment) in May 2001 and 2002.Six other wetlands served as control or reference sites during both study years (referencetreatment) .

We observed significant reductions in abundance of fathead minnows in our walleye frytreatment during 2001 and 2002. This included larval fathead minnows, and was likely due to acombination of direct predation on minnows and decreased recruitment by adult fish.Concurrently, higher abundances of Daphnia spp. and several macroinvertebrate taxa, includingamphipods, were also observed. Phytoplankton abundance and turbidity decreased, but not untilthe second year (2002). In 2001, we did not observe a decrease in phytoplankton, despite apronounced increase in large cladocerans later during the growing season.

IMinnesota Department ofNatural Resources, Division ofFish and Wildlife, 21 14 Bemidji Avenue,Bemidji, MN 56601. Phone: (218)-755-4628. Email: [emailprotected].'Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources, Wetland Wildlife Populations and Research Group, 10223n1 Street, Bemidji, MN 56601. Phone: (218)-755-3920. Email: [emailprotected].'Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources, Division of Fish and Wildlife, 23070 North LakeshoreDrive, Glenwood, MN 56334.'Department ofZoology, North Dakota State University, Stevens Hall, Fargo, ND 58105.'Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, South Dakota State University, Box 2140B, NPB Room 138, Brookings,SD 57007.'Department ofBiology, University ofSt. Thomas, Mai 1# OWS 390, 2115 Summit Avenue, St. Paul,MN 55105.



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In 2002, both phytoplankton abundance and turbidity decreased, perhaps indicating that presenceofa robust zooplankton population during early sununer was critical for the switch to a clearwater state. Submerged aquatic vegetation showed modest, continued improvement in thewalleye fry treatment throughout the study, although this response developed rather graduallyfollowing the initial manipulation. Zooplankton populations, and water transparency remainedhigh in 2003 despite the reestablishment of fathead minnow populations in most wetlands. Wehypothesize that this is due to the stabilizing influence of submerged aquatic vegetation inmaintaining the clear water conditions.

Positive responses of major invertebrates persisted in the walleye fry treatment, despite dietarydependence of walleye on invertebrate prey following elimination of prey fish (fatheadminnows). One major group of benthic invertebrates that may have been affected by walleye frywas Chironomidae. Although the trend was not significant, chironomids appeared to be lessabundant in the walleye fry treatment in 2002 relative to the other treatments.

Overall, we observed very limited wetland responses to our advanced walleye treatment, exceptfor some modest suppression of fathead minnows in 2002. Increases in amphipods and benthicchironomids were also evident in 2002, but we saw no increases in other invertebrate taxa

Our results indicate that biomanipulation via walleye fry stocking may be useful to suppressfathead minnow populations and improve habitat quality in Minnesota wetlands, at least overshort time periods. To facilitate persistent clear water and macrophyte-dominated conditions, werecommend that fry stocking be conducted at least every other year to control fathead minnowswhere they persist. Fathead minnows have prolific recruitment potential and exhibit strongpredation pressure on invertebrates, thus sites with persistent minnow populations may requirecontinued treatments to sustain clear water. We believe this is warranted given persistence offathead minnow populations in prairie wetlands and the limnological basis for recovery to a"clear water state" in these habitats. Before and after all walleye stocking, wetlands should bemonitored to allow managers to assess effectiveness of the biomanipulation efforts and to ensurethat walleyes are not added to fishless wetlands.

We emphasize that we are not advocating establishment of permanent walleye populations inprairie marshes. To minimize predation on invertebrates, we recommend that walleyefingerlings be removed during fall. We also recommend that walleye fry not be stocked inwetlands with intermittent surface-water connections. Efforts should be made to select sites thatare isolated from other surface waters because the success of biomanipulation efforts will belower in systems where flooding and fish immigration frequently occur. Stocking of advancedwalleye (age-l and older) was not successful in producing desired food web responses in ourstudy wetlands. Here, consumption rates were simply not high enough to reduce fatheadminnow abundance. We acknowledge that our stocking rate was low compared to otherbiomanipulation studies using adult piscivorous species. Logistically it was very difficult toobtain the numbers/biomass of advanced walleye needed in this study. Obtaining numbers ofadvanced walleye necessary for a successful biomanipulation is probably not practical in awetland management context.


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Below are lists of scientific reports and other publications by personnel in the WildlifePopulations and Research Unit for the approximate period March 2003 through February 2004.Some titles by Unit personnel pertain to work done while employed by the DNR, but otherreports are on work done elsewhere (e,g., as a graduate student, employed by another agency,while on leave of absence, etc.) An (*) before an author's name indicates that the report waslisted as in press in previous summaries of research project fmdings. Included under scientificreports are those which have been published and those accepted for publication (in press).


Angeler, D.G., P. Chow-Fraser, M.A. Hanson, S. Sanchez-Carillow, and K. D. Zimmer. 2003.Biomanipulation: a useful tool for freshwater wetland mitigation? Freshwater Biology48:2203-2213.

Beyea, J., M. Benner, C. Dunn, M. A. Fajvan, R. Freed, M. D. Grund, S. B. Horsley, R. E.Latham, A. F. Rhoads, and B. Shissler. Managing deer from an ecosystem perspective.Stackpole Books. In Review.

Bigalke, B.J., J.A. Jenks, and C.S. DePerno. 2003. An efficient lower jaw removal techniquefor large mammals. South Dakota Academy ofScience 82:67-72.

Brinkman, T.J., C.S. DePerno, J.A. Jenks, and B.S. Haroldson. 2004. Movement offemalewhite-tailed deer in an intensively cultivated region of Minnesota. Journal ofWildlifeManagement. In Review.

Brinkman, T.J., J.A. Jenks, C.S. DePerno, B.S. Haroldson, and R.G. Osborn. 2004. Survivalof white-tailed deer in an intensively farmed region ofMinnesota. Wildlife SocietyBulletin. In Press.

Brinkman, TJ., J.A. Jenks, C.S. DePerno, and B.S. Haroldson. 2004. Clostridium perfringensType A induced disease in a free-ranging white-tailed deer fawn in Minnesota? ThePrairie Naturalist. In Press.

Brinkman, T.J., K.L. Monteith, J.A. Jenks, and C.S. DePerno. 2004. Predicting neonatal age ofwhite-tailed deer in the northern Great Plains. The Prairie Naturalist. In Press.

Carstensen, M., and G. D. DelGiudice. 2003. Birth, morphological, and blood characteristics offree-ranging white-tailed deer neonates. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. In Press.

*Carstensen, M., G. D. DelGiudice, and B. S. Sampson. 2003. Using doe behavior and vaginalimplant transmitters to capture white-tailed neonates in north central Minnesota. WildlifeSociety Bulletin 31: 634-641.



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~~•••••••-.•••••'.•••..- ,••••••:~•••'.tt"•••

DePerno, C.S., and J.A Jenks. 2004. Antlered female deer: a scientific perspective. WhitetailsWinter 2004:38-39.

DePerno, e.S., and J.A Jenks. 2004. Antlered female deer harvested in Minnesota MinnesotaConservation Volunteer. In Press.

DePerno, e.S., and J.R. Anderson. 2003. Documentation of a late born fawn in south centralMinnesota. Whitetails Summer 2003:54.

DePerno, C.S., and J.A Jenks. 2003. Antlered female deer: how and why? Whitetail JournalOctober 2003:70-74.

DePerno, e.S., S.L. Griffin, J.A Jenks, and L.A. Rice. 2003. Multidimensional covercharacteristics: Is variation in habitat selection related to white-tailed deer sexualsegregation? Journal ofMammalogy 84:1316-1329.

Dingman, KJ., R.O. Kimmel, J.D. Krenz, and B.R. McMillan. 2003. Hunter interference andease of access for spring wild turkey hunting in Minnesota. Northern Wild TurkeyWorkshop Proceedings. Page 20.

Edwards, AJ., M.W. Schrage, and M.S. Lenarz. 2004. Northeastern Minnesota moosemanagement - a case study in cooperation. Alces. In Press.

*Erb, J., and H.R. Perry, Jr. 2003. Muskrats. Pages 311-348 in G.A. Feldhamer, B.C.Thompson, and J.A. Chapman, editors. Wild Mammals ofNorth America: Biology,Management, and Conservation. 2nd edition.

DelGiudice, G.D., B.A. Sampson, D.W. Kuehn, M. Carstensen, and J. Fieberg. 2004Improving our understanding of the margins of safe capture, chemical immobilization,and handling offiee-ranging white-tailed deer. Wildl. Soc. Bull. In Press.

Garshelis, D.L. Variation in ursid life histories - Is there an outlier? In D. Lindburg and KBaragona, editors. Panda conservation. Dniv. California Press. In Press.

Garton, E. 0., J. T. Ratti, and J. H. Giudice. 2004 (In Press). Research and experimentaldesign. In C. E. Braun, ed. Research and management techniques for wildlife andhabitats. Sixth edition. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, Maryland. In Press.

Gibbs, M.c., J.A Jenks, e.S. DePerno, F.F. Sowell, and KJ. Jenkins. 2004. Cervid rangeutilization in noncommercially thinned ponderosa pine forests. Journal ofRangeManagement. In Press.

Grund, M. D., and A. Woolf. Evaluation ofaccounting models for managing white-tailed deerherds. Ecological Modeling. In Press.

Hansel-Welch, N., M.G. Butler, T.A. Carlson, and M.A. Hanson. 2003. Changes in macrophytecommunity structure in Lake Christina (Minnesota), a large shallow lake, followingbiomanipulation. Aquatic Botany 75:323-337.


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Haroldson, B.S., E.P. Wiggers, J. Beringer, L.P. Hansen, and J.B. McAninch. 2003. Evaluationof aerial thermal imaging for detecting white-tailed deer in a deciduous forestenvironment. Wildlife Society Bulletin 31:1188-1197.

Haroldson, K.J. 2003. Weather, food, and roost cover: key factors limiting the distribution ornorthern wild turkeys. Northern Wild Turkey Workshop Proceedings. Page I I.

Higgins, K. F., R. G. Osborn, D. E. Naugle, and K. K. Bakker. Contrasting the potential effectsof biomass fuel, soy-based fuel, ethanol and wind energy developments on NorthernGreat Plains wildlife. Transactions ofthe North American Wildlife Conference (InPress).

Kane, D.F., R.O. Kimmel, W.E. Faber, and G.C. Nelson. 2003. Winter survival ofwild turkeystranslocated north of their ancestral range in Minnesota. Northern Wild TurkeyWorkshop Proceedings. Page 14.

Kimmel, R.O. 2003. Northern wild turkeys-the fmal frontier. Northern Wild Turkey WorkshopProceedings. Pages 4-5.

Klaver, R.W., J.A. Jenks, C.S. DePerno, and S.L. Griffin. 2004. Fuzzy classification of seasonalrange use by white-tailed deer. Journal ofWildlift Management. In Review.

Klaver, R.W., J.A. Jenks, C.S. DePerno, and S.L. Griffin. 2004. Effect of scale on habitatselection of white-tailed deer in the central Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming.Wildlift Monograph. In Review.

Krueger, W. 2003. Survey of northern turkey biologists regarding current wild turkey range andplans for continued expansion. Northern Wild Turkey Workshop Proceedings Page 6.

Laurich, L.M., K.D. Zimmer, M.G. Butler, and M.A. Hanson. 2003. Selectivity of zooplanktonprey by fathead minnows and brook sticklebacks. Wetlands 23:416-422.

Leafloor, J. 0., K. F. Abraham, F. D. Caswell, K. E. Gamble, R. N. Helm, D. D. Humburg, J. S.Lawrence, D. R. Luukkonen, R. D. Pritchert, E. L. Warr, G. G. Zenner. 2004. Canadagoose management in the Mississippi Flyway. Proceeding of the International CanadaGoose Symposium. In Press.

Long, E. S., D. R. Diefenbach, C. S. Rosenberry, B. D. Wallingford, and M. D. Grund.Landscape structure influences dispersal distance of white-tailed deer. Journal ofMammalogy. In Review.

Nielsen, C. K., R. G. Anderson, and M. D. Grnnd. 2003. Landscape influences on deer-vehicleaccident areas in an urban environment. Journal of Wildlife Management: 67:46-5 I.

Schroeder, S., D. C. Fulton, and J. S. Lawrence. 2004. The 2002 Waterfowl Hunting Season inMinnesota: A study ofhunters' opinions and activities. Minnesota Cooperative Fish andWildlife Research Unit and Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources. I24pp.



-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (236)




Sheaffer, S. E., D. H. Rusch, D. D. Humburg, J. S Lawrence, G. G. Zenner, M. M Gillespie, F.D. Caswell, S. Wilds, and S. C. Yaich. 2004. Survival, movements, and harvest ofEastern Prairie Population Canada geese. Wildlife Monographs 156. 54pp.

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-SUMMARIES '.. RESEARCH'FINDINGS '. .2003deciduous forest, lowland deciduous forest, upland coniferous/deciduous mix, lowland coniferous/deciduous mix) andArcView (ESRl, Redlands, - [PDF Document] (2025)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.