Grilled Bruschetta Chicken - Easy Make Ahead Chicken Recipe! (2024)

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This delicious Bruschetta Chicken recipe is a perfect warm weather meal, topped with fresh tomatoes and seasoned with the zingy flavors of balsamic and fresh herbs. This flavor-packed chicken dinner is so simple to make and can even be prepped in advance!

Grilled Bruschetta Chicken - Easy Make Ahead Chicken Recipe! (1)

Table of Contents

  • What is Bruschetta?
  • Recipe Ingredients
  • How to Make Grilled Bruschetta Chicken
  • Tips for Making a Killer Bowl of Pasta
  • Serving Suggestions
  • Storing and Reheating Leftovers
  • Can I Freeze This?
  • More Flavorful Chicken Dinner Ideas
  • Get the Recipe

Quick & Easy Grilled Bruschetta Chicken

As you may be aware, we’re huge fans of chicken dinners in this house. Case in point: my baked Melt In Your Mouth Chicken recipe happens to be one of my all-time most popular recipes! And now, with warmer weather approaching, I’m officially ready to grill my way through an epic summer season.

This bruschetta chicken practically screams “summer” to me. It’s prepared with a fresh tomato bruschetta topping and a juicy marinade filled with balsamic flavor and seasonings. You can obviously make this recipe all year long in a pan or in the oven. IMO, grilling is definitely the way to go as long as the weather permits!

Serve this easy chicken recipe over pasta or zucchini noodles, or in a salad… the possibilities are endless!

Grilled Bruschetta Chicken - Easy Make Ahead Chicken Recipe! (2)

What is Bruschetta?

Traditionally, bruschetta is an Italian appetizer made with slices of rustic bread that are toasted or grilled, brushed with olive oil and then topped with garlic, tomatoes and herbs. It makes a beautiful starter for parties with it’s bright colors and zesty flavors! This recipe takes all that inspiration and translates it to a fresh and delicious chicken topping.

Grilled Bruschetta Chicken - Easy Make Ahead Chicken Recipe! (3)

Recipe Ingredients

There is so much flavor packed into this grilled chicken, I can’t wait for you to try it! Here’s everything you’ll need for the bruschetta as well as the marinade:

  • Chicken Breasts: Boneless chicken breasts work best for this recipe.
  • Tomatoes: Chopped and seeded. Varieties like Roma tomatoes, Sungold tomatoes, even cherry tomatoes are great, but any kind will work. If fresh tomatoes are out of season, you can absolutely use canned tomatoes, just make sure to drain them!
  • Garlic: Minced fresh garlic cloves.
  • Olive Oil: Helps to bind the ingredients in the chicken marinade while locking in moisture.
  • Balsamic Vinegar: Brings fresh acidity to the bruschetta as well as the marinade.
  • Basil: Chopped fresh basil and tomatoes are a match made in heaven.
  • Seasoning: For this recipe, I use both Italian seasoning as well as Montreal chicken seasoning. Both of these blends are available in many major grocery chains. However, you can make your own Italian seasoning by combining one teaspoon each dried oregano, basil, and rosemary.
  • Mozzarella Cheese: Thin slices, for laying on top of the grilled chicken. The cheese gets all creamy and melty and tastes delicious next to the tomatoes!
  • Salt & Pepper
Grilled Bruschetta Chicken - Easy Make Ahead Chicken Recipe! (4)

How to Make Grilled Bruschetta Chicken

This is high on the list of my favorite grilled chicken recipes! Disclaimer: When I say grill, I mean the propane kind that requires pushing a button or turning a knob to turn it on. I leave the specialty smokers, charcoal, and open fire grilling to my husband, who is a much more patient person than I am.

In any case, no matter which way you grill it, this bruschetta chicken is AMAZING. Here’s how you make it:

Marinate the Chicken: To begin, whisk together the marinade ingredients and pour this over the chicken. I seal the chicken and marinade in a zip-top bag to really get things nice and coated. Leave the chicken breasts to marinade for a minimum of 4 hours, or overnight.

Grilled Bruschetta Chicken - Easy Make Ahead Chicken Recipe! (5)
Grilled Bruschetta Chicken - Easy Make Ahead Chicken Recipe! (6)

Make the Bruschetta: Toss the bruschetta ingredients together in a bowl to combine. Place the bruschetta in the fridge to season a bit until you’re ready to use it.

Grilled Bruschetta Chicken - Easy Make Ahead Chicken Recipe! (7)

Grill the Chicken: Cook the chicken on the grill for an equal time per side (about 6 minutes) until the juices run clear and it’s cooked evenly throughout.

Grilled Bruschetta Chicken - Easy Make Ahead Chicken Recipe! (8)

Add the Toppings: When the chicken is finished cooking, melt a slice of mozzarella over top of each breast before topping them with a scoop of bruschetta.

Can I Make This Ahead of Time?

Yes, absolutely! The longer the chicken has to marinate, the more flavorful it becomes. So go ahead and marinate your chicken the night before. You can even make the tomato bruschetta in advance, while you’re at it!

A quick note on making the bruschetta ahead of time: this will lead to the tomatoes releasing more juices. I’d recommend draining off the excess liquid before scooping it over the chicken! The good news is, you can save the bruschetta juice and use it for basting, or for combining into pasta sauces for extra flavor.

Preparing this dish in advance not only saves time, but it makes this bruschetta chicken a great meal for entertaining.

Grilled Bruschetta Chicken - Easy Make Ahead Chicken Recipe! (9)

Tips for Making a Killer Bowl of Pasta

  • Use Firm Tomatoes: Any tomato will work for this recipe as long as they’re firm and ripe. Softer tomatoes will lead to mushy bruschetta!
  • Why Remove the Seeds from the Tomatoes?: Seeds tend to make the bruschetta more grainy. While you don’t need to remove every single seed, you’re really after the “meat” of the tomato. A quick way to seed them is to halve the tomato from top to bottom, and then gently squeeze out the seeds (use a spoon or butter knife to help scrape out any stragglers).
  • Save Any Leftover Juices: Drained bruschetta juices (that haven’t come into contact with raw chicken) are great to save for basting, or as an add-in for pasta sauces! The leftover juice has tons of potential and really helps to tie the flavors together.
  • Don’t Overcook Your Chicken: Remove the chicken breasts from the grill when the internal temperature reaches 160°F (a little earlier than in traditional cooking, where you’re after a temperature of 165°F). Leave your chicken under foil for a few minutes once it’s off the grill, where it will finish cooking as it rests. This helps redistribute the juices for moist, flavorful chicken!
Grilled Bruschetta Chicken - Easy Make Ahead Chicken Recipe! (10)

Serving Suggestions

If carbs aren’t your enemy, this chicken is wonderful to serve over a bed of pasta (or Fresh Zoodles for a lighter option). I usually toss some cooked spaghetti with a little marinara sauce mixed with leftover bruschetta liquid, before serving the chicken over top. An extra sprinkle of cheese doesn’t hurt, either!

You can also adapt your bruschetta topping to include other ingredients. Get creative with add-ins like chopped avocado, olives, crumbled feta cheese, and cured meats like diced pancetta or prosciutto.

When it comes to sides, there are so many options for serving! Here are some of my favorites to pair with this bruschetta chicken recipe:

  • Serve it with summer-y side dishes like a fresh garden salad or veggie platter, or even a fruit salad.
  • Take inspiration from a classic bruschetta recipe and serve this chicken with slices of grilled Homemade Brioche Bread or a Bakery-Style Baguette.
  • While you have the grill lit, pair your chicken with a side of grilled vegetables like zucchini and bell peppers, or corn on the cob, etc.

Storing and Reheating Leftovers

It’s best to store leftover chicken and bruschetta separately. Grilled chicken breasts and the bruschetta will keep for up to 2 days in the fridge when stored airtight. Simply reheat the chicken in a 325°F oven until it’s heated through, and then top with the bruschetta to serve.

Can I Freeze This?

I wouldn’t recommend freezing tomato bruschetta. Tomatoes do not hold up well when frozen and will defrost into a mushy, watery situation. For this reason, it’s best to make your batches of bruschetta fresh!

However, the grilled chicken can be frozen without the topping. Simple store it airtight for up to 4 months! Thaw the chicken in the fridge and reheat as usual.

More Flavorful Chicken Dinner Ideas

  • Butter Chicken
  • Chicken Pineapple Skewers
  • Pesto Chicken
  • Chicken in a Skillet
  • Grilled Tequila Lime Chicken


    Grilled Bruschetta Chicken - Easy Make Ahead Chicken Recipe! (11)

    Grilled Bruschetta Chicken

    5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star No reviews

    • Author: Cookies & Cups
    • Prep Time: 20 mins
    • Cook Time: 15 mins
    • Total Time: 35 mins
    • Yield: serves 6
    • Category: Dinner




    Delicious Grilled Bruschetta Chicken is topped with fresh tomatoes and melty mozzarella, seasoned with zesty balsamic and fresh herbs. An easy chicken recipe to make ahead when entertaining!




    • 1 pound tomatoes, chopped and seeded
    • 23 cloves garlic, minced
    • 2 tablespoons olive oil
    • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
    • 1/2 teaspoon fresh black pepper
    • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
    • 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil


    • 2 pounds boneless chicken breasts (about 6)
    • 1/2 cup olive oil
    • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
    • 1 tablespoon Montreal Chicken Seasoning
    • 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning (OR 1 teaspoon dried oregano, 1 teaspoon dried basil, 1 teaspoon dried rosemary)
    • 6 thin slices mozzarella cheese



    1. In a medium bowl combined the all of the bruschetta ingredients. Stir to combine. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.


    1. Place the chicken breasts in a zip-top bag. Set aside.
    2. In a bowl, whisk together the olive oil, vinegar, Montreal seasoning and Italian seasoning. Pour this marinade over the chicken. Close the bag, massage the chicken to coat it all with the marinade and allow it to marinate for at least 4 hours, or overnight.
    3. Preheat the grill to medium heat and cook chicken approximately 6 minutes on each side, or until chicken is cooked through. Turn the grill off, place a slice of cheese on each piece of chicken. Close the grill and allow the cheese to melt for 2-3 minutes.
    4. Transfer to a serving tray and spoon the prepared bruschetta equally onto each piece of chicken.
    5. Serve over pasta, or a salad.


    • Serving Size:
    • Calories: 430
    • Sugar: 3.5 g
    • Sodium: 407.5 mg
    • Fat: 27.5 g
    • Carbohydrates: 5.3 g
    • Protein: 40.8 g
    • Cholesterol: 113.7 mg

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