Getting Started with Options (Week 6 of 12) (2024)

hey everybody good to be here today my

name is Brent Moors and uh it's getting

started with options today we're going

to talk about cash secured puts I'm

sitting in for Barb Armstrong who's out

this week and next week I'll be teaching

next week as well this week cash secured

puts next week we're going to talk about

short putut

verticals and uh great that's uh let's

get let's get into it I I am joined

alongside by my friend and colleague

Connie hill by the way who's helping me

out today in the chat so as you have

questions feel free to type those in

we'll try and get those between Connie

and myself and you can follow us on

Twitter at Brent Moors CS Connie Hill

Cs and just a reminder options carry a

high level of risk and are not suitable

for all investers information here today

is for General informational purposes

only we'll look at actual symbols today

actual specific symbols but they are not

recommendations we'll look at specific

options they're not

recommendations and Schwab does not

recommend the use of set technical

analysis as the sole means of investment

research all inves involves risk

including risk of potential loss short

options which is what we're going to be

talking about today they can be assigned

at any time up to expiration regardless

of the in the money amount the paper

money application is for educational

purposes only and stop-loss orders if

you do put a stop-loss order it does not

guarantee an execution at or near the

activation price yeah Barb is fine

everybody she's out on vacation I think

so I'm sure she's I'm sure she's fine I

have no reason to believe anything

otherwise this was uh just some time off

for her so uh I'm glad you're here

though I'm glad uh you know this is a

series that Barb's going through this

week we're on lesson six short puts and

we're going to talk about short putut

verticals next week um so what

specifically am we going to talk about

short puts I want to talk about every

think this is a more of a beginning

level class as you guys know it's

getting started with options I want to

talk about why You' use short puts what

they are of course um when you'd use

them how to use them those are kind of

the kind of the basics there on that and

you know when you're talking about

options here just remember there are

four basic things you can do with


everybody you can buy a call you can

sell a call you can buy a put you can

sell a put okay between all those those

four different things you can create all

these vast number of op option trades

you know you hear of Trades like

butterfly spreads or iron Condors or

short call verticals they're all built

through through those same four building

blocks it's like uh DNA DNA agct right

that's what life is built off of those

those four different uh bases uh you

know what options are the same thing

buying calls selling

calls buying puts selling puts today

we're focusing on the last one selling

puts I think I think it's a great way to

learn options is to consider this and

you can always paper trade these these

things now hey let's let's think of this

um I'm going to bring bring this up and

and let me just introduce you to selling

puts this way what if I told you and

let's say we're we're considering a $

stock so I'm going to I'm just going to

write down $ here this is going to be

our $ stock we make that just a little

bit bigger here for us at a $ stock

and I said hey I'm going to give you the

opportunity to buy a shares of that

stock for

$ okay for

$ uh on

or uh on or

before um on or before a particular date

we'll say that date is a month month out

and and uh and you you you are uh you're

going to obligate yourself to do that

okay does that sound like a good deal

well maybe it does sound like a good

deal but think about it this way what if

between now and then now and that

expiration date this is just selling a

put I'm I'm describing here right

selling to put you're you're obligating

yourself to buy a stock at a particular

price in this case I'm saying the the

price is

$ and uh but think about it between

now and a month from now that stock

could drop down to $ and you'd be

buying it at $ that could be a problem

right so is that a good deal well it

depends probably it depends on what you

get out of it and what if I said oh you

know what I'm going to pay you $ a

share or $ remember these areund

share increments so we're talking about

$, worth of stock right now we're

agreeing to buy it for

$ and I'm incenting You by saying

I'm going to pay you $ to do so is it

worth it well maybe maybe but uh but uh

it kind of just depends on the situation

what are the things that it's going to

be maybe maybe what it depends on is how

far in the future we're looking as to

whether it's worth it how much risk

there is in the stock how much stock

that tends to drop or go up may make a


if it's just kind of one of these one of

like these steady steady stocks these

Blue Chip stocks that don't move as much

maybe it's more worth it for you okay

there's a lot of factors that go into

this so let's uh let's change this to

the real world scenario let me go over

and I'm going to bring up our thinker

swim desktop platform and uh just for

our example I'm going to bring up say

American Express let me bring up a chart

of American Express here's American

Express say you're bullish on this and

this is a bullish strategy we're talking

about selling

puts um where can we see how much should

be worth it right now American Express

is at

$ let's see this is how you can view

short puts you go to the trade tab go to

your option chain and in this case I'm

just going to look out oh we'll look out

about a month let's go to April th go

out about about a month here and I'm

going to look here and remember American

Express is about $ I'm going to look

for puts on the right side of the page

fact let me just shrink this down maybe

you could see it a little bit better

here and I can go here and I can look at

my puts and uh I can see how much I if I

agree to buy American Express between

now and a month from now for

$ a share I can get paid

that's the bid price is what

we're going to focus on there okay um

that's uh there you go so that that's

the deal or or if I go down to $ I'm

agree to buy it at a lower price which

sounds great I mean you know maybe maybe

if you think American Express is going

to go up or is going to stay the same um

then you get you get this income here

and even if it drops down a little bit

not not too bad but if it drops down to

maybe it's not such a great deal so

that's how you can view these you can

view and see what the premium here is by

looking at the bid price and just

multiplying that by because we're

talking about multiplier here on

this see that there that's what that

means that right there means it's

multiplier we're talking about

shares of stock but one thing I don't

want you to ever forget is you have an

obligation here to buy shares of

stock if you sell a put okay so

shares of a $ stock that's $,


dollar a fair obligation there don't

ever forget the obligation in fact I

want to distinguish here between what we

call it cash secured put where you have

the cash on hand to buy that full

obligation if I let's say we sell that

$ put I'm agreeing to buy a

shares at $

$, I need $, in cash for this

to be a cash secured put now is it

possible to to sell this put agree to

buy this stock and not have the ,

yes in a margin account if you were

approved for it that's just a a short

put but that's a margin account if you

are approved for it today I'm focusing

on a cash secured put where you actually

have that cash in your account to

potentially buy it okay does that make

sense I'm hoping so hoping so okay

so there's some different things we can

see on this option chain here in fact

let me get just to make it a little

easier I'm going to shrink down the

number of strike prices we're looking

here here and some of the things that

you can point out I want to just point

out on this option chain is this number

one you can see the expiration dates

typically on these we're probably

looking oh maybe to days till

expiration well look somewhere in there

there's a th of April expiration

days till expiration oh here's of

April expiration days to expiration

okay so there you go that's um that's

that that's that's you can see those

expiration dates that are available for

you there now can you go out further

yeah you could sell a put out to th of

July if you wanted to out days

generally we teach I'm going to teach

you to days till expiration and

there's a reason for that and we'll get

into this a little bit more later but um

one of the benefits of these is you get

this time

Decay and generally the time Decay which

helps you in this case is higher as you

get closer to

expiration okay as it's higher as you

get closer to expiration so generally if

you're going out days days days

the time Decay that rate of time Decay

is less okay that's one thing also

you're you're loading up your you're

wrapping up your money

for a longer period of time that

obligation is a longer period of time so

if I have American Express right now and

and Let's Pretend We're bullish on this

maybe in this example um then uh well my

forecast may change between now and

days it's more likely to change between

now and then versus now and days

right so that's uh that's one thing you

can look at you see those expiration

dates uh other things you can see here

you can see the different strike prices

the different choices that you have

here uh you can see the premiums right

here in this column and the bid price is

typically we're going to look for those

another thing you can view is and I

would mention this is something we call

liquidity is generally when you're doing

these what's the is is how's the pricing

how easy it is to get in and get out at

a reasonable price a price close to kind

of that is available on the market and

uh and so one way to do that is you can

view that bid price you can view the ask

price and look and hopefully they're not

too far apart from one another here okay

so let's do this um let's just look at

this strike

that's a cent difference between

those two cent difference is that a

lot well I would say it kind of depends

on the price cents is not much on a

$ options that's actually quite a bit

on a Cent option um there usually

what I'd say is the bid price and the

ask price you probably want them less

than % within

% of one another and what's even

better would be % within one another

okay all right

um so so look what's our difference here

to that's that's a cent

difference well what would a %

difference a % difference would be

about cents okay right so in

this case plenty liquidity plenty liquid

there okay we'll look at different

examples today but I just wanted to

start you off with this one here right

so that's the that's the those are kind

of the basics of selling it and if I

just want to sell it I can just go and I

can click on the bid price if you want

okay that'll bring up an order now I'm

going to come back to this in a sec but

that's a that's a short putut right

there okay now uh what are the things

we're looking for in in terms of the

stocks that we're considering here well

it it probably depends remember you are

obligating yourself to buy the stock so

one way to think of this strategy is to

say hey if this is a stock I'm

considering buying anyway if you were if

you were to think of that that way in

your head if it's a stock that that

seems like a reasonable buy anyway it

may not be a bad thing to do short put

you got to think about it there's Pro

and cons to this so if I agree to buy

American Express for

$ a share okay we're going to look at

this $ a share so if we did a

strike if it drops down to maybe

it's not such a big deal if you think

it's a good purchase at

to buy it at

but there's pros and cons and one of

the cons is this let's say you think

American Express is a good stock and so

you sell that put for and American

Express then goes up to

$ you're probably not going to end up

buying it because it's unlikely somebody

is going to exercise their option the

per person on the other side okay the

person on the other side of the equation

the buyer of the put is unlikely to

exercise a


put if the stock has gone up to or

or whatever so does that harm you it

doesn't necessarily harm you but you can

think of it as an opportunity cost

because if you sell that put how

much are you making well let's look

again in this case we'd be making

$ okay not bad maybe but how much

would you have made if you bought the

stock instead and it went up to well

if you bought it at

and it went up to $ there'd be

$, that you'd be making on that okay

so you got just be aware that there's

there's an opportunity cost if you sell


put the you give up the potential of it

going if if the stock goes way up you're

giving up some of that those potential

gains and sacrificing them for a smaller

gain so there is a downside to these

okay that's one of the downsides now the

other downside is this let me click on

that again let's click on confirm

and send let me just show you this okay

here's our short putut what's our Max

loss on

this that's a big number isn't it

$, on that that's a lot of money

that's a Max loss realize that Max loss

is a assuming that American Express goes

to zero because if it were to go to

zero what's going to happen well you

would be forced to buy it for

$ a share you've brought in a little

cash up front

$ but uh $ that's

$, worth of stock less that little

premium you brought in now is it likely

that American Express is going to go to

to zero it's probably pretty unlikely is

it possible it is possible okay it is

possible so I just want you to realize

the rest so in terms of the downside on

short puts I'm going to give you two of

them here two big ones one the

opportunity cost we just talked about

that if the stock goes way up as opposed

to buying the stock you're missing out

on potential gains okay if the stock

goes down you have basically the full

downside risk almost the full downside

risk of as if you just bought the stock

there okay so those those are the cons

of it leading with the cons the pros

well we get in that we get that premium

and as long as that stock stays well you

get that you get to keep the premium no

matter what you do okay you get the

premium no matter what you do the if the

stock goes up you get to keep the

premium if the stock stays at

you get to keep the premium it's

unlikely if the stock stays at

$ you would get assigned to the stock

shares of stock theoretically it's

possible but keep in mind uh if it goes

down to the your likelihood below

your likelihood of early assignment

increases there's always the chance of

early assignment there may not be such a

terrible thing but uh but there you go

okay all right now let me just stop one

sec here and check out in the uh check

out in the chat here what we got Connie

thank you for helping me out here

um uh let's see you're buying a stock

and you're buying the stock is yes okay

so Doug says hey look if the stock goes

down let's say we bought this and we did

this what do we say strike and the

Stock's at

two goes down to $ we're buying the

stock for bucks and the stock at

that point is going down okay so be be

careful on that okay um let's


uh is a good example for Contin okay so

let's that leads begs the question here

so Greg says look this is already at a

high is it really a good time I think

that the maybe the implication of the

question is if a Stock's at a high maybe

it's time it it's already gone up and

maybe it's just going to go down down

there okay so just be be aware that you

know there's there's different things

you may look for what are some things

that you may look for one one you want

to be bullish on the stock if you're

doing a short putut you want to be

bullish on the stock what's going to

make you bullish on a stock well you can

take a fundamental approach right maybe

you look for stocks with lower pees and

high earnings growth rates okay maybe

you look at analyst ratings third party

you know no guarantees there or anything

on that

I'm not saying these are exactly what

you should do but you can take more of a

fundamental approach on this and think

of it in from The Stance a longer term

stance of hey if this is a stock I want

to own

anyway you can take one of these

fundamental and you think it's a

fundamentally sound stock this may be a

strategy you consider okay uh you can

take a tech technical approach you can

look for a stock that's in an upward

Trend that's kind of a typical a common

technical analysis approach that some

Traders use there uh

this Stock's above a -day moving

average some Traders may find that

attractive okay for most Trend Traders

and this is going to Greg's question

okay for most Trend Traders what I would

say isn't I'm this isn't Universal most

Trend Traders say look if the trend has

been going up that's a good

thing um does it mean it can't go down

no if the Stock's at a high doesn't mean

it it's going to continue up but if the

trend's good that wouldn't


uh all if you're a trend Trader that

wouldn't necessarily deter you okay but

you got to make your own judgment on

that all right um so that's a good great

questions everybody very good questions

so let me just uh let me do this I'm

going to switch over to our slide here

uh so cash convert puts okay Outlook

neutral to bullish right neutral look if

the stock goes sideways remember you

still bring in that

premium time frame I mentioned earlier

to days okay strike selection

let's talk about that a little bit more

in just one sec here position size

remember you're agreeing to buy

shares of the stock so you may position

size accordingly it's easy to say oh I

want bought one chair or I'm going to

I'm going to sell one contract and it's

bringing in a couple hundred bucks oh

maybe I'll do five contracts and bring

in a th bucks doesn't that sound

great well don't forget what your

obligation is okay that obligation of

buying shares and for our purposes

today I am not considering Commissions

in which you need to consider of course

what about that strike selection where

would you do that so here it says techn

you can use technical analysis okay or

you can use Delta well let's elaborate

here just a little bit okay right let's

elaborate so uh if our trend is up where

would we consider selling a put well you

you likely consider selling a put below

where you think the stock is going to be

so if you think oh maybe we bounced off

here and if it were to go down we'd have

to break the -day level we'd have to


here this is a support level that we

bounced off of maybe we'd sell our

strike in this area okay that way if it

goes down presumably from a technical

analysis standpoint at least it would

have a problem maybe going below that

level of course you know support levels

do break all the time so you do need to

be careful of that so just looking for

support levels may be one area but there

is another approach on this and I'm

going to change my columns here I'm

going to go up to layout right here and

I'm just going to bring up one that says

Delta gamma Theta Vega some Traders will

use Delta here okay and they'll say the

Del because the Delta kind of can give

you an approximation for the stock being

below this price by on expiration I

should say again I'm looking days on

this you can look at different

expiration dates so approximately

theoretically about a % chance that

the stock there so that means there's

roughly roughly a % chance it's above

that which means it's less likely to

get assigned early more likely to expire

out of the money in other words above


expiration it this this would be

worthless out of the money options

expire worthless at expiration okay um

and that's fine now you may be going out

of the money I mean worthless that's bad

no worthless is good here in this case

cuz we're selling it for bucks or

so the question is how much are we going

have to buy it back

for and if it goes down to zero we don't

have to buy it back for anything if it

expires worthless we don't have to buy

it back for anything so we get just get

to keep that money

okay um so there you go right there you

go so uh % chance roughly of that go

here's % chance so by going here

what's the advantage and disadvantage

there's not a right or wrong as to what

strike to do whether we choose the or

the in this case the brings in a

much bigger premium look I'd rather have

$ in my account than $ in my

account so you get a bigger premium but

there's 's more chance this goes in the

money and it there's more risk on that

okay so think of it this way here's

another way and Paul said what's the

what's the option what risk is here on

this let me do this I don't know if we

really do this in this class A lot but

let me I want to show you on the analyze

Tab and I'm going to be super quick on

this and if you don't if you're not if

you're not familiar with the analyze tab

actually a Shameless pitch here I'm

going to be doing I'm going to be doing

a tutorial of the analyze tab in my

exploring thinker

swim class later today : Eastern time

if you want to learn more about the

analyze tab but let's look at this uh

look at this trade here on American

Express and on the analyze tab just to

kind of show you so you can kind of

visualize the risk because I don't want

you to miss that risk here let's look at


strike actually let's look at both

the and the I'm going to go the

risk profile here

and one quick sec let me just shrink

this down a little bit let's look at


okay I want you to just pay

attention to this green line here okay

I'll kind of draw over it a little bit

just so you can see this is what the

risk profile looks like this is profit

or loss here on our y AIS okay here's

our break even right there okay here's

our underlying stock price here's the

current stock price right now it's right

there remember we're looking at this

green line I'll draw over it it's going

to be I'm going to draw over it in this

kind of pink dashed line

here here's our break even right here

okay what happens if the stock goes down

if the stock goes down over here we lose

money and if it goes down we lose more

and more and more money and I could

scroll over if I if I wanted to and you

would keep on losing money the lower

American Express goes the more risk

there is in the trade because remember

if I sell this put I'm agreeing to

buy the stock shares of stock for

$ so that risk could be pretty pretty

sizable on the upside well I'm limited

upside okay it's not getting notice the

higher American Express goes up we're

not making more money here it's we

flatlined here now we flatlined at a

positive level okay we Flatline making

approximately on that but uh so

there's your pro so big risk compared to

the amount you gain but why would

somebody do it here's why somebody would

do it because if the stock stays where

it's at we're at our Max gain at

expiration even if the stock goes down a


bit we still are making

money okay we're still making money on

that so it's a higher probability trade

higher probability trade but as with any

any option strategy pretty

much there's trade-offs right any

strategy stock or option there's

tradeoffs the higher probability you

give up something in this case it's that

reward to risk ratio that we give up

there okay now what do you do if it does

go in money oh by the way you could CH

change it and look at the the uh

strike it's a little bit different this

looks a little different doesn't it

going with strike but number one our

distance between our the amount of our

gain is a lot less about

$ but remember our current stock

price is here we have a lot more

downside it can go before we hit

negative territory negative territory

starts right there okay

so that's uh reward to risk isn't very

good but your probability is even higher

there on that okay so let me get out of

this let's go back here and talk about

what if it goes against us let's say we

do this on American Express in fact

let's throw this trade in uh how do you

do the trade you select your expiration

date you select your strike you click on

the bid price I'm going to do this

here and um remember these can be


early uh you can adjust the price if you


bring in

$ on this I can confirm and send make

sure you read through

this and let me send this order okay I

just sent that order I have a sell it

hasn't filled yet it says sell and we'll

see if it fills okay there you go now if

I get oh it just failed there we go okay

so uh um let me pull this up and let's

look and see what it looks like here's

American Express I've got a put this

gives me the expiration date the strike

price quantity minus one short puts

short options are going to show as a

negative quantity there days to

expiration hopefully we we sold this for

if this Mark goes down it'll show us

as a profit if it goes up it'll show us

as a loss it will tend to go up that

Mark Price will tend to go up if the

stock goes down which is not what we

want it will tend to go down if the

stock goes up let's say it does go

against us we sold this put Let me

just kind

of let me remove that let's draw on our

chart here this is the where we the put

we sold right there on this American

Express chart let's say the stock goes

down okay so here's a stock and it goes


what's our choices well one choice is we

could say look the reason I sold the put

on American Express anyway in this

example this is an example trade it's

not a recommendation you can say to

yourself the reason the reason this

trade was done in the first place is

because in your

estimation it's a good stock I'm happy

to buy shares of stock of at $ a

share it's cheaper than it is now and

therefore I'm willing to let this get

assigned to me and I buy shares of

this stock $ $, Worth right yeah

so that's certainly one approach it's

certainly a a a a popular approach that

people take on

that now what if you're looking at this

and the stocks goes down and you go uh I

don't want to buy shares of American


you can look to buy it back okay you

sold it up front you can look to buy it

back there's no absolute guarantee of a

market on it but it is a this is a

pretty liquid stock and it is important

to do liquid stocks but if the stock is


down it's going to cost you if you want

to buy this back right now how much can

we buy this back

for well right now we could buy it back

for approximately approximately the

amount that we sold it for we sold it


the price the current Mark Price is

about approximately and so um we

could uh we could buy it back for that

but if American Express goes down a lot

what you'd see is that Mark would go up

quite a bit and we'd basically have to

pay close to what that Mark says so if

it goes down a lot you know this could

be any amount this the it becomes bigger

the more it goes down so you have to ask

yourself this if the stock is going down

do I really want to pay that much money

to get out of it it makes everything

easier if you enter the trade with the

idea that it's a stock that you like and

you wouldn't mind owning there okay

so there we

go um let's look at some other examples

here we just did an American Express

example let's look at this here's

actually here's American Express I want

to just peek here at our implied

volatilities so here's our implied

volatility over here this is basically

telling us how expensive these are the

higher the implied volatilities for the

same strike that you a higher premium

you're getting okay the higher premium


getting so do you just seek High implied

volatility stocks let's look at smci

here for SEC smci this is super micro

computer okay look at these implied

volatilities super high okay super high

implied volatilities here this is what

the chart looks like it's been a crazy

chart right you can go down and say oh

it's an expensive stock too but I can go

look the Stock's at

$ I could sell an

$ option on this let's see what we

got here look at this let's go out a

month let's look at that eight I need


strikes let's go down the $

option I could get paid almost


$, to agree to buy this stock for a

$ a share more than $ shares less

than it currently is yeah now that seems

crazy that seems like a large amount but

look it's an expensive stock it can move

a lot and look at that implied

volatility so I'm not advocating this

I'm just showing you that if you seek

higher employed

volatilities you'll get higher premiums

I mean look I can go down to

$ that's

like you know the Stock's at $ $ I

can still bring in a couple likely a

couple hundred dollars in terms of the

premium there but remember there's more

risk more volatility so that's

implied volatility let's look at co*ke

here for a sec Coca-Cola you guys are

familiar with Coca-Cola look at our

implied volatilities that's %

that's very low okay very low implied

volatilities what's the consequence on

that the consequence is

this let's say we're looking at co*ke and

we say oh you know hey here's co*ke and

there's a strike let's see what strikes

we have available here we got let

me go and see if I can get some other

strikes um I'll go out days a little

more time

here we have got more strikes here I can

go to a

$ option $ strike okay so we're

looking at co*ke we're looking right here

I'll draw a line right there okay

right below

where kind of kind of where a support

level would be probably I think a lot of

people would identify this as kind of a

support level fair enough okay you go

well that's not that far away I mean

that's only

a a from where the current stock

price is

furthermore um we've got a full days

to go till


okay uh what's our premium

$ for that's that's not that much

okay that's just not that much why it's

their implied volatility implied

volatility is

lower now is co*ke likely to move as much

as super micro well probably it's less

likely probably who knows I mean co*ke

could go to zero tomorrow for all I know

but it just by as a measured by the the

implied volatility the markets are are

deem it to be less risky than super

micro computer so don't take that as a

recommendation of co*ke it's a point that

because the imply volatilities are lower

the premiums you're going to get are

lower on that so you got to decide now

is how much is enough let me just kind

of give you

one uh one kind of rule of thumb here

and question from Jody said so higher

implied volatility bigger moves that's

what the Market's pricing in is bigger

moves with higher implied volatility no

guarantee of course you know no

guarantee and could more likely to move

away from you yeah that's what the

market is saying there Jody so

absolutely so keep an eye on that

implied volatility a lot of Traders you

know when the implied volatility starts

to get above they're going wow

that's a pretty high implied

volatility and so more conservative

Traders often will avoid those higher


volatilities but if you go to the Other

Extreme and you know Koke is probably a

pretty is pretty low there um you're

gonna you're GNA you're just going to

have to you're not going to get as much

premium here on this

okay all right here's our bid price okay

here's what I want you to think

about um the stock price is $ what's

% of

$ it' be cents right % of $

Math's easy enough there just move the

decimal point over okay some

Traders it's not a recommendation but

it's just kind of a a guideline some

Traders will consider is compare compare

the premium you're

getting and to a % premium some Traders

will say if I can't get % on that I'm

going to question for about a month

we're going to say about a month okay

about a

month if you can't get

% maybe just maybe that's not enough

premium um now if I go out a month

approximately and I see a premium that

is we'll say

we'll say % okay if I look out at a

premium that's % over a month that

tells me one of two things probably one

either our implied volatility is very

high or it tells me we're going right at

the money okay you can sell options that

are right at the money I you know co*ke

is at I could sell a

$ and this isn't even a good example

because this is still just barely over a

percent that tells you the implied

volatilities are pretty low but remember

you know you can look out of the money

and we said you can look at that Delta

and if we look at a Delta say of

if I look at that

Delta okay

um then and I'm looking out a month

then you know maybe somewh about a %

return maybe a little bit over and a

half% maybe two% return on that higher

than that that's telling me that the

implied volatilities are very

high okay

if now can can you sell at the money

yeah you can sell at the money let's do

let me pull up another example here let

me go let me just check time okay we're

losing time quickly here let me let me

go to Microsoft this is a company that

you guys all know here's Microsoft great

Trend look if you don't want to get in

near a alltime high then you definitely

this would not be for you because this

stock is pretty near its alltime high

but uh what's our implied volatility

implied volatility is about % so

that's uh that's

more more in line well you know a little

that's H that's between what we were

looking at with co*ke and and one of the

higher implied vol ility ones but look

if you're going to this and saying hey

if your attitude is and I'm not saying


is um I'm not

saying I have no idea what Microsoft is

going to do but if your attitude were I

love this stock and I am happy to buy

this stock could you sell something

that's at the money yeah if we did went

to a strike here go to that

strike a look that's about a a %

return here on this right because the

Stock's about

so about would be about %

return so we're close there so you can

go out of the money but realize if

you're going at the money right at the

money it is

um it is you're more likely to get

assigned the stock okay that's fine okay

it's fine now question on Theta Theta is

typically going to be bought higher for

the at the money contracts so one

benefit of going closer to the money

instead of going to Delta going

something closer to the Delta is your

Theta will typically be higher short

puts Theta is always going to help you

if it's just a single short putut okay

um tends to be a little higher so that's

that's it's a balancing act isn't it

every bu pros and cons so just check it

out um so F let me wrap up I need to

wrap up here


uh just remember we have potential


um you generate the income it's a a way

to buy stock at a lower price and you

can do it over and over possibly you

have the possibility of doing it that

way uh you have limited upside

gain they can be asside at any time and

expiration and remember you're on the

hook to buy shares of stock per

contract on a standard contract so be

aware of that

there probably more often than not

Traders are not using stop losses on

these could you theoretically you could

theoretically you could if you wanted to

put a stop loss say on our American

Express trade I could just rightclick on

this create a closing order

to buy it back and I could this goes up



cents good till canell I want to get out

but just remember it doesn't guarantee

we're going to get out at okay

there's no guarantees on that some

Traders do avoid earnings on these by

the way some Traders do a avoid

earnings and uh there's one other thing

and I'm going to wrap up with this

um some Traders go look I like the idea

but I I don't like that huge downside

risk well there's another thing you can

do and that's called a short putut

vertical we're going to talk about that

next week same bat Time same bat Channel

next week short put verticals thanks

Connie for helping me out in the chat

thanks Chris and Andrew for helping me

out in the production thank you all for

joining me have a wonderful rest of the

day everybody



Getting Started with Options (Week 6 of 12) (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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