Eastern Wake News from Zebulon, North Carolina (2024)

j-ii ii'ni rr I. t.KL.: bfcMrtefetetetehh F.ASTF.RN WAKE NEWS r.TASSIFIEDS Page IOC For Sals Miicsllanaous Furnilurs For Salo Yard 5 Garaga Sale 197 ElderChild Care 180 Miscellaneous DACHSUNa AKC I wksojd, lsts dewwmNh 530! Chris flWlWHH Ill NANNIES. Uve In out, FT PT. No fee to you! Quality nannies to sign up get a free lunch at Fox sume 8345224. call 8344304.

NANNIE! 1 2 3 Nanny Agency. Exper, FTPT. ye iiVtaut. Exc salary benefits. Call 919217-9993.

NANNY, 20 hrs week. Llve-out. Spanish-English speaking. Exc. salary 4 benefits.

Call 1 2 3 Nanny Agency, 919217-9991 NANNY, UVE-IN, Childcare 30 hrs wk. Room 4 board tad: In benefit Pkg.Calll23 Nanny Agency, 919217-9991 PRESCHOOL toddler I school oge teachers. Must have credentials. Cali 1454991. SEEKING DAYCARE for my infant every other week, 45.

Ref's required. Wake Forest area 9194540029 SUMMER NANNY Ava l. 41. Uvo-out, CPR etrt, NC credentials, non, smoker, own vehicle. Call Heather 9147794455.

I i i I i i I 250 PING PONG tM 510! refrig 55! BR dresser mirror end Ibl 5150. 9190013100 POOLS- 5408 POOLS POOLS 5410. New 19feetx31fect Family pool. Complete with huge deck, fence, liner, filter, motor and skimmer. Free cover.

We now have 5 foot depth! 100 Financing. One Day installation. Over 40 years experience. We Won't Be Undersold! I Call 13045043405. POOL TABLE 7ft, regulation, exc.

cond. 5200. 9192173059 POOL TABLE, regulation, pocket, incl balls A cue! 5400. Call 0449513. RADIO! 2-WAY, Motorola GP 350's (2), rapid char ger 5300 pair.

9199547592 REFRIDGE- 22" cu ft la-maker, 5325. Solid oak chest of drawers 505. DR oak dawtoot leaf A 0 carved back chairs. 5575. Teak parch set, dbl cedar A two rockers.

5395. Baby crib SIS. 4 pc tapestry luggage set. 5150. Lrg car top carrier 510! 9193444439.

REFRIGERATOR tor sale 5100; a 5125. 9193792007 REFRIGERATOR WASHER DRYER, Whirlpool, less than 2yra. Fridge 570! 22cuft, ice maker, Ice A water in door; WasherDryer 5500 pair; Washer 9cy-de, 4 temp, Dryer 29" 5 cycle, 3 temp 9192723002 REFRIG FREEZER, side by side GE, 25.3 cubic ft, 12 price. 540! 3034413 REFRIG- KENMORE, extra lrg, water filtration, white, like new. 555! 9193241740 REFRIG- KENMORE, side by sid! water A ice in door, 5450 nega 9193543594.

REFRIG. SIS! stove 5100; freezer, 5150; Silk Christmas Tree! 9193443402. SATELLITE- DIRECTV SYSTEM FREEI Professional installation in 2 rooms included. 12-month commitment required. Say goodbye to cable forever.

Call far details (restrictions apply). 1-000-059-0440. www.RONSTV.com. SATELLITE- FREE 2-ROOM DIRECTV System Including Installation! 2 Fr Months Free Programming with one-year contrad. Access 225 TV channels! Digital quality picture and sound.

Limited Time Offer. 13042003441 SEEBURG JUKEBOX '5! 5300! 9194993074 Iv msg SHOWCASES 9 avail (Total 29') Light! lock! matching 4' counter 5400 919735-7004 SOU WOOD coffee table A 2 end tables. Crystal Chan-delalre 4 light! Men's Haggar slacks sz 42x3! All like new 9197793990 STAIRCASE- OAK SPIRAL railing assembled. 4' radii 9 ft floor height. 54001 Benson, 919207-1743.

STEEL BUILDIGNS- INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE! Steel Arch Building! Factory Direct! Save Thousands! 25x24; 35x70; 40x80. Perfect Backyard ShoosGaragesStorage. Call Immediately 1300-341-7007. www.steel- masterusa.com TAN-AFFORDABLE, CONVENIENT Wolff Tanning Bed! Low Monthly Investments, Home Delivery, Free Color Catalog. Call Today 1-000-711-0150.

www.np.etstan.cam. TV- IMdeecreen Mitsubishi WS55S07, 2yrs new, 5150! paid 53500 919847-7135 TWIN BED, Recliner, mirror A door. 5175 all! 2313017 WASHER DRYER, 5200. 9193033134 WASHER DRYER. Heavy.

Duty IMiirtpoof. Great Cond 540V Pair. Near New Micro-wave 54! Sue: 9193997731. WASHERDRYER, Ira Ken-more Set! 525! delivery avail. 9194413510.

WASHERDRYER, Mavta 5500 mao. Refrig, Amana, 5700 nego. All 4 mos old, like new. 919294244! WASHER A DRYER SETS, 5275. Reconditioned wwar-ranty.

Can deliver. Call Danny at 919304-1404. WASHER DRYER Whirlpool, Irg capacity. White, 524! 9192143754 aft 4pm WASHER, Maytag Neptune, 5700; Neptune Dryer, $500; Refrig. 5500; 9193490300 WASHERS, DRYERS, Stoves Rsfrig! Guaranteed.

575315! 9194043409. WATCHES -At Rock Bottom Price! Geneva (His A Hers) Quartz Watch Set! RETAIL S199.95. Liquidation, S29.9VSet. Almost gone I Call 919522-3012 WATERBED- King Size waveless Mk frame A headboard. In great cond.

5200 or best offer. 919395-3404 WD stackina Kenmore, Irg. Exc. 5499 nego. 9197813405 WEDDING DRESS A VEIL never worn or altered, sz 535! 4943431 WEDDING GOWN- White satin, v-neckline, embellished pearl! sequines A lace, long sleeve! detachable cathedral train.

Size 535! 9197513244 BusiscsiOHica Equipment 255 BUSINESS MOVING Selling surplus office desk! chain, table! cabinet! IT etc. Call for details 919345-1014 ext 3. RESTAURANT BOOTH. Red, good cond. Call Frank, 919333400! REST.

EQUIP, for sale 0 Carolina Restaurant Equip. Inc. Cary NC 9193047283 RETAIL STORE FIXTURES- Maondance Gallery in Crabtree Valley Mall Is closing. Store fixtures and lighting tor sale. Contact Janice 9197839999 WE BUY ALL Business Telephone Equip.

9192193900. phanemanOO0hatmail.com 265 Wanted to Buy A BOWFLEX WANTED Cash Paid For Your Bow flex In 24MerchandisVWM To Buyhoura. Free Pickup. Call Vicky Nowl 13443443241. TRUSTIN CONSIGN ENT I NT.

Access. A Flooring design. Now looking tor unique object, whimsical access. A other Onc-of-A-Kind Doo-Dad to sell at our If you have anything you think fits this description, bring it i. Call tor to our showroom.

appt. 919403007V 4495309 Musical Meithandisa 270 DIGITAL MUSIC STUDIO 25 midi A digital components desk rock and all cnbiaL Serious buyers only. 5000! Aaron, 919494000! EPIPHONE Joe Pass Signature Serie! Natural finish, like new 5750 9194943217 FLUTE 5200 A CLARINET 5220. Call 9193595490 HOHNER AGGORDIAN 120 bas! piano-type keyboard. Came hear it! 9197723000.

LOOKING BUY to Musical Instrument! PA Equipment, DJ equipment. Cash Paid. 9193493772 ORGANISTPT needed. 2 Sunday AM service! Wed. night rehearsal.

Central Baptist Church, Wendell. Call Amy King, 9193433547. PIANO Antique Upright. 919340304V 5535504. PIANO Samick Sidney Blk Upright.

Great cond, 52200. 9103073379. 248 QUEEN-SIZE sleeper sofa, multicolored. In good condition, 5100. Cali 217-174! RECLINER, LAZ-Y-BOY, blue, exc cond, 5300 nega 919217-1114 RECLINER.

ROCKER, Lazy Bay. new. Orig 545! Sell for 5300. Call 253903033! RECLINERS (2) Tapestry wing chair! lawel tones. S25V ea.

9195547400 42" ROUND OAK Droplaal table 515! Oak BR suite -kina dresser, mirror, end table, chest, headboard, 5400. 9193494074 SLEEPER Love Seat, Green fabric, Newl 525! 441-1211 SOFA BED A Chair, 575; Couch A chair, 550. 919799004! SOFA-Dk brawn sleeper sofa far sale. Great cond, lass than 1 yr old. 5200.

Call 9192173070. SOFA A LOVES EAT Blk Ithr. Asking 5500 or best offer. Call 919441-1247. SOFA A LOVESEAT, Ithr, 4 yn old, 51000 9193743513 SOFA Overstaffed Chair.

Tan Mk pinstripe ottoman. 51400; DREXELHER-ITAGE Coffee Table, glass torV wrought iron 555! 9195141525 oft 5PM. SOFA SSECTIONAL A ottoman, curtains to match. Floral print! 51500. 701-2211 Stone CaribqSafaEnd Table! 5500; Stone Metal BR Set, linens S3000; Bar-stool! 5150; Computer Desk file A bookshclve! 5250; Crib A Mattres! 5125; Misc Stereo equip, 5200; All items exc cond! 919-9343204 or 9193249572 TABLE A CHAIRS 42" round, cherry, great cond.

5275. 919307-1004 TWIN MATTRESS A frame. Linens 5100; Round country 5150; 9194533371 WOOD FOUTON mattres! grt cond, 510! 4739524 For SilB Miscollaiteoui 250 ANTIQUE BUTCHERS Block, from New England, lOOvrs old, 5500. 9190731903 AQUARIUM SO gal, saltwater, everything ind'd. 2001 bs live rock.

5400 9190731903 BABYCHILDREN Looking for babychildren Items? Be sure to look in our new classification BabyKhildren Items 247. news a oaaawBi BATHTUBS AND DOORS tar mobile homes. Casey's (919) 554309! Younssville, NC. BERNINA 100 sewing, embroidery machine, extra feet, new, 53900, asking 52500. Call 2441101.

BOWFLEX XTL for sal! paid 5150! sell for 5900. Less than 1 yr. old. Call 2443471. CARPET MACHINE- Pro- chem Legend, total pkg, 750 -tSh: hr! 5500! 91955471 CAR STEREO: Retail 54000; 51500 best offer.

9192703195 CHINA Theodore Haviiand Apple Blossom, 4pc place sugar bowl A creamer serving platter. 530! 9193433335 DAIMOND BRACELETS 100 white gold over sterling silver. .50 tewt. S4Wea. Diamond nedaces white gold over starting silver 1 .00 tewt 5Ma.

WHOLESALE Prices. All come with dbl. locking daws. Packaged in beautiful velvet case! Call Paul 914270-4554 DESIGN MATE -Cal -Camp 5 pen platter 5, New. 5500; Zenlth 1940 radio phono console, 5100; Tiffany lamp shade! handmade, 3 -pair! 595 a pair.

2523341024 DESK, ROCKING Chair! lawn mower, picture! mirror! curio. 059-4021. DIAMOND 2.15ct round super brilliant, appraisedJol-lev's 5975! seif for 5400! Band 1 5 stones 0323422 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS. Unbelievable selection. Zebulon Jewelry and Pawn, 9192490400.

DIAMOND RING, carat, FG color, SIS clarity, SOOWhego. 919557-9101 DURASOL AWNING, 10ft xl3ft, motorized, green beige, 5vrs old, 5750 firm.919447-1034 FURNITURE Looking for furniture? Be sure to look in our new classification Furniture 240. NEWS A OOIEBVEN GAS COOK TOP, Jem-Air, exc. 550! 919-7513430 GE PROFILE SS Oven, Brand New, Never Used. 5875 9193141525 aft 5PM.

GO CARTS RACING- 2 Phantom frame! complete eng A lots of access. 5275! 0342249. GOLDEN POWERLIFT A Recliner Chair tray. Royal Regal Fabric, overstaffed artra, storage compartment! exc. cond.

5450; (2) ULTRALIGHT Alum. Walker! basket A seat. exc. cond. SlSQfea; 1 Adjustable Shower Seat, 520; 1 Portable Toilet Chair, 520.

7792043 94 GOLF CART Toolbox on back, new batt, roof, windshield. 5150! 919037345! HOLLAND LEGACY gas grill. Never used. 5075. 9198430002 HOME THEATER PROJECTOR Have wide true home theater vs a 40" TV for about the same price.

9193547712. HOT TUB, 4 person. Exc cond. Hot Springs landmark vista. 5yrs old, electrical box.

Over 59000 new, sell for 53000. 9193241040 HOT TUBS-BRAND NEWI Local wholesaler liquidating overstock for Florida spa maker. Prices 4440 off retail. Full warr. 7491940 JUKE BOX Seeburg- Plays 45, needs some work.

5400 firm. Also, an upright coin-operated Russian game, "Russian Attack" needs work 5150. 9195203201 KITCH TABLE, 4' round, leaf, 2 chain, 515! White Brayhill leather recliner, 5150; 2 car seat! 515 S' hockey table 530; solid ash coffee table, 37x37, 5200. 9197113730 LEATHER JACKET embroidered U.S. flag on back, XXL, 5225.

919543319! LOWE'S RIDING MOWER, lShp, 44 in. cut. Push Mower high whl! 4.5hp, 22 in. cut. Lrg A extra Irg dog box carrier.

9197723309 MEDICARE PATIENTS USING INHALERS Albuterol Atrovent Comblvent Screven! Azmacort Ftovent and Others. Having Difficul ty? Breathe Easy Again. liqif Medicare covered liquid therapy may be available if you qualify. MED-A-SAVE 13042241919, ext. NC2003.

MOVING SALE- Baby item! WD, grill, misc. turn, misc. item! 9190203900 MOVING SALE- Fum A stereo equip. Call for detail! 7949303. MUST SELL- New Grillmos-ter gas grill, new Whirlpool dishwasher, 2x10x15 Karos-ton rug.

of proceeds go to Cancer Society. 9192713190 PAMPERED CHEF 2493050 for current catalog. Individual order! show information, or general information. (Independent Consultant.) PERSIAN CARPETS- (2) Rmslze Bargain 9192149957 PHONE Budget Phone is here. 539.95month.

Zebulon Jewelry and Pawn, 919249048! 245 OTHER INSIDE YARD SALE 9om-5pm. Hwy. 97 in Samaria, at the old school house. Watch tor signs. BabyChildran's Hems 247 GIRLS TODDLER bed; Pac-n-play; Toys 8 1 rnurtmora.

Queen size fouton. 594-3179 GRACO PACK PLAY, like new, S50; Grace infant car seat extra base, 545; nice stroller, 510; Cherry changing table, S40; 901-4175 WOOOPLAY SWING SET 5350. Girl's 20 in. Bike S30. 9193434277 Furniture For Sals 248 ANTIQUE HAT RACK.

Call 919211-4240 ANTIQUE Oak ice box S495. Antique trunk 5595. Moot kitchen tabic with 2 drop leaves, 4 chairs, and bench. Seats 700. 5350.

Mahogany computers desk with 2 cabinets, 2 open shelves, pull-out keyboard shelf, and printer cabinet. New, gorgeous! 49" talk IP wide, deep. 5950. Call Andrea 3031294. BASSETT SLEEPER Safa.

Greenish blue, S325 nego. 9191193904 BED SHB 2 pc Queen pillow top. New in plastic wwarr. Can deliver. 919497-5244 BEDRM- A BRAND NEW 7pc.

CHERRYWOOD Set. ALL 'Dovetail' constructed. Still in boxes! Cost S4K, SELL SI 900! 9194414041 BEDROOM SET, Haywood Wakefield, 5 pcs plus mattress, 1975 nego. 919525-5218 BEDROOM SET, oak finish, single bed wteull out drawers, chest wshelves, student desk wshelves, bureau wmirrar, 2495404. BEa SLEIGH King size, cherry, adjustable Kins-down memory foam, pd S3500.

52500. 9197344780. BR SET-dbl dresser, chest 8, nightstand, 5275. Safa 0, matching chair 5325. Glass top coffee table A and table.

570. Lamp 525. Computer table 5120. Patio sat 500. 919784-1424.

BR SET, Queen, dresser, nightstand, headboard 5575. 4053340 BUNK BED! NEW 0 Used Prices. 919444344! CHILD'S BR FURN. 5 piece, S400. 9195704047 COUCH CHAIR, blue, great, 5125; single waterbed 4 drawers, 5175.

4743340 COUCH LOVES EAT, Coffee Table A 2 end tobies. Good cond. Moving, must sell! 5150. 919029404! CRAFTIQUE 3pc BR, canopy; Womans Antique mahog. writing desk A other fine items.

9197035033 eves. DAYBED Black wrought Iran trundle, matching and tabic, brand new, 5150; white 40 rawer child's desk, 54! Christina 9190459377. DINETTE Metal glass baker's with 4 chairs, rack. Creme with mauve cushion. 5225.

919401-221! DINING RM: Cherry table, six chairs (fabric), hutch 5250! nega 919217-1114 DINING RM- Cherrywood llpc Set, Tabic w2 Leaves, 0 Chairs, China A Buffet. New, still boxed! Cost S9K, SELL 52450! 9190414090 DINING RMSET- Burlwood. Table 2 leaf! 4 chairs (2 captains), china cabinet glass doors 1 light! like new. 5245! By Founders-Thomasville. 9192330904.

DINING RM TABLE- Brov-hlll Fontana. 4 chain. Pd 5200! Asking 570! 51S4429. DINING RM TABLE- Lax-ington, new, 0 chain. Orig.

55391; 51299. 919395303! DINING ROOM SET, circa 1940, 7 pcs. 5475 nego. 919444-1942 DINING TBL. 4 chain, maple 5220; Daybed mattress- 575.

9197130033 DIN ROOM SET, maple, pedestal table 4 chain buffet. Very good cond. Raleigh 9194443435 aft 4p DR SET, Lane Cherry, pewter buffatt; cherry LR tables; 2 BR sets; side-by-side refrig; kite, table 4 chain; Sony Stem CD player; several anttauas; Aium. blind! A Lots More! Priced to Salel 9193232144 DR STE- By Thomasvllie, tM w2 leaves AS chain, China cabinet. 5250! 919-445-4424 DR TABLE, all glai! 3x5.

5125; 4 Floral DR chain, 5100; BR chest 1 Headboard, light wood, 550; A misc. pictures. 844-4422 DR TABLE 1930 Cl RCA, vW chain, 2 leave! buffet, china hutch, cherry, refin. Exc. cond.

5200! 919307-7741, ELEGANT WALL UNIT, wood ond beveled glai! 53000; oak hall tree, 5125; stepbock cupboard, 5150; 9 DR set, 53000. 919 PC DR 1033512. ENTERTAINMENT CTR-5'x4', solid oak front, packet 5300. 919343200! EXECUTIVE DESK (2), 1 light wood color, 30'x44', 1 dk wood, 30'x40', both have 2 file drawers, 5150. 9195773104 FULL Bed 505, Computer DeskChair 51! 919300-1733 FUTON WB" MATTRES! Oak.

Mission-style. NEW! Sacrifice 5300. 4490050 HAND MADE Solid Mahogany Round Table A 4 chain -919501-9074; 8439327 KITCHEN TABLE with 4 chain and leaf. 5423. Call 919327-1421.

KITCHEN TABLE leaf A 4 chain (solid wood. Farmhouse style); Bamboo chair wfcushlan; solid oak coffee table 2 End table! all under 525! 9193530037. LAZ-Y-BOY RECLINERS (2), 1 sofa, teal, 5400. 9190443407 LEATHER CHAIR, slight damage, 520; sleeper sofa 545; La-Z-Bov, 550; love seat, 52! Call 1440099. LEATHER COUCH CHAIR A OTTOMAN, from Carolina Leather, Tan color, exc cond, 51100 9190943144 LIVING RM SET 4pc, taupe, 2 yrs, 5750.

919357-0574 can email pics LR SET, DR sat, plana A mare. Call 0131912. LR STE, dk blue couch A taveseat; Irg square coffee tbl A end tM (natural finish). 530V nega 9193043444 MATTRESS-A Brand Name King Size, extra-thick, Quilted-Top set. Still in plastic! Cost 5125! Sell 5350.

Can Deliver 9190443041 (MATTRESS- King size, pillow tap, Simmons Beauty Rest. Retail: 51900; Sell 5350 Bast offer. 9192703195 MATTRESS SETS. Twin 575 Full 585 Queen 595 King 5135 Can deliver. 9193443321 MIRROR PANELS (5), 4'x4'.

Bast offer. 9193331900 MOVING- Cherry entertainment Ctr 2 side boakcas-O! 5750. 0440717 MOVING SALE: torn, couches, kitchen set A more Please call 7031344. MOVING SALE! Sat, Sam-12pm. Sleeper Sofa 5250; Lava Seat 5150; Table 520; TV stand 540; BR Suite 5300; Waterbed 5150; 905 Winde-mere Lana 919342-7040 OAK TABLE, 4 chain, 5400; kite island 5200; roll top desk 545! sola 515! 0443402.

PIANO- 1940 Story A Ctai Spinet, cherry cabinet, great cond. 5000 call 309-4354 pianol Usad Boston 46 in. prof, itudift 450(1 69M631 UPRIGHT PIANO- SOOd shape, moving, murt sen. 5250 nego. 919359003! Delivery avail.

Computers WebsHos 275 DELL XPS 40! PM, cotor printer, scanner 17" monitor, speaker! tax copier. 540! 9193743905 GATEWAY plntef Pentium, 14" monitor, Epson printer, speaker! 2 hard disk drive! CD Rom, lots ot software, Internet ready, 5295. 9194942045. IBM 300 meg. Pmtiuml 7" color monitor.

515! 033107! Internet PC. 17" monitor, printer, CD-Rom. Win 5350 nega 919357392! NEW IBM T30 THINK PAD, DVD, 35GB HD, wlreles! in box, 51490. Call Chri! 9197945342 OLDER LAP TOPS Several brands- IBM, Hitachi, eta. Starting at $75 up to $500.

Also, Memory upgrades, printer! hard drives, lots mare. Call 9195244201 TANDY DMP2U7 PRINTER, Dot Matrix. 510! 8448041. Buildlag Materials 280 ANTIQUE HEART Pine Flooring and Woinscoating 523.75Sgft 9144333492 LOT of partially Weathered Lumber, sufficient for small house. 53500.

7047142749. STAIRCASE- OAK SPIRAL railing assembled. 4 radio! 9 ft floor height. 5400! Benson, 919207-1743. 280 Dogs 5 Pets ADOFTATHON May 17th at the PetsMart in Brier Creek.

Multi-organization odoptathon, dogs in tent, cats In store. 10am-3pm. Vet care fee. 919-990-2478. www.snowflakerescue.org ADOFTATHON Sun.

May from 123pm at PETsMART on the comer of Millbraok and Capital Blvd. A New Leash On Life Dog Rescue. Adoption fee. Lots of Puppies and Dogs! 788-3433 AFRICAN GREY Baby parrots. Best talkere.

4413947. AKC PUP! VIsaMC. Pug! Chihuahuas, Shih Tzu, Pom! Yorkie! Chinese Crested, Mini-Pinscher! Maltese, Westie! Dachshund! Snoodle! Poo-pups. Health guaranteed. Puppy Paradise.

9193453044. ALBINO BURMESE PYTHON- Beautiful, young, 2.5'. Quarantine tank incl. only. Price nego.

Expert) handler only. 9194734400 BABY BIRDS- Hand Fed Senegal Parrots, 5350 9192447730 BALL PYTHON- 4yr! nice markings-skin, $120 nega 9193453144 BASSET HOUND PUPS AKC I wk! all colors. 5175. H31 95299429 -74 13994. BASSET HOUND PUP! AKC, warmed, 1st shat! 5250 ea.

253257-193! BEAGLE PUP! 575. 252-548-3183 Cal! aft 4pm. BEAUTIFUL, Longhair tabby, all vet work, 919707-7002 BENGAL KITTEN! TICA Lap Leopard! 441-0947. BICHON FRISE- Adorable pups great personalitie! 570! Call Sara 919494390! BICHON PUPS AKC 5050 8, up. 3344291010 BICHON PUP! 1st shat! healthy.

Adarablel 9193941221. BIRDS tar Sato, Some Cages. Breeder Birds. 9193941334 BLUE HEALERS 8, Red, males female! shat! de-wormed. 510! 4393570 BLUE HEELER PUPPIE! rag is.

5250 9193530270 BORDER GOLUE LAB, 1 yr aid, very gentle, male :0, 550. BORDER COLLIE 2 male! shots warmed, parents on site. 520V ea. 9143494505 BOSTON PUP! Male-female, fancy marking! sml size. Same rare brandies.

5400 UP. 253244150! BOXER AKC PUP! 3 Male! 3 Female! Fawn White, 1st Shots 5275. 334599427! BOXER PUPPIES- Shots warmed. 510! 919795-4549 BOXER PUPS- akc. 7 wks aid, 2 fawn female! 1st shots, tails docked, dew claws removed.

5300. 91973S3404. BOXER PUPS (4) 4wks aid, red Mk face, AKC Reg'n, 5300 firm. Parents on site. 2532333700 2532044500 BOYKIN SPANIEL Retreiv-ere, rare breed, from hunting line.

Water repetlant, eager to please. Make great house dog! parents on site, 1st shots dewormed, dew-daw! tails docked. Reserve nowl Ready 53403. 3 Male! s. 91 1 female.

919342-2424 BRITTANY PUP! regie. Good hunters 8. great companions. 530! 914974710! CAIRN TERRIER PUP! male, 540! 252-4931049 CAIRN TERRIER PUPS-AKC 550! 9193743712. CAT! A PAIR (twins), 7 yrs old, healthy, daclawed, spayed, calico, well-behaved, affectionate, free.

Call 9193733349. CATS- neutered male, 4 spayed female, 7 yre. Both good children sm. does. To good home! 3037035 CHESAPEAKE BAY PUP! MF, shots wormed.

Ready 4503. 525! 252-4934900 CHESAPEAKE BAY PUP! AKC, ready now, 919734731! 914247-1440 SJSlV, OilHUAHUA AKC Female, CHIHUAHUA PUPS AKC blue, chocolate, fawn 4 blk. 5250 up. 9194092959 CHINCHILLA- babies MF 550. 9193541139 co*ckER! Dachshund! Shih Tzus, Poodles, Min Pins, AKC pup! Call 9145943552.

co*ckER SPANIELS PUP! AKC, champ bloodline! 535! 9195241927 9497419 COLLIE, AKC tri-colors 1 sables. Born 3-14. Vet checked, 2nd shots 1 wormed. 5200. Call 9199573450 or 9194734M COLLIE PUPPIE! AKC all shota 8, wormed.

2 sable white, 4 sable blue merle white. 334397-9100 COLLIE PUPS AKC Sable Wh'te, warmed, parents an site. 919735-7790 9203644 DACHSHIRE TERRIER'S ICKC regisl. Very tiny. Two adorable baby sisters.

4wks shots, wormed, health guaranteed. 5275. 9193031541 DACHSHUND MINIATURE, blpcklon Dapple male, 4 wks old. wormed 8, shat! 1 r- AKC reg. or papers 5325.

919421-1529 or 4043949 DACHSHUND pups and adults tar sale 914309-0903. OAOtptUNDS MINI AKC Dapple 1 black tan, health guar 535! 9194973417 5 PEOPLE NEEDED. We are taking applications for FT and PT eales emptov-mcnt. Wt provide training. Earning opptv of $454 idSVWk potential to start.

If you are 11 yri and are ready to start work immed, coll 9193243201 College students welcome EOE PIANIST needed for small country church in northern Johnston County. Sundays only. Call 919249420. Promotions CASH DAILY Mate $100day Coll Brtaa 05330 SKILLED DANCERS and Drama Students needed. 4 Week summer orts program- Ballet, Tap Jazz, Step.

Fax resume or letter of interest to 919374101 TELEMARKETING Hiring I mined, for days or eves. 20-40 hrs week. No selling n. Paid req'd. Bose Comm, wkly.

Casual ahnosplwra. Smokers Welcome. Coll 910211-1177 VACATION? FUNDRAISER needs PT coochaMe people days or eves. Ideal summer lab. No phone interviews.

Call for appt. 134-2290. VAN DRIVER for private Fixed Based Operator at Airport. Must have valid NC driver's license, no mare than 2 traffic violations In the last 2 yrs. S9 hr, wkcnds off 7am-lpm.

Fax resume to Shari at 919-140-2227 or email shari.hardlnOphhi.net ACCOUNTING ASST needed. Min 20 hrs per wk. Statement reconciliations, filing, answering phones. Mail resume to Accounting Attn Peak, PO Box 24407, Raleigh, nc 27411 EEQAAEMF ARTISTIC CREATIVE people needed to work at home. Read www.sunburst usa CLEANING- RESIDENTIAL SERVICE seeks PT employees.

Reliable transp. and ref's. Call 919-395-7994. GYMNASTICS- NOftCOM-PETITIVE PROGRAM hiring energetic and enthusiastic individuals that love working with children. Please call: 919-474-1391 INSIDE SALES- RTPbased IT looking for expert! college grads for software service sales to businesses.

Base incentives. Send resume to: greg.millerO reportlnghouse.com INSIDE telephone medical sales, 20 flex $4 SWhr. plus comm. Fax resumes to Kevin, 217-2451 LOVE BABIES? Take newborn baby photos at local Raleigh area Hospital. AM hrs.

Permanent PT Jab Share. Weekdays 1 Weekends. 477-594-7140 MINISTER OF YOUTH wanted. White Oak Baptist, a CBF church working to I Cur- blend rural traditional ban contemporary styles of worship is seeking a Part-time individual wo passion for youth. Send resumes to Youth Minister Search Team, 11943 Buffalo Rd, Ijnj aunuru ml NC 27520 or Email jmbseflj alumni.drew.edu RALEIGH OFFICE seeks 4 indivi.

PT to schedule appts. No selling, no commissions. 54-112 hr. Hrs 4-9pm 8 some Sat. 713-0900.

Ideal for students. OFFICE ASSIST PT: AR, AP, Payroll, collections. Hours 10-5pm, Cameron Village, M-F, $12 hr. 919-7S3-5522. PART-TIME HELP needed, consistent hours, 25-30 hrshek including weekends.

Retail environment, must be friendly 8 people oriented. depending upon exper. Please tax resume 431-7315. PT WKEND HELP NEEDED- Well Est. Convenience store on Wake Forest.

SatSun 2-10pm. SatSun lam-12. Cashier Exper a Plus. Call 919-270-7771 REAL ESTATE AGENT seeks lady agent to team with him. Info at: 2444491 RECEPTIONIST medico I office exper.

PT, l-5pm in specialty practice. Seniors Welcome! Please FAX resume to: 919783-5957 SALES PERSON flooded at Women's clothing stare. Call 919411-1151 SECURITY OFFICERS- PT Temp, needed for Raleigh area for Golf Tournament. Criminal background check req'd. SI.50-SW hr.

Apply in person at: 4301-B Angus Dr. Raleigh. Last day to apply: a May 22, 2003. SORTING SHIPPING CLERK Perm Part-time days, Mon-Fri. E.

Raleigh leather plant. Exper. shipping software. 231-9933. Employment SenrictsRosumos 195 CONSTRUCTION WORKERS.

Entry-level full-time lobs, no experience, we train. Salary with benefits. Ages 17-34 with High School diploma, physically fit. Call 400442-7231 tar local interview. 197 ElderChild Care CHILD CARE needed PT.

Looking for someone experienced. Loving, light house- work, good organizational skills, ref's req'd. Santa riV Apex area. 919-7044117. ELDERLY CARE.

Lhre-in. No rant In exchange tor cleaning, cooking, etc. 9195541271 FEMALE CAREGIVER for elderly mother. Light housekeeping. Ref's req'd.

Durham area. 9194774119 180 MIscBlIaneons Meter Readers VSI Group is currently looking for candidates to fill several openings in our Durham and Chapel HO locations. We seek candidates who are dependable, enjoy working outdoors, in al weather conditions, have good customer service skills and the physical ability to to 5 mitej walk up to 5 miles per day. Must posses mechanical aptitude and good mathematical skills. Candidates must have at least 2 years driving awerience and a valid driver's license with a dean record.

Previous utility experience or woriung knowledge of industry a plus. VSI is a Drug Free workplace. Starting rate of pay, SlOhr and an excelent benefits package to Full-time employees. Please send resume to: VSI GroupHRDurham 500 W. Dutton's Mill Rd Aston.

PA 19014 ccaprlovsigioup.com iSi SB," rMt! Swiss'1" $325. 919353-3271. 252-7443924. BMfiLISH BULL DOG PUP 9147745m ENGLISH MASTIFF.Fjwn-10 mo, trained, Supplies. Nega 919494481 ENGLISH 'ISIS SPANIEL- champ biooa line, temperament, pups acic8ed.

ei 9001 -2545; 9193447047. ENGUSH SprlngerSpaMel! ebee kittens to good Fhome (2) Mk 9193330370 GERMAN ROTTWEILER! 7wks old, Beady To Go! 9194931434 GERMAN ROTTWEILERS; akc champion bloodline, 8. 2nd Shot! par ents onsite. Must see. 253234-7775 252-2034427 GERMAN rottweiler PUP! AKC Regi! ftarenta on site, 9193343397 Iv msg GERMAN SHEPHERD Pups, AKC drk brunt Mk.

reocta 253341-0070: 725-4419 GERMAN SHEPHERD AKC Female, 13 wlu, great tenj perament. Call 9197723193 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUP! White, AKC 4 wk! S250. 9197747219 Bgrysss complete, S30! 919554349V 4739330 (cell) GERMAN SHEPHERD PUP! AKC solid white. S300. 252-4937977 GIANT SCHNAUZER PUP! Champ bloodlines.

3 mos, Female! 919-9240700. GINDAY CONUER- nice dome cage, many extras. 13 yrs old. 252-2433779. GOLDEN RETREIVER PUP! AKC, shot! dewormed, parents on-site.

Ready 04W03. Pick Yours Nowl S400. 9197723057 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS, AKC. Shots, warmed, 530! 914097-204! GOLDEN RETRIEVERS 3 Young Adult! also 2 AKC OFA OwkS, 52045300 9142573412. GOLDEN RETRIEVER! 'eriCKC ready in June, 2 litter! CKi paper! 5300 ea.

Taking dep. days 252-459342! nights 252-459-9427, ask for Tina GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS AKC- Parents onsite, vet checked 5425 4343334732 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS AKC, shata, warmed. S350. 9195547105 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUP! AKC raised 4 toying kkta, Shota, dewarmed. Ready 04M! 5350.

1441921 HIMALAYAN KITTEN! Owk! S15Vea. 914097-9751 HOME NEEDED- Izzy, an outdoor cat needs a new hanw, as we're moving to old, in Europe. She is 2 yre. goad health, vacs, up to data. She may be pregnant.

9197141917 JACK RUSSELL FEMALE 11 wk! short legsimooth coat. 5200 to good home! 9192153459, 1942402 JACK RUSSELL PUP! English Type, parents on-site. 919354314! Mt. Olive, NC JACK RUSSELL PUP! litter of 7, 3 fat males left, shotswormed, S250 9197145711 aft 4pm JACK RUSSELL PUP! 0 wk! 515! 910393-9044. JAPANESE KOI For Sale Various Sizes 9193942327 KITTENS FREE to good home.

9193444454. KITTEN! 4 wk! shat! 575 ea. 9193523272. LAW Banter Cal I to Mix, blk, 7 yrs aid, well trained. Needs hams.

919933297! LAB PUP! akc, blk 1 yellow, 1st shata 4 wormed. Call 047-3277. LAB PUPS AKC, champ, bloodline! parents good hunters, dew claws removed, 1st shots 8. dewormed, 520! 9142943527 LAB PUP! AKC registered. Yellow 4 black, 5300.

9197747444 LAB PUPS AKC- Yellow (blonde-cinnamon) Parents onsite, champ, shotv wormed. 527! 9193033005 LAB PUPS AKC- Yellow, Master hunter, sired, hips 4 eyes guar. 540! 919389-7849 LAB PUP! AKC. Yellow, Wormed 4 shots. 9145935183; 5333447.

LAB PUPS AKC Yellow, 2 males left. Champ pedigrees. Parents (OFA OFEL) on site. Shots. Wormed.

Dewdaws removed. 5500. 9197731301 LAB PUP! blk, rescued, 1st tefwonTied' 2 female! 919-523141! Iv msg. LABS AKC- Champ Mood-LJne! MF, btomto. Black, 4wk! dewormed 1 shot! 53045350 9195541935 U4ASA APSO PUPS AKC Shota, wormed.

$350 cash! 334329-1237. LLAMAS FOR SALE, 5450 and up, healthy, easy care lawnmower! 9142940124 MALTESE BMafleeapoaelst shots, health guarr. Call 9193030413 AJALTESE OR Pomeranian MALTESE PUP! UKCI, 1st jAohUflnyl adorable. 5475. MINI POODLE PUPPTe- mato, 1 mos old, Mk, akc micrach pped, kennel 4 supplies incl.

Prectou! sweat 4 smart. 5350. 91W7141 mountain FEIST PUP-PIBexcaleasure squirrel dogs. Extremely smart 7 wk! ok) 5200. 919094-5073 NORWEGIAN ELK HOUNDS Regi! Male Pup! cosh only 5250 2537973221 PAPILUOW- AKC 0 wk BUOr' TiSSSS5 PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI PUPS, AKCHappy, (althy, home-raised Champ sire.

704333-mif Persian kitten! Loveiv white. 5250. 9133449160 PERSIAN KITTEN! moto, 5753125. 91M491SS; PERSIAN KITTENS -CFA 9773-M72CheCkKl' 35' PIT BULL. PUP! ADBA champ bloodline.

5250. 9193942M7 PIT BULL PUP! 5125 each. Brandies are SISOneao eio. M0(N) wSSBmm PIT BULL PUP! 9 wk FKC regis. 73727 Wl PIT BULL.

PUPS 10 wkL A W9M44ll PIT BULL- red, 12 wk! very friendly, 5125. 919354itQ4V PlomASA PR oodwctogi! call Allison 19-S3W674 FSJiERANAN PUPPIE! HH; ssSijS JIMujSJi. gagti Bill pgtaqt Free Mills. ttMbj'' rlSsi i oir, yw Comtek ZTi Trass 'TERRrSJf traliM.S(fc5: out. Fibnsp: new.

StiTuvTiV WMIMWL 46K oris, ns, foY 00 fully firL Ki EE BICYCLE T8BS BR1D Like raw. tMfe BOWFLEX Miw ssfar OWRBTfwS yrota. $758 Iks CU8MX STEffB ymcai tmvit- TrsodmUl $75. fbjf COLEMMIC. oc, refris, tan: 5095.

91946138 GOLF OJUKIr. hondSMtaiBE: POOL WICK rod) Oy con! 5558 In Herds. flHtUK POOLTABLECvr super fat tbs On All occtn 919401338) ilnr r. 1 il BK XI MU POOL TAB! I con! Armwisit 919401-7146. TREADMILL tre or best 919-5534446.

van IMS Mta hit stall IMaati 426 eEADOO tn dfiuw ded new, 1 sestr, V. 91977315)8 191 et Bun -WA JET SKI tr mx LmsEI. 2 JET 730 ZXi and SVC. aiw 7i en: 90 ZXitfDtad' trir. BoUisnbn: 54738 (Ml flW B3I 99 SEA 00003 iecta! 38 bjM 1410 Idtafl.

1994 SEADOOJBB erytadrstata- mer. Ind.tnrjer lute, 11P i neo9W55P I SL ROPOLAWJ brand ns 9192698P4 SURFBOARD Green Used ones! YAMAHA SML cond! No bk- S8 91977235)5. yamaha xuaj; ii Mass tog jS swsg-S oolrM ORIB4TAL-0: SS'SSSS. IV SHARK, uf 1 gS styratoFJi it kept on lift crowo'JS, wf shomtf; ggeism Birthday, Graduation, Father's Day, Anniversary, Showers, or any other occa sion. CallJSweetCreotigns bjf Paula at 2490050.

(10 of al my proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.) FISH FRY- 11am until. Plates 14.50. 2925 Uzzard Lick Wendell. 1447945. Laws 9 Gardes Supplies 210 AMF RIDING MOWER, lOltp, 32 in cut (dual blades), rear discharge, S200.

9194447400 CHIPPER SHREDDER. 5hp, used 1 season, over S400 new, sell S200. 9190447400 EDGERTRIMMER. Scoria 15hp Tin, S100 0444054 JACOBSEN Walk Behind SI 200 9194942734 JOHN DEERE 310, Pwr steering, hydra trons, 44" deck, new Madesbeltv rear bagging attachment, util trlr, runs like new. S2800 nega.

9197791242. JOHN DEERE riding mower SOSO; JD LX174, 14HP, 30" cut, foot pedal hydra, SI 500. 9193045497. LAWN MOWER- 14.5HP 42" deck, hydrostatic auto drive riding. S400.

919291-0794 LAWN MOWER. Kubota GF1SM 40 in. front deck, 10 HP diesel, 235 hrs, S9500 ne-go. Call 9193444100 MURRAY LAWN TRACTOR 12.5HP, 40" cut, S500. 9192494249.

RIDING MOWER MTD, 14hp, good shape, 5300. Call 5544979. RIDING MOWER- Scatts 17HP, 1900. 919001-9100 20 33 SNAPPER riding lawn mowers all for sale 5150. Call 9194244514.

TROY BILT RIDING MOWER- 42" cut, 17hp, 3yrs old, SI 300 9194942734 TraesFlowen 6hnibbory 215 DAY LILLIES, Iris, Hydrangeas, Mums. 345-3514 9am-12noon, 5000 Promise Lane, Knightdale. ENGLISH- BOXWOODS. 1420 yrs old, have 9, S9Ma. 919040-4049 249 AntiquBS ANTIQUE BAR, 1940'S, good cond.

Solid wood, glass shelvas, Retro Martini design. 5350. Call 919247-4090 S' ANTIQUE CLAWFOOT TUBS (2), refinishcd. SSSQfea. nega.

919-4040455 ASSORTED ANTIQUES, crocks, glass battles from PA mare. 919-593-4900. FP MANTLE, SOSO; Norltake China 90 PCS, SIM. 4247172 MAHOGANY BR SUITE, 3 pcs, SI 050: oM cane recliner, 5200. mahogany china cabinet, 5450.

919-307-2025 OLD FE MAGAZI ES, an-tiquecoilectibla china, 9197134033 PAYING CASH for old watches. Men's only. Call 919437-4471 STEAMER TRUNK- Vintage 110. 1930's, Haartmann. 9194145045, see In Raleigh.

Yard I Garage Gala 245 ZIP 27514 MOVING SALE: Sat 24th 0AM-12PM 101 Covington Dr, Chapel Hill. Rolltop desk, dining roam sat, books, more! ZIP 27529 MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE, 524, Oam-lpm, 1104 Claymore Garner. Large variety for everyone! I ZIP 27545 SAT, MAY 24. 304 Laurens Way, off Me Knight, Knightdale. Household, luggage, dothing, china.

ZIP 27591 HUGE YARD SALE, 524. 7-11 121 Harris Wendell, clothes, toys, tarn. 1 tons of misc. Items. ZIP 27592 HUGE YARD SALE SAT May 24th, 7am-lpm Rain or Shine) off old stage Rd in WillowBluff Subdiv on Tall Cana Circle, look for signs.

Toddler toys. Baby 0, Toddle clothes, Woman 7 men clothes, kitchen Appliances, household goads. Antique Glassware, Etc. ZIP 27597 FAMILY YARD SALE, 524, 7-11, 700 Perry Curtis Zebulon. ZIP 2760T1 GIANT YARD SALE 1 STREET FAIR.

Join us for Crepe Myrtle Festival Street Fair, May 31, Oarrv Spm at City Market in Downtown Raleigh. Old Stuff, New stuff, collectibles, Plants crafts, fun 8, food. Vendor spaces also avail. Coll Eric at 0324334. I ZI 27610 CATHOLIC GOLDEN AGE is sponsoring its annual combination YARD 4 BAKED GOODS SALE.

524, at St. Joseph's property on the corner off Poole Rd. 1 Pearirae Lana. Many unusual items, baked treats, and much morel MOVING SALE- May 24. 0am-12pm, 5312 Bantgrass Dr, Hwy 44 8 Rogers Ln, turn, household, new Items too.

ta1 duced BBftid.

Eastern Wake News from Zebulon, North Carolina (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.