Thij FTFTTM WftT" TiASSIFIEDS IOC Dogs 1 Pets For Silo Miscellonoous Forniturs For Silo Furniture For Solo 1 I.C03 353 WWII nessuro WstM-J I'll COLT ARI54PI mw 11200. 919-4794141 DDI Mnnn vooi sovoge 12go Si? ii'MX MSVSUUl -J ojesm vmr. j4fpf mm REMINGTON 701 StS-T lOOyJN Simmons Scope, a Tgfc; num-S450., 934-7144. swniik.
KtV iwwm HIM, -t. Leupold scopes, IQspSsKSiiiX 919-24-7541 rreTH 402 4-ew-VOBL I is. 7 ml 1M in fo. HUNTING CLUB ssekin, keT new memebers. Norther! Frank Ta 'J "rwww 0 hrs.
$7400 rsfTI MSB? 9V on S42S. 919-440-1743 22 Sb5V5 I dkaa ttuw JA IISSMI ejSJ IPIJS, $5000. 919425-190L HONDA FOUR TRAXTt 4 72X SS-JSS-" onot. HONDA POURTRAX'N4H, 4, I mtyrfc 1 mm 1T1 HQNQo BANrumam le-r-l. I ere? eaufPk s.
Mm. j. nunun iiimm tt, 414, Bi. 3 HONDA TRX2S0X fl ml mi P5" iv Ill BBS. Mi HONDA 2S0X 17 Mem nx- Y5iiiLq YAJsWkj nod a I til Mi ChildElder Cere Sendees uni 1 ins TO SIT with elder ly person.
Please call 345411V. WOULD LIKE ta keep children in my home, located between Middlesex ft Zebu lon. References avanaoie. Call 404-2359. Will care for sick and elderly.
Call Mary at 919-496-6765. Clessing Services 310 HANDS cam INC Great rates! Free est. (919) 2744231 2 DEPENDABLE WOMEN house cleaning service. We do windows ft all. Small yard work included.
Best price arouna. uin j-aaii or ws-syje. FininciolLogil Services 320 ATTENTION HOMEOWN ERS: Neea a lax ueauc-tMn? Home Equity Loans wLawer Interest ft Pvmts for Debt Consolidation, Home Improvements, etc FHA-VA ft Conventional Mans at Low-Fixed Rates -Purchase or Refinance. 1st ft 2nd Mortgages. 24 Hr.
Ap- Srovals. Fast Confidential ervice. Call 919-7734004 SUM MORTGAGE CORP (A Sallte Mae Co.) 147 Hwy. 70 West, earner nl jish. CONVICTED? Protect ALL rights! LAWYI I Um SUIT Af CAL5 IWYER JOHN T.
HALL. Fast reolv. No phone calls. Mail details to: P. O.
Box 1207, Roieign, nl 27402 earn CASHI 1 1 1 $2000 refer ral fee for any customer you send us that buys a home. Call for details. Hunters Creek, 9454339. Heme A Business Improvement 330 of remodeling additions, patios, decks, elect, 25 yn exper. For all your home needs.
small 00s m-ntn ATTENTION: Home I mpftswemont c*nt-uunlos: Need Financing For Your Services? Get Quick ADDrova at Low compel tlve Rates with SLM Finan cial. 147 Hwv 70 west. Garner NC 27529. Call Judy Barnes at 919-773-4004. DJ BRYANT ELECTRIC New elect ft any repairs.
Insured, bonded ft unlimited lie. 20 yrs residential comm'i. 919-249-7047; mo bile, 291-2409; 044-249-7047. D-s CONCRETE ft MASON RY. Residential ft Commer cial.
919494-1724 427-1969. HARRISON HOME RE PAIRS. Dry waivcarpentry and paint also pressure washing. 9194144475 or 919445-7131. HONEY-DO HANDYMAN.
From maint. to repair ta construction to landscaping If you need It done, we can 00 IT, COM 919-249-2159 Home Improvements (919) 266-5501 vwwv.HomeOoc4U.cofYi Smalllarge jobs welcome Decks, porch, home repairs rotted wood replacement, Quality Work TRIANGLE FLOORING INSTALLATION Carpet, hanKvood, vinyl, ceramics, repairs and area rugs CR 21 years experience. 919-365-5621 Lawn ft Garden Landscaping 340 AftA LANDSCAPING AND Lawn care. Dump truck, Bobcat services. Mulch, pine straw, a ravel, sand.
topsail, fill dirt. Tree and stump removal. Pressure washing, reasonable ral For alf your landscaping and lawn care needs. Call 919424-7400. AFFORDABLE LAND SCAPING and srass cut ting.
Bruce Baker, (h) 919- 2494597; (pgr 919-9024722 AFFORDABLE LAWN CARE- Satisfaction guar Free estimate! 9194144934 AFFORDABLE STUMP Grinding. Prompt ft depend able. 9194944700; 2194137. ALL YOUR LANDSCAPING and town care needs. Bobcat sves.
Free estimates. Yard Maintenance, Tim Fergu son, Viy-2494433. GRADING ft LANDSCAP ING, Bobcat work, top soil, 40 yrs. exper. Free Est, oaynignr.
yiy-ogi-jgis HINNANTS LAWN ft yard svc. Aerating ft seeding; professional teat rcmoval; ropsoil spreading. 2494114. Landscapes By Mullliews. Shrubbery Design, Stone Retainer Walls, Garden Ponds, Brick Patios ft walks.
Lawn Maintenance. References Avail. 3454313. QUALITY YARD MAINTE NANCE. Reasonable prices.
Tree esnmares. 919-404-2472 TOP SOIL field dirt, mortar sand, clay sand, mulch, stone. Bobcat ft tractor ser vice, lawn maintenance. Call 0414437 or 3444000. 345 Moving ft Hauling Services BOBCAT WORK- SSOjhr.
operator; Dump truck ft chain saw man $45hr. inci. bobcat. Free estim. Mobile 9194014014 day or night.
2 Fernaws ft Truck for clean ing, maving-iivout of home, house yard waste removal $75tood. DN 9194434997 WILL HAULAWAY all house ft vara waste, inci. old appliances, stumns. Free est. Day night.
MM 9194014014 350 MiscTProlessional Services DO YOU HAVE TOO much to handle on your Call Persona Lily, Harmonious Living Solutions for your budgeting, errands, scheduling ft fashion and decor consulting. 9194334440. 350 MiscTProlessionol Services SI Hobbies Collectibles 260 RC AIRPLANE, SIB 4 Star 40, never flown. $500. 919-2174942 after 4.
265 Wanted to Buy GOLD AND SILVER COINS Wanted. 9194224939 after 4pm PAYING CASH for old watches. Men's only. Coll 919417-4SH. WANTED-STEEL trailer, 14 to 20 tondum axle with brakes.
Call 919434-2421. Musical Merckaadioo 270 ALTO SAX- Yamaha YAS-23, case, mouthpiece Hoa- nire. wht CANNON BALL TENOR SAX. Brand nev 400. Ask for David, 919-929-1544.
CELLO, full-size; inclbowft SeTexc. cond. $550 nego. CYMBALS. ZMrtton.
Complete set or sell separate. A Customs. 252-247 2443. DJ EQUIP. 2 turntables, GeminiXL-500, 1 mixer, PMX40, $250.
919-2004453 ENTIRE DISC JOCKEY SET! Mixer, Dual CD Player, Mini-Disc PMyer, Amplifier, Speakers, Subwoofers, OverSOOCD's! Trailer (with title) rocarryalllncllMjSOO or best offer. Brett, 4044222 KEYBOARD, BRAND NEW, with stand, foot pedal ft plug In. $250. Saxophone $400. 252-235-0134.
KIMBALL CONSOLE PIANO, Solid walnut, bench, exc cond. $095 or best offer. 919-7514023. NIGHT CLUB DJ EQUIP. Contents of oM Bow Ties Club.
Speakers, lights, controls, portable dance floor. Selling all together. Make offer. (919) 0704915. PA SYST Peavey XR400B 0 channel, 2 speakers stands, 2 floor monitors, 3 mikes stands.
$475. 919-779-7210 PIANO- CABLE SPINNET, CXC cond. $795. 919-7744245. PIANO -Kawal Grand KG2C.
Superb tone ft cond. Must sell. $9,999. 3344424041 SAX, KING ALTO- Call 4134909. Computers Websites 275 AMD- 19gb Hard Drive, 17" monitor, Lexmark Pinter, Canon Scanner.
Work desk chair. Complete system. $450. 9194744447. AMD- 19gb Hard Drive, 17" monitor, Lexmark Pinter, Canon Scanner.
Work desk chair. Complete system. $450. 9194744447. COMPAQ PC 44 MB, 450 MHz, 13 in monitor, speakers.
$250. Call 9194014274. DELL DIMENSION, DVD CD-RW, 15in flat panel monitor, $050. 9194504040 GATEWAY PENTIUM II, 17" Monitor, Win 2000. Loaded.
$275. 2714154 IBM PENTIUM III, 17" monitor. Win XP, 54k, Office 2K, $325. 919-2714154. IBM PENTIUM 233mHz tower multimedia svs 2 hd's, USB, keyboard, mouse, speakers, 192 NEC mon, Matrox VGA, Zoom v.
92 modem. $150. Call Gary 9194074437 (Apex). WEB HOSTING ft Design. Local ft affordable.
419-1159. Building Materials 280 BUILDINGS- FACTORY SUMMER CLEARANCE! Arch Steel Buildings. 25x34; 30x40; 40x44; 52x114. Prices Sloshed on Select Models. Ideal WorkshopsGarages.
Call 1-000-341-7007. 30N4O STEEL BUILDING, used as workshop. Never assembled. Barn red.
$4500. 919-422-1494. 285 Loans Wanted ESTABLISHED 5 yr Co. selling to Healthcare Hospitality seeks Laan(s) for sett-funded on equipment shared savings ft rental contracts. Typical terms is 14 yrs, 15-10 per annum.
Contact Jim at 919410-2400 290 Dogs A Pets ADOPTATHON Sun, July 2a from 124pm at PETsMART on the comer of Millbrook and Capital Blvd. A New Leash On Life Dog Rescue. Adoption fee. Lots of Puppies and Dogsl 7004433 ADOPT-A-THONI Sun, (720), New PetS-mart, Brier Creek, comer of 540 ft 70. Paws For Life! Pins, Shin Tzus, Yorkles, Poodles, Peekapoos.
919409-2397 AKC PUPS, VisoMC. Chihuahuas. Shin Tzu, Poms, Yorkles, Mini-Plnschers, Maltese, Westies, Dachshunds, Pugs. Poo Pups. Health guaranteed.
Puppy Paradise. 9194454044. AKITA PUPS, AKC. 3 fe-- males 0 wks oM; also 0 mo. old female.
919490-1439 AMERICAN BULLDOG PUPS, Twks, shots, Johnson pedigree, champ, sire. 14774154205. AMERICAN BULLDOG furs, tKC Regis, parents on site. 2524374770. AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG PUPS, Regis.
Red ft blue, $100. 919-249-7551 BEAGLES: pups, 0 Tricolor, shots wormed, $125; adults, 2 females 1 .5 yn old, Tri-cotor $100. 919442-7009 BEAUTIFUL Half Chow. Half Rottweiler male dog needs new ft loving home due to move to non-pet environment. Very friendly, all shots, fixed.
Avail, only to responsible, loving parties. 2 Bnck Cats also avail as a pair only, shots, mala neutered. 919-4134757 after 5pm, any time on wkends BICHON FRISE PUPS, AKC 5 females, ready 015. Dep. will hold.
$450. 252443430V 252400-2755 BICHON PUPS.okc, 17 wks, cute, $3505550. 334429-1010 BIRDS ft CAGES: Blue Indian Ring Neck. African Gray. Lrg Macaw size cages ft small cages.
919-5424549 BLOODHOUNO PUPS AKC 4 all shots, $500. 252447-1090 Iv. msg. 280 Building Materials tlShs lACr3 LAB 4mo Yellow Male, AKC exc pedigree, shots current, parents on site, lyr. written health guar $300919-245301 LAB PUPPIES, AKC 0 $300 919-217-5599.
LAB PUPS AKC choc. S300. 9194034131. LAB PUPS- AKC, 1 Choc mate. SITS; Shottfyonrwd, parents onsite.
9194474277 LABPUPS.AKC.7kfftJire is Master Hunter J3omis Great Hunter. Both pedigrees are full FC-AFC, NAFC-FC CNFC ftCNAFC. Ready Taking dep. of $300. 2524414491.
LAB PUPS AKOOFA, blk, gorgeous, competition caliber, companion temper-ment, solid championship w- I S. 0.lKMlliel4BC. flf warmed, shots, dew cMws removea. vi" www.episodes 0400. 9194534704 Louisburg LAB PUPS AKC- Yellow, mmn4c kAth nrnwen hunt en, health guar.
2524304004 mine rurv M. Rl AKC Regis, Dew CMws ft 1st snots. Sire It uam un-an. Multi-Champ. Hunt ft Show 1 ctr Vnart.
Se- rlous Inquiries. Ready In 5 LAB PUPS, Chocolate, AKC, warmed ft shots. Champ bloodline. $200 919-520-7979(d) 9194204114(11) LAB PUPS- sire English blockhead, akc, snan, wormed, exc. pedigree, parents on site.
1 vr. written health guar S350 919-2494301 LAB PUPS. True English Type. Hand-reared to be family members. Both par ents actual akl, amnn.
ctanHv tsmBsraments. Health guar. Lifelong breeder support advice. Applica tion, aep, ret sira 9194094905. LAB PUPS Yellow, blk, nkrckr.
awesome pedigree. From top notch hunting ft field bloodline. Hall of Fame Pedigree. Block neaa 2524274540. I AH DETRIFVER- ChOC, male neutered, English type, house ft obedience trained, 1 yr, wonaerrui 919424-7513.
LYNX POINT SIAMESE CATS. Male, neutered, sin CO. 9194024492 3 MINIATURE CKC Pomeranian pups, $250; 4 12 mo. old akc ckc male, $200. t-an 3444119.
MINI PINCHER PUPS, Shots, $300 919453-2350 MINI SCHNAUZER. AKC, mate, 7wkS Old. 9194944095 MIN-PIN mo old male. Re gis. All shots, vary nvaew.
$300 nego. 9194774459. MONKEY, MARMOSET, 4 yn on, asking $1500. Con tact corny at 910444403. Cage also inci.
NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUPS Wormed ft snots. S275 9104404323 PAPILLON PUPS-MF, akc, 919449-1744 217-1919 PEKINGESE PUPS. AKC shots current, health $2754300. 9104234192. PIT BULL PUPS- BFKC regis, grand chomp street-sweeper and champ plumber's alligatorchamp Panama red.
$500. 919-7344004. POMERANIAN ft POODLE. AKC $2004300. 919-7104447.
POMERANIAN 919470-1135. POMERANIAN PUPS ft ADULTS-Dewormed, shots. $350 ft UP. 2524704150 POMERANIAN PUPS CKC, 2 blk males, exotic lines, 9194934727 POODLE PUPS, AKC Standard, 2 apricot fe males, snots upto data. S400 2524224227 Iv.
msg. POODLES- stondaru, 13 wks. Creams ft whites. Gorgeous! Almost house rrainea. ssoo.
yis-2sv-7049 PUG. BLACK MALE, Bom Ml. akc parents on site. Vet-checked. $450.
9194424127; cell 422-7283. PUG PUPS, Regit. S400450; POMERANIANS $250. 919-7704420, GoMsboro RAT TERRIER Pups, shots. $175.
919453-2350 RAT TERRIER PUPS. 4 WKS. S15D. 919454-2910. ROTTWEILER PUPS, AKC OFA.
chama sire. Ger manAmerican lines. $500 UP. 9104144717. WWW. SHELTIE PUPS- AKC 0 males ft females, sable ft white ft tri-colon. 1st SnOIS. S2SVM. 919-7744104 SHELTIE pup. AKC, wormed, shots.
919-7794450 SHIH TZU- akc regis, 919429-1500. SHIH TZU AKC lOwks, old, Shots, $350 919401-2129 SHIH TZU PUPS AKC shots. Any. $2004250. 919409-2959 SIAMESE KITTENS- Blue ft Seal.
Health guar, parents onsite. $200. Garner 5504994 SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPS- anc ist snots ft wormed. $2004250 cash. 910-592-2141.
SNAKE, 4ft ball python, very tame. $100. 919-2254072 SNAKES ft AQUARIUMS Call 919490-1303. Ask for SUGAR GLIDERS-1 Male, 2 Females. $125 ea, or $300 for all 1 9194544191 anytime.
TOY FOX TERRIERS. Regis. Shots wormed, 7 wks, $250. 9194544495. UMBRELLA co*ckATOO.
15 yrs old, loves females. Plucked, very healthy. $400 or best offer 9194934975. Lv msg all will be returned. WEIMARANER PUPS 9194944251 or Jim 410-2520 or Mike 2474379 WEIMARANER PUPS, AKC $300.
9194204429 WESTIE WJPS AKC 023, 1 female $450, 2 males SMOeo. 9194204419 WIRE POX TERRIERS-Akc pups, champ bloodline, rm Pa rents on we. Tiviii-xn. lv. msg, YORKSHIRE TERRIER ft females.
910-201-4349. 291 Dogs i Pets Sw. 1 Suppl. MESH WIRE Folding crate POn.42"x2S"x 32" l12i.Ex,rnLrBChain Link SSne-' 0'x4'x4' oether tv WW TIT-JUJ-0J4I flea, tick and mosquito borne diseases. Get patented Happy Jack(R) Novation) protective band.
At TSC Tractor Supply HMW knnmU.L REGIS. STUD papen "on'fd for Shih-Tzu female, Immed. 9194404010, Holly. services CHILD CARE avail, in my fjr.ony work shift. 305 I ChildElder Core 1 I Services Dogs ft Pets BOSTON TERRIERS-AKC 3 mo.
on, pure kinky tails, $300 ea. 9194204400 BOSTON TERRIERS AKC4 male, Owk old puppies. $400 aa. 2524304252 BOXER PUPS AKC beautiful markings, shots wormed. 252-2134244 BOXER PUPS, AKC champ, lrg ft flashy, S350UP.
9194524334; 0194421 BOXER PUPS AKC fawn, shots, wormed, tails docked dewclaws removed. 9194004955. BOXER PUPS, AKC3 males, 3 females, dnjterent litters, $250 UP. 252-237-0570 BOXER PUPS, Beautiful, parents on-site. Born July 1st, now taking deposits of $100.
910-271-9031 BUNNY: Honey brown female, fluffy white tail ft feet, inci cage, etc. 9194454447. CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVER PUPS, AKC, from hunting stock, 252435-1042 or 2524734749 CHESAPEAKE BAY Retrievers, AKC. Exc hunting bloodline, beautiful pets. Select now! Ready July 25th.
$500 firm. 910-7914030 CHIHUAHUA PUPS AKC Top quality, both coats, health guar. 9104524150. CHIHUAHUA PUPS AKC Blue Bloods, small $350 $300. 9194104294 CHIHUAHUA PUPS, AKC 9wks on, 1 black ft tan, 2 black ft white.
$300. 9194454407; 333-1147 Cell CHIHUAHUAS, AKC both coats, tiny. 9104224551. CHINESE CRESTED PUPS AKC 2 males, 1 puff ft 1 nude, PRE-SPOILED 910-259-7049 CHINESE CRESTED PUPS. $300400.
9194044099. CHOC LAB PUPS, AKC reg. Lrg, block head, champ bloodline. $300. 9104344223, CHOW PUPS, 9194424375.
$200. CHOW PUPS, 7 wks, 2 males, 2 females, blk, $75. 4444570 co*ckATIELS, Lovebirds, Budgie proven breeders. All cages ft Breeding supplies. From S45a pair to $150 a pair or best offer for all.
Call 9194934975 ft Iv a msg all calls returned co*ckATIELS, YOUNG, for sale. $30435. 9194944993. co*ckATOOS. males.
Umbrella ft Mulu-con. Male Senegal ft female Vosnoere Ecletus. Sell or trade. Need male GoM Man-tiled Rosdla. 9194574245.
co*ckER SPANIEL PUPS. AKC shots, blk. Ready 721 $350. 434-7344774 COLLI PUPS, AKC shots ft wormed, $450. 3344444105 CORGIS, ADULT DOGS, MF, 24 yr olds, trl-color ft red white, S2004400, downsizing, 919-922-7415.
DACHSHUND, AKC mini pups, red, blk tan, cream, great kids. 910492-1224. DACHSHUND, miniature, AKC all shots, 1 male, $250. Chris 919-2494222 DACHSHUND, MINI PUPS AKC mates, long hair, dappled. Chocolate, Red, Blk Tan.
$3504400. 3344744144 DACHSHUND PUPS, full blooded, no papers, 1st shots ft wormed. Also, adult does. Call 919-774-2045 DEER DOGS: Bnck White Beagle Walkere (2); Blue Tick Beagles (2); Lemon White Walkers (2). $75 ea.
919-2914020, 2414302 DOBERMAN PUPS AKC rare, beautiful, reds. Tap quality. Bred for temperament, intelligence, size, sociability. Family raised, parents on site. $500 3344444911 DOBERMAN PUPS, CKC parents on-site, blk rust.
$350. 9194574173 4524035. See pictures at http: ENGLISH BULLDOGS Pups, AKC. Champ bloodline. $1000 ft UP.
252-209-0434 ENGLISH BULLDOG Pups, AKC. 10 wks, 9194944314 ENGLISH BULL. DOGS- lyr oM brlndte ft 2 yr old all white, $1000both. 7794532. ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIELS at SissICs Kennels, AKC.
Parents on site. Male Blk ft white. Female Liver ft White. Good Hunters show quality. Steve Whitford, (252) 433-1044 433-2213 ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL- 1 liver ft white female puppy.
$300. 252-745-5473. EXOTIC BIRDS Close-Out Salal Breeding Pairs ft some singles. Call for list, 919433-1205 FREE, BALL PYTHON-Call 4134909. FREE KITTENS All bnck.
Utter box trained. Ta good homes only. 303-1291 Apex. FREE KITTENS to good home. Call 919-2414192 FREE: mid size 4 mo shor-thair.
Great dog 5474434 FREE 4 ma oM male Terrier Aussie Shepherd mix. 303-7342 FREE TO good home Mala Blue Tick, 4 yrs. Very good children. 919-2694100. FREE TO GOOD HOME-Our son has asthma so the cat has to go! Wall mannered, neutered, litter trained, 919-2174423 FREE TO GOOD HOME, Bloodhound, 100 pure bred female, 4 mos old.
M143S3. GERMAN ROTWEILLER PUPS- 3wks, 4 males. Taking den's. 9194404474 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES AKC regis, $400 sowS rdv 72703 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, AKC. $250.
919-7324449 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, AKC. Blk tan, $400 ea. 9194454970. GERMAN SHORT HAIRED nuns I haniitlffil 1 ua. to go 919-7104709 GOLDEN Retriever Pups, akc, parents onsite, Ready now! $300.
252-2094022 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS AKC Males, 1st shots, blonde, 9194934439 GREAT DANE PUPS, AKC, Champ, breed, Harlequins ft Merles S400. 919-304-2394 GREAT DANES AKC, bom 71203, 4 Merles, 7 Blk ft White, $000. 0434754392 HAMPSTERS- Black Bear, 4 wks on, $10 ea, males ft females. 9194744SM HEDGEHOGS ft CHINCHILLAS. Breeders ft babies.
From $50 ft Up or best offer for all. 9194934975 Iv msg; oil colls will be returned HIMALAYAN KITTENS, PC'cloui NEWBORNS. Toking deposits now! 9194404144. JACK RUSSELL PUPS-Mjle ft female, smooth coat, 1st shots. $200.
9194454734 or 919-524-5041 JACK RUSSELL Pups, 919-5524334; 0194421 JACK RUSSELL TERRIER Puppies ready for new home. shots ft Tiy-4J94593 JACK RUSSELL TERRIER JAVANESE KITTENS, on earth! or 414-J090. 250 e-Adf Coin Umli. C7I fra; S10-S25. TV VCR stuna, 1 MdM table.
$10. upholstered chair, $35; cen ter table, 11a; SlOea; 4 drk pine chairs. $100; rugs $20435; tomps, $lM15Toffica table, $45. 9194704222 MOVING? Fifty Uhaul boxes, used OTKvaried sizes, $50 or best Offer. 700-7414 MDViNb: em side), washer dryer, on- a Jb.u DO mm.
mitrti more. Everything must go. TIT-JBM row MOVING SALE: Cast Iron Woodburning Stove, $100. Freezer $100. Computer desk $25.
919441-1435. MOVING SALE- New 25.2 cu.ft. side by side white Whirlpool $750; New Irg. cap. white Panasonic microwave, $130; Lrg.
solid wood exec, desk, exc. $200; Ping Pong table, like new, $50. 919470-1009 MOVING SALE- Refrigerator, Whirlpool, 25.2 cu ft, side by side, 2 yn on, 5 yn transferable warr, ice ft water dispenser. Frost free. Temp controls.
Crisper. Adjustable shelving. Spill-guard. Exc cond. $1000 nego; Kenmore Gas Dryer, 2yn on, Super Cap auto moisture sensing wrinkle guard, 3 fabric settings cond, $300 nego.
9194424930. MOVING SALE. Sofa love-seat, accent chair, coffee table, $300; Twin BR set, wicker chest, nightstands, $250; Outdoor Patio table ft chairs, $150; Pool Table $750; treadmill $100; Bow-flex $00. Prices nego. 919419-1505.
MOVING SALE. Wicker fum, daybed, refrig, Entertainment Ctr, coffee table. yiy-jiiw PHONE Budget Phone, Is here. S39.95month. Zebulon Jewelry and Pawn, 919-2494400.
REFRIG. 5 CuFt, dorm rm Size, $75. 919-7924202 REFRIG. FrfgkkJlre Gallery, energy saver switch, odius table shelves ft door storage, winesoda rack, great shape, originally $000, best Offer. 9194594915 REFRIG.
Hotpolnt 19.7 cu.ft llde-by-side, $105. 9014254 REFRIG Maple Chef, 20.0 cu ft Almond. $150. 9194444220. REFRIG.
ft STOVE- white. Good cond. 9194474902 REMODEL! NGI Contemporary kite cabinets, Ge microwave oven unit, downdraft cooktop. $3200. 919-7554641 RESTAURANT EQUIP.
2 0Mb deep fryers, groat shape, propone. $000 each; Like new Hot doo cooker, $275. 703-7975 ROLEX Ladtos all pnt. diamond. Appraised 33K, asking $24,000.
9194014400. SATELLITE- FREE 2- ROOM DIRECTV System Including Installation! 2 Months Free Programming with one-year contract. Access 225 TVcharmelsl Digital quality picture and sound. Limited Time Offer. 1400-2004443.
SATELLITE- GET A DI RECT Satellite TV System Today, No charge for the equipment, free delivery and installation, free two months programming with one year of service. 14004524992. SEWING MACHINE. Bernl-na Quilten Edit. 153.
Virtuoso sewing machine. 1 yron, perfect cond, $1500 nego. 3434091 SLEEPER SOFA, Dinette Set, Refrig, Dishwasher, 2 AC Units, Vaccum ft Home Fitness Ctr. 919-7024492. SOFA BED $125; computer desk $40; water distiller $75; dehumUifter 919-7734040 SOFA ft LOVE SEAT.
OS-berry color, contemporary style, w2 end table, coffee table, and 2 lamps wshades. $400. E-mail for pics. 9194704751 STAIR GLIDE Stairway lift, fingtip molded armrest, angle of incline 3045 degrees. $700.
Call 9194504300 (2) STAIR LIFTS, Bruno, Electro Ride II, for split staircase landing. Exc. cond, battery operated, no special wiring, hand re mote. Best offer! 919440-1270 STEREO, Includes record Player, double cassette player, AMFM radio, 2 speakers, good cond $35, also women's dresses, sizes 12 to Ig $5 each, 1 new dress, $10; cordless, bogless Eureka vacuum cleaner, $25, small table, $10; 5 pc. bathroom set, 3 candle holders wcandles ft globe included, $10, ladles FallWinter coatlgr lrg size $10.
4044307. STORE CLOSING-variety of fixtures, equip ft more avail. Must seel Call 919454-7331 for apt. STOVE, Roper (Whirlpool) Range. Exc cond, clean, $350 firm.
9194504751 TANNING BED for sale new bulbs included. $375, 919-2494954. TAN- WOLFF TANNING BEDS. Affordable, Convenient. Tan At Home.
Payments from S2Vmonth. Free Color Catalog. Call Today: New 1400-7114150. TAYLOR, Smote serve Frozen Yogurt Machine. Used 1 summer.
12 price. 451-2707 TV- 42" PROJECTION TV by RCA. Good cond. $1250. 9194404330.
VENDORS: Max Commercial Popcorn machine, $500; Warmer, $300. 91490-1154 WASHER DRYER- Ken-more, almond, extra cap Great cond $400. 919-7074012 WASHERDRYER- marly new, nninpooi, rap or me line. $400. Humidifierair cleaner, new Bionaire high capacity.
$75. Air purifier $45. Trl-foW brochure display racks (40), $30. Call 404-1020. WASHER ft DRYER SETS, $275.
Reconditioned wwar-ranty. Can deliver. Call Danny at 919404-1404. WASHER DRYER- White exc. cond.
$350. 9194234503 WASHER DRYER, 3yn oM, $225. 9194034134 WASHER, ntchen Aide, extra Irg exc cond, aax cvde-siso- WU lrg, $300; sofa, chair, ottomen, $175; small computer desk chair ft file hold-f. 0j book shelves, $40; kite table, gnss, 2 chain SIM; BR set $300; picture Great cond, 919-7074300 WD, WHIRLPOOL, stock-able unit, $200; GE $150; 9194344144 WD 1 yr oM Lrg capacity. S450best offer.
9194954492. WHEELCHAIR Jmiy 1122 etec rower sear. New cond. lyr old. Orig.
$5200; asking $2900. 919-554-1914. WHIRLPOOL AC Unit. Still in box, new, lazOObtu, frosty ana, aov yir-sy-4Wi BuoiHOSOtiici Equipmont 255 10 DROP-DOWN Computer uesu, szuweo. Retail $550; printer stands.
9104244047 HP DESIGN JET500PS, 42 in. inniei rnnmr, 1 yr on, like new, $3000. 252-2434131 KONICA 7150 networkabte, high speed orlntarf coniar. 2 avail. S250Oa 919424-1122 WE BUY ALL Business Tde- 240 Antiques ANTIQUE PLAYSETS- Ft.
Apoche It Com Kennedy in oris, carrying cam, 919470-1220. XI" BRASS PORTHOLES, al so, Irs ship anchor, 440-775-1234 emnimq RM TABLE. Round Oak ft Server. Center pedes tal 4 leaves 6 cainea chairs, sisu nm DINING ROOM TABLE, Solid Oak Antique. 4 Oak Chain Lthr seats, Kouna.
9194944110 or 919-545-3735. Dunoen Phyfe style White Sofa area 1T20-1MO, exc. cond, Mahog. SideboardBuffet, circa 1930, 2 drawer, 2 cabinets, needs minor work an too. 1700; Pedestal Folding Table Drawer, circa 1900, WOO; Tall Victorian Lady's Green Chair, circa 1000-1090, exc.
MOO; Pedestal Coffee TW Drawer, circa 193a S300; Mahog. Phone Table w7 Connected crnir, exc. U00; Obi Pedestal DeskTable wV Drawer S200. All images can be viewed at: furnitureindex.html Call 9194904910. ORNATE VICTORIAN wal nut nine pieces.
$2400 nego. 919454-2397 TAG SALE- Sat. July 24, 0am-4pni Sun. July 27, 12noon-pm 109 New Deer Lane, Cary Tata 44E ta Corv Parkway. right on Cary Parkway, past Trvan Ra.
riant on Loch- Side, Left on LochfieM, left on New Deer. A Fabulous Sale- fine furni ture, porcelains, antiques, nth Id Items. Partial listing: Victorian iota armchair. mahogany slant front 1 kneehole desks, French Prov. dining rm.
Mahogany breakfrant, Limoges, Royal Worchester, Spode, Wedge- wood, beautiful airmerware, Savre, Bel leek, Staffordshire, pressed glass, silver, tables, chairs, sofas, chests, oriental rugs, listed painting by Carle J. Bktnner, book- linens, books ana ga- WANTED: DsagraHva art, art glass, fine copper ft sterling, porcelain, corneas, sm portraits. 919421-0217 Vori ft Gingi Sill 245 ZIP 27504 MOVING SALE- Household Items, oak entertainment ctr, gun cabinet, sofabed, weights 1 bench, tiller, leaf blower, much mora. Call for details. 919-427-4027 ZIP 27529 WATERBED, S2S0; white breakfast table, 2 chairs $75; GE microwave S30; Make appt.
9194444490 I ZIP 27591 MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE, July 24th, 0am. 300 Mattox St. I ZIP 27597 YARD SALE Sat Aug 2 9am-5pm, 105 Morgan Pkwy, But-fa la Creek Subdh, off of Thanksgiving Fire Dept RaVJohnston Cty, Clothes-lots of Irg sizes, turn, misc. microwave ft 1 MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE, Fri. 725, 3pm-7pm ft Sat.
7am Yates PL Off Hwy 97 (behind JftM Chevy), Zebu Ion. Look for signs. toys, books, Christmas, glassware, etc. MOVING SALE: Sot July 24, 7AM-12PM. Household items, dressers, chest of drawers, bunk beds, desk, dry sink, microwave, dishes, lamps, clothes, prints, pictures, linens.
1212 Piney Glen Lone, Zebulon. HUGE YARD SALE. July 25th and 24th, 7AM-until. Clothes, house hold Items, furniture and much more. 1437 Mock Todd RD, Zebu-Ion, behind Ray's Restuar-ont.
Rain date Aug 1st and 2nd. ZIP 27603 MEGA YARD SALE: Antique Furn, domes, books Id's, dishes, shelving, WD. 1105 Cabarrus St. Boy Ian Heights. 029-1103 days or niflhts.
I ZIP 27604" MULTIPLE Homsechoollng Famlllas Summer Household Clean Out Sale 3112 Arrowwood Dr. Fri. 725 Sat. 724 7AM ZIP 27606 MOVINGI OODMERWIN (off Kaplan). Sot, 724 ft Sun, 727.
Treadmill, TV, Bed, Dryer, Etc. 9194144047. ZIP 27606 I KIDS EXOIANGEConetan-tnant Solo ft Parents Fair: Kids 1 Maternity Clothes, Baby Equip, Furn, Toys, etc. State Fairgrounds. Graham BMg.
Thurs 724, 24pm, Fri 725, 9am4pm, Sat 724 9am4pm, Sunday 727 (12 PRICE DAY) 10am-5pm: ZIP 27609 YARD SALE, SAT, July 24, Oam-12. Furn, kids clothes It toys, misc home ft computer items. 024 Northbrook Dr. OTHER PLEA MARKET Hwv 97 East, V4 mile west of Hwy. 231.
Open most days. Call 252-230-2594. 247 BabyChildren's Items BABY ITEMS high choir, S2S. Stroller, 015. Infant seat, $30.
Car seat, SM. Booster seat, 010. 2174941. CRIB CHANGING TABLE 0100 nego 919400-2145 CRIB boddlna. $125.
919453-7344. EVERYTHING YOU NEEDWANT FOR BABY! Girl clothes 0-24 monthsS-10 IllnViunior 14.3. Tons of toys for 0-adult. Bunk futon, white. 244-7574.
KIDS EXCHANGE Canstgn- menr saw parents Fair: Kids 1 Maternity Clothes, Baby Equip, Furn, Toys, etc. State Fairgrounds. Graham BMg. Thurs 724, 24pm. Fri 725.
tam-tam. Sat 724 9am4pm, Sunday 727 (12 PRICE DAY) 10am- spm: 248 Furnilurt For Solo BAR, ORIENTAL DESIGN, solid teak, dk stained, 4 STOOIS. S120D. 919-401-0274. BED.
A BRAND NAME Queen Size Set. NEW. Still in plastic! Cost $1100, Sell $250. can Deliver 919-749-1940 BED, Callfomia King Wa- teroea, sios firm. Futon, Single $100.
9194034007. BED- KING SIZE. Kings-down plush pillow top. Top of the line! Only 2 months Old. S1400.
ny-557-943S. BED, MATTRESS SET, 4 mos on, tun, sig; frame, $25; Corner Sofa Sleeper, 248 SO" muw4 hw Mntlanal of Mt. Airy. Mint cond Must see ta Must DDrKiaiV. rnuTiinji SeM.
Oist44500. 9194534141 SIDEBYMRDS-2antiqueaak marble tops. 919-2334429 SLEEPER SOFA- len, queen, creu good cond. $250. cream-textured, viy lll-BJT ai cicm bed.
mahogany, queen, 2 yn old, great $950. yiy-em-nw SOFA, Leather, Navy, exc cond, S425; yiy-B-jJ SOFA, LOVES EAT, CHAIR. Navy. Natuzzi Premium mr. sirao nego.
hu-1 1 nue CBAT. mar. like new cond, 3 yn old. dk green, 4 throw pillows Ind. $1350 or best offer.
Call 919443-9414 TOT aemill. SOFA, 1 kweseats, 2 high- back chain onomans. Cherry wood, floral pattern, vinwirilw htira. dk blue ft, olive green, exc. cond.
$1500 for entire set. cnerry com table 2 end tables, $500 for all. Howard Miner Brann rather clock, exc. cond. $1000.
Olympic free weight bench, $150. 9194454174 SOFA, Sechonot AMbaster (white) Wool (100), I ke new, with coffee table, side table. Contemporary (from Nowells), siik ticus. wi; $2000. nego.
serious inqui ries only. 9194594941 SOFA. Stanton Cooper, Chippendale camel back, good com, sen. se SOLID WOOD White TVCob-Inet holds up to 34" TV, 2 VCR shelves, 2 door en- Color TV remote $50 9194314314 SWIVEL ROCKER, tea green, like new, $75. Call 3454059.
TABLE ft 4 CHAIRS, rattan, LanaVanture. brand new. unused, retail $2000. Sell for $900. 442-192.
TABLES- BEAUTIFUL brushed goM with glass top, coffee ft 2 end tables, 2mos OM. $750. 9194314420 THIS-ENO-UP Queen sleeper sofa, $350; Antique maple rocker $20; 919-2174045 ThnvEneVUp student desk ft chair $75; student desk $25; queen mattress boxsprings, custom-designed bedding $100. 9194474444 WALL UNIT, 10ft, ivory ft glass; I tea; nas iv, oar, and Stereo sections. Asking $1250.
9194704099 anytime. WOODEN SCREEN, 4-panel, hand carved soim cnerry. Reduced $000! 9194404401. For lilt Mlscollinoeiis 250 AJC WINDOW UNITS Lrg ft small, work well. Also, 2 room-size LP gas heaten.
9194704730 or 5234097. AIRCONDt, 5900 btu, window Unit, $75. 919-7924202 AIR CONDITIONERS Whirl pool, OflOOBtu, new in box, $200; Emerson OOOOBtu, used $75; 919-040-7127 934-7144. AIR CONDITIONERS It, 000- 21000 BTU. $2004250.
919-244-1210E APPLIANCES: Stove ft Dishwasher, $100 ta; Refrig, $25. 919441-1400 ARCADE GAME, Full size coin operated Teuiena, ana misc others call 9194294042 BABYCHILDREN Looking for babychildren items? Be sure to look in our new classification BabyChildren Items 247. NEWS 1 0BSERVB1 BASKETBALL GOAL, fully assemble $75. Bicycle Scooter (girl) $15. Call 0704314, after 5a.m.
BATHTUBS AND DOORS for mobile homes. Casey's (919) 5544090, Youngsvllle, NC. BOB TIMBERLAKE, Matted ft framed prints: 'Yard Flowers', $050; 'Mr. Zimmerman's Com', $500. No calls after 9pm.
9194704301 BURNISHERS 20 In. battery operated or 20 In. propane, $1000 ea. Other used lanitorlal equipment available. 9194034343 CHINA, NORITAKE Occu- piea japan rapes.
$450; wur-litzer, SUPER SPRITE electric organ ft bench. Perfect! $300. 7904450 CHINA: ROYAL DOULTON, snerorooxe, ugnr Hue platinum rim. 12 place settings 4 pieces. Exc.
cond. Retail $1545; $900 best offer. 9194504111. CHINA- SHERBROOKEby Koyai DOUIfOn. 9194444400.
CLOTHES, LADY'S 10-12. NKe. RODS. 9194144540. COLSOLE TV- 24" Mltsubi- sni FM stereo simulcast ft headset lacks.
$150. 919-7024997 COUCH- dean, neutral, 75" $150, Dorm Refrig. 32" High SM. 701-1940. CURIO CABINET $450; merry Enter ctr, momas-ville, was $2000 new, now $450; Schwinn exercise bike, $275; rug, off-white, $150.
Computer stn, $100; Canon-dale Mtn bike Super V700, $450; 9194004437. DIAMOND co*ckTAIL Ring, 1 $250. contact DIAMOND RING, 1 Princess, vsi, r-conr. Platinum tiffany. New, GIA cert.
$5500. 9194334794 DIAMONDS US ct VSI, Appraisal: $25425. Only $7044! Why pay more? CRP sells nice diamonds near wholesale prices. 910-799-7175 DOUBLE BED MATTRESS, Vita-Mix, Klrby vacuum cleaner, all like new. Call 919-2494417.
DRIVEWAY ESTATE bATES- 12ft wne, 7ft tall, blk iron, very ornate, $1250 9194724933 919-7954403 FREEZER, 20cu.fl, upright, $200. 919-7924202 FURNITURE Laokina for himlhinf Be sure to took In our new cioMiricaTion Furniture 240. NHW4 001VH GENERATORS SuzuM 70DA tMviiMi wu. nam acnx like Honda. Exc.
cond. $550 mn nego. nv-7T-ji41 GLASS DISPLAY CASE -Custom cut glass shelves. mu. yiy-24-gi4 ICE MAKER, 000 lbs.
Hoshi zakl Cuber ft Bin, 230V, $1250. 9194324491. KENMORE Extra Large Capacity Washer ft Dryer siNpr; neaim Kner $75hego 9194904993 LAB PUPS Blk. 4 males. 5.5wks old, AKC regis $250 viy-see-riz3 Loti of Chairs, Tables, Desks, file cabinets, print ers, computers, proiecton ft more.
$5 ft up 9194494309 MASSAGE CHAIR, Remote, robotic. Black. 3vri aid. Orig $1200. Exc cond, $300 rirm.
yiy-B444734. MATTRESS-A rand Nomel Kino Size X-Thick uf NEW. Still In Plastic. Cost sen tor sua. can deliver.
044-4041. MEAT COOLERS- 7 meat comers compressors; used verv little. Eait cuira Will sell for $4000 cash. You remove ft haul. 919-422-1247 MEDICAL, Dental.
Prescription Banfit 1. De duced Fee Not Insurance. No age or pre- cxisnng common restrictions. $44Mxnthty. Individual or family.
9194514950. 248 BED. NASA Tech. memory foam matt set, as seen on TV, 20 yr warr, new-ln pus-tic $595. Can del 919-7094042 BED TIB 2 PC Queen pillow top.
New in pnstic wf warr. Can deliver. 919-7094301 EcvauEEN SET frame, plush, like new, $395. Can deliver, yiv-ats-eizs pex BEDRM- A BRAND NEW 7PC CMERRYWOOU SCI. ALL "Dovetail" constructed.
Still in boxes! Cost S4K, SELL $1975! 919441-0S4J BLACK LTHR Couch 0. Love- seat, $1500; 919-749JS49 BROYHILL Rtveroak queen BR suite $1400. Oak pedestal toMe w4 chairs $500. 2 Bos-sett side chairs $425 ea. Computer desk $25.
4494044 BR SET- heavy, Owood, 4 Irg nightstarioXltalloVess- er, 1 wkjc amMi nr rored hutch shelves. S350 nego. 919-swhoh; tit-mw. BR SET-King Rice Bed, solid cherry, chest of drawers, dresser mirror, 2 bedside tables, iiwmwtwi 1 mm. Ilrl TWin Little Tykes cottage bed, al so ror.
win nga tit-jju BR SET, Queen bed headboard, dresser mirror, nlghtstand, 2 tamps, $225; Entertainment Ctr, $125; Metal, 2 -drawer office style desk, $100. 919-773-1043 BR STE, girl's canopy $775; twin full bunkoed $250; sofa IKweseot $325. 919419-1407 MINK BEDS $30; Antique Dining tbl ml '4 chairs, not, poa irau; dent desk, matching bookcase, $30; wood swing-set $25; 2 child bikes. 9194704444 CHAIR, Bonnwunasr, lthr, recliner, $275. 9194204509.
CHAN DELI ER. Very large impressive. Perfect for 2 story entrance foyer. 3 tiers. 15 Alabaster GMss Covered Candelabra lights.
Great buy! $550 firm. 919444-7254. COUCH, BEIGE, Like new, $250. 9194454420 COUCH Sectional wsleeper, good cond, $300 nego; BR Headboard, frame dresser 1 mirror, good cond, $300 919432-2720 DANCERS- Square and Round! Dont miss the 14th annual Folk, Round, and Square Dance Convention, August 5th-14th in Raleigh. Call 919490-1104 for information DAYBED.
0295. White Victorian wpop-up trundle ft 2 twin marts. Never used. Con deliver. 9194974240 DESIGNER KARPEN, white flannel sofa.
Nordictrac TRL 425 bike. Pillow rest Orfho Queen size pillow top box mattress. Franklin Coveys Palm Pilot ft software. Akai 24" fntscreen tv. Great items, great prices! Moving! 272-1909.
DESK ft CREDENZA, oak, Lfthope, $300. 9194494045 DINING RM- 11 PC Set, Table w2 Leaves, 0 Chairs, China ft Buffet. New, still boxed! Cost S9K, SELL $2450! 9194414090 DINING TABLE, Carved. 4 chairs, $400. Call 919454-1429 919-2494411.
DIN RM SET Lt Wood, Table 2 Leafs, 4 Chairs ft China. $1000. 9194544547. DIN. RM.
Set, Rosewood, $9000 new. Ask43000. Teak Sofa Table ft 2 End To-S250Set. 510-1540. DR CHINA, table w4 chairs, oak, exc.
cond. $450. 9194424770 DR SET- solid oak 4 chairs. 9194474902 DR SUITE, Cherry, table w4 chain, china cabinet ft server. $4000; (2) Navy Bradln-gon Young Lthr Wing bock Chairs, $1400.
3344404004 DR TABLE, 4 chairs, very nice, $225, 9194144572 DR TABLE, Cherry 4 chairs. Matching hutch ft buffett. Wood bunUieds, day bed trundle. 919441-1909 DR TABLE, Dark, Heavy oax, Lrg, ws chairs, inci SZ50 919441-2213 DR TABLE ft six chairs, cherry, new $2300, sell $900. Call 919-7094015.
DR TABLE I. six chain, solid oak, good cond. $450. Call 9194034444 aft 4pm. ENTERTAINMENT CTR.
1 PC cherry, 74H43W-22D drs. $400. 9194014274. ENTERTAINMENT CTR. opprox.
73x73, teak, lighted cabinets. $325 nego. 701-7570 ENTERTAINMENT UNIT ARMOIRE, Solid cherry, Amlsh built, $300 9194434304 ESTATE FURN. Hardwood queen bed frame, Irg antique wardrobe, china cabinet, computer desk, entertainment unit, kite, hutch, bureau's, etc. 9194344144 ESTATE FURNITURE- hardwood queen bed frame, Irg.
wardrobe, china cabinets, corner computer desk, entertainment units, kitchen hutch, bureau, end tables, etc. Iv. msg. at 9194344144 ETHAN ALLEN BUFFET It CHINA Cabinet, American Impressions, beautiful solid cherry, 3 doors, lighted glass shelves. 4ma.
old. $1995. 919-702-2932. FUTON VWt" MATTRESS, mm. miman-sTyie.
new! Sacrifice $300. 4494050 HOUSE FULL of fum 1, ap plies. T1-4eZ449Z ITALIAN LTHR SOFA lthr kit. Cream, like new, $1000. Queen size BR, compl wl dresser ft mirror, chest ft 2 nightstands, $350; enter ctr, brack, holds 35" TV, $350; brack wrought iron kitch set, glass top table w4 matching bar stools, $350.
9194434021 KITCHEN TABLES a baker's rack. 919-2914000 KITE TABLE Solid Oak. Burg Ceramic Top Leaf. 4 MM. riT-aii-arij.
MOVING- Kitchen table, 4 chairs, matching baker's rack $225. End table I. coffee table, art deco lamp sofa table, oak roll top computer desk hutch, exercise equip. 919-709-4470. MOVING- must sell entire nousenoidl Nearly new call for deals! 919-217-2714 MOVING SALE.
1974 Bally SI mccnanicai am macnine, Ananana Side-by-Side refrig. water Ice, $300; Lthr chair ottoman, $150; Coffee 0, side tables, $175. Call 9194194002. MOVING SALE: Pine Wardrobe, Queen size 4 Poster Bed. wtanopy, Wing bock chair ottoman, oriental carpets.
Antique kite tables, Oak Dresser, Framed pic- ura. TIT-B-34I I. MUST I I unuiuff Couch, ktveseat, coffee 1 ena raoies cnangoble tiles. Coll Scott 919445-7094. OUTDOOR FURNlsnu.
Summer Cnssies. 00" ami stone outdoor table wrought iron, base, 4 iNiuiinv uigin. I yr on. $1199; also Ethan Allen SO- r-H, 3 vrs 01a, $499, 9194434093. 5 PC SECTIONAL, neutral colors, inch 2 Reclinen Sleep Sofa also matching over stuffed chair solM white washed oak Coffee 1 End table.
Call, Look, Make Offer! 919443-7211; 200-1094 nnaiw. table 1, 4 upholstered chairs. Perfect for ortice or rec room. $150. 919-2724409 afternoons.
RECLINER SOFA, long2 reclining seats. FoM away center table 1 phone lack. in tin kreni: SSB. It' SMLWI I WlOtfr Lull lr: Mill imir'weis, i LiArr'S- kbUN St 0 -CZTCJ ItCTJTJ MYU BMiw'rr 0HT MMOt, lest Br fa k. IS I Orgnni KAWASAKI BAVOUMill good cond, need coHmlV money, $2000, 91 1 2001 KAWASAKI KFX four-wheeler.
$5000. Call 934-2070. tf.mi,.i,i mi EMk Mris Ranger wonted. Must nhv moaei, gaoa am. xu-whbii err mm KAWASAKI 3404X4 V.
Est warr. mru ens, exc an, Adult ownerd, farm ussl muu. Tir-frt-uii. POLARIS 2S0CC 4WD wincn, $2500; 02 poxim TOOcc, 4WD ml winch, S4H0. 9194214044 anytime.
TOYOTA RAV4 4 cyi 5 sad, 2wd, PL, oMrm, cu, 34K mi. siian. oohm. 44VHEELER -1990 Yamaha Grizzly 400, 945 mi, Black- water fires S4IN, 919-7724514 YAMAHA BADGER 4 WHEELER, '95. OOcc, Md condition.
S1000. Coll 2094707. YAMAHA 1B440R RAPTOR, Ltd EDj MktsMueSpurpk flames, low mi. 91943445B A BEAUTIFUL COMPLETE Smoky Mountain Wedding. Original Loj Welding ChapeL Evtrythim provided: photos, vides, fMwers, formal wssr, cab- Ins.
Smokies best wkit. 1-000-2424403. nvw.sme- kymtnweaaingcsi AIRSTREAM LAND YacM minor repairs, vmm 919434-3299 coach huge slidsaiAeH options plus custom na tures. Ford v-lft new inskkV outskh.
Wm nego. rf-isw 34 BOUNDER 02. tV slide, WD, UPOroosa nm 7700 mi. $72,000. 772-1714 good cond, $4700 9194534QI CARRIAGE CAMEC reLff sm wneek an otom "kTT 9194204W.39545B COLEMAN TRAVCM ER-sleepsftACftlulSS- ette, good cono.
919419-154Z Dwonti-- 00 DAMON 300 Cummins ojesrUlg mi. Galley chassis. Buddy f2ptS whlteextVSfeM DUTCHMAN JRAvej TRLR "91. 33, let Boardwalk RV aid isle, sssoe. 2524414Z29.
El AOSTAFF '01 P1. Stove, ylll-niSSfflo blue $4500. 91944Jg Hue STaiTACgsr-Tatar. v.mrv1oa'thM So 19-S50-H77. CMC MlhlftsXT-J- niita.
2 0t, 9194414413 before Tpnx 2000 MALLARD by FJ wood 31 ft. travel tnr" central AC awmijnei viy-m-M" 20k. mi. $25,000. 2S2-n lavw 1 1 NC MOUNTAINS u-p cabin on 4 hoautlfu Wfr rtfpiwow NEW CAMPGMUNy Camping Special nightsirKluff.BoWT: ice cream.
'01 NEWMARKnhY SjJJ NOMAD TB-J UP. sjouii- "TL-rs; '94 PALOMINOP Queen, full. 91940Jyiw- REXftSW'SRVS enaehmen OutHtsL wiiiis. 1 "Zf rcii1st' KIT. en DOW tS5 2fH rUSi' SlssJ to if SP.i 8 STHL BUILDINGS IVU1CS Commerical, retail, storage, hangars, barns, garages.
Complete turn-key projects at factory prices. Call Rob at 919-404-0706 or Ron at 919-266-7121 Massey's Plumbing Company Specializing in small plumbing repair and pump work. We also do small pressure washing jobs. Special discounts for senior citizens. Mobile 919-971-6411 office 919-269-9809 home 919-269-9703 THIS LITTLE LIGHT KWftRSY" KN.GHTDALE StatelU: fWfll.
KITTENS FOR SALE, Mv K0- liw. Tiy-eu-eiT4 UN. 12-1474 pnsna Equip. Vir-219-3H0. N3UUUII, $3200 nego.