A Song from the Divines Vol. XI - TheSingingSword (2024)

Nick - Phobos Island, Red Dragon Garden District

It was almost dawn. They battled dozens and dozens of gang members throughout the night, but Yuri's friends continued searching the city.

Natalya and Sabrina walked alongside Logan as they crossed the bustling street to join Nick, who sat wearily on a bench. Surrounding them, the vibrant atmosphere of the golden dancing fountains captivated the attention of the onlookers, while a captivating dolphin show enthralled the crowd. Nick's tired eyes scanned the joyful scene, a pang of envy tugging at his heart.

He longed for the carefree nature of the spectators, oblivious to the trials and tribulations that burdened their minds. They had no missing friend weighing heavily on their hearts, nor did they have to constantly look over their shoulders for the menacing presence of the Rare Hunters or the relentless pursuit of the mafia punk's henchmen.

Nick sighed, feeling the weight of their journey pressing upon him. The worry etched on his face mirrored the deep longing for a moment of respite, a chance to escape the relentless challenges they faced. He yearned for the freedom to enjoy life's simple pleasures, to be unencumbered by the shadows that lurked around them.

As they approached the bench, Nick looked up, a weary smile forming on his lips. In that moment, amidst the bustling ambiance and the crowd's laughter, they found solace in each other's presence. The journey ahead may be arduous, but together, they would face the challenges head-on, supporting one another as they chased their elusive hopes and fought for the safety of their missing friend.

"Anything?" Nick asked.

"No, nothing," said Logan. "The girls and I searched all over the Diamond District for hours, and there was no trace of him."

"What about Duel Gangs?" Nick asked.

"We ran into a few of them, but the moment they saw Logan, they ran," said Sabrina. "Even with an injured wing, my baby can kick ass."

Logan chuckled and held her hand. "You're too kind. What about you, Nick?"

"I beat a dozen of those bastards. But...no progress on my end either." He slouched, fingers interlacing over his lap. "It's like he vanished into thin air. I just can't understand why he would run off like that."

"I don't know," said Natalya. "It's not like Yuri to worry us like this."

"Hey, guys," Penelope said, approaching Nick with two fruity drinks. "Any luck?"

"Nope," said Logan. "Looks like we're going to have to split up into smaller groups to cover more ground."

Suddenly, they were joined by Carter, who came running towards them with Andre and Tyson.

"So, what did you guys find out?" Penelope asked.

"We heard talk that a Red Dragon Archfiend was spotted around here in the Red Dragon Garden District," Carter said, panting. "Leonidas and his sister are nearby. We should ask and see if they want to join us in the search."

"I'll go see to them," said Andre.

"Not alone, you won't," said Nick. "They don't even know you."

"I'll go with you, Andre," offered Natalya. "I was there the night we met. They might be more inclined to join us if they see a familiar face."

"We should go, too," said Nick. "He needs all of us to be there if he wants us to trust him."

They then set off toward the Red Dragon Garden District. As they walked through the bustling streets adorned with vibrant flora and statues of mythical creatures, they couldn't help but feel a sense of calm amidst the beauty of the surroundings.

Eventually, they arrived at a quaint tea house nestled within the district. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of nearby cherry blossom trees and the soft sound of a koi pond added to the serene ambiance. The group entered the tea house, where they spotted Leonidas sipping tea by the river.

Leonidas looked up as the group approached, a warm smile crossing his face.

"Nick, Carter, guys!" he said softly. What brings you here? And I don't believe I've met your friend."

Natalya returned Leonidas's warm smile. "It's good to see you again, Leonidas. This is Andre. The uh...the guy Nick was telling you about."

"Mr. Wannabe Sensei," Nick said.

Leonidas laughed. "So you're the guy who wanted to be the great leader of Yuri's merry band of knights. Can't say I blame you for those impossible aspirations. They are the hottest group of Duelists in the city right now. All the action is on them."

"I turned a new leaf," Andre said, rubbing the back of his head. "I realized my goal was stupid and just settled with being their friend."

"What makes you think you even qualify to be that?" Nick said.

"Lock it down! Both of you!" snapped Tyson, holding his hand in front of Andre before he could say another word.

Leo scoffed and took a sip of tea. "Good for you," he said, setting the cup down on the saucer. "So what can I do for you guys?"

"We're here because we've been searching for Yuri," said Natalya.

A twinkle lit Leonidas's greenish-gold eyes. "What a coincidence. So have I. My sister Kate is on the search as well."

"You have?" Andre asked.

"Raven told me Yuri had gone missing so I joined him on his search. He's over there across the river with my sister."

"Yeah, we heard your Red Dragon Archfiend was spotted around here," said Andre. "Have you been beating Duel Gangs?"

"In the Red Dragon Garden? Hmph. Not quite. Just a friendly game here and there. However, if you guys are in the business of pursuing those punks, I'd be more than happy to join you in the search. I already covered this part of the city."

"We should keep looking regardless," said Andre.

"No. I already told you, Kate, Raven, and I already searched the place. And as I said before, you'll find no Duel Gangs here. It's a high-end district and it's too well guarded by RAPTOR. So we're going to have to continue our search elsewhere."

"Okay. So where should we start looking?" Andre asked.

Leo adjusted the black bracelet with a fiery red gemstone on his bracelet before he answered. "First, I want to know one thing. Is Logan with you?"

"Yes, he is," said Tyson. He needed to rest, so he and Sabrina are back by the fountain.

"Good. I wish to go on this little quest by his side." Leo stuck his hands in his pockets. "I feel partly to blame for what happened to him. He probably wouldn't have gotten jumped if I hadn't accepted his challenge."

Andre walked a little closer to Leo. "Hey, man, you shouldn't blame yourself for that. There's no way you could have known Brett would send his flunkies after Logan like that."

"I know that already. I just wish I didn't let him go alone. The streets aren't as safe as they used to be. If we had gone in together, we would have prevented most of the damage that had been done to him."

"We'll get Brett back for what he did," said Nick. "Once we find Yuri, it will be an all-out war."

"Fine by me. But whatever happens, I want the guy in the vest. The one who smashed the door on Logan's arm. My Red Dragon Archfiend is going to make him beg for mercy."

A pretty waitress arrived with the check.

"Now, now, Leo," she said. "Let's not use this beautiful game to start exacting revenge on our foes. You'll be no better than those Dueling punks out on the streets. Be better."

"Of course, of course. Sunny. Ever the pacifist. Guys, this is Kate's best friend, Sunny De Paula. She owns this tea shop."

"Oh?" said Natalya. "You're so young. And in such a place as Red Dragon Garden?"

Sunny shrugged and blushed when she faced the group. "Hi...I'm...I'm such a big fan!" She giggled and bent her knees in excitement. "Carter Kim, Tyson Washington, Nick Rogers! Wow! I've been following you guys since Yuri beat Randall Lawson last month. You guys are legends! What can I get for you?"

"Actually, we need to get going. Yuri's gone missing."

Sunny's glee turned to dread. "Oh, I heard," she said sympathetically. "I wish there was something I could do to help you find him and deal with Brett's gangs. I'm a good Duelist, too. Maybe I could help."

"I wouldn't recommend it," said Tyson. "The guys we're dealing with are very dangerous. And we wouldn't want you getting into any trouble with them."


"Sunny...no," said Leonidas. "If anything were to happen to you, not only would Kate kick my ass, but where would we go to get these delicious cakes and tea?"

"You want to help?" said Nick. "Why don't you be our go-to place as we take on Brett's gangs."

"Oh? But I thought the Ruby Dragon was your go-to place."

"Uncle Sergei is renovating it at the moment," said Natalya. "It's going to be bigger and better than before, thanks to all the money he got from the Dragon Den show he started. And with Yuri as its champion, the money's been pouring in. If your teas and cakes are as good as I heard they are, we could definitely use this place as a hub until the Ruby Dragon's been remodeled."

Sunny's eyes widened with excitement. "You would!? Oh, that would be wonderful! Ah, and think of the publicity! Yuri and his friends' favorite tea shop in all of Aquarius! It would be a dream come true."

Nick smiled. "It's settled then. We'll make your tea shop our headquarters for now. We'll need a place to regroup, strategize, and enjoy some of your delicious teas and cakes while we're at it."

Sunny squealed in delight. "I can't wait! This is going to be amazing! Just leave it to me. I'll make sure your team is well-fed and energized for all your battles."

At that moment, Tyson's phone buzzed in his pocket. "Who could that be?" he wondered. "Ah, it's Sukari." He quickly answered. "What's up?"

"Hey, you and your crew still looking for Yuri tonight?" Sukari asked, laying on her motorcycle as she chewed on a chocolate bar.

"Yeah, why? You found something?"

"Just a possible lead. I was passing by the park in the Crystal Harbor District when I saw some kids running away in fright. That's when I heard Black Tyranno roaring from the forest."

Tyson's eyes widened with joy and he formed a big smile. "Big T was summoned! You serious!?"

"Yeah, I recognize the big guy's roar anywhere. I'm trying my best to look around, but this place is huge. Maybe you could send some of your guys to help me look."

"Yeah, we'll be right over!"

"Great! But be very careful. I heard rumors of some very 'elite' Bounty Hunters from the guild around here. No doubt they're going to be looking for Yuri, too. Tyson, I can't stress this enough, be careful!"

"Thanks, Sukari. Don't worry. We'll keep an eye out. That can't take us on together." He hung up and told his friends about the roar Sukari heard in the park.

Sunny, ever eager to help, offered to take care of Logan and Sabrina while the rest of the group went on the search. "Don't worry, guys," she assured them. "I'll make sure they're safe and well taken care of."

"Thank you so much, Sunny," Natalya said with a smile. "Take good care of them."

As they left the garden district, another rainstorm poured over the city.

"Cripes!" said Tyson, putting up his hood.

"Get used to it," said Carter. "It's supposed to rain like this until Friday."

They navigated the rain-soaked streets, their footsteps muffled by the sound of the downpour. Their journey led them to the heart of the Crystal Harbor District, where a vast harbor stretched out before them, lined with lavish seaside restaurants, towers of glass and steel, and yachts of all shapes and sizes moored at the docks.

The rain splattered against the gleaming windows, distorting the reflection of the surrounding grandeur. The storm had dampened the district's usual lively atmosphere, but the opulence and elegance remained evident in every detail.

As the four friends ventured deeper into the district, they passed by upscale seaside restaurants adorned with twinkling lights and filled with the aroma of delectable cuisines. Patrons huddled inside, seeking refuge from the rain while enjoying gourmet meals and engaging in lively conversations. The sound of clinking glasses and soft laughter drifted into the streets, a stark contrast to the seriousness of their mission.

Towers of glass and steel soared into the gray sky, showcasing the architectural marvels that defined the district. Each building seemed to compete for height and extravagance, their facades reflecting the waterlogged streets below. The rain cascaded down their sleek surfaces, adding an ethereal quality to the urban landscape.

Amidst the towering structures, the yachts, like floating palaces, stood as symbols of the wealth and luxury that permeated the Crystal Harbor District. Their polished exteriors glistened in the rain, their deckhands diligently tending to their immaculate appearance. The gentle rocking of the boats moored alongside the docks seemed to create a harmonious rhythm with the falling rain.

As they continued their search, the friends couldn't help but be momentarily captivated by the sheer grandeur of their surroundings. However, their will to find Yuri fueled their every step. They knew that within this lavish facade, danger could lurk, and their friend's safety was their utmost priority.

But as they approached a jungle of palm trees and string lights to split up, they stopped in their tracks and gasped. Logan, despite his injured arm, was searching for Yuri.

"What are you doing here!?" Andre called as he and the others ran to catch up with him. "You're supposed to be at Sunny's shop."

Logan turned to face his friends. The raindrops slid down his bandaged arm, mingling with the droplets from the palm leaves above.

"I couldn't stay put," Logan replied. "I feel like I need to do something, anything, to help find Yuri. Sitting back and waiting just isn't an option for me."

Nick stepped forward. "We understand how you feel, Logan, but you need to take care of yourself."

"Yeah, your injury is serious," said Penelope. "Bro, you could really get hurt."

"She's right," Nick said. "You won't be of any use to Yuri if you push yourself too hard."

Carter nodded in agreement, his concern evident in his eyes. "We're all worried about Yuri, but we have to trust in the plan we've set in motion. Sunny is more than capable of taking care of you and Sabrina. We need you in top shape to support Yuri when we find him."

Leonidas placed a hand on Logan's shoulder. "Listen to them, brother. Go back to the shop."

"Not a chance!" Logan said at once. "I can Duel with the holographic interface. I'm in this fight whether you like it or not. Yuri means a great deal to Sabrina. You don't know what it's been like for her to see all these terrible things happen. I had to urge her to step out the door for a walk in the park. She doesn't eat or sleep because all she thinks about is Yuri out there all alone. I love Sabrina, guys. And I can't bear to see her like this anymore. I'm helping, and that's that. You want to stop me, then let's Duel right here! Right now."

No one accepted his challenge.

"No? Then that's that."

"I guess it is," said Penelope. "You got some cojones, bro. Sabrina's lucky to have a guy like you."

"Thanks. So, I take it you guys heard about Black Tyranno roaring around here, right?"

"Yes," they all said.

"Let's split up then," Logan suggested. "Tyson and Carter, you guys will go with Andre to the north part of the district. Nick, you, me, and Leo will check the south in the palm garden. Natalya, why don't you and Penelope check out the docks?"

Logan's suggestion was met with nods of agreement from his friends. They recognized the importance of covering as much ground as possible to increase their chances of finding Yuri. Natalya and Penelope stepped forward, ready to take on the task.

"Sounds like a plan," Natalya said. "We'll thoroughly search the docks and watch for suspicious activity."

Penelope nodded. "Count on us to gather any information we can. We won't let anything slip through the cracks."

Logan turned to Tyson, Carter, and Andre, who were already preparing to head towards the northern part of the district.

"Keep your guards up and stay in communication," Logan instructed. "If you find any leads or encounter anything unusual, let us know immediately. We need to work together to bring Yuri back safely."

Tyson grinned, his competitive spirit shining through. "You got it, Logan. We'll scout every corner and make sure nothing escapes our sights."

Carter nodded. "We'll cover a lot of ground, but remember, safety comes first. Don't take unnecessary risks."

Andre added. "We'll be thorough and vigilant. We won't rest until Yuri is back with us."

With their roles defined, the group split up, each heading in different directions. The rain continued to pour, the downpour intensifying their sense of urgency.

Cora - Celestial Heights District

Cora leaned against a lamppost on a sky bridge, her eyes fixed on the pathway that extended into the distance. The bridge she stood on was part of the Celestial Heights district, a captivating hub of interconnected towns built atop four towering skyscrapers. The intricate network of sky bridges connected the structures, creating a mesmerizing sight that resembled a pathway among the stars.

As she stood there, Cora couldn't help but be captivated by the enchanting atmosphere of the Celestial Heights. The tiny lights that adorned the bridge flickered like stars, casting a soft glow on the surrounding area. The district's celestial-themed design was evident in every detail, from the twinkling lights to the architecture that reached towards the heavens.

The air in the Celestial Heights carried a sense of tranquility and wonder. It felt as though Cora had entered a realm where dreams and reality merged, where the earthly and celestial boundaries blurred. The skyscrapers surrounding her seemed to touch the sky, their heights symbolizing human aspirations to reach for the extraordinary.

As Cora took in the panoramic view, she marveled at the unique blend of nature and urbanity. The Celestial Heights district embraced both the city's grandeur and the night sky's awe-inspiring beauty. The distant sounds of the city below mingled with the gentle rustling of leaves and the soft whispers of the wind, creating a symphony that echoed throughout the sky bridge.

Alexis walked out of a tunnel lined with LED lights and greeted her.

"Isn't this place beautiful?" Cora asked. "Even in a dimension devoid of magic can wonders like this exist. Hard to believe there are Duel Gangs all the way up here, too."

Alexis looked around at the sight of the plazas built around the top ten floors of the interconnected skyscrapers. "Yeah, they're like locusts. Seems this Brett guy wants them to control Dueling in every part of the city. Even up here. So what are you doing here all by yourself?"

"Some punk leading a group called the Skyline Mafia roams the districts all the way up here," Cora answered, staring at the towering Phobos Tri-Tower that spanned higher than even the buildings of the Celestial Heights District. "I caused a bit of trouble for his boys earlier today and he directly challenged me on his social media page. He said to meet them here. On the condition that he disbands his group and leaves this place and reveals the location of a certain club that's become a popular hub for the Duel Gangs."

"What does he want in exchange?"

"Two things. My briefcase full of cards," she said pointing at the steel case by her feet.

"And the second?" Alexis asked.

Cora replied by arching her back and patting herself on the butt.

"Ah...I see. You make your point quite clear. Be careful, Cora. You don't know what kind of tricks these guys will pull."

Cora nodded, her eyes fixed on the Phobos Tri-Tower, the imposing structure that served as the stronghold of the Skyline Mafia.

"I know, Alexis," Cora replied. "I'm well aware that these guys won't play fair. But as my father says..." She lowered her voice to sound dark and gritty like Seto. "Never back down from any challenge."

Alexis laughed. "Hey, good one." Her smile faded. "Uh oh. Here they come."

Cora turned her head and saw the leader of the gang standing up the steps with his group.

"You the one giving my boys trouble!" said a boy clad in black and orange street clothes.

"I am."

"Why don't you take off that hood and show us who you really are?"

Cora shook her head.

The boy sneered. "Fine, play your little games. You're going to be taking off more than just that hood when we're done with you. You remember the terms of our deal, right?"

Cora just shrugged. "Of course."

The leader of the gang crossed his arms, a co*cky grin spreading across his face. "That's right. Hand over the briefcase, and then we'll settle the rest."

Cora unfastened the locks of her steel briefcase and placed it on the ground. She opened it, revealing an impressive collection of rare and powerful cards. The gang members' eyes widened.

"Nice cards!" said one of the gang members. He then spotted Alexis standing behind her. "Hey, she's a pretty one."

"Leave her alone!" Cora barked rather sharply. "This is between me and you guys, got it!"

The gang member chuckled, seemingly unfazed by Cora's outburst. "Alright, alright. No need to get all worked up. We're just admiring the merchandise, that's all."

Cora narrowed her eyes, her protective instincts kicking in. She stepped forward, positioning herself between Alexis and the gang members. "Enough talk. Let's get to the Duel. I win, you back off and leave us alone. You win, you can have the briefcase and whatever 'extra' you want."

The gang leader smirked, his confidence undeterred. "Deal. But don't think I'll go easy on you. You'll regret challenging us."

"Hang on!" Alexis said, powering on her Duel Disk. "I want in on this."

Cora looked at her friend and gave a nervous laugh. "Easy now, sweetie. We shouldn't make things too hard for these guys. Otherwise, it wouldn't be fair sport."

"Who cares? No one calls me 'merchandise' and gets away with it."

"Oooooo, you guys done pissed her off!" chuckled Cora. She activated her Duel Disk as well. "Man, it must suck to be you guys right now."

The gang leader's smirk wavered for a moment, a hint of uncertainty creeping into his expression. He exchanged a quick glance with his gang members, realizing the gravity of the situation. Two skilled duelists stood before them, ready to unleash their most powerful cards and strategies.

"Fine, if that's what you want," the gang leader grumbled, trying to maintain his composure. "We'll take on both of you. But don't expect us to hold back."

Cora and Alexis stood side by side, their Duel Disks activated and their eyes focused on the upcoming duel. The crowd that had gathered grew even larger, drawn by the anticipation of a thrilling showdown.

The Duelists began, each player summoning their strongest monsters and executing their strategies with precision. Cora's Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon clashed fiercely with the gang leader's dark-themed monsters, while Alexis's Drytron Metonis Draconids showcased their impressive powers and synergy.

The duel unfolded with intensity, with the gang members putting up a formidable fight. They displayed their own unique tactics and unleashed a barrage of traps and spells, attempting to outmaneuver Cora and Alexis. However, the two friends had honed their dueling skills through countless battles and were prepared for the challenge.

Cora's Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon and Alexis's Drytron Metonis Draconids demonstrated an impressive synchronization, combining their strengths and overwhelming the gang members' defenses. The crowd gasped and cheered as the duel progressed, witnessing the strategic prowess of the two duelists.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XI - TheSingingSword (1)A Song from the Divines Vol. XI - TheSingingSword (2)

With every move, Cora and Alexis gained the upper hand, steadily reducing the gang members' life points. The gang leader, realizing the tide was turning against them, grew increasingly frustrated, his initial confidence fading.

In a final, decisive move, Cora and Alexis executed a combination of cards that unleashed a devastating assault on their opponents.

Cora commanded her Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon to attack first.

In an instant, mighty dragon's body glowed with a blinding light, and its eyes blazed with an intense blue fire. Cora's deck glowed similarly, resonating with the dragon's newfound strength.

Cora commanded her dragon to attack with a sweeping motion of her arm. A torrent of endless blue beams erupted from every crystal in the dragon's body, converging into a concentrated assault aimed directly at the opponent's defenses.

The gang leader's eyes widened in disbelief as the onslaught of laser beams tore through their defenses, shattering them like fragile glass. The force of the attack sent shockwaves rippling through the area, causing the onlookers to gasp in awe at the sheer power on display.

The opponent's monsters were left defenseless, unable to withstand the overwhelming force of the Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon's assault. The beams of light continued to pierce through the gang members' field, obliterating their monsters one by one.

As the Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon's assault subsided, Alexis seized the opportunity to unleash the power of her Drytron Metonis Draconids. The ornate robotic celestial dragon hovered beside her, emanating an aura of ancient power and technological prowess.

As she activated her dragon's abilities, a series of mechanical whirring and humming filled the air. The dragon's blue metal and gold body shimmered, intricate patterns etched into its surface glowing with otherworldly energy.

With a sudden burst of speed, the Metonis Draconids shot forward, soaring through the sky with grace and precision. From its back, a barrage of photon missiles launched, each one trailing a luminous blue trail as they spiraled through the air.

The missiles whistled through the Celestial Heights district, weaving between the skyscrapers with expert precision. Spectators watched in awe as the projectiles danced through the sky, their trajectory perfectly calculated.

Then, in a dazzling display of power, the missiles homed in on their target, converging upon the opponent with a deafening boom. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the area, causing the ground to tremble beneath their feet. The opponent's defenses crumbled under the onslaught, their monsters unable to withstand the relentless barrage. The celestial dragon's photon missiles struck with unyielding force, decimating their opposition and leaving behind a field of wreckage.

Alexis stood beside her dragon, her eyes gleaming with pride. The Metonis Draconids hovered regally beside her, its body emanating a sense of triumph.

Together, Cora's Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon and Alexis's Metonis Draconids had showcased their indomitable strength and unity. The gang members, overwhelmed by the combined assault, were left in awe and defeat.

Behind them, they heard someone clapping.

Cora and Alexis turned towards Sukari, their expressions shifting from battle focus to surprise. They exchanged glances, relief washing over them. Sukari approached them, skipping with glee.

"That was one hell of a show! I can't believe I missed the action. Say, Alexis, don't you usually use Cyber Angels?"

"I do, but I whip out my Draconis Deck when I'm REALLY pissed off."

"Okay, I got you, I got you, girl. Damn! You two sure know how to put on a spectacle."

Cora chuckled and high-fived her. "Well, next time, you'll have a front-row seat. We can't let you miss out on all the fun, Sukari."

Sukari held Cora to her promise with a thumbs up. "Excuse me, girls." She took off her jacket and approached the Skyline Mafia leader. She grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and shook him to get the cobwebs out of his head.

"All right, tough guy! We know there are more of you around here. Where are the other members of your gang?"

"I...I don't know what you're talking about."

Sukari tightened her grip on his shirt. "Don't play dumb with me. There's a place where you and these flunkies hang out. You're gonna spill the beans, or I'll make you regret it."

The gang leader swallowed hard, realizing he was no match for Sukari's intensity. With a nervous glance at his gang members, he finally relented. "Fine, fine! It's in the abandoned subway station beneath the Phobos Tri-Tower. There's a hidden entrance near the west side of the tower. But be careful, they don't take kindly to uninvited guests."

Sukari released her grip on the gang leader, satisfied with the information she had extracted. She turned back to Cora and Alexis with a mischievous grin. "Looks like we have a new destination, ladies. Time to crash their party and give them a taste of their own medicine."

Andre - Crystal Harbor District

"We better keep an eye out for any of those Bounty Hunter guys," said Tyson.

Tyson's words resonated with Carter and Andre as they made their way through the illuminated pathways and boardwalks of the Crystal Harbor District. The district's shimmering lights reflected on the water, creating a captivating spectacle that contrasted with the sense of caution in the air.

Carter glanced over his shoulder, scanning their surroundings for any signs of the infamous Bounty Hunters. These individuals were notorious for their relentless pursuit of targets, and they would stop at nothing to claim their bounties.

Andre nodded in agreement, his eyes darting from shadow to shadow. "We've already attracted enough attention, and we don't need any more trouble. Let's stick together and watch each other's backs."

As they continued their journey, their senses heightened, alert to any potential threats. The Crystal Harbor District's bustling ambiance seemed to fade into the background as their focus shifted to the task at hand. The trio moved cautiously, ensuring they were not followed and maintaining their readiness for any unexpected encounters.

"So why are these guys after us all of a sudden?" Carter asked.

"Why else would they be after us?" said Tyson. "Brett sent those mercenary dogs after us."

Andre exchanged a concerned look with Tyson before responding to Carter's question. "It seems that our involvement in Yuri's disappearance has made us targets. Brett must have put a price on our heads to keep us from finding him."

Carter's brow creased in anger. "Good! It means he's afraid of Yuri coming back. Wherever he is."

Tyson chimed in, his tone serious. "Regardless of the reasons, we need to stay alert and focused. Our priority is finding Yuri. If the Bounty Hunters are after us like this, it means we're getting closer to something important."

Carter laughed like a madman. "Then let's keep going. We won't let anything or anyone stop us from finding Yuri and bringing him back safely."

"That damned Brett!" Tyson snarled. "Putting a bounty on us like we were common criminals! If he wasn't surrounded by so many bodyguards...hmph! Give him five minutes with me. I'll make him see the error of his ways!"

As the trio approached the amphitheater, their senses heightened by the rustling leaves, they suddenly found themselves surrounded. Youngsters in street clothes emerged from strategic locations all around them, forming a circle that closed in on Carter, Tyson, and Andre. The group seemed well-coordinated, their movements swift and calculated.

Carter's grip on his Duel Disk tightened as he assessed the situation. His eyes darted from one individual to another. Clearly, these youngsters meant business, and they were not to be underestimated.

Tyson's muscles tensed, his body prepared for action. He assessed the surrounding area, searching for potential escape routes or advantageous positions. The situation had escalated quickly, and he knew they needed to act swiftly and decisively.

Andre remained calm, his gaze steady as he studied their opponents. He recognized the familiar attire and markings, realizing they were dealing with a rival Duel Gang.

One of the youngsters stepped forward with a sudden surge of confidence.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Looks like we've stumbled upon some troublemakers. Word on the street is there's a bounty on your heads. Lucky for us, capturing you will earn us a hefty reward."

Carter raised an eyebrow. "You think you can take us on? You're in for a rude awakening."

The young gang member smirked, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "We've heard all about your skills, but we're not here to exchange pleasantries. It's time to settle this on the Duel field."

Tyson, Carter, and Andre stood back to back, their Duel Disks at the ready.

"For Yuri!" said Carter.

Tyson just laughed. "Man, somebody get an Oscar for this guy. You make it sound like our buddy is dead. All right, let's get this started."

He chose to use his new Gladiator Beast Deck against an opponent with a Cyberse deck. His opponent used cards from a legendary Duelist from the LINK Dimension. He summoned a powerful monster called Accesscode Talker, which increased its ATK to 5300. Accesscode Talker then destroyed one of Tyson's best monsters, but Tyson was not hindered.

"Your Accesscode Talker is strong, but the unity of my Gladiator Beasts is stronger. Draw!" Tyson weighed his options.

"You must be blind or dumb!" said his opponent. "My Accesscode Talker has 5300 ATK points, there's nothing in your deck that can match his awesome power. Give it up! All of you!"

"No retreat, no surrender!" Carter said as he unleashed a combo with his Ghoti deck. "Kick his ass, Tyson! You know what to do!"

His opponent had a powered-up Accesscode Talker. And on his field, he had three Gladiator Beast monsters: The mighty centaur Equeste, the proud lion Heraklinos, and the majestic deer Tamer Editor.

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"Ha, this shouldn't be too hard!" Tyson said. "Using Tamer Editor's effect, I can Fusion Summon a Gladiator Beast monster from my Extra Deck! Do your stuff Tamer Editor!"

The anthropomorphic deer raised its gallantly-designed javelin up into the air, and a green crystal at the top sparked, summoning just the monster Tyson needed to turn things around against Accesscode Talker.

"I summon Gladiator Beast Gyzarus!" Tyson proudly announced. The wind around him picked up as an anthropomorphic green bird wearing dark green armor trimmed with white soared down from the skyscrapers and landed next to Tyson with a thump that shook their battlefield.

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"Sucks to be you, bro. When Gladiator Beast Gyzarus is summoned to the field, I can destroy two cards on your side of the field, so say goodbye to your face-down card and your Accesscode Talker!"

"You'd like to think you got me, don't you?" said the opponent. "Wait till I activate this card! Bottomless Trap hole! Your birdie goes bye-bye!"

"I think not!" said Tyson. "I activate the effect of Heralkinos! By discarding a card from my hand, I can negate the effect of your trap card! So Gyzarus is going nowhere! Ha, but your Accesscode Talker is."

Accesscode Talker lunged forward, its lance aimed to strike with precision. But Gyzarus swiftly evaded the attack, utilizing its agility to its advantage. With a powerful swoop, Gyzarus unleashed a devastating assault, striking Accesscode Talker with a series of punches.

The impact sent Accesscode Talker staggering backward, its golden armor dented and cracked. However, the cybernetic knight remained resolute, retaliating with a barrage of energy beams from its lance. The blasts illuminated the arena, threatening to overpower Gyzarus.

The Gladiator Beast unleashed a surge of primal energy, engulfing itself in a cyclone of green power. The winds roared, enhancing Gyzarus' strength and granting it a renewed vigor. With newfound power, Gyzarus charged once again. It unleashed a flurry of attacks, combining its raw strength with strategic finesse. Accesscode Talker fought back valiantly, but the combination of Gyzarus' relentless assault and its enhanced abilities proved to be too much.

In a final devastating blow, Gyzarus shattered Accesscode Talker's defenses, leaving the cybernetic knight incapacitated and defeated. The boy watched in shock as his prized monster crumbled before him.

Tyson's laughter filled the air as he looked at the bewildered gang member. He switched all his monsters to attack.

"That's why you lose! It's not just about having the strongest card. It's about understanding your monsters, their abilities, and how to strategize using them," Tyson explained. "Gladiator Beasts may not have the raw power of some other monsters, but their ability to tag in and out during battle, their synergy, and their strategic maneuvers make them a force to be reckoned with."

"UNCLE! UNCLE!" cried the boy. But the Gladiator Beasts rushed toward him and pummeled him unit his Life Points hit 0.

Andre was in a bad position himself, but seeing Tyson beat the 5300 ATK Accesscode Talker motivated him to push forward. On his field, he had a Magician's Rod trapped by his opponent's Fiendish Chain, which prevented his monster from attacking or using its effects. His opponent had an Xyz Monster called Gaia Dragon the Thunder Charger hovering over his field, ready to strike at Andre's Life Points.

"I activate Dark Magic Circle!" Andre said. "And then I flip over my face-down card, Eternal Soul to bring back the Dark Magician you destroyed last turn! And Dark Magic Circle's effect activates as well. When a Dark Magician is summoned to the field, I can banish your Gaia Dragon the Thunder Charger!"

"OH NO!" the opponent cried out, watching as the magical circle that was the crest of the Dark Magician hovered over his field and zapped his monster away.

"Now, I play Monster Reborn to bring back another Dark Magician you sent away!"

"Hey wait!" the boy cried.

He was faced now with two Dark Magicians. Both of them aimed their staves at him and zapped the rest of his Life Points away.

Carter was just about to finish his Duel. Even though it was the second turn of the match, he figured he had this guy beat. On his opponent's field he had monsters from the Swordsoul Archetype. Swordsoul Sinister Sovereign - Qixing Longyuan with 2900 ATK and Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying with 3000 ATK, now increased to 3500 for it gained 100 ATK for each banished card. It also weakened Carter's monsters by 100 ATK for each banished card.

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"You don't stand a chance!" he shouted. "Just give up! The bounty and your rarest cards are mine!"

"Don't go counting up those gold coins just yet," said Carter. "Are you done?"

"Yeah, I'm done! I end my turn!"

"Good. I activate the effect of Paces, Light of the Ghoti! Since he was banished last turn, I get to Special Summon him to the field. And your Supreme Sovereign loses 100 ATK points."

"Big deal! He's stronger than anything you've got!"

"We'll just see about that."

"Indeed we will because I activate Sinister Sovereign's special ability! When you Special Summon a monster, I can banish it! So your fishy goes bye-bye and my Supreme Sovereign's ATK increases once again! Awww, what's wrong? Did I ruin your little strategy?"

"I'm just getting started, punk! Because I also Special Summon, Shiff, Fairy of the Ghoti, who was also banished last turn. Now, I activate the effect of Snopios, Shade of the Ghoti! By banishing two Fish monsters from my hand, I get to Special Summon him to the field!"

"Carter what are you doing?" Andre said, summoning a Dark Magician with his Eternal Soul. "If you keep banishing monsters, it's going to make his Swordsoul much stronger."

"You focus on your Duel, and let me focus on mine!" Carter said, sliding his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Hey, man, he's got this," said Tyson, shuffling his deck for another match. "Carter knows what he's doing."

"Now where was I?" Carter said. "Ah, here we go. I'm going to tribute my two monsters to summon Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth!"

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The water behind Carter splashed as a giant fish with a body made of stone soared over the harbor and hovered directly over him. Water dripped from its gigantic body, falling all over him like rain.

"Now to activate Ceolacanth's special ability! By discarding a card from my hand, I can Special Summon as many Level 4 or lower Fish-Type monsters as possible from my deck!"

After Carter paid the price for the effect, Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth let out a deep, bellowing howl, shaking its head from left to right. Out of the water emerged the fish monsters Carter choose. Lifeless Leaffish, Gluttonous Reptolphin Greethys, Paces Light of the Ghoti, and Ixeep, Omen of the Ghoti.

"Oooh, look at those little fishies, guys! I'm so scared! Hahahahah!"

"Laugh all you want, you moron. This is the end for you! First, I tune Paces with Coelacanth to Synchro Summon the Level 9 monster, Ravenous Crocodragon Archethys!"

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The two monsters turned into a giant sea serpent with a tough armored body and four massive flippers lined with black spikes. It howled as its 1000 ATK points were displayed on the holographic screen beside it. But just as the street Duelist was about to make fun of his monster, Carter Tuned his Gluttonous Reptolphin with Lifeless Leaffish to become a massive armored narwhal with a long golden horn called White Aura Monoceros.

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The giant horned whale splashed out of the harbor and joined the Ravenous Crocodragon in the field next to Carter. "When Monoceros is summoned, I can target a Fish monster in my Graveyard and Special Summon it! So return, Deepsea King Coelacanth!"

The giant stone fish monster dove out of the water, joining the other three giant fish monsters Carter created.

"And now, I discard a card to activate Deepsea King's effect and summon two more Fish monsters from my deck. Zep, Ruby of the Ghoti and another Lifeless Leaffish! Now, I'll Tune Zep with Ixeep and Lifeless Leaffish to create Ghoti of the Deep Beyond!"

Ghoti of the Deep Beyond materialized in a stunning display of spectral power. The colossal celestial fish towered over the cityscape, its serpentine body stretching towards the heavens. Its multiple glowing eyes emitted an ethereal light, casting an otherworldly glow on the surrounding area

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Andre and Tyson watched in awe as the battle unfolded before them, impressed by Carter's strategic play and the sheer power of Ghoti of the Deep Beyond.

"Damn, Carter! Look at that thing! Ho ho! You got this, bro!"

"What do you mean he's got this!" shouted Carter's opponent. "That thing's ATK points are undetermined!"

"My monster's ATK becomes 500 times the number of banished monsters. So in a way, he's like your Supreme Sovereign.

"It doesn't matter!" shouted the opponent. "It still doesn't have enough power to beat my monsters."

"Man, if I had a gold coin for every time someone said that to me, I'd be richer than Yuri," Carter said. "All right. I banish Lifeless Leaffish to send three Fish monsters back to my deck from the Graveyard.

"And I'll activate Supreme Soverien's effect!" shouted the opponent. "If you banish a monster, I get to banish a card from your Graveyard and your field! So your serpent is banished, feeding my Sovereign's power!"


"Fine. I choose to banish Shif, from my Graveyard to increase Deepsea King's ATK by 500."

"Ha! 2400 measly ATK points. Big deal! Now I'm going to destroy your fishies!"

Carter held out his hand and the ocean started to glow behind him. "Now that it's your turn, Ghoti of the Deep Beyond's effect activates. And I can Special Summon it to the field."

Ghoti from the Deep Beyond rose out of the water again, water dripping from its massive body like a hundred waterfalls.

"I'll activate Sinster Sovereign's effect! When you Special Summon a monster, I can banish it and you take 1200 points of damage!"

Ghoti vanished and then Sinister Sovereign jumped across the field and slashed Carter across the chest with his sword. Carter fell backward and hit the ground hard.

"And don't forget my Supreme Sovereign's effect! Because you Special Summoned a monster, I get to banish a card from your field and your Graveyard! So your Deepsea King is out of the game as well as that spell card your Maxx 'C'. And now my Supreme Sovereign's ATK is 4100!"

"Using their effects, I Special Summon Paces and Shif, from my Graveyard in defense mode!" Carter said. "And your Supreme Sovereign's ATK decreases to 3900.

"Fine! It makes little difference! Say goodbye to your Synchro Monsters! I'll have both my Sovereigns attack them!"

The battle was quick and violent, both Carter's monsters were sliced in half and he took 2300 damage from each attack, reducing his Life Points from 8000 to 2200.

"It's all over for you, loser! The bounty on your defeat is all mine!"

"You're only making my monsters stronger, fool!" said Carter. "When Monoceros is destroyed, I can banish a Water monster and Special Summon him to the field. Now it's my turn. Draw! Using Ghoti of the Deep Beyond's effect, I'll special summon it to the field!"

"Go ahead!" sneered his opponent. "I'll just have Sinister Sovereign banish him and deal another 1200 points of damage to your Life Points!"

Again, Ghoti of the Deep Beyond was sent away and Carter was struck by Sinister Sovereign's flaming sword. Now his Life Points were down to their last 1000 and the numbers were flashing red. Then Supreme Sovereign's effect activated, banishing Carter's Monoceros and Crocodragon from the game, increasing his ATK to 4200.

"Carter, be careful, man!" Tyson said, his confidence in him started to wane.

"I know what I'm doing," Carter said. "I banish a card from my hand to summon Supay Duskwalker from my hand."

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He summoned a beautiful girl wearing a black, gold, and blue tribal outfit and carrying a staff with the face of a monster spirit carved on top. When she was summoned, she allowed Carter to summon the very spirit to this side of the field. Supay. It was a 300 ATK Tuner monster, which was just what Carter needed to turn things around.

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He tuned Supay with Supay, Duskwalker to create Arionpos, Serpent of the Ghoti. It was a giant eel-like serpent with sharp teeth and a translucent body that revealed its skeleton. The beast's coils seemed to go on and on for eternity.

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He then Tuned it with Shif, to create another Ghoti monster. Askaan, the Bicorned, Ghoti, a giant fish with luminescent fins shining ing red, orange, blue, and gold. Two very long horns curved over its glowing red head, its four eyes piercing down at the Sovereign monsters like little ants that needed to get crushed right away.

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"When my Bicorned Ghoti is summoned, I can select one monster you control and a Fish monster I control and banish them!"

The street Duelist gasped. Carter had just taken out his best monster. "NO!" was all he could cry out. With him gone, all of Carter's monsters were back to the original ATK points.

Then, using Arionpos's effect, Carter added Lifeless Leaffish to his hand from his deck. Then he banished a Fish monster from his Graveyard and summoned Bircorn once again. Then, he Tune his Bicorn with Paces.

"Here comes another one of my strongest Synchro monsters"! Carter announced.

"Oh no! Is it another Ghoti monster?"

Carter smirked. "Not quite."

His opponent cried out in shock when the Synchro Monster that was summoned was Carter's own Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying.

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With all the banished monsters there were, the Sovereign's ATK increased to 4600 and his opponent's Sinister Sovereign was reduced to a mere 1400 ATK.

"This can't be happening!" he cried out. "NO!"

"Now, I'm going to summon Lifeless Leaffish to the field! And in doing so, I can send a Fish monster from my deck to the Graveyard. Now, I'm going to banish Shif from the Graveyard to increase my Lifeless Leaffish's ATK by 500. And that will trigger my Sovereign's effect, allowing me to banish a card from your Graveyard and your field, so your Sinister Sovereign is out!"

"NOOO!" the boy screamed again. His field was wide open.

After the devastating attack from Carter's monsters, his Life Points were at 1100, and now he and Carter were neck and neck. But during his turn, Carter activated the effects of his monsters in the Graveyard, allowing him to Special Summon, Shif and Paces back in defense mode. And then, Ghoti from the Deep Beyond, a monster who refused to be destroyed, returned to the field with 6500 ATK points.

The opponent was so flustered. All he could do was set a couple of cards face-down and pray they would be enough to deter Carter from attacking so he could make a comeback next turn. But before he could end his turn, Carter activated Shif's effect. Because it was Special Summoned this turn, it could immediately Tune with another of Carter's monsters for a Synchro Summon and he called on Arionpos, Serpent of the Ghoti to rise from the depths once again. Using it's effect, Carter banished a Level 6 Fish monster from his deck, increasing Ghoti of the Deep Beyond's ATK to 7000 and Supreme Sovereign's ATK to 4900.

"Draw!" Carter announced. And he activated his monster's banishing effects over and over until Ghoti from the Deep Beyond's power rose to 9000. He could have ended the poor boy earlier, but he wanted to make him pay for siding with a scumbag like Brett and causing so much trouble for the good Duelists in Aquarius.

"Attack his Life Points directly!" shouted Carter.

The colossal celestial fish unleashed a torrential surge of water, crashing down upon the opponent with overwhelming force. The attack connected, dealing a devastating blow to the opponent's Life Points reducing them to 0.

Carter, Tyson, and Andre had beaten the gang. They cheered as the gang members retreated into the darkness as rain began to fall. But Carter's opponent wasn't so lucky. He was still dazed from being attacked by Ghoti from the Deep Beyond. Carter picked him up by the scuff of his shirt and started to yell at him.

"WHO PUT THE BOUNTY ON OUR HEADS, MAN!?" He shook him again. "WHO?"

Carter's grip tightened on the gang member's shirt as he demanded answers. Raindrops pelted down, drenching them both as tension filled the air.

The Duelist said nothing. He was out cold.

"Damn it," Carter said, releasing him from his grip. The opposing player falling back on the ground with a wet, sloppy, thud.

"Hey..." someone whispered cautiously from the bushes.

"Who's there!?" shouted Carter, still flustered by the Duel. "You another Bounty Hunter? You want some, too?"

"Easy, easy," said the figure. A girl. It was Alexis, her face hidden in the darkness of her hood. "I'm just here to give you a message. You guys aren't going to get any info on Yuri from the Duel Gangs. Trust me, these guys don't know a thing."

"So are you after them, too?" asked Andre.

Alexis nodded. "Yes. But you need to gather at the arena tomorrow. Brett Martinetti is calling out his girlfriend to a match. She vanished, too."

"Crystal's missing as well?" Carter gasped. "Where is she? Is she with Yuri?"

"No. My associates and I have been keeping an eye on her. She's safe, for now. But Brett is losing his patience. She says if she doesn't show up in the arena tomorrow night, he's going to do something awful. We need you and the rest of Yuri's friends to be there to watch over her. Please, you can't let anything bad happen to her."

"We won't," said Tyson. "Thanks. Uh...say, Yuri said something about Duelists helping him out in the shadows. You wouldn't happen to be one of those Duelists, would you?"

Alexis just smiled in the darkness of her hood. "I'm just a girl trying to help out. That's all you need to know. Please, be at the VIP Dueling Arena tomorrow night. Keep Crystal safe, please."

Cora - Diamond District Park

Cora's Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon soared through the air, unleashing a devastating blast of energy that obliterated her opponent's monsters. The duel was over, and her victory was resolute. The defeated opponent dropped his Duel Disk in defeat and hastily retreated, disappearing into the wall of rain that enveloped the bridge.

As the rain poured down, Cora's victorious smirk remained intact. She adjusted her jacket, the adrenaline of the Duel still coursing through her veins. However, her focus shifted as she detected someone approaching from behind. Instinctively, she whirled around, prepared for another potential challenger. To her surprise, it was Crystal who stood before her.

Crystal's expression was calm and composed. She was holding an umbrella to shield her from the rain and doomed a trenchcoat that reached to her thighs. Despite the rain, she still wore her white high-heeled sandals.

At that moment, the rain seemed to quiet, the sounds of the city muted. Cora and Crystal stood there as if frozen in time

"You..you're..." Cora began.

"Excuse me," Crystal said softly. "But...where did you get that dragon?"


"That version of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon," Crystal said. "I've never seen it before. Were you a part of the secret invitational tournament at Phobos Corp? I've been seeing a lot of strange dragons since that even took place."

"Uh...I can't say where I got it. It uh...it's supposed to be a secret. You're Yuri's best friend, aren't you?"

Crystal just nodded. "I am. Who are you?"

"I'm not from around here," Cora said. "I'm here to help out with the Duel Gangs."

Crystal lowered her gaze to her feet. "Hmm, I heard something about a group of Duelists helping around here. Did Yuri contact you?"

Cora's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Yuri's name. She couldn't help but wonder what Crystal knew about her connection to him. "Something like that," Cora replied, trying to hide her curiosity.So this is the girl Seto is so crazy about. Goddesses...she's gorgeous.

Crystal's cheeks flushed with a tinge of shyness as she looked away. "Um...it's some pretty terrible weather. Want to get a coffee?"

Cora's heart soared at the invitation. She wanted nothing more than to spend time with Crystal, to get to know her better. But the weight of her oath of secrecy and the orders she received from Seto hung over her like a cloud. She knew she had to keep her presence at a minimum and maintain her cover. However, the warmth in Crystal's heterochromia eyes was hard to resist.

Cora took a moment to compose herself, her own blush evident. "I would love to, Crystal," she said. "But I'm afraid I can't at the moment. There are things I need to take care of."

Crystal's disappointment was evident, but she understood the gravity of the situation. "I understand.

Cora nodded, her gaze lingering on Crystal's face. "Yes. But I hope that one day, when all of this is over, we can share that coffee. I'm...I'm a big fan."

A small smile graced Crystal's lips, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "I'd like that. Until then, stay safe and take care, uh...what's your name?"

"I'm Cora."

Crystal smiled as she gave a nod and turned to leave.

"Hey...Crystal..." Cora called.

Crystal stopped in her tracks and turned back, curiosity shining in her eyes. "Hmm?"

Cora took a bold step forward, her heart pounding. "When you see Yuri...tell him he's really lucky."

Crystal tilted her head in confusion, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Oh? Why?"

Cora's lips curled into a mischievous grin. "To have a friend like you." With a wink, she turned and headed in the opposite direction, leaving Crystal standing there with delight.

"Until we meet again, Cora," Crystal whispered to the empty air, a spark of hope kindling in her heart. As she headed off the bridge and approached a forest, she heard a loud roar from the trees, followed by an explosion and a scream of anguish.

"Huh?" Crystal said. "That was...that was Black Tyranno!" She ran in the direction of the battle.

As she approached, she heard more explosions and fireballs rising up into the sky. The battle was getting fierce. She heard more people crying out in horror and realized there was a Duel going on.

Crystal's heart raced as she followed the sound of chaos and desperation. Her instincts as a Duelist kicked in, and she knew she had to assess the situation and offer her assistance. She pushed through the trees; her will to get to the bottom of this mystery outweighing her fear.

As she turned a corner, a frightened young man came running out of the forest, his eyes wide with terror. He stumbled and fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

"Help! Please, someone, help!" he pleaded, his voice trembling.

Crystal knelt down beside him. "What happened? What's going on in there?"

The young man managed to catch his breath and stammered, "Run! Get away!" He got up and sprinted into the park.

She took her D-PAD out of her coat pocket and let her umbrella fall as she ran towards the fight. More frightened players ran past her, screaming for help. Crystal's eyes widened as she took in the sight before her. It was Black Tyranno, alright. But it was different.

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Black Tyranno had undergone a transformation, its appearance now even more menacing and powerful. Its body was covered in armor of black and gold steel that radiated an ominous aura, while its blazing eyes seemed to hold an otherworldly intensity. It just finished smashing through an opponent's Giant Soldier of Stone, breaking it to pieces and sending the player running around. Black Tyranno roared into the night as if warning anyone foolish enough to challenge it to stay away or suffer the same fate. The creature snarled and shook its head as a figure emerged from the forests and stood beside him.

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"Yuri!" Crystal gasped.

Through the veil of rain and the flames of the fires burning around the Dueling field, she saw Yuri. He gazed at the flames; Black Tyranno looked down at him and seemed to nod. Yuri nodded back, and they both walked into the forest.

"Yuri, wait!" Crystal cried out, her voice carried away by the howling wind. She refused to give up, pushing herself harder, determined to catch up with him and discover what was happening.

But with each step she took, Yuri and Black Tyranno seemed to blur in the distance; their pace seemingly accelerated beyond human limits. Crystal's heart pounded in her chest, frustration, worry, and curiosity swirling within her.

The fires raged around her, illuminating the path ahead with an eerie glow. It felt as if time itself was playing tricks on her, distorting reality and elongating the distance between her and Yuri.

She pushed through the flames, the heat scorching her skin. With every stride, she prayed to bridge the gap, to catch a glimpse of Yuri's face and maybe even speak to him.

But fate had different plans. As Crystal reached the spot where Yuri and Black Tyranno had disappeared into the forest, she found herself standing alone, the echoes of their presence fading away. The rain washed over her, mingling with her tears of frustration. All she heard were the ghostly thundering footsteps of the Black Tyranno incarnation booming all around her.

Breathing heavily, Crystal stared into the dense foliage, her mind racing with questions and emotions. Why had Yuri walked away? What happened to Black Tyranno? And most importantly, would she ever see him again?

A Song from the Divines Vol. XI - TheSingingSword (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.