35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (2024)

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Markyourcalendars,ladies,becauseGalentine’sDayisrollingaroundonFebruary13th,andit’sthe perfectexcusetohonorthewomenwhoaddjoy,support,andlaughtertoyourlife.

What is Galentine’sDay?

Originating from a beloved TV Comedy, this day is dedicated to showering your closest girlfriends with love, just before the world gets swept up in Valentine’s Day Romance.

This is a day all about celebrating those irreplaceable friendships that see us through life’s ups and downs. Not just for the deeply woven bonds, but also for the women who have recently danced into your world. Galentine’s Day is your Chance to strengthen and applaud all the female connections that mean so much.

So CircleFebruary13:Galentine’sDayisthego-tooccasionforwomentocelebratetheirfriendship.

If you’re looking for fun Galentines Day ideas for how to celebrate this year, here are some of the best ideas:

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (1)

1. DIY Charm Necklaces

Elevate your Galentine’s Day party celebrations with a touch of creativity by hosting a DIY Charm Necklace Night. This activity is going viral on TikTok and for good reason.

Gather your best gals and provide a variety of chains, charms, and tools to craft unique necklaces that reflect each person’s style. Hobby Lobby is a great place that has lots of chains and lots of charms! From delicate pendants to meaningful trinkets, let your friends express themselves through their creations.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (2)

2. Bring a Board Night

Try a “Bring a Board” night dedicated to delicious food boards. Invite your friends to showcase their culinary creativity by bringing a board filled with tasty treats. From charcuterie and cheese boards to dessert platters and bruschetta spreads, let each friend contribute a board that represents their unique flavor preferences.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (3)

3. BeautyProductSwap

Everyone bring their favorite beauty product to trade! Let each person explain their favorite product put them all in a pile number them, then draw numbers to see which product you’ll go home with.

You’ll get to hear your friends rave about their favorite makeup and skincare finds and you get to try something new!

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (4)

4. Galentine’sDayBrunch

KickoffGalentine’sDaywithabrunchthat’sasfabulousasyourfriends.Deckthetablewith splashesofpinkandred,heartsandsparklyaccentsforaspreadthatscreamscelebration.

Whip up a menu that dazzles, featuring wafflespiledhighwithwhippedcreamandberries,orasavoryfrittata loadedwithvibrantveggies.


35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (5)

5. CookieSwap

Youandyourfriendseachbakeabatchofyour favoritecookiesandgettogethertoexchangethem. Everyone goes home with a variety of cookies and it’safun,tastywaytocelebrateGalentine’sDay andsampleavarietyoftreats.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (6)

6. BuildYourOwnPizzaNight

Acounterfulloffreshtoppings,astackofdoughreadyforaction,andyourbestfriends laughingaroundthekitchenisland? What better way to spend Galentine’s day!

You’lleachgrabacrust, slaponsomesauce,cheese,and whatevertoppingsmakeyourheartsing.Even try making heart shaped pizzas for some extra fun!

Turnonsometunes,pourafizzydrink,andtoasttothemasterpiecesyou’ve cookedupfromscratch.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (7)

7. BouquetMakingNight

Gatherthegirlsandunleashyourinnerflorists.Eachofyoucanbringaselectionofyour favoriteflowers,someribbon,andfloraltape.

Thrift some vases and provide some greenery as well and spend the night creating beautiful bouquets to take home.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (8)

8. Host a Fancy Dinner Party

Who says you need a significant other to have a fancy dinner? Throw a lavish dinner party for your friends and go all out with the decor, table settings, and menu.

Break out the good china and dress to impress. This is the perfect opportunity to make gal pals feel extra special and indulge in a luxurious dining experience without leaving home.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (9)

9. UpcycleThriftedItems


Paint over a thrifted painting, or add some embellishments to a jacket, or redo a piece of furniture Have fun and get creative with your finds.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (10)

10. DIYBows&HairClips

Set up a station with an array of fabrics, ribbons, cips, glues, and decorations. Show off your individual styles through the designs you create. Exchange your creations or wear them together for the perfect Galentine’s Day group photo!

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (11)

11. SecretGalentineGiftExchange


Consider fun, affordablegiftslikehomemadetreats,cutestationery,orevenapair ofwhimsicalsocks. Thegoalis foreveryguesttoleavewithasmileandareminderofthecherishedbondoffriendship.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (12)

12. WineandChocolateNight

Gatheryourfavoriteladiesanddiveintoanightofindulgencewithawineandchocolatetasting.Start byselectingavarietyofchocolates,frommilktodarkandevenflavoredoptionslikeseasaltorchili.Eachpieceboastsitsuniquepersonality,perfectforfindingthatidealwinemate.Pouramixofreds, whites,andmaybeabubblyortwo.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (13)

13. Rom-ComMovieMarathon

Gatheryourgalpals,popsomepopcorn,andchoosefilmsthatsparkjoyandcatertothegroup’staste.Thinkclassicslike‘WhenHarryMetSally’ornewerfavoritessuchas‘CrazyRichAsians’.Setthescenewithcomfycushionsand softblanketsforall.

Dimthelights,maybeevenstringupsometwinklyonesforaddedmagic.Ensure there’savarietyof snacksonhand—fromsweettreatstosavorybites.Andtoaddapinchof personaltouch,addthemed drinksthatalignwiththenight’sfeaturedmovies!

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (14)

14. CraftaDIYPhotoBooth

Let’sdiveintocraftingaDIYphotobooththatwilladdasplashofexcitementtoyourGalentine’sDay get-together.You’llneedaclearspacealongawallasyourbackdrop—considerhangingavibrant sheetorsetofstreamersor balloons tocapturethefestivevibe.

Propsarewhereyoucanunleashyourcreativity; thinksillyhats,oversizedglasses, andanything thatscreamsfun. Setupa cameraonatripodorhaveasmartphonereadytosnap thosememorable shots.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (15)

15. Paint&SipNight

GrabyourbrushesandabottleofyourfavoriteMerlot;hostingapaintandsipnightistheepitomeof relaxationandcreativeexploration.Setupaspaceeasels, and have a theme or find a paint night video on YouTube to follow! It’s sure to be a night of fun and laughter!

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (16)

16. GameNight

Grabtheboardgamesandclearthecoffeetable;it’sgamenight!Invitethegirlsoverforsomefriendly competition. You can provide the games or have everyone bring their own to share! Make sure to have some snacks and drinks on hand too.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (17)

17. TakeaClassTogether

Learningsomethingnewisalwaysfun, but it’s even better when you can do it with your friends. Take a class together, whether it be cooking, painting, dancing or soap making! You’ll have a great time learning and creating memories together.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (18)

18. ThemeNight

Grabyourgalpalsanddiveintoanightofimmersivefunwithathemethatsparksjoyforeveryone. Firmfavoritesinclude’80sdanceparty,pajamaglam,orevenacupid’s cowboys, your high school crush, or “Daniel” (everyone choose a Daniel to dress up as such as Daniel Radcliff, Daniel Tiger, etc).

Deckoutyour spacetomatchthevibe,andencourageyourfriendstodressthepart. There’snothinglike shared laughterasyouallcome together for a theme night!

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (19)

19. FavoriteThingsSwap

ThinkofGalentine’sDayastheperfectexcusetosharelittlejoyswithyourclosestfriends.Organizea FavoriteThingsSwap’whereeachofyoubringsthreeof one itemyouabsolutelylove.Thiscouldbe anythingfromacherishedbook,ago-tobeautyproduct,toaquirkykitchengadget.

Setapricelimitto keepthingslightonthewallet.Wheneveryonearrives,taketurnspresentingtheir favorite thing.And then everyone pulls numbers and takes turns choosing 3 different items to take home.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (20)

20. DIYManicures&Pedicures

Youdon’tneeda priceysalonvisittogetgorgeousnails;youcancreateaspaatmosphererightathome. First,make sureeveryonebringstheirfavoriteshadesandtools. Then,setupastationwithnailfiles, cuticle pushers,andanassortmentofcolors.

Getcreativewithdesignsorkeepitsimple withaclassic French manicure.Don’tforgetatopcoat forthatsalon-finishshine.Laugh,relax,andindulgeinsome much-neededself-carewithyourbest friendsbyyourside.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (21)

21. PicnicorTeaParty

Layoutablanket and spreadofeasyfingerfoods,sandwiches,andbite-sizeddesserts, andwatchasthe afternoonsunblessesyourgirlgangwiththatgoldenglow.

Orperhapsteatimeismoreyourspeed?Boilsomewater,pickoutanassortmentofherbalandblack teas,andsetthetablewithyourprettiestteacups.Delicatepastriesandsconeswillaccompanyyour steamingcupsasconversationsflowandlaughterechoes.It’stheperfectset-upforthosepicture-perfectmomentsandatoasttotheenduringloveoffriendship.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (22)

22. co*cktailNight

Gatheryourbestgalsandmixupsomemagicwithaco*cktailnight.Have everyone bring their favorite co*cktails to share! Layoutexoticingredientsanduniquemixers;let creativityflowintoeveryglass, andensurethere’samocktailoption,becauseeveryonedeservesafizzy, fancytreat.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (23)

23. CandleMaking

Youandyourfriendscandiveintothe creativeprocessofmakingpersonalizedcandles.Pickoutscents thatresonatewithyourgroup’svibe, fromsoothinglavendertoinvigoratingcitrus. Meltwax,mixin colorsandfragrances,andpourinto uniquemoldsthatspeaktoyourcollectivestyle.

Notonlyisita hands-onactivity,butitalsogrants eachgalpalamemorablekeepsake. Perfectforsetting acozy atmosphereathomelongafterthe festivities.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (24)

24. PaintToteBags

Grabyourbrushesandlet’sgetcreativewithatotebagpaintingsession.It’ssuchasimpleyetfulfilling activityforyourGalentine’sgang.You’llcherishthishand-paintedtoteasaone-of-a-kindpiece, crafted with joyandlaughter.Plus,it’ssuperpractical,doublingaseco-friendlyshoppingbag oracutecarryall for everydayessentials.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (25)

25. PotteryPainting

Grabyourgalsandgetyourhandsdirtywithapotterypaintingsession.Ilovehowitsparkscreativity asweeachmoldandcolorourownceramickeepsakes.Choosea localstudiothatoffers groupsessions orfindapotterypaintingkittouseathome.

Ifyou’redoingitin yourlivingroom,laydownsome protectiveclothsfirst,becausethingsmightgetabitmessy.Either way,it’saboutmakingmemorieswhile makingsomethingbeautiful—orhilariouslynot—withyourbest friendsbyyourside.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (26)

26. SlumberParty/Sleepover

Gatheryourbestgalsforaclassicsleepover! Deckoutyourlivingroomwithcomfypillowsandplush blankets.Pop some popcornand throw on a nostalgicchickflickorbingeonthelatestseries.Makeit extraspecialbyaskingeveryonetobringtheirfavoritesnackordessert!

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (27)

27. DIYDoormats

Let’sdiveintotheworldofDIYthisGalentine’sDay. Craftingapersonalized doormatfromscratchis bothfunandfunctional.Friendsgatheraround,eachwithablankmatanda plethoraofpaints.

Consider stencilingin hearts or cutequotestoaddthatextratouchofpersonalflair. Notonlydoes this activitybringoutthegiggles,buteveryoneleaveswithauniquekeepsakethat’s bothadoorstep statementandamemorymarker.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (28)

28. DIYCharmPhoneCases

GrabyourpalsandgetcraftywithpersonalizedcharmphonecasesthisGalentine’sDay.You’llneed clearphonecases,anassortmentofcharms,superglue,andadashofcreativity.

Handpickcharms thatresonatewitheachofyourfriends’personalitiesorthatremindyouofmemories you’veshared. Layoutallyourmaterialsandletthefununfoldaseachofyoudesignsaunique,charming creation.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (29)

29. MakeVisionBoards

Gatheryourbestgalsforaninspiringeveningofcraftinganddreamingbig–it’svisionboardnight! You’llallneedmagazines,posterboards,scissors,andgluesticks.

Don’tforgetahandfulofyour favoritestickersorwash*tapesforthatextrasplashofpersonality.Asyou cut outimagesandphrases thatsparkjoy,remembertoshareyourhopesandgoalswitheachother.

Thisactivitynotonlyfuels yourcreativitybutalsodeepensyourconnections,asyoucheeroneach galpal’saspirations.Bythe endofthenight,you’lleachhaveapersonalizedvisionboardtoremindyou oftheyear’spotential.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (30)

30. CraftNight

Gatheryoursuppliesandcallupthegirls;it’stimeforacraftnight.Setthescenewithplentyofglitter, glue,andallthecolorfulpaperonecanimagine.Don’tworryaboutthemess;that’spartofthefun.Makesuretohaveanarrayofmaterialssoeveryonecanfindsomethingtheylovecraftingwith.

  • BondOverBeadwork:Stringtogetherfriendshipbraceletsasasymbolofyourunwaveringbond.
  • FeltFun:Createadorablefeltkeychainsinshapesfromheartstostars.
  • PaintedPots:Brightenupyourlivingspaceswithuniquelydesignedflowerpots.
35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (31)

31. SpaNight

Fill your livingroomwithscentedcandlesandsoft,plushtowels.Haveanarrayof skincare and facemasks,fromclaytocucumber,eachpromisingtoleaveourskinradiantandrejuvenated.Make some foot soaks withessentialoilsandEpsomsalt,too!

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (32)

32. FoodTour

Gatheryourgirlsandgo for a foodtouradventure. Explorelocaleateriesorsetupstationsathomefor aculinaryjourney.Pictureindulginginadecadent spreadoftreats,fromsavorytosweet,eachflavor tellingastory.

Afoodtourprovidesaninteractivewaytomingleandmake memoriesovertheuniversal love offood.So grabyourforks,andlet’sdiveintoanightofflavorsand fun!

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (33)

33. Bowling

Straponthosebowlingshoesandletthegoodtimesroll.Youandyourgirlfriends,sporting thoseretro-inspiredshirts,engagedinafriendlycompetitiononGalentine’sDay.

Split intoteamsforadashofrivalry, spicethingsupwithprizesforthehighestscorerorthemostepic gutterball. Makesureeveryonegetsachancetoshine,andkeeptheenergyhighwithplayfulbanter andcheers.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (34)

34. Go Wine Tasting

Take your friend group onabreakfromyourdailyroutine,andindulge in a relaxed afternoon of wine tasting with this Galentine’s Day idea.

Explore different varieties and regions, as you learn about the flavors and aromas that make each glass unique. Sip on your favorites, share your thoughts with your gals, and maybe even pick up a bottle!

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (35)

35. VolunteerTogether

Volunteeringfillstheheartinwaysatraditionalpartycan’t.Grabyourgalsandspendadaygivingback tofosterasenseofcommunityandpurpose.Youmightchoosealocalfoodbank,helpoutatan animalshelter,orspendtimeataseniorcenter.

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (36)


Now that you have great Galentine’s Day ideas, here are some steps to take to host your own Galentine’s day party fro your gal pals!

  • Pick a theme
  • Choose where and when
  • Create invitations
  • Plan activities
  • Prepare snacks and drinks
  • Set the mood with decorations
  • Don’t forget party favors or goodie bags
  • Capture the memories with photos and videos
  • Have fun and celebrate your friendship!


Galentine’s Day is all about celebrating the amazing friendships in your life. Whether you choose to have a low-key night in or an exciting day out, the most important thing is spending quality time with your gals and creating fun memories together.

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and try new activities – and plan your own Galentine’s Day Party! That’s what makes Galentine’s Day so special!

These are some of the best Galentine’s Day ideas that are sure to please!

Want to remember this post? Pin it to your favorite Pinterest Board!

35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (37)
35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (38)
35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (39)
35 Best Galentine's Day Ideas for The Ultimate Girl's Night in 2024 (2024)


What is Galentine's day 2024? ›

While Galentine's Day isn't an official holiday, it's most commonly celebrated on February 13th every year. That means for 2024, Galentine's Day falls on Tuesday.

How do you plan the perfect Galentines day? ›

Your Ultimate Guide for Hosting an Amazing Galentine's Day Party
  1. Consider a Theme. ...
  2. Send Your Invitations. ...
  3. Start Shopping for Fun Decorations. ...
  4. Build the Ultimate Bar. ...
  5. Create a Menu Full of Heart-Shaped Treats. ...
  6. Set Up a Craft Corner to Make Galentine's Day Cards. ...
  7. A DIY Photo Booth Will Help You Take the Best Pictures.
Feb 2, 2024

How do you throw the best Galentines? ›

Tips for a Galentine's Day Party with a Favorite Things Theme
  1. Make a Guest List.
  2. Send Pretty Invitations.
  3. Use Festive Serving Dishes.
  4. Decorate with Galentine's Day Decor. Balloons. ...
  5. Set Pretty Table Settings.
  6. Have a Small Gift for Each Gal Pal.
  7. Be Prepared for Photo Opps.
  8. Plan a Leslie Knope Approved Menu.
Jan 9, 2024

What is the secret Cupid for Galentines day? ›

Secret Valentine or Secret Cupid is just like Secret Santa. You and your friends write down your names and throw all the papers into a hat, a basket, a pan, whatever. Then each of you draws a name and gets a gift for that person. It's important that no one knows who drew who.

What is Galentine's day traditions? ›

Meant as a day for platonic love between friends, especially female friends, people have developed traditions around the 13th of February, often including waffles, mimosas and boozy brunch.

What color do you wear on Galentines Day? ›

A pink and red printed dress is the perfect choice for a Galentine's Day celebration. The playful combination of pink and red is both feminine and fun, making it the perfect choice for a day spent with your besties.

How do you throw a fun Galentines party? ›

Theme it up: Choose a theme that reflects your group's interests, like a pajama party, a spa day, a murder mystery night, or a "favorite things" exchange. Decorations: Don't forget the festive touch! Decorate with hearts, balloons, streamers, flowers, and photos of your gal pals. Think pink, red, and.

What is the color for Galentines Day? ›

Dress it up

You can never go wrong wearing a dress on Valentine's Day. Red is definitely the go to color for this day of love. If red is not your gam, don't worry, because I have something for everyone.

How to host a Galentines day Party? ›

I've rounded up some of my favorite tips for hosting the perfect Galentine's Day get together!
  1. Drink in Style. ...
  2. Decorate Like It's Nobody's Business. ...
  3. Feed Your Girls What They Really Want. ...
  4. Do Dessert Right. ...
  5. Create a Killer Playlist. ...
  6. Make It a Movie Night. ...
  7. Get Your Cozy On.

What to do at a Galentines sleepover? ›

A perfect occasion for a girls-only sleepover, the checklist includes pajamas, pillow, and blanket, an overnight bag, and a sleep mask. Activities like floral arranging, vision boards, board games, and spa night add to the fun.

What do you wear to a Galentines party? ›

And of course if you want to go very festive AND dress up, a pink dress is a great option! This one is incredibly comfortable, and can be worn with boots or heels or flats, or whatever you'd like. If you need it to be warmer, pair it with a light pink coat, or a red coat for a very Valentine-y outfit.

What is the bro version of Galentine? ›

What Is Malentine's Day? Malentine's day is a day for men to meet up and celebrate their amazing friendship. It is a happy, celebratory day, the male equivalent of Galentine's day.

Who made up Galentine's day? ›

Instead, Galentine's Day was founded by a badass fictional character: Leslie Knope of Parks and Recreation. The friend-filled holiday dates back over a decade to season two, episode 16 of Parks and Rec.

Is Cupid A Boy or a girl? ›

For the Romans, the character of Cupid was always a cherubic little boy who followed his mother's wishes to make people fall in love.

Why do they call it Galentines Day? ›

The word—a blend of Valentine's Day and gal—was introduced to the world by the chipper and dedicated Leslie Knope, the fictional Deputy Director of the Parks and Recreation Department of the also-fictional city of Pawnee, Indiana, in the NBC comedy Parks and Recreation, which ran from 2009 to 2015.

What is the meaning of galantines? ›

Falling each year on February 13th—yes, the day before Valentine's Day—Galentine's Day is basically the friendship version of V-Day. It's an unofficially-official holiday that's all about celebrating platonic love and sisterhood between the women (and friends of all genders, really) in your life.

Why is Galentines Day important? ›

Galentine's Day originated in 2011 from the television show Parks and Recreation. Leslie Knope, played by Amy Poehler, introduces the concept of Galentine's Day as a day to celebrate friendship with her female friends, held on Feb. 13, the day before Valentine's Day.

Why is everyone calling it Galentines Day? ›

It's one of those things that has just embedded itself in popular culture, and it actually goes back to the Feb. 11, 2010, episode of "Parks and Rec" where Leslie Nope, Amy Poehler's character, is introducing Galentine's Day. It's this wonderful day where, you know, women celebrate women. They go out to brunch.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.